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23 2016

Mdimum : 100 ot!k3

Tne : t hour dd 16 binulei

t- Whac i. th. ton ictd of!@ {@ tNe?

G) 0.1r . (B) r0r
(o r.00 @) r.rr


t, A Etrli$ils gla$ ir u*d :

(A) Duila 6|lil op..ation
(B) WhiI6 t lilaltdsi@ 4@@6dt
(O Dli4.bippirgoDitim
(D) D@ii3 qttitrg opdh@

4. A iLLrld-.clid ettodc! fte b !*iI bt:

(A) dmits
Motd (B) l&hti!8 .iEuits
(C) E.tinsdraits (D) Nom olthe&

d. Tb. fLct or.tuk , &irl md dk'ri i! @Cisib; on

|A) reaE
(C) Irail.h.rthd PiF @)

a lL i!*r urha of. EPMV Lbr i.6u.d tith :

(C) E liu gd o)
7. Totrl ldlri6! Lsr*. bt . { pot Ac i. .qud io :
'&ldm (B) 3$0"
(A) 16e
(g) ?20! @) 108f

3. Which elenert is led ds mniconductor Eatedal?
({) coppet

9, Ilighedl dopped region

(A) Enitter (B) BaBe
(c) conedor (D) All eqlallv

10, E..rtg r.datd @od nuou'ly

th Ior oflight-ward i6 cr[ed:

(C) l-uni.o$ jntensity

11. wlr.t b ihe wolkin8 ionperatE of. ilorhtd tDgrien n|aDcn|?

(a) 1600 "c (B) t700rc
(o) 1800 "c (D) 2000.c

12. hpuritio3 in an elacircb.t car care.n iltemal short.ciEuitonditiotr called:

(A) Eletrcly8i! (B) Depohnadon
(c) Poll.iatio! (D) l@l actiotr

13. . ?erEalelt magnts dle rornally drile of :

(A) Aluminirb
(o) castircn
14- Inducr,ion imtrlnent have romd $idc!! rpplot';tr
(A) Wa$ Lour mcref (B)
(C) voltneler (D)

15. 'IrE powet6ct r of io ordidary etedric bulb is :

(A) Zerc (B) Unift
(c) Llsglnc (D) Learting

le. Furction of a relay i. :

(A) Fauh dtedion G) Enerstr rhe tripping circuit

(c) Both (.4) dd (B)

rt. The tdirclyte or lud acid battrf, i! :

(A) E?SO1 (B) PbSOr

(c) rLo (D) ltor{

18. I. an AC oRui! tbe atu ot KW/(VA Epr&tr!':

(A) t p@eifacid
ad (B)Fo.n ract r
(c) P@*Iact r (D) Div@iiy ractoi

1S. The ratio ofaverage losd to ihe Eaxi4uh d.nand dori4 a siven pnoil is *no*n ad

(A) factor
Arerag (B) Dehandthdor
(c) lnail Iactor (D) Power racior

t0, TIe cdpacitan@ ofa trdsntuion rlne

(A) sri6 leEent G) Snu.t elenent
(c) Eith. (A) @ (B) (D) None oftlie

2r. U th diin.rer of @nductor iteft,et, irdutsne oa lhe line b :

(A) Inftt*d (B) Decre!*J
(c) Not'sden (D) None ottnee

,2, lf the p d lacto. of lhe load rl@ae3,

(B) D*Eed
@) Either (B) o. (c)

28, Und.roperabns cold't'otu the nainum

(A) Cedtre of@nductor (B) End ordnductor
@) co.ductor 6urfa.c

!a. h pr&tie, tlo-chdsing b !rfcded ot lo.d

(A) Intanptd (B)
(c) Eiher (A) or (B) (D)

t. Tl! prirciple caue orrcltngB vdasiion iit lv.teD i. d6pnd oD:

0D P@r factor (a) Fequenct

(c) gizof@lductd (D) l^d
26. lored- bl.stcircuii bEakeE nale
(C) Hrch (D)

