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Science of Logic

oped, it included the fullest description of his dialectic.

Hegel considered it one of his major works and therefore
kept it up to date through revision. Science of Logic is
sometimes referred to as the Greater Logic" to distin-
guish it from the Lesser Logic", the moniker given to the
condensed version Hegel presented as the Logic section
of his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences.

1 Brief history
Hegel wrote Science of Logic after he had completed his
Phenomenology of Spirit and while he was in Nuremberg
working at a secondary school and courting his ance.
It was published in a number of volumes. The rst, The
Objective Logic, has two parts (the Doctrines of Being
and Essence) and each part was published in 1812 and
1813 respectively. The second volume, The Subjective
Logic was published in 1816 the same year he became a
professor of philosophy at Heidelberg. Science of Logic is
too advanced for undergraduate students so Hegel wrote
an Encyclopaedic version of the logic which was pub-
lished in 1817.
In 1826, the book went out of stock. Instead of reprint-
ing, as requested, Hegel undertook some revisions. By
1831, Hegel completed a greatly revised and expanded
version of the Doctrine of Being, but had no time to re-
vise the rest of the book. The Preface to the second edi-
tion is dated 7 November 1831, just before his death on
Title page of original 1816 publication 14 November 1831. This edition appeared in 1832, and
again in 18345 in the posthumous Works. Only the sec-
ond edition of Science of Logic is translated into English.
Science of Logic (German: Wissenschaft der Logik, rst
published between 1812 and 1816) is the work in which
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel outlined his vision of
logic, which is an ontology that incorporates the tradi- 2 Introduction
tional Aristotelian syllogism as a sub-component rather
than a basis. For Hegel, the most important achievement 2.1 Hegels General Concept of Logic
of German Idealism, starting with Kant and culminating
in his own philosophy, was the demonstration that reality According to Hegel, logic is the form taken by the science
is shaped through and through by mind and, when prop- of thinking in general. He thought that, as it had hitherto
erly understood, is mind. Thus ultimately the structures been practiced, this science demanded a total and radi-
of thought and reality, subject and object, are identical. cal reformulation from a higher standpoint. His stated
And since for Hegel the underlying structure of all of re- goal with The Science of Logic was to overcome what he
ality is ultimately rational, logic is not merely about rea- perceived to be a common aw running through all other
soning or argument but rather is also the rational, struc- former systems of logic, namely that they all presupposed
tural core of all of reality and every dimension of it. Thus a complete separation between the content of cognition
Hegels Science of Logic includes among other things (the world of objects, held to be entirely independent of
analyses of being, nothingness, becoming, existence, re- thought for their existence), and the form of cognition
ality, essence, reection, concept, and method. As devel- (the thoughts about these objects, which by themselves


are pliable, indeterminate and entirely dependent upon This division, however, does not represent a strictly lin-
their conformity to the world of objects to be thought of ear progression. At the end of the book Hegel wraps all
as in any way true). This unbridgeable gap found within of the preceding logical development into a single Abso-
the science of reason was, in his view, a carryover from lute Idea. Hegel then links this nal absolute idea with
everyday, phenomenal, unphilosophical consciousness.[1] the simple concept of Being which he introduced at the
The task of extinguishing this opposition within con- start of the book. Hence the Science of Logic is actually
sciousness Hegel believed he had already accomplished a circle and there is no starting point or end, but rather a
in his book Phnomenologie des Geistes (1807) with the totality. This totality is itself, however, but a link in the
chain of the three sciences of Logic, Nature and Spirit,
nal attainment of Absolute Knowing: Absolute know-
ing is the truth of every mode of consciousness because as developed by Hegel in his Encyclopedia of the Philo-
sophical Sciences (1817), that, when taken as a whole,
... it is only in absolute knowing that the separation of
the object from the certainty of itself is completely elim- comprise a circle of circles.[5]
inated: truth is now equated with certainty and certainty
with truth.[2] Once thus liberated from duality, the sci-
ence of thinking no longer requires an object or a matter 3 Objective Logic: Doctrine of Be-
outside of itself to act as a touchstone for its truth, but ing
rather takes the form of its own self-mediated exposition
and development which eventually comprises within it-
self every possible mode of rational thinking. It can 3.1 Determinate Being (Quality)
therefore be said, says Hegel, that this content is the
exposition of God as he is in his eternal essence before 3.1.1 Being
the creation of nature and a nite mind.[3] The German
word Hegel employed to denote this post-dualist form of A. Being
consciousness was Begri (traditionally translated either Being, specically Pure Being, is the rst step taken in the
as Concept or Notion). scientic development of Pure Knowing, which itself is
the nal state achieved in the historical self-manifestation
of Geist (Spirit/Mind) as described in detail by Hegel in
2.2 General Division of the Logic Phnomenologie des Geistes (1807).[6] This Pure Know-
ing is simply Knowing as Such, and as such, has for its rst
The self-exposition of this unied consciousness, or No- thought product Being as Such, i.e., the purest abstraction
tion, follows a series of necessary, self-determined stages from all that is (although, importantly, not distinct from,
in an inherently logical, dialectical progression. Its course or alongside, all that is), having no diversity within itself
is from the objective to the subjective sides (or judge- nor with any reference outwards. ... It is pure indetermi-
ments as Hegel calls them) of the Notion. The objective nateness and emptiness.[7]
side, its Being, is the Notion as it is in itself [an sich],
its reection in nature being found in anything inorganic EXAMPLE: Hegel claims that the Eleatic
such as water or a rock. This is the subject of Book One: philosopher Parmenides was the person who
The Doctrine of Being. Book Three: The Doctrine of rst enunciated the simple thought of pure be-
the Notion outlines the subjective side of the Notion as ing as the absolute and sole truth.[8]
Notion, or, the Notion as it is for itself [fr sich]; human
beings, animals and plants being some of the shapes it B. Nothing
takes in nature. The process of Beings transition to the
Notion as fully aware of itself is outlined in Book Two: Nothing, specically Pure Nothing, is simply equality
The Doctrine of Essence, which is included in the Objec- with itself, complete emptiness, absence of all determi-
tive division of the Logic.[4] The Science of Logic is thus nation and content. It is therefore identical with Being,
divided like this: except that it is thought of as its very opposite. This dis-
tinction is therefore meaningful as posited by thought.[9]

Volume One: The Objective Logic EXAMPLE: in Hegels estimation, Pure Noth-
ing is the absolute principle in the oriental sys-
Book One: The Doctrine of Be-
tems, principally in Buddhism.[8]
Book Two: The Doctrine of C. Becoming
Pure Being and Pure Nothing are the same, and yet abso-
Volume Two: The Subjective Logic lutely distinct from each other. This contradiction is re-
solved by their immediate vanishing, one into the other.
Book Three: The Doctrine of the The resultant movement, called Becoming, takes the form
Notion of reciprocal Coming-to-Be and Ceasing-to-Be.[10]
3.1 Determinate Being (Quality) 3

