Sie sind auf Seite 1von 83




DOWNHILL / EXTREME FREERIDE Misuse or abuse of these forks can result Misuse or abuse of these forks can result
Misuse or abuse of these forks can result in fork failure, an accident, serious injury in fork failure, an accident, serious injury
in fork failure, an accident, serious injury or death or death

Table 1 - Intended use chart

EL 28

IT Le descrizioni precedute da questo simbolo, contengono
I.I Avvertenze generali informazioni, prescrizioni o procedure che, se non
seguite correttamente, possono comportare danni o
ATTENZIONE! malfunzionamento della forcella, danni ambientali,
incidenti, infortuni gravi o mortali.
Il mancato rispetto delle istruzioni e delle avvertenze
contenute nel presente manuale pu comportare un
malfunzionamento del prodotto, incidenti e conseguenti NOTA
infortuni gravi o mortali.
Le descrizioni precedute da questo simbolo contengono
informazioni o procedure consigliate dalla MARZOCCHI per
un utilizzo ottimale della forcella.
Leggere attentamente, comprendere e seguire
scrupolosamente le istruzioni contenute nel presente
manuale, che costituisce parte integrante del prodotto Per qualsiasi richiesta di informazioni sul trattamento,
e deve essere conservato in un luogo sicuro per poter la manutenzione o luso del sistema di sospensione,
essere consultato in futuro1. contattare direttamente il Centro di Assistenza Marzocchi
Ricordarsi che linstallazione, la manutenzione e la pi vicino. Lelenco dei centri di assistenza inserito al
riparazione del sistema di sospensione richiedono termine del presente manuale o pu essere consultato
competenze tecniche, strumenti adeguati ed esperienza. allindirizzo internet
Una semplice e generica attitudine alla meccanica pu Lutilizzatore di questo prodotto Marzocchi riconosce
non essere sufficiente per una corretta esecuzione ed accetta i rischi legati alla conduzione di un mezzo,
dellinstallazione, manutenzione o riparazione del sistema che comprendono, fra laltro, il rischio di rottura di un
di sospensione. Se non si certi delle proprie capacit, far componente del sistema di sospensione che potrebbe
eseguire linstallazione e/o la manutenzione del sistema provocare incidenti e conseguenti lesioni gravi o mortali.
di sospensione solo presso un Centro di Assistenza Acquistando ed utilizzando questo prodotto Marzocchi,
autorizzato Marzocchi. Una installazione, manutenzione lutilizzatore riconosce ed accetta espressamente,
o riparazione incorretta del sistema di sospensione pu volontariamente e deliberatamente tali rischi, incluso, fra
causare incidenti con conseguenti lesioni gravi o mortali. laltro, il rischio di negligenza attiva o passiva da parte
Il mancato rispetto delle istruzioni e delle avvertenze della Marzocchi, o di difetti nascosti, latenti o manifesti
contenute nel presente manuale pu comportare un del prodotto. Lutilizzatore accetta altres di sollevare la
malfunzionamento del prodotto, incidenti e conseguenti Marzocchi ed i suoi distributori e rivenditori da qualsiasi
infortuni gravi o mortali. responsabilit per eventuali danni, nei limiti consentiti
dalla legge.
Allinterno del presente manuale, vengono fatti riferimenti
continui alla possibilit che si verifichino incidenti.
Qualsiasi incidente potrebbe provocare la perdita di I.II Norme generali di sicurezza
controllo della bicicletta, danni alla bicicletta o ai suoi
I sistemi di sospensione Marzocchi sono progettati per
componenti e, cosa ancor pi grave, infortuni gravi o
diversi stili di guida. Alcuni sono concepiti solo per assorbire
mortali per il ciclista o i passanti.
gli urti prodotti da un fondo stradale irregolare ed offrire al
Il presente manuale non intende spiegare il montaggio/ ciclista un maggior controllo della bicicletta, mentre altri
smontaggio dalla bicicletta della forcella, della ruota, soddisfano scopi diversi. Scegliere ed utilizzare il sistema
degli organi di sterzo e di qualunque altro componente di sospensione pi adatto al proprio stile di guida. Leggere
direttamente o indirettamente connesso alla sospensione e rispettare le Istruzioni sulluso previsto contenute nel
ma non facente parte della stessa. presente manuale. La scelta sbagliata o luso incorretto
della forcella potrebbe causare incidenti con conseguenti
lesioni gravi o mortali.

4 1
MARZOCCHI si riserva il diritto, a sua discrezione, di apportare modifiche ai prodotti, in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso.
Non dimenticare che esistono rischi associati ad ogni stile Le parti piegate o danneggiate in seguito ad un incidente
di guida: downhill, freeride, cross-country, marathon, o a qualsiasi altro urto non devono essere raddrizzate ma
trekking, dirt jumping e urban style. La pratica di uno sostituite immediatamente con parti di ricambio originali
qualsiasi di tali stili potrebbe provocare infortuni gravi o Marzocchi.
mortali. Occorre apprendere come andare in bicicletta,
Quando si utilizza un porta-biciclette (montato a tetto o
senza andare oltre le proprie capacit ed i propri limiti,
sul retro dellautoveicolo), assicurarsi che il sistema di
utilizzando un equipaggiamento di sicurezza appropriato ed
fissaggio a sgancio rapido sia completamente allentato
assicurandosi che lo stesso sia in perfette condizioni.
prima dellinstallazione o della rimozione della bicicletta.
La vita dei prodotti Marzocchi dipende da una serie di Assicurarsi inoltre che la bicicletta sia installata o rimossa
fattori, quali lo stile e le condizioni di guida. In generale, dal supporto in posizione perfettamente verticale. Il mancato
impatti, cadute, un uso improprio o aggressivo del mezzo allentamento del sistema di fissaggio a sgancio rapido o
possono compromettere lintegrit strutturale del sistema di linclinazione della bicicletta durante linstallazione o la
sospensione e ridurre in modo significativo la sua durata. rimozione dal supporto potrebbe produrre graffi, piegamenti
Inoltre, nel tempo, il sistema di sospensione soggetto a o altri danni alla sospensione.
usura. Pertanto consigliabile far controllare regolarmente
Un urto, a qualsiasi velocit, contro strutture aeree quali
la bicicletta da un meccanico specializzato per individuare
garage, ponti, alberi o altri ostacoli mentre la bicicletta
perdite dolio, crepe, scheggiature, deformazioni o altri segni
fissata al porta-biciclette dellautoveicolo, potrebbe
di usura (si consiglia luso di liquidi penetranti o altri agenti
danneggiare le forcelle. In questo caso necessario far
visivi per lindividuazione delle rotture). Se al controllo si
ispezionare la sospensione da un Centro di Assistenza
evidenziano deformazioni, rotture, danni conseguenti ad
autorizzato Marzocchi prima di usare nuovamente la
urti o sollecitazioni o parti piegate, di qualunque entit essi
siano, occorre sostituire immediatamente il componente;
anche lusura eccessiva comporta limmediata sostituzione Non spruzzare mai acqua pressurizzata contro la bicicletta.
del componente. La frequenza dei controlli dipende da vari Anche il getto dacqua di un piccolo tubo da giardino potrebbe
fattori; concordare con un Rappresentante Autorizzato attraversare le guarnizioni di tenuta e penetrare nelle
Marzocchi il programma migliore adatto alle proprie forcelle Marzocchi, compromettendone il funzionamento.
esigenze. I ciclisti con peso corporeo di 82 kg (180 lbs) Lavare la bicicletta e le forcelle Marzocchi con acqua e
o superiore devono prestare maggior attenzione e far sapone neutro.
ispezionare la bicicletta per il controllo di fessurazioni,
perdite, deformazioni o altri segni di sollecitazione eccessiva Indossare sempre un casco di protezione certificato ANSI,
pi frequentemente rispetto a persone di peso inferiore. SNELL o CE di misura adeguata e ben allacciato; usare
Verificare col proprio meccanico di fiducia se le forcelle inoltre tutto lequipaggiamento di sicurezza necessario al
scelte sono adeguate alluso previsto e concordare con lo proprio stile di guida. In caso di utilizzo della bicicletta sul
stesso la frequenza dei controlli. bagnato, ricordare che la potenza dei freni e laderenza dei
pneumatici sul terreno diminuiscono notevolmente. Risulta
Accertarsi che il programma di manutenzione periodica sia pertanto pi difficile controllare e arrestare la bicicletta.
accuratamente rispettato. Ricordare che se le procedure di Prestare unattenzione particolare quando si guida su un
manutenzione e riparazione contenute nel presente manuale fondo bagnato per evitare incidenti.
non sono eseguite correttamente potrebbe verificarsi un
incidente. Evitare di andare in bicicletta di notte in quanto si meno
visibili nel traffico e risulta pi difficile percepire eventuali
Il simbolo denota azioni da intraprendere con la ostacoli presenti sul percorso. In caso di guida notturna,
massima cautela per evitare incidenti. dotare la bicicletta di fanale anteriore e posteriore. Indossare
inoltre indumenti comodi e che rendano visibili nel traffico
Non apportare alcuna modifica a nessun elemento del come, ad esempio, indumenti dai colori accesi, luminosi o
sistema di sospensione. fluorescenti.
I componenti del sistema di sospensione Marzocchi sono
progettati come un unico sistema integrato. Per non
compromettere la sicurezza, le prestazioni, la durata ed
il funzionamento del prodotto, e per non far decadere la
garanzia, non sostituire i componenti Marzocchi con altri
non originali. 5
I.III Prima di ogni utilizzo II. ISTRUZIONI SULLUSO
Non utilizzare la bicicletta se non ha superato i controlli
preliminari contenuti in questo paragrafo. correggere II.I Scegliere la forcella pi indicata al
qualsiasi anomalia prima di utilizzare la bicicletta. proprio stile di guida
Le forcelle Marzocchi sono tra i sistemi di sospensione pi
duraturi ed avanzati tecnologicamente sul mercato. Tuttavia
Controllare che le forcelle non presentino perdite o tracce
non possibile abusare od utilizzare in maniera impropria
di olio, il che sintomatico di un problema. Capovolgere
nessun tipo di sospensione, in quanto questo pu provocare
la bicicletta per controllare eventuali perdite dolio in punti
danni, anche dopo un breve utilizzo.
quali la testa di sterzo.
fondamentale scegliere la forcella pi indicata al proprio
Controllare che tutte le parti della forcella e della bicicletta,
stile di guida e che questa venga utilizzata in modo
inclusi, ad esempio, freni, pedali, manopole, manubrio,
telaio e sella, siano in condizioni ottimali ed indicati
Controllare che nessun componente del sistema di ATTENZIONE!
sospensione o della bicicletta risulti piegato, danneggiato Il montaggio incorretto della forcella sul telaio potrebbe
o in qualche modo deformato. comportare un malfunzionamento della stessa con
conseguente perdita di controllo della bicicletta e
Assicurarsi che tutti i dispositivi di fissaggio a sgancio
possibili lesioni gravi o mortali per il ciclista. Inoltre, il
rapido, i dadi e le viti siano regolati correttamente. Far
montaggio incorretto della forcella sul telaio potrebbe
rimbalzare la bicicletta sul terreno per accertarsi che invalidare la garanzia fornita con la sospensione.
nessun particolare sia allentato o svitato.
Assicurarsi che le ruote siano centrate perfettamente. Far II.I.I Identificazione del proprio stile di guida
girare le ruote e verificare che non oscillino e che non vi
Trekking/Cross-Country: percorsi lungo piste collinose,
sia alcun contatto con gli steli della forcella o i pattini dei
dove si possono incontrare piccoli ostacoli, quali, ad
freni durante la rotazione.
esempio, sassi, radici o avvallamenti. Il Trekking/Cross-
Assicurarsi che tutti i cavi e gli altri componenti dellimpianto Country non prevede salti o drops (salti da rocce, tronchi
freni siano in posizione corretta e che limpianto funzioni dalbero o sporgenze) da nessuna altezza. Queste forcelle
correttamente. possono essere utilizzate solo con pneumatici progettati
appositamente per questo stile e con freni a disco, su
Assicurarsi che i pneumatici siano gonfiati alla giusta cerchio o lineari a leva. Eventuali dinamo ed portaborse
pressione e che il battistrada o le pareti laterali non siano devono essere fissati ai punti di montaggio predisposti sulla
in alcun modo danneggiati. forcella.
Verificare che i catarifrangenti siano puliti, in posizione All Mountain/Freeride: lo possono praticare solo ciclisti
corretta e fissati saldamente. esperti, poich prevede discese ripide, grandi ostacoli e salti
Leggere e attenersi alle istruzioni ed avvertenze fornite di media portata. Queste forcelle devono essere utilizzate
con la bicicletta. solo con freni a disco, telai, ruote ed altri componenti
progettati appositamente per questo stile. I freni a disco
Rispettare le leggi e le disposizioni in vigore nel paese devono essere fissati ai punti di montaggio appositamente
di utilizzo della bicicletta; osservare sempre tutti i segnali predisposti sulla forcella. Non effettuare modifiche sulla
stradali, le insegne e le disposizioni durante la corsa. forcella per collegare altri elementi.

4X/Dirt Jumper: questo stile di guida tipo BMX o II.I.III Guidare correttamente - non usare in modo
motocross solo per i pi esperti e comporta salti da un improprio la forcella
dosso allaltro. Prevede inoltre il superamento di ostacoli IT
Non utilizzare la forcella in modo improprio. Apprendere
urbani, cio costruiti dalluomo o di altre strutture fisse o
come pedalare compatibilmente con le proprie capacit.
la corsa lungo una pista costituita da ostacoli di terra che
Anche solo poche ore di utilizzo inappropriato possono
il ciclista deve superare saltando o curvando ad andatura
portare la forcella ad un grado di usura equivalente a quello
veloce. Queste forcelle devono essere utilizzate solo con
di anni di normale utilizzo. Apprendere come superare gli
freni a disco, telai, ruote ed altri componenti progettati
ostacoli lungo il percorso. Lurto contro ostacoli come rocce,
appositamente per questo stile. I freni a disco devono essere
alberi e concavit comporta sollecitazioni della forcella per
fissati ai punti di montaggio appositamente predisposti sulla
le quali non stata progettata. Anche latterraggio improprio
forcella. Non effettuare modifiche sulla forcella per collegare
dopo un salto sottopone la forcella a sollecitazioni che
altri elementi.
non in grado di assorbire. Salti o balzi sono consentiti
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: questa disciplina solo nel caso in cui siano disponibili passerelle o rampe
esclusivamente per ciclisti professionisti o veramente di discesa che aiutino la bicicletta ad assorbire le forze di
esperti. Prevede salti relativamente alti o drops e il impatto, e che entrambe le ruote tocchino terra nello stesso
superamento di grandi ostacoli come massi, tronchi dalbero momento. Qualunque altro tipo di atterraggio pericoloso,
a terra o buche. Queste forcelle devono essere utilizzate e pu provocare incidenti o il danneggiamento del prodotto.
solo con freni a disco, telai, ruote ed altri componenti Accertarsi che la pendenza e la lunghezza della passerella
progettati appositamente per questo stile. I freni a disco o della rampa di discesa siano adeguate allaltezza dalla
devono essere fissati ai punti di montaggio appositamente quale si salta o ci si lancia e alle proprie capacit.
predisposti sulla forcella. Non effettuare modifiche sulla
forcella per collegare altri elementi.
Errori nel superamento di ostacoli lungo il percorso, o
errori di atterraggio dopo un salto o un lancio possono
ATTENZIONE! provocare la rottura della forcella, con conseguente
perdita di controllo della bicicletta ed incidenti gravi o
Pedalare SOLO nel tipo di percorso adatto al proprio mortali per il ciclista.
stile di guida.

II.I.II Scelta della forcella pi indicata al proprio stile in ATTENZIONE!

base alla tabella Intended use chart Le forcelle richiedono costanti controlli ed interventi di
Scegliere la forcella corrispondente al proprio stile di guida manutenzione. Pi aggressivo lo stile, pi frequenti
utilizzando la tabella intended use chart (Tabella 1, devono essere i controlli e la manutenzione delle
pag.2). Contattare il rivenditore Marzocchi o direttamente forcelle. Se le forcelle risultano anche solo lievemente
la Marzocchi in caso di dubbi sulla scelta della forcella danneggiate, rivolgersi IMMEDIATAMENTE ad un Centro
corretta. di Riparazione Autorizzato Marzocchi per far revisionare
il sistema di sospensione prima di un nuovo utilizzo.

Anche le forcelle costruite con i pi solidi materiali possono
deteriorarsi se usate in modo improprio! Luso estremo pu
causare il deterioramento o la rottura anche dei particolari
pi resistenti!

Ride fast, yet ride Smart. 7

EN Descriptions preceded by this symbol contain information,
I.I General warnings or procedures recommended by MARZOCCHI for optimum
use of the fork.
Failure to follow the warnings and instructions could If you have any questions regarding the care, maintenance
result in failure of the product, an accident, personal or use of your suspension system, please contact your
injury or death.
nearest Marzocchi service center directly. A list of service
centers can be found at the end of this manual or on the
Internet at
Carefully read, understand and follow the instructions
given in this manual. It is an essential part of the product. The user of this Marzocchi product expressly recognizes
Keep it in a safe place for future reference1. and agrees that there are risks inherent in motorcycle
riding, including but not limited to the risk that a component
Please be advised that suspension system installation, of your suspension system can fail, resulting in an accident,
service and repair tasks require specialized knowledge, personal injury or death. By his/her purchase and use of
tools and experience. General mechanical aptitude may this Marzocchi product, the user expressly, voluntarily and
not be sufficient to properly install, service or repair your knowingly accepts and assumes these risks, including
suspension system. If you have any doubt whatsoever but not limited to the risk of passive or active negligence
regarding your ability to properly service or repair your of Marzocchi or hidden, latent or obvious defects in the
suspension system, please have your suspension system product, and agrees to hold Marzocchi, its distributors and
installed and/or serviced by an authorized Marzocchi retailers harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law
Service Center. Improper installation, service or repair can against any resulting damages.
result in an accident, resulting in personal injury or death.
Failure to follow warnings and instructions provided in this I.II General safety recommendations
manual could result in failure of the product, resulting in an
accident, personal injury or death. Marzocchi Suspension Systems are designed for different
riding styles. Some are designed to only absorb the shocks
Please note that throughout this manual, reference is of an uneven road surface in order to give the rider more
made that an accident could occur. Any accident could control over his bicycle. Others are designed for other
result in loss of bicycle control, damage to your bicycle purposes. You must select and use the correct suspension
or its components, and more importantly, cause you or a system for your style of riding. Read and follow the Intended
bystander to sustain severe personal injury or death. Use Instructions in this manual. Failure to select and
This manual does not explain how to assemble or properly use the correct fork could result in an accident,
disassemble the fork from the bicycle, the wheel, the personal injury or death.
steering set, or any other component directly or indirectly Please note that there are inherent risks associated with
associated with the fork that is not actual a part of the downhill, freeride, cross-country, marathon, trekking, dirt
fork. jumping, and urban style riding. Severe injury or death could
result from these riding styles. Learn how to ride, never ride
WARNING! beyond your capabilities, be sure to use the proper safety
equipment, and be sure that all your riding equipment is in
Descriptions preceded by this symbol contain excellent condition.
information, instructions, or procedures, which, if not
followed, can result in damage or malfunction of the The lifespan of Marzocchi products depends on many
fork, damage to the environment, an accident, personal factors, such as riding style and riding conditions.
injury or death. Impacts, falls, improper use, or harsh use in general, may
compromise the structural integrity of the suspension
system and significantly reduce its lifespan. The suspension

8 1
Marzocchi reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make changes to the product at any time and without prior notice.
system is also subject to wear over time. Please have your Damage to your forks can occur if your bicycle strikes, at
bicycle regularly inspected by a qualified mechanic for any speed, any overhead object, such as a parking garage,
any oil leaks, cracks, chips, deformation, or other signs of bridge, tree limb or other abutment, while attached to a
fatigue (use of penetrating fluid or other visual enhancers bicycle carrier. In the event of such occurrence, have your
to locate cracks is recommended). If the inspection reveals forks inspected by an authorized Marzocchi Service Center
any deformation, cracks, impact marks, stress marks or before you ride.
bent parts, no matter how slight, immediately replace the
Never spray your bicycle with water under pressure.
component; components that have experienced excessive
Pressurized water, even from the nozzle of a small garden
wear also need immediate replacement. The frequency
hose, can pass under seals and enter your Marzocchi forks,
of inspection depends on many factors; check with your
thereby affecting its operation. Wash your bicycle and
Authorized Marzocchi Representative to select a schedule
Marzocchi forks by wiping them down with water and neutral
that is best for you. If you weigh 82 kg/180 lbs or more, you
must be especially vigilant and have your bicycle inspected
more frequently (than someone weighing less than 82 Always wear a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet,
kg/180 lbs.) for any evidence of cracks, leaks, deformation, that has been approved by ANSI, SNELL or CE, and any
or other signs of fatigue or stress. Check with your mechanic other safety equipment necessary for your riding style.
to discuss whether your forks are suitable for your use, and
to determine the frequency of inspections. When riding in wet conditions, remember that the stopping
power of your brakes is greatly reduced and that the
Be sure that the periodic maintenance schedule is strictly adherence of the tires on the ground is considerably reduced.
followed. This makes it harder to control and stop your bicycle. Extra
care is required when riding your bicycle in wet conditions to
Please be advised that if the maintenance and repair
avoid an accident.
procedures provided in this manual are not properly
performed, or the other instructions in this manual are not Avoid biking at night because it is more difficult for you
followed, an accident could occur. to be seen by traffic, and it is more difficult for you to see
obstructions on the ground. If you do ride at night, you
The symbol calls attention to the tasks which must be should equip your bicycle with and use a headlight and a
performed with extreme care to avoid an accident. taillight. Wear clothes that are snug-fitting and that make you
visible to traffic, such as neon, fluorescent, or other bright
Never make any modifications whatsoever to any component
of the suspension system.
The components of Marzocchis suspension system
are designed as a single integrated system. To avoid
compromises in terms of safety, performance, durability
and function, and to prevent voiding of the warranty, do
not substitute Marzocchi components with components
manufactured by other companies.
Parts that have been bent or otherwise damaged in an
accident, or as a result of any other impact, must not be
re-straightened. They must be replaced immediately with
original Marzocchi parts.
When using a bicycle carrier (automobile roof rack or rear-
hitch mount), be sure to fully loosen the quick release
fastener on the carrier when mounting or removing your
bicycle. Additionally, be sure to always keep your bicycle in
a vertical position when mounting or removing your bicycle
to and from the bicycle carrier. Failure to fully loosen the
quick release fastener, or any bending action while mounting
or removing your bicycle to and from the carrier, could
result in scratching, bending, or otherwise damaging your
suspension system. 9
II.I Select the correct riding style
Do not ride your bicycle if it does not pass this pre-ride
test. correct any condition before you ride. Marzocchi suspension forks are among the most durable
and technologically advanced forks on the market today.
However, no fork can withstand misuse, abuse or improper
Check your forks for any leaks or other evidence of oil, use that, over a short period of time, can cause your forks to
which is indicative of a problem with your forks. Be sure to fail when you least expect it.
turn your bicycle upside down to check areas such as the
It is critical that you select and use the fork that is appropriate
underside of the crown for evidence of an oil leak.
for your riding style, and that you use the fork properly.
Be sure that all components of you forks, and the
remainder of your bicycle, including, but not limited to,
your brakes, pedals, handgrips, handlebars, frame, and
seating system, are in optimum condition and suitable for Failure to properly match the forks to your frame could
use. cause the forks to fail, resulting in a loss of control of
the bicycle, and possible serious injury or death to the
Be sure that none of the components of your suspension rider. In addition, improperly matching your forks to
system, or the remainder of your bicycle, are bent, your frame will void the forks warranty.
deformed, cracked, chipped, out of aliment, or otherwise
damaged. II.I.I Identify your riding style
Check to be sure that all quick release fasteners, nuts and Trekking/Cross-Country: Riding along hilly trails where
bolts are properly adjusted. Bounce the bicycle on the some bumps and smaller obstacles, such as rocks, roots,
ground while listening and looking for anything that may or depressions, may be encountered. Trekking/Cross-
be lose. Country riding does not include jumps or drops (riding off
Be sure that your wheels are perfectly centered. Spin the rocks, fallen trees or ledges) from any height. These forks
wheels to be sure that they do not wobble up and down or must be used with tires specifically designed for trekking/
from side to side, and that they do not make contact with cross country riding, and disk, rim or linear pull brakes.
the fork legs or brake pads while rotating. You should only attach generators and racks, if any, to the
designated mounting points provided on the forks.
Be sure that all cables and other components of your
braking system are in their proper position, properly All Mountain/Freeride: This riding style is for skilled riders,
adjusted and that your braking system is functioning and involves steep, aggressive slopes, large obstacles,
properly. and moderate jumps. Freeride forks should be used only
with disk brakes, and those frames, wheels and other
Be sure that your tires are inflated to the correct pressure components specifically designed for this riding style. The
and that there is no damage whatsoever in the tread or disk brakes must be attached to the designated mounting
sidewall of the tire. points provided on the fork. Never make any modification to
Check all reflectors to make sure that they are clean, your fork when attaching any equipment.
straight, and securely mounted. 4X/Dirt Jumper: This BMX or motocross style of riding
Be sure to read and follow all the instructions and warnings is only for the most skilled riders, and involves jumping from
that originally accompanied your bicycle. one mound of dirt to another. It also includes riding over
and around urban obstacles such as man-made, or other
Learn and follow the local bicycle laws and regulations, concrete, structures, or racing on a track consisting of jumps
and obey all traffic signals, signs and laws while you ride. made from mounds of dirt which the rider must negotiate
by jumping or turning at speed. These forks should only be
used with disk brakes, and those frames, wheels and other
components specifically designed for this riding style. The
disk brakes must be attached to the designated mounting
10 points provided on the fork. Never make any modification to
your fork when attaching any equipment. II.I.III Ride Properly - Do Not Misuse or Abuse of Your
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: This discipline is only for
professional or highly skilled riders. It includes relatively high Never abuse or misuse your forks. Learn how to ride, and EN
jumps or drops and negotiating larger obstacles such as always ride within your abilities. An out-of-control ride puts
boulders, fallen trees, or holes. These forks should be used the equivalent of years of hard use on your forks after only
only with disk brakes, and those frames, wheels and other a few rides. Learn how to properly flow around obstacles
components specifically designed for this riding style. The on the trail. Hitting obstacles such as rocks, trees or holes
disk brakes must be attached to the designated mounting straight-on puts forces on your fork it was not designed to
points provided on the fork. Never make any modification to absorb. Landing improperly after a jump or drop also puts
your fork when attaching other equipment. forces on your fork it was not designed to absorb. You should
only perform jumps or drops when a transition, or down
ramp, is available to help your bicycle absorb the impact
WARNING! forces generated during the landing by having both wheels
Ride ONLY in areas specifically designated for your smoothly make contact with the transition, or down ramp, at
riding style. the same time. Any other type of landing is dangerous, as
it could result in a component part failure and an accident.
II.I.II Choice of the fork most indicated for personal The steepness and length of the transition, or down ramp
style on the basis of the Intended use chart depends on the height from which you jump or drop. Every
situation is different for every rider, so consult with an
Referring to the table called intended use chart (Table experienced rider before attempting any jump or drop.
1, page 2), select the fork that is appropriate for your
riding style. Please see your Marzocchi retailer, or contact
Marzocchi directly, if you require assistance in selecting the WARNING!
correct fork. Failure to properly flow around obstacles on the trail, or
failure to properly land after a jump or drop, could cause
your forks to fail, resulting in a loss of bicycle control,
serious injury, or death to the rider.

