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Sains dan Teknologi yang semakin berkembang dari zaman ke zaman dan membawa

banyak perubahan yang membantu kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Baik pemanfaatan sains
dan teknologi dalam dunia pendidikan, kesehatan, lingkungan, gaya hidup, dan lain-lain.
Tentu sangat diperlukan, akan tetapi tahukah kita bahwa dibalik semua itu terdapat ancaman
sains dan teknologi yang tidak kita ketahui. Ancaman ini bisa saja muncul apabila ilmu sains dan
teknologi digunakan tidak sesuai dengan tempatnya atau melanggar dari batasan yang
Sains dan Teknologi Berkembang secara cepat tanpa terkendali. Produk-produk modern
hasil dari sains dan teknologi semakin bermunculan. Belum habis masa jaya dari sebuah
produk modern sudah muncul produk yang lebih canggih dari sebelumnya, begitu seterusnya.
Sebenarnya perkembangan sains dan teknologi lebih dominan membawa manfaat, yaitu
memudahkan kita dalam melakukan berbagai hal, pengobatan yang semakin
bermutu,pendidikan semakin meningkat, dan lain-lain. Akan tetapi jika perkmebangan sains
dan Teknologi kita ikuti tanpa mengimbangi dengan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kita kepada
Allah, maka akan memicu tindakan penyalahgunaan sains dan teknologi. Teknologi tidak lagi di
paki dengan tujuan baik, sains sudah tidak hanya untuk membantu manusia tetapi juga bisa
mencelakakan manusia.
A. Sains
Sains merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari alam semesta beserta isinya. Aktifias sains ini
adalah pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan oleh manusia yang dimotivasikan oleh rasa ingin
tahu tentang dunia sekitar mereka dan keinginan. Untuk memahami alam tersebut, serta
keingian memanipulasi alam dalam rangka meluaskan keinginan atau kebutuhannya.

1. Ancaman Sains Bagi Umat Manusia

Seperti kita ketahui ilmu sains sejak pertama kali dilakukan sudah memperoleh banyak
sanjungan dan dorongan dari masyarakat-masyarakat. Dengan dalih bahwa ilmu sains akan
sangat penting dikemudian hari bagi umat manusia terutama di bidang kesehatan. Walaupun
tidak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa ilmu sains memang membawa dampak positif bagi umat
manusia, kita tetap harus waspada terhadap perkembangan sains, karena belum tentu orang
yang mempelajari perkembangan sains memiliki tujuan yang positif. Jika orang yang
mempelajari sains dengan tujuan negatif, ini dapat membawa dampak negatif bagi umat
Teori evolusi yang sangat kontroversial ini sesungguhnya telah menelurkan banyak
sekali paham yang baru yang sangat bertentangan dengan apa yang telah dipegang masyarakat
secara luas sebelumnya. Sama halnya ketika ditemukan komputer, maka masyarakat yang
sebelumnya sangat kolot istilahnya. Akhirnya harus mengubah paradigma berpikir mereka
daripada menggunakan cara yang kuno dan tidak menarik, lebih baik melakukan hal yang baru,
selain baru sebenarnya menarik pula. Itulah yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi di sebagian besar
masyarakat dunia ini. Berikut adalah ancaman bagi umat manusia yang bisa ditimbulkan dari
perkembangan sains.

a. Ancaman Kehidupan dengan Senjata Biologis

Senjata biologis adalah adalah senjata yang menggunakan agen biologis
seperti kuman bakteri atau virus agar menyebabkan kesakitan hingga kematian pada manusia.
Cara ini digunakan agar musuh dalam perang dapat dilumpuhkan seketika. Memang, kuman ini
diperoleh secara alamiah. Akan tetapi, dengan bantuan kecanggihan bioteknologi saat ini,
kuman-kuman tersebut dapat dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa dan menjadi kebal atau resisten
terhadap pengobatan yang telah ada sehingga kemampuannya untuk menyebabkan penyakit
dapat ditingkatkan. Selain itu, modifikasi pada struktur DNA kuman-kuman tersebut juga
dilakukan untuk menambah kekuatan penyebaran agar semakin mudah menyebar ke
lingkungannya baik melalui media perantara udara, air, atau makanan.
Senjata biologis adalah salah satu bentuk penggunaan bioteknologi yang
telah disalahgunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan di tengah
kerugian orang lain. Dalam peperangan misalnya, senjata ini tidak hanya akan melumpuhkan
musuh, masyarakat sekitar yang tidak mengerti apa-apa mengenai perang juga akan mendapat
imbasnya, mengingat jauhnya jangkauan agen biologis yang dapat menginfeksi tersebut.
Bioterorisme malah cenderung berdampak buruk dibanding penggunaan senjata lainnya karena
sifatnya yang tidak terdeteksi ini. Walaupun pihak-pihak yang telah memutasi gen-gen dalam
agen biologis tersebut tentunya sudah memiliki vaksin atau penangkal bagi penyakit yang
mungkin dapat timbul, namun kenyataannya tidak semudah itu untuk membersihkan wabah
yang telah menyebar. Lagi-lagi, masyarakatlah yang jadi imbasnya.

