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Part 1: Self Myofascial Release

Part 2: Active and Static Stretching

This routine is designed to release excessively tight muscles, improve mobility in restricted areas, and to help you
recover faster from volleyball and workouts. This routine can be performed any time your body is feeling restricted.
Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo
A. Calf and Fibularis Active Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^place a FR, a SB, or a LB under your calf and search for a sore spot, when you have found the sore spot, place
your other leg over top of that leg so that you can push down and increase the force into the roller or ball, slowly
flex and extend at the ankle joint massaging through the tissue
B. TFL Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^place an FR, SB, or LB over the lateral aspect of your hip, roll around a little bit until you find a sore spot, pause
and push your weight into the sore spot for a minimum of 30secs or until the tissue releases
C. Vastus Lateralis Static Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow
^you are working on releasing the lateral aspect of your leg, use an FR, SB, or LB, roll down the side of your leg and
pause in any sore spots you find and pause for a minimum of 30secs or however long it takes to get a release
D. Quadriceps Active Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^slowly roll a foam roller up and down your quads searching for a sore spot, when you find the sore spot pause and
push all your weight into the roller and then perform some slow leg flexions and extensions
E. Adductor Static Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^you are working on releasing your adductors, also known as your groin, use a FR or a SF and roll slowly on the inside
of your leg searching for sore spots, when you find the sore spots pause and push into the FR/SB until the tissue
F. Adductor and Hamstring Active Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^sit on a chair, box, or bench and sandwich a SB or a LB between the back of your leg (hamstrings)
and the chair. Move the ball over the length of your hamstrings (from the back of the knee up to your
butt) searching for sore spots, when you find a sore spot pause and push into the ball and then perform some slow
leg extensions
G. Glutes and Piriformis Static Release 1 45secs + per side no rest Slow
^sit on a FR or a SB and cross one leg over creating a stretch in your hip on the same side as the leg that is crossed,
slowly roll the FB or SB over your glutes searching for a sore spot, when you find the sore spot pause and push into
that area into you feel like the tissue has released
H. FR- Upper and Mid Back 1 45secs+ no rest Slow/Pause
^Cross your arms across the front of your body (giving yourself hug), pulling your shoulder blades apart. Slowly
roll the FR over your mid back, up through the muscles in your upper back searching for sore spots, when you find a
a sore spot pause and push into the roller for a minimum of 30secs
I. Lats Static Release 1 45secs+ per side no rest Slow/Pause
^Place the FR or SB on the side of your torso and slowly roll from the base of your rib cage up to the top
of your arm pit searching for sore spots, when you find a sore spot pause and push into the FR/SB until you feel like
the tissue has released
Part 1: Self Myofascial Release
Part 2: Active and Static Stretching


Exercise Sets/Reps Rest/Tempo
Active and Static Stretching
A. Banded Hamstring Contract and Relax 1 45secs per side no rest Slow/Stretch
^Lie flat on your back and loop a band or towel around one of your
legs. Pull on the band/towel bringing your leg up and towards your
body. Maintain a small bend in your knee. You should feel the
stretch in your hamstrings. Push your leg into the band/towel
causing your leg to contract, hold the contraction for 5secs and
then relax increasing the range of the stretch, relax for 5secs
stretching. Alternate between contracting and relaxing for for
45secs per side.
B. Banded Hip Flexor Mobilization 1 45secs per leg no rest Slow/Pause
^band around your hip in the lunge position, push your hip on-
the band side as far forward as possible and pause for 3secs,-
alternate between moving into and out of the stretch for 45secs+
C. Supine Leg Twist Thoracic Stretch 1 45s no rest Slow/Stretch
^pull your leg across your body and place your opposite hand on-
the leg feeling the stretch in your mid and lower back, pause for-
3 secs and then change sides, keep alternating sides for 45secs
D. Pigeon Pose 1 45secs per side no rest Slow/Stretch
^bring one leg under and across your body, you should feel the
stretch in the hip/glute
E. FR Angels 1 12 no rest Slow/Stretch
^lie on a foam roller so that it rests length wise along your back, with
your hands in the prayer position, reach your arms as far away from
your body as possible, feeling the stretch in your back (lats), then slide your arms
along the ground in a semi-circular movement feeling the stretch in your chest
and shoulders
F. TRX Lat Stretch (or you can hold onto a pole instead of a TRX) 1 30s no rest Slow/Stretch
^hold onto a TRX or a Pole, push your butt back getting long through
your torso, you should feel the stretch in your shoulders, arms, and back
^if you let go of the TRX/Pole you should fall right on your butt

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