Your forks require regular maintenance and repair. The
harder you ride, the more often you must inspect and
perform maintenance on your forks. If your forks are
leaking, bent, deformed, cracked, or chipped, no matter
how slight, immediately have a Certified Marzocchi
Repair Center inspect the forks before you ride again.

Even forks made out of solid metal will fail if they are misused,
abused, or improperly used! Extreme use can eventually
wear out and break even the strongest components.

Ride fast, yet ride Smart. 11

FR Les descriptions prcdes de ce symbole contiennent
I.I Avertissements generaux des informations, des instructions ou des procdures
qui, si elles ne sont pas respectes, peuvent endommager
ATTENTION! la fourche ou en causer un mauvais fonctionnement,
nuire lenvironnement ou occasionner des accidents
Le non-respect des procdures et des avertissements (mme mortels).
indiqus dans le prsent manuel peut endommager le
produit ou provoquer des accidents, des lsions graves
voire la mort du cycliste. NOTE

Les descriptions prcdes de ce symbole contiennent

des informations, des instructions ou des procdures
Lisez attentivement, comprenez et suivez rigoureusement conseilles par MARZOCCHI pour une meilleure utilisation
les instructions de ce manuel qui fait partie intgrante du de la fourche.
produit et doit tre conserv porte de main, en sret,
pour tre consult tout moment1.
Rappelez-vous toujours que linstallation, lentretien et En cas de doute concernant les soins, lentretien ou
la rparation du systme de suspension requirent des lutilisation du systme de suspension, il convient de
connaissances spcifiques, des outils adapts et de contacter directement le Centre dAssistance le plus
lexprience. De simples notions gnrales de mcanique proche. Vous pouvez localiser ce centre dassistance en
peuvent savrer insuffisantes pour installer et rparer consultant la liste des revendeurs jointe ce manuel ou
correctement le systme de suspension. Linstallation ladresse Internet
et/ou lentretien du systme de suspension doivent tre Lutilisateur de ce produit Marzocchi reconnat avoir pris
effectus seulement par un Centre dAssistance autoris connaissance et accept les risques lis la conduction
Marzocchi. Linstallation, lentretien et la rparation du vlo qui incluent, mais non limits ceux-ci, le risque
incorrects du systme de suspension peuvent occasionner de rupture dun composant du systme de suspension qui
des accidents, des lsions graves ou mortelles. pourrait provoquer des accidents, des lsions graves voire
Le non-respect des instructions dutilisation et dentretien la mort. Avec lachat et lemploi de ce produit Marzocchi,
et des avertissements de scurit contenus dans ce lutilisateur reconnat avoir pris connaissance et quil
manuel peut occasionner des accidents, des lsions accepte expressment, volontairement et sans conditions
graves voire la mort. ces risques qui incluent, mais non limits ceux-ci,
le risque de ngligence active ou passive de la socit
A lintrieur de ce manuel, vous trouvez des rfrences Marzocchi ou de vices cachs, latents ou apparents du
continues la possibilit qui un accident se produit. produit. Lutilisateur accepte en outre de dgager la
Tout accident peut entraner la perte de contrle du vlo socit Marzocchi et ses distributeurs et revendeurs de
et provoquer lendommagement de celui-ci ou de ses toute responsabilit pour dventuels dommages dans les
composants ou, pire que tout, des lsions graves ou limites prvues par la loi.
mortelles pour le cycliste ou pour les passants.
Ce manuel na pas pour objectif dexpliquer le montage I.II Normes gnrales de scurit
et le dmontage sur le cadre du vlo de la fourche, de la
roue, des organes de direction ou de tout autre composant Les systmes de suspension Marzocchi sont conus pour
li directement ou indirectement la suspension sans, des styles de conduite diffrents. Quelques-uns sont projets
toutefois, faire partie de celle-ci. seulement pour absorber les chocs produits par un fond
routier irrgulier et pour permettre au cycliste un meilleur
contrle du vlo. Dautres rpondent des exigences plus
spcifiques. Choisissez et utilisez le systme de suspension
le plus adapt votre style de conduite. Lisez et respectez
les Instructions pour lemploi prvu contenues dans ce

12 1
La socit Marzocchi se rserve le droit dapporter toute modification ses produits, tout moment et sans pravis.
manuel. Un choix incorrect ou un emploi impropre de la t conus comme un seul systme intgr. Par consquent,
fourche peut provoquer des accidents, des lsions graves ne remplacez jamais les composants Marzocchi par dautres
ou mme la mort. non originaux pour ne pas risquer de compromettre la
scurit, les performances et le fonctionnement du produit
Noubliez pas quil existe des risques intrinsques associs
et pour ne pas invalider la garantie du fabricant.
la pratique de chaque discipline : downhill , freeride
, cross-country , marathon , trekking , dirt Tout composant pli ou endommag d un accident ou
Jumper ou urban riding . Chacune de ces pratiques un choc de quelque violence que ce soit ne doit jamais tre
peut provoquer des lsions graves ou mortelles. Apprenez redress mais remplac immdiatement par des pices de
comment pdaler et ne dpassez jamais vos capacits rechange originales Marzocchi.
et vos limites. Portez toujours lquipement de scurit
Si vous installez votre vlo sur un porte vlo (mont sur le
adquat et vrifiez quil est en parfait tat.
toit ou larrire de la voiture), veillez ce que le systme
La dure de vie des produits Marzocchi dpend de de fixation serrage rapide soit compltement desserr
nombreux facteurs tels que le style de conduite et les avant linstallation ou le dmontage du vlo. Assurezvous
conditions du terrain. Les chocs, les chutes, une utilisation en outre dinstaller le vlo en position parfaitement verticale.
incorrecte ou extrme du vlo peuvent compromettre la Si le systme de fixation serrage rapide nest pas
solidit structurelle du systme de suspension et rduire desserr ou que le vlo est inclin lors de linstallation ou
considrablement sa dure de vie. En outre, au cours du du dmontage du porte vlo, la suspension peut srafler,
temps, le systme de suspension peut se dtriorer. Par plier ou endommager.
consquent, il est conseill de faire vrifier rgulirement le
Un choc, nimporte quelle vitesse, contre des structures
vlo par un mcanicien qualifi pour reprer dventuelles
ariennes telles quun garage, un pont, des arbres ou
fuites dhuile, fissures, dformations ou dautres signes
dautres obstacles avec le vlo non fix correctement sur
de dtrioration (il est conseill dutiliser des liquides
le porte vlo de la voiture, pourrait endommager le systme
pntrants ou dautres agents visuels pour le reprage
de suspension. Dans ce cas, faites contrler la suspension
des ruptures). Si linspection rvle des dformations, des
auprs dun Centre dAssistance autoris Marzocchi avant
ruptures ou des signes dus un choc de quelque violence
dutiliser nouveau le vlo.
que ce soit, il faut remplacer immdiatement le composant
endommag; mme une usure accentue entrane le Nutilisez jamais deau sous pression pour nettoyer votre
remplacement immdiat du composant. La frquence des vlo. Mme le jet deau dun petit tuyau darrosage pourrait
contrles dpend de nombreux facteurs : convenez avec un traverser les joints dtanchit et pntrer dans votre
Reprsentant autoris Marzocchi un programme dentretien fourche. Lavez le vlo et la fourche Marzocchi avec de leau
en fonction de vos exigences. Si votre poids est 82 kg (180 et du savon.
lbs) ou suprieur, vous devez prter plus dattention et faire
vrifier votre vlo plus frquemment que les cyclistes au Portez toujours un casque de protection certifi ANSI,
poids infrieur pour reprer en temps utile toute fissure, SNELL ou CE. Vrifiez quil est de taille adapte et bien
fuite, dformation ou tout autre signe de dtrioration. attach. Utilisez en outre tout lquipement ncessaire pour
Vrifiez avec votre mcanicien de confiance si les fourches utiliser le vlo dans des conditions de scurit maximales.
choisies sont adaptes vos exigences et convenez avec Rappelez-vous quun fond mouill rduit considrablement
votre mcanicien la frquence des contrles ordinaires. la puissance de freinage et ladhrence des pneus, ce qui
Assurez-vous que le programme dentretien priodique est rend plus difficiles le contrle et larrt du vlo. Pour viter
respect rigoureusement. un accident, faites beaucoup dattention quand vous pdalez
sur un terrain mouill.
Rappelez-vous que le non-respect des instructions
dentretien et de rparation illustres dans ce manuel peut Evitez dutiliser le vlo la nuit car vous tes moins visibles
provoquer un accident. dans le trafic et quil est plus difficile de percevoir dventuels
obstacles le long du parcours. En cas de conduite nocturne,
Le symbole signale les actions effectuer avec la plus dotez votre vlo de feux avant et arrire.
grande prudence pour viter un accident. Portez toujours des vtements confortables et qui vous
Ne modifiez jamais de composants du systme de rendent bien visibles comme, par exemple, des vtements
suspension. aux couleurs mtallescentes, fluorescentes ou brillantes.

Les composants du systme de suspension Marzocchi ont 13

Nutilisez votre vlo quaprs avoir effectu les contrles II.I Choisissez la fourche la plus indique
prliminaires cits ci-aprs. liminez toute anomalie
avant dutiliser le vlo.
pour votre style de conduite
Les fourches Marzocchi sont entre les systmes de
suspension les plus fiables et de pointe du march.
Vrifiez que la fourche ne prsente pas de fuites ou de Cependant, aucune suspension ne peut tre utilise de
traces dhuile qui, dans la plupart des cas, indiquent un manire incorrecte car ceci peut provoquer de graves
problme. Renversez le vlo et vrifiez sil y a des fuites dommages mme aprs quelques heures dutilisation. Il est
dhuile au niveau de la zone au-dessous du t suprieur. essentiel de choisir la fourche la plus indique pour chaque
pratique et de lutiliser de manire correcte.
Vrifiez que tous les lments de la fourche et tous les
composants du vlo y compris, par exemple, les freins, les
pdales, les poignes, le cintre, le cadre et la selle, sont ATTENTION!
en conditions optimales et adapts lemploi prvu.
Le montage incorrect de la fourche sur le cadre du vlo
Vrifiez quaucun lment du systme de suspension ou peut compromettre son fonctionnement et entraner
du vlo nest pli, endommag ou dform. une perte de contrle du vlo, des accidents et des
lsions graves ou mortelles pour le cycliste. En outre,
Vrifiez que tous les dispositifs serrage rapide, les le montage incorrect de la fourche peut invalider la
crous et les vis sont bien ajusts. Faites rebondir le vlo garantie du constructeur.
au sol et assurez-vous quaucun composant nest relch
ou desserr. II.I.I Identifiez votre style de conduite
Vrifiez que les roues sont parfaitement centres. Faites Trekking/Cross-Country: Pdalage en sentiers
tourner les roues et vrifiez quelles noscillent pas dun montagneux avec franchissement de petits obstacles
ct lautre et quelles nentrent en contact avec aucune comme des cailloux, des racines ou des cavits. La pratique
partie de la fourche ou les garnitures des freins pendant Trekking/Cross-Country ne prvoit pas de sauts ou de
la rotation. bonds (sauts de rochers, troncs darbre ou saillies) daucune
Assurez-vous que tous les cbles et les autres composants hauteur. Ces fourches doivent tre utilises seulement
du systme de freinage sont en position correcte et que le avec des pneus destins cette pratique ainsi quavec
systme fonctionne parfaitement. des freins disque, sur jante ou linaires avec levier.
La dynamo et la sacoche, si prsent, doivent tre installes
Vrifiez que les pneus sont gonfls la pression correcte aux points expressment prvus sur la fourche.
et que la bande de roulement et les parois latrales de
ceux-ci ne sont pas endommages. All Mountain/Freeride: Cette pratique est rserve aux
cyclistes experts car elle prvoit des pentes raides, des
Assurez-vous que les catadioptres sont propres, en obstacles et des sauts importants. Les fourches Freeride
position correcte et bien fixs. doivent tre utilises seulement avec des freins disques,
Lisez et respectez les instructions et les avertissements des cadres, des roues et dautres composants expressment
fournis avec le vlo. conus pour cette pratique. Les freins disques doivent
tre fixs aux points expressment prvus sur la fourche.
Respectez les lois et les dispositions en vigueur dans Aucune modification sur la fourche pour la fixation dautres
le pays dutilisation du vlo; respectez toujours tous les lments ne doit tre effectue.
signaux routiers, les signes et les dispositions lgales
pendant la conduite. 4X/Dirt Jumper: Cette pratique sur piste de type BMX
ou motocross est rserve aux cyclistes experts car elle
comporte des sauts et le franchissement dobstacles
artificiels voire construits par lhomme ou dautres
structures fixes, ou la course le long dune piste consistant
14 en obstacles formes de tas de terre, que le cycliste doit
surmonter en sautant ou en se penchant vive allure. Ce II.I.III Conduisez de manire correcte - vitez toute
type de fourche doit tre utilis seulement avec des freins utilisation incorrecte de votre fourche
disques, des cadres, des roues et dautres composants
Nutilisez jamais votre fourche de manire incorrecte. FR
expressment conus pour cette pratique. Les freins
disques doivent tre fixs aux points expressment prvus Apprenez conduire en fonction de vos propres capacits.
sur la fourche. Aucune modification sur la fourche pour la Mme quelques heures dutilisation incorrecte peuvent
fixation dautres lments ne doit tre effectue. occasionner une dtrioration de la suspension quivalente
plusieurs annes dutilisation normale.
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Cette discipline est rserve
exclusivement aux cyclistes professionnels ou aux coureurs. Apprenez comment viter les obstacles parsems au sol.
Elle comporte des sauts ou des bonds de hauteurs et le Les chocs contre des obstacles tels que des rochers, des
franchissement dobstacles tels que rochers, troncs darbre, troncs darbre, des trous et cavits prsents le long du
trous. Ce type de fourche doit tre utilis seulement avec parcours provoquent des agressions et des tensions sur
des freins disques, des cadres, des roues et dautres la fourche pour lesquelles elle na pas t conue. Mme
composants expressment conus pour cette pratique. Les latterrissage incorrect aprs un saut soumet la fourche
freins disques doivent tre fixs aux points expressment des agressions et des tensions quelle nest pas en mesure
prvus sur la fourche. Aucune modification sur la fourche dabsorber. Les sauts et les bonds ne sont admis quen
pour la fixation dautres lments ne doit tre effectue. prsence dune passerelle ou dune rampe de descente qui
aide le vlo absorber la force dimpact et condition que
les deux roues atterrent au mme instant. Tout autre type
ATTENTION! datterrissage est dangereux et peut entraner des accidents
ou endommager le produit. Assurez-vous que linclinaison
NE roulez que sur des pistes adaptes votre style de
et la longueur de la passerelle ou de la rampe de descente
sont adquates la hauteur de laquelle vous allez sauter et
vos propres capacits.
II.I.II Choix de la fourche le plus indiqu au propre style
selon le tableau Intended use chart
Choisissez la fourche la mieux adapte votre style de
conduite, en consultant le tableau 1 (intended use chart) Le choc contre des obstacles ou un atterrissage
de la page 2. Contactez votre revendeur Marzocchi ou incorrect aprs un saut peut provoquer la rupture de la
adressez-vous directement au constructeur Marzocchi en fourche et, par consquent, la perte de contrle du vlo
cas de doutes sur le choix de la fourche correcte. et occasionner des accidents graves ou mortels.

Les fourches requirent des contrles et un entretien
rguliers. Plus la conduite est agressive, plus les
contrles et lentretien de la fourche doivent tre
frquents. Si la fourche est endommage, adressez-
vous IMMDIATEMENT un Centre de Rparation
Autoris Marzocchi et faites rviser votre fourche avant
toute nouvelle utilisation.

Mme les fourches fabriques avec les matriaux les plus
robustes peuvent sendommager si elles sont utilises de
manire incorrecte! Un emploi agressif peut occasionner la
dtrioration ou la rupture mme des composants les plus
rsistants !

Roulez Vite, Mais Roulez Intelligent 15

DE Die Beschreibungen, denen dieses Symbol
I.I Allgemeine warnungen vorangestellt ist, enthalten Informationen, Vorschriften
oder Prozeduren, die, wenn sie nicht beachtet werden,
ACHTUNG! Schden oder Funktionsstrungen an der Gabel,
Umweltschden, Unflle, Verletzungen, auch mit
Die Nichteinhaltung der in diesem Handbuch tdlichem Ausgang, verursachen knnen.
angegebenen Sicherheitsbestimmungen und
Prozeduren kann zu Schden am Produkt, Unfllen,
Verletzungen, auch mit tdlichem Ausgang, fr den WICHTIG
Radfahrer fhren.
Die Beschreibungen, denen dieses Symbol vorangestellt
Die Anleitungen in diesem Handbuch mssen aufmerksam ist, enthalten Informationen, Vorschriften oder Prozeduren,
durchgelesen, verstanden und genau beachtet werden. die von MARZOCCHI zur besseren Benutzung der Gabel
Das Handbuch ist ein wesentlicher Teil des Produkts empfohlen werden.
und ist fr sptere Konsultationen an einem sicheren Ort
Wenn Sie Fragen zur Pflege und Wartung Ihres
Es ist zu beachten, dass die Montage und Reparatur Federungssystems haben, wenden Sie sich direkt an den
des Federungssystems sehr eingehende Kenntnisse, nchsten Kundendienst, den Sie auf der Vertreterliste und
geeignete Instrumente und Erfahrung voraussetzt. Eine unter der Internet- Adresse finden
einfache und allgemeine mechanische Begabung kann knnen.
sich als ungengend fr die vorschriftsmige Montage
oder Reparatur des Federungssystems erweisen. Bei Der Benutzer dieses Marzocchi-Produkts erkennt
Unsicherheiten ber die richtige Wartung oder Reparatur ausdrcklich an und akzeptiert, dass das Fahren
des Federungssystems wenden Sie sich fr den Einbau von Zweirdern mit Risiken verbunden ist, unter
und/oder die Instandhaltung des Federungssystems anderem mit dem Risiko, dass eine Komponente des
an einen autorisierten Marzocchi-Kundendienst. Eine Federungssystems versagen und zu einem Unfall mit
nicht korrekte Installation, Wartung oder Reparatur des Verletzungsoder Todesfolge fhren kann. Mit dem
Federungssystems kann zu einem Unfall mit Verletzungs- Kauf und der Benutzung dieses Marzocchi-Produkts
oder Todesfolge fhren. akzeptiert der Benutzer ausdrcklich, freiwillig und
bewusst diese Gefahren und nimmt sie auf sich, unter
Wenn die in diesem Handbuch gegebenen anderem einschlielich der Gefahr passiver oder aktiver
Sicherheitsbestimmungen und Anleitungen nicht genau Nachlssigkeit von Marzocchi oder verborgener, latenter
befolgt werden, kann dies zu Schden am Produkt, oder offenkundiger Mngel des Produkts. Der Benutzer
Unfllen, Verletzungen, auch mit tdlichem Ausgang, fr ist auerdem damit einverstanden, Marzocchi und seine
den Fahrer fhren. Gro- und Einzelhndler in vollem gesetzlich erlaubtem
In diesem Handbuch wird stndig auf die Mglichkeit von Umfang von jeglicher Haftung fr eventuelle Schden zu
Unfllen hingewiesen. Jeder Unfall kann zum Verlust entbinden.
der Kontrolle ber das Fahrrad, zu Schden am Fahrrad
oder an seinen Komponenten und, was schwerer wiegt, I.II Allgemeine sicherheitsbestimmungen
zu schweren oder tdlichen Verletzungen fr den Fahrer
oder Umstehende fhren. Marzocchi-Federungssysteme werden fr unterschiedliche
Fahrstile entwickelt. Manche sind nur dafr vorgesehen, die
Das vorliegende Handbuch hat nicht den Zweck, die Schlge eines unebenen Straenbelags aufzufangen und
Montage und den Ausbau der Gabeln vom Rahmen dem Fahrer eine bessere Kontrolle ber sein Fahrzeug zu
des Fahrrads, des Rads, der Lenkvorrichtung oder ermglichen, andere werden fr andere Zwecke entwickelt.
irgendwelcher anderer Komponenten zu erklren, die Sie mssen das richtige Federungssystem fr Ihren
direkt oder indirekt mit der Gabel verbunden, aber kein Fahrstil whlen und benutzen. Lesen und befolgen Sie
Teil von ihr sind. die Anleitungen zur vorgesehenen Benutzung in diesem