b. Ancaman Tindak Kriminal dengan Pembuatan Minuman Keras

Minuman keras sudah ada sejak zaman dulu, dan ini merupakan implikasi dari hasil
perkembangan sains umat manusia. Zaman dulu pembuatan anggur, arak, dan minuman keras
lainnya masih menggunakan bahan-bahan sederhana dan menggunakan waktu yang relatif
lama. Bahan-bahan pembuaan minuman keras juga masih diperoleh dari bahan-bahan alami.
Tapi pada zaman sekarang, ketika sains sudah berkembang pesat. Pembuatan minuman keras
sudah lebih efektif, bahan-bahan yang digunakan sudah tidak lagi menggunakan bahan-bahan
alami, tapi menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya. Pembuatannya juga cepat, sehingga
proses sirkulasi antara minuman keras dan konsumen juga berjalan cepat tanpa henti. Hal ini
tentu sangat berbahaya bagi umat manusia.
c. Ancaman Kesehatan dan Kejahatan dengan Penyalahgunaan Obat
Fungsi utama obat adalah untuk mnyembuhkan atau meredam sakit untuk jangka pedek atau
jangka panjang. Tetapi semakin pintarnya pengetahuan manusia tentang sains dan obat-obatan.
Obat tidak lagi berfungsi hanya sebagai penyembuh. Tetapi digunakan sebagai bahan untuk
membuat narkotika. Obat-obat generik yang bisa kita temukan di warung-warung atau di
rumah sakit digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat narkotika. Bahkan seseorang yang tidak tahu
sekalipun tentang ilmu sains bisa menyalahgunakan obat-obat ini. Karena obat-obat generik
bila dikonsumsi dengan jumlah yang banyak, bisa berdampak hilangnya kesadaran dalam
jangka waktu yang lama. Peristiwa ini jelas sebagai dampak dari perkembangan sains.

d. Ancaman Kerusakan Tubuh dengan Operasi plastik

Zaman sekarang operasi plastik sudah bukan hal yang janggal lagi. Tua dan muda sudah
mengenal operasi plastik, terutama wanita. Operasi plastik juga merupakan hasil dari
perkembangan sains yang semakin berkembang, dalam agama islam jelas dilarang melakukan
operasi plastik tanpa alasan yang mendukung, seperto hanya untuk mempercantik wajah, untuk
memancungkan hidung, dll. Tapi operasi plastik masih bisa di hallalkan dalam islam dengan
alasan yang mendukung, misal dalam hal medis hilangnya sebagian anggota tunug atau anggota
tubuh yang terbakar dan untuk memulihkannya harus melakukan operasi plastik. Itu pun hasil
operasi tidak boleh berubah dari bentuk aslinya.

e. Ancaman Perpindahan Gender dengan Operasi Kelamin

Didalam islam jelas dengan tegas dilarang mengganti kelamin aslinya menjadi kelamin lawan
jenisnya. Misalnya laki-laki operasi kelamin menjadi perempuan, begitu pula sebaliknya.
Operasi kelamin merupakan hasil dari perkembangan ilmu sains yang dapat merugikan umat

Is science a threat to humanity ?

Science is knowledge attained through studies and practice, and that Science itself coming
from the Latin word "Scientia" which means "Knowledge". It is a double edged sword. It
helps save and improve our lives through vaccines and modern day technology but atomic
bomb, chemical warfare, war planes, environmental damage, etc. create damage. Science is
just discovery of what the Earth has and sees how it can be applied to make our lives
convenient. It is we use them. Like a knife. We can use it as cutlery and to prepare meals, or
use it as a weapon and go on a rampage.

