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with God
Spiritual Mentoring Program

Month #1: Mastering Change

Topic #10: Moving to Beingness

This lesson written by Neale Donald Walsch
based on the information found in
When Everything Changes, Change Everything


If you are like most people, what the last exercise will tell you is that the vast, vast majority of
the time you are living in a Reality that is b ased on f aulty data. Your Experience of Events i s
emerging from Emotions that are created b y Thoughts that eventuate from Truths that have their
foundation in Past Data that is Judged.
This is not good.
This is not good at all.
And yet, it i s the way that the majorityby far the majorityof human b eings live.
Thats the bad news. Now heres the good news
It doesnt have to be this way.

Enlarging the Databank
What you need to do is enlarge your personal Databank. To do this, you have to understand
where data comes from.
For most people, all of the data about life comes from their Body.
The Body is a data-intake i nstrument. I t is an i nformation collector. It takes i n data through
its many energy sensors. These sensors tell it about the environment around it.
The Body then sends this data to the Mind, which (as I have already explained) collects it,
categorizes it, stores i t, and calls it forward whenever the B ody encounters new data that i s the
same or nearly the same as the old.
The difficulty i s that when the Mind receives a fresh data entry from the Body, i t immediately
adds old data to the new, dumping (in most cases) Judged Past Data on top of fresh i ncoming
information. This is the r esource you are currently using to assess and respond to What I s
Happening Now. I t is the basis on which you create you Reality about Everything That Has
Happened Before.
Now, here is something vital that you need to k now. You cant change this data, but you can
add to it. Thats something that no one ever told me in school. N ot i n grade school (perhaps
obviously), not in high school (where i t might have been extremely helpful), and not even i n

college (where I might have hoped i t would have been). Perhaps I took all the wrong classes. Fair
enough. But should something as basic, something as fundamental, as this not b e told to students
and given to children in ALL classes, at the earliest possible time?
I believe that i n an enlightened society, this is exactly how i t will be. In such a society our
children would enter a Learning Environment and they would see, written in large letters on the

You cannot change your Minds data, but you can add to it.

This could be a topic of i ntense discussion and very beneficial exploration.
How you add to your Minds data is by expanding the source from which you are collecting it.
Currently you areas described earliercollecting nearly all of the data that your Mind
holds about life through the Instrument of the Body. What I am now going to suggest i s that you
now employ the System of the Soul as well.

Changing Your Perspective
What this will result i n is a radical shift i n your perspective.
The Souls perspective is created by the Souls Awareness. The Souls Degree of Awareness i s
produced by the Souls Level of Consciousness. The Souls Level of Consciousness is the natural
outflow of the Place of Being that the Totality Which Is You is occupying at any given moment.
And the Place of Being that you occupy i n This Moment Now is a matter of Pure Choice.
This is the greatest secret of the Universe: Beingness is a matter of choice.
One doesnt get to be something because of something one does or something one has.
One does not have to earn ones way to B eingness.
Beingness is an arbitrary choice. Again

Beingness is an arbitrary choice.

You can b e anything you want to b e, at any time you want to be it. That, too, is worth

You can be anything you want to be, at any time you want to b e it.

Now, to move forward in this discussion we are going to have to explore what Beingness is.

Defining the Term
When I was a child everyone asked me over and over again, What do you want to be when
you grow up? I remember the q uestion well, b ecause I was always trying to figure outDo I want
to be a policeman?...Do I want to be a baseball player?...Do I want to b e a movie star?

I was always confusing Beingness with Doingness. That i s, I always thought that when
people asked me, What do you want to be? that they really meant, What do you want to do?
And, of course, that i s exactly what they meant. I wasnt confused at all.
But as I grew into higher and higher levels of intellectual and spiritual curiosity I b egan to
explore other meanings for the verb to be. I b egan to ponder, could this idea of what one is
being really refer to how one is feeling? Or, to put it in other words, how one is e xperiencing
Could i t mean that at various times in my life I am being happy? Being sad? Being
curious? Being kind, compassionate, caring, loving, mean, or cruel? Could we b e describing
entire States of Being? And could States of Being refer to ones State of Mind?
Then I had, at the age of 50, my conversation with Godand everything in my life changed. I
was told that what I was being was the most i mportant aspect of my life. And furthermore, that
my State of B eing was a matter of pure choice, having nothing to do with anything that I had or
I learned that States of Being did not r efer simply to ones State of Mind, but to the State of
ones E ntire Self. It was more than just a mental thing, it was an entire person thing. I t involved
more than ones Thought, it involved ones very Way of Existing.
I understood for the first time Jesus unforgettable words: I am the Way and the Truth and
the Life. N o one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
I knew then that what he was saying i s that no one gets to God without adopting the Way of
being, the Truth of oneself, and the Life that results f rom such an embracement, from such a
complete and utter shift of ones identity from humanness to Godliness.

