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Put the verbs in the present simple, present continuous, future, past simple, past continuous, present perfect simple,
present perfect continuous:
1. Mother ____________________COOK now.
2. He _________________TELL a funny story now.
3. I _______________WALK to school every day.
4. You _______________SKATE tomorrow.
5. We _______________SWIM in the sea next summer.
6. They _____________SKI in the mountains every winter.
7. She _____________COME today.
8. You _____________FIND her here tomorrow.
9. The teacher ______________POINT to the map now.
10. We ________________TALK about it next week.
11. I _______________LEARN a new song today.
12. We ________________DO our homework every day.
13. My sister ______________HAVE breakfast now.
14. She _______________HAVE breakfast at this time yesterday.
15. I _____________HAVE breakfast every day.
16. I _____________HAVE breakfast yesterday too.
17. I _____________HAVE breakfast early tomorrow.
18. I _______just ________HAVE breakfast.
19. I _____________VISIT a toy factory yesterday.
20. My friends ____________VISIT a car factory now.
21. We ___________VISIT a factory every year.
22. We ___________VISIT the factory when it started to rain.
23. Next year we ____________VISIT another factory.
24. They _________just _________VISIT a fridge factory.
25. Tom ______________WRITE a letter to his aunt now.
26. His aunt ____________SEND him a present last year.
27. She _____________SEND him a present every year.
28. Tom ______________GET a present from his aunt tomorrow.
29. He _____________BE very happy tomorrow.
30. The children _____________SEE a comedy last week.
31. They ______________BUY tickets to see a film now.
32. They ______________BUY tickets at this time last week.
33. They ______________GO to the cinema every week.
34. Next week they ______________SEE a film with Superman.
35. Tom and Mary _______________WALK home at this time yesterday.
36. They ______________WALK home every day.
37. They ______________WALK home now.
38. We ___________just_____________MEET them.
39. They _____________WALK home tomorrow, too.
40. They _____________WALK home yesterday.
41. Adrian and Eliza ____________BE on holiday last month.
42. They _____________NOT BE to school yet.
43. They _________just____________COME back to town.
44. Eliza ____________SPEND her summer holiday in Navodari.
45. She _____________BE there last month.
46. Now school ___________just __________BEGIN.
47. School ___________START. It ____________START two days ago.
48. The weather _____________BE fine last month.
49. This month it ____________RAIN every day.
50. I ___________TALK to him two days ago.
51. My friend ____________LIVE in Bucharest for two years.
52. I _____________FINISH the book. I can give it to you now.
53. Father _____________READ the newspaper since 5 oclock.
54. Mother _____________WATCH TV for half an hour.
55. I _____________WATCH this TV program before. I know what it is about.
56. I _____________WRITE the letter. You can send it tomorrow.
57. My brother ______________WRITE since he came back home. He hasnt finished yet.
58. I ______________LEARN to swim for two weeks, but I cant swim yet.
59. My classmate _______________LEARN to swim. He can swim in the sea now.
60. Mother _____________COOK at this time yesterday.
61. He _______________WRITE a lot of letters yesterday.
62. He _________already___________WRITE two letters this morning.
63. He _____________WRITE a letter now.
64. __________you __________SEE my pencil? I ___________LOSE it.
65. I ____________GO to the seaside last year.
66. I ____________READ many books when I was on holiday.
67. I ____________LEARN English for the last two years, and now I ___________STUDY French too.
68. Now he ______________PAINT a portrait. It is the third portrait he ___________PAINT this year.
69. I ____________LIVE in Bucharest since I was born.
70. Last year they _____________BEGIN to build a new block of flats.
71. I ______________SEE you yesterday. You _______________CROSS the street, but you ______________NOT SEE me.
72. He ______________WORK here for five years. He works in the next room.
73. When you _____________ENTER the room, I ____________LISTEN to the radio.
74. He __________just____________COME home.
75. Where is John? He _____________GO out ten minutes ago.
76. He _____________LIVE in London since 1990.
77. I _____________WATCH TV when the phone ____________RING. When the phone ______________RING, I _____________
78. While Peter ______________WORK in the garden yesterday, it ______________START to rain. When it ______________START to
rain, Peter _____________GO inside.
