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Forsyth County Course Syllabus|2017-2018

Programming, Games, Apps and Society


Teacher Email Phone Location

Mike Saxton 411544 1544


Course Description
The course is designed for high school students to strategize, design, and develop games and mobile and
desktop applications that can be produced in the real world. Students will learn about life-cycles of project
development and use models to develop applications. Attention will be placed on how user interfaces affect
the usability and effectiveness of a game or an application. Programming constructs will be employed which
will allow students applications to interact with real world, stimuli. The course exposes students to privacy,
legality, and security considerations with regards to the software industry.
Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and applications of
programming. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and
the impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced in this course to prepare students to be college and
career ready. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course
standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular
student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of the employability
skills standard for this course.

The Programming, Games, Apps and Society Course Standards will be provided to each student in PDF format
through itsLearning, including a detailed list of objectives and topics within each objective. The standards may
also be accessed at:

Learning Resources/Textbooks:
MIT App Inventor Tutorials
Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming in Java with Game and
Simulations, Michael Kolling, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2016

Computational Tools
MIT App Inventor

Grading Calculations (non-EOCT, year-long):

Course Average= 50% (1ST Sem. Course Work and Midterm) + 50% (2ND Sem. Course Work and Final)
***Midterm & Final count as 2 summative grades each
1ST & 2ND Semester Course Work = 75% Summative + 25% Formative

A = 90 100 B = 80 89 C = 70 79 Failing = Below 70

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Forsyth County Course Syllabus|2017-2018

Makeup/Late Work
All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. A
student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled assessment will be responsible for
completing the assignment at the regularly scheduled time. Students who have been absent will be given 5
school days to make up the assignments. This does not include major projects where the deadline has been
posted in advance. After 5 days, if the assignment is not turned in, the teacher will assign the student to
Lunch and Learn to complete missing assignments. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of
time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.

Classroom Policies:
RESPECT each other and the classroom.
Enter the class on time and prepared for class.
Cell phones and other electronic devices should be left in your backpacks and powered down unless we
use them for class activities
Water is the only drink permitted NO food, drink, candy, etc. at a computer
*** All policies regarding dress code, attendance/tardiness, honesty policy, and acceptable
computer use will be enforced according to Forsyth County Code of Conduct ***

Georgia BEST
Students will learn core work ethic traits and skills, which are sought by employers in the global economy.
Discipline and character, attendance and punctuality, work habits, teamwork, time management, attitude,
communication skills, responsibility and organization are some of these. While studying these traits and skills,
students will have the opportunity to earn a Georgia BEST certificate from the Georgia Department of Labor, a
designation that will enhance their college and job applications.

Future Business Leaders of America

A quarter of a million high school and middle school students, college and university students, faculty,
educators, administrators, and business professionals are members of the premier business education
association preparing students for careers in business. FBLA provides opportunities to develop leadership,
communication, and team skills, and opportunities to meet and network with others at the local, state and
national levels. Dues for the 2016-2017 school year are $20. Checks should be made payable to Lambert
FBLA. Lambert FBLA meets the third Thursday of each month in Room 1546 at 7:45 a.m.

Industry Credentialing/End of Pathway Assessments: Students are encouraged to select a career

pathway beginning in the ninth grade that is connected to college and career goals. This course is one of three
courses in the career pathway chosen by a student. At the conclusion of the third pathway course, students
will be required to take an industry credentialing End of Pathway Assessment. This assessment provides
students an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned by completing an online, nationally recognized
exam. Students who complete a pathway and earn an industry credential by passing the assessment will
receive a graduation cord to signify their achievement.

Programming, Games, Apps and Society is the third class in the Programming Pathway. Students in the
Programming pathway will take the following EOPA: Microsoft: Software Development Fundamentals.

College Majors: Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Computer Game Design
and Development, etc.

Professions: Software Engineer, Computer Programmer, Computer Network Engineer, Database

Administrator, Game Designer, Information Security, etc.

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