EXAMPLE: Hegel borrows Kants example of ity therefore comprising the most perfect be-
the hundred dollars [Critique of Pure Rea- ing imaginable: God. Speculative logic, how-
son (1787)] to emphasize that the unity of ever, shows that Reality is inextricably bound
Being and Nothing in Becoming only applies up with its own negation, and so any grand to-
when they are taken in their absolute purity as tal of these realities would not result in some-
abstractions. It is of course not a matter of in- thing strictly positive, e.g., God, but would in-
dierence to ones fortune if $100 is or is not, evitably retain, to an equal degree, the nega-
but this is only meaningful if it is presupposed tion of all these realities. The mere addition
that the one whose fortune it might or might not of realities to each other, then, would not in
be, already is, i.e., the $100s being or not must any way alter their principle, and so the sum
be referenced to an others. This, then, cannot of all realities would be no more or less than
be Pure Being which by denition has no refer- what each of them already was: a Reality and
ence outwards.[11] Heraclitus is cited as the rst its Negation.[15]
philosopher to think in terms of Becoming.[8]
Something is the rst instance in The Science of Logic of
the negation of the negation. The rst negation, Nega-
3.1.2 Determinate Being
tion in General, is simply what a Determinate Being is
not. Hegel calls this abstract negation. When this nega-
A. Determinate Being as Such The transition be-
tion itself is negated, which is called absolute negation,
tween Becoming and (a) Determinate Being as Such is
what a Determinate Being is, is no longer dependent on
accomplished by means of sublation. This term, the tradi-
what it is not for its own determination, but becomes an
tional English translation of the German word aufheben,
actual particular Something in its own right: a Being-
means to preserve, to maintain, but also to cease, to put
Within-Self. Its negation, what it is not, is now cut o
an end to. Hegel claims that it is one of the most im-
from it and becomes another Something, which, from the
portant notions in philosophy. Being and Nothing were
rst Somethings point of view, is an Other in general.
complete opposites whose inner unity needed to be ex-
Finally, just as Becoming mediated between Being and
pressed, or mediated, by a third term: Becoming. Once
Nothing, Alteration is now the mediator between Some-
having been accomplished through mediation, their unity
thing and Other.[16]
then becomes immediate. Their opposition, still extant in
Becoming, has been put an end to. From the newly ac-
quired standpoint of immediacy, Becoming becomes De- B. Finitude (a) Something and Other are separate
terminate Being as Such, within which Being and Noth- from each other, but each still contains within itself,
ing are no longer discrete terms, but necessarily linked as moments, their former unity in Determinate Being.
moments that it has preserved within itself. Sublation, These moments now re-emerge as Being-in-Itself, i.e.,
then, is the ending of a logical process, yet at the same Something as Something only insofar as it is in oppo-
time it is its beginning again from a new point of view.[12] sition to the Other; and Being-for-Other, i.e., Some-
So, as moments of Determinate Being, Being and Noth- thing as Something only insofar as it is in relation to
ing take on new characteristics as aspects of (b) Qual- the Other.[17] (Hegels view is in this way contrasted
ity. Being becomes emphasized, and, as Quality, is Real- with Kants noumenon, the unknowable thing in itself:
ity; Nothing, or Non-Being, is concealed in Beings back- Being-in-itself taken in isolation from Being-for-Other is
ground serving only delimit it as a specic Quality dis- nothing but an empty abstraction and to ask what it is
tinct from others, and, in so doing, is Negation in Gen- is to ask a question made impossible to answer.)[18]
eral, i.e., Quality in the form of a deciency. Quality, Something is now no longer only an isolated something,
then, comprises both what a Determinate Being is and but is in both positive and negative relationship to the
is not, viz., that which makes it determinate in the rst Other. This relationship, however, is then reected back
place.[13] Within Quality, however, Reality and Negation into the Something as isolated, i.e., in-itself, and bestows
are still distinct from one another, are still mediated, just upon it further determinations. What a Something is in
like Being and Nothing were in Becoming. Taken in their opposition to an Other is its (b) Determination;[19] what
unity, that is, in their immediacy as, again, sublated, they it is in relation to an Other is its Constitution.[20]
are now only moments of (c) Something.[14]
EXAMPLE: A human beings Determination
EXAMPLE: Hegel contrasts his logically de- is thinking reason, since that is what she un-
rived notion of Reality from the earlier meta- alterably is in opposition to her Other: nature.
physical one present in the ontological proof However, humans are entangled in nature in
of Gods existence, specically Leibnizs for- myriad other ways than just thinking rationally
mulation of it. In this theory, God was held about it, and how humans react to this exter-
to be the sum-total of all realities. These real- nal inuence also tells us about what they are.
ities are taken to be perfections, their total- This is their Constitution, the part of their be-

ing that undergoes alteration in relation to its Once again, sublation occurs. Both Limitation and the
Others.[21] Ought point beyond the Finite something, the one neg-
atively and the other positively. This beyond, in which
The point at which Something ceases to be itself and be- they are unied, is the Innite.
comes an Other is that Somethings Limit. This Limit is
also shared by its Other which is itself an other Something C. Innity The negation that Being-in-Itself experi-
only insofar as it is on the far side of this Limit. It is there- enced in the Limitation, the negation that made it Finite,
fore by their common Limits that Somethings and Others is again negated resulting in the armative determination
are mediated with one another and mutually dene each of (a) the Innite in General which now reveals itself,
others inner Qualities.[22] not as something distinct from, but as the true nature of
the Finite. At the name of the innite, the heart and the
EXAMPLE: The point at which a point ceases mind light up, for in the innite the spirit is not merely
to be a point and becomes a line constitutes the abstractly present to itself, but rises to its own self, to the
Limit between them. However, a line is not light of thinking, of its universality, of its freedom.[29]
only something other than a point, i.e., only a This armation of the Innite, however, carries with it a
Determinate Being, but its very principle is at negative relation to an other, the Finite. Because of this,
the same time dened by it, just as a plane is it falls back into the determination of the Something with
dened by the line and the solid by the plane, a Limit peculiar to itself. This In-nite, then, is not the
etc.[23] pure Innite, but merely the non-Finite. Hegel calls this
the Spurious Innite and it is this that is spoken of when-
From the perspective of the Limit, a Something is only a ever the Innite is held to be over and aboveseparated
particular Something insofar as it is not something else. fromthe Finite. This separateness is in itself false since
This means that the Somethings self-determination is the Finite naturally engenders the Innite through Limi-
only relative and entirely dependent on what it isnt to tation and the Ought, while the Innite, thus produced,
be what it is. It is thus only temporary, contains its is bounded by its Other, the Finite, and is therefore it-
own Ceasing-to-Be within itself and so is (c) Finite, i.e., self Finite. Yet they are held to be separate by this stage
doomed to eventually cease to be. For Finite things, of thought and so the two terms are eternally stuck in an
the hour of their birth is the hour of their death.[24] At empty oscillation back and forth from one another. This
this point the Limit ceases to play its mediating role be- Hegel calls (b) the Innite Progress.
tween Something and Other, i.e., is negated, and is taken This impasse can only be overcome, as usual, via sub-
back into the self-identitythe Being-Within-Selfof lation. From the standpoint of the Finite, the Innite
the Something to become that Somethings Limitation, cannot break free into independence, but must always be
the point beyond which that Something will cease to bounded, and therefore nitized, by its Other, the Finite.
be.[25] The ip side of this, though, is that the Limit also For further logical development to be possible, this stand-
takes its negative along with it back into the Something, point must shift to a new one where the Innite is no
this being the Other yet now as posited in the Something longer simply a derivation of the Finite, but where the
as that Somethings very own Determination. What this Finite, as well as the Innite in General, are but moments
means is that, in the face of its own Limitation, the very of (c) the True Innite. The True innite bears the same
Quality that dened the Something in the rst place be- relation of mediation to these moments as Becoming did
comes the Other to its own self, which is to say that it no to Being and Nothing and as Alteration did to Something
longer strictly is this Quality but now Ought to be this and Other.[31]
Quality. Limitation and the Ought are the twin, self-
contradictory moments of the Finite.[26] EXAMPLE: Hegel gives as a symbol of the In-
nite Progress the straight line which stretches
EXAMPLE: The sentient creature, in the lim- out to innity in both directions. This Innity
itation of hunger, thirst, etc., is the urge to is, at all times, the beyond of the Determinate
overcome this limitation and it does overcome Being of the line itself. True Innity is prop-
it. It feels pain, and it is the privilege of the erly represented by the circle, the line which
sentient nature to feel pain; it is a negation in has reached itself, which is closed and wholly
its self, and the negation is determined as a present, without beginning and end.[32]
limitation in its feeling, just because the sen-
tient creature has the feeling of its self, which This move is highly signicative of Hegelss philosophy
is the totality that transcends this determinate- because it means that, for him, [it] is not the nite which
ness [i.e., it feels it Ought not to feel pain]. is the real but the innite. The reality of the True In-
If it were not above and beyond the determi- nite is in fact more real than the Reality of Determinate
nateness, it would not feel it as its negation and Being. This higher, and yet more concrete, reality is the
would feel no pain.[27] Ideal [das Ideell]: The idealism of philosophy consists
3.1 Determinate Being (Quality) 5

in nothing else than in recognizing that the nite has no Constitution, etc. It is therefore indeterminate and unal-
veritable being.[33] terable. There is Nothing in it.[39] Just as there is no cri-
As having been sublated, the mediation which was per- terion to distinguish Being and Nothing despite the fact
formed by the True Innite between the Finite and the that they are opposites, the One is also identical with its
Innite now has resulted in their immediate unity. This opposite, (b) the Void.
The Void can be said to be the
unity is called Being-for-Self.[34] Quality of the One.