16 1
Der Hersteller Marzocchi behlt sich daher das Recht vor, jederzeit und ohne Ankndigung alle nderungen an den Produkten vorzunehmen.
Handbuch. Die Wahl und Benutzung einer ungeeigneten Die Komponenten des Federungssystems von Marzocchi
Federgabel kann zu einem Unfall mit Verletzungs- oder wurden als ein einziges integriertes System entwickelt.
Todesfolge fhren. Um die Sicherheit, die Leistungen, die Haltbarkeit und
das Funktionieren des Produkts nicht zu gefhrden und
Nicht vergessen, dass jede der verschiedenen Disziplinen
die Garantie nicht ungltig zu machen, keine Marzocchi-
wie Downhill, Freeride, Cross-Country, Marathon, Trekking,
Komponenten mit Nicht- Originalteilen ersetzen.
Dirt Jumping und Urban Style mit Risiken verbunden ist. Bei
manchen dieser Disziplinen riskiert man Verletzungen oder In Folge eines Unfalls oder irgendeines anderen
sein Leben. Das Radfahren muss erlernt werden, man darf Stoes verbogene oder beschdigte Teile drfen nicht
nicht ber die eigenen Fhigkeiten und Grenzen hinausgehen, geradegebogen werden, sondern mssen sofort durch
muss geeignete Sicherheitsausrstung benutzen und sich Originalersatzteile von Marzocchi ersetzt werden.
vergewissern, dass diese in einwandfreiem Zustand ist.
Wenn ein Fahrradtrger (auf dem Dach oder am Heck
Die Lebensdauer der Marzocchi-Produkte hngt des Fahrzeugs) verwendet wird, sicherstellen, dass
von einer Reihe von Faktoren ab, wie Fahrstil und das Befestigungssystem mit Schnellauslsung vor der
Gelndebedingungen. Schlge, Strze, unsachgeme Anbringung oder Abnahme des Fahrrads ganz geffnet ist.
oder zu aggressive Verwendung des Fahrzeugs knnen Sich auerdem vergewissern, dass das Fahrrad in perfekt
die strukturelle Integritt der Federung beeintrchtigen und senkrechter Position angehoben oder auf den Trger gestellt
ihre Lebensdauer betrchtlich verkrzen. Auerdem nutzt wird. Wenn das Befestigungssystem mit Schnellauslsung
sich das Federungssystem im Lauf der Zeit auch ab. Bei nicht gelockert wird oder das Fahrrad bei der Anbringung
Unregelmigkeiten wie lverlust, Rissen, Verformungen oder Abnahme vom Trger schief gehalten wird, kann dies
oder anderen Abnutzungserscheinungen empfiehlt es sich, zu Kratzern, Verbiegungen oder anderen Schden am
das Fahrrad von einem Fachmechaniker kontrollieren zu Federungssystem fhren.
lassen (es wird die Verwendung von Kriechflssigkeiten oder
Bei Anstoen des am Fahrradtrger des Autos befestigten
anderen Anzeigern zur Feststellung von Brchen empfohlen).
Fahrrads an erhhte Elemente wie Garagen, Brcken, Bume
Wenn bei der Inspektion auch irgendwelche Verformungen,
oder andere Hindernisse bei beliebiger Geschwindigkeit
Brche oder Spuren eines Aufpralls festgestellt werden, egal
knnen die Federgabeln beschdigt werden. In diesem
in welchem Umfang, das betroffene Teil sofort auswechseln;
Fall mssen die Gabeln von einem autorisierten Marzocchi-
auch bei bermiger Abnutzung muss eine Komponente
Kundendienst inspiziert werden, bevor das Fahrrad wieder
sofort ausgewechselt werden. Die Hufigkeit der Kontrollen
benutzt wird. Nie Druckwasser gegen das Fahrrad spritzen.
hngt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab; mit einem
Auch der Wasserstrahl aus einem kleinen Gartenschlauch
autorisierten Marzocchi-Reparaturbetrieb ein Programm fr
knnte die Dichtungen durchschlagen und in die Marzocchi-
jeden einzelnen Bedarf vereinbaren. Wenn Sie 82 kg (180
Gabeln eindringen und ihr Funktionieren beeintrchtigen.
lbs) oder mehr wiegen, mssen Sie besonders wachsam
Das Fahrrad und die Marzocchi-Gabeln mit Wasser und
sein und Ihr Fahrzeug hufiger als jemand, der unter 82
Neutralseife abwaschen.
kg (180 lbs) wiegt, auf Spuren von Brchen, Leckagen,
Verformungen oder andere Ermdungszeichen kontrollieren Immer einen ANSI-, SNELL- oder CEzertifizierten Schutzhelm
lassen. berprfen Sie zusammen mit Ihrem Mechaniker, von geeigneter Gre tragen und gut befestigen; auerdem
ob die gewhlten Federgabeln fr Ihre Fahrweise geeignet die Ausrstung benutzen, die fr ein Fahren in absoluter
sind, und sprechen Sie mit ihm die Kontrollintervalle ab. Sicherheit ntig ist.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Wartungsprogramm strikt Wenn das Fahrrad auf nassem Boden verwendet wird,
eingehalten wird. daran denken, dass die Leistung der Bremsen und die
Bodenhaftung der Reifen merklich nachlassen. Damit wird
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei nicht vorschriftsmiger
es schwerer, das Fahrrad zu kontrollieren und anzuhalten.
Durchfhrung der Wartungsund Reparaturprozeduren in
Auf nassem Boden besonders vorsichtig fahren, um Unflle
diesem Handbuch ein Unfall eintreten kann.
zu vermeiden. Nachtfahrten mit dem Fahrrad vermeiden,
da man dann im Verkehr weniger sichtbar ist und selbst
Das Symbol kennzeichnet Arbeiten, die zur Vermeidung
eventuelle Hindernisse auf dem Boden schlechter sieht. Bei
eines Unfalls mit uerster Sorgfalt ausgefhrt werden
Nachtfahrten das Fahrrad mit Scheinwerfer und Rcklicht
versehen. Bequeme Kleidung anlegen, die im Verkehr gut
Niemals irgendwelche nderungen an Komponenten des sichtbar ist, zum Beispiel solche mit leuchtenden, hellen
Federungssystems vornehmen. oder fluoreszierenden Farben.
I.III Vor jeder benutzung II. ANLEITUNGEN ZUR
Das fahrrad nicht benutzen, wenn es nicht die folgenden
vorabkontrollen bestanden hat. vor benutzung des II.I die zum persnlichen fahrstil passende
fahrrads alle unregelmssigkeiten abstellen. gabel benutzen
Die Federgabeln von Marzocchi gehren zu den langlebigsten
und technologisch ausgereiftesten Federungssystemen auf
Kontrollieren, ob die Gabeln Spuren von lverlusten
dem Markt. Trotzdem drfen die Gabeln nicht unsachgem
aufweisen, die fr ein Problem an der Federung typisch
oder missbruchlich benutzt werden, weil dies auch nach
sind. Das Fahrrad auf den Kopf stellen, um auf eventuelle
kurzer Benutzung zu Schden fhren kann.
lverluste an Stellen wie der oberen Gabelbrcke zu
kontrollieren. Es ist wichtig, dass die zum persnlichen Fahrstil passende
Federgabel gewhlt wird und dass sie vorschriftsmig
Kontrollieren, ob alle Teile der Gabel und des Fahrrads,
benutzt wird.
einschlielich zum Beispiel Bremsen, Pedale, Drehknpfe,
Lenker, Rahmen und Sattel, in optimalem Zustand und fr
die jeweilige Verwendung geeignet sind. ACHTUNG!
Kontrollieren, ob keine Komponenten des Eine unvorschriftsmige Ankoppelung der Gabeln an
Federungssystems oder des Fahrrads verbogen, den Rahmen kann zu Funktionsstrungen und damit zum
beschdigt oder irgendwie verformt sind. Verlust der Kontrolle ber das Fahrrad und zu schweren
oder tdlichen Verletzungen fr den Radfahrer fhren.
Sich vergewissern, dass alle Befestigungsvorrichtunge
Auerdem kann eine unvorschriftsmige Ankoppelung
n mit Schnellauslsung, Schrauben und Muttern richtig der Gabeln an den Rahmen den Verfall der Garantie fr
eingestellt sind. Die Rder des Fahrrads auf dem Boden die Federung bewirken.
aufprallen lassen und sich dann vergewissern, dass sich
kein Teil gelockert hat.
II.I.I Definition des Fahrstils
Sicherstellen, dass die Rder perfekt zentriert sind. Die
Trekking/Cross-Country: Fahrten auf hgeligen Pisten, wo
Rder drehen lassen, um sicher zu sein, dass sie keinen
man kleine Hindernisse wie Steine, Wurzeln oder Senken
Schlag haben und dass beim Drehen kein Kontakt mit den
finden kann. Beim Trekking/Cross-Country sind keine
Gabelholmen oder den Bremsbelgen besteht.
Sprnge oder Absprnge (Sprnge von Felsen, liegenden
Sich vergewissern, dass alle Kabel und die brigen Teile Baumstmmen oder Vorsprngen) aus irgendeiner
der Bremsanlage richtig angebracht sind und dass die Hhe vorgesehen. Diese Gabeln drfen nur mit eigens
Bremsanlage gut funktioniert. fr diesen Stil entwickelten Reifen und mit Scheiben-,
Felgen- oder linearen Hebelbremsen gefahren werden.
Sich vergewissern, dass die Reifen mit dem richtigen Der Dynamo und die Brsentasche mssen an den dafr
Druck aufgepumpt sind und dass die Profile oder die vorgesehenen Montagepunkten an der Gabel befestigt
Seitenwnde nicht beschdigt sind. werden.
Kontrollieren, ob die Rckstrahler sauber, in der richtigen All Mountain/Freeride: Dieser Fahrstil setzt einen
Position und gut befestigt sind. erfahrenen Fahrer voraus, denn er sieht steile Abfahrten,
Die mit dem Fahrrad mitgelieferten Anleitungen und groe Hindernisse und Sprnge von mittlerer Weite vor.
Hinweise lesen und beachten. Freeride-Gabeln drfen nur mit Scheibenbremsen, Rdern
und sonstigen Komponenten, die eigens fr Freeride
Die im Benutzungsland des Fahrrads geltenden Gesetze entwickelt wurden, benutzt werden. Die Scheibenbremsen
und Bestimmungen einhalten; whrend der Fahrt mssen an den dafr vorgesehenen Montagepunkten an
immer alle Verkehrszeichen, Schilder und Vorschriften der Gabel befestigt werden. Keine nderungen an der Gabel
beachten. vornehmen, um andere Elemente anzuschlieen.
4X/Dirt Jumper: Dieser BMX- oder Motocross-Stil ist
nur fr die gebtesten Fahrer und umfasst Sprnge von
18 Buckel zu Buckel. Er sieht auch die berwindung von
zivilisatorischen, vom Menschen errichteten Hindernissen II.I.III Vorschriftsmig fahren Die Gabeln nicht
oder von anderen festen Strukturen vor und ist fr Pisten unsachgem benutzen
mit Erdhindernissen gedacht, die der Radfahrer mit dem
Die Gabeln drfen nicht unsachgem verwendet werden. DE
Rad springend oder kurvend bei hoher Geschwindigkeit
zu berwinden hat. Diese Gabeln drfen nur mit Man muss lernen, den eigenen Fhigkeiten entsprechend zu
Scheibenbremsen, Rdern und sonstigen Komponenten, fahren. Schon wenige Stunden unsachgemer Benutzung
die eigens fr diesen Fahrstil entwickelt wurden, benutzt knnen an der Federgabel einen Abnutzungsgrad
werden. Die Scheibenbremsen mssen an den dafr hervorrufen, wie er bei jahrelanger normaler Benutzung
vorgesehenen Montagepunkten an der Gabel befestigt auftritt. Man muss lernen, wie die Hindernisse auf der
werden. Keine nderungen an der Gabel vornehmen, um Strecke zu berwinden sind. Der Aufprall an Hindernissen
andere Elemente anzuschlieen. wie Felsen, Bumen, Unebenheiten und Schlaglchern
whrend der Fahrt erzeugt Belastungen an der Gabel, fr
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Dieser Fahrstil ist die sie nicht konstruiert ist. Auch eine ungeschickte Landung
ausschlielich den Profis oder wirklich gebten Fahrern nach einem Sprung bewirkt eine Belastung der Gabel, die
vorbehalten. Er sieht relativ hohe und weite Sprunge und die sie nicht abfangen kann. Sprnge sind nur dort zulssig,
berwindung von Hindernissen wie Felsblcken, liegenden wo Ablaufstege oder -rampen vorhanden sind, die die
Baumstmmen und Grben vor. Diese Gabeln drfen nur Aufprallkrfte abfangen helfen, und sind so auszufhren,
mit Scheibenbremsen, Rdern und sonstigen Komponenten, dass beide Rder gleichzeitig den Boden berhren. Jede
die eigens fr diesen Fahrstil entwickelt wurden, benutzt andere Art von Landung ist gefhrlich und kann zu Unfllen
werden. Die Scheibenbremsen mssen an den dafr oder Beschdigung des Produkts fhren. Sich vergewissern,
vorgesehenen Montagepunkten an der Gabel befestigt dass Neigung und Lnge der Ablaufstege oder -rampen der
werden. Keine nderungen an der Gabel vornehmen, um Sprunghhe und den eigenen Fhigkeiten angepasst sind.
andere Elemente anzuschlieen.

Fehler bei der berwindung von Hindernissen auf der
NUR solche Strecken fahren, die Ihrem Fahrknnen Strecke oder Fehler bei der Landung nach einem Sprung
entsprechen. knnen zum Bruch der Gabel mit daraus folgendem
Verlust der Kontrolle ber das Fahrrad und zu schweren,
II.I.II Beste Gabelwahl fr den eigenen Fahrstil nach manchmal sogar tdlichen Unfllen fhren.
Intended use chart - Tabelle
Benutzen Sie die Tabelle intended use chart (Tabelle 1, ACHTUNG!
Seite 2), um die Gabel zu whlen, die Ihrem persnlichen
Die Gabeln mssen stndig kontrolliert und gewartet
Fahrstil entspricht. Wenden Sie sich an den Marzocchi-
werden. Je aggressiver der Fahrstil, um so hufiger
Hndler oder an Marzocchi selbst, wenn Sie hinsichtlich der
mssen Kontrollen und Wartungsarbeiten an der
Wahl der richtigen Gabel im Zweifel sind.
Gabel durchgefhrt werden. Wenn die Gabel auch
nur leicht beschdigt ist, muss man sich sofort an
eine autorisierte Marzocchi-Reparaturwerkstatt
wenden, um die Federung vor der erneuten Benutzung
durchsehen zu lassen.

Auch Gabeln, die aus den stabilsten Materialien konstruiert
sind, knnen Schaden nehmen, wenn sie unsachgem
verwendet werden. Extreme Benutzung kann auch die
robustesten Teile abnutzen und brechen lassen.

Fahre mit Spa aber auch mit der

entsprechenden Vorsicht 19
ES Las descripciones precedidas por este smbolo contienen
I.I Advertencias generales informaciones, instrucciones o procedimientos aconsejados
por Marzocchi para mejorar el uso de la horquilla.
La falta de respeto de las instrucciones y advertencias En caso de preguntas referidas al cuidado, al
del presente manual puede causar daos al producto, mantenimiento y al uso del sistema de suspensin,
accidentes, lesiones graves o la muerte.
pngase en contacto directo con el Centro de asistencia
Lea atentamente, comprenda y siga las instrucciones Marzocchi ms cercano que podr encontrar consultando
del presente manual. Es una parte esencial del producto la lista de los distribuidores al final del presente manual o
y debe ser mantenido siempre a mano para futura en el sitio Internet
El usuario de este producto Marzocchi reconoce y acepta
No olvide nunca que la instalacin y la reparacin del los riesgos asociados a la conduccin de bicicletas que
sistema de suspensin requieren un conocimiento comprenden entre otros, pero no limitados a estos,
especfico, herramientas adecuadas y experiencia. el riesgo de rotura de un componente del sistema de
Nociones generales de mecnica podran no ser suficientes suspensin que podra causar accidentes, lesiones
para la instalacin o la reparacin correcta del sistema graves o la muerte. Comprando y utilizando este producto
de suspensin. Si no est seguro de sus posibilidades, Marzocchi, el usuario reconoce y acepta expresa,
haga instalar y/o reparar el sistema de suspensin slo voluntaria y deliberadamente estos riesgos incluso,
por un Centro de Asistencia autorizado Marzocchi. La entre otros, el riesgo de negligencia activa o pasiva
instalacin, el mantenimiento o la reparacin incorrectos de Marzocchi, o de defectos escondidos, latentes o
del sistema de suspensin pueden causar accidentes, manifestados del producto. El usuario acepta adems de
lesiones graves o la muerte. eximir Marzocchi y a sus distribuidores y revendedores
de cualquier responsabilidad por eventuales daos en los
La falta de respeto de las instrucciones de uso y lmites previstos por la ley.
mantenimiento de este manual puede causar accidentes,
lesiones graves o la muerte.
I.II Normas generales de seguridad
En este manual se encuentran referencias continuas a
la posibilidad de que ocurra un accidente. Cualquier Los sistemas de suspensin Marzocchi estn diseados
accidente podra provocar la prdida de control de la para diferentes estilos de pedaleo. Algunos estn dise.
bicicleta, daos a la misma o a sus componentes y, peor No olvide nunca que existen riesgos asociados con cada
an , lesiones graves o la muerte del ciclista o de un disciplina de pedaleo: downhill, freeride, cross-country,
transente. marathon, trekking, dirt jumping y urban style.
Practicando algunas de estas disciplinas se arriesgan
El presente manual no sirve para explicar el montaje/ accidentes y tambin la muerte. Aprenda como utilizar
desmontaje de la horquilla del cuadro de la bicicleta, de la bicicleta, no exceda nunca en sus posibilidades y sus
la rueda, de los rganos de direccin o de cualquier otro lmites, use el equipo de seguridad adecuado y compruebe
componente directamente o indirectamente conexo a la que est en perfecto estado.
horquilla sin pero ser parte de la misma.
La vida de los productos Marzocchi depende de una serie
de factores como el estilo de pedaleo y las condiciones
ATENCIN! del terreno. Los impactos, las cadas, un uso incorrecto o
Las descripciones precedidas por este smbolo extremo de la bicicleta pueden comprometer la seguridad de
contienen informaciones, instrucciones o la estructura del sistema de suspensin y reducir de modo
procedimientos que, si no se respetan, pueden causar significativo su vida. Adems el sistema de suspensin est
daos o un funcionamiento defectuoso de la horquilla, sujeto a deterioracin a lo largo del tiempo. Haga revisar
daos al ambiente, accidentes y lesiones graves incluso su bicicleta regularmente por un mecnico especializado
la muerte. para hallar inconvenientes como prdidas de aceite, golpes,

20 1
El constructor Marzocchi se reserva el derecho de modificar los productos, en cualquier momento y sin preaviso.
deformaciones u otros signos de deterioracin (se aconseja No dirija nunca agua bajo presin contra la bicicleta.
el uso de un fluido penetrante o de otros agentes visuales Tambin el chorro de agua de una pequea manguera para
para buscar roturas). Si la revisin revela cualquier tipo de regar el jardn podr.
deformacin, rotura o deterioracin debida a choques o
Lleve siempre un casco de proteccin certificado
solicitaciones o partes dobladas, por pequea que sea, haga
ANSI, SNELL o CE, de tamao adecuado y abrochado
sustituir inmediatamente el componente daado; tambin
correctamente; adems use el equipo de seguridad previsto
una usura excesiva comporta la sustitucin inmediata
para su estilo de pedaleo.
del componente. La frecuencia de los controles depende
de muchos factores. Concuerde con un Representante No olvide nunca que la potencia de los frenos y la adherencia
Autorizado Marzocchi el programa de mantenimiento ms de los neumticos sobre el terreno se reducen de manera
adecuado a sus exigencias. Si Ud. pesa 82 kg. (180 lbs) o importante cuando se pedalea sobre caminos mojados y
ms, preste mayor cuidado y haga revisar su bicicleta para que es ms difcil controlar y parar la bicicleta.
hallar fisuras, prdidas, deformaciones u otros signos de
solicitacin excesiva ms frecuentemente que las personas Preste mucho cuidado cuando pedalea sobre un fondo
de peso inferior. Compruebe con su mecnico de confianza mojado para evitar accidentes.
si la horquilla elegida es adecuada para el uso previsto y Evite utilizar la bicicleta de noche ya que existe el riesgo
decida con l mismo la frecuencia de los controles. de ser menos visibles en el trfico y es ms difcil percibir
Asegrese de que el programa de mantenimiento los obst.
programado haya sido respetado cuidadosamente. No Lleve ropa cmoda y que aumente su visibilidad en el trfico
olvide nunca que si las instrucciones de mantenimiento como, por ejemplo, ropa con colores de nen, fluorescentes
y reparacin de este manual no se respetan de manera o brillantes.
correcta, podra ocurrir un accidente.

El smbolo seala acciones para efectuar con el

mximo cuidado para evitar accidentes. No efecte
ninguna modificacin a ningn componente del sistema de
Los componentes del sistema de suspensin Marzocchi
han sido diseados como un nico sistema integrado. Para
no comprometer la seguridad, las prestaciones, la vida y el
funcionamiento del producto y para no invalidar la garanta,
no sustituya nunca los componentes Marzocchi con otros
no originales.
Los componentes doblados o daados debido a un
accidente u otro impacto no deben nunca ser enderezados
sino sustituidos inmediatamente con recambios originales
Cuando se usa un porta bicicleta (montado sobre el techo o
detrs del coche), compruebe que el sistema de sujecin de
desenganche rpido est completamente aflojado antes de
instalar o remover la bicicleta. Asegrese adems de que la
bicicleta est en posicin perfectamente vertical durante la
colocacin o el desmontaje de este soporte. Si el sistema de
sujecin de desenganche rpido no est.
Un choque, a cualquier velocidad, contra estructuras
areas como garajes, puentes, rboles u otros obstculos
con la bicicleta instalada en el porta bicicleta del coche
podra daar la horquilla. En este caso, ser necesario
hacer revisar la suspensin por un Centro de Asistencia
autorizado Marzocchi. 21
No use la bicicleta si no ha superado los controles
preliminares citados en este prrafo. elimine cualquier II.I Elija la horquilla ms adecuada a su
anomala antes del uso. estilo de pedaleo
Las horquillas Marzocchi son uno de los sistemas de
suspensin ms durables y tecnolgicamente avanzados
Compruebe que la horquilla no presente prdidas o restos
en el mercado. No obstante esto, no es posible abusar o
de aceite que evidencian normalmente un problema.
utilizar en modo impropio ningn sistema de suspensin
Vuelque su bicicleta para comprobar la presencia de
ya que se pueden provocar daos tambin despus de un
eventuales prdidas de aceite en las reas debajo de la
breve uso.
pletina superior.
Es importante elegir y utilizar la horquilla ms indicada para
Compruebe que todos los componentes de la horquilla y
su estilo de pedaleo y de manera adecuada.
de la bicicleta incluso tambin los frenos, los pedales, las
empuaduras, el manillar, el cuadro y el silln estn en
condiciones ptimas y adecuados para el uso. ATENCIN!
Compruebe que ningn componente del sistema de El montaje incorrecto de la horquilla sobre el cuadro
suspensin o de la bicicleta est doblado, daado o, en podra provocar un funcionamiento incorrecto de
cualquier caso, deformado. la misma con consiguiente prdida de control de la
bicicleta y posibles lesiones graves o la muerte del
Asegrese de que los dispositivos de fijacin de
ciclista. Adems, un montaje incorrecto de la horquilla
desenganche rpido, las tuercas y los tornillos estn sobre el cuadro podra invalidar la garanta suministrada
ajustados correctamente. Haga rebotar la bicicleta sobre por el constructor.
el terreno para comprobar que ning.
Asegrese de que las ruedas estn centradas II.I.I Identifique su estilo de pedaleo
perfectamente. Haga girar las ruedas para asegurarse
Trekking/Cross-Country: Pedaleo en senderos
que no oscilen y que no se pongan en contacto con las
montaosos con pequeos obstculos como rocas, races
botellas de la horquilla o los zapatas de los frenos durante
o depresiones. El Trekking/Cross-Country no prevee saltos
la rotacin.
o cadas (grupos rocosos, rboles cados o barrancos)
Asegrese de que todos los cables y los dems de cualquier altura. Estas horquillas slo deben utilizarse
componentes del sistema de frenado estn en con neumticos especficamente diseados para Trekking/
posicin correcta y que el sistema de frenado funcione Cross-Country y con frenos de disco, de llanta o lineales
correctamente. de palanca.

Asegrese de que los neumticos est. All Mountain/Freeride: Este estilo es para corredores
expertos ya que incluye pendientes agresivas, grandes
Compruebe que todos los reflectores estn limpios, en obstculos y saltos importantes. Las horquillas Free
posicin cor. Ride slo deben utilizarse con frenos de disco al igual
Lea y atngase a todas las instrucciones y advertencias que cuadros, ruedas y otros componentes diseados
proporcionadas con la bicicleta. especficamente para Freeride. Los frenos de disco deben
colocarse en los soportes designados en la horquilla y
Respete las leyes y las disposiciones en vigor en el pas ningn componente de la horquilla debe ser modificado
de uso; respete siempre todas las seales de trfico, los para la instalacin de otros equipos.
carteles y las disposiciones de ley durante la conduccin.
4X/Dirt Jumper: Este estilo BMX o Motocross es slo
para los corredores ms expertos e incluye saltos desde
un montculo de tierra a otro. Tambin incluye obstculos
urbanos, es decir, cualquier tipo de estructura hecha por
el hombre, o una carrera a lo largo de una pista constituida
22 por obstculos y arcenes formados por montculos de tierra
que el ciclista debe superar saltando o rodeando a un paso II.I.III Conduzca de manera correcta - Evite cualquier
rpido. Estas horquillas slo deben utilizarse con frenos de uso impropio de la horquilla
disco, al igual que cuadros, ruedas y otros componentes
No use su horquilla de manera incorrecta. Aprenda a ES
diseados especialmente para este estilo. Los frenos de
disco deben colocarse en los soportes designados en la pedalear en relacin a sus posibilidades. Incluso pocas
horquilla y ningn componente de la horquilla debe ser horas de uso inadecuado pueden causar un deterioro de la
modificado para la instalacin de otros equipos. horquilla equivalente a el de aos de uso normal.

Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Esta disciplina es slo para Aprenda a superar los obstculos en el recorrido. El choque
profesionales o corredores altamente cualificados. Incluye contra obstculos como rocas, rboles y concavidades
saltos y cadas desde alturas importantes, adems de provoca un estrs a la horquilla para el que no ha sido
obstculos como piedras, rboles cados o agujeros. Estas diseada. Tambin aterrizar impropiamente despus de
horquillas deben usarse slo con frenos de disco, al igual un salto provoca en la horquilla un estrs que no puede
que cuadros, ruedas y otros componentes diseados absorber. Saltos o rebotes son admitidos slo en el caso
especficamente para este estilo. Los frenos de disco en que existan pasarelas o rampas de bajada que ayuden a
deben colocarse en los soportes designados en la horquilla la bicicleta a absorber las fuerzas de impacto y que las dos
y ningn componente de la horquilla debe ser modificado ruedas toquen el terreno en el mismo instante. Cualquier otro
para la instalacin de otros equipos. tipo de aterrizaje es peligroso y puede causar accidentes o
daar el producto. Compruebe que la pendiente y la longitud
de la pasarela o de la rampa de bajada sean adecuadas a la
ATENCIN! altura desde la cual se salta y a sus posibilidades.
Pedalee SLO en las zonas designadas especficamente
para su estilo de conduccin. ATENCIN!
II.I.II Seleccin de la horquilla ms adecuado a su estilo Los errores cuando se superan obstculos sobre
segn la tabla Intended use chart el terreno o los errores de aterrizaje despus de un
salto pueden causar la rotura de la horquilla con
Elija la horquilla correspondiente a su estilo de pedaleo la consiguiente prdida de control de la bicicleta y
utilizando la tabla intended use chart (Tabla 1 de la provocar accidentes graves o mortales.
pgina 2). Dirjase a su revendedor o directamente al
constructor Marzocchi en caso de dudas para la eleccin
del sistema de suspensin correcto.
Las horquillas necesitan controles constantes e
intervenciones de mantenimiento. Ms el estilo es
agresivo, ms frecuentes deben ser los controles y
el mantenimiento de la suspensin. Si la horquilla
est daada, aun levemente, es obligatorio dirigirse
INMEDIATAMENTE a un Centro de Reparacin
Autorizado Marzocchi y hacer revisar la suspensin
antes de cualquier otro uso.

Tambin las horquillas construidas con los materiales
ms slidos pueden deteriorarse se utilizadas de manera
impropia! El uso extremo puede causar la deterioracin o la
rotura tambin de los componentes ms resistentes!

Ride fast, yet ride Smart 23

DA VEJLEDNING Beskrivelserne indledt med dette symbol giver
oplysninger, forholdsregler eller procedurer, der ved
mangelfuld overholdelse kan medfre beskadigelse eller
I.I Generelle advarsler fejlfunktion af gaflen, beskadigelse af omgivelserne,
uheld, alvorlige ulykker eller ddsfald.
Manglende overholdelse af instruktionerne og HUSK
advarslerne i denne vejledning kan medfre fejlfunktion
af produktet, ulykker og deraf flgende alvorlige Beskrivelserne indledt med dette symbol giver oplysninger
personskader eller ddsfald. eller forholdsregler, der anbefales af MARZOCCHI for
optimal anvendelse af gaflen.