79. The train _____________ARRIVE just as Peter ______________GET into the station.
80. We _____________HAVE breakfast when Tom ______________COME home.
81. While we _____________WALK about the streets our friend ______________WORK.
82. He _____________OPEN the door, _____________LOOK out but ________________NOT SEE anyone there. While he
______________TRY to fall asleep he ______________HEAR the same strange noise.
83. What you _______________DO when the rain ______________START?
84. The postman ______________NOT COME yet.
85. We ________________BE in New York for two weeks.
86. ___________Peter _____________GO to bed yet?
87. We ______________NOT HAVE a letter from Nick for two months.
88. _________you ever ___________HAVE toothache?
89. I _____________HAVE a shower when my friend ____________CALL.
90. We ______________WAIT here until the rain ______________STOP.
91. As soon as the match ______________END we ________________COMPLAIN to the referee.
92. I ____________STAY with you until the train ______________LEAVE.
93. She _______________WORRY about her exam until she ______________GET the results.
94. We _______________NOT START lunch until you ______________GET back.
95. When the exam _________________BE over we _____________HAVE a party.
96. I ______________HAVE an ice cream before the film _______________START.
97. I ______________FINISH this book before I _____________GO to bed.
98. As soon as I get in the car I ______________PUT on my seat belt.
99. Ill check the driving mirror before I ______________START.
100.If we _____________GO to the cinema, we _______________MISS the football match on television.
101.If Italy _____________SCORE again, they ___________WIN 3:0.
102.She _____________COME to your party, if you _____________ASK her.
103.You _____________PLAY better, if you _____________PRACTISE more.
104.Mrs. Evans _______________WAKE UP at three oclock in the morning. There was a man downstairs. She ______________ GET
UP, got dressed and phoned the police. Then she hid behind the door and waited. Slowly the door opened. Suddenly Mrs. Evans
_____________JUMP OUT and shouted: Go away! I ______________PHONE the police! She pushed the burglar out of the room
and he _________________FALL down the stairs. Then the police _______________COME IN and caught the man before he could
______________RUN AWAY. They then _________________DRIVE AWAY with the burglar in their car to the police station, and
Mrs. Evans _______________SIT DOWN and made herself a nice cup of tea!
105.Shakespeare _________________BE born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23 1564. He ________________LEAVE school when he
______________BE about 14 to work in a shop. At eighteen he ________________MARRY Anne Hathaway and they
______________HAVE three children. A few years later he ______________TRAVEL to London and ______________ WORK in
the theatre. He _________________WRITE thirty-seven plays that are still loved and performed today. Towards the end of his life, he
_______________RETURN to his family and home in Stratford. Shakespeare _______________DIE on April 23 1616, his fifty-
second birthday.
106.I _____________STUDY English since I was eleven.
107.We _____________BE best friends since we were five years old.
108.Harry ______________WORK for this company for two years.
109.My sister ______________HAVE glasses since she was eight years old.
110.They _______________KNOW each other for more than twenty years.
111. My family _____________LIVE in this house since before I was born.
112.I _____________NOT VISIT my grandmother for three months.
113.My brother ______________PLAY the piano since he was four years old.
114.They _______________NOT SPEAK to each other for six months.
115.I _____________EAT vegetables and fish since I became a vegetarian.
116.Hurry up Hannah! You _______________TALK on the phone for ages.
117.Come on Ken! You _____________BE in the bathroom for hours.
118.I _______________TRY to mend my bicycle for about two hours.
119.Mike and I ________________KNOW each other since we were at school.
120.The angry customers ________________WAIT to be served for more than an hour.
121.My brother _______________STUDY very hard this week.
122.I ________________SEE Titanic and I thought it was an wonderful film.
123.We ________________DO our homework for about twenty minutes.
124.Ms. Sullivan _______________BE a teacher for fourteen years.
125.I _______________WATCH television since I came home from school.
126.I _______________LEARN how to use e-mail recently. At first it _____________BE difficult and I ________________ NOT KNOW
how to send an e-mail or how to get one. My elder brother ______________HELP me a lot and now I _______________ USE e-mail
all the time.
127._________you ever __________BREAK a part of your body? Yes, I ______________BREAK my toe when I was a baby.


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