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Types of sensation

special [sp()l] vision, hearing, smell, taste [test]


superficial [s(j)upf()l] (exteroception)



tactile [tktal]

deep (proprioception)

vibration [vabre()n]

muscle- joint [dnt] (, , )

spatial [spe()l] ()

pressure [pr]

complex types of sensation



visceral [vs()rl] (inretoception)

Types of receptors

Somatosensory receptors in the skin:

Free nerve ending (pain, temperature)

tactile [tktal] disk of Merkel

Peritrichial nerve endings around a hair [h] follicle [flk()l] (touch


Tactile corpuscle of Meissner.

VaterPacini corpuscle (pressure, vibration)

End bulb of Krause (cold?)

Ruffini corpuscle (warmth?)

Receptors in muscle, tendons, and fascia [fe,]:

Annulospiral [spa()rl] ending [nd] of a muscle spindle (stretch)

Golgi tendon organ (tension) [tn()n] ()

GolgiMazzoni corpuscle [kps()l] (pressure)

Cross section ( ) of a mixed peripheral nerve

Classification of sensory nerve fibres [fab]

diameter [damt] velocity [vlst]

Sensory pathways

The cortical representation of different parts of the body

gyrus [da()rs] being [bi]

Sensory disturbances

Hypoesthesia decrease of sensation

Hyperesthesia [haprisiz] increase of sensation

anaesthesia [nsiz] loss of sensation

dysaesthesia [dsisis] abnormal sensation

Paresthesia sensation of tingling [t()l] (,

), burning [bn] (), pricking [prk]
(, ), or numbness [nmns]
()of a person's skin

Types of sensory disturbances

Devices (, ) to assess the sensation

cylinder [slnd] Meta [mit] Tuning-fork tuning [tjun] fork [fk] ()

Additional methods for investigation of sensory fibers


An unpleasant [nplz()nt] () sensory and emotional [m()nl]

experience [ksp()rns] () associated [setd] with actual
[ktl] or potential tissue [tu] damage [dmd] ( ) or
described in terms [tm () of such [st] ( ) damage


transient [trnznt] (short duration [dj()re()n])

acute [kjut] (within a period [p()rd] of injury [ndr] (

, ) and healing [hil) (, )

chronic [krnk] (beyond [bjnd] (, ) the

normal healing [hil period )


Referred [rfd] ()

Irradiating [redet]



is caused () by stimulation of peripheral nerve fibers that

respond () only to stimuli [stmjl] approaching [prt]
() or exceeding [ksid] () harmful
[hmf()l] (, ) intensity [ntnst] (nociceptors);
described as throbbing [rb] (), aching [ek] (),
bursting [bst] ()

Neuropathic [njrpk]

is caused by damage or disease affecting [fkt] any part of the nervous

[nvs] system involved [nvlvd] in bodily feelings (the somatosensory
system); described as burning, tingling, electrical [lktrk()l],
stabbing [stb] (, ), or pins [pn] and needles

Psychogenic [sak()dnk]

is pain caused, increased, or prolonged by mental, emotional, or behavioral


Types of pain sensation disturbances

Hypoalgesia [hpldiz] decrease of pain sensation

Analgesia [n()ldiz] loss of pain sensation

Hyperalgesia [hap(r)ldiz] increase of pain sensation

Hyperpathia - a painful syndrome characterized by an abnormally painful

[penf()l] reaction [rk()n] to a stimulus [stmjls], especially a
repetitive [rpttv] stimulus, as well as an increased threshold
[r(h)ld] ()

Allodynia - a pain due to a stimulus which does [dz] not normally provoke
[prvk] (, ) pain

Anaesthesia dolorosa - is pain felt () in an area (usually of the

face) which is completely numb [nm] () to touch

Diagnosis of pain


Physical investigation

Evaluation of pain intensity (VAS)

Additional [d()nl] methods of investigation(MRI, EMG)

Non-pharmacological treatment of pain

massage [ms]

Acupuncture [kjpkt]


Neurosurgery [nj()rsd()r]

physiotherapy [fzrp]


psychotherapy [sakrp]

Pharmacological treatment of pain

Local anesthetic [nstk]

NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory [nflmt()r] drug

Opiates [pet]
Antidepressants [ntdprs()nt]


You have 20 minutes to repeat today's topic. Who would like to answer this
question? Who would like to start the discussion [dsk()n]?pane

The description [dskrp()n] of nociceptive pane.

Spinal ganglions are located on either side of the spine ().

"socks" and "gloves" pattern of pain and temperature sensation disturbances -

.There are the all type sensation disturbances in the hands and feet

Mononeuropathic type: sensation disturbances in the distribution area of one nerve

socks [sks] -like pattern [ptn] of all types of sensation decrease -

" pillow [pl] -like" feeling -

the heel- knee test is performed [pfmt] with the goal [l] missing -
reveal [rvil] ,

On the affected side violated all kinds of sensitivity on the opposite side of the
surface disturbed only by the sensitivity

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