Ls omhyggeligt vejledningen igennem, og srg for

at have forstet alle instruktioner, sledes at de kan Ved ethvert behov for oplysninger om behandling,
overholdes omhyggeligt; vejledningen er et vigtigt tilbehr vedligeholdelse eller brug af affjedringssystemet
til produktet og skal opbevares et sikkert sted for senere bedes man rette direkte henvendelse til det nrmeste
brug1. Marzocchi Service Center. Listen over servicecentre
findes i slutningen af denne vejledning, eller kan lses p
Husk at montering, vedligeholdelse og reparation internetadressen
af affjedringssystemet krver specielle tekniske
kundskaber, egnet vrktj og erfaring. Generel mekanisk Brugeren af dette produkt fra Marzocchi er klar over - og
snilde er mske ikke nok til at sikre korrekt montering, accepterer - risiciene forbundet med cykelkrsel. Disse
vedligeholdelse eller reparation af affjedringssystemet. risici omfatter blandt andet muligheden for brud p en
Hvis man ikke er overbevist om egne frdigheder, skal komponent i affjedringssystemet, der kan medfre uheld
man altid lade affjedringssystemet montere og/eller med deraf flgende alvorlige lsioner eller ddsfald. Ved
vedligeholde af et autoriseret Marzocchi Service Center. kb og brug af dette produkt fra Marzocchi opfatter og
Forkert montering, vedligeholdelse eller reparation af accepterer brugeren udtrykkeligt, frivilligt og bevidst disse
affjedringssystemet kan medfre ulykker med deraf risici, der blandt andet omfatter risikoen for aktiv eller passiv
flgende alvorlige personskader eller ddsfald. forsmmelighed fra Marzocchis side, og skjulte, latente
eller benbare produktdefekter. Brugeren accepterer
Manglende overholdelse af instruktionerne og advarslerne ligeledes at fritage Marzocchi og firmaets leverandrer og
i denne vejledning kan medfre fejlfunktion af produktet, forhandlere for ethvert ansvar for eventuelle skader i den
ulykker og deraf flgende alvorlige personskader eller af lovgivningen fastsatte begrnsning.
I denne vejledning henvises der lbende til muligheden
I.II Generelle sikkerhedsregler
for, at der kan opst uheld. Ethvert uheld kan medfre
tab af kontrollen over cyklen, beskadigelse af cyklen eller Marzocchis affjedringssystemer er udviklet til forskellige
dennes komponenter, samt (hvad der er endnu vrre) krestile. Visse systemer er kun udviklet til at opfange std
alvorlige ulykker eller ddsfald for cykelrytteren eller en fra ujvne vejbaner og giver cyklisten en strre kontrol
forbipasserende. over cyklen, mens andre systemer har andre forml. Vlg
og anvend det affjedringssystem der er bedst egnet til din
Den foreliggende vejledning har ikke til opgave at forklare
krestil. Ls og overhold venligst Instruktioner til korrekt
monteringen/ afmonteringen af cyklens gaffel, hjul,
brug i denne vejledning. Forkert valg eller ukorrekt brug
styreanordninger eller andre komponenter, der er direkte
af gaflen kan medfre ulykker med alvorlige lsioner eller
eller indirekte forbundet til affjedringssystemet, men ikke
er en integreret del af samme.

24 1
Firmaet MARZOCCHI forbeholder sig ret til - efter eget skn - at udfre ndringer p produkterne nr som helst, og uden forudgende varsel.
Glem aldrig at der er risici forbundet med enhver krestil: Nr du anvender en cykelholder (monteret p taget eller
downhill, freeride, cross-country, marathon, trekking, bag p bilen) skal du srge for, at fastgringssystemet med
dirt jumping og urban style. Udvelse af enhver af disse hurtig-spnde er helt slkket, fr cyklen anbringes eller
krestile kan medfre alvorlige ulykker eller ddsfald. Lr fjernes. Srg desuden for, at cyklen anbringes eller fjernes
at cykle. Kr aldrig mere teknisk end du formr. Brug egnet fra holderen i helt lodret stilling. Hvis fastgringssystemet
sikkerhedsudstyr og srg altid for, at dit udstyr er i perfekt med hurtig-spnde ikke udlses, eller cyklen hldes
stand. under anbringelse p eller fjernelse fra holderen, kan
dette medfre ridser, bjning eller anden beskadigelse af
Den funktionsdygtige levetid for produkterne fra Marzocchi
afhnger af flere forskellige faktorer, ssom krestil og
krselsforhold. Styrt, sammenstd, uhensigtsmssig Ved enhver hastighed vil sammenstd med overliggende
eller hrd brug kan generelt skade affjedringssystemet og enheder, ssom garager, broer, trer eller andre
nedstte produktets funktionsdygtige levetid. Desuden forhindringer, mens cyklen er fastgjort til cykelholderen p
udsttes affjedringssystemet gennem tiden for slid. Derfor bilen, kunne beskadige gaflerne. I dette tilflde skal du f et
anbefales det, at man jvnligt lader cyklen undersge af autoriseret Marzocchi Service Center til at kontrollere cyklen
en specialuddannet mekaniker for at pvise eventuelle fr den tages i brug igen.
olielkager, revner, buler, deformationer eller andre tegn
Sprjt aldrig vand under tryk mod cyklen. Selv vandsprjt
p slid (der henstilles til, at man anvender indtrngende
fra en lille haveslange kan medfre indtrngning af vand
vsker eller andre synlige midler til at finde eventuelle brud).
gennem pakningerne ind i Marzocchi-gaflerne, og sledes
Hvis der under en sdan kontrol pvises deformationer,
delgge funktionsevnen. Vask cyklen og gaflerne fra
brud eller skader forrsaget af slag eller pvirkninger, samt
Marzocchi med vand og mild sbe.
bjede dele, ligegyldigt hvor alvorligt omfanget er, skal man
straks udskifte komponenten; ogs udprget slid krver Brug altid en perfekt tilpasset og spndt cykelhjelm, der er
jeblikkelig udskiftning af komponenten. Den ndvendige ANSI-, SNELL- eller CEgodkendt, og andet sikkerhedsudstyr,
kontrolfrekvens afhnger af mange faktorer; sprg din der er ndvendig for din krestil.
autoriserede Marzocchi-forhandler om, hvad der er bedst
for dig. Cyklister med en kropsvgt p 82 kg/180 lbs Hvis du benytter cyklen p en vd overflade, skal du huske,
eller derover skal vre mere ppasselige, og lade cyklen at bremsekraften og dkkenes stabilitet vil vre betydeligt
kontrollere for revner, lkager, deformationer, eller andre reduceret. Derfor er det svrere at styre og standse cyklen.
tegn p en for stor pvirkning, med kortere mellemrum Vr specielt forsigtig, nr du krer p en vd overflade,
i forhold til personer med mindre kropsvgt. Undersg sledes at du undgr uheld.
sammen med din egen mekaniker, at de valgte gafler er Undg at kre p cykel om natten, nr du er mindre synlig i
egnet til det beregnede forml, og aftal kontrolfrekvensen trafikken, og du har svrere ved at se eventuelle forhindringer
med mekanikeren. p krebanen. Hvis du alligevel krer om natten, skal cyklen
Srg for omhyggeligt at overholde det regelmssige vre udstyret med for- og baglys. Br altid behageligt tj,
vedligeholdelsesprogram. Vr opmrksom p, at hvis der gr dig synlig i trafikken, for eksempel tj med skrappe,
procedurerne for vedligeholdelse og reparation i denne selvlysende eller reflekterende farver.
vejledning ikke udfres korrekt, kan dette medfre uheld.
Symbolet ! angiver handlinger, der skal udfres meget
omhyggeligt for at undg uheld.
Der m aldrig udfres nogen form for ndringer p
affjedringssystemets elementer.
Komponenterne i Marzocchis affjedringssystem er udviklet
som et enkeltstende, integreret system. Udskift aldrig
Marzocchi-komponenter med uoriginale komponenter;
hvis dette sker, nedsttes sikkerheden, prstationerne,
holdbarheden og funktionen af produktet, og garantien
bortfalder. Dele, der er blevet bjet eller beskadiget som
flge af et uheld eller enhver anden form for slag, m aldrig
rettes op, men skal derimod straks udskiftes med originale
Marzocchireservedele. 25
Kr ikke p din cykel, hvis den ikke klarer den indledende
test i dette afsnit. ret enhver fejl fr du cykler. II.I Vlg den korrekte gaffel til din krestil
Marzocchis affjedringssystemer er nogle af de mest
holdbare og teknologisk avancerede p markedet. Ingen
Undersg at gaflerne ikke har lkager eller sm affjedring kan dog holde ved misbrug eller vold. Misbrug kan
oliepletter, der er tegn p et problem. Vend cyklen p medfre, at gaflen svigter efter kort tid.
hovedet og check om der er olielkager, for eksempel fra
styrets hoveddel. Det er meget vigtigt, at du vlger den rigtige gaffel til din
krestil, og at denne gaffel anvendes korrekt.
Undersg at alle komponenter p gaflen og selve cyklen,
ssom bremser, pedaler, hndtag, styr, stel og sadel er i
perfekt stand og egnet til brug. PAS P!
Check at ingen komponent p affjedringssystemet, eller Forkert montering af gaflerne p stellet kan medfre
p resten af cyklen, er bjet, delagt eller p anden mde fejlfunktion med deraf flgende tab af kontrollen over
skadet. cyklen og mulighed for alvorlige lsioner eller ddsfald
for cyklisten. Desuden vil forkert montering af gaflerne
Check at alle hurtig-spnder, skruer og mtrikker er p stellet kunne ugyldiggre fabrikantens garanti.
korrekt justeret. Lad cyklen hoppe et par gange p jorden
for at sikre, at intet sidder lst.
Srg for at hjulene er perfekt centreret. Lad hjulene lbe
og check at de ikke svinger, og at der ikke er kontakt II.I.I Klarlg din krestil
mellem dem og gaflens stel eller bremseklodserne under Trekking/Cross-Country: Krsel p bakkede stier, hvor
omdrejningen. der findes sm forhindringer, ssom sten, rdder eller
Srg for at alle kabler og andre komponenter p huller. Trekking/Cross Country omfatter ikke hop eller
bremsesystemet er placeret rigtigt, og at bremsesystemet spring (hop fra sten, vltede trstammer eller skrnter)
fungerer korrekt. fra nogen hjde. Disse gafler m kun benyttes sammen
med dk, der er special-designet til denne krestil, og med
Srg for at dkkene er pumpet med det rigtige tryk, og skivebremser, flgbremser eller linere bremser med greb.
at dkmnsteret og sidevggene p dkket ikke er Dynamoen og bagagebreren skal monteres p de
beskadiget p nogen mde. Check at refleksbrikkerne er monteringspunkter, der er forberedt p gaflen.
rene, korrekt placeret og sikkert fastgjort.
All Mountain/Freeride: Denne krestil er kun for vede
Ls og overhold instruktionerne og advarslerne ryttere, fordi den indebrer stejle nedkrsler, store
vedrrende brug af cyklen. forhindringer og moderate hop. Freeride-gaflerne m kun
Overhold alle gldende, nationale love og forordninger, bruges med skivebremser, og stel, hjul og andre komponenter
samt alle trafiksignaler, skilte og frdselsregler, nr du skal vre special-designet til denne type cykling.
cykler. 4X/Dirt Jumper: Denne BMX eller motocross inspirerede
krestil er kun for de mest vede ryttere, og omfatter hop
fra en lille jordbakke til den nste. Krestilen medfrer
ogs overvinding af menneskeskabte forhindringer, andre
faste forhindringer eller gennemkrsel af en bane med
forhindringer i form af jordvolde, som rytteren skal forcere
ved hjlp af spring og drejninger ved hj hastighed. Denne
type forgafler br kun anvendes med skivebremser, stel, hjul
og andre komponenter, som er designet specifikt til denne
krestil. Skivebremserne br monteres i de dertil indrettede
punkter p forgaflen. Undg at foretage ndringer p
26 forgaflen for at kunne montere andre elementer.
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Denne disciplin er kun for II.I.III Kr korrekt - Undg forkert brug af gaflerne
professionelle eller meget vede ryttere. Krestilen omfatter
Gaflerne m ikke anvendes forkert. Lr at cykle og kr ikke
forholdsmssigt hje hop eller spring og overvinding af DA
over evne. En kortvarende, ukontrolleret krsel kan give
meget store forhindringer, ssom klippestykker, vltede
samme slid p gaflerne som mange rs normal brug.
trer og store huller.
Lr hvordan forhindringer p banen skal overvindes. Hvis
du rammer forhindringer, ssom sten, trer eller huller
PAS P! direkte, vil du udstte gaflen for pvirkninger, som den ikke
Kr KUN i omrder, der er egnet til din krestil. er skabt til at modst.
Hvis du lander forkert efter et hop eller et spring nedad,
udstter du desuden gaflen for belastninger, som den ikke
II.I.II Vlg den bedst egnede forgaffel til den anvendte
er designet til at modst. Du br kun udfre hop eller spring,
krestil ved hjlp af tabellen Intended use chart
nr et skrt underlag eller en landerampe er tilgngelig
Vlg den forgaffel, der passer til din krestil ved hjlp af for at hjlpe cyklen med at absorbere nedslagskraften
tabellen intended use chart (tabel 1, side 2). Kontakt fra landingen. Begge hjul skal komme i kontakt med
Marzocchi-forhandleren, eller Marzocchifabrikken direkte, landingsoverfladen samtidigt. Enhver anden form for landing
hvis du er i tvivl om, hvilken gaffel du skal vlge. er farlig og kan resultere i ulykker eller komponent-svigt.
Hldningen og lngden p skrningen eller landerampen
skal passe til hjden p hoppet eller nedspringet, samt til
dine evner.

Fejl under overvinding af forhindringer p banen, eller
fejl ved landingen efter et hop eller et spring nedad, kan
medfre brud p gaflen og efterflgende tab af kontrol
over cyklen, alvorlige ulykker eller ddsfald.

Gaflerne krver regelmssig kontrol og udfrelse
af vedligeholdelse. Jo hrdere du krer, desto oftere
skal du kontrollere og vedligeholde gaflerne. Hvis
gaflerne er blot en smule beskadiget, skal du STRAKS
kontakte et autoriseret Marzocchi-vrksted for at f
affjedringssystemet undersgt, fr du bruger cyklen

Selv gafler fremstillet af robuste materialer kan svigte,
hvis de anvendes forkert! Meget hrd brug kan slide og
delgge selv de strkeste komponenter.

Kr hurtigt, men sikkert 27

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Marzocchi, Marzocchi
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Marzocchi Marzocchi .
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82 (180lbs) ,

82 (180lbs), . 29
Marzocchi I.III

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II.I .


Marzocchi 4X/Dirt Jumper (4X/ ):

. , .

, , ..
, .


, , ,

, .
. , Extreme Freeride/Downhill (
/ - ):
, .
Trekking/Cross-Country ( /
): , ,

, , , .
, ). .

, . !


. Intended
All Mountain/Freeride ( / use chart
intended use
. chart ( 1. 2). 31
Marzocchi, .

II.I.III .- .
. ,
. , , ,
. Marzocchi

. !.









I. GEBRUIK VAN DEZE die, indien ze niet nageleefd worden, kunnen leiden tot
schade of slechte werking van de vork,schade aan de
HANDLEIDING omgeving, ongevallen, persoonlijke verwondingen of
de dood.

I.I Algemene waarschuwingen

OPGELET! Beschrijvingen die voorafgegaan worden door dit symbool
Het niet naleven van de volgende waarschuwingen en bevatten informatie, of procedures aanbevolen door
instructies kan resulteren tot het feilen van het product, MARZOCCHI voor een optimaal gebruik van de vork.
ongelukken, verwondingen of zelfs de dood.

Voor vragen die betrekking hebben op de schoonmaak,

Lees de instructies in deze handleiding aandachtig, het onderhoud en het gebruik van het veersysteem kan u
begrijp de instructies en volg ze op. Het is een essentieel rechtstreeks terecht bij de dichtbijgelegen Bijstandsdienst
onderdeel van het product. Bewaar deze handleiding op van Marzocchi. Op het einde van de handleiding of op de
een veilige plaats, zodat u hem ook in de toekomst kunt website vindt u een lijst terug met de
raadplegen1. Service Centra.

Weet dat het installatie van het veersysteem, het De gebruiker van dit Marzocchi product erkent en gaat
onderhoud en herstelling ervan gespecialiseerde kennis, uitdrukkelijk akkoord dat er risicos zijn eigen aan het
gereedschap en ervaring vereisen. Een algemene rijden op een motorfiets, die inclusief maar niet beperkend
mechanische kennis is mogelijk niet voldoende voor een zijn aan het risico dat een onderdeel van uw veersysteem
correcte installatie, onderhoud en herstelling ervan van uw kan falen, wat kan leiden tot een ongeval, verwondingen
veersysteem. Mocht u enige twijfels hebben of u wel in of de dood. Door aankoop en gebruik van dit Marzocchi
staat bent u veersysteem te onderhouden of te herstellen, product erkent en aanvaardt de gebruiker uitdrukkelijk,
laat het dan installeren en/of onderhouden door een vrijwillig en in volle bewustzijn deze risicos, die inclusief
erkende Marzocchi Bijstandsdienst. Verkeerde installatie, maar niet beperkend zijn aan het risico van passieve of
onderhoud of herstelling kan leiden tot ongevallen met actieve verwaarlozing van Marzocchi of verborgen, latent
verwonding of zelfs de dood als gevolg. of evidente defecten in het product, en gaat akkoord om
Marzocchi, zijn verdelers en verkopers geenszins aan te
Het niet naleven van de waarschuwingen en instructies uit klagen, volgens de wetten, voor gelijk welke schade.
deze handleiding kan leiden tot het falen van het product,
ongelukken, verwondingen of zelfs de dood.
I.II Algemene veiligheidsvoorschriften
Merk op dat in deze handleiding verwezen wordt naar
een ongeval dat kan optreden. Gelijk welk ongeval kan De veersystemen van Marzocchi zijn ontworpen voor
resulteren in het verliezen van de controle over de fiets, verschillende rijstijlen. Sommige werden enkel ontworpen
schade aan de fiets of zijn onderdelen, en belangrijker om schokken op te vangen uitgeoefend door een oneffen
nog, ernstige verwondingen of zelfs de dood van u en uw wegdek, zodat de gebruiker meer controle heeft over zijn
bijstaander. fiets. Andere werden ontworpen voor andere doeleinden.
Kies en gebruik het correcte veersysteem aangepast aan u
Deze handleiding legt niet uit hoe de vork gemonteerd of rijstijl. Lees en volg de Instructies voor een correct gebruik
gedemonteerd moet worden op of van de fiets, het wiel, in deze handleiding. Een verkeerde keuze of gebruik van
de stuureenheid, of elk ander onderdeel dat rechtstreeks een correcte vork kan leiden tot ongevallen, verwondingen
of onrechtstreeks geassocieerd is met de vork maar geen of de dood.
deel uitmaakt van de vork.
Wees ervan bewust dat er risicos verbonden zijn aan:
downhill, freeride, cross country, marathon, trekking, dirt
OPGELET! jumping en urban style (fietsen op de openbare weg). Bij
deze activiteiten kunt u gewond raken of zelfs sterven. Leer
Beschrijvingen die voorafgegaan worden door dit
uw fiets te beheersen, overschrijd uw grenzen nooit, draag
symbool bevatten informatie, instructie of procedures,

MARZOCCHI heeft het recht om, naar haar eigen oordeel, haar producten ten allen tijde te wijzigen zonder voorafgaande verwittiging.
goede bescherming en wees er zeker van dat uw fiets en gedraaid. Bovendien moet de fiets volledig verticaal op
fietsuitrusting in een perfecte conditie verkeren. de drager geplaatst worden en ook volledig verticaal van
de drager genomen worden. Indien de vergrendeling niet
NL De levensduur van Marzocchi producten is sterk afhankelijk
volledig los gedraaid is of de fiets wordt niet recht van de
van vele factoren zoals uw rijstijl en de condities van het
drager gehaald kan de voorvork beschadigen worden,buigen
terrein. Door botsingen, valpartijen, onjuist gebruik of ruw
of op een andere wijze schade oplopen.
gebruik kan de voorvork beschadigen worden en zal de
levensduur van het onderdeel aanzienlijk verkort worden. Indien de fiets is gemonteerd op een fietsendrager en een
Het veersysteem is met de tijd ook onderhevig aan sleet. overhangend object zoals een parkeergarage, brug, tak, of
Laat uw fiets regelmatig controleren door een gekwalificeerd elk ander object geraakt wordt (bij welke snelheid dan ook)
mechanicus op olielekken, scheuren, breukjes, vervormingen kan de voorvork schade oplopen. Laat de voorvork in dit
of andere tekens van slijtage (gebruik van penetrerende geval altijd eerst controleren door een officieel Marzocchi
vloeistoffen of andere visuele middelen om scheuren te Service Center, alvorens de fiets weer te gebruiken.
lokaliseren wordt aanbevolen). Indien de inspectiebeurt
Spuit nooit water onder druk op uw fiets. Water onder druk,
vervormingen, scheuren, tekens van botsingen en stress,
zelfs indien dit uit de sproeier van een kleine tuinslang komt,
buiging van onderdelen, hoe klein deze ook zijn, dan moet
kan onder het zadel dringen en de Marzocchi voorvorken
dit onderdeel onmiddellijk vervangen worden. Te veel
binnendringen en diens werking benvloeden. Was je fiets
versleten onderdelen moet ook onmiddellijk vervangen
en de Marzocchi vork door ze schoon te vegen met water
worden. Het aantal inspectiebeurten is afhankelijk van een
en neutrale zeep.
groot aantal factoren. Overleg met een officieel Marzocchi
dealer welk onderhoudsinterval het best bij u past. Indien u Draag altijd een door ANSI, CE of SNELL goedgekeurde,
meer weegt dan 82 kg / 180 lbs moet u extra waakzaam zijn goed passende helm. Vergeet de helm niet vast te maken.
en uw fiets vaker laten controleren (dan iemand die minder Draag ook altijd de juiste beschermingsmiddelen die vereist
weegt dan 82 kg / 180 lbs) op tekens van scheuren, lekken, zijn voor uw rijstijl.
vervormingen of andere aanwijzingen van slijtage of stress.
Overleg met uw fietsenmaker welke vork het best bij uw Denk eraan dat wanneer u in natte omstandigheden rijdt, de
gebruik past en bepaal het onderhoudsinterval. remkracht van uw remmen veel lager is en dat de hechting
van de banden met het wegdek sterk verminderd is. Daardoor
Het periodieke onderhoudsschema moet strikt gevolgd is de fiets moeilijker te besturen en te stoppen. Wee extra
worden. U moet er van op de hoogte zijn dat indien de voorzichtig wanneer uw fiets rijdt in natte omstandigheden
onderhouds- en herstelprocedures in deze handleiding niet om ongelukken te vermijden.
correct opgevolgd worden, of indien er andere instructies
uit deze handleiding niet opgevolgd worden, dat er dan Vermijd om s nachts te rijden daar het moeilijker is voor het
ongelukken kunnen gebeuren. Het symbool ! wekt uw andere verkeer om u te zien, en het voor uzelf moeilijker is
aandacht op taken die extra aandachtig uitgevoerd moeten om hindernissen op de grond te zien. Als u toch s nachts
worden ter vermijding van ongelukken. rijdt, moet u uw fiets uitrusten met voor- en achterlicht en dit
ook steeds gebruiken.
Voer nooit wijzigingen uit op onderdelen van de voorvork.
Draag nauw aansluitende kledij die u tevens goed zichtbaar
De onderdelen van het veersysteem van Marzocchi werden maakt, bv. met neon en fluorescerende reflectors of met
ontworpen als een losstaand gentegreerd systeem. Om de andere lichte kleuren.
veiligheid, prestaties, duurzaamheid en werking niet op spel
te zetten en om de garantie niet te doen vervallen mag u de
Marzocchi onderdelen niet vervangen met onderdelen van
andere fabrikanten.
Gebogen onderdelen of onderdelen die op een andere
wijze beschadigd werden tijdens een ongeval of door enige
andere impact, mogen niet terug rechtgetrokken worden.
Deze moeten onmiddellijk door originele onderdelen van
Marzocchi vervangen worden.
Let op bij het verwijderen en plaatsen van een fiets op
een fietsendrager (dakdrager of trekhaakdrager), dat de
34 vergrendeling van de drager (quick release) volledig is los
Rijd niet met uw fiets indien hij niet voldoet aan deze
pre-ride test. correct alle condities voor dat u rijdt. II.I Kies de voorvork die het beste bij uw
rijstijl past
Een Marzocchi voorvork is een van de meest duurzame
Controleer uw vorken op lekken of andere sporen van
en geavanceerde vorken op de hedendaagse markt
olieverlies, wat duidt op een probleem met uw vork. Draai
verkrijgbaar. Geen enkele voorvork is echter bestand tegen
u fiets onderste boven om zones zoals de onderkant van
onjuist gebruik, misbruik of ongepast gebruik, zelfs niet voor
de kroon op olielekken te controleren.
korte duur. Dit kan op het minste verwachte moment leiden
Controleer dat alle onderdelen van uw vork en de rest van tot een slecht functionerende voorvork. Het is van essentieel
uw fiets, inclusief maar niet beperkend tot de remmen, belang dat u de voorvork kiest die het beste bij uw rijstijl past
pedalen, handgrepen, de stuurbuis, het frame en het en dat u deze voorvork correct gebruikt.
zadelsysteem zich in een optimale staat bevinden en
gebruiksklaar zijn.
Ga na dat geen van de onderdelen van uw veersysteem
De verkeerde koppeling van de voorvork aan het
of de rest van uw fiets gebogen, vervormd, gescheurd,
frame kan de voorvork beschadigen, waardoor de fiets
afgebroken, niet meer uitgelijnd of beschadigd zijn.
onbestuurbaar wordt, wat ernstige schade, letsels of
Wees er zeker van dat alle quick release sluitsystemen vast zelfs de dood tot gevolg kan hebben. Bij een verkeerde
zitten en alle bouten en moeren stevig zijn aangedraaid. koppeling van de voorvork vervalt tevens de garantie
Stuiter met de fiets op de grond en controleer of er van de voorvork.
mogelijk iets los zit.
II.I.I Welke rijstijl heb ik?
Wees er zeker van dat de wielen volledig in het midden
gemonteerd zijn. Draai de wielen rond en controleer of de Trekking/Cross Country: Rijden in heuvelachtig terrein.
wielen niet van boven naar beneden bewegen en niet van Hierbij kunt u lichte schokken verwachten en kleine obstakels
links naar rechts. Tevens mogen de wielen absoluut geen zoals: stenen, boomwortels en kuilen. Sprongen of drops
contact maken met de vorkpoten of remblokjes wanneer (rijden van rotsen, omgevallen bomen of uitstekende stenen)
ze draaien. van gelijk welke hoogte behoren niet tot de Trekking/Cross-
Country discipline. Deze voorvorken kunnen alleen gebruikt
Controleer dat alle kabels en andere onderdelen van worden in combinatie met specifieke cross country banden of
het remsysteem correct geplaatst zijn en dat de remmen met schijfremmen, velgremmen of lineaire hefboomremmen.
correct werken. Monteer aan de vork alleen dynamos en bagagedragers
Controleer dat de fietsbanden opgeblazen zijn tot op de aan de specifieke bevestigingspunten op de vork. Voer
correcte druk en dat er geen beschadigingen zichtbaar nooit wijzigingen uit op de vork om onderdelen te kunnen
zijn in het bandprofiel en -zijkant. bevestigen.