Th6 tine cu.leni chrra.terftticg of a fuse has

28. Th nelri4 poin!offuse elene Blould h.v:

(A) r.w (B) Medium
(C) {ish (D) ve.y }Ijgl

29. Clpacitirecuftni belLilg Gdb

(A) Cure.t rurss

30. Th volta3e build.up p&e66 of r dc coratd is :

(A) Diltrcult (B)
(c) hfnjre (D Clnulative

81, Th voldse resubtion of an ore. @Epouril dc cEnErb@r E urwsrs

(A) Nsgdtive (B) pdiiiv.
\cJ zeto (D) Hish
tl. Tna nomal valueotihc qm!!w F.i.rrre
(B) O_5
(c) r0 (D) 100

33. A dc roror develop a toque of 200 N.d at Ai 20 rp3 jt will develop a torqu of

(A) r23 (B) t60

(c) 200 @) 2no

8,1. The.Ded ofdc mot r i. invrely irs:

(o Frequency (D)

35. wlrich tst lor u6i!c io find et!{y logic. on dc 6hunt moror?
(A) Hopkilsolc (B) swinburnel
(O Fields (D) Itetadaiion

36, A traEnlrBer has negsiiv volt sc regulation wh.. itd ldd pdcr fdclor iB :

LA/ zotu (B\ tf,adrs

(C) Urity (D) LassinR

3?. A T-Tt d.forner can.ot be pdrtlleled Fith

(B) Y-A
(c) Y-Y (D)
38. The rrn oftufto,lterMbr h.a:

(C) gish

39. Th elEcienc! or. 3-ph$e indudion etlr i! appbrinat4lv pbportional to :

(A) S (B)N
(c) N, (D) O -S)

.lo. To cluse ,bo DO& of ftpul.ion Eoior i! :

(A) To sliat brush poaition (8) To intrch.lce pn,* and neuir:l

(C) To rarying 6qub.y

ln duar cyclc th hat i6 added .r :

(A) C.mianl Enprat@ and prcg.oft
(B) C.mtani pre$uF atd corstani vorud'
(c) comt nt pre$w 8d @tsla.t tmp.laiue
0)) ca.sttnt Press@ 8nd adiabati.

,2. the pipes connectd siih !.1.P and irjcto! is nad of I

(A) coppe! (B) Aluniniub
(c) stl (D) Braided I v c
A ? 23U2016
43. Cablvdc convet! i6 tttd in belwen :

(A) Inle! oditold aDd fuel punp

(C) Inle! ellifold anil cfrn} de
fe battery rbe plate g.ids are ma& of :

and calcim (B) Larl

ald aenic (D)

46. Cyli!{tr lireE 6F m,d or:

40. Outsard tiltirg of tbe ioDt wlel at bp in vsrtical lin :

(A) @nber
Ngativs (B) PGitire caEref
rC' Klrs pi n. uarDn (D) Posirivo cambor

17. In bnion b&.usDDsion th Mil sh@k .belhed th

' {A) C.npesio! (B)
(C) lvibtils (D)

43, 'nE sirathile$ ol a @n shaft ca! bo checked by :

{A) Stlaighi edse (B)

(C) Dis'l gaus3 (D)

a0. Dedion.n ! !E us<li:

(A) R4.. Ure sle sftn indepndent lupersron
G) Rer &ad ,xre Fitrr .isid $l su.pen.iotr
(c) FFftIre a{r silh jtrdepeldcrt Eusprnsioq
(D) FMt dead rde with .tid ane sspension

60.,TLe valre.@nt3iD i! ihe pftsde crp of mdiatori6 :

(A) vacuuD ad pM6@ vdler (E) Atedphc.ic .nd v&uuD volE

51. r the uBprulg *6isht i6 Lept 6aris!o, eu...l
(A) UMr{ortlbb nde (B) &itd stabilitv
(C) CoEfodable rido (D) R6du@.ide thrudt

6t,, fhe eus pFdusd by cbe .!gt! i! los thrcugfi fte xhau.t s!. i! |

(A) l0% (B) 0o%

lc) 2t% (D) 36%

6t. TteEro.tat i! lo.atod s n t@n :

(A) wate! pup .trd co[4ao! tank (l) Cvli(ler dnd h.dde! t3I}
' (O Wittlu! 6d h!.der tqrL (D) Urri6{ plop and *at6rltrLet

6{ Rr@}Ds eo&t!.1, in S.t. stsim on b. Fd@d bv :