Getting Things i n Order
I knew then, as well, what was meant by the doctrinal teaching of free choice. God told me
in my conversation that B eingness is a choice, not an outcome; it i s a decision, not a result. One
does not get to be something b ecause of what one has done. One gets to be something because
one chooses to beand THEN one winds up doing things that one might otherwise never do.
Beingness, God told me, produces doingness, it does not derive from i t.
One does not do certain things and then one gets to be happy. One decides to be happy
and then one does what happy people do.
One does not do certain things and then one gets to be loving. One decides to be loving
and then one does what loving people do.
One does not do certain things and then one gets to be secure, or content, or peaceful. One
decides to be secure, content, or peaceful and then one does what secure, content, peaceful
people do.
One has to get things in order i n order to have things i n order.
Beingness always precedes doingness, and half the world thinks it i s the other way around.


This is something that most people have never been told and do not understand. If they did,
their whole life would change. Most people think that Beingness i s a reaction. It is not. It i s an
action, not a reaction.
Again, one does not be something b ecause one has d one something. One d oes something
because one if being something.
Later in this Spiritual Mentoring Program, in Month #3, we will dive deeply i nto the Be-Do-
Have P aradigm, explaining it thoroughly. For now, at this stage in your movement through this
program, simply k now that what you decide to be i n lifewhat you choose to be when you grow
upis the most critical decision you will ever make.

Our Birthday Day is A t Hand
Most of us are not grown up yet. We may b e 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 years old, b ut we are as
little children, spiritually speaking. That i s what this CwG Spiritual Mentoring Program i s all
about. It is about raising ourselves to a new level of spiritual maturity.
It is not our fault that we have not reached spiritual maturity. We are not bad people
because of it. We are simply young. The human species is among the youngest species of sentient
beings in the Universe. We are really just beginning to figure out what is going on here. In Life, I
mean. Who we are, I mean. What the purpose of all this is, I mean. We are just now beginning to
figure all of this out.
We are as an embryo in the womb. We have not truly been birthed yet. We are about to
become, in the years just ahead, witnesses to our own birthing. That i s what the 2012
Phenomenon is all about. It is about the Birthing of Humanity i nto the Universal Community of
Sentient B eings.
By sentient I mean self aware. We are just now b ecoming truly aware of our selves, of
Who We Are and what we can do and why we are living and how we can fully express our Selves
through the embracing of our True Identity.
We will accomplish all of this by shifting, at last, the Be-Do-Have Paradigm; by making Lifes
Most I mportant Choice consciously, rather than unconsciously, as we have been doing for these
many millennia.
We are about to enter that era you learned about when you completed your Assignment
following our discussion of Topic #6, a reading of that wonderful and i nsightful b ook Conscious
Evolution, by the amazing futurist and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. (If you could not find that
book, or wish to do some supplementary reading i n this area, you are i nvited to pick up a copy of
THE MOTHER OF INVENTION: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and t he Future of You, Hay
House, 2010.)

Lifes Most Important Choice
What you choose to be i s the most i mportant choice you will ever make in your life. And you
will not make it once, but trillions of times.
The Choice of Beingness is engaged moment to moment, every hour, every day of your life.
You decide on a minute-to-minute basis what you choose to be. You can decide this ahead of time,
you can decide this in the Here-and-Now, or you can decide this after any moment has passed. B ut
always, the choice i s yours.
Yet b e clear: the choice is about more than Thought.
Earlier i n this Mentoring Program I said that you could choose your Thought about an Event
either b efore i t happened, while it was happening, or after it happened. That is true, and that i s
still a powerful teaching. Afterthought, i n particular, can b e a very healing tool.
Yet Beingness is even more powerfulbecause it i s of the Soul. And when you combine the
Mechanics of the Mind with the System of the Soulwhen you combine Thought with
Beingnessyou have f ound the most powerful tool of all.
That i s what makes your choice if Beingness the most important choice of your life.
Most people choose what they are going to be unconsciously. They do it without i ntention,
without purpose, without awareness. Beingness is, for them, truly a reaction they are
experiencing, not an action they are taking. This i s b ecause they think that what one is B eing
results from what one is Doing. They do not understand that it is the other way around.
When Everything Changes, Change Everything invites you to change everything around this; to
step into B eingness on purpose; b y choice; through intention.

