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Getting off the Impact Factor: an antidote

Working Paper August 2016

DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.2391v1


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1 author:

Aleksey V. Belikov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


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Articles' published' in' high' Impact' Factor' (IF)' journals' receive' higher' visibility'
and' attached' prestige,' regardless' of' their' actual' scientific' merit.' This' results' in'
increases' the' journals' IFs.' While' there' is' a' gradual' move' in' assessment' of'
researchers' from' IFs' towards' individual' performance' metrics,' such' as' the' hH
still' affected' by' the' described' phenomena.' Naturally,' this' leads' to' increased'
submission' and' rejection' rates' in' high' IF' journals,' considerably' delaying'
publication' of' manuscripts' and' wasting' researchers' time.' Additionally,' an'
articles' visibility' increases' with' time,' as' it' accumulates' citations,' thus' severely'
disadvantaging' new' articles' and' earlyHcareer' researchers.' Here' I' propose' a'
simple' method' for' evaluation' of' individual' articles' and' researchers' that'
compensates' for' the' effects' of' the' journal' IF' and' article' age.' In' essence,' the'
the' articles' published' in' the' same' journal' in' the' same' year.' This' ratio' indicates'
the' performance' of' an' article' relative' to' its' closest' competitors,' is' free' from'
institutions)' index' is' calculated' as' the' sum' of' these' article' scores.' Widespread'
adoption' of' this' index,' especially' by' decisionHmaking' authorities,' will' refocus'
It!is!widely!known!that!journal!impact! and! researchers! from! IFs! towards!
factors !(IFs)!do!not!reflect!the!value,!and!
1 individual!performance!metrics13,14,!such!
even! the! impact! of! individual! articles .!
2D9 as! the! hDindex15! and! others16D18,! those!
The!distribution!of!citations!to!articles!in! metrics! are! nevertheless! calculated! on!
a! journal! is! usually! wide! and! skewed,! the!basis!of!citation!counts,!and!a!high!IF!
with! long! upper! tail10.! Moreover,! such! of! a! journal! automatically! increases!
distributions! largely! overlap! between! citations! to! any! paper! published!
journals! with! different! IFs11,! indicating! there19,20,! by! creating! high! visibility! and!
that! editorial! selection! and! peer! review! perceived! prestige.! Another! problem! is!
are! not! very! efficient! in! predicting! that! older! articles! have! more! time! to!
subsequent! article! impact.! This! accumulate! citations,! and! the! more! an!
statement! is! supported! by! a! long! list! of! article!is!cited,!the!more!it!is!likely!to!be!
initially! rejected! Nobel! prizeDwinning! cited! again21,22,! making! it! difficult! to!
articles12.!Hence,!the!whole!IF!or!prestige! compare! articles! of! different! age! and!
ranking! of! journals! is! questionable.! researchers!at!different!career!stages.!!
Nevertheless,! articles! published! in! high!
IF! journals! receive! higher! visibility! and! Here$I$propose$to$normalize$citations$to$
are! considered! more! prestigious.! This! an$ article$ by$ the$ median$ number$ of$
would! have! been! an! innocent! vanity! citations$to$articles$published$in$the$same$
exercise,! would! not! IFs! be! used! to! journal$in$the$same$year$(i.e.,$normalize$by$
evaluate! publications! and! researchers,! the$ Median$ Neighbors$ Citedness,$ MNC),$
strongly! affecting! how! grants! and! thus$obtaining$the$Neighbor$Article$Score.!
positions!are!assigned.!While!there!is!an! The! median! is! preferred! to! the! mean!
ongoing! move! in! assessment! of! articles! because!of!the!skewed!nature!of!citation!
distribution10.! Thus,! an! article! will! be!