Controleer dat alle reflectoren schoon zijn, recht staan en All Mountain/Freeride: Deze rijstijl is geschikt voor
vast zitten. geoefende rijders. Freeride houdt in: steile en agressieve
hellingen, grote obstakels en middelmatige sprongen.
Lees alle instructies en waarschuwingen die samen met Freeride vorken mogen enkel gecombineerd worden met
uw fiets geleverd werden. schijfremmen. Bovendien moet het frame, de wielen en
andere componenten speciaal ontworpen zijn voor Freeride.
Leer de verkeersreglementen geldig in het land van
Schijfremmen moeten gemonteerd worden aan de daarvoor
gebruik en volg ze strikt op, hou alle verkeerssignalen,
speciaal voorziene bevestigingspunten op de vork. Voer
tekens en regels in acht wanneer u rijdt.
nooit wijzigingen uit op de vork om onderdelen te kunnen
4X/Dirt Jumper: Deze BMX of motorcross stijl is alleen
geschikt voor zeer geoefende rijders. Bij deze stijl wordt er 35
van het ene bergje naar het andere gesprongen. Ook wordt II.I.III Rijd correct - Gebruik uw voorvork altijd op de
er gereden over stedelijke obstakels, m.a.w. die gebouwd juiste manier
werden door de mens, zoals betonnen constructies of
NL Gebruik uw voorvork altijd op de juiste manier en misbruik
wordt over een traject gereden met obstakels van aarde
waar de rijder overheen moet springen of snel omheen hem niet. Leer uw fiets beheersen en overschrijd uw eigen
moet rijden. Deze vorken mogen enkel gebruikt worden mogelijkheden niet. Onjuist gebruik van de voorvork kan
met schijfremmen. Bovendien moet het frame, de wielen na een paar uur dezelfde schade aanrichten als jarenlang
en andere componenten speciaal ontworpen zijn voor deze intensief gebruik. Leer hoe u correct rijdt rond/over obstakels
discipline. De schijfremmen moeten gemonteerd worden op uw traject. Door frontaal tegen rotsen of bomen te rijden
aan de daarvoor speciaal voorziene bevestigingspunten op of door kuilen te rijden komen er krachten op de voorvork
de vork. Voer nooit wijzigingen uit op de vork om onderdelen te staan waarvoor hij niet ontworpen werd. Door onjuist
te kunnen bevestigen. landen na een sprong komen er krachten op de voorvork
te staan die hij niet kan verwerken. U kunt alleen sprongen
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Deze discipline kan alleen of drops goed uitvoeren wanneer er neerwaartse hellende
beoefend worden door professionals of zeer geoefende vlakken of afritten voorzien werden die de krachten ontstaan
rijders. Deze stijl voorziet vrij hoge sprongen of drops, bij de landing helpen te absorberen, zodat beide wielen
grote obstakels zoals rotsen, omgevallen bomen of gelijktijdig zachtjes contact maken met de hellende vlakken
kuilen. Deze vorken mogen enkel gebruikt worden met of afritten. Elke andere manier van landen is gevaarlijk en
schijfremmen. Bovendien moet het frame, de wielen en kan resulteren in beschadigingen en kan leiden tot een
andere componenten speciaal ontworpen zijn voor deze ongeluk. De hellingshoek en lengte van de hellende vlakken
discipline. De schijfremmen moeten gemonteerd worden of afritten moeten aangepast zijn aan de hoogte waar u
aan de daarvoor speciaal ontworpen bevestigingspunten op vanaf springt. Elke situatie is voor elke rijder anders, overleg
de vork. Voer nooit wijzigingen uit op de vork om onderdelen daarom met een ervaren rijder voordat u springt.
te kunnen bevestigen.

Verkeerd rijden over obstakels of onjuist landen na
Rij alleen op de specifieke terreinen die geschikt zijn een sprong of drop kan leiden tot een niet goed
voor uw rijstijl. functionerende voorvork, waardoor u de controle over
de fiets kan verliezen. Hierdoor kunt u ernstig gewond
II.I.II Keuze van de vork die het meest geschikt is voor raken met mogelijk de dood tot gevolg.
de eigen stijl, op grond van de tabel Intended use
Gebruik de tabel 1 intended use chart op pagina 2 om
Uw voorvork heeft regelmatig onderhoud nodig en
de vork te selecteren die past bij uw rijstijl. Contacteer uw
moet indien nodig gerepareerd worden. Hoe vaker
Marzocchi dealer of de firma Marzocchi rechtstreeks als u
en intensiever u rijdt, des te vaker moet de voorvork
problemen heeft met het kiezen van de juiste voorvork.
gecontroleerd worden en onderhoud worden. Indien
uw voorvork lekt, is verbogen, vervormd, gescheurd of
gebroken, in welke mate dan ook, ga dan onmiddellijk
naar een officieel Marzocchi Service Center. Laat
de voorvork eerst controleren voordat er weer mee
gereden wordt.

Zelfs voorvorken van zeer sterk metaal kunnen schade
oplopen als ze niet goed gebruikt, misbruikt of ongepast
gebruikt worden! Zelfs de sterkste onderdelen kunnen door
extreem gebruik slijten of zelfs breken.

36 Rij hard, maar met verstand

As descries precedidas por este smbolo contm PT
I.I Advertncias gerais informaes, recomendaes ou procedimentos
que, se no forem seguidos correctamente, podem
ATENO! comportar danos ou mal funcionamento do garfo, danos
ambientais, acidentes, infortnios graves ou mortais.
A inobservncia das instrues e das advertncias
contidas neste manual pode causar o mal funcionamento
do produto, acidentes e, consequentemente, infortnios LEMBRE-SE
graves ou mortais.
As descries precedidas por este smbolo contm
informaes ou procedimentos aconselhados pela
MARZOCCHI para optimizar o uso do garfo.
Leia cuidadosamente, compreenda e siga as instrues
fornecidas neste manual. Ele uma parte essencial do
produto e precisa ser guardado em lugar seguro de modo Em caso de dvidas relacionadas aos cuidados,
que possa ser consultado no futuro1. manuteno ou ao uso do seu sistema de suspenso,
Lembre-se de que a instalao, manuteno e reparao contactar directamente o Centro de Assistncia Marzocchi
do sistema de suspenso requerem conhecimentos mais prximo. Voc pode encontrar uma lista dos Centros
aprofundados, ferramentas adequadas e experincia. de Assistncia no final deste manual ou no endereo da
Uma aptido geral para a mecnica pode no suficiente internet
para instalar, para fazer a manuteno ou para reparar O utilizador deste produto Marzocchi reconhece e
o sistema de suspenso correctamente. Se voc no aceita os riscos inerentes conduo de uma bicicleta,
est seguro das prprias habilidades, pedimos para que entre os quais, o risco de quebra de um componente
voc instale e/ou faa a manuteno do seu sistema de do sistema de suspenso, que pode causar acidentes
suspenso apenas num Centro de Assistncia Marzocchi e leses graves ou mortais. Ao adquirir e utilizar este
autorizado. A instalao, a manuteno ou a reparao produto Marzocchi, o utilizador reconhece e aceita
incorrectas do sistema de suspenso podem causar expressamente, voluntariamente e deliberadamente tais
acidentes que resultem em leses graves ou mortais. riscos, inclusive o risco de negligncia activa ou passiva
A inobservncia das instrues e das advertncias por parte da Marzocchi, ou de defeitos ocultos, latentes
contidas neste manual pode provocar o mal funcionamento ou manifestos do produto. O utilizador aceita, alm disto,
do produto, acidentes e, consequentemente, infortnios eximir a Marzocchi e seus distribuidores e revendedores
graves ou mortais. de qualquer responsabilidade por eventuais danos, nos
limites permitidos pela lei.
Neste manual lembramos a todo tempo da possibilidade
da ocorrncia de acidentes. Qualquer acidente
pode provocar a perda de controlo da bicicleta e, I.II Normas gerais de segurana
consequentemente, danos a ela e a seus componentes, e
Os sistemas de suspenso Marzocchi so projectados
o que mais importante, pode provocar infortnios graves
para diversos estilos de pedalada. Alguns so concebidos
ou mortais para o ciclista ou para um passante.
somente para absorver os impactos produzidos pelo terreno
Este manual no tem a funo de explicar como montar irregular da bicicleta, enquanto outros atendem a objectivos
e desmontar da bicicleta o garfo, a roda, os elementos diversos. Escolha e utilize o sistema de suspenso mais
de toro e qualquer outro componente directa ou adequado ao prprio estilo de pedalada. Leia e respeite as
indirectamente ligado ao garfo, mas que no faa parte Instrues para o uso previsto contidas neste manual. A
do mesmo. escolha errada ou o uso incorrecto do garfo podem causar
acidentes que podem ter como consequncias leses
graves ou mortais.
No se esquea de que existem riscos inerentes associados
prtica de downhill, freeride, cross-country, marathon,

A MARZOCCHI reserva-se o direito de realizar modificaes nos produtos a qualquer momento, sem necessidade de aviso prvio.
trekking, dirt jumping e urban style. A prtica de uma dessas As partes dobradas ou danificadas aps um acidente
modalidades pode causar acidentes ou at a morte. Aprenda ou qualquer outra coliso no devem ser endireitadas,
a andar de bicicleta, no v alm das suas habilidades e dos mas substitudas imediatamente por peas de reposio
seus limites, use o equipamento de segurana apropriado originais Marzocchi.
e certifique-se de que o seu equipamento se encontra em
Quando colocar ou retirar a sua bicicleta do porta-bicicletas
perfeitas condies.
do automvel (sobre o teto ou na traseira do carro),
A durabilidade dos produtos Marzocchi depende de uma certifique-se de que sistema de fixao do engate rpido
srie de factores, tais como o estilo e as condies de esteja completamente solto. Alm disso, certifique-se de
pedalada. Os impactos, as quedas e o uso imprprio que a sua bicicleta seja erguida ou colocada no suporte
ou muito agressivo da bicicleta podem comprometer a na posio perfeitamente vertical. Se o sistema de fixao
integridade estrutural do sistema de suspenso e reduzir do engate rpido no estiver completamente solto ou se
significativamente a sua vida til. Alm disso, o sistema de a bicicleta estiver inclinada durante a sua colocao ou
suspenso est sujeito a desgastes ao longo do tempo. Por remoo do suporte, pode-se riscar, entortar ou danificar o
isso, recomenda-se submeter a sua bicicleta a inspeces sistema de suspenso.
regulares por mecnicos especializados para verificar
Se, ao transportar a sua bicicleta num portabicicletas, ela
vazamentos de leo, rachaduras, rupturas, deformaes
bater em garagens, pontes, rvores ou noutros obstculos,
ou outros sinais de desgaste dos materiais (aconselha-se o
em qualquer velocidade, os garfos podem sofrer danos.
uso de lquidos penetrantes ou outros agentes visuais para
Neste caso, solicite uma reviso do sistema de suspenso
identificar as rupturas). Se a inspeco revelar qualquer
num Centro de Assistncia autorizado Marzocchi antes de
deformao, ruptura, marcas causadas por impactos ou
usar novamente a bicicleta.
esforos ou pea empenada, mesmo que os defeitos sejam
leves, preciso substituir imediatamente o componente; Nunca esguichar gua pressurizada em direco bicicleta.
inclusive o desgaste excessivo comporta a substituio Mesmo o jacto de uma pequena mangueira de jardim pode
imediata do componente. A frequncia destas inspeces atravessar as guarnies de vedao e penetrar nos garfos
depende de muitos factores; aconselhe-se com o seu Marzocchi, comprometendo o seu funcionamento. Lavar a
Representante Autorizado Marzocchi sobre a periodicidade bicicleta e os garfos Marzocchi com gua e sabo neutro.
que melhor se adapta s suas exigncias. Os ciclistas com
peso corpreo igual ou superior a 82 kg (180 libras) devem Utilize sempre um capacete prprio para bicicleta, com
prestar maior ateno e submeter a bicicleta a inspeces tamanho adequado e bem justo, com certificao ANSI,
para o controlo de rachaduras, vazamentos, deformaes SNELL ou CE; alm disto, usar todos os equipamentos de
ou outros sinais que podem resultar de uma solicitao segurana necessrios ao seu estilo de pedalada.
excessiva mais frequente do que a que ocorre com pessoas Se a bicicleta for usada em local molhado, lembrar-se
de peso inferior. Verificar com o seu mecnico de confiana de que a potncia dos freios e a aderncia dos pneus ao
se o garfo escolhido adequado ao uso previsto e combinar terreno diminuem notavelmente. Por isso, torna-se mais
com o mesmo a frequncia dos controlos. difcil controlar e parar a bicicleta. Prestar uma ateno
Certificar-se de que o programa de manuteno peridica especial quando se pedala num terreno molhado para evitar
seja cuidadosamente respeitado. acidentes.

Recordar-se de que se os procedimentos de manuteno Evitar andar com a bicicleta noite, pois ela menos
e reparao contidos neste manual no forem executados visvel no trnsito e fica mais difcil perceber os obstculos
correctamente podem verificar-se incidentes. O smbolo ! presentes no percurso. Se voc for pedalar noite, equipar
indica aces que devem ser feitas com a mxima cautela a bicicleta com farol dianteiro e lanterna traseira.
para evitar acidentes. Alm disso, usar roupas cmodas e que chamem a ateno
No realizar modificaes em nenhum elemento do sistema no trnsito, tais como roupas com cores vivas, luminosas
de suspenso. ou fluorescentes.

Os componentes do sistema de suspenso Marzocchi so

projectados como um sistema nico integrado. Para no
comprometer a segurana, o rendimento, a durabilidade e
o funcionamento do produto e, para no perder a garantia,
no substituir os componentes Marzocchi por outros no
38 originais.
I.III Antes de cada uso II. INSTRUES PARA O USO
No utilize a sua bicicleta se ela no passar nas
verificaes preliminares contidas neste pargrafo. II.I Escolha o garfo mais adequadoo ao seu
corrija qualquer defeito antes de utiliz-la. prprio estilo de pedalada
As suspenses Marzocchi esto entre os garfos mais
duradouros e tecnologicamente avanados disponveis
Verificar se os garfos no apresentam vazamentos ou
actualmente no mercado. No entanto, no se deve abusar
marcas de leo, que so sinais de problemas. Virar a
ou usar nenhum tipo de suspenso de maneira imprpria,
bicicleta de ponta cabea para verificar se no existem
pois pode-se provocar danos mesmo num pequeno perodo
eventuais vazamentos de leo em pontos como o disco
de uso.
do guido.
importante escolher o garfo adequado ao seu estilo de
Certifique-se de que todos dos componentes dos garfos ou
pedalada e utiliz-lo de modo apropriado.
do resto da bicicleta, inclusive, os freios, pedais, botes,
manbrio, quadro e sela estejam em boas condies e
possam ser indicados ao uso. ATENO!
Certifique-se de que nenhum dos componentes da A acoplagem incorrecta do garfo ao quadro pode
suspenso ou do resto da bicicleta esteja dobrado, danific-la, causar uma perda de controlo da bicicleta
danificado ou deformado. e provocar danos srios ao ciclista ou at a sua morte.
Alm disto, a acoplagem inadequada faz com que a
Certifique-se de que todos os dispositivos de fixao
garantia do garfo deixe de existir.
com engate rpido, as porcas e os parafusos estejam
devidamente apertados. Balance a bicicleta no cho e
oua para verificar se no existe alguma pea solta ou
mal apertada.
II.I.I Identifique o seu estilo de conduo
Certifique-se de que as rodas estejam perfeitamente
centradas. Gire as rodas para ter certeza de que no Trekking/Cross-Country: Percursos em pistas com
estejam empenadas verticalmente ou lateralmente e colinas, nos quais podem ser encontrados alguns pequenos
para verificar se elas no tocam as hastes do garfo ou as obstculos como pedras, razes ou depresses. O Trekking/
sapatas do freio durante a rotao. Cross-country no inclui saltos ou lanamentos (saltar
rochas, rvores cadas ou salincias) de qualquer altura.
Certifique-se de que todos os cabos e os outros Estes garfos devem ser utilizados somente com pneus
componentes do freio estejam na posio correcta e de projectados especialmente para este estilo bem como com
que o freio funcione bem. traves de disco, no aro ou traves lineares de alavanca.
preciso apenas montar o dnamo e os porta-bolsas nos
Certificar-se de que os pneus estejam enchidos com a
pontos de instalao preparados no garfo. No efectue
presso justa e de que a sua superfcie externa ou as
qualquer modificao no garfo para instalar outros
suas paredes laterais no estejam danificadas.
Verificar se os reflectores esto limpos, na posio correcta
All Mountain/Freeride: Este estilo de conduo para
e fixados de modo firme. Ler e seguir as instrues e
ciclistas experientes e envolve declives agressivos,
advertncias fornecidas com a bicicleta.
grandes obstculos e saltos moderados. Os garfos Freeride
Conhea e respeite as leis e os regulamentos locais devem ser utilizados apenas com traves de disco, bem
sobre a conduo de bicicletas; obedea sempre todas como quadros, rodas e outros componentes concebidos
as placas, as indicaes e regras de trnsito ao andar de especificamente para o Freeride. Os traves de disco devem
bicicleta. ser instalados nos pontos especficos preparados para a
montagem no garfo. No efectue qualquer modificao no
garfo para instalar outros acessrios.
4X/Dirt Jumper: Este estilo de conduo BMX ou
motocross apenas para os ciclistas mais experientes e igualmente o garfo a foras que no foi concebido para
envolve saltos sobre uma srie de lombadas. Inclui ainda absorver. Saltos ou lanamentos so permitidos somente
a superao de obstculos urbanos, tanto os feitos pelo quando houverem passarelas ou rampas de descida que
homem, como outras estruturas fixas, ou que a corrida seja ajudem a bicicleta a absorver as foras do impacto e se
feita ao longo de uma pista que possua obstculos de terra, ambas as rodas tocarem levemente as passarelas e as
que o ciclista deve superar saltando ou curvando com uma rampas de descida ao mesmo tempo. Qualquer outro tipo
boa velocidade. Estes garfos devem ser utilizados apenas de aterragem perigoso e pode provocar acidentes ou
com traves de disco, bem como quadros, rodas e outros danos ao sistema de suspenso. Certificar-se de que a
componentes concebidos especificamente para o Freeride. inclinao e o comprimento da passarela ou da rampa de
Os traves de disco devem ser instalados nos pontos descida sejam adequados altura da qual se salta ou se
especficos preparados para a montagem no garfo. No lana e s prprias capacidades.
efectue qualquer modificao no garfo para instalar outros
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Esta disciplina apenas
para ciclistas profissionais ou altamente treinados. Inclui Os erros na transposio de obstculos ao longo do
percurso ou os erros de aterragem aps um salto ou
saltos ou lanamentos relativamente altos, bem como a
um lanamento podem provocar a quebra do seu garfo
transposio de grandes obstculos, como rochas, rvores
e, consequentemente, a perda de controlo da bicicleta,
cadas, ou buracos. Estes garfos devem ser utilizados
resultando em acidentes graves, s vezes, mortais para
apenas com traves de disco, bem como quadros, rodas
o ciclista.
e outros componentes concebidos especificamente para
o Freeride. Os traves de disco devem ser instalados nos
pontos especficos preparados para a montagem no garfo. ATENO!
No efectue qualquer modificao no garfo para instalar
Os garfos necessitam de revises e manuteno
outros acessrios.
regulares. Quanto mais agressivo o estilo, mais
frequentes devero ser as revises e a manuteno
ATENO! do seu garfo. Se o garfo estiver danificado, mesmo
levemente, dirija-se IMEDIATAMENTE a um Centro de
Pedalar somente em percursos especificamente Assistncia Autorizado Marzocchi para que a suspenso
destinados ao prprio estilo de conduo. seja revisada antes do prximo uso.

II.I.II Escolha do garfo mais indicado au prprio estilo

com base na tabela Intended use chart LEMBRE-SE
Escolher a forqueta correspondente ao prprio estilo de Mesmo os garfos feitos com os materiais mais slidos iro
pedalada utilizando a tabela n 1 intended use chart deteriorar-se se forem submetidos a um esforo excessivo
da pgina 2. Contactar o revendedor Marzocchi ou ou usados de maneira inadequada! Uma utilizao extrema
directamente a Marzocchi em caso de dvidas sobre a poder eventualmente desgastar e quebrar at mesmo as
peas mais resistentes.
escolha do sistema de suspenso correcto.

II.I.III Guiar correctamente - Evitar usar os garfos de

maneira errada
No utilize os garfos de forma errada. preciso aprender a
pedalar de modo compatvel com as prprias capacidades.
Poucas horas de uso inadequado podem causar um grau
de desgaste dos garfos equivalente ao desgaste de anos
de uso correcto. preciso aprender como superar os
obstculos no percurso. Bater em obstculos como pedras,
rvores e buracos fora o garfo a um stress para o qual no
foi projectado. Aterrar indevidamente aps um salto submete

40 Pedale rpido, mas de forma inteligente

Tll merkill varustetut selitykset sisltvt FI
I.I Yleiset varoitukset sellaisia tietoja, ohjeita tai menettelytapoja,
joiden laiminlymisest saattaa aiheutua
HUOMIO! haarukan vaurioituminen tai kyttkelvottomuus,
ympristvaurioita, onnettomuus, henkilvahinkoja tai
Ellei yleisi varoituksia oteta huomioon ja annettuja kuolema.
ohjeita noudateta, saattaa tuote vaurioitua kytss
ja aiheuttaa onnettomuuden, henkilvahinkoja tai
kuoleman. MUISTA
Tll merkill varustetut selitykset sisltvt sellaisia tietoja
tai menettelytapoja, joita MARZOCCHI suosittelee haarukan
Lue ohjekirja huolellisesti, sisist siin annetut ohjeet optimaalista kytt varten.
ja seuraa niit tarkasti. Ohjekirja on trke osa tuotetta,
silyt sit siis turvallisessa paikassa, jotta se on
tarvittaessa kytettvisssi1. Jos sinulla on jousitusjrjestelm koskevia kysymyksi
Ota huomioon, ett jousitusjrjestelmn asentaminen, sen huollosta tai kytst, ota yhteys suoraan lhimpn
huoltaminen ja korjaus vaativat erikoistietoa, sopivia Marzocchiedustajasi palvelupisteeseen. Lydt luettelon
tykaluja ja kokemusta. Yleiset mekaaniset taidot eivt palvelupisteist ohjekirjan lopusta tai kymll Internet-
vlttmtt riit jousitusjrjestelmn asentamiseen, sivulla
huoltamiseen ja korjaamiseen oikealla tavalla. siihen. Ellet Tmn Marzocchi-tuotteen kyttj tunnustaa ja mynt
ole tysin varma kyvyistsi huoltaa tai korjata kyttmsi nimenomaisesti, ett pyrll ajamiseen liittyy riskej,
jousitusjrjestelm oikein, anna ainoastaan valtuutetun joihin kuuluu mm. mutta ei ainoastaan jousitusjrjestelmn
Marzocchi-palvelupisteen asentaa ja/tai huoltaa jonkin osan vaurioituminen, mik puolestaan saattaa
jousitusjrjestelm. Vr asennus, huolto tai korjaus johtaa onnettomuuteen, henkilvahinkoihin tai kuolemaan.
saattaa aiheuttaa onnettomuuden, joka saattaa johtaa Hankkiessaan tmn Marzocchi-tuotteen sen kyttj
henkilvahinkoihin tai kuolemaan. hyvksyy nimenomaisesti ja vapaaehtoisesti tllaiset riskit,
Ellei tmn ohjekirjan varoituksia oteta huomioon ja siin joihin kuuluvat mm. mutta eivt ainoastaan Marzocchin
esitettyj ohjeita noudateta, saattaa tuote vaurioitua passiivisen tai aktiivisen laiminlynnin aiheuttamat ja
kytss ja aiheuttaa onnettomuuden, henkilvahinkoja tuotteen nkymttmiss olevien, latenttien tai ilmiselvien
tai kuoleman. vikojen aiheuttamat riskit. Tuotteen kyttj suostuu
pitmn Marzocchia, sen jakelijoita ja jlleenmyyji
Ohjekirjassa varoitetaan usein siit, ett onnettomuus vapaana kaikesta vahinkoihin liittyvst vastuusta lain
saattaa tapahtua. Tllainen onnettomuus saattaa johtaa sallimissa laajimmissa mahdollisissa rajoissa.
pyrn hallinnan menetykseen, pyrn tai sen osien
vaurioitumiseen tai mik pahinta, aiheuttaa vakavia
henkilvahinkoja tai kuoleman sinulle itsellesi tai lhell I.II Yleiset turvallisuussuositukset
oleville henkilille. Marzocchi-jousitusjrjestelm on suunniteltu erilaisia
Ohjekirjan tarkoituksena ei ole selitt pyrn haarukan, pyrilylajeja varten. Jotkut jousitusjrjestelmt on kehitetty
pyrien, ohjausmekanismin tai muun haarukkaan suoraan kestmn ainoastaan eptasaisen tienpinnan aiheuttamia
tai epsuorasti liittyvn osan asennusta tai irrotusta. tyssyj, jotta pyrn ajaja kykenisi hallitsemaan pyrns
paremmin. Toiset jousitusjrjestelmt on suunniteltu muita
tarkoituksia varten. Sinun tulee valita ja kytt oikeata
jousitusjrjestelm, joka on tarkoitettu sinun pyrilylajillesi.
Lue ja noudata tmn ohjekirjan Tarkoituksenmukaiseen
kyttn liittyvt ohjeet -kappaleen ohjeita. Vrnlaisen
haarukan valitseminen tai oikean haarukan vrnlainen
kytt saattavat johtaa onnettomuuteen, henkilvahinkoihin