EXAMPLE: At this stage, the Logic has incor-

3.1.3 Being-For-Self porated the ancient atomism of Leucippus and
Democritus. Hegel actually held the ancient
A. Being-for-Self as Such At this point we have ar- philosophical notion of atomism in higher es-
rived back at simple Being from which all the previous de- teem than the scientic one of modern physics
velopments had initially proceeded. This Being, though, because the former understood the void not
is now in the standpoint of Innity from which these de- just as the empty space between atoms, but
velopments can be seen as moments of itself and so it as the atoms own inherent principle of un-
is (a) Being-for-Self as Such. Until this point Determi- rest and self-movement. Physics with its
nate Being was burdened with Finitude, depended on the molecules and particles suers from the atom
Other for its own determination, and so was only relatively ... just as much as does that theory of the
determined Being. From the Ideal standpoint of Innity, State which starts from the particular will of
Being-for-Self has become free from this burden and so individuals.[41]
is absolutely determined Being.[35]
As a consequence of having overcome this relativity, The original transition of Being and Nothing to Determi-
however, both sides of the relationship between Some- nate Being is again echoed here in the sphere of Being-
thing and Other are now also in equal relation to the In- for-Self. The One, though, as negatively related to all
nite Being that they have become Ideal moments of. So, aspects of Quality excepting its own Quality of being the
although through their relationship Something and Other Void, cannot take on a Qualitative determinateness like
mutually determine each others inner Qualities, they do Determinate Being did. In its own self-dierentiation, it
not have the same eect on the Innite Beingbe it God, can only relate to itself as another self identical to it, that
spirit or ego (in the Fichtean sense)to which they are is, as another One. Since no new Quality has been taken
now objects. This Being is not just another Finite Other, on, we cannot call this transition a Becoming, but rather
but is the One for which they are and of which they are a Repulsion, i.e., the positing of (c) Many Ones.[42]
a part. The Being-for-Other of Finitude has become the
(b) Being-for-One of Innity.[36] C. Repulsion and Attraction Once these many Ones
have been posited, the nature of their relationship begins
EXAMPLE: This Being-for-One recalls to unfold. Because it is the nature of the One to be purely
Leibnizs monad because it involves a simple self-related, their relation to one another is in fact a non-
oneness that maintains itself throughout the relation, i.e., takes place externally in the Void. From
various determinations that might take place the standpoint of the one One, then, there are no other
within it. Hegel, however, is critical of Leib- Ones, that is, its relation to them is one of (a) Exclusion.
nizs construction because, since these monads Seen from within the One there is only one One, but at the
are indierent to each other and, strictly same time the One only exists in the rst place through
speaking, are not Others to one another, they its negative external relation to other Ones, i.e., for there
cannot determine each other and so no origin to be the one One there must be Many Ones that mutually
can be found for the harmony that is claimed to Exclude one another.[43]
exist between them. Being-for-One, contain-
ing as it does the moments of determination EXAMPLE: The idea that the One is entirely
within it, avoids this contradiction.[37] self-subsistent and can exist without the Many
is, according to Hegel, the supreme, most
If we now take in isolation that to which all the preceding stubborn error, which takes itself for the high-
moments refer, i.e., that which we now have immediately est truth, manifesting in more concrete forms
before us, we end up with (c) the One.[38] as abstract freedom, pure ego and, further, as

B. The One and the Many This (a) One in its Own Now that Many Ones have been posited out of their Re-
Self, standing in negative relation to all its preceding mo- pulsion from the One, their original Oneness reasserts it-
ments, is entirely dierentiated from each of them. It self and their Repulsion passes over to (b) Attraction. At-
is neither a Determinate Being, nor a Something, nor a traction presupposes Repulsion: for the Many to be At-

tracted by the One, they must have at rst been Repulsed EXAMPLE: [S]pecic examples of pure
by it.[45] quantity, if they are wanted, are space and
The One having been restored to unity by Attraction now time, also matter as such, light, and so forth,
contains Repulsion and Attraction within it as moments. and the ego itself.[50] Hegel here sharply criti-
It is the Ideal One of Innite Being, which, for Hegel, ac- cizes Kants antinomy, put forth in his Critique
tually makes it more real than the merely Real Many. of Pure Reason, between indivisibility and in-
From the standpoint of this Ideal One, both Repulsion nite divisibility in time, space and matter. By
and Attraction now presuppose each other, and, taken one taking continuity and discreteness to be en-
tirely antithetical to one another, instead of in
step further, each presupposes itself as mediated by the
other. The One is only a One with reference to another their truth which is their dialectical unity, Kant
becomes embroiled in self-contradiction.[51]
OneRepulsion; but this other One is in itself identi-
cal to, is in fact, the original OneAttraction: each is the
moment of the other. This is the (c) Relation of Repul- B. Continuous and Discrete Magnitude
sion and Attraction, which at this point is only relative.[46] Although unied in Quantity, Continuity and Discrete-
ness still retain their distinction from one another. They
EXAMPLE: Although in Hegels estimation cannot be cut o from each other, but either one can
a triumph of the explanatory power of meta- be foregrounded leaving the other present only implic-
physics over the physics based on sense per- itly. Quantity is a Continuous Magnitude when seen as a
ception as it was then practised, he believed coherent whole; as a collection of identical Ones, it is a
that Kants Metaphysische Anfangsgrnde Discrete Magnitude.[52]
der Naturwissenschaft [Metaphysical Foun-
dations of Natural Science] (1786) retained C. Limitation of Quantity
many of the errors committed by the latter, Quantity is the One, but containing within it the moments
foremost among these being that, since mat- of the Many, Repulsion, Attraction, etc. At this point
ter is given to the senses as already formed and the negative, Excluding nature of the One is reasserted
constituted, it is taken to be such by the mind within Quantity. The Discrete Ones within Quantity now
as well. The forces of Attraction and Repul- become Limited, isolated Somethings: Quanta.[53]
sion that are supposed to act upon matter to set
it in motion, then, are not seen also to be the
very forces though which matter itself comes 3.2.2 Quantum
into being in the rst place.
A. Number The rst determination of quantum is
Repulsion and Attraction are relative to one another inso- Number. Number is made up of a One or Many Ones
far as the One is taken either as the beginning or result of which, as quanta, are called Unitseach of which is iden-
their mediation with one another. Imparted with contin- tical to the other. This identity in the Unit constitutes
uous, Innite motion, the One, Repulsion and Attraction the Continuity of Number. However, a Number is also a
become the sublated moments of Quantity.[48] specic Determinate Being that encloses an aggregate of
Units while excluding from itself other such aggregates.
This, the Amount, is the moment of Discreteness within
3.2 Magnitude (Quantity) Number. Both Qualitative and Quantitative Determinate
Being have Limits that demarcate the boundary between
3.2.1 Quantity their armative presence and their negation, but in the
former the Limit determines its Being to be of a specic
A. Pure Quantity Quality unique to itself, whereas in the latter, made up
The previous determinations of Being-for-Self have now as it is of homogeneous Units that remain identical to
become the sublated moments of Pure Quantity. Pure each other no matter which side of the Limit they fall
Quantity is a One, but a One made up of the Many hav- upon, the Limit serves only to enclose a specic Amount
ing been Attracted back into each other out of their initial of Units, e.g., a hundred,
and to distinguish it from other
Repulsion. It therefore contains Many identical Ones, but such aggregates.
in their coalescence, they have lost their mutual Exclu-
sion, giving us a simple, undierentiated sameness. This EXAMPLE: The species of calculation
sameness is Continuity, the moment of Attraction within counting, addition/subtraction,
Quantity. The other moment, that of Repulsion, is also multiplication/division, powers/rootsare
retained in Quantity as Discreteness. Discreteness is the the dierent modes of bringing Numbers
expansion of the self-sameness of the Ones into Continu- into relation with each other. Although the
ity. What the unity of Continuity and Discreteness, i.e., progress through these modes displays the
Quantity, results in is a continual outpouring of some- same sort of dialectical evolution as does the
thing out of itself, a perennial self-production.[49] Logic proper, they are nonetheless entirely
3.2 Magnitude (Quantity) 7

