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Yuliana Chavez


Digital Thinking

August 31, 2017

North Korea
Topic 1: Politics
North Korea is a communist country, with very old fashion beliefs. For example, when it comes to

elections the North Korean government believe that for there to be the next supreme leader it is only by

blood so there are no elections, no voting, no input from the people because North Korea is communist

far from democracy. Everything is done through the government and that can be seen with the branches

of government. (executive, judicial and legislative) Controlled by the supreme leader for example the

legislative branch passes all proposals into laws from their leader with no questions asked. Politics are

the foundation of North Korea to the extent that when it comes to serving justice the government

always had the last word. (if the person were to be found guilty or disrespect the government in any

way they could face up to 10 years in a re-education labor camp) the government accepts this type of

punishment, it shows how corrupt the system really is.

Topic 2: Education

The education level in North Korea is very limited as far as being able to question their education

because it is a communist country so because the government controls everything the people of North

Korea are not exposed as much to their education as much as they should be. They have no way of

proving something or able to explore their ideas because its far beyond their power. Education is a part

of the Korean people from the age of five through their adulthood balancing their jobs and their
academic careers Out of the respect they have towards their leader they dont see their education as

being something out of the ordinary its something they expect so as far as education goes in North

Korea its defiantly not a priority considering that the school systems havent changed. Politics always

come first.

Topic 3: Culture
The traditional plate of food before the food scarce was white rice with meat soup as far as food goes it

is likely that due to the famine increase the Korean people have turned away from this traditional

aspect. Trading has always been something North Korea has stride to increase. North Korea has been

limited because of its little trading and some might even say that due to the lack of trading the North

Korean people have been starving considering that the little trading North Korea has and if their

resources were to stop the future for the Korean people would not be unpredictable. Government

controls everything even where its people work and this is established depending on the family, ability,

and qualifications. North Korea is a communist country so the government has a say in everything. Men

are above women and thats just how things have always been. Marriage is very sacred men and women

from the same family origin cant marry. Religion to this day is not something the Korean people have

the freedom to choose looking back Christianity was the main religion, now their supreme leader is seen

as their god.
Religions Of North Korea

1% Buddhist
No Religion



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