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Joaqun Roberto Daz Durn*, Facultad de Bellas Artes, UCLM

Dra. Sylvia Molina Muro, Profesor Contratado Doctor,
Facultad de Bellas Artes, UCLM
Dr. Jess Savage Carmona, Profesor Ttular Tiempo Completo,
Facultad de Ingeniera UNAM

Supervisors during the Erasmus+

Professor Heitor Alvelos, PhD (RCA), MFA (SAIC), MAE
Professor of Design, University of Porto

ABSTRACT Importance
My research is about the art that is making with robots, using them as a tool or as a part of I see the importance of this research in the fact that robotic technology is becoming ones
the artwork. of the main parts of our technological societies and assuming that one of the roles of the
I want to explore the aesthetics issues that are arising in the robotic art and how they are art is to address this elements that are changing the artistic creation, the way in which we
changing the artistic field. build relationships, how we do business, how we do war and so on. If we explore the artistic
This exploration means to address the creative process through the technology and creation through robotics we can understand better our contemporary relation with
methodologies that came from the robotic field as well as to explore the design of robots technology or even previewing how will be our future relations with the technology.
from an artistic approach.
I am applying the robotic technology in the field that is related with the scenic space,
theatre, dance and performance, through artistic experiments.

In the Stomache of a Robot

Another way to think a robot inside
a theatre/dance play

Theatre - Robotics - Interactive Art - Wearable Electronics

FIRST APPROACH The new approach is, integrate the actor, the scenery and other autonomous robots inside
the concept of a robot. Then the robot is the play itself, where the actor through a wearable
My first frame work was shaped between the mobile robots, who are those with legs or device could communicate with the system (Inputs and Outputs) to modify their
wheels and trying to make some art with them. I also make an experiment with a robotic performance, interact with the scenery, create sounds, interact with other robots and with
arm for drawing. The second step was introducing the robot to a rehearsal for a interactive-expressive controls that are part of the props.
HamletMachine play (from Heiner Mller) but all this kind of robots proved for many
reasons to have a really bad performance in expressivity, after that the project changed the

*Becario del programa CONACYT- FUNDACIN INBA 2016; This work was supported by PAPIIT-DGAPA UNAM under Grant IN-IG100915; Thanks to the Erasmus+ Programm and University of Porto
Dra. Susana Barreto, Dr. Heitor Alvelos, Dr. Rui Penha, Dr. Matthew Davis, Eduardo Magalhaes, Dra. Susana Chiocca, Csar Lugo, Isobel Taylor, Tamari Aznarashvili, Bernardo De Csar, Ftima
So Simo and Dr. Viktor Seib.

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