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My Future Plan

I was starting my university at Singapore, I chosen a graphic design major. I

was so happy with my choice. I interesting in art and design.
But I realized that everyone already have a art side inside their mind, its only
need to learn how to improve it and practice more and more.
I don’t say that studying design it’s not important, but for me what I need to
learn is how to publish my creativity and art that I already have inside my self.
So I decided to move to a university where I can learn about a communication,
so I could understand how to be a good speaker to represent my work for the
public or client.
More than that I want also to learn about marketing, so I can turn my creative
into a business. Before I will open business I should know the strategy to start it.
Finally I found one of the greatest university in Jakarta, it’s a London School
Public Relation.
Its have all the major that I need to help me start my plan future.
For the moment I studying in LSPR,
I learned much from the lectures that teaching in LSPR.
Especially about how to communicate, and the update info about the world.
The subject that I start to be very interesting is a Marketing and PR, its teach
how to be a good leader and learn how to connecting with other people with a
right target.
For the next semester its quite make me confuse, I don’t know which one that I
choose between marketing and PR.
I need to make sure that I wont choose the wrong major.
So I try to talk with the person that could help me through my confusing.
After it, I think ill decide to choose Marketing to be my next semester major, I
wish I could be good one in that major.
When I finish my university, I have a good skill, well understanding about the
business strategy, and already collect a many link so I can start to open my

The important things are how to create a product of my own creative ideas.
My plan I want to create business that includes a side of art and fashion.
So it will be a Fashion Store, with the unique design, and ill divide my product
with a differences target market.
What I really wanted is everyone could use my product, from every area, every
culture, and every level of people.
If I reach it and be successful with all of it.
Than I move to open a more big business with the basic that I have start, but
while I doing it I want to continue to study for the s2 outside the country, its
In Australia I would like to learn how the people there communicate within
business part, so I could bring and introduce my product to them and represent
that Indonesia product also have a good quality.
I wish I could be successful in my own country and be international.
My Future Plan


Introduction to Comm. Science

Shen dy L avenia

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