external to it because there is no inner ne- of temperature, but can also be Extensively
cessity in the various arrangements imposed measured in a thermometer. High and low In-
on them by arithmetical procedure. With the tensities of notes are the results of a greater or
expression 7 + 5 = 12, although 5 added to 7 smaller Amount of vibrations per unit of time.
necessarily equals 12, there is nothing internal Finally, in the spiritual sphere, high intensity
to the 7 or the 5 themselves that indicates that of character, of talent or genius, is bound up
they should be brought in any sort of relation with a correspondingly far-reaching reality in
with one another in the rst place.[55] For this the outer world, is of widespread inuence,
reason, number cannot be relied upon to shed touching the real world at many points.[59]
any light on strictly philosophical notions,
despite the ancient attempt by Pythagoras to In the realm of Quantity, the relationship between Some-
do so. It can however be used to symbolize thing and Other lacked any mutual Qualitative Determi-
certain philosophical ideas. As for math as nateness. A One could only relate to another One iden-
a pedagogical tool, Hegel presciently had tical to itself. Now, however, that Qualitative Determi-
this to say: Calculation being so much an nateness has returned, the Quantum loses its simple self-
external and therefore mechanical process, it relation and can relate to itself only through a Qualitative
has been possible to construct machines which Other that is beyond itself. This Other is another Quan-
perform arithmetical operations with complete tum, of a greater or lesser Amount, which, in turn, im-
accuracy. A knowledge of just this one fact mediately points beyond itself to yet an Other Quantum
about the nature of calculation is sucient for ad innitum. This is what constitutes the self-propelled
an appraisal of the idea of making calculation (c) Alteration of Quantum.[60]
the principal means for educating the mind
and stretching it on the rack in order to perfect
C. Quantitative Innity Although a particular Quan-
it as a machine.[56]
tum, of its own inner necessity, points beyond itself,
this beyond is necessarily an Other Quantum. This fact,
B. Extensive and Intensive Quantum Taken in its im- that Quantum eternally repulses itself, yet equally eter-
mediacy, a Number is an Extensive Magnitude, that is, a nally remains Quantum, demonstrates the (a) Notion of
collection of a certain Amount of self-same Units. These Quantitative Innity, which is the self-related, ar-
Units, say ten or twenty of them, are the sublated mo- mative opposition between Finitude and Innity that lies
ments of the Extensive Magnitudes ten or twenty. How- within it.[61] This irresolvable self-contradiction within
ever, the Number ten or twenty, though made up of Quantum yields (b) the Quantitative Innite Progress.
Many, is also a self-determining One, independent of This progress can take place in one of two directions, the
other Numbers for its determination. Taken in this way, greater or the smaller, giving us the so-called innitely
ten or twenty (a) dierentiates itself from Extensive great or innitely small. That these innites are each
Magnitude and becomes an Intensive Magnitude, which the Spurious Quantitative Innite is evident in the fact that
is expressed as the tenth or twentieth Degree. Just as the great and small designate Quanta, whereas the Innite
One was completely indierent to the other Ones of the by denition is not a Quantum.[62]
Many yet depended on them for its existence, each De-
gree is indierent to every other Degree, yet they are ex- EXAMPLE: Hegel here gives several examples
ternally related to one another in ascending or descending of the appearance of the Spurious Quantitative
ow through a scale of Degrees.[57] Innite in philosophy, namely in Kants notion
of the sublime and his categorical imperative,
Although thus dierentiated from each other, Extensive as well as Fichtes innite ego as outlined in his
and Intensive magnitude are essentially (b) the same. Theory of Science (1810). At bottom of all
[T]hey are only distinguished by the one having amount these ideas, says Hegel, is an absolute opposi-
within itself and the other having amount outside itself. tion that is held to exist between the ego and
It is at this point that the moment of the Something re- its other, this latter taking the form, respec-
asserts itself having remained implicit over the course of tively, of art, nature and the non-ego in general.
the development of Quantity. This Something, which The opposition is supposed to be overcome by
reappears when the negation between Extensive and In- the positing of an innite relation between the
tensive Magnitude is itself negated, is the re-emergence two sides, the egos level of morality, for exam-
of Quality within the dialectic of Quantity.[58] ple, ever increasing in proportion to a decrease
in the power of the senses over it. According
EXAMPLE: Weight exerts a certain pressure with the nature of the Spurious Quantitative In-
which is its Intensive Magnitude. This pres- nite, however, it does not matter how great a
sure, however, can be measured Extensively, level the ego raises itself to, the absolute oppo-
in pounds, kilograms, etc. Heat or cold can be sition between it and its other is there and ev-
Qualitatively experienced as dierent Degrees erywhere reasserted and the whole process can

have no other outcome than a desperate and fu- In the Direct Ratio, the previously sublated Quantitative
tile longing.[63] moments of Amount and Unit are retrieved and brought
into immediate relation with each other. One side of the
The Quantitative Innite negates Quantum, and Quantum ratio, y, is a certain Amount relative to the other side, x,
in turn negates Innity. As occurs so often in The Sci- which serves as the Unit whereby this Amount is mea-
ence of Logic, a negation that is itself negated produces sured. If the constant is given, then the Quantum on any
a new armative standpoint, the formerly negated terms one side of the ratio could be any Number, and the Num-
having become the unied moments thereof. This stand- ber on the other side will automatically be determined.
point is (c) the Innity of Quantum from where it is Therefore, the rst Number of the ratio completely loses
seen that Innity, initially the absolute Other of Quan- its independent signicance and only functions as a de-
tum, essentially belongs to it and in fact determines it asterminate Quantum in relation to an other. Formerly,
a particular Quality alongside all the other Determinate any single Number could simultaneously denote either an
Beings that had long since been sublated. This particu- Amount or a Unit; now, it must serve exclusively as the
lar Quality which distinguishes Quantum from any other one or the other in relation to another Number serving
Qualitatively Determined Being is in fact the total lack ofas the opposite. The constant would seem to bring these
explicit self-determinateness that dierentiated Quantity moments back into unity with each other, but in actuality,
from Quality in the rst place. The repulsion of Quan- it too can serve only as either Amount or Unit. If x is Unit
tum from itself out into the beyond of Innity, is actuallyand y Amount, then k is the Amount of such Units,
a gesture back towards the world of Qualitative Deter-
mination, thus bridging once again the two worlds. This
gesture is made explicit in the Quantitative Ratio, where y = kx;
two Quanta are brought into relationship with one another
in such a way that neither one in itself is self-determined, if x is Amount, then k is the Unit, the amount of which,
but in relating to each other, they Qualitatively determine y, determines it,
something beyond themselves, e.g., a line or a curve.[64]

EXAMPLE: Hegel here engages in a lengthy x = y/k.

survey of the history and development of the As in themselves incomplete in this way, these Quanta
Dierential and Integral Calculus, citing the serve only as the Qualitative moments of one another.[66]
works of Cavalieri, Descartes, Fermat, Barrow,
Newton, Leibniz, Euler, Lagrange, Landen, B. Inverse Ratio
and Carnot. His main point of concern is The Inverse Ratio is a ratio, x:y, in which the relation be-
the compulsion of mathematicians to neglect tween both sides is expressed in a constant which is their
the innitesimal dierences that result from product, i.e.,
calculus equations in order to arrive at a coher-
ent result. The inexactitude of this method of
procedure results, says Hegel, primarily from k = xy
their failure to distinguish between Quantum
as the Quantity that each individual term of or
a dierential co-ecient represents, and the
Qualitative nature of their relationship when in
the form of a ratio. Dx, dy, are no longer k
y= .
quanta, nor are they supposed to signify quanta; x
it is solely in their relation to each other that Whereas formerly with the Direct Ratio, the quotient be-
they have any meaning, a meaning merely as tween the two terms was xed, in the Inverse Ratio it
moments.[65] becomes alterable. Because the Inverse Ratio connes
within itself many Direct Ratios, the constant of the for-
3.2.3 The Quantitative Relation mer displays itself not merely as a Quantitative, but also
as a Qualitative Limit. It is therefore a Qualitative Quan-
A. The Direct Ratio tum. The Spurious Innity/True Innity dialectic again
makes an appearance here as either term of the ratio is
A ratio, such as x:y, is a Direct Ratio if both terms of only capable of innitely approximating the ratios con-
the ratio are delimited by a single Quantum, a constant, stant, the one increasing in proportion to a decrease in
k (what Hegel calls in the language of his day the expo- the other, but never actually reaching it (neither x nor y
nent of the ratio), may equal zero). The constant is nonetheless present as
a simple Quantum, and is not an eternal beyond, making
y its self-mediation through the two terms of the ratio an
k= .
x example of True Innity.[67]
3.3 Measure 9

C. The Ratio of Powers its quality does not seem to come into play; and
The Ratio of Powers takes the following form: such is its cunning that the aggrandizement of
a State or of a fortune, etc., which leads nally
to disaster for the state or for the owner, even
appears at rst to be their good fortune.[70]
y = kx .