1. Look to see what you are being right now. Take out your CwG Spiritual Mentoring
Notebook and turn to a new page. On this page, write the following question, then answer
itWhat am I being right now? Am I being happy? Am I being curious? Am I being studious? Am I
being self-aware?
2. Now lets play a little with this idea of States of B eing. Pick three things that you would like
to be some time later today. Maybe youd like to b e creative some time before this day i s over.
Maybe youd like to b e joyful at some point in the next few hours. Maybe youd like to be
sensual. I t doesnt matter what you choose, just choose three States of Being.
3. Good. Now, pick a t ime when you are going to be that. Thats right, take a look at y our
watch or clock and select a particular moment in time between now and when you go to sleep
when you are going to be that.
4. When the time that you have chosen arrives, move into being what you have chosen to be,
deliberately and intentionally. Remain in that State of Being for at least 20 minutes.
5. Today or tomorrow, i n your Notebook, write about your experience.

Please Note
It is importantit is very importantto d o these assignments,
and to do them in a timely fashion. Each one is built upon
the other, and they are made to follow sequentially.
Failure to d o this homework will reduce
significantly the benefit you receive from this program.
Conversations with God
Spiritual Mentoring Program

Month #1: Mastering Change

Topic #11: Taking Both Roads

This lesson written by Neale Donald Walsch
based on the information found in
When Everything Changes, Change Everything


In this first month of the Spiritual Mentoring Program we are attempting to master the
experience of Change in your life. The adoption of Beingness as a purposeful, intentioned Way of
Existing i n this world is a major stepindeed, the single most i mportant stepin that direction.
This is because it i s the first step on the P athway to the Soul. It may b e, in f act, the only step youll
ever have to take.
Why is it important to master the experience of Change in your life? Because Change is the
most constant experience you will ever undergo. Change i s life itself. Life is the process b y which
things change, so that Life can go on.
So if you have not found a way to deal with Change, to respond in a healthy way to Change, to
master Change, you stand a good chance of having a very unhappy life.

Using the Entirety of Your Being
What we are wanting you to understand in this first month is that you are a three-part b eing,
made up of Body, Mind, and Soul, and that Life will b egin to r espond to you, to b ecome an amazing
adventure for you, and be a source of unrelenting joy within you, when you use all three aspects
of your Being simultaneously, rather than focusing on one or the other most of the time.
This is, sadly, what most people do.
Most people divide their attention up, focusing on their Body in one moment, their Mind i n
the next, and their Soul in yet another moment. What the WECCE Technology as described i n
When Everything Changes, Change Everything is all about i s using all three parts of Who Y ou Are
at one time. The engaging of B ody, Mind, and Soul in the same moment produces astonishing
The challenge for many has been, How do I get to my Soul? I so often hear people say to me,
I know how to use my Body, I know how to use my Mind, but I dont know how to use my Soul.
Im not even sure I know what that is about.

So what we are wanting to have you understand here is that what using the Soul is about i s
moving into Beingness. This is a process that can begin in the Mind. That is why we have said that
we are going to teach you to use your Mind to get out of your Mind.
In the last Assignment, just above, I hope we have stimulated you to do just that. By choosing
States of Being quite arbitrarily ahead of time (a mental process, for sure), and then coming from
those States of Being when the chosen time arrives (a spiritual process), you will have moved
from Mind to Soul, combining both in a larger process, loosely called Transformation.

