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• Physical separation among the deployed application modules

• Majority of business logic and data handling modules usually reside on the
• User interface lives within the confines of the browse
• Reliable and efficient communications between the client-side and server-
side elements of the system
• Like most javascript frameworks, Ext JS uses JSON as its primary data
interchange format.
• Regardless of the back-end technology you choose (PHP, .NET, Java, etc.), if
you produce http responses containing JSON-encoded data, you will be
able to relay information to Ext JS.
• extjs is a javascript framework you can use to create professional graphical
web user interface and AJAX web application.
• Object Oriented Programming in any language is the use of objects to
represent functional parts of an application and real life entities.
• For example you may have a Person object to hold the data related to a person
and even provide some functionality that this person may be capable of.
• Object Oriented Programming has long been used in games to represent the
objects such as a User or an Enemy, or even a Weapon.
• This amazing way of programming has proven just as useful in software and
web development.
• In my opinion any OOP language should have:

Abstract data types and information hiding


class Something {
// In OOP classes are usually named starting
with a cap letter.
var $x;

function setX($v) {
// Methods start in lowercase then use
lowercase to separate
// words in the method name example

function getX() {
return $this->x;

Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Data Members
and Functions

• Data members are defined in PHP using a "var" declaration inside the class
and they have no type until they are assigned a value.
• A data member might be an integer, an array, an associative array or even
an object.
• Methods are defined as functions inside the class, to access data members
inside the methods you have to use $this->name, otherwise the variable is
local to the method.
• You create an object using the new operator:

$obj=new Something;
Then you can use member functions like:
• The setX member function assigns 5 to the x data member in the object obj (not in the class),
then getX returns its value; 5 in this case.
• You can access the data members from the object reference using for example: $obj->x=6.
However, this is not a very good OOP practice.
• I encourage you to set data members by defining methods to set them and access the data
members by using retrieving methods.

Inheritance is easy in PHP using the extends keyword:
class Another extends Something {
var $y;
function setY($v) {
// Methods start in lowercase then use uppercase initials to
// separate words in the method name example getValueOfArea()
function getY() {
return $this->y;
Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Constructors

• You might define constructors in your classes

• constructors are methods with the same name as the class and are called
when you create an object of the class
• Constructors and methods are normal PHP functions so you can use
default arguments.
• function Something($x="3",$y="5");


$obj=new Something(); // x=3 and y=5

$obj=new Something(8); // x=8 and y=5
$obj=new Something(8,9); // x=8 and y=9
• Default arguments are used in the C++ way so you can't pass a value to Y and let X take the
default value.
• Arguments are assigned from left to right and when no more arguments are found if the
function expected more they take the default values.
• When an object of a derived class is created only its constructor is called the constructor of
the Parent class is not called.
• This is a gotcha of PHP because constructor chaining is a classic feature of OOP, if you want to
call the base class constructor you have to do it explicitly from the derived class constructor.
• It works because all methods of the parent class are available at the derived class due to
function Another() {
$this->Something(); //explicit call to base class constructor.
Abstract Classes
• A nice mechanism in OOP is the use of Abstract Classes
• abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated and the only purpose is
to define an interface for its derived classes.
• Designers often use Abstract classes to force programmers to derive classes
from certain base classes, so they can be certain that the new classes have
some desired functionality.
• There's no standard way to do that in PHP but, if you do need this feature, just
define the base class and put a "die" call in its constructor so you can be sure
that the base class is never instantiated.
• Now define the methods (interface) putting "die" statements in each one so if
in a derived class a programmer doesn't override the method then an error is
• There're no destructors in PHP.

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