It is in this form of the Ratio, says Hegel, that quan- B. Specifying Measure Insofar as Quantity describes
tum has reached its Notion and has completely realized the upper and lower Limits between which a specic
it. In the Direct and Inverse Ratios, the relation between Quality can maintain itself, it serves as a (a) Rule. The
the constant and its variables was not continuous, the for- Rule is an arbitrary external standard or Amount that
mer only being a xed proportionality between them, and measures something other than itself. Although it is often
the latter relating itself to them only negatively. With the tempting to assume so, there is in actuality no object that
Ratio of Powers, however, this relationship is not sim- can serve as a completely universal standard of measure-
ply one of external limitation, but, as a Quantum brought ment, i.e., be pure Quantity. Rather, what is involved in
into relationship with itself through the power, it is self- measurement is a ratio between two Qualities and their
determining Limit. This self-determination constitutes inherent Quantities, the one made to act as the (b) Spec-
the Quality of the Quantum, and nally demonstrates the ifying Measure of the other, this other, however, being
full signicance of the essential identity of Quality and itself just as capable of measuring that which it is being
Quantity. Originally, Quantity dierentiated itself from measured by.[71]
Quality in that it was indierent to what was external to
it, that which it quantied. Now however, in the Ratio of
Powers, what it relates itself to externally is determined EXAMPLE: In the measure of temperature,
by its own self, and that which relates externally to its own we take the expansion and contraction of
self has long since been dened as Quality. But quan- mercury relative to the heat it contains as
tity is not only a quality; it is the truth of quality itself. a Quantitative Rule for the increase or de-
Quantum, having sublated the moment of Quantity that crease of temperature in general by dividing
originally dened it and returned to Quality, is now what the range of its change in magnitude into a
it is in its truth: Measure.[68] scale of arithmetical progression. Tempting
though it is to believe, this is not the measure
of temperature as such, but only the measure
3.3 Measure of how Quantitative change specically af-
fects the Quality of mercury. The water or air
3.3.1 Specic Quantity the mercury thermometer measures has a very
dierent Qualitative relationship to changes
A. The Specic Quantum Measure is the simple re- in the Quantity of heat which do not neces-
lation of the quantum to itself ... ; the quantum is thus sarily bear any direct relation to mercurys.
qualitative. Previously, Quantum was held to be indif- Thus, what is actually going on when we take
ferent to the Quality of that which it quantied. Now, as a temperature is a relationship of compari-
Measure, Quality and Quantity though still distinct from son between two Qualities and their respec-
one another are inseparable and in their unity comprise a tive natures when exposed to a Quantitative in-
specic Determinate Being: Everything that exists has crease or decrease in heat, and not a universal
a magnitude and this magnitude belongs to the nature of determination by some disembodied, abstract
the something itself. The indierence of Quantum is re- thing that is temperature itself.[72]
tained in Measure insofar as the magnitude of things can
increase or decrease without fundamentally altering their So long as we arbitrarily use the Quantitative properties
Quality, and yet their essential unity nevertheless man- of some Quality or other as a Rule to Measure the magni-
ifests at the Limit where an alteration in Quantity will tude of other Qualities, we abstract from it its Qualitative
bring about a change in Quality.[69] nature. However, once we have established a Quantita-
tive ratio between two or more Qualities, we can give this
EXAMPLE: Aristotle gives the example of a ratio an independent existence that Quantitatively unites
head from which hairs are plucked one by one. things that are Qualitatively distinct. We can thus take
Its Quality of being a head of hair remains if the Qualities of both sides into account, the independent,
only a few hairs are gone, but at a certain point, or Realized, Measure serving as their (c) Relation. This
it undergoes Qualitative Alteration and become Measure necessarily involves variable magnitudes since
a bald head. Although the Quantitative change the Qualitatively distinct ways in which dierent things
is gradual, the Qualitative one, oftentimes, is relate to Quantity can only be registered in their respec-
unexpected. It is the cunning of the No- tive rates of increase or decrease relative to each other.
tion to seize on this aspect of a reality where Further, in order for each side of the ratio to fully reect

the distinctiveness of the Quality it represents, both sides ratio is the inner characteristic Real Measure of the thing
must be Quantitatively self-related, i.e., take the form of in question, but, taking the form as it does of a mere num-
powers as in the case of the Ratio of Powers explicated ber, a Quantum, this constant is likewise subject to alter-
above.[73] ation, i.e., addition, subtraction, etc. Unlike mere Quan-
tum, however, the Real Measure of a thing is inwardly de-
EXAMPLE: Velocity is the ratio of spaces re- termined, and so preserves itself somewhat in alteration.
lation to time: If two material things are combined, the dual Measures
of the one are added to those of the other. The degree to
d which they exhibit self-preservation is registered in the
v= .
t internal Measureweight in this casewhich ends up
It is only an intellectual abstraction, though, being equal, after combination, to the sum of the original
since it merely serves to measure space by the two Measures; the degree to which they exhibit Quali-
Rule of time or time by the Rule of space. It tative alteration is registered in the external Measure
supplies no objective standard for the inherent space in this casewhich does not necessarily result in a
Quantitative relation to each other that pertains sum equal to its parts, but often in the case of material
to their specic Qualities. The formula for a substances exhibits a diminution in overall volume.[76]
falling body comes closer, If we adopt the constant of one specic Real Measure as
our Unit, the constants of other Real Measures can be
d = at2
brought into relation to it as Amounts in a (b) series of
but here time is still serving as an arbitrary Measure relations. Since it is arbitrary which one Real
Rule, that is, it is assumed to vary in a simple Measure in such a series will serve as the Unit, there are
arithmetical progression. It is the form of mo- as many incommensurable series of Measure relations as
tion described by Keplers third law of plane- there are individual Real Measures. However, when two
tary motion that comes closest for Hegel to be- Real Measures, which are themselves ratios, are com-
ing a Realized Measure of the relation between bined, the result is a new ratio of those ratios, itself des-
the inherent Qualities of space and time: ignated by a constant in the form of a Quantum. If this
constant is adopted as the Unit, instead of an individual
d3 = at2 . [74] Real Measure, then what were two incommensurable se-
ries are now made commensurable with each other in a
common denominator. Since each Real Measure within
C. Being-For-Self in Measure Although now united
a series forms such a constant with every other member
by the Quantitative Ratio, the two or more Qualities thus
in that series, any individual series in which a particular
brought into relation retain their mutual separation as dis-
Real Measure serves as the Unit can be made commensu-
tinct Qualities. For example, even though we can de-
rable with any other series with a dierent Real Measure
termine the Quantitative relationship between space and
as Unit. Since it is a things Real Measure that deter-
time in the example of a falling body, each of them can
mines its specic Quality, and since that Real Measure is
still be considered on its own, independent of the other.
in turn derived from the Quantitative relation it has with
However, if we then take the constant produced by the
other Real Measures in the form of a series of constants, it
ratio of the two sides as a self-subsistent Something in
would appear that, as in Determinate Being above, Qual-
its own right, that is, a Being-For-Self, then the two for-
ity is only relative and externally determined. However,
merly entirely distinct Qualities become its own sublated
as we have seen, a Real Measure also has an internal re-
moments, their very natures now seen to have been in fact
lation that gives it a self-subsistence that is indierent to
derived from this relation of Measure in the rst place.[75]
any external relation. Therefore, the series of Quantita-
tive relationships between these Real Measures only de-
3.3.2 Real Measure termines the (c) Elective Anity between their dierent
Qualities, but not these Qualities themselves.[77]
A. The Relation of Self-Subsistent Measures Real The Quantity/Quality dialectic manifests itself in the
Measure gives us a new standpoint external to the dier- realm of Elective Anity in that a Real Measure within
ent Measures being brought into relation with each other, in a series will not necessarily resonate Qualitatively with
this relation now designating the independent existence those in another series even if they bear a proportional
of an actual physical Something. This Something gains Quantitative relationship. In fact, the specic Quality of a
its Qualitative determination from the Quantitative (a) particular Real Measure is in part registered by the other
combination between two Measures immanent in it, i.e., Real Measures it has a special Anity for, that is, how
volume and weight. One designates an inner Quality, in it responds to Quantitative Alteration. It is the Intensive
this case weight; the other designates an external Quality, side of Quantity (see above) such as it relates to specic
in this case volume, the amount of space it takes up. Their Real Measures that determines its Qualitative behaviour
combination gives us the ratio of weight to volume which when subject to changes in Extensive Quantity.[78]
is its specic gravity. The constant that results from this
3.3 Measure 11

