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1. Definition

A code is system that is used by people to communicate with each other. When people want
to talk each other, they have to choose a particular code to express their feeling.

Code mixing is the change of one language to another within the same utterance or in the
same oral/written text. It is a common phenomenon in societies in which two or more
languages are used, usually without a change of topic.

Code switching is switching situation from one code to another (Suwito, 1985: 68). Code
switching not only occurs in the form of language change but also may happen in the change
of the variant of language.

2. Kinds of Code Mixing and Code Switching

a. Code Mixing
Based on the language or variant elements inserted in other language, code mixing can be
classified into two kinds
1) Inner code mixing
2) Outer code mixing

b. Code Switching
Based on the scope of switching where languages take place, Soewito (2004:114) divides
code switching into two kinds, internal code switching and external code switching. Each
type are :
1) Internal Code Switching
2) External Code Switching
3. Causes of Code Mixing and Code Switching
a. Talking about particular topic
b. Expressing group identity
c. For prestige (to soften or strengthen request or command)
d. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only limited audience
e. Rival in speaking
f. Time and place in speaking.

4. Examples of Code Mixing and Code Switching

a. Code Mixing

Jay : Aku sudah mendownload semua movies nya. Aku juga sudah menonton nya.
Kalo kamu mau mengcopy nya, datang aja kerumah. Tapi calling aku dulu ya
sebelum datang. Kadang aku hangout with my buddy, oke?

Sunny : okay, but maybe aku datang nya sekitaran jam 8 an ya, kalo aku ga jadi
datang, ya Thursday aja aku copy movies nya.

*attention to words/phrase underlined and bolded

b. Code Switching

Sarah : Nanti siang kita ngerjain tugas Sosiolinguistik ya Fi ?

Elfi : okay jam berapa ? kalo bisa pulang nya jangan sampe kesore
(suddenly, a foreign man comes and asks them)

Edward : Permisi (with his accent ) saya mau tanya

Sarah : oh iya Mister,
Edward : Im not fluent to speak in Bahasa, can you speak in English ?

Sarah : yes, we can. May I help you?

Edward : well, I wanna go to SKA Mall, and unfortunately I leave my phone. would
you like to tell me where is its location please?

Sarah : Oh, sure. Start from here, you just need to go straight and turn left, then go
straight, and you will see boundary, and from there, you must see a big building with
green roof looks like mosque dome at the side of the boundary. That is SKA Mall.

Edward : it has dome like a mosque ? and it is green ? oh, okay thank you very much.
Nice to meet you, bye.

Sarah : well, you are welcome Sir. Nice to meet you too.

5. Conclusion
Code Mixing is a communication (written or spoken) by entering phrases or words with
different language. It can be two or more languages.
Code Switching is a communication (written or spoken) by switching all sentences or
dialogue to one different language.

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