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Rosita Andria Dewi


Offering A

Research is a systematic and objective process involving elements of reasoning and
observation to discover, verify, and reinforce theory and to solve problems that arise in life
(Kuntjojo, 2009). Research is a reflection of the desire to know something in the form of facts
or natural phenomena. Attention or early observation of facts or phenomena is the beginning
of research activities that raises a question or problem (Hartono, 2004). The function of
research is to find explanations and answers to the problems and provide an alternative to the
possibilities that can be used for problem solving. Explanations and answers to such problems
can be abstract and general as well as in basic research and can be very concrete and specific
as is usually found in applied research.

Baseline research usually does not directly provide ready-to-use information for
problem solving but rather emphasizes the development of a model or theory that shows all
the related variables in a situation and hypothesizes the relationships among the variables.
Therefore, it is not uncommon to solve new problems can be achieved through the integration
of the results of several related studies (Dharminto, 2007).

There are certain objectives to be achieved through research, among others :

1. To obtain empirical data that can be used in formulating, extending, and verifying theory.
The purpose of such a study is owned by pure sciences (pure science).
2. To solve the problems that exist in life. The purpose of this kind of research is in applied
Research is a system of thinking and acting, meaning there are various factors and
actions that must be considered and done so that goals can be achieved. As a system, research
consists of various interrelated elements functionally. As a system, research has elements
such as: problems, theories and concepts of science, variables, hypothesis (facultative),
population, sample, and sampling techniques, data, data collection instruments, data analysis
techniques (Kuntjojo, 2009) .
A good study is research that uses research methods. Keep in mind also that before
making the method in the research also needed explanation of the research plan. Research
methods are closely related to the desired procedures, techniques, tools, and research designs.
In addition, good research must also meet several characteristics, among others: there is a
purpose, there is seriousness, can be tested, can be replicated, contain precision and belief,
objective, general and efficient.

Although often studying the terms or characteristics of scientific research, but the fact
is not easy to conduct such research. This is caused by various things such as quantify human
behavior, especially when involving subjective elements such as feelings, emotions, behavior,
and perception. So we can not always meet the criteria required by a scientific research,
especially about the method of research. Research is said to be unscientific if not using
logical reasoning, but using coincidence, trial and error, speculation. Ways like this is not
appropriate for the development of a particular profession or scholarship. A study is said to
be good (in a scientific sense) if it follows the predetermined ways and is implemented with
the element of intent rather than by chance. In everyday life often found concepts that are less
precise in memaknai research, among others: research is not merely the activities of
collecting data or information, and research is not just move the facts from one place to


Dharminto. 2007. Metode Penelitian dan Penelitian Sampel. Page 1-8

Hartono. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis. Jakarta

Kuntjojo. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian. Kediri. Jurnal Metodologi Penelitian. Halaman 12-14

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