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:: The type of sand in general shear failure is

=Dense sand
~medium sand
~loose clay
~None of the above

:: The type of settlement occurs during the construction of building is

=immediate settlement
~consolidation settlement
~Secondary settlement
~secondary consolidation settlement

:: The type of sand in Local shear failure is

~Dense sand
=medium sand
~loose clay
~Loose silt

:: The maximum pressure which a soil can carry without shear failure, is called
=Safe bearing capacity
~Net safe bearing capacity
~Net ultimate bearing capacity
~Ultimate bearing capacity.

:: The Is code used for the finding the allowable settlement is is


:: The value of C for cohesion less soil is

~7 kg/cm2

:: The angle of internal friction of clays, is usually

~0 to 5
=5 to 20
~25 to 30
~35 to 40

:: Cohesionless soil is
~clay and silt

::Terzaghi's general bearing capacity formula for a strip footing

(C Nc + y D Nq + 0.5 Y NTB) gives
~safe bearing capacity
~net safe bearing capacity
=ultimate bearing capacity
~net ultimate bearing capacity

:: Terzaghi's bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq and Nr are functions of

~cohesion only
=angle of internal friction only
~both cohesion and angle of internal friction
~none of the above

:: Select the incorrect statement.

=Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon the amount and direction of load.
~Bearing capacity of a soil depends on the type of soil.
~Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon shape and size of footing.
~Bearing capacity of a soil is independent of rate of loading.

:: Rise of water table in cohesionless soils upto ground surface reduces the net
ultimate bearing capacity approximately

:: The angle of internal friction is maximum for

~angular-grained loose sand
=angular-grained dense sand
~round-grained dense sand
~round-grained loose sand

:: A strip footing is resting on the surface of a purely clayey soil deposit. If

the width of the footing is doubled, the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil
~becomes double
~becomes half
~becomes four-times
=remains the same

:: The unconfined compressive strength of a saturated clay sample is 54 KPa. The

value of cohension for the clay is
~13.5 KPa
=27 KPa
~54 KPa

:: The strip footing is also known as

=continous footing
~strap footing
~isolated footing
~combined footing

:: The factor of safety for finding the bearing capacity of soil is usually taken

:: The Is code used for the calculating the Bearing capcity of soil is

::Terzaghi's analysis assumes,

~soil is heterogenous
=elastic zone has straight boundaries inclined at = to the horizontal and
plastic zones fully developed
~failure zones extend above the horizontal plane through the base of the footing
~failure zones extend above the horizontal plane through the ground level

:: The ultimate bearing capacity of a soil, is

~total load on the bearing area
~safe load on the bearing area
=load at which soil fails
~load at which soil consolidates

:: The maximum net pressure intensity causing shear failure of soil, is known
~safe bearing capacity
~net safe bearing capacity
=net ultimate bearing capacity
~ultimate bearing capacity

:: The inventor of the term soil mechanics, was

=Dr. Karl Terzaghi

:: The Terzaghi's general bearing capacity equation for a continuous footing is

given by, qf =
=cNc + DNq + 0.5BN
~cNc - DNq + 0.5BN
~cNc + DNq - 0.5BN
~cNc - DNq - 0.5BN

:: The maximum shear stress occurs on the filament which makes an angle with the
horizontal plane equal to

:: The lateral earth pressure on a retaining wall

~is equal to mass of the soil retained
~proportional to the depth of the soil
~proportional to the square of the depth of the soil
=proportional to the internal friction of the soil

:: Back fill with a sloping surface exerts a total active pressure Pa on the wall
of height H and acts at
~H/4 above the base parallel to base
~H/2 above the base parallel to base
=H/3 above the base parallel to base
~H/5 above the base parallel to base.

:: Pick up the correct statement from the following

~Failure plane carries maximum shear stress
=Failure plane does not carry maximum shear stress
~Failure plane carries shear stress equal to maximum shear stress
~Failure plane carries shear strain

:: The ratio of settlement at any time 't' to the final settlement, is known as
~co-efficient of consolidation
=degree of consolidation
~consolidation index
~consolidation of undisturbed soil

:: The equation t = C + s tan f is given by


:: The angle of internal friction, is least for

~angular-grained loose sand
~angular -grained dense sand
~round-grained loose sand
~round-grained loose sand

:: The coefficient ka of the active earth pressure with the passive earth pressure
~directly proportional
=inversely proportional

:: Failure of a slope occurs only when total shear force is

~equal to total shearing strength
=greater than total shearing strength
~less than total shearing strength
~less than direct shear

:: The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of
internal friction of 30
= 1/3

:: In passive earth pressure the major principal stress will be in

~vertical direction
=Horizontal direction

:: In active earth pressure the minor principal stress will be in

~vertical direction
=Horizontal direction
~diagonal to 45 degree

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