MARZOCCHI pidtt oikeuden tehd muutoksia tuotteisiinsa oman harkintansa mukaan milloin tahansa ja ilman ennakkoilmoitusta.
tai kuolemaan. Sellaisia osia, jotka ovat taipuneet tai muulla tavoin
vaurioituneet onnettomuudessa tai jostain muusta syyst,
Muista, ett kaikkiin pyrilyn lajeihin kuten downhill-,
ei saa suoristaa uudelleen. Kyseiset osat tulee vaihtaa
FI freeride-, cross country-, marathon-, trekking-, dirt jumper-
vlittmsti uusiin Marzocchi-alkuperisosiin.
ja urban style - tyyleihin liittyy aina tietty turvallisuusriski.
Edell mainituissa pyrilylajeissa voit loukkaantua tai Kun laitat pyrsi kuljetustelineeseen tai otat sen telineest
jopa menett henkesi. Opettele pyrilyn perustaidot, l pois (auton katto- tai perteline), varmistu siit, ett
yrit ylitt osaamistasi ja omia rajojasi, kyt kunnollisia painat telineen irrotusnapin pohjaan asti. Varmista mys,
suojavarusteita ja varmistaudu siit, ett ne ovat aina ett nostat pyrsi telineeseen ja sielt pois tsmlleen
erinomaisessa kunnossa. pystysuoraan. Jos pikalukko ei ole kokonaan auki tai jos
pyr ei voi asettaa telineeseen tai ottaa siit pois helposti,
Marzocchi-tuotteiden kestvyys riippuu monista tekijist,
saattaa jousitusjrjestelm naarmuuntua, vnty tai se voi
kuten esimerkiksi ajajan ajotyylist ja ajo-olosuhteista.
vaurioitua muulla tavalla.
Trmykset, kaatumiset, vr tai raju kytt voivat
aiheuttaa vaurioita jousitusjrjestelmn ja lyhent sen Jos pyrsi osuu kattotelineess ollessaan miten pieness
kestoik huomattavasti. Tarkistuta pyrsi snnllisesti vauhdissa tahansa korkealla olevaan esineeseen kuten
taitavalla pyrmekaanikolla, joka varmistaa, ett pyrst esim. autotallin kattoon, siltaan, puun oksaan tai johonkin
ei valu ljy, siin ei ole halkeamia, rikkoutuneita kohtia, muuhun tukirakenteeseen, haarukka voi vahingoittua. Jos
vntymi tai muita kulumisen merkkej. (Tunkeumanesteen nin ky, on vlttmtnt antaa valtuutetun Marzocchi-
tai muiden visuaalisten tehostajien kytt on suositeltavaa huoltopisteen tutkia pyr ennen kuin kytt sit uudelleen.
halkeamien toteamiseksi.) Jos pyrn tarkastuksessa
l koskaan ruiskuta pyrsi paineella suihkuavalla vedell.
ilmenee vntym, halkeama, iskun tai kulumisen merkki
Jopa pienest puutarhaletkun suuttimesta suihkuava
tai taipunut osa, vaihda kyseinen osa vlittmsti, oli
paineistettu vesi saattaa pst tiivisteiden alle ja Marzocchi-
vaurio miten pieni tahansa; mys osat, joita on kulutettu
haarukkaan ja nin vaikuttaa haarukan toimintaan. Pese
ylettmsti, tulee vaihtaa vlittmsti. Se, kuinka usein
pyrsi ja Marzocchi-haarukkasi pyyhkimll ne vedell ja
pyr tulee tarkistuttaa, riippuu monista tekijist. Neuvottele
neutraalilla saippualla.
siis oman valtuutetun Marzocchiedustajasi kanssa siit,
kuinka usein sinun pyrsi on tarkistettava. Jos painat 82 Kyt aina oikean kokoista ja tukevasti kiinnitetty
kg / 180 lbs tai enemmn, tulee sinun olla erityisen valpas pyrilykypr, jolla on tyyppihyvksynt (ANSI, CE
ja tarkastuttaa pyrsi halkeamien, vuotojen, vntymien tai SNELL), sek muita ajotyylin kannalta tarpeellisia
ja muiden kulumisen tai kuormittumisen merkkien varalta turvavarusteita.
useammin kuin henkiln, joka painaa vhemmn kuin
82 kg / 180 lbs. Keskustele mekaanikkosi kanssa siit, Kun ajat mriss olosuhteissa, muista, ett jarrujen
soveltuuko kyttmsi haarukka sinun kyttsi ja mrit jarrutusvoima ja renkaiden pitvyys ovat huomattavasti
mekaanikkosi kanssa tarkastusten taajuus. normaalia heikompia. Tst syyst pyr on vaikeampi
hallita ja pysytt. Mriss olosuhteissa ajaminen vaatii
Huolehdi siit, ett pyrsi snnllist huoltoaikataulua erityist huolellisuutta, jotta vltyttisiin onnettomuuksilta.
Vlt ajamista yll, koska muun liikenteen on vaikeampi
Huomaa, ett ellei tss ohjekirjassa mainittuja huolto- havaita sinut ja sinun itsesi on vaikeampi havaita maassa
ja korjaustoimia suoriteta asianmukaisesti tai ellei olevia esteit. Jos kuitenkin ajat pyrsi yll, sinun tulee
tss ohjekirjassa esitettyj ohjeita noudateta, saattaa varustaa se ajovalolla ja takavalolla.
seurauksena olla onnettomuus. !merkki symboloi tehtvi,
jotka tulee suorittaa erityisen huolellisesti, jotta vltyttisiin Kyt vartalonmytisi vaatteita, jotka nkyvt hyvin
onnettomuuksilta. muulle liikenteelle esim. neonvrien, heijastavien osien tai
muiden kirkkaiden vrien ansiosta.
l koskaan tee muutoksia jousitusjrjestelmn mihinkn
Marzocchi-jousitusjrjestelmn osat on suunniteltu
kytettviksi yhten kiinten kokonaisuutena. l korvaa
Marzocchi-osia muiden valmistajien komponenteilla,
jotta jrjestelmn turvallisuus, suorituskyky, kestvyys ja
toimivuus eivt heikkene ja jotta takuu silyy voimassa.
I.III Ennen jokaista ajokertaa II. TARKOITUKSENMUKAISEEN
l aja pyrllsi, ellei se lpise tt testi. korjaa kaikki II.I Valitse omaan ajotyyliisi sopiva haarukka
vialliset kohdat ennen kuin lhdet ajamaan pyrllsi.
ja aja oikein
MarzocchI-joustohaarukat kuuluvat tarjolla olevien
Tutki, etteivt haarukat vuoda mistn kohtaa ja ettei kestvimpiin ja kehittyneimpiin haarukoihin. Mikn
niiss esiinny muitakaan merkkej ljyst, mik merkitsisi jousitusjrjestelm ei kuitenkaan kest vrnlaista tai
haarukoiden viallisuutta. Knn pyrsi ylsalaisin, kun asiatonta ksittely, sill tm voi aiheuttaa vaurioita jopa
haluat tutkia kaaren korkeimman kohdan alapuolen ja lyhyess kyttajassa, kun vaurioita ei viel osata edes
varmistua, ettei ljy vuoda sieltkn. odottaa.

Huolehdi siit, ett haarukoidesi kaikki komponentit On trke, ett valitset sellaisen haarukan, joka sopii
ja pyrsi muut osat kuten esim. mutta ei ainoastaan ajotyyliisi ja ett kytt haarukkaa asianmukaisesti.
jarrut, pedaalit, kahvat, ohjaustanko, runko ja satula
ovat parhaassa mahdollisessa kunnossa ja kyttsi
Jos haarukkaa ei ole kiinnitetty oikein pyrn runkoon,
Tarkista, ettei jousitusjrjestelmn mikn osa ole taipunut,
saattaa haarukka vaurioitua, mik saattaa puolestaan
vristynyt, naarmuuntunut, rikkoutunut tai muulla tavoin
aiheuttaa pyrn hallinnan menetyksen ja pyrn
kyttjn vakavia loukkaantumisia tai kuoleman. Lisksi
Varmista, ett kaikki pikalukot, nupit ja pultit on kiinnitetty vrnlainen kiinnitys tekee takuun mitttmksi.
oikein. Hyppyyt pyr hieman maata vasten, jotta voit
katsomisen lisksi varmistua nen perusteella siit, ettei II.I.I Tunnista oma ajotyylisi
mikn osa ole lysll.
Trekking/Cross-Country: Ajetaan mkisess vaihtelevassa
Varmista, ett pyrt on keskitetty tydellisesti. Pyryt maastossa, jossa on pieni eptasaisuuksia, kuten kivi,
renkaita, jotta net, ett ne eivt vaapu ylsalaisessa puunjuuria tai maassa olevia koloja. Trekking/Cross
suunnassa tai puolelta toiselle ja ett ne eivt osu country ajoon eivt kuulu varsinaiset hypyt ja pudotukset
haarukkaan tai jarrupaloihin pyriessn. (hyppminen alas kalliolta tai muilta ulkonemilta tai
kaatuneiden puiden ylitykset). Nit haarukoita kytetn vain
Varmista, ett kaikki kaapelit ja muut jarrutusjrjestelmn nimenomaan maastoajoon tarkoitettujen renkaiden kanssa,
kuuluvat osat ovat oikeilla paikoilla ja sopivasti sdettyj jolloin jarruina on oltava levy- , vanne- tai lineaariset vipujarrut.
ja ett jarrutusmekanismi toimii moitteettomasti. On tarpeen kiinnitt dynamo ja telineet haarukassa oleviin
Varmista, ett renkaissa on oikea ilmanpaine ja ettei kiinnityskohtiin. l tee mitn muutoksia haarukkaan, kun
renkaan kulutuspinnassa ja sivustassa ole minknlaisia haluat kiinnitt lisvarusteita pyrsi.
vaurioita. All Mountain/Freeride: Tll tyylill pystyvt ajamaan
Tarkista kaikki kissansilmt ja varmista, ett ne ovat ainoastaan erikoistuneet pyrilijt, koska ajotyyliin kuuluvat
puhtaita, suorassa ja oikein kiinnitettyj. jyrkt alamet, suuret esteet ja kohtuullisen pitkt hypyt.
Freeride - haarukoita voidaan kytt vain levyjarrujen
Lue huolella kaikki alunperin pyrsi mukana toimitetut kanssa ja niit ei pid yhdist muihin kuin Free Ridingiin
sit koskevat ohjeet ja varoitukset ja noudata niit. suunniteltuihin runkoihin, pyriin ja muihin osiin. Levyjarrut
Tutki ja noudata paikallisia pyrilylakeja ja sdksi. on kiinnitettv haarukassa oleviin kiinnityskohtiin. l
Noudata kaikkia liikennevaloja, liikennemerkkej ja lakeja, tee mitn muutoksia haarukkaan, kun haluat kiinnitt
kun ajat pyrllsi. lisvarusteita pyrsi.
4X/Dirt Jumper: Tllainen BMX- tai motocross-tyylinen
pyrily on vain kaikkein taitavimpia ajajia varten, jotka
kykenevt tekemn hyppyj kumpareelta toiselle. Siin
ajetaan mys erilaisten kaupunkiesteiden yli tai ympri,
siis esteiden, jotka on koottu kaupunkiajoa varten tai jotka II.I.III Aja oikein l kyt haarukoitasi vrin tai
ovat muuten pysyvi esteit tai radalla, jossa on esteit tai liiallisesti
maaperst muodostettuja valleja, jotka pyrilijn tytyy
FI l koskaan kyt haarukoitasi vrin tai liiallisesti. Opi
ohittaa hyppmll tai kaartamalla nopeassa vauhdissa.
Dirt Jumper tyyliin sopivia haarukoita saa kytt vain ajamaan oikein ja aja aina kykyjesi mukaisesti. Hallinnan
levyjarrujen kanssa. Mys runkojen, pyrien ja muiden osien menettminen muutaman kerran aiheuttaa yht vahvan
on oltava erityisesti thn ajotyyliin suunniteltuja. Levyjarrut rasituksen haarukkaan kuin monen vuoden kova kytt.
on kiinnitettv haarukassa oleviin kiinnityskohtiin. l On tarpeen opetella ylittmn maaston esteet sujuvasti ja
tee mitn muutoksia haarukkaan, kun haluat kiinnitt helposti. Kiviin tai puihin trmminen ja kuoppiin ajaminen
lisvarusteita pyrsi. rasittaa haarukkaa tavalla, johon sit ei ole suunniteltu.
Mys hypyist vrin laskeutuminen kuluttaa haarukkaa
HUOMIO! enemmn kuin mit se on valmistettu kestmn. Tee
hyppyj ja ponnahduksia vain sellaisissa paikoissa,
Aja vain sellaisilla alueilla, jotka on tarkoitettu erityisesti joissa on tarkoitukseen sopivan mytilev tai laskeutuva
sinun kyttmsi ajotyyliin. alastulo, jotta pyrsi pystyy kestmn alastuloissa siihen
kohdistuvan rasituksen. Alastulossa tulee molempien pyrien
II.I.II Valitse oman tyylisi mukainen haarukka Intended osua alustalle samaan aikaan. Kaikki muut laskeutumistavat
use chart taulukon mukaisesti ovat vaarallisia ja voivat vaurioittaa pyr sek aiheuttaa
onnettomuuksia. Varmista, ett laskeutumisrampin
Valitse taulukon intended use chart (Taulukko 1,
jyrkkyys ja pituus ovat sopivia korkeudelle, jolta hyppt tai
sivu 2) avulla ajotyyliisi soveltuva haarukka. Knny
pudottaudut. Kaikki tilanteet ovat erilaisia eri pyrilijille;
Marzocchijlleenmyyjn tai suoraan Marzocchin puoleen,
keskustele kokeneiden pyrilijiden kanssa ennen kuin
jos tarvitset apua oikean haarukan valinnassa.
lhdet yrittmn uutta hyppy tai pudotusta.

Esteiden vrnlainen ylittminen tai eponnistuminen
laskeutumisvaiheeessa voi vaurioittaa haarukkaa ja
aiheuttaa siten pyrn hallinnan menettmisen. Tst
voi olla seurauksena pyrilijn loukkaantuminen tai
jopa kuolema.

Haarukat tarvitsevat snnllist huoltoa ja korjausta.
Mit rankemmin ajat, sit useammin haarukan kunto
tytyy tarkastaa ja haarukka huoltaa. Jos haarukasta
vuotaa ljy, se on taipunut, vntynyt tai siin on
pienikin halkeamia tai rikkoontuneita kohtia, vie se
VLITTMSTI valtuutettuun Marzocchi-huoltoon
tarkistettavaksi lk kyt sit ennen kuin se on

Jopa kaikkein kovimmasta aineesta valmistetut haarukat
voivat rikkoontua, jos niihin kohdistuu liian suuri rasitus
tai niit kytetn asiattomalla tavalla! rimmisen kova
kytt voi kuluttaa kovimmatkin osat loppuun tai srke ne.

Aja nopeasti, mutta lykksti!
BRUKSANVISNINGEN Beskrivningar som fregs av denna symbol innehller SV
information, anvisningar eller procedurer som, om
dessa inte fljs, kan leda till skador eller felfunktion p
I.I Allmnna freskrifter gaffeln, skador p omgivningen, olycka, personskador
eller ddsfall.
Om freskrifter eller anvisningar frsummas kan detta ANMRKNING
leda till fel p produkten, olycka, personskada eller
ddsfall. Beskrivningar som fregs av denna symbol innehller
information eller procedurer som rekommenderas av
MARZOCCHI fr att optimera anvndningen av gaffeln.
Ls noggrant, frst och flj anvisningarna i denna
bruksanvisning i detalj. Denna bruksanvisning utgr en
viktig del av produkten och ska frvaras p en sker plats Om du har frgor angende sktsel, underhll eller
s att du kan lsa den i framtiden1. anvndning av vrt fjdringssystem ber vid dig kontakta
nrmaste Marzocchi serviceverkstad. I slutet av denna
Kom ihg att installation och reparation av gaffeln bruksanvisning eller p vr webbplats www.marzocchi.
krver specialkunskaper och drtill avsedda verktyg, com finns en lista ver serviceverkstder.
samt erfarenhet. Allmn mekanisk kunskap r oftast
inte tillrcklig fr att p ett lmpligt stt installera eller Anvndaren av denna Marzocchi-produkt r uttryckligen
reparera fjdringssystemet p ett korrekt stt. Om du infrstdd med att det r frenat med risker att cykla samt
r osker p att utfra underhll och reparationer p att komponenter p ditt fjdringssystem kan g snder,
fjdringssystemet p egen hand ber vid dig lta installera vilket kan resultera i en olycka, personskador eller ddsfall.
och/eller underhlla fjdringssystemet av en auktoriserad Genom anvndarens inkp och anvndning av denna
Marzocchi serviceverkstad. Installation, underhll och Marzocchi accepterar och ptar sig kparen uttryckligen
reparationer som utfrs p ett felaktigt stt kan frorsaka dessa risker, samt risken fr passiv eller aktiv frsummelse
olycka, personskada eller ddsfall. av Marzocchi eller dold, latent eller uppenbara defekter p
produkten och samtycker till att Marzocchi, dess distributr
Om varnings- eller anvndningsanvisningarna i denna och terfrsljare inte kan hllas ansvarig, s lngt lagen
bruksanvisning inte respekteras kan detta leda till allvarliga tillter, fr drav fljande skador.
skador p produkten, olycka, personskada eller ddsfall.
Kom ihg att genomgende i denna bruksanvisning I.II Allmnna skerhetsfreskrifter
omnmns att en olycka kan intrffa. En olycka kan
leda till att du frlorar kontrollen ver cykeln, skador p Marzocchi fjdringssystem r framtaget fr olika kstilar.
din cykel eller dess komponenter och (viktigast av allt) att Vissa r utformade fr att endast absorbera sttar frn
allvarliga personskador eller ddsfall kan frorsakas dig en ojmn vg fr att ge karen mer kontroll ver cykeln.
eller kringstende. Andra r utformade fr andra syften. Du ska vlja och
anvnda korrekt fjdringssystem fr just din kstil. Ls
Denna bruksanvisning beskriver inte monteringen/ och flj Anvisningar fr en korrekt anvndning i den hr
nedmonteringen av cykelns gaffel, hjul, styrdelar eller bruksanvisningen. Felaktig val eller olmplig anvndning av
andra delar som r direkt eller indirekt frknippade med gaffeln kan leda till en olycka, personskador eller ddsfall.
gaffeln, men som inte utgr en del av gaffeln.
Kom ihg att det finns uppenbara risker frknippade med
kstilarna downhill, freeride, cross country, marathon,
trekking, dirt jumping och urban style. Utvande av ngon
av dessa stilar r frenat med risk fr allvarliga eller
livsfarliga skador. Du ska ha goda cykelkunskaper och
inte utstta dig fr svrigheter utver din egen frmga.
Anvnd lmplig skerhetsutrustning och frskra dig om att
skerhetsutrustningen r i ett gott skick.
MARZOCCHI frbehller sig rtten att nr som helst utfra modifieringar p produkterna utan varsel.
Livslngden fr Marzocchis produkter beror p en rad bort frn stdet kan fjdringssystemet repas, bjas eller p
faktorer, som t.ex. typ av kstil och terrng. Slag, fall, annat stt skadas.
olmplig eller verdriven hrd anvndning kan skada
SV Skador p din gaffel kan ske om din cykel stter i (vid alla
fjdringssystemets struktur och frkorta dess livslngd
hastigheter) ngot freml upp i luften som t.ex. garage, bro,
avsevrt. Fjdringssystemet r dessutom freml fr slitage
trdgren eller annat hinder medan den sitter fast p bilens
med tiden. Lt kontrollera din cykel regelbundet av en
cykelstll. I sdant lge ska du lta kontrollera gaffeln vid
specialiserad mekaniker s att inget oljelckage, sprickor,
en auktoriserad Marzocchi serviceverkstad innan cykeln
deformationer eller andra tecken p slitage frekommer (det
anvnds p nytt.
rekommenderas att anvnd en genomtrngande vtska eller
annan visuell frstrkare fr att lokalisera sprickor). Om det Spruta aldrig trycksatt vatten p din cykel. Trycksatt vatten
vid kontrollen upptcks ngon form av deformering, sprickor, (ven frn munstycke frn en vanlig trdgrdsslang) kan
tecken p att gaffeln har utsatts fr slag, spnningar eller trnga in under packningar och i din Marzocchi-gaffel och
bjda delar (ven om skadorna r ringa), ska komponenten inverka negativt p dess funktion. Tvtta din cykel och
omedelbart bytas ut. ven komponenter som r mycket Marzocchi-gaffel genom att torka dem med mild tvl och
slitna ska bytas ut omedelbart. Hur ofta fjdringssystemet vatten.
ska kontrolleras beror p olika faktorer. Tillsammans med en
auktoriserad Marzocchi terfrsljare kan du lgga upp ett Br alltid en cykelhjlm som r godknd av ANSI eller
personligt kontrollprogram. Om du vger 82 kg eller mer ska SNELL av lmplig storlek och som sitter fast ordentligt. Br
du vara srskilt uppmrksam och lta kontrollera din cykel ven annan skerhetsutrustning om din kstil krver detta.
oftare (n vad som krvs fr en person som vger mindre n Kom ihg att dina bromsars bromskraft och dckens
82 kg), fr att kontrollera att det inte frekommer tecken p grepp mot marken frsmras avsevrt vid cykling i vta
sprickor, lckage, deformation eller annan utmattning eller frhllanden. Detta gr det svrare att kontrollera och
pfrestning. Hr med din mekaniker om vilken gaffel som stoppa din cykel. Srskild uppmrksamhet krvs vid cykling
r mest lmplig fr din anvndning och fr att bestmma ett i vta frhllanden fr att undvika olyckor.
lmpligt kontrollintervall.
Undvik att cykla p natten eftersom du syns smre i trafiken
Var noga med att flja det regelbundna underhllsprogrammet och det r svrare fr dig att se hinder p marken. Om du
korrekt. cyklar p natten ska du utrusta din cykel med och anvnda
Kom ihg att om underhlls- och reparationsprocedurerna en framoch baklykta. Br tsittande klder och se till att du
i denna bruksanvisning inte utfrs p ett korrekt stt eller syns i trafiken med neonfrger, sjlvlysande frger eller
om andra anvisningar i denna bruksanvisning inte fljs, kan andra starka frger.
en olycka intrffa. Symbolen ! riktar uppmrksamheten till
ingrepp som ska utfras med stor uppmrksamhet fr att
undvika en olycka.
Modifiera aldrig ngon komponent p fjdringssystemet.
Komponenterna i Marzocchis fjdringssystem r utformade
som ett enskilt integrerat system. Fr att undvika
kompromisser vad gller skerhet, prestanda, hllbarhet och
funktion, samt fr att undvika att garantin upphr att glla
ska inte Marzocchi-komponenter bytas ut mot komponenter
tillverkade av andra fretag.
Delar som har bjts eller p annat stt skadats i en olycka
eller vid ett slag, ska inte riktas ut. De ska omedelbart bytas
ut mot originalreservdelar frn Marzocchi.
Nr cykeln monteras p eller tas ned frn bilens cykelhllare
(p taket eller baktill p bilen) ska du frst frskra dig om att
snabbfstet r fullstndigt lossat. Se dessutom till att cykeln
r i fullstndigt vertikalt lge nr den monteras p eller tas
bort frn stdet. Om snabbfstet inte r fullstndigt lossat
46 eller vid bjningsrrelser nr cykeln monteras p eller tas
I.III Innan varje cykeltur II. ANVISNINGAR FR EN
Anvnd inte cykeln om den inte har passerat dessa fre- II.I Vlj rtt gaffel fr din kstil
cyklingkontroller. tgrda eventuella problem innan
cykeln anvnds. Marzocchi tillverkar de mest hllbara och tekniskt avancerade
gafflarna p marknaden idag. Trots detta kan ingen gaffel
kan missbrukas eller anvndas p ett felaktigt stt utan att
Kontrollera att det inte frekommer ngon typ av lckage den kan skadas. En gaffel kan skadas p mycket kort tid om
eller andra tecken p olja p din gaffel. Detta kan vara den anvnds p ett felaktigt stt.
tecken p problem med din gaffel. Kom ihg att vnda Det r viktigt att du vljer och anvnder den gaffel som r
din cykel upp och ned fr att kontrollera att det inte mest lmplig fr din kstil och att gaffeln anvnds p ett
frekommer tecken p oljelckage vid omrden som t.ex. lmpligt stt.
undersidan av kronan.
Frskra dig om att alla komponenter p din gaffel och
vriga delar p din cykel, som t.ex. bromsar, pedaler,
handtag, styre, ram och sadelsystem r i optimala En felaktig kombination av gaffel och ram kan frorsaka
frhllanden och lmpliga att anvnda. skador p gaffeln. Detta kan leda till att du frlorar
kontrollen ver cykeln och utstts fr allvarliga eller
Kontrollera att ingen av komponenterna p ditt livsfarliga skador. Dessutom upphr garantin att glla
fjdringssystem eller vriga komponenter p cykeln r vid en olmplig kombination av gaffel och ram.
bjd, deformerad, sprucken, snderslagen, ur linje eller
p annat stt skadad. II.I.I Vilken r din kstil?
Kontrollera att alla snabbfsten, muttrar och skruvar r Trekking/Cross-Country: Cykling p kuperade stigar
korrekt justerade. Studsa cykeln p marken fr att lyssna med mindre sttar och hinder som t.ex. stenar, rtter eller
efter och se att inga delar sitter lsa. gropar. Trekking/Cross Country bestr inte av hopp eller
Kontrollera att hjulen r perfekt centrerade. Snurra p drops (hopp frn berghllar, nedfallna trd eller andra
hjulen fr att frskra dig om att de inte svnger i hjd- avsatser) frn ngon hjd. Dessa gafflar ska endast
eller sidled och att de inte nuddar vid gaffelbenen eller anvndas med dck som r avsedda fr denna typ av
bromsbelggen. kstil, samt med lmpliga skiv-, flg- eller linjra bromsar.
Dynamo och vskhllare fr endast fstas p de drtill
Kontrollera att alla vajrar och andra komponenter p ditt avsedda monteringspunkterna p gaffeln. Modifiera aldrig
bromssystem sitter korrekt p plats, r korrekt justerad din gaffel fr att fsta ngon annan typ av utrustning.
och att bromssystemet fungerar korrekt.
All Mountain/Freeride: Den hr kstilen ska endast utvas
Kontrollera att dina dck har korrekt dckstryck och att av avancerade cyklister och bestr av branta nedfrsbackar,
inga skador frekommer p dckens slitbanor och sidor. stora hinder och mellanhga hopp. Freeride-gafflar ska
Kontrollera att alla reflexer r rena, raka och korrekt endast anvndas med skivbromsar, ramar, hjul och
monterade. andra komponenter som r srskilt anpassade fr denna
kstil. Skivbromsarna ska fstas p de drtill avsedda
Var noga med att lsa och flja alla anvisningar och fstpunkterna p gaffeln. Modifiera aldrig din gaffel fr att
varningar som fljer med nr du kper din cykel. fsta ngon annan typ av utrustning.
Lr dig och flj de trafikregler som gller i det land som 4X/Dirt Jumper: Den hr kstilen, typ BMX eller motocross,
cykeln anvnds. Respektera alla trafikssignaler-, -skyltar ska endast utvas av de mest avancerade karna och bestr
och -regler nr du cyklar. av hopp frn en jordkulle till en annan, samt kning ver
hinder i stadsmilj, d.v.s. fasta konstruktioner eller cykling
p en bana som bestr av hinder av jord som cyklisten
mste kra ver genom att gra hopp eller vndningar med
hg hastighet. Dessa gafflar ska endast anvndas med
skivbromsar, ramar, hjul och andra komponenter som r 47
srskilt anpassade fr denna typ av kstil. Skivbromsarna II.I.III Anvnd gaffeln p ett korrekt stt
ska fstas p de drtill avsedda fstpunkterna p gaffeln.
Modifiera aldrig din gaffel fr att fsta ngon annan typ av Anvnd inte gaffeln p ett felaktigt stt. Lr dig att cykla
SV efter din egen frmga. Endast efter ngra timmars felaktig
anvndning kan gaffeln slitas ut p ett stt som motsvarar
Extreme Freeride/Downhill: Den hr disciplinen ska endast flera rs normal anvndning.
utvas av professionella eller extremt duktiga kare. Den
bestr av relativt hga hopp eller fall och kning ver stora Lr dig hur du kan passera runt hinder p stigen p ett
hinder som berghllar, nedfallna trd eller gropar. Dessa korrekt stt. Slag frn hinder som berghllar, trd eller gropar
gafflar ska endast anvndas med skivbromsar, ramar, hjul utstter gaffeln fr krafter som den inte r konstruerad fr.
och andra komponenter som r srskilt anpassade fr Gaffeln r dessutom inte konstruerad fr att tla olmpliga
denna typ av kstil. Skivbromsarna ska fstas p de drtill landningar vilka utstter gaffeln fr en alltfr hrd belastning.
avsedda fstpunkterna p gaffeln. Modifiera aldrig din gaffel Hopp eller fall r endast tilltna om det finns vergngar
fr att fsta ngon annan typ av utrustning. eller ramper som hjlper cykeln att absorbera slaget. Samt
ska bda hjulen mjukt ta i marken samtidigt vid landning p
VARNING! vergngar eller ramper. All annan typ av landning r farlig
och kan frorsaka skador p komponenter eller olycka.
k endast p omrden som r srskilt lmpliga fr din Frskra dig om att lutningen och lngden p vergngen
typ av kstil. eller rampen r lmplig i frhllande till den hjd frn vilken
hoppet eller fallet sker. Varje situation r individuell fr varje
II.I.II Val av den gaffel som passar bst till den egna cyklist: Rdgr med en mer erfaren cyklist innan du utfr
kstilen enligt tabell Intended use chart. hopp eller fall.
Anvnd tabellen intended use chart (Tabell 1, sid. 2) fr
att vlja den gaffel som passar din kstil. Vnd dig till din VARNING!
Marzocchi terfrsljare eller direkt till Marzocchi fr frgor
angende val av mest lmplig gaffel. Misstag vid passering av hinder p stig eller vid landning
efter ett hopp eller ett fall kan frorsaka brott p gaffeln.
I detta lge kan du frlora kontrollen ver cykeln vilket
kan leda till allvarliga eller livsfarliga skador.