You Cant Help It!
Let us now explore where all this can take you.
God tells me that Beingness automatically r aises ones Level of Consciousness. This is
because the deliberate, intentioned selection of a State of Being, or a Way of Existing in the world,
is a mental process that requires one to be i nordinately self-conscious.
That i s, you cannot choose to be something (happy, content, peaceful, loving) intentionally
and purposefully without being fully conscious of who is doing the choosing. You b ecome self-
conscious automatically by means of the process of choosing Beingness itself. You cannot help but
be more conscious of your Self when you purposefully make such choices. Therefore, Being and
Consciousness are One.

Deliberate Beingness is an expression of Higher Consciousness.

For years we have been hearing about Consciousness Raising, and the Consciousness Raising
Movement. This i s what that i s all about (although very few people actually know it).
Consciousness Raising i s about Beingness Choosing.

Where To From Here?
Increased Consciousness simultaneously produces Awareness, as what you are Conscious of,
you are Aware of. (Conversely, you cannot b e Aware of anything if you are Unconscious.) So
Consciousness and Awareness are One.
Being/Consciousness/Awareness generates P erspective. That is, when you are Being
something you are Conscious of what you are B eing and you are Aware of it, and you therefore,
quite suddenly, have a point of view about it. You cannot have a point of view about something of
which you are Unconscious and Unaware. So we see that Beingness/Consciousness/Awareness
precedes perspective, and creates it.
Perspective then produces Perception. That is, the place from which you look determines
what you see.
Perspective then produces B elief. It turns out that seeing is b elieving.
Belief produces Behavior. All behavior i s the out-picturing of a belief that i s held within.
Behavior produces Experience. All experience i s based on the b ehavior of oneself and others.
Experience produces Reality as you know it. Here is where the Mechanics of the Mind and the
System of the Soul meet. You can get to Reality by two pathsthe Mental Path or the Spiritual
Pathbut you cannot get to it without going through Experience.
The only q uestion remaining will be, What creates your Experience?

The Formula, Revealed!
You can create Experience any one of three ways:
1. By using the Mechanics of the Mind
2. By using the System of the Soul
3. By using b oth

Earlier we told youand the WECCE text spells this out i n detailthat the Road to
Experience, for most people, looks like this:







These are the Mechanics of the Mind. Most people live in their Mind most of the time. Some
people actually think their Mind is Who They Are.
The Conversations with God experience has caused me to look anew at that; to consider that
there may b e something I dont fully k now about this, the k nowing of which could change
everything. This is what i s meant by the title of the b ook, When Everything Changes, Change
That book echoes the CwG message: We are not our Minds. And we are not our Bodies. Nor,
for that matter, are we our Souls. We are all three. This is what WECCE calls The Totality of Our
Being. We are a Three-in-One life form. We are The Holy Trinity, personified.
When we take this into account, we b egin to realize that we can use the System of the Soul as
well as the Mechanics of the Mind as a means of creating our own Reality. Reality i s always
created out of our Experiencebut there is more than one way to produce an Experience.
Now we are telling you that when you use the System of the Soul, the Road to Experience can
also look like this:








In this scenario B eing/Consciousness/Awareness leads directly to Experience, through the
doorways of Perspective, P erception, B elief, and Behavior. Yet the Experience to which this road
takes us will b e a decidedly different Experience from the Experience to which we are led by the
Mind. And it is possible that this new Experience will not always serve us, as it could place us in a
Distorted Reality of another kind.
(Some people have encountered this when using so-called mind-altering substances. Others
enter such a Reality without using plants or drugs, b ut simply by the releasing of the bodys own
stimulants, producing moments of blisswhich may be very pleasurable, but may not b e very
practical as they move through daily, on-the-ground life.)


WECCE, therefore, r ecommends a third Road to Experience, another pathway altogether, that
looks like this:







In this scenario B eing replaces physical occurrences at the top of the Line of Causality of
Causality. Your life i s no longer controlled or driven by what is happening, but, rather, by Who
You Are. This i s a major shift, a dramatic change in the way your life is being lived and your r eality
is being created. Now, B eing becomes The Event.
The magnitude of this alteration is i mpossible to overstate, and is such as to produce the
complete transformation of the i ndividual.