EXAMPLE: Hegel makes it clear that the tential of the Nodal line to increase endlessly; the Qual-
above analysis applies to the system of chem- itative Innite is manifested as the eternal beyond of
ical anities and that of musical harmony. In any particular Qualitative determination. Seeing as the
the case of the latter, for example, each indi- successive determinations are self-generated by an inter-
vidual note is a Real, self-subsistent Measure, nal Quantitative Alteration of Measure, they can now be
consisting as it does of a specic internal ra- seen, from the standpoint of the Measureless, to be dif-
tio between, say, the length and thickness of ferent States of one and the same Substrate. The nature
a guitar string. An individual note, however, of the Substrate is not tied, like the Something was, to
only achieves meaning in its relation to a sys- a merely external Qualitative appearance, but represents
tem of other notes that are brought into Quan- the underlying unity of a variety of internally determined
titative relation to each other through a specic appearances, which are its States.[82]
note that serves as the Unit, or key. A note
serving as the key in one system, is equally an
individual member in other systems in which 3.3.3 The Becoming of Essence
other notes play this role. Notes that harmo-
nize when played together are demonstrating A. Absolute Indierence
their Elective Anity for one another, that is, This Substrate, as what persists through the succession
the higher Qualitative unity that results from a of States, is in a relation of Absolute Indierence to ev-
combination in which each individual note nev- ery particular determinationbe it of quality, quantity
ertheless retains its self-subsistence.[79] or measurethat it contains. It is merely the abstract ex-
pression of the unity that underlies their totality.[83]
B. Nodal Line of Measure-Relations The relation of B. Indierence as Inverse Ratio of its Factors
Elective Anity is an external relation between two Real
Taken in its immediacy, this Indierence is simply the
Measures that is determined by their Quantitative aspects.
result of all the dierent determinatenesses that emerge
In and of themselves, each Real Measure retains its Quali-
within it. It itself does not determine its own inner uc-
tative indierence to all others, even those it has Anity
tuations, i.e., is not self-determining. However, in ac-
for. Real Measures, however, are also subject to inter-
cordance with the measure relations developed so far,
nal alteration akin to what has already been discussed in
each of its moments are in reciprocal, quantitatively de-
Measure above, i.e., that its Quality can be maintained
termined ratios with one another. Formerly, from the
only within a certain Quantitative range beyond which it
standpoint of Quality, a sucient Quantitative increase
undergoes a sudden leap into another Quality. These
or decrease would result in a sudden transition from one
dierent Qualities form Nodes on a line of gradual Quan-
Quality to another. Now, with Absolute Indierence as
titative increase or decrease.[80]
our standpoint, every possible Qualitative determination
is already implicitly related to every other by means of
EXAMPLE: Natural numbers consist of a se- a Quantitative ratio. Every Quality is connected to, and
ries of numbers that gradually increase by one in equilibrium with, its corresponding other. It is there-
in perpetual succession. However, some of fore no longer meaningful to say that something can have
these numbers relate in specic ways to oth- more or less of one Quality than another as if each
ers, being their multiple, power or root, etc., Quality were absolutely distinct from each other. What-
and thus constitute Nodes. Transition from ever Quality there is more of in one thing than another
the liquid to the frozen state in water does can be equally said to be a less of whatever Quality ex-
not occur gradually with a diminution of tem- ists in its stead in the other, i.e., there is an Inverse Ra-
perature, but all of a sudden at 0C. Finally, tio of their Factors. So, with a so-called Quantitative
the state has its own measure of magnitude change, one factor becomes preponderant as the other
and when this is exceeded this mere change diminishes with accelerated velocity and is overpowered
in size renders it liable to instability and dis- by the rst, which therefore constitutes itself the sole
ruption under that same constitution which was self-subsistent Quality. The two Qualities are no longer
its good fortune and its strength before its ex- distinct, mutually exclusive determinations, but together
pansion. Thus, contrary to Aristotles doctrine comprise a single whole.[84]
that natura non facit saltum, according to Hegel
nature does make leaps.[81]
EXAMPLE: Here, Hegel makes a powerful ar-
gument in favour of the explanatory powers of
C. The Measureless Measure, being the unity of Qual- his speculative philosophy over those of em-
ity and Quantity, now transitions into its version of the pirical science, specically with regards to the
Innite, the Measureless, which accordingly is the unity concepts of centripetal and centrifugal forces
of the Qualitative and Quantitative Innites. In the Mea- as they are supposed to relate the elliptical mo-
sureless, the Quantitative Innite is manifested in the po- tion of celestial bodies. If, as is supposed by

science, such an orbit is made up of an inverse however, to tell us what it is about something that is Es-
relation of centripetal and centrifugal forces sential and what Unessential. Those that apply this mode
the former predominating over the other as the of thinking to something are making an arbitrary distinc-
body approaches perihelion, the reverse if ap- tion, the opposite of which could always be claimed with
proaching aphelionthen the sudden overtak- equal justication. What saves Essence from falling back
ing of the stronger force by the weaker that in to the relativism of Determinate Being is the very rad-
takes place on either end of the orbit can only ical and absolute distinction from Being that denes it as
be explained by some mysterious third force. Essence in the rst place. Being cannot therefore simply
Indeed, what is to stop the dominant force from preserve itself as an Other relative to Essence, but, having
completely overtaking the weaker, causing the been sublated by Essence, it has for that very reason itself
body either to crash into whatever it is orbit- become nothingness, a non-essence, Illusory Being.[87]
ing or to y o at ever accelerating speeds
into space? Only the inherent unity of the two
Qualities, centripetal and centrifugal, arrived at B. Illusory Being So in its relation to Essence, Being
by the ascension of thought to Absolute Indif- has lost its being, has become Illusory. All the determi-
ference, can adequately explain the Notion of nations of Being covered in the rst third of the Science
the elliptical orbit, says Hegel.[85] of Logic are no longer self-subsistent, but only are at
all as negations of Essence. This total dependence on
C. Transition into Essence Essence means that there is nothing any longer in Being
Strictly within the realm of Being, the underlying unity itself upon which any of its own determinations can be
behind all its determinations necessarily stands exter- based, i.e., there is no longer any mediation within Be-
nally, and in contradiction, to those determinations them- ing. This role is entirely taken up by Essence which is
selves. The transition to Essence occurs when these deter- pure mediation relative to Illusory Beings pure immedi-
minations reabsorb this unity back into themselves, i.e., acy. Hegel claims this is the mode of thought that cor-
they sublate it. The inherent contradiction between dif- responds to ancient skepticism as well as the modern
ference and unity is resolved when the latter is posited as idealism of Leibniz, Kant, and Fichte. Illusory Being,
the negative of the former. So, from henceforth it cannot though not Essence itself, nevertheless belongs entirely to
be said that they simply emerge within the Substrate of In- Essence. It is that through which Essence generates itself
dierence, but that this substrate itself is their very own as what it is, namely, the purely negative as regards Be-
living self-relation. In other words, the dierences be- ing. The constant appearance and disappearance of the
tween all the determinations of Being, namely the Quan- empty manifestations of Illusory Being can now be seen
titative dierence and the inverse ratio of factors, are no as Essences own self-generating movement, its own Re-
longer self-subsistent, but in fact are mere moments in ection.[88]
the expression of the implicit unity that rules them and,
themselves, are only through their repulsion from them-
selves. Being has nally determined itself to no longer C. Reection Reection in the sphere of Essence cor-
be simply armative Being, i.e., that which character- responds to Becoming in the sphere of Being. However,
ized Being as Being in the rst place, but as a relation in Being, this movement was between a positivepure
with itself, as Being-With-Self, or Essence.[86] Beingand a negativepure Nothingness. Here how-
ever, the two terms are Illusory Being and Essence. Illu-
sory Being, as has already been established, is a nullity,
nothingness. Essence, by denition, is non-being, ab-
4 Objective Logic: Doctrine of solute negativity. So Reection, the movement between
Essence them, is the movement of nothing to nothing and so back
to itself. Both these terms, in being absolutely negative,
are identical to one another: Essence is Illusory Being and
4.1 Reection-Within-Self
Illusory Being is Essence. They are, however, also rela-
tively negative, in that the one is, by denition, not what
4.1.1 Illusory Being
the other is. This contradiction manifests in Essence in
A. The Essential and the Unessential The immedi- that it presupposes or posits, on its own, that which it im-
ate characteristic displayed by Essence, once it nally mediately dierentiates itself from: Illusory Being. This
emerges from Being, is simply that it is not Being. This absolute recoil upon itself is Essence as a) Positing Re-
apparently puts us back into the sphere of Determinate ection.[89]
Being (see above), where each side of a relation mutu- The next determination of Reection, b) External Re-
ally determined the Other side as being not what it is. ection, shifts the emphasis from the absolute negativity,
In this immediate, merely relative relation, Essence and or nothingness, in which the posited Illusory Being and
Being thus become the Essential and the Unessential, re- its positing Essence nd their identity, to the relative neg-
spectively. There is nothing arising within this relation, ativity upon which their opposition is based. Although it
4.1 Reection-Within-Self 13