Din gaffel krver regelbundet underhll och reparation.
Ju hrdare din kstil r, desto oftare ska gaffeln
kontrolleras och underhllas. Om gaffeln lcker olja,
r det minsta bjd, deformerad eller sprucken ska du
OMEDELBART vnda dig till en auktoriserad Marzocchi
serviceverkstad fr att lta kontrollera gaffeln innan den
anvnds p nytt.

ven gafflar tillverkade av de mest solida material kan g
snder om de utstts fr en verdriven belastning eller
anvnds p ett felaktigt stt! Extrem anvndning kan leda till
att de mest hllbara komponenter slits ut och gr snder.

k snabbt, men k smart
Summary 5.3.1 SFA....................................................................68 SFA air .................................................................... 68 PAR air .................................................................... 69

1. INTRODUCTION.....................................51 5.3.2 RC2X .................................................................69 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 69 Compression adjustment ........................................ 70
1.1 Conventions ............................................................51 Compression adjustment on end of the travel ........ 70
1.1.1 Orientation of the fork ........................................51 5.3.3 RC2 ...................................................................71
1.1.2 Main parts of the fork.........................................51 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 71 Compression adjustment ........................................ 71

2. TECHNICAL INFORMATION .................52 5.3.4 RCV ...................................................................72 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 72
2.1 Spring system..........................................................52 Compression adjustment ........................................ 72
5.3.5 RV .....................................................................73
2.2 Damping system......................................................52 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 73
2.3 Lubrication and cooling ...........................................53
5.3.6 TST5..................................................................73
2.4 Sliding bushing and oil seals ...................................53 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 74 Compression adjustment / Suspension blocking .... 74
3. INSTALLATION ......................................54

5.3.7 TST2..................................................................75 Rebound adjustment ............................................... 75
3.1 Installing on the frame .............................................54 Suspension blocking ............................................... 76
3.2 Installing the brake system ......................................55 5.3.8 ATA ....................................................................77
3.3 Wheel installation ....................................................56 ATA air ..................................................................... 77 BOTTOM OUT AIR CHAMBER air ......................... 77
3.4 Wheel axle securing system....................................56 ATA adjuster ............................................................ 78
3.4.1 Wheel installation on a fork with standard 5.3.9 ETA....................................................................78
securing system .........................................................56 Adjustment system .................................................. 79

6. SUMMARIZING TABLES .......................79

3.4.2 Wheel installation on 32 forks with a 20 mm
diameter through-hole axle.........................................57
3.4.3 Wheel installation on 35 forks with a 20 mm
diameter through-hole axle.........................................58
3.4.4 Wheel installation on a fork with QR quick release
7. WARRANTY ...........................................81
axle .............................................................................59 7.1a Warranty for EU countries .....................................81
3.6 Handlebar clamp installing on all Dual Crown models 7.1b Warranty Rest of the World - USA included ..........81
60 7.2 Purchaser ................................................................82
7.4 Procedure ................................................................82
4. MAINTENANCE......................................61 7.5 Entire agreement .....................................................82
4.1 Problems - Diagnosis - Solutions ............................61 7.6 Damages .................................................................82
4.2 Periodic maintenance ..............................................62 7.7 Disclaimer................................................................82
4.3 General maintenance recommendations ................63 7.8 Warning ...................................................................82
4.4 Cleaning the fork legs..............................................63 7.9 Other rights..............................................................82
7.10 Applicable law........................................................82
5. ADJUSTMENTS .....................................64
5.1 Adjustment kit and springs ......................................65
5.2 Initial suspension bottoming adjustment .................66
5.2.1 VA ......................................................................67
5.2.2 Spring preload with air.......................................67
5.2.3 Positive Air.........................................................68
1.1 Conventions

1.1.1 Orientation of the fork


1 T LE
FT 3


3 4


6 6

8 8

7 7

Picture 1 - Conventional orientation of the fork

1.1.2 Main parts of the fork

1. Steer tube 5. Brake boss

2. Upper crown 6. Monolite

3. Lower crown 7. Dropout

4. Stanchion tube 8. Disc brake mount

This system is the evolution of RC2 system with an extra
2.1 Spring system X-cartridge on the left leg for the control of the forks
compression at travel end.
Inside MARZOCCHI forks you will find coil springs, or air,
used as suspension mechanism.

Each rider can adjust the spring preload and the air
2.2 Damping system volume by simply turning the knobs. By increasing
preload the air volume is reduced, and the rider can have
The damping load that is generated during compression and
more progressivity without the need to open the fork or
rebound of the fork legs can be adjusted by hydraulic valve
put stiffer springs.
pumping rods, or by special cartridges.

By simply using the command during ascent, the

TST5: The TST5 system uses a sealed cartridge with suspension will compress to the ideal height (depending
on the riders weight). Unlike a traditional locking system,

a rubber lung for oil collection. The TST5 cartridge is

provided with a rebound adjuster in the lower area and when activated, the ETA system allows 30mm travel to
a 5-position compression adjuster in the upper area. The overcome small obstacles and improve comfort respect
5th position corresponds to blocking. to a total lock.

ATA offers the user all the benefits of our proven Doppio With its speed type valves, the RV (Rebound Valve)
Air system, with external travel adjustment. 8 turns system permits the control of compression and rebound
increase the travel of 40mm. Progressive air automatically speed based on the forks accomplished travel. The
compensates to travel changes. Low turning force on the RV pumping rods are equipped with rebound adjusters
adjuster means that travel can be changed quickly and (internal or external).
easily. With BOTTOM OUT AIR CHAMBER you can set
up progressivity at the end of travel.
By virtue of its speed type valves, the RCV (Rebound
Compression Valve) system permits the control of
The TST2 system uses a serviceable sealed cartridge compression and rebound speed based on the forks
providing 2 positions of compression adjustment. The accomplished travel. The RCV pumping rods are
TST cartridge is provided with a rebound adjuster in the equipped with compression and rebound external
lower area, a 2-position and lock out in the upper area. adjusters.

The SFA system (Single Function Air), by means of a

unique valve, allows the simultaneous adjustment of the
positive and negative air chambers. With the PAR valve
you can set up progressivity at the end of travel.

This new system allows for control of the rebound and

compression damping by means of two external adjusters,
as well as of the spring preload.

2.3 Lubrication and cooling
Pumping rods are immersed in oil (Open Bath System).
This system provides proper lubrication and cooling of the
inner sliding parts. Furthermore, the oil volume works as
a damping and setting element. The Open Bath system
reduces the maintenance frequency compared to a sealed
cartridge system. On models of the fork that use elastomers,
the proper internal lubricant is grease.

2.4 Sliding bushing and oil seals

Stanchion tubes are guided in the sliders by two Teflon-
coated bushings, free from static friction. The seal system
minimizes oil leaks, and contamination from particles
entering the fork, by means of a special, dual-lip oil seal and
a dust seal at the top of each slider.


A protective film to be removed before use protects the
3.1 Installing on the frame stickers.

The fork is supplied with an A-Head Set steer tube to be

cut according to the frame size the fork is being installed
on. Installing the fork on the bicycle frame is a delicate and
critical operation, and should only be performed by skilled,
trained personnel.

Suspension system installation requires specialized
knowledge, tools and experience. General mechanical
aptitude may not be sufficient to properly install your
suspension system. Please have your suspension
system installed only by an authorized Marzocchi

Suspension Center. Improper installation can result

in failure of your Marzocchi Suspension System, an A
accident, personal injury, or death.

The interference of the cylinder on the base and the play

between the cylinder and frame are particularly critical
factors for the safety of the operator. For this reason,
maintenance and installation must be performed exclusively
at authorised technical assistance centres, which have
suitable equipment and specific knowledge.

On all dual crown MY 2007 MARZOCCHI models, the
lower crown is clamped to the stanchions using bolts. In B
this case, please be aware of the following precautions
during installation.
Picture 2 - Dual crown forks installation on the frame: (2A) Crowns fastening,
(2B) Steer tube maximum length between crowns

In case of oversized diameter areas on the stanchions,

Model Max length between crowns (H)
the crowns clamping can only be done in the shaded area
shown in Picture 2A. 888 158mm
Table 1 - Steer tube maximum length between crowns
In case of reference notches on the stanchions, the lower
part of the lower crown must be positioned above the MIN
notch and below the MAX notch.
The distance between the inflated tire and the lower part
of the lower crown, when the fork is at travels end, must
be at least 4 mm.
On the dual crown forks the maximum length of the steer
tube between the two crowns (see Picture 2B) must be
smaller than the values (H) shown in Table 1.
3.2 Installing the brake system WARNING!
Installing the brake system is a delicate and critical operation A special thread-lock treatment is applied to the thread
that must be carried out by specialized personnel. on the bolts (see 2A in Table 2). Bolts that are installed
and later removed lose this thread-lock treatment, and
therefore can never be used again.
Brake system installation requires specialized
knowledge, tools and experience. General mechanical WARNING!
aptitude may not be sufficient to properly install your Make sure, before every ride, that the brake cable of the
brake system. Please have your brake system installed disk brake system is correctly connected to the proper
only by an authorized Marzocchi Service Center. mounting (see 2B & 2C in Table 2).
Improper installation of a disk brake system can
overstress the caliper mountings, which may cause the
caliper mountings to break, resulting in loss of control WARNING!
of the bicycle, an accident, personal injury, or death. Be
sure that the brake system installation is also performed The brake cable must never touch the crown and
in strict compliance with the instructions provided by stanchions.

the brake system manufacturer.
Use only brake systems that comply with the forks Before installing a Post Mount braking system, check
specifications, taking into consideration the contents of the that the protection film has been removed from the
summarizing tables contained in this manual. brake caliper.

66 - 888 DIRT JUMPER



Removable setting No
(brake disk system sheath supports setting) (brake disk system sheath supports setting)

Post Mount 6 Post Mount 6 Post Mount 6 XC INTL STD 6

(7 disk installation is also (8 disk installation is also possible)1
Table 2 - Braking system settings
Installation is only possible when the specific adapter is supplied by the brake system manufacturer.
3.3 Wheel installation 3.4 Wheel axle securing system
The system for securing the wheel axle to the fork sliders
Model Max tire dimension
can be standard, which uses the traditional advanced
CORSA - XC RETRO 2,2 x 26 dropouts, or have a 20 mm diameter through-hole axle or
ALL MOUNTAIN - Z1 - 4X with QR quick release axle (see Table 4 below).
2,8 x 26
DIRT JUMPER - 66 - 888 Forks that are created for more intensive use are provided
Table 3 - Maximum tire dimension with a wheel fastening system, which originates from the
motocross application and uses a 20 mm axle.
In the event you need to install wheels with dimensions
larger than those specified in Table 3, above, you must The new QR system allows combined hardness and easy
verify that: installation.
The tire turns freely;
3.4.1 Wheel installation on a fork with standard
The tire does not make any contact with the brake arch or securing system
V-Brake system;
The distance between the inflated tire and the lower part CORSA XC RETRO ALL MOUNTAIN

of the lower crown is at least four (4) mm when the forks DIRT JUMPER
legs are fully compressed.
Install the wheel in compliance with the wheel manufacturers
instructions. For correct fork function after installing the
wheel, you will need to:
Check the fork-wheel alignment by fully compressing the
fork a few times. The wheel should not make contact with,
or come close to any portion of the fork.
Lift the front of the bicycle, and spin the wheel a few times
to verify correct alignment and spacing with the disk brake
or the V-Brake brake pads. Check the owners manual of
the brake system for the proper specifications.

Wheel axle securing Wheel axle securing system with 20 mm Wheel axle securing
system with standard diameter system with QR quick
dropouts through-hole axle release axle


XC RETRO Z1 888 4X
Table 4 - Wheel securing systems

3.4.2 Wheel installation on 32 forks with a 20 mm
diameter through-hole axle

For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions 3A
below when installing the wheel:
Place the wheel in between each fork.
Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp
(see 3A of Picture 3).
Insert the axle through the wheel axle clamp of the right
fork, through the wheel, and through the wheel axle clamp
of the left fork (see 3A of Picture 3).
Tighten the axle to the required torque (151 Nm) using a
6 mm Allen key to the axle caps (see 3B of Picture 3).
151 Nm
Check for the proper fork-wheel alignment. To do this, 3B

6 mm
begin by fully compressing the fork a few times. The wheel
should not make contact with, or come close to any portion
of the fork. Then lift the front of the bicycle and spin the
wheel a few times to verify the correct alignment with the
disk brake. The wheel should not wobble from side to side
or up and down. Check the owners manual of the brake
system for the proper specifications.
Tighten the screw positioned on each wheel axle clamp to
the required torque (61 Nm) using a 4 mm Allen key (see
3C of Picture 3).

61 Nm
4 mm

61 Nm
3C 4 mm

Picture 3 - Wheel installation on 32 fork with a 20 mm diameter through-hole


3.4.3 Wheel installation on 35 forks with a 20 mm
diameter through-hole axle

66 888
For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions
below when installing the wheel:
Place the wheel in between each fork.
Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp
(see 4A of Picture 4).
Insert the axle through the wheel axle clamp of the right
fork, through the wheel, and then screw it into the wheel
axle clamp of the left fork (see 4A of Picture 4).
Tighten the axle to the required torque (151 Nm) using a
6mm Allen key to the caps of the axle (see 4B of Picture 151 Nm

4). 6 mm
Check for the proper fork-wheel alignment. To do this,
begin by fully compressing the fork a few times. The wheel
should not make contact with, or come close to any portion
of the fork. Then lift the front of the bicycle and spin the
wheel a few times to verify the correct alignment with the
disk brake. The wheel should not wobble from side to side
or up and down. Check the owners manual of the brake
system for the proper specifications.
Tighten the screws positioned on each wheel axle clamp
to the required torque (61 Nm), with a 1-2-1 sequence,
using a 4mm Allen key (see 4C of Picture 4).

61 Nm
4 mm

61 Nm
4C 4 mm

Picture 4 - Wheel installation on 35 forks with a 20 mm diameter through

hole axle

3.4.4 Wheel installation on a fork with QR quick release

For optimum fork performance, please follow the instructions
below when installing the wheel:
Place the wheel in between each fork.
Align the center of the wheel with each wheel axle clamp
(see 5A of Picture 5).
Insert the axle through the wheel axle clamp of the right
fork, through the wheel, and then screw it into the wheel
axle clamp of the left fork (see 5A of Picture 5).
Secure the axle by using the quick release device (see
5B of Picture 5).
Check for the proper fork-wheel alignment. To do this,

begin by fully compressing the fork a few times. The wheel
should not make contact with, or come close to any portion
of the fork. Then lift the front of the bicycle and spin the
wheel a few times to verify the correct alignment with the
disk brake. The wheel should not wobble from side to side 5B
or up and down. Check the owners manual of the brake
system for the proper specifications.

Picture 5 - Wheel installation on a fork with QR quick release axle

3.5 Fender installation Secure the lower mounting segment of the handlebar
clamp to the upper crown of the fork by tightening the
screws to the required torque (61 Nm) using a 4mm Allen
ALL MOUNTAIN 66 888 key (see 7C of Picture 7).
The fender may be provided with the fork, or purchased Place the handlebar into the lower mounting segment of
separately. the handlebar clamp, being sure that it is centered (see
7D of Picture 7).
To install the fender, first insert the support bushing between
Place each upper segment of the handlebar clamp over
the screw and fender (see 6A of Picture 6). Tighten the
the handlebar (see 7E of Picture 7).
screw to the required torque (61 Nm) using a 8mm spanner
(see 6B of Picture 6). Align the holes of the upper segment with the corresponding
holes of the lower mounting segment.
There are two types of fenders available, the first can be
Secure the handlebar in place by tightening each screw to
installed on ALL MOUNTAIN and the second model can be
the required torque (61 Nm) using a 4mm Allen key (see
installed on 66 e 888.
7F of Picture 7).
For installation of handlebars having different diameters,
WARNING! reduction sleeves may be placed around the handlebar

(between the handlebar and each segment of the handlebar

When the fender is assembled on a 888 fork, the
clamp) to ensure the handlebar is held in place (see 7G of
position of the superior part of the crown must be in
corrispondence to max line on the stanchion. Picture 7).



61 Nm
7C 4 mm

61 Nm
6A 6B 8 mm

101 Nm
7F 5 mm

Picture 6 - Fender installation 7G

3.6 Handlebar clamp installing on all Dual

Crown models
To install the handlebar clamp, please carefully follow the
instructions below:
Place the lower mounting segment of the handlebar clamp
Picture 7 - Handlebar clamp installation
on the upper crown of the fork (see 7A & 7B of Picture 7).
Align the corresponding holes from each of these
The operations listed below accompanied by this
4.1 Problems - Diagnosis - Solutions symbol should only be performed by authorized
This section describes some of the problems that may arise MARZOCCHI service centers.
during the forks use, the possible causes of these problems,
and suggested solutions.
Always check this table before working on the fork.

Problem Diagnosis Solution

Increase spring preload

Add spring preload by replacing the preload
Spring rate too soft or fork oil
Fork has too much sag Check the oil level
too fluid

Change to stiffer spring rate

Increase air pressure

Forks bottoms too easily, but it Not enough compression Increase compression damping by changing
has the recommended sag damping oil level

Check oil level

Fork bottoms too easily; needs Spring rate too soft or fork oil
more than maximum preload too fluid Install stiffer springs

Increase air pressure

Check oil level

Spring rate too stiff or fork oil
Fork does not get full travel
level too high Install softer spring

Decrease air pressure

Increase rebound damping

Fork extends too quickly; harsh
Not enough rebound damping
top-out after impacts Replace oil (SAE 7,5) with a higher viscosity

Decrease the rebound damping

Front wheel wants to tuck Too much rebound damping;
under while cornering spring rate too soft Increase spring rate

Fork packs up or stays

down in travel during multiple Too much rebound damping Decrease rebound damping
Knocking sound during
Too much rebound damping Decrease rebound damping
rebound, but no harsh top-out

Oil ring on stanchions Oil seals are contaminated Replace all seals

Problem Diagnosis Solution
Heavy amount of oil on
Seals are damaged, Replace all seals and have the stanchions
stanchions; oil dripping down
stanchions could be damaged inspected
Fork is sticky; fork does not Oil seals are contaminated;
Replace all seals
perform as new fork needs to be serviced
Loose bottom nut/screw Tighten bottom nut/screw
Oil leakage from the bottom
O-ring damaged Replace O-ring

Worn sliding bushings Replace sliding bushings

Loss of sensitivity
Old oil Change oil

Low oil level Restore the correct oil level

The ETA cartridge is not
working properly Change oil and carefully clean the ETA
Old oil
Table 5 - Problems - Diagnosis - Solutions

4.2 Periodic maintenance WARNING!

This section describes some of the periodic maintenance The operations listed below accompanied by this
operations that should be performed and recommends the
frequency at which they should be done. symbol should only be performed by authorized
MARZOCCHI service centers.

General maintenance operation
Intense Normal
Check that screws are tightened to required torque Before every ride

Stanchions cleaning After every ride

Air pressure control Before every ride 10 hours

Oil seals control 25 hours 50 hours

Oil change 50 hours 100 hours

TST2 / TST5 cartridge replacement 25 hours 50 hours

SFA / TST2 / TST5 / ATA Fork oil seals cartridge
50 hours 100 hours
Table 6 - Periodic maintenance table

4.3 General maintenance recommendations This manual does not explain how to assemble or
disassemble the fork from the bicycle, the wheel, the
Please be advised that suspension system installation, steering set, or any other component directly or indirectly
service and repair tasks require specialized knowledge, tools associated with the fork that is not actually a part of the
and experience. General mechanical aptitude may not be fork. MARZOCCHI reserves the right, in its sole discretion,
sufficient to properly install, service or repair your suspension to make changes to its products at any time and without
system. If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding your prior notice.
ability to properly service or repair your suspension system, Only use original Marzocchi spare parts.
please have your suspension system installed, serviced, or
repaired only by an authorized Marzocchi Service Center. Work in a clean, organized, and well-lit place. If possible,
Improper service or repair can result in an accident. avoid servicing your forks outdoors.
Polished surfaces need to be periodically treated with a
After disassembling the forks, always use new, original polishing compound to be kept as bright as new.
Marzocchi seals when reassembling.
Carefully check to see that your work area is free of dust
To tighten two bolts or nuts that are near each other, and metal shavings from any component of the forks.
always follow the sequence 1-2-1, and tighten to the
required tightening torque (see Table 17 - Tightening Never modify your fork in any way.

4.4 Cleaning the fork legs
Never use flammable or corrosive solvents when cleaning
the forks, as these could damage the forks seals. If you Marzocchi lubricates the dust seals of its forks with grease to
must use a solvent, use biodegradable detergents that are help the stanchion tubes slide easier, particularly when the
not corrosive, non-flammable, or have a high flash point. forks have not been used for a long period of time.
If you are planning not to use your forks for a long period Use of the forks can melt the grease, causing it to stick to the
of time, always lubricate those components that are in stanchions, and give the appearance of an oil leak. Inspect
contact with the forks oil. the forks to ensure that this is not the result of an oil leak.
Always collect and keep any lubricants, solvents, or After every use, carefully clean the forks outside surfaces,
detergents, which are not completely biodegradable with special attention to stanchion tubes and dust seals.
in the environment. These materials should be kept in
appropriate containers, and disposed of according to local
laws. WARNING!
All of the components of Marzocchi forks require the use If your forks develop an oil leak, do not ride your bike.
of metric tools. Use only metric tools. Imperial (US) tools Correct the leak before you ride again.
may have similar sizes, but can damage the bolts, making
them impossible to loosen or tighten.
Always use the correct size and type of screwdriver for
all screws. Mud and dust may cause serious damage to the
suspension system if not immediately removed.
When using a screwdriver to assemble or disassemble
metal stop rings, O-rings, sliding bushings, or seal
segments, avoid scratching or cutting the components
with the screwdriver tip.
Do not carry out any maintenance and / or adjustment
operations that are not explained in this manual.
If you have any questions regarding the care, maintenance
or use of your suspension system, please contact your
nearest Marzocchi service center. A list of service centers
can be found at the end of this manual or on the web at

5. ADJUSTMENTS Moreover, there are some adjusters which improve
performance during pedalling and can be activated and
Marzocchi Suspension forks have a variety of practicable deactivated as necessary.
adjustments by virtue of the adjusters: The table below shows the practicable adjustments and the
Initial suspension lowering adjustment forks hydraulic systems.
Hydraulic function adjustment

Initial lowering
Hydraulic system

Spring preload with air

Positive air





66 RC2X X2 X2
66 RCV X2 X2
66 RV X2 RH
888 RC2X VA X2 X2
888 RC2 VA RH RH
888 RCV X2
888 RV RH
See paragraph: 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9
Table 7 - Forks adjustmentst
X2 Adjustment on both legs
RH Adjustment on right leg
LH Adjustment on left leg
Table 8 - Key to table

Obtaining the maximum performance from your suspension

system depends on using the correct settings and making the WARNING!
proper adjustments. This section describes how to properly
If your fork bottoms out, immediately adjust the
set and make adjustments to your Marzocchi forks.
compression adjustment or check the oil height of the
In order to find the best settings for you, you will need to fork. Incorrect compression adjust can result in fork
try several times to understand where and how to make damage, an accident, personal injury or death. Adjusting
adjustments. When doing so, please ride in an open area, your oil height should be conducted by an authorized or
free from traffic, obstacles and other hazards. knowledgeable suspension service technician.