Establishing First Cause
In the Realm of the Physical, all Reality is sponsored by Event. Event is First Cause. Either this
Event is an Outer Event or an I nner Event; that i s, something that i s occurring in your outside
environment or your i nside environment.
What WECCE suggests is that you make your choosing of a State of Being as the biggest Event
of your life. So big that i t transcends all smaller events, inner or outer. Make i t First Cause.
When EVENT and BEING are united, the Line of Causality moves in two directions at once
and towards the middle ground between them (see chart, above). In this way, P erspective and
Data meet, enlarging both. Perception and Truth meet, enhancing both. Belief and Thought meet,
expanding b oth. Behavior and Emotion meet, empowering both. And the Experience of the Mind
couples and combines with the Experience of the Soul to produce a whole new Realitiy.
This new path from the Event called B EING to your new Reality is, as the charts show, what
Buddhists call The Middle Way. It is no accident that, if you circle Being at the top and Reality at

the b ottom and all the meeting points in between, you have a perfect charting of the Seven
Chakras of the Human Being.


This is where you are going, by the way. You are seeking Completion. Some people i magine
that they are seeking enlightenment. Yet enlightenment is simply another word for Awareness. I t
is the beginning of the path, not the end. The end of The Path i s Completion. It i s the Complete
Expression of the Complete Reality of Who You Are.

1. Select a State of Being/Consciousness/Awareness that you choose to be the Major Event of
your life. Declare this in your CwG Spiritual Mentoring Notebook.
2, Know that this State of B eing/Consciousness/Awareness can b e changed, altered, or
recreated from moment to moment, i n any way and at any time that you wish. Make a table in
your Notebook and enter on that table the States of Being you experienced yourself expressing so
far today.
3. Realize that you are, i n fact, doing this (that is, expressing States of Being and changing
States of Being) i n every nanosecond of your life. The question i s not whether this is happening,
the q uestion is whether this is happening intentionally or accidentally; purposefully or
haphazardly; by choice or by chance. Next to each of the States of Being that you were able to
identify in Step 2 above, place an I or an A to indicate whether you moved into that State of
Being i ntentionally or accidentally.
4. Write a short essay i n your Notebook about what this tells you regarding your life so
farand your life from this day forward.

Please Note
It is importantit is very importantto d o these assignments,
and to do them in a timely fashion. Each one is built upon
the other, and they are made to follow sequentially.
Failure to d o this homework will reduce
significantly the benefit you receive from this program.

Conversations with God
Spiritual Mentoring Program

Month #1: Mastering Change
Topic #12: Changing Change

This lesson written by Neale Donald Walsch
based on the information found in
When Everything Changes, Change Everything


The hope here i s that this first month of Spiritual Mentoring will be of assistance to you i n
changing the way Change affects you. We want to get you to a place where everything in your life
can change without it changing You one iota. This would be, for most people, a huge change i n the
way Change has affected them.
What we have learned in this program so far i s that Events do not create your Reality. It is
your Experience of an Event which produces your Reality of it. String a whole b unch of Events
together and you have a Reality called Y our Life Until Now.
The suggestion we are offering you here i s to notice that the most powerful way to change
your Experience of the Events of your life i s to change the Events Themselves.
We are suggesting that you make the Main Event of your life the selecting of a State of Being,
intentionally and purposefully. This State of Being then becomes the Event, and the only Event, at
the head of the Line of Causality, producing your Reality.
We are i nviting you to notice that this choosing of a State of Being i s not a one-time thing; it i s
not a single action undertaken in a single moment, b ut, r ather, it is a continuing choice and
decision, made over and over again in every single golden moment of Now.

Be of One Eye and Singular Intention
This process requires you to be ever vigilant; constantly on top of things. You cant fall
asleep as you move through life, or you will feel very much as if you are sleep-walking, going
you-have-no-idea where, just stumbling and bumbling along through your days and nights.
Yet there is no reason to f eel intimidated or daunted. As it turns out, this b usiness of being
ever vigilant becomes easier and easier as the moments i n which you make the same decision pile
up. So simply b e of one eye, as the Bible puts it. Or, to place i t in more contemporary terms, look at
one thingthe thing you want to be the mostand dont look at anything else. B e of single
purpose. Be of singular intention.
If your intention is to head for the light, or to BE the Light, as some people conceive of it,
then keep that intention foremost in your heart and mind and soul.