. (A) t@eilg6Ep!@io! lado (B) INFuiraw.Iteolentr

' (c) DeediDs.lsilc .!..d (D) ImEuirg.Dai*.Deed

s. tt@t @@lr,b uFd luhlt ND.&Ald:

(N Aniddoir (B) v.r!t bleoil
(O r64!.loU (D) sYntl8li. 6rt4ri.l

d6. UDit of li@tic visity is :

6) Caltisto.L (B) c.trii Poia

(c) UitriatoL @) Millipoi*

5?. TE latio.D@d of@ !t l! and.Lt 8E$ of oil puD i!:

(A)2:1 (8) 3:r
(O 1: I (D) 1:2

6& O@ N.rtoD i! squ.l to:

(A)1o,dr!6 , (B) ro'!g
(O lo.!s (D) 1or dY@

69. The &[i!g t6lil6ncy of lh sbiclo cd b E4uod bv I

(A) Panl.ldtud (B) staliudlod

(c) aadiu!.d (D) B.Uca!1
A 9 23U2016

60. i'he centntugal advan& n.charbn in the disilibutof is work. in relation to:
(A) sped
Encin. E) Engin l@d
(q Engne b|qu. (D) EnBie p@e.

61. The eneryy onvcBioa duils b.ake alplicr.ior i

(A) cn*sy to ki!tip ercrs/ G) Kinetic enrsy ro bear ererey
(C) Hedt nerer to nechanicrl enrsy (D (iretic enersy .o echalical enersy

62, Clut h facihgs as alde of ;

6$. ln diaplmcm clutch th wd of rhe chtch lining caws rLe chrch rdrl ro :
(A) Sponsy (B) Pul5ation
(c) Ea (D) No.nal

6'!. Th ratio of Bid. foE. Bstaind ard slip .ngl is crld :

{A) Slf rtbiil8 iolqu (B) Cstittail

(c) c.menngfoc (D) p@q

66. while drivitrs i}rcuah , cund Md thc ilivr 116 to steer th Eli.L n@ ftan ir
theoreticaly equircd tli! @nditior i! caled:
(A) ov6f 6ter (B) Uraet Btaer
(c) Neutml6teer (D) None ofih6o

65, Tb" spprcrDrF pEsrd n rhc pNer.@r rysiem F.

(A' J Npr (8, 3Mpa
(O i Mpa (D) 30 l{!r
07. The asp*t raiio af ibe tlE is ihe raho ol :

(A) 1y,o .ection width/rtae mctio! high!

(B) Tyre oerioD heichtAlre *ction width
(O su.rylh oI ply/}.lo ot lly
(D) IUn.irll!4 si4

!av20l5 lo

68. ?he ex$ive positiv canbor on wbcel cau6cs lh. iy& to wcl :

(A) Mo@ai@hier (B) More at outer edse

(c) More at rnnerdge (D) Moreal8ldewdll

69. The 6ne clut hd f in :

(A) box
Sliding nrh sear (B) Conbtanl n6dh g* bor
(C) Epicrdic gear tox (D) Synch.o neh scd box

70. wf ich t}!e of th tre cire. riding.om6$ rl slN specd?

(A) CNs ply (B) Radial DIy

(() soud tle (D) (B).nd(c)

7r- wai.! e .! valve imluded itr @nbinrtion vatves in hydrDulic brak 6ysten?
(A) Prcportionltirg PE$w dilbrcrdal - valve
(B) P..! - Meteins - Bratc vdvc
(C);g Met4rins - PE..UE difierential vltos
(D) Poectioo valce - Brahe vrl% - Y{cuum rch.s valvc

?2- Mininub aE for ecurirg b lDdi!! udon driving li*n* *ith attlDriation to dtiE

73- Which i6l is usd to civ ulir.n ti8hi.... in a bolt d .iud?

(A) Ri!8 spd@r (B) R.rchei sDannd
(C) To&ue qnch (D) Alln wrcncl

?,1. What are the restlqtors e6 @r nces.srj in charying dysten u.ed with aliemaior?
(A) Currelt regu&tor a.d voltase !6s!lat!!
(B) Sped re3datd lnd volr ag. regulstor
(C) Vdlias Fsulaior and cui out
(D) CuFni regulator and cut oui

11 8U2015
75. ]-hlpad ladp renctorssE nJde I

(D) Panbolic 6hdpe

?6. who inlhduced tu6i wind scren wipgr in noto. vhicle?