knows that the Illusory Being it nds immediately be- will share in this negativity and itself be essentially noth-
fore it has been posited by none other than itself, External ing. Therefore, an Essentiality, as opposed to a Quality, is
Refection nevertheless regards this Being as something essentially the same as its otherthey are both essentially
external to it from which it returns to itself. What con- nothing. As self-determining, whatever determination
cerns it, therefore, is no longer the act of positing itself, Essence takes on is freely self-generated, it is what it is,
but the specic determinateness of that which is posited, and so is simple Identity-with-self. This absolute Identity
since it is this and nothing else that establishes its exter- rests on the absolute negativity that unites Essence with
nality in the rst place.[90] its Essentialities. However, if we recall from Reection
above, Essence is also negative relative to its Essentiali-
EXAMPLE: Hegel oers for comparison with ties. The Essentialities are determined Essence and, as
his notion of External Reection the reective we know, determination by denition involves negation.
judgement of Kant, which, in the Critique of Therefore, while the Essentialities are absolutely Identi-
Judgement, is described as the faculty of the cal in their shared nothingness, their absolute negativity,
mind that determines the universals that lie be- they are equally absolutely Dierent in their determina-
hind immediately given particulars. This ac- tions, their relative negativity.[87]
tion is similar to that of External Reection
with the crucial dierence that, for Hegel, the EXAMPLE: Here Hegel embarks on a critique
universal does not simply lie behind the par- on one of the most basic assumptions of classi-
ticular, but generates the particular from it- cal logic, the Law of Identity, usually expressed
self and so is the particulars own true Essence. as A=A. Although supercially the immediate
The immediate particular upon which Kants truth of this proposition cannot be denied, fur-
judgement works is, in actuality, simply a noth- ther reection reveals that nothing absolute can
ingness posited by Reection itself solely in be derived from it. For it can only hold true
order to generate its equally null universal, provisionally insofar as A is dierent from not-
Essence.[91] A. The Law of Identity, the purpose of which
is to draw an absolute distinction between iden-
With Positing Reection, the Illusory Being that was tity and dierence, therefore contains dier-
posited was only a means for Essences mediation with ence as a necessary moment implicitly within
itself. Now, with c) Determining Reection, not only it. The paucity of the absolute truth it is meant
is the moment of Illusory Being foregrounded again, but to represent becomes very clear when applied
the specic determinations of this Being come into play empirically. If ... to the question 'what is a
as well. The absolute nothingness of Essence forms plant?' the answer is given 'A plant isa plant',
the background to any and all of the determinations it the truth of such a statement is at once admit-
chooses to Reect itself o of. These Determinations ted by the entire company on whom it is tested,
of Reectionformerly known as Determinate Beings and at the same time it is equally unanimously
when they were in the realm of Quality (see above) declared that the statement says nothing.[93]
therefore share in the nullity that undergirds them. This
nullity actually serves to x them eternally in their spe- B. Dierence The Dierence of Reection must be
cic determination and preserve them from Alteration, distinguished from the Otherness of Determinate Being.
because they no longer relate to each other externally The latter is a relative relation between two Determinate
as Others to one another, but internally as equals in Beings whereby they distinguish themselves one from the
Essences nothingness. All the possible determinations another and in turn determine themselves as specic Be-
of Being are thus preserved negatively in Essence as free ings based on this distinction. In the sphere of Reection,
Essentialities oating in the void without attracting or re- however, any determination posited by Essence is, as a de-
pelling one another.[92] termination, necessarily Dierent from the absolute neg-
ativity that is its Essence. The Dierence of Reection,
4.1.2 The Essentialities therefore, is dierent in relation to its own self, and so it
is not relative but a) Absolute Dierence.[94]
A. Identity In the sphere of Being, above, Qualities Absolute Dierence contains both Dierence and Iden-
were determined only relatively. What something was, tity within it as moments just as, conversely, Identity con-
was determined entirely by that which dierentiated it tains itself and Dierence as its moments. The relation
from what it wasn't, i.e., it was negatively determined between Identity and Dierence takes the form of one
by its Other. Here in Essence however, the negativ- term reecting o the other back into itself: Dierence
ity necessary to establish determination is no longer di- o of Identity back into itself or Identity o of Dier-
rected outward, towards an Other, but inward. This is ence back into itself. This is to be considered as the
because Essence is in itself absolute negativity, nothing- essential nature of reection and as the specic, original
ness, and it follows that any determination made therein ground of all activity and self-movement. Because each

of these two moments are self-related in this way, they of this, the Negative can equally well be regarded as pos-
do not mutually determine one another. Instead, they are itive and vice versa. They are not Positive and Negative
indierent to one another. Therefore, Dierence is b) merely in comparison with one another, but each contains
Diversity.[95] within itself the other as an essential element of its own
Yet another duality emerges at this point. As moments, determination.
Identity and Dierence require each other and are bound
up with one another: one term could not exist without EXAMPLE: An hours journey to the east and
the other. But at the same time, they absolutely negate the same distance traveled back to the west,
one another and only are at all by virtue of their mu- cancels the rst journey. ... At the same time,
tual negation of each other. So if we are an external the hours journey to the east is not in itself the
party concerned with a specic determination of Iden- positive direction, nor is the journey west the
tity, the moment of Dierence, though intrinsic to the negative direction; ... it is a third point of view
fact of this Identity, is very far from our minds. That it outside them that makes one positive and the
is Dierent from other things does not concern us or it other negative. ... [T]he distance covered is
at the moment: it is implicit. The category of Identity it- only one distance, not two, one going east and
self, however, is not determined by whatever it is that it the other going west. But at the same time,
is applied to, but by its reection o of Dierence back the distance traveled east and west is the sum
into itself. So if, from our external standpoint, that which of a twofold eort or the sum of two periods
comprises the Identity of something cannot be established of time.[97]
without a Comparison of Likeness with something else.
What specically is Dierent about something can simi-
larly only be determined by a Comparison of Unlikeness
between it and something else. Like and Unlike, being C. Contradiction Both the Positive and the Negative
external to the things they refer to, can each be equally are self-subsistent determinations: each side can stand on
applied to one and the same Determination. Things are its own without explicit reference to the other. At the
Like each other insofar as the are not Unlike each other same time, however, they completely exclude one another
and vice versa: the two terms are mutually exclusive in- and in fact rely on this exclusion for their self-subsistence.
sofar as they refer to the same thing, but in themselves, In that sense, the Positive itself is constituted by the very
apart from the things they refer to, there is no dierence Negative that it excludes; it is based on this exclusion and
between them. Since any aspect may be externally se- thus contains what it excludes it within itself. Ditto the
lected to demonstrate the Likeness and Unlikeness of any Negative. This inclusion of what is excluded is what con-
two things, these terms really only refer, not intrinsically stitutes the Positive and the Negative as what they are.
to their objects, but to themselves only and, as likewise This is Contradiction. (In the Negative, this self- con-
self-referred, are indistinguishable from each other inde- tradiction is explicit, but it is no less the nature of the
pendent of their objects. Likeness and Unlikeness are Positive.)
both in fact only Likeness. The internal union that existed So, similar to Becoming above, the Positive and the Neg-
between Identity and Dierence which is merely implicit ative immediately transition the one into the other: the
to the outside observer, therefore emerges again in exter- Positive includes the Negative which immediately ex-
nal reection between Likeness and Unlikeness, and thus cludes the Positive; the resulting Negative however also
overcomes the external Diversity that held Identity and includes the Positive which in turn excludes the Negative
Dierence indierently apart from each other. This re- and so on ad innitum. This mutual inclusion and exclu-
constituted unity that thus comes out of Diversity is c) sion cancels out the both of them. This results in nullity.
Opposition. Out of this nullity, the unity of the two sides is restored
The hidden, internal unity that bound the two moments in the following way. As stated above, both the Positive
of Identity and Dierence together despite their appar- and the Negative are each self-subsistent on their own, but
ent mutual indierence becomes explicit once they are it is a self-subsistence that is immediately obliterated by
mediated from the outside by Likeness and Unlikeness. the others. Now, however, arising out of their mutual de-
They are no longer indierent to one another but relate to struction comes a self-subsistence that is common to the
each other intrinsically as Opposites. A given determina- both of them. Instead of merely excluding each other,
tion, as seen from its Positive aspect, is Likeness reected each side sublates the other, meaning that whatever is
back onto itself o of Unlikeness. Seen from its Nega- posited as Positive is at the same time equally the Negative
tive aspect, it is Unlikeness reected back onto itself o of its Negative, and whatever is Negative is at the same
of Likeness. These two aspects, however, are the con- time equally a Positive. The two sides posit and negate
stitutive moments of one and the same overall determi- each other simultaneously, and in doing so they no longer
nation. Although as a whole, the Positive and Negative destroy each other, but preserve one another. There-
comprise a unity, the Positive on its own is also a self- fore the Positive and Negative are in fact the same and
subsistent being, as is the Negative on its own. Because this, their samenesswhich nevertheless includes their
Contradictionis their Essence as Ground.[98]