Remember that the light of the b ody i s the eye: if, therefore, thine eye b e single, thy whole
body shall b e full of light. (Matthew 6:22)

Visit the S oul Daily
Many things will come along to distract you. Do not let them. Allow peace and joy and love,
and, most important of all, union and oneness with God, to b e your i ntention i n terms of what you
wish to express in this life.
Your best chance to stay f ocused on this is to visit your Soul daily. You are very much in touch
with your Mind constantly. You are very much in touch with your Body at various times
throughout the day (like when you are going to the bathroom, f or instance, or having sex, for
example, or just hurt yourself, or even when you are eating). B ut how many times during the
average day are you very much i n touch with your Soul?
For most people the answer is, not very many times at allIF at all
Yet the joy and f ulfillment you will feel i n life will m anifest i n direct proportion to the amount
of time you spend in union with your Soul.
I think that qualifies as one of those statements that are i mportant enough to repeat.

The joy and fulfillment you feel in life is always in direct
proportion to the amount of time you s pend in union with your

We are talking here about being with your Soul, just as you are with your Body and Mind. You
are with your Body by cleansing it, feeding i t, clothing i t, and, hopefully, utilizing it every day. You
are with your Mind by feeding it (hopefully good) thoughts and i mages, and utilizing it every day.
Yet how are you with your Soul? Do you even stop b y to say Hi? Or do you ignore it most every
day, except on rare occasions?

How to Be With the S oul
There are many, many ways to be with the Souland the first step is to notice that you have
one. Once we can agree that we have such a thing as the Soul, we can begin to talk to i t (yes, even
as we talk to ourselves when we speak to our own Mind), to listen to i t, and to be with it i n a
quality way; in a way that serves us.
I have written about Pathways to the Soul in other f orums and places, and here I will list at
least 12 pathways that I k now of. These are wonderful ways to be with your Soul:
1. Silence/Solitude 7. Movement/Dance/Yoga
2. Prayer 8. Selfless Service
3. Meditation 9. Sexual Union
4. Breathing 10. Pondering/Journaling/Writing
5. Chanting/Singing 11. Presence
6. Ritual/Repetition/Discipline 12. Devotion

I suspect that none of these need explanation, and I would encourage you to engage in one or
more of these activities on a regular basis. The WECCE text contains a wonderful section of Ways
to Meditate. I presume you read all of that if you r ead the book, but I invite you to re-read i t now,
with a Mind that may b e a bit more open.
Then I i nvite you to closely consider the other 11 pathways on this list. See if there i s a time
and a way in which you can include some of these on your weekly or daily schedule.
I wont go into all of them now, b ut just let me touch on a couple

The Power of Journaling
I find that journaling and writing is a very powerful device for me. I get in touch with my Soul
every time I do thatincluding right this very minute, as I am typing out these words. I want to
encourage you to keep a personal Journal and make at least one entry every day. If I had my way, I
would also have all of you write a b ook. At least one. Containing all of your deepest thoughts and
highest ideas and grandest notions. All of us should have such a thing anyway, if only to have
something to pass on to our children or loved ones after we die. A part of us should live f orever i n
this way.

What is Meant by Presence
The item on the list above that I get the most questions about i s number 11. What, people
ask me, is that? What does Presence mean?
By presence I mean the practice of being Right Here, Right Now. It is a mental discipline. It
is another way that we can use our Mind to get out of our Mind.
There are a lot of ways to be fully present. Observing the threads or patterns in a carpet.
Seeing how many edges there are on a certain cloud. Counting the number of wing flaps it takes
that bird to cross the sky. Listening to see how many separate sounds you can identify in the next
20 seconds
These are all ways of waking you up, pulling you out of your dreams of Y esterday and away
from your visions of Tomorrow and inviting you to Be Here Now.
Once you have brought yourself to Right Now, I invite you to close your eyes and simply
breathe and look inward, peering deeply, from the i nside, at the space just above and b etween
your eyes. See what you see there. Stay with it for as long as you can. For some people this will
feel like a two-hour nap!
It is a wonderful way to r est the Mind and just see what shows up when the Mind has
nothing to do and can step aside, allowing you to step into your Soul.