(A) wilydknignt G) ww Burion
(c) Diamb( benz (D) anjue jd.arzy

77. Sludge b forned whn the oit is End wiih :

(B) Fuel
(c) Eibyl

?3, A B.S. stdd6 for:

dD AsililrtB.alc Srslen {D) Alti loc} B*ke Sy.tem
(C) (D) Air Brc.te Sy.t3n

79. Which Bs id infltad in th air bas dunns 6lli.iod

cA) hcen (B) cs on & oxida
(C) Hydrogen (D)
30- SuDer cha4ins in S-I. neine the po.sibility of ilct nation ir :
0\) De@{*3 (B) haEass
(c) s.Do (D) Nons oftb@

8r, Th. ld.d smundd by es oD tbN arla. E c.[ad

!\) Pe 'eula (B) Clasr
(c) Iland (D) StFii.

32. whicb Dlarct is lnown aE Rdl Pblei?

(A) SaiuD (B) M.rcury
{c) su (r,) Mars

83. The isin ofNdna.ld dver I

(B) Tapi
(c) Mahi
3!r. tntitude ,nd {ftude detraise. which clihad. elenc.t! of, place :

{A) Pre6oN and Wird.}6tem (B) Tehpebture

(c) Rlin flllpau4m (r)) A)l th abov

36. Whiclt of the lsti.uds threugh ihc niddl ef ou @u!t!v?

(A) Ttlpic ofcsprion (B) l\opicofcder
(C) Dquator (D) 8t3ON

s6. vhich !e@nt! th. euthweet nonsn iind. lioE aeapiry non Indis?
(A) Scls (B) L.w pc.slb over cinrrd Asia
(q Einslaya! (D) Th CEal lndian De*rt

8?. N.tion,l B..I for Asi.ulr@ sDd A6l DwlopDent wai o.tsbli6hcd ia :
' (a r$2 (B) 1983
(C) r98il O) 1986

8& NOAPS - pow.ty dlevAftn enero beEft. wbich *.iion of peple I

(A) CbildEr (B) Women

- (C) oldpqople (D) All the,be

69. T! oniy darc in Inili. th.t 6ld. tD ox66s of female. ffi

E lcs n :

(A) Kenl6 G) Pud.b

(C) W6r Dlctl (D) A8en

00. A@aprar.i sagar d.n i. l@td j! :

0r. Tle 6st organisd lgit tion tg.i$t orihodo:v in (rala, fot ih nsbh oI th dsDt*d
(A) OmvttusltbJasraha (B) MaDpil,io{rbE k
(C) vafioE slthy.stah. (D) No!. ofin
0r. Who published Viv.iodgyah?
CA) Brahm.nsldt SivaYosi
(C) SahodaED A"aDpan
19 t31/t016
t3- One ibporrant *orh of Chr@Eachan I

(A) Ainanulhapdn
(D) S.thFrrhaprakldhilq

Sairapralasihd 3&b!a started by

(A) N5layana ouru (B)
(C) Thycduil Arra (D)

95. Wlich Lade! was arE ted ddns $ rine of Sraii Tiroal Mrhs.j, for lti. pr.cEsiv

(A) NahyaM Cuu (B) vailud! Srabikd

(cl D.. Pabu

For th our6tdding $ricds to hh mnnuniiy Lo {s nominated by th ltavan@s

OovernDnl as a beEber of the Sree Moolan PHja Sabla :
(A) I{uEdaDashan
(c) sanodaar Ayy,pFn

97. who loote iho louorilg Edrgneil ftoa rhe denbenhip orth Vieloys EEutiE Couftn s
i ptuteltrsrisr Jallid W. ! Bacl
(A) M.A" Jilndr
(q RlE$vami Nailer

93. Duitrg th. coEpaav ele th Widow nlmariags

(A) Lord Dalhoudie
(c) Lcd cuve

s9. Nuhd of et dMing riE6 in Kaah :

(B) 3
(c) 5 (D) 6

100. Oliledt 6po!t in ths world :

2312016 r4

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