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Template: Arc Hydro Data Model

Version: 1
Date: September 4, 2009

This Data Model Template provides the content of the Arc Hydro data model in Geodatabase and XML Workspace document
formats. This template is intended to be used by people designing and building Arc Hydro Geodatabases. This version of the
geodatabase reflects the Arc Hydro design presented at the 2009 ESRI User Conference. The model continues to evolve and
we anticipate additional updates before the end of 2009.

This data model combines the content of the Surface water and Groundwater components into a single Geodatabase. It also
includes a tool that you can use to re-project the data model using a selected feature class.

You can follow the instructions below to install and use the template for your project.

Template Contents
The following files are provided in the ZIP file:

Template Item Description

Application Projection.tbx ArcGIS Toolbox that contains the
CreateSpatialReferenceXML and
SetSpatialReferenceForXMLWorkspace scripts and some
utility tools
Application/scripts Python script used by Projection.tbx to create a spatial
reference XML file from a selected feature class/dataset
SpatialReference.xml The spatial reference file created from the selected
feature class used to define the new spatial reference
spRefProperties.txt The list of spatial reference properties available within
ArcGIS Geoprocessing
CoordinateSystems.xml List of coordinate systems available in ArcGIS Python script that updates the spatial reference for the
selected XML Workspace document
SetSpatialReferenceForXMLWorkspace.js Javascript file called from python to do the xslt
transformation on the source XML Workspace document
SetSpatialReferenceForXMLWorkspace.xsl Xslt script that transforms the source xml document,
called from SetSpatialReference javascript file
run SetXMLWorkspace.bat An example of scripting the geoprocessing tools so you
do not have to run from within ArcCatalog/ArcMap
Documentation Arc Hydro DataDictionary.html A data dictionary that describes the contents of this data
Arc Hydro Poster.vsd A simple poster of the data model content in Visio format
Arc Hydro Poster.pdf A simple poster of the data model content in .pdf format
Maps and GDBs SpatialReferences.mdb A few template feature classes that can be used with the
template geodatabase/tools
Template.mdb, Template.idb/files Template Geodatabase in Microsoft Access WGS1984
spatial reference
XML Workspace(Arc Hydro Template) Template Geodatabase in Geodatabase XML Workspace

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Configure your Geodatabase
You can use this data model content to create your own geodatabase. Once created, you can load data and connect your
maps/tools to the new geodatabase to make this and other templates work with your data.

Software Environment
The following software must be installed and configured:

 ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 or 9.3.1 – ArcInfo or ArcEditor

Note: If you plan to set up an enterprise geodatabase, you will need at least ArcGIS Server Standard and an appropriate
license for your database platform.

Implementation Steps
1. Unzip the Data Model Template Download and place the contents of the zip file in a directory on your computer.

2. Using ArcCatalog, navigate to the Data Model\Application folder and run the CreateSpatialReferenceXML script in the
Projection Toolbox. Select an existing feature class to use as a template for the spatial reference. It is important to verify
the properties of your spatial reference since some of the key properties will not be editable once the database is created.

In the template we provided a few simple examples for you in the SpatialReferences.mdb database located in the Maps
and GDBs folder.

3. Next, Run the “SetSpatialReferenceForXMLWorkspaceTool” located in the Projection Toolbox. The tool will prompt you to
select an XML Workspace document to use. Select the template Geodatabase model (XML
Workspace(ArcHydroTemplate).xml) provided with this template:

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4. The tool will provide some feedback and confirm that the file was either created or not. The file created will be in the
same folder as the source XML document with the suffix “Projected.xml” appended to the file name.

5. Next, create a file or personal Geodatabase in ArcCatalog and import the new XML Workspace document.

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6. Next, make any changes to Fields, Domains, and other content using ArcCatalog. The most likely situation is that you
would delete content from the template geodatabase and concentrate your work on the datasets you plan to work with.
You can use the data dictionary and poster graphics in the Documentation folder to help you to work on the details.

7. Load your data into the Geodatabase you just created.

8. Add your data to ArcMap and ensure the data loaded correctly.

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