Science is not harming people, people are harming people. Take the gun, for example. If you
summed up all the people who were killed by guns, it wouldn't even come close to the
amount of people killed with rocks, sticks and bare hands before the invention of the gun. At
any rate, the sciences behind the development of the gun like chemistry, ballistics Metallurgy,
and basic physics were produced strictly as beneficial technologies.

Precautions taken due to science only occur when it falls into the hands of people who want
to exploit it without understanding it, especially politicians and religious leaders. To most
people technology produced through science is judged by whether something works or it
doesn't. A deeper understanding of science often goes hand in hand with a deeper
understanding of the greater good. Some people who are more interested in power than what
is right view science as a mysterious tool that they can employ without understanding. All
they want to know is that it works not how it works. That makes one wonder whether it is
science that is a threat or whether it is humans themselves that are a threat to humanity.

The same explosive that is used to cut a road through the mountains to bring goods and
services to isolated villages can also be used to make a bomb to kill people. The same
electricity that powers an MRI machine also powers the electric chair on death row. There are
obviously pros and cons to the development of science and technology but does that mean we
overlook the benefits because the negatives are unacceptable in the eyes of humanity? How
will be ever hope to contact other inhabitants in outer space? How will we ever find a cure to
cancer? How will we ever develop an alternative energy source if we decide that science is a
threat to humanity?

Science has greatly increased the ability of people to communicate. Telephones and email
enable people on opposite sides of the world to stay in touch where before they would have
had no possible way to do so. The Internet allows people access to unlimited information.
Anything from sports scores to your online report card. Any study of pre-industrial society
will show that computer games appear to have taken the place previously held by violence.

Technology helps people whenever, wherever and however wed like. If a natural disaster
occurs in a country, it will be all over the news, social networking sites because we as the
public want to know what is going on in the world. We can then help aid and cure those in
need and those that are stranded. 50 years ago this was not available. If a nation was struck
down by a tsunami then its every man for himself because no one out there has any
knowledge of whats happening therefore how can one come to rescue? Nowadays we can all
make small donations and it will all fly to the people who need it. From medicine and food to
teddy bears and inspirational cards.

Medicine is one of the best types of scientific development. In the past Cholera or the Plague
were classified as epidemics by doctors. Towns after towns would suffer from pain and
illness. Nowadays its a common disease that one could recover within short period of time
whereas before it was as serious as we consider Cancer today. In the past life expectancy for
most people were 54! Whereas nowadays it goes up to 84 years in some areas. Modern
medicines have more than doubled our life expectancy, and enabled children to be vaccinated
against diseases which beforehand had ensured a massive rate of infant mortality. I for one do
not want to live in a place where anesthesia has still not been invented.

Reason why science is threatening to humanity is because humanity itself has conjured up
ways to apply science destructively with or without intention. If we blame science generally,
we are merely saying that everyone is a threat to humanity just by existing.
Science is a tool and there will always be some that will misuse it. If you would rather be
sitting in a cave right now banging rocks on wood and thinking about going out and hunting
down prey for your dinner, so be it. You cannot blame science, any more than you can blame
a gun for shooting someone. If science is truly a threat, will getting rid of science do man any
good? probably no! thank yo

-Yes it is:
Science makes human beings lazier in life.Yes, I agree that science did made our life
easier but we cant deny the impact that bring to human beings, that we become lazier
nowadays. People nowadays are too dependent on the invention of science. Thanks to
science that we cannot even do simple jobs like wash our own clothes. Washing machine
has taken over the job for us. My dear opponent, can you imagine if electricity cut down,
who's going to do the job for you? Only you, yourself! So stop rely too much on science to do
your job and make your life meaningless. Moreover, nowadays people tends to drive to the
gym just to walk on the treadmills! How ironic!

-I strongly agree. Our lives are in danger because bombs are made to blast thousands or
millions of people. New guns are made for robbery. People are rebelling against their own
blood, and it's not fair. This all is done by the cruel advancement of science. Can you believe
science has increased the capability of men to kill each other?

-No. Isnt :

No, science helps humanity

Science helps humanity because it is how we heat our homes up, how we keep our food fresh.
Science is how we know the world around us. Science is also even a solution to things like
global warming. Science does not pose a threat to humanity unless it is misused or used

No of course science is not a threat to humanity. This would be in comparison to the calorie
count in a Mcdonald's menu. Everything in moderation, how can science be blamed for the
mistakes of humanity, like spoken previously it is merely a tool that we use. Yes in some
cases it is used for destructive purposes, although it is often confused with the wrongful
intentions of a human. How can it be so different to a caveman killing another with a much
simpler tool? They both had the wrongful intention. Yes we would be in a very different
place today without science. Although without the knowledge of say bacteria, who knows,
without it you could've died from a spread of e.Coli simply by not washing your hands.