Music Hath Charms to Soothe the Savage Breast
So wrote Shakespeare, and he was right. I am a great believer in chanting and singing as
another means of connecting with ones Soul. Two of the most wonderful chanting albums I have
ever come across are those of the Brothers of Weston Priory and, in a totally different b ut no
less sacred vein, of Snatam Kaur.
I have this music downloaded on my computer and I listen to i t often. Two of my favorite
chants by the Brothers of Weston Priory contain these lyrics

All I ask of you is to r emember me as loving you

Wherever you go, I will Go. Wherever you live, so shall I live.
Your people will be my people, and your God shall b e my God, too.

I first heard those chants i n the early 1980s, and I r emember the i mpact they had on me then.
They put me in touch with a very deep part of my being, that I now understand to be my Soul.
Every single chant that Snatam Kaur offers is q uite r emarkable, but of the wonderful ones I
have heard (in person, i n her presence) that have stilled my soul, one that touches me deeply is
titled M others Blessing. I t is sung in Spanish and then in English, from a mother to a childoffered
from Snatam Kaur to her own new b aby son shortly after his birth:

Oh, my child
This is your mothers blessing:
May you never forget God,
even for a moment,
worshipping f orever
the Lord of the Universe

Who is this God, this Lord, They Are Singing About?
When some people hear the words God or Lord they can b ecome very nervous, if not
completely put off, b ecause their experience of the Divine has not been very divine at all. Yet
Conversations with God i nvites us to i magine a New God, a different kind of God, a Lord who
lords nothing over us, b ut who is the Lord simply because She is the Source of All That Is, All
That Ever Was, and All That Ever Will B e.
When I was on the Today Show some years ago, host Matt Lauer was i nterviewing me, and I
remember he closed our visit with a fascinating question: Neale, you say you have talked to God.
If that is so, can you tell us, in a short paragraph, what is Gods message to the world? We have
about 30 seconds.
I chuckled at his throwing me this knuckle ball with half a minute left to answer, b ut then
something moved right through me. I dont need a whole paragraph, Matt, I said. I can give it to
you in five words.
He raised his eyebrows, then nodded to the camera. Okay then. Ladies and gentlemen,
according to Neale Donald Walsch, here is Gods Message to the World, in five words.
I paused for just a moment, then, in the segments very last moments, I shared Gods

That i s, when you think about it, just about the most important thing God could say to the
people of earth right now. B ecause if its true, then every pronouncement, every interpretation,
every doctrine and dogma, every prior explanation, understanding, or belief about God i s once
again open to question. The doors have been thrown open. Weve b een given permission from the
Highest Authority to begin our inquiry anew, to keep exploring, keep investigating, keep looking
deeper and deeper i nto the Divine Mystery.
This is no small thing. You have to understand, this i s no small thing. Most b elief systems
having to do with God (or, for that matter, with anything else) require complete adherence,
without waiver, to its declarations. A thing is so because it i s said to be so, and there i s no
doubting that, no questioning that. He who doubts or questions i s called an unbeliever and i s
shunned. He who does more than doubt or question, actually offering alternative ideas or

concepts, is called a blasphemer and has been, in some quarters, actually condemned to death.
(Were not talking just about ancient history here, b y the way. This is going on right now, today.)
Yet the message from God is clear: We have made a mistake. God i s not an angry, needy,
vengeful, judging, condemning, punishing Deity. And I hope, after reading Conversations with God,
that the words God and Lord have been sufficiently rehabilitated f or you.

We have made a mistake. God is not an angry, needy, vengeful,
judging, condemning, punishing Deity.

So allow yourself to chant all the chants that use the many names of God. Allow yourself to
say the many prayers that you were taught i n your youth and that still speak to your heart, or that
you have heard from other sources since. As well, allow yourself not to, if that is what feels
comfortable to you. But for goodness sake (I almost said for heavens sake!), dont get into a
space where you declare that you will not worship God because you dont think the old God
deserves it.
And what about this worship idea, anyway? Does God require our worship? N o. Of course
not. Not in the sense of subservience. But does i t do a body good to feel such unbridled love for
another that worship suddenly b ecomes an okay and totally comfortable word?
The other day I caught myself saying to someone about my wife, Shes an extraordinary
woman. I love her to pieces. I worship the ground she walks on.