EXAMPLE: Light is usually reckoned as nomena, but we may later nd upon critical examination
purely Positive and dark, purely Negative: the that this phenomenon supposedly explained by centrifu-
absence of light. However, it is not inherent gal force is actually used to infer centrifugal force in the
to these terms that they should be so. Dark- rst place. Hegel characterizes this sort of reasoning as a
ness can be taken to be a Positive in its own witchs circle in which phenomena and phantoms run
right as the non-self-dierentiating womb of riot.
generation and vice versa. Furthermore, al- Real ground is external and made up of two substrates,
though they are usually dened as being mutu- both directly applicable to content (which evidently is
ally exclusive, the one being the absence of the
what we seem to perceive). The rst is the relation be-
other, there is a quantitative spectrum of grey tween the ground and the grounded and the second sub-
and a qualitative spectrum of colour which ex-
strate handles the diversity of content. As an example
ist between the one extreme and the other. The Hegel says that an ocial may hold an oce for a variety
Ground would be a concept of light which in-
of reasonssuitable connections, made an appearance on
cludes all of the above.[99] such and such occasion, and so forth. These various fac-
tors are the grounds for his holding oce. It is real ground
that serves to rstly make the connection between holding
4.2 Ground oce and these reasons, and secondly to bind the various
reasons, i.e. diverse content, together. Hegel points out
Simply put ground is the essence of essence, which for that the door is wide open to innite determinations that
Hegel arguably means the lowest, broadest rung in his on- are external to the thing itself (recall that real ground is
tology because ground appears to fundamentally support external). Potentially any set of reasons could be given
his system. Hegel says, for example, that ground is that for an ocial to be holding oce.
from which phenomena is understood. Within ground
In complete ground Hegel brings together formal and real
Hegel brings together such basic constituents of reality as
ground, now saying that formal ground presupposes real
form, matter, essence, content, relation, and condition.
ground and vice versa. Complete ground Hegel says is
The chapter on ground concludes by describing how these
the total ground-relation.
elements, properly conditioned, ultimately will bring a
fact into existence (a segue to the subsequent chapter on
5 Subjective Logic or the Doctrine
Hegel considers form to be the focal point of absolute
ground, saying that form is the completed whole of re- of the Notion
ection. Broken into components, form taken together
with essence gives us a substrate for the ground relation This volume is the third major piece within the Science
(Hegel seems to mean relation in a quasi-universal sense). of Logic. Here Hegel introduces his Notion within which
When we combine form with matter the result is deter- he extends Kants basic schemes of judgement and syl-
minate matter. Hegel thinks that matter itself cannot logism classication. Hegel shows that the true idea can
be seen": only a determination of matter resulting from only be based upon valid reasoning and objectivity.
a specic form can be seen. Thus the only way to see
matter is by combining matter with form (given a literal
reading of his text). Finally, content is the unity of form 6 References
and determinate matter. Content is what we perceive.
Determinate ground consists of formal ground, real [1] Hegel (1969), 3541
ground, and complete ground. Remember with Hegel
[2] Hegel (1969), 51
that when we classify something as determinate we are
not referring to absolute abstractions (as in absolute [3] Hegel (1969), 5053
ground, above) but now (with determinate ground) have
[4] Hegel (1969), 7880
some values attached to some variablesor to put it in
Hegels terminology, ground is now posited and derived [5] Hegel (1969), 1814
with determinate content.
[6] Hegel (1969), 93
In formal ground Hegel seems to be referring to those
causal explanations of some phenomena that make it what [7] Hegel (1969), 132
it is. In a (uncharacteristically) readable three paragraph [8] Hegel (1969), 136
remark, Hegel criticizes the misuse of formal grounds,
claiming that the sciences are basically built upon empty [9] Hegel (1969), 133
tautologies. Centrifugal force, Hegel states as one of sev-
[10] Hegel (1969), 179
eral examples drawn from the physical sciences, may be
given as prime grounds (i.e. explanation of) some phe- [11] Hegel (1969), 140-146

[12] Hegel (1969), 184187 [50] Hegel (1969), 402

[13] Hegel (1969), 195198 [51] Hegel (1969), 404406, 425

[14] Hegel (1969), 208209 [52] Hegel (1969), 429431

[15] Hegel (1969), 201202 [53] Hegel (1969), 434436

[16] Hegel (1969), 210212 [54] Hegel (1969), 438444

[17] Hegel (1969), 219224 [55] Hegel (1969), 445451

[18] Hegel (1969), 227 [56] Hegel (1969), 462471

[19] Hegel (1969), 231 [57] Hegel (1969), 472478

[20] Hegel (1969), 233235 [58] Hegel (1969), 479482

[21] Hegel (1969), 232 [59] Hegel (1969), 488491

[22] Hegel (1969), 239 [60] Hegel (1969), 493496

[23] Hegel (1969), 246 [61] Hegel (1969), 497499

[24] Hegel (1969), 247249 [62] Hegel (1969), 500503

[25] Hegel (1969), 254 [63] Hegel (1969), 504517

[26] Hegel (1969), 255261 [64] Hegel (1969), 530537

[27] Hegel (1969), 266 [65] Hegel (1969), 538570

[28] Hegel (1969), 269 [66] Hegel (1969), 674678

[29] Hegel (1969), 273274 [67] Hegel (1969), 679687

[30] Hegel (1969), 275286 [68] Hegel (1969), 688694

[31] Hegel (1969), 300304 [69] Hegel (1969), 712-717

[32] Hegel (1969), 302 [70] Hegel (1969), 718-722

[33] Hegel (1969), 316 [71] Hegel (1969), 725-729

[34] Hegel (1969), 318 [72] Hegel (1969), 730

[35] Hegel (1969), 320321 [73] Hegel (1969), 731-734

[36] Hegel (1969), 322 [74] Hegel (1969), 735

[37] Hegel (1969), 326 [75] Hegel (1969), 738-741

[38] Hegel (1969), 328 [76] Hegel (1969), 745-748

[39] Hegel (1969), 332334 [77] Hegel (1969), 749-753

[40] Hegel (1969), 335336 [78] Hegel (1969), 755-756

[41] Hegel (1969), 338339 [79] Hegel (1969), 754

[42] Hegel (1969), 340342 [80] Hegel (1969), 769-773

[43] Hegel (1969), 349352 [81] Hegel (1969), 774-778

[44] Hegel (1969), 356 [82] Hegel (1969), 779-84

[45] Hegel (1969), 358 [83] Hegel (1969), 785-786

[46] Hegel (1969), 361365 [84] Hegel (1969), 787-796

[47] Hegel (1969), 374, 385 [85] Hegel (1969), 797-802

[48] Hegel (1969), 370 [86] Hegel (1969), 803-806

[49] Hegel (1969), 395398 [87] Hegel (1969), 819-822


[88] Hegel (1969), 823-832 Di Giovanni, George (ed) 1990. Essays on Hegels
Logic Albany: New York State University Press.
[89] Hegel (1969), 833-845
Harris, Errol E. 1983. An Interpretation of the Logic
[90] Hegel (1969), 846-849
of Hegel Lanham.
[91] Hegel (1969), 850-852
Harris, William T. 1985. Hegels Logic: A Book on
[92] Hegel (1969), 853-859 the Genesis of the Categories of the Mind. A Critical
Exposition Chicago.
[93] Hegel (1969), 875-884
Hartnack, Justus, 1998. An Introduction to Hegels
[94] Hegel (1969), 885-889 Logic. Indianapolis: Hackett. ISBN 0-87220-424-3
[95] Hegel (1969), 890-901 Houlgate, Stephen, 2006. The Opening of Hegels
[96] Hegel (1969), 908-918 908-918 Logic: From Being to Innity Purdue: University
[97] Hegel (1969), 922
Rinaldi, Giacomo, 1992. A History and Interpreta-
[98] Hegel (1969), 931-945 tion of the Logic of Hegel Lewiston: Edwin Mellen
[99] Hegel (1969), 946-951
Roser, Andreas, 2009. Ordnung und Chaos in
Hegels Logik. 2 Volumes, New York, Frankfurt,
6.1 Bibliography Wien. ISBN 978-3-631-58109-4
Hegel, G. W. F. (1969). Hegels Science of Logic. Trisokkas, Ioannis, 2012. Pyrrhonian Scepticism
Allen & Unwin. and Hegels Theory of Judgement. A Treatise on the
Possibility of Scientic Inquiry Boston: Brill.
Wineld, Richard Dien, 2006. From Concept to Ob-
7 Editions of Science of Logic jectivity. Thinking Through Hegels Subjective Logic
Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-5536-9.
translated by W. H. Johnston and L. G. Struthers.
London: George Allen & Unwin, 1929

translated by Henry S. Macran (Hegels Logic of 9 External links

World and Idea) (Bk III Pts II, III only). Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1929 Source text (German) Wissenschaft der Logik Vol. 1
Vol. 2
translated by A. V. Miller; Foreword by J. N. Find-
lay. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1969 Outline of Hegels Logic at

translated by George di Giovanni, Cambridge: The Meaning of Hegels Logic (commentary at

Cambridge University Press, 2010 Wikisource)

Dunayevskaya : Rough Notes on Hegels SCIENCE

8 Secondary literature
Terry Button : Hegels Logic A Brief Synopsis
Bencivenga, Ermanno 2000. Hegels Dialectical Lenin : Consepectus of Hegels Science of Logic
Logic Oxford.
Lecture Course in Hegels Science of Logic
Burbidge, John W., 1995. On Hegels Logic. Frag- Richard Dien Wineld (Audio)
ments of a Commentary Atlantic Highlands, N.J.

Burbidge, John W. 2006. The Logic of Hegels

Logic. An IntroductionPeterborough, ON.

Butler, Clark. 1996. Hegels Logic. Between Dialec-

tic and History Evanston.

Carlson, David 2007. A Commentary on Hegels Sci-

ence of Logic New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 978-

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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Science of Logic Source: Contributors: Charles Matthews, Stein-
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