Science is not a threat to humanity Science has made different destructive weapon
but does the word ''DESTRUCTIVE'' would be right because weapon like pistols ,
guns can
be used for self defence nowadays every one should have guns or small pistols to
carry because of kidnapping , robbery , etc .
We can use science weapons in good ways all the workings women would get help
from the new science technology like washing machines , microwaves etc instead of
making any one lazy it will help to save their time and their different things which
helps to save our time , then to make us lazy like cars , railway trains , mobile
phones etc.

Humans are the problem, not science

As stated, I believe that the problem is humans and not scientific advancements or discovery.
Some may argue that we use science to kill millions. Yes, they are right. However, note how
it is HUMANS that are using science to kill. Science by itself is harmless, it is the manner in
which we choose to apply it that can be harmful. However, science can also be a tool for
good, to cure diseases and create wonderful new technologies. As for science facilitating life
to the point where we are lazy, that is our decision to do nothing, not science's. To conclude, I
believe that science is human curiosity put to work, pushing the boundaries of what we
understand. It is explaining the inconceivable, devising the impossible. I find it inexplicably
exciting and unmatched in terms of social and technological advancement. If we allow it,
science will help us build the future and do the impossible.

Should wild animals be kept in captivity?

This House believes wild animals should not be kept in captivity

Zoos are premises for the captivity of animals, often in urban areas where many of the
animals would not otherwise be found, with the intention of studying the animals and
displaying them to the public at large. The predecessor of the zoo was the menagerie, which
involved the captivity of birds typically for the entertainment of the aristocracy, and has a
long history running back to ancient times. The first modern zoo evolved out of an
aristocratic menagerie in Vienna in 1765. Many types of zoo now exist, from the petting zoos
that encourage the public to get up and close with the animals to the large nature reserves that
provide space for the animals to roam around within and most famously the large, urban zoos
like the London Zoo which include elephants, lions and penguins and are usually notable
tourist drawcards for the cities concerned. Proponents argue that zoos are beneficial both to
the animals themselves, protecting endangered species with specific breeding programs, and
the public, as an educational tool to increase both awareness and understanding. Opponents
respond that the removal of wild animals from their habitat is wrong, that they should be left
in their natural surroundings and not used as tools for public entertainment.


Do You Want Death Rates To Go Up Higher ?

I Am a 9th Grader and I think that animals should be kept in captivity because their safer there. I love
animals and i have seen what some people have done to them just for their fur or horns. If we let
animals just roam free eventually they will come up in the cities and raid us. I don't wanna see a dead
animal every time i go out of town on the side of the street . Do You ? I didn't think you would
though. When people start embracing wild animals and start showing people that they can be harmful,
kids will try playing with them. Kids don't understand how animals feel, they just like to play like the
next person likes too. So i really think the animals should be kept in the zoo inside cages :)

Let the animals be safe.The animals are safe in zoos unlike when they are in the wild. Their habitats
are destroyed and some animals are killed for food, clothing, or money like a rhino can be killed for
its tusk or a lion can be killed for its fur. Anyway, the zoo IS a safe shelter for the animals.
Yes we need zoos If they shouldn't how would we have zoos? Where would we go for entertainment?
Where would children go to learn about animals? Zoos are a main part of our world and without them
we wouldn't know half the things we know now about animals.Animals are not always bored in zoos
they them selfs can be entertained.

They have everything they need, and live peaceful lives.

Wild animals, both endangered and thriving, have everything they need to survive in a zoo. The
endangered animals are helped to breed and expand the population of their species along with being
kept safe to prevent it dwindling anymore. This makes zoos perfect for endangered species but zoos
also provide the same great care for the animals that aren't endangered. Animals in zoos aren't
prisoners, they are like hotel guest being catered to 24/7

To educate people about animals

By bringing people and animals together, zoos educate the public and foster an appreciation of the
animals. This exposure and education motivates people to protect the animals.
Zoos save endangered species by bringing them into a safe environment, where they are protected
from poachers, habitat loss, starvation and predators.
Many zoos also have breeding programs for endangered species. In the wild, these individuals might
have trouble finding mates and breeding.
Reputable zoos are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and are held to high
standards for the treatment of the animals. According to the AZA, accreditation means, "official
recognition and approval of a zoo or aquarium by a group of experts."
A good zoo provides an enriched habitat in which the animals are never bored, are well cared-for, and
have plenty of space.