Making A ll This Relevant
Okay, all very well and good. Maybe even a little bit i nteresting, tangentially. But what does
any of this have to do with changing the way Change affects you?
Thats a question I would ask right now if I were you.
My answer would b e that i t has everything to do with it. First, b ecause if you dont ever, or
rarely, connect with your Soul, you will be left with only the Mechanics of the Mind to deal with
Change in your lifeand I promise you, that will not be enough.
That tool will not suffice to keep you peaceful, happy, and loving. (But dont take my word for
it. Look to your own life up til now.)
Second, b ecause if you do b egin to connect with your Soul on a r egular basis, youre going to
run into God sooner or later, b ecause the Soul is connected directly TO God, is your d ivine bond
WITH God, i s the container for your experience OF God. How you feel about God i s how you are
likely to feel about your Soul. Or, to put this another way, a horrible feeling about God i s not
likely to generate a wonderful feeling about your Soulif youll even believe you have one.
So, yes, all of this i s relevantwhich i s why the third and final month of this CwG Spiritual
Mentoring Program i s all even more finely focused on the messages of CwG as found i n the nine
Dialogue Books of the CwG Cosmology.

The Best Way
The best way I know of to change the way unexpected, unwanted Change (which is never,
ever going to stop, by the way, i n your life) i s affecting you (assuming it i s affecting you negatively,
which i s true for most people most of the time) is to change your viewpoint around what i s
occurring so that you can see what i s actually happening, rather than what it looks like is

happening; to up-shift from I magined Truth to Apparent Truth to the Actual Truth about any and
every Event in your life.
And the best way I know of to r apidly do this, to q uickly shift your truth, is to enlarge and
expand the Databank i nto which you are r eaching to find your truth.
And the best (perhaps the only) way I k now how to do this is to utilize the System of the Soul
by entering the Souls domain, through the doorway of Being, and grabbing there, while you are
hanging out, more data for the Mind to consider.
This is possible b ecause the Souls data is not limited to that which has been collected since
your birth. The Souls data i ncludes all the data about all things through all time. The Souls data
is Gods data. The Soul k nows what God k nows. And God knows, thats a lot!

The Soul k nows what God k nows.

Once you bring to your Minds Awareness the Awareness of the Soul, you will have created
The Middle Waya new Road of Experience, and a new way to create your Reality.
You should never again have to hang out in Distorted Reality for very long. You should b e
able to elevate your daily life to the level of the Observed Reality, which i s a very high place to be.
And, ultimately, you should be able to raise your daily life to the level of Ultimate Realitywhich
is where Masters reside.




And so we see that there i s something you can do when everything is changing in your life
abruptly, unexpectedly, undesirably. You can (and must, if you are to b e peaceful and happy
againmuch less get on with the r eal reason you came here) change everything about the way you
see yourself, your life, and your God.
You can change everything about the way you hold the events that are or have been
occurring, b y changing your State of B eing. This can be done q uite arbitrarily, being dependent on
no particular condition or person.
If you have any questions about any of this, b e sure to ask me in one of our private spiritual
coaching sessions, or in one of the group calls that are part of this Spiritual Mentoring Program.

1. Study very carefully the charts found in Topic #11 of this seriesparticularly the final
chart, where the Mechanics of the Mind and the System of the Soul are shown as b eing combined.
Can you see how this collaboration of the Mind and Soul could drastically and dramatically alter
your Reality? P lease write a short, two or three paragraph essay in your Notebook explaining that.

(I want to say once more that you may f eel that these jottings in your Notebook are not
necessary, are pointless, but I assure you that the act of pulling your understandings out of your
head and putting them down on paper, using the tactile experience of handwriting and seeing the
words flow out b efore you, is a powerful glue that pastes i n place your thoughts and wisdom.
2. Now, with regard to a particular Event in your life, I would like to see if we can change
your Reality around that Event, using what we have learned here in our next personal coaching
session. For your assignment, think of an Event in your life around which you still hold some
negative energy. If there arent any more, good for you! For heavens sake, dont make something
up! Just be happy! If you still have an item or two that you are working with, bring that item to
our next private coaching call, and be prepared to do some spiritual work on it. Sound good?

Please Note
It is importantit is very importantto d o these a ssignments,
and to do them in a timely fashion. Each one is built upon
the other, and they are made to follow sequentially.
Failure to d o this homework will reduce
significantly the benefit you receive from this program.


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