The best settings not only depend on the mountain bike

frame geometry, the riders weight and the types of trail NOTE

or obstacles, but also on many other personal factors Sometimes changing the oil height may be necessary
connected with your riding style. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain a perfect setting. Adjusting the oil height should
to provide you with objective information concerning your be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center.
desired settings. Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if
you require a different oil height.
However, if you carefully follow the instruction given below,
you may find the best settings for you in a short time.
Changing the settings on your forks must be done by acting NOTE
on only one adjuster at a time, taking note of the modifications
you carry out and the improvements you obtain. The caps and adjusters present on some forks could be
different with respect to those represented in this manual.

5.1 Adjustment kit and springs
During the setting operations, never force the adjusters
past their limits and do not exceed the recommended For information concerning travel increase kits, adjustment
maximum air pressure. kits, and springs having different hardness (K), please visit
us on the web at

To keep the pressure inside the forks legs, only use the
special MARZOCCHI pump with pressure gauge, which
can be purchased at any authorized Marzocchi center.
The use of any other pump can compromise the inflating
operation and cause malfunction or damage to the fork,
resulting in an accident, personal injury or death.

Once you have found the best setting, we suggest taking
notes of the adjuster clicks or the number of turns, in respect
to the all-closed position (adjuster completely turned
clockwise), so that it will be easier to re-establish the original
setting after possible changes.

5.2 Initial suspension bottoming adjustment
The SAG corresponds to the forks sinking due to the riders
How to measure SAG
In order to measure the SAG, you only need to carry out the
following steps.
On the leg portion of the fork, measure the distance
between the lower crown and the dust seal (see A in

Picture 8). Note this value as H1.
While sitting on the bike, repeat the measurement (see B
in Picture 8). Note this value as H2.
SAG = H1 - H2
How to find the best SAG A

The best SAG for Cross-country forks is 1520%, and for

Freeride forks is 2530% .
In order to calculate the best SAG for your own fork, you will
need to make the following calculation:
SAG = T x S
T = total travel
S = suggested sinking percentage.
The best SAG is obtained by varying the spring preload

(spring fork legs) or by varying positive air pressure (air fork
For the fork legs with SFA or ETA cartridges, the adjustment
of the initial sag is carried out by varying the SFA/ETA
chamber pressure.
SFA see par.
ATA see par. Picture 8 - How to measure the SAG

5.2.1 VA 5.2.2 Spring preload with air
This system allows adjustment of the spring pre-load and Spring pre-load can be adjusted by varying the air pressure
the variation of air volume inside the fork leg. inside the forks leg.
By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the preload
value, by turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce
the preload value.

In some fork legs the air valve may not be in the central
position, in others however, it could be protected by a rubber
cap marked with AIR.For inflation, some systems require
the use of a specific adapter, which must be applied to the
pump. This adapter is supplied with the fork leg.

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
hydraulic damping during the compression phase. AIR
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping during the compression phase.

Remove the protection cap.

Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
reaching the pressure you wish.
Refit the protection cap.

Riders kg 55-70 70-80 80-95 95-110+

weight lbs 120-155 155-180 180-210 210-220+
Preload bar 0 - 1.00
psi 0 - 15
Table 9 - Preload pressures

5.2.3 Positive Air 5.3 Hydraulic systems
Positive air is the elastic element in air fork legs and its task
is to support the riders weight. 5.3.1 SFA

Positive air pressure is equal to spring hardness; by

increasing the pressure the suspension is less compressed
under the riders weight and vice versa if the pressure is Available adjusters Positions
reduced, the fork is compressed more. SFA air valve Left upper cap
PAR air valve Left wheel axle clamp foot
NOTE For correct calibration proceed in the following order:
In some fork legs the air valve may not be in the Completely deflate the SFA chamber.
central position, in others however, it could be
protected by a rubber cap marked with AIR. Adjust the pressure of the PAR air chamber.
For inflation, some systems require the use of a specific
adapter, which must be applied to the pump. This adapter is Adjust the pressure of the SFA air chamber.
supplied with the fork leg

The positive air chamber is pressurised by means of the SFA
valve. The pressure of the negative chamber is automatically
adapted on the basis pf the positive chamber pressure.
AIR Correct adjustment of the SFA chamber is that allowing to
reach initial sag requested (see par. 5.2).


Remove the protection cap

Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
reaching the pressure you wish.
Refit the protection cap.

Riders kg 55-70 70-80 80-95 95-110+

weight lbs 120-155 155-180 180-210 210-220+ Remove the protection cap.
Positive air bar 2.00-2.75 2.40-3.10 2.90-3.80 3.60-4.50 Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
pressure psi 30-40 35-45 42-52 52-65 reaching the pressure you wish.
Table 10 - Positive air pressures
Refit the protection cap.

NOTE Riders kg < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90

weight lbs < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200
The procedure described above is not valid for the fork legs SFA air bar 7 8 9 10
equipped with SFA and ETA cartridges. pressure psi 103 117 132 147
Table 11 - SFA air pressure

68 PAR air 5.3.2 RC2X
By introducing pressurised air through the valve, it is
possible to modify the damping of the forces generated
during compression at the end of travel.
Available adjusters Positions
If the pressure is increased inside the fork leg, increase the Rebound brake knob Right upper cap
damping during final compression. Compression brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot
Compression brake knob on Left upper cap
end of travel
This new system concept allows rebound and compression
using three independent external adjusters. Rebound adjustment

Using the expansion adjuster located in the upper part of the
right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed
following compression.

A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to
have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to
obstacles on the trail.
If the adjustment is too reactive, the forecarriage becomes
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a
Remove the protection cap. rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot
Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
go back to a completely extended position between each
reaching the pressure you wish.
Refit the protection cap.
Riders kg < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90
weight lbs < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200
PAR air bar 9 10 11 12
pressure psi 132 147 161 175
Table 12 - SFA PAR cartridge air pressure

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the

hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the
rebound phase.
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during
the rebound phase.

69 Compression adjustment Compression adjustment on end of the travel
You can control the compression speed through the Using the end of travel compression adjuster, located in the
compression adjuster, located in the lower part of the right upper part of the left fork leg, it is possible to control the
fork leg. The compression adjustment can be done according compression speed when the fork gets near to full travel.
to the users needs, but it must be adjusted to a setting that The compression adjustment can be done according to the
will prevent the fork from bottoming.. users needs, but it must be adjusted to a setting that will
prevent the fork from bottoming.

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the

hydraulic damping during the compression phase. By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
hydraulic damping in compreswsion on end of the travel.
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping during the compression phase. By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping in compreswsion on end of the travel.

If your fork bottoms out, immediately adjust the
compression adjustment or check the oil height of the
fork. Incorrect compression adjust can result in fork
damage, an accident, personal injury or death. Adjusting
your oil height should be conducted by an authorized or
knowledgable suspension service technician.

A hard compression adjustment offers more stability, and

allows for a more aggressive riding style by making the
mountain bike more reactive. A softer adjustment offers
less stability with the advantage of a less nervous riding

Sometimes changing the oil height may be necessary
to obtain a perfect setting. Adjusting the oil height should
be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center.
Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if
you require a different oil height.
5.3.3 RC2 Compression adjustment
You can control the compression speed through the
compression adjuster, located in the lower part of the right
fork leg. The compression adjustment can be done according
Available adjusters Positions to the users needs, but it must be adjusted to a setting that
Rebound brake knob Right upper cap will prevent the fork from bottoming..
Compression brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot
This new system concept allows rebound and compression
using two external adjusters. Rebound adjustment

Using the expansion adjuster located in the upper part of the
right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed
following compression
A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to

have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to
obstacles on the trail.
If the adjustment is too reactive, the forecarriage becomes
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a
rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
go back to a completely extended position between each hydraulic damping during the compression phase.
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping during the compression phase.

If your fork bottoms out, immediately adjust the
compression adjustment or check the oil height of the
fork. Incorrect compression adjust can result in fork
damage, an accident, personal injury or death. Adjusting
your oil height should be conducted by an authorized or
knowledgable suspension service technician.

A hard compression adjustment offers more stability, and

allows for a more aggressive riding style by making the
mountain bike more reactive. A softer adjustment offers less
stability with the advantage of a less nervous riding style.
By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the
rebound phase. NOTE
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the Sometimes changing the oil height may be necessary
to obtain a perfect setting. Adjusting the oil height should
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during
be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center.
the rebound phase.
Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if
you require a different oil height.

5.3.4 RCV Compression adjustment
Using the compression adjuster located in the lower part of
the left fork leg, it is possible to control compression speed.
Available adjusters Positions The compression adjustment can be done according to the
Rebound brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot users needs, but it must be adjusted to a setting that will
Compression brake knob Left wheel axle clamp foot prevent the fork from bottoming..

This new system concept allows rebound and compression

to be regulated by means of the two external adjusters
located in the lower part of every fork leg. Rebound adjustment

Using the rebound adjuster located in the lower part of the
right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed
following compression.

A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to

have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to
obstacles on the trail.
If the adjustment is too reactive, the forecarriage becomes
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a
rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot hydraulic damping during the compression phase.
go back to a completely extended position between each
obstacle. By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping during the compression phase.

If your fork bottoms out, immediately adjust the
compression adjustment or check the oil height of the
fork. Incorrect compression adjust can result in fork
damage, an accident, personal injury or death. Adjusting
your oil height should be conducted by an authorized or
knowledgable suspension service technician.

A hard compression adjustment offers more stability, and

allows for a more aggressive riding style by making the
mountain bike more reactive. A softer adjustment offers less
stability with the advantage of a less nervous riding style.

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the NOTE

hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the
rebound phase. Sometimes changing the oil height may be necessary
to obtain a perfect setting. Adjusting the oil height should
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the be conducted by an authorized Marzocchi service center.
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during Please address to an authorized Marzocchi service center if
the rebound phase. you require a different oil height.

5.3.5 RV 5.3.6 TST5

Available adjusters Positions Available adjusters Positions

Rebound brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot1 TST5 knob (5 positions CL Right fork leg upper cap
- AM + DS)
This new system concept allows rebound to be adjusted by
means of an external adjuster located in the lower part of Extended brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot
the right fork leg. The TST5 handles fork behaviour in compression and rebound
by virtue of revolutionary system valves. The TST5 system Rebound adjustment uses a sealed cartridge with a rubber lung for oil collection.
Using the adjuster knob located in the lower part of the right The TST5 system allows for adjustment of the suspension
fork leg, it rebound possible to control the fork rebound damping. The TST5 cartridge consists of a rebound adjuster,
speed following compression. located in the lower area, and a 5-position compression
adjuster, located in the upper area.
A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to

have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to This allows the rider to obtain the best setting according to
obstacles on the trail. the type of trail.
If the adjustment is too reactive, the front of the bike becomes
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a
rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot
go back to a completely extended position between each

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the

hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the
rebound phase.
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during
the rebound phase.

73 Rebound adjustment Compression adjustment / Suspension blocking
Using the expansion adjuster located in the lower part of the The adjuster located in the upper area has five main
right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed positions: (CL), (+), (AM), (-), and (DS). Thanks to these
following compression. 5 positions, the rider can quickly obtain the best setting
according to the type of trail (see Table 13).
A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to
have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to
obstacles on the trail. WARNING!
If the adjustment is too reactive, the forecarriage becomes NEVER us the CL position while riding downhill as the
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a fork will not react properly when hitting obstacles, and
rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple can result in a loss of control of the bicycle, an accident,
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot personal injury, or death.
go back to a completely extended position between each



By turning the knob, you can adjust the compression

damping and obtain the best setting according to the type
By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
of trail:
hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the
rebound phase.
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during Position Function
the rebound phase. DS Best setting for downhill
Best setting for All
CL Best setting for uphill,
locked fork
Table 13 - Compression position TST5 cartridge

The TST5 system may be supplied with an optional remote 5.3.7 TST2
control, to activate fork blocking.

Available adjusters Positions

TST2 lever command Right fork leg upper cap
(2 positions OPEN/CLOSE)
Extended brake knob Right wheel axle clamp foot
The TST2 handles fork behaviour in compression and
OPEN rebound by virtue of revolutionary system valves. The TST2
system uses a sealed cartridge completely full of oil.
The TST2 cartridge has a valve through which it is possible
to pressurise the sealed cartridge.
The correct functioning pressure is 2 bar (30 psi); never use
different pressures.

CLOSE - By pressing on the lever, modify the forks
hydraulic configuration, supplying a position suitable for
climbs, corresponding to the CL position of the TST5, AIR
independently from the position of the adjuster present on
the fork.
OPEN - After blocking, act on the release button to restore the
adjustment previously selected using the TST5 adjuster.

NEVER us the CLOSE position while riding downhill
as the fork will not react properly when hitting obstacles,
and can result in a loss of control of the bicycle, an
accident, personal injury, or death. Rebound adjustment

Using the expansion adjuster located in the lower part of the
right fork leg, it is possible to control the fork rebound speed
following compression.
A correct adjustment of the rebound speed allows you to
have a stable bike whose wheel can properly react to
obstacles on the trail.
If the adjustment is too reactive, the forecarriage becomes
unstable and the mountain bike may swing. Conversely, a
rebound speed that is too slow makes overcoming multiple
obstacles difficult. This is because the suspension cannot
go back to a completely extended position between each


By turning the knob, you can adjust the compression

By turning the adjuster clockwise, you increase the
damping and obtain the best setting according to the type

hydraulic damping making the fork slower during the

of trai:
rebound phase.
CLOSE - Rotate the knob clockwise to activate suspension
By turning the adjuster counter-clockwise, you reduce the
hydraulic damping making the fork more reactive during
the rebound phase. OPEN - Rotate the knob anti-clockwise to restore normal
suspension. Suspension blocking
The TST2 system can be equipped with an optional remote
The adjustment has two positions. command in which case the knob on the fork is replaced by
a command installed on the handlebar.
CLOSE - When turning the knob clockwise, you activate
the TST2 cartridge function. In this position the travel of the CLOSE - Press the lever to active suspension block.
forks legs is blocked. This position is only suitable for hard,
steep climbs as it reduces the wobbles of the bikes fore- OPEN - Press the lever to active suspension block.
OPEN - When turning the knob counterclockwise, you reset
the forks normal function by deactivating the TST2 cartridge

NEVER us the CLOSE position while riding downhill
as the fork will not react properly when hitting obstacles,
and can result in a loss of control of the bicycle, an
accident, personal injury, or death.

5.3.8 ATA
riders kg < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90
weight lbs < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200
ATA air bar 7 8 9 10
Available adjusters Positions pressure psi 103 117 132 147
ATA knob Left fork leg upper cap Table 14 - ATA air pressure

ATA air valve Left upper cap BOTTOM OUT AIR CHAMBER air
BOTTOM OUT AIR Left wheel axle clamp foot
CHAMBER air valve By introducing pressurised air through the valve, it is
possible to modify the damping of the forces generated
The possibility of modifying the maximum travel and fork
during compression at the end of travel.
length so they can be adapted to the riders needs and
frames geometry. If the pressure is increased inside the fork leg, increase the
damping during final compression.
For correct calibration proceed in the following order:
Take the travel to maximum by means of the ATA
Completely deflate the SFA chamber.

Adjust the pressure of the BOTTOM OUT AIR
Adjust the pressure of the ATA air chamber.
Adjust the travel using the ATA adjuster. ATA air

The positive air chamber is pressurised by means of the ATA
valve. The pressure of the negative chamber is automatically
adapted on the basis pf the positive chamber pressure.
Correct adjustment of the ATA chamber is that allowing to
reach initial sag requested (see par. 5.2). Remove the protection cap.
Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
reaching the pressure you wish.
Refit the protection cap.
kg < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90
riders weight
lbs < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200
BOTTOM OUT bar 9 10 11 12
air pressure psi 132 147 161 175
Table 15 - BOTTOM OUT AIR CHAMBER ATA cartridge pressure air

Remove the protection cap.

Tighten the pump adapter on the valve and inflate till
reaching the pressure you wish.
Refit the protection cap.
77 ATA adjuster 5.3.9 ETA
By turning the ATA knob it is possible to vary travel and
length of the fork in a range of 40mm.
Available adjusters Positions
ETA lever command Left fork leg upper cap
(2 positions OPEN/CLOSE)
The ETA cartridge is a system which limits travel with
the distinction of working on the rebound rather than the
compression as fork locking systems usually work.
Moreover the ETA cartridge does not completely block the
fork which maintains about 30mm of travel.
The ETA cartridge facilitates pedalling in ascent.
Travel reduced therefore less wavering
Fore-carriage lowered therefore the lower position of

the handlebar respect to its normal position facilitates

pedalling when the front wheel would normally tend to lose
adherence and lift up.
By turning the knob in a clockwise direction the maximum
travel and fork length are increased. About 30mm travel even when the cartridge is activated
By turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction the to surpass small obstacles and improve comfort respect
maximum travel and fork length are increased. to total blockage.
When this function is deactivated the MTB returns to
normal, the bicycle returns to normal, the steering angle
opens offering the best performance in descent or on rough
Travel reduction is in proportion to how hard the rider is
pedalling, the harder the pedalling, the lower it goes.

NEVER us the CLOSE position while riding downhill
as the fork will not react properly when hitting obstacles,
and can result in a loss of control of the bicycle, an
accident, personal injury, or death.

78 Adjustment system
Model Available travels
CORSA SL WORLD CUP 80 mm - 100 mm
CORSA SL RACE 80 mm - 100 mm
XC RETRO SL 700 90 mm -> 130 mm adjustable
XC RETRO SL 600 90 mm -> 130 mm adjustable
XC RETRO 700 100 mm - 130 mm
XC RETRO 600 100 mm - 130 mm
XC RETRO 500 100 mm - 120 mm - 130 mm
XC RETRO 400 100 mm - 130 mm
ALL MOUNTAIN SL 1 120 mm -> 150 mm adjustable
ALL MOUNTAIN SL 2 120 mm -> 150 mm adjustable
ALL MOUNTAIN 1 140 mm - 160 mm

CLOSE - Rotate the knob clockwise to activate the ETA ALL MOUNTAIN 2 140 mm - 160 mm
cartridge. Z1 RC2 ETA 150 mm
OPEN - Rotate the knob anti-clockwise to restore normal 4X WORLD CUP 110 mm
suspension. DIRT JUMPER 1 80 mm - 100 mm
The ETA system can be equipped with an optional remote DIRT JUMPER 2 80 mm - 100 mm
command in which case the knob on the fork is replaced by 66 SL 1 ATA 140 mm -> 180 mm adjustable
a command installed on the handlebar. 66 SL 2 ATA 140 mm -> 180 mm adjustable
66 RC2X 160 mm - 180 mm
66 RC2 ETA 160 mm - 180 mm
66 RV ETA 160 mm - 180 mm
66 RCV 160 mm - 180 mm
66 RV 160 mm - 180 mm
888 SL ATA 160 mm -> 200 mm adjustable
888 RC2X WORLD CUP 200 mm
888 RC2X VA 200 mm
888 RC2 VA 200 mm
888 RCV 200 mm
CLOSE 888 RV 200 mm
Table 16 - Available travels
CLOSE - Press the lever to change the forks hydraulic
configuration activating the ETA cartridge
OPEN - After activation, use the release button to restore
normal suspension.

Part to be tightened Tightening torque (Nm)
V-brake locking pins 91
Forks top caps 10 1
Adjuster locking screws 2 0,5
Pumping rod / cartridge foot nuts 10 1
Pumping rod foot screws 10 1
Fender fixing screws 61
Handlebar clamp fixing screws (888) 61
Lower crown fixing screws (Z1, Dirt Jumper) 10 1
Lower crown fixing screws (888) 61
Lower crown fixing screws (888) 61
Wheel axle screws 15 1
Allen screws for wheel axles 61
Table 17 - Tightening torques

Positive air pressures - Preload air pressures

kg 55-70 70-80 80-95 95-110+
Riders weight
lbs 120-155 155-180 180-210 210-220+
bar 2.00-2.75 2.40-3.10 2.90-3.80 3.60-4.50
Positive air pressure
psi 30-40 35-45 42-52 52-65
bar 0 - 1.00
Preload air pressure
psi 0 - 15

Air pressures SFA cartridge - Air pressures ATA cartridge

kg < 65 65-75 75-90 > 90
Riders weight
lbs < 145 145-165 165-200 > 200
bar 7 8 9 10
SFA air pressure
psi 103 117 132 147
PAR air pressure SFA bar 9 10 11 12
cartridge psi 132 147 161 175
bar 7 8 9 10
ATA air pressure
psi 103 117 132 147
air pressure ATA cartridge psi 132 147 161 175
Table 18 - Recommended air pressure values

Always install, repair and use your Marzocchi Suspension System in strict compliance with its owners manual.
MARZOCCHI trademark licensed by Marzocchi S.p.A.

7.1a Warranty for EU countries 7.1b Warranty Rest of the World - USA
Marzocchi S.p.a. warrants that its new Suspension Systems included
are free from original conformity defects throughout a period If any component of your Marzocchi Suspension System is
of two (2) years from the date of the purchase, in accordance found to be defective in materials or workmanship within the
with Directive 99/ 44/EC. term of this Limited Two Year Warranty (the Agreement),
The retail invoice or, if any, the warranty certificate dated the defective component will be repaired or replaced, at
and stamped by Marzocchi retailer, enclosed with the the option of Marzocchi S.p.A., free of charge, within thirty
product, prove the commencement date of the warranty. In (30) days after receipt of the Suspension System by an
authorized Marzocchi dealer (for the USA, Marzocchi USA),

the event of a conformity defect within the aforesaid term,
the purchaser should return the product to the Marzocchi freight prepaid, together with the original retail invoice or
retailer where he/she bought it, illustrating the defect and the other evidence of the date of purchase.
reasons of the warranty claim. Not covered
The retailer will inform the purchaser when the product has This warranty does not cover damage resulting from
been repaired or replaced. accidents, alteration, neglect, misuse, abuse, or improper
Not covered use, lack of reasonable or proper maintenance, improper
assembly, repairs improperly performed or replacement
This warranty does not cover non-conformity defects after parts or accessories not conforming to Marzocchi S.p.A.s
the purchase, such as damage resulting from accidents, specifications, modifications not recommended or approved
alteration, neglect, misuse, abuse, improper use, improper in writing by Marzocchi S.p.A., activities such as acrobatics,
assembly, repairs improperly performed, replacement stunt jumping, ramp riding, racing, commercial use, and /
parts or accessories not conforming to Marzocchi S.p.A.s or normal wear or deterioration occasioned by the use of
specifications, modifications not recommended or approved the suspension system. Items subject to normal wear or
in writing by Marzocchi S.p.A., activities such as acrobatics, deterioration include but are not limited to oil, dust seals,
stunt jumping, ramp riding, racing, commercial use, oil seals, and bushings. In addition, this warranty is void in
competitive use, use in mountain biking or BMX parks, the event that the forks are used with any rental bicycles,
use on BMX trails, and/or normal wear or deterioration unless Marzocchi S.p.A provided prior approval in writing for
occasioned by the use of the suspension system. This such use. This warranty also does not include any expenses
warranty does not cover, as they are not original non- related to the transportation of the Marzocchi Suspension
conformities, items subject to normal wear occasioned by System to or from an authorized Marzocchi dealer (for the
use, including, but not limited to, oil, dust seals, oil seals, USA, Marzocchi USA), labor costs to remove the Marzocchi
and bushings. In addition, this warranty is void in the event Suspension System from the bicycle, or compensation
that the forks are used with rental bicycles. This warranty will for inconvenience or loss of use while the Marzocchi
be automatically void if the serial number of the Marzocchi Suspension System is being repaired. This warranty will
Suspension System is altered, erased, defaced or otherwise be automatically void if serial number of the Marzocchi
subject to any tampering. Finally, this warranty will not cover Suspension System is altered, erased, defaced or otherwise
Marzocchi second-hand suspension systems and in this subject to any tampering.
case the retailer will offer a warranty for the second-hand
product, without liability of any kind, either direct or indirect,
of Marzocchi.
Territorial limitation
This warranty covers all the products bought in a EU country, 81
except for products bought in a EU country but used in the
USA which the clauses of the Warranty rest of the world
USA included apply to. Some EU countries set mandatory
rules which govern the warranty for consumer goods; should
these rules be inconsistent with the terms of this warranty,
national mandatory rules shall take precedence.

7.2 Purchaser
This warranty is made by Marzocchi S.p.A. with only the original purchaser of the Marzocchi Suspension System and does
not extend to any third parties. The rights of the original purchaser under this warranty may not be assigned.

7.3 Term
The term of this warranty shall commence on the date of purchase and shall continue for a period of two (2) years from the
date of the original purchase.
7.4 Procedure
In event of a defect covered by this warranty, the purchaser should contact an authorized Marzocchi dealer or a Marzocchi

Service Centre (for the USA, Marzocchi USA).

7.5 Entire agreement
This warranty supersedes any and all oral or express warranties, statements or undertakings that may previously have been
made, and contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the warranty of this Marzocchi Suspension
System. Any and all warranties not contained in this warranty are specifically excluded.
7.6 Damages
Except as expressly provided by this warranty, Marzocchi S.p.A. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL
foregoing statements of warranty are exclusive and lieu of all other remedies. Some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
7.7 Disclaimer
exclusive remedy available to the Purchaser with respect to this purchase. In the event of any alleged breach of any warranty
or any legal action brought by the purchaser based on alleged negligence or other tortious conduct by Marzocchi S.p.A. the
Purchasers sole and exclusive remedy will be repair or replacement of defective materials as stated above. No dealer and
no other agent or employee of Marzocchi S.p.A. is authorized to modify, extend or enlarge this warranty.
7.8 Warning
Always install, repair and use your Marzocchi Suspension System in strict compliance with its owners manual.
7.9 Other rights
This warranty gives you the specific legal rights, and you have also other rights which vary from state to state (USA only).
7.10 Applicable law
Any disputes arising out of this agreement or the use of this Marzocchi Suspension System will be governed by the laws of
the country of Italy and will be decided by the Courts of Bologna, Italy.


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