Yes they should.

Yes, there are just animals? Humans over rule animals. They are not kept in Cages, they have good
enviroments, are provided fresh food and water each day, are give

n love and affection from people visiting, and get medical treatment. Being in the wild animals are
more exposed to natural threats like , poachers, starvation and predators.

Yes they should

If you want to be safe and not let animals be walking all over the world agree with me it will make
life better for everyone they have better habbitat they have better food and animals are
SCARYYYYYYY i dont like animals that5s y they should stay in the zoo

Yes cage them

They should NOT What if they were the people amd we were the animals? Would you want to be
held in cages and not be able to be free and do wat you want. I think its really stupid. They should live
there life to the fullest. They life should be held by there self.

they should NOT

What if they were the people amd we were the animals? Would you want to be held in cages and not
be able to be free and do wat you want. I think its really stupid. They should live there life to the
fullest. They life should be held by there self.
Zoos are businesses that are made for money.

Zoos have birds who cannot fly, and tigers who cannot hunt. Surely you can learn more about wild
animals by watching them in their natural habitat.
It is hard to see how looking at caged animals can teach us anything about their lives in the wild.
An earlier study found that only 2% of the worlds 6,000-plus threatened or endangered species
were registered in zoo breeding programs. It is clear from these statistics that zoos actually do very
little to help save the worlds endangered animals.
Some people say that animals in zoos are well looked after and are happy and contented. But wild
animals need their freedom, and dont enjoy captivity. No matter how well their keepers care for
them, many suffer because they are not suited to living in a cage, tank or enclosure.

Get them out!

Most zoos don't provide the right kind of care for wild animals. This can mean cramped spaces and an
improper diet. Just think about how you would feel trapped in a concrete cage for about 50 years!
Zoos sell animals and break bonds between animals that have been together since birth. Captivity can
also lead to overpopulation. Animals in captivity can suffer from stress, boredom and confinement.

No wild animals shouldn't be kept in captivity

It is inhumane to treat animals in a way not befitting of them, to place a wild animal in an enclosed
environment against their will is one of those types of treatment. They should be able to be explore as they see fit to do within reason. Short of that, they should be given time to
integrate into a new environment slowly rather than confined to it immediately, so they could adjust.

Either way, I don't think a wild animal should be kept in captivity against its' will.

No, they need their freedom.

Animals need their freedom and when they are in captivity they get limited amounts of air water and
food. They also have a better chance of dying more easily. And it shouldn't be for our amusement, it
probably hurts them doing the same tricks over and over again just to amuse us.

Because if u say yes ur stupid

Wild animals should be able to roam freely around the world. People are like animals and.. Just
imagine being kept in a cage with people staring at you for year! Sooner or later the zoo keepers are
going to start not giving u food and you'd die! # keep animals out of captivity!


Animals should not be kept in captivity because they need to be in their natural habitat and need to be
in the wild surrounded by their own kind. They need to learn how to survive on their own and not rely
on humans to find their food. By keeping animals in captivity you are depriving them of the basic
instincts to kill. Although their are some good reason for keeping animals in captivity I mainly think
is is bad. Animals in captivity do not get the chance to find a mate and create a family. Animals do not
get the chance to have something to protect because zoos have high security and look after all the

No more captivity!
These poor animals don't have a real home now. Thanks to animal stealing gold diggers. The only
thing that kids are actually learning when they come to zoos or aquariums is that it's okay to keep
animals from their family. No one knows that animals have feelings as well as humans.

No more captivity!!!!

Animas have their own rights just like us humans do,it's not fair for us to assume that it's good for
animals to be kept in cages when in reality they are suffering . Every day animals are forced to do
tricks that people find funny.Its NOT funny so people should think about that the next time you think
of caging the animal you think you are trying to save!!!!!!!!

why Steal The Animals

If you think about it, when we take an animal out of its normal habitat we are taking it away from
friends and family. Have you ever thought "Where could that baby giraffes mother be"? Or "Did that
little fella get lost?" Well the truth is that mothers are killed leaving the infants to become lost and
then be found and taken to the nearby zoos.

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