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CHAPTER 2 = 4.93 X 10-7N sim 0 “The mathematical model for the free response of the system is 46 X 107? + 4,93 X 107% + 0.380% = 0 0 EE 2.10 STATIC DEFLECTIONS AND GRAVITY Static deflections are present in springs duc to an initial source of pocential energy. usu ally gravity. The sate force developed in the springs form an equilibrium condition with the gravity forces. The generalized coordinate is generally measured from the equilibrium position ofthe system, Fora linear system, when the differential equation governing the ‘motion is derived, che equilibrium condition appeats in the differential equation. It is, of course, set equal to zero. The static spring forces cancel with the gravity forces that cause them in the differential equation. Thus, neither are drawn on the FBD showing the external forces ‘A hanging mass-spring and viscous-damper system is illustrated inFigure 2.38(a). Derive the differential equation governing the motion of the system, SOLUTION Let x measure the displacement of the mass (positive downward) from the system's equilib- rium position. When the system is in equilibrium, a static spring force is developed due to gravity. Summing forces to zero on the FBD (drawn when the system isin equilibrium, as shown in Figure 2.38(b) leads tothe equilibrium condition mg A= 0 @ where A, isthe static deflection in the spring, ‘When the mass has deflected a distance x downward, the spring force is the spring force that is present in equilibrium &A, plus the addicional force developed from equilibrium Ax. Applying BF = main the downward direction co the FBD of the particle (drawn at an arbitrary instant, as shown in Figure 2.38(0) leads to mg — kx + A) = oe + Ae) = mi (b) th a, woo i ” (0) Sytem of fample 235. (9) F ofthe sytem | ‘ao when the stem i ih eur. (6) FBO | me Ir ‘ayn at an abirary instant. The ferent equ tion governing the mation of the stem the Fe FO same as the siding massspingvscous stem @ ° © without teion pret cnn tg er het ae vi rane hg ye ce i he Modeling of SDOF Systems 95 which rearranges to ik + ce + hee = FU) + mg = BAS 0 Using the equilibrium condition, Equation (2) in Equation (©) gives mig + ce + be = FD @ ‘The equation governing the displacement of the hanging mass-spring and viscous-damper system is the same as the sliding mass-spring and wiscous-damper system. “The hanging mase-spring and viscous-damper system can be analyzed by considering it BD, shown again in Figure 2.39. The FBD can be broken down by drawing a FBD show- ing the spring, viscous damper, and external forces plus a FBD showing the gravity and static spring force. The resultant of the gravity and static spring force is zero, so one only needs the firs FBD. It is not necessary to show the static spring force or gravity on the FBD. The above result, not needing to show the gravity force othe static spring force on the FBD, is valid only for deriving the differential equation of motion. IF another goal (such as obtaining a reaction) is desired, the static spring forces and gravity must be included on the FBD. wes AL I (@) FRO of hangng massspeing and viscousdamper system can Lye * - be din uch tat ie he sain 36 the FBD of the sing Im | me [hy aR oe vccinbe ro ro Po) system. Consider the system of Figure 2.40(a). Let x describe the downward displacement of m, from the system’ equilibrium position (@) Derive the differential equation governing x(. (6) Determine che reaction at the center of the disk at che pin support in terms of x & and ¥. SOLUTION ABD ofthe system in equilibrium is shown in Figure 2.40(b). Summing moments about the pin support o ze10 with positive moments counterclockwise leads to mg 2A ~ AA, (29 mel) +A, = 0 @ FBDs illustrating the external forces and effective forces at an arbitrary instant are shown, in Figure 2.40(€). Using and (2M,),,,C2M),g on these EBDs lead co Bt A JQ9 + mgQn— a(z - a.)o = mg) mE OI + MEOH TE &) pret cnn tg er het ae vi rane hg ye ce i he CHAPTER 2 me @) system of Example 222. (6) FAD of static equim poston. (€) FB0s of system at an arbitrary instant (pee) ps fis » tera) [nds © which deans upto 1 : 5, on 4h eae 5 (Zvtems Em) ¥ Sere = mgi2n—ta,2a- meld + 1G) © Use of Equation (a) in Equation (©) gives @® () Applying (ZF)... (2F),g in the vertical direction to the FBD of external forces, positive downward yields 1 gid tem, trm,) ¥ + Akre G orm :) 73h mpgtmgtmg —Kors,)+t(2-8,)-R= mime © which is solved for R as eH, + (Sn.-m) © + mgt my pet mgt mg z From this point, ic is assumed cha for all linear systems the generalized coordinace will bbe measused from the system's equilibyium position, and the only goal isco derive the dif ferential equation. Then the stati spring force and the gravity Force thas causes it will noe bbe drawn on a FBD showing external forces. pret cnn tg er het ae vi rane hg ye ce i he

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