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What is Inquiry -Students have a sense of agency and

Inquiry-based learning is an approach to

responsibility for their learning Inquiry-Based
teaching and learning that places students What Inquiry is NOT:
questions, ideas and observations at the Learning
centre of the learning experience.
For students, the process often involves open-
ended investigations into a question or a
problem, requiring them to engage in
evidence-based reasoning and creative By: Amanda and Alexandria
problem-solving, as well as problem
finding.. Students use their natural curiosity
-Inquiry is not teacher-lead. Role of the Educator
-Inquiry is not individual drill and practice using Educators play an active role throughout the
to lead them through content. textbooks process by establishing a culture where ideas
Benefits of Inquiry -Inquiry is not disconnected from the real world. are respectfully challenged, tested, redefined
-Learning is reciprocal -Inquiry is not subject specific and viewed as improvable, moving children
-Students are active members in their learning -Inquiry is not seeing mistakes as failure. from a position of wondering to a position of
-By focusing on the big ideas rather than on enacted understanding. For educators, the
the specific expectations alone, students
process is about being responsive to the
questions often lead them to exceed, the
students learning needs, and most
importantly, knowing when and how to
introduce students to ideas that will move
them forward in their inquiry.
Teachers model how to contribute and
extend ideas, how to question and how to
carry out an investigation.

How to Start Inquiry

-Look at the curriculum and gather the Big
-Design learning opportunity that allow
students to explore real-life situations
-Ask students questions about the topic
including possibly a KWL chart (What do we
overall curriculum. know, What do we Want to Know leaving
What did we learn until the end)
-Allow students to explore and collaborate
about the topic
-Listen and
observe what
the students
are saying
and doing
*Ask students
how they can
go about
finding the answers to their questions
*Set out rules and expectations around being
respectful of others opinions and accepting of
peoples ideas and mistakes
What to do During:
-Facilitate discussions among students
-Challenge and extend thinking
-Provide opportunities for students to
demonstrate their learning
-Assess student learning
-Allow students to celebrate their learning
-Encourage students to share their ideas
-Allow for peer and self-assessment
-Continue to reinforce the class community
atmosphere of respect, support and
encouragement among students


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