PeerJ Preprints | | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 25 Aug 2016, publ: 25 Aug 2016
compared!against!its!closest!competitors,! 63!to!100!(1.6!fold),!whereas!the!citation!
neutralizing! any! advantages! in! citation! ratio!cf!varies!from!0.9!to!14.3!(16!fold).!
rates! given! by! high! IF/MNC! elitist! Small! percentile! differences! make! their!
journals! and! by! an! earlier! appearance.! summation! in! order! to! calculate! an!
What! should! remain! is! the! true! value! of! authors! index! impractical.! The! problem!
an! article! for! the! scientific! community.! is! solved! by! the! Author's! Superiority!
Articles! that! are! cited! better! than! their! Index,! which! is! determined! by! the!
competitors! from! the! same! journal! and! number! of! the! author's! papers! with! a!
year! will! get! a! Neighbor! Article! Score! Percentile! Rank! Index! at! or! above! a!
greater! than! 1,! whereas! those! which! specified! value! (99,! 95,! or! 75)24.!
perform! poorer! will! score! from! 0! to! 1.! However,! this! approach! necessitates! the!
The$index$for$evaluation$of$researchers$(or$ use! of! an! arbitrary! threshold,! which!
institutions)$ is$ then$ simply$ a$ sum$ of$ leads! to! uncertainty! and! subjectivity,!
Neighbor$ Article$ Scores.$ All! these! indices! conceals! differences! between! articles,!
can!increase!and!decrease!with!time,!and! and! simply! ignores! the! majority! of!
should!be!regularly!updated.! publications.! Overall,! despite! the!
commendable! previous! efforts,! the!
It! has! to! be! noted! that! similar! ideas! Neighbor!Article!Score!appears!to!be!the!
have!been!proposed!before.!In!case!of!the! first! reasonable! implementation! of! a!
Relative! Citation! Rate,! proposed! by! journalDnormalized!citation!index.!
Schubert! &! Braun,! the! reference!
standard! to! which! the! citation! count! of! It! is! particularly! interesting! to!
each! paper! is! matched! is! the! mean! hypothesize! how! the! behavior! of!
citation! rate! per! publication! of! the! scientists!during!selection!of!a!journal!for!
journal! in! which! the! paper! in! question! manuscript!submission!will!change!upon!
was! published23.! However,! the! mean! is! adoption! of! the! Neighbor! Article! Score.!
not! an! adequate! measure! of! a! skewed! With! the! current! system,! scientists! aim!
distribution,! and! approximately! 70%! of! for! the! highest! IF25,! because! they! have! a!
articles! in! a! journal! have! citation! rates! lot! to! gain! in! case! of! (unlikely)!
below! the! mean11.! Moreover,! it! is! not! acceptance,!but!seemingly!little!to!lose!in!
clear! for! which! year! this! rate! has! to! be! case! of! (likely)! rejection.! However,!
calculated.! The! Percentile! Rank! Index,! considerable! amount! of! time! is! lost! in!
proposed! by! Pudovkin! &! Garfield,! searching!for!the!appropriate!publication!
indicates! the! citation! rank! of! the! venues,! studying! and! applying! journalD
author's! individual! papers! among! the! specific! formatting! guidelines,! writing!
papers! published! in! the! same! year! and! journalDspecific!cover!letters,!waiting!for!
source! (journal! or! multiD! authored! the! initial! decisions,! and! less! often,!
monograph! or! book.)24.! Although! this! waiting! for! the! reviewers! comments,!
index! clearly! has! the! same! goal! as! the! performing!revision!experiments,!writing!
Neighbor! Article! Score,! it! appears! pointDbyDpoint!responses,!and!waiting!for!
methodologically! inferior.! First,! the! final! decisions,! often! only! to! get! the!
differences! between! citation! numbers! in! manuscript! rejected.! This! time! is!
percentiles! are! much! smaller! than! in! multiplied! proportionally! to! the!
ratios,! e.g.,! 10! most! cited! papers! in! a! difference! between! the! IF! of! a! journal!
journal! with! 1000! publications! per! year! where! a! scientist! starts! his! submission!
will! all! belong! to! 100th! percentile! but! journey!and!the!IF!of!a!journal!where!the!
can!have!Neighbor!Article!Scores!of!5,!7,! paper!actually!belongs.!Most!of!this!time!
11,!14,!17,!23,!28,!37,!42!and!63.!Even!in! could! be! instead! spent! on! the! actual!
the!article!by!Pudovkin!&!Garfield24!it!can! research.!
be! seen! in! Table! 4! that,! for! the! hDcore!
selection! of! 29! articles! of! an! author,! the! With! the! evaluation! criteria! proposed!
Percentile! Rank! Index! (PRI)! varies! from! here,! scientists! would! be! reluctant! to!

PeerJ Preprints | | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 25 Aug 2016, publ: 25 Aug 2016
send!anything!but!their!very!best!work!to! low!perceived!prestige!and!the!risk!of!an!
high! IF/MNC! journals.! This! is! because! article! being! overlooked.! Most!
papers! are! compared! against! each! other! importantly,!if!many!good!articles!will!be!
within! a! journal,! and! mediocre! papers,! submitted! to! a! journal! with! a! low!
even! if! accidentally! accepted,! will! likely! IF/MNC,! its! IF/MNC! will! rise,! so! those!
accumulate!fewer!citations!relative!to!the! articles! will! lose! the! initial! advantage! in!
median! article! in! that! journal,! resulting! the! Neighbor! Article! Score.! Eventually,!
in! a! Neighbor! Article! Score! below! 1.! articles!will!be!submitted!to!journals!that!
Amongst! other! benefits,! this! will! relieve! are! most! appropriate! for! them,! and!
the!burden!on!editors!of!high!IF!journals,! sustainable! steadyDstate! equilibrium! will!
reduce! the! number! of! immediate! be! achieved,! benefitting! all! parties!
rejections,! and! increase! the! number! of! involved.! Adoption! of! the! Neighbor!
papers! sent! for! proper! evaluation! by! Article!Score!for!research!evaluation!will!
peer!review.!Ironically,!it!will!also!lead!to! not! lead! to! elimination! of! journal! IFs! or!
further! increase! in! the! already! high! prestige! differences.! On! the! opposite,! it!
IFs/MNCs! of! prestigious! journals,! as! might!increase!them,!but!also!make!them!
fewer!mediocre!papers!will!be!published! more! meaningful.! However,! it! will!
there.! Moreover,! it! will! then! become! eliminate! unhealthy! obsession! with! high!
even! less! desirable! to! send! mediocre! IFs,! shorten! the! path! of! articles! to! the!
papers! there,! because! of! the! increased! most!appropriate!publication!venue,!and!
MNC.! The! only! motivational! factor! to! thus! remove! the! unnecessary! load! on!
send! manuscripts! to! high! IF/MNC! scientists! and! editors.! Most! importantly,!
journals! that! would! remain! is! it! will! reduce! considerable! IFDmediated!
subjectively!perceived!prestige!in!case!of! bias! in! evaluation! of! research! and!
publication,! but! it! would! be! researchers.!What!remains!for!all!of!us!is!
counterweighted!by!the!risk!of!receiving! to!bring!this!proposal!to!life.!
a! lower! Neighbor! Article! Score! than! in!
less!prestigious!journals.!! Competing'interests'
Similarly,! scientists! would! not! be! hence! is! affected! by! current! research!
overly! motivated! to! submit! good! evaluation!practices.!
manuscripts! to! very! low! IF/MNC! !
journals,! despite! the! high! probability! of! Grant'information'
them! receiving! more! citations! than! the! The! author! received! no! specific!
median!article!in!that!journal,!because!of! funding!for!this!work.!

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