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Remembrance Day Assembly: A Logistics Guide

51 in grade 8 band
People to contact:
Karen Gukert (EA): Brandy is contacting Contact made (Oct. 14)
- Talk to her early in the year, very knowledgeable about past assemblies
- Access to all of the Remembrance Day decorations, located in the upstairs storage room
(Karen and Roy have a key)
- DO NOT decorate the walls prior to the day of the assembly. If anything falls off the walls, they
set off the alarms.
Roy Oliver (Head Caretaker): Brandy is contacting Contact made (Oct. 17)
- Get a riser for the cenotaph ordered (2 weeks in advance)
- Order flags and stands
- Set up chairs (~340 chairs)
- Caretakers set up the gym after school the day prior. They have a method of set-up, if you
want something different, be there to help
- For seating:
o Email Louise (do you want to be called first or last?) Contact made (Oct. 17)
o Admin: Darryl greeting/Catherine French greeting/Jim closing
o Grade 6 blanket: anyone willing to volunteer their class for sitting on the floor?
*OR you may have to sit on the floor, be prepared*
Joey Lavorato (Tech): Steph is contacting
Melanie Carey (Spotlights): ed-centre lady (e-mail for help:
- Helps set up the sound system, mic, computer, and projector
- Send PowerPoints and any tech related materials to him a week prior to the assembly
- Provide him time (and help) with set-up in the AM to work out tech glitches
- Ask him for tech students to help with the spotlights
- Order 2 spotlights
Karly Lewis (Band): Owen is conducting the band
- Band is self-efficient with their own chairs and music stands.
- Band stays seated on their chairs for the assembly.
- Performing: A Song for Friends by Larry Daehn
- Cayla Hart (Gr 8) will play the last post
Tyler Leavitt (Choir): Owen is contacting
- Choir performs on risers
- There are usually 2 choirs
- Chairs need to be reserved for the choir who isnt performing
- Does the performing choir sit on the risers after or do they need chairs too?
Jim/Carole-Anne (Admin/Secretary): Brandy is contacting
- Can we get access to the front display case?
- Want students to bring in memorabilia from the wars to put on display for the week
- Talk to Carole-Anne about where to find Thank-You cards
- Talk to Jim about budget (for Legion/Guest Speakers/candles)
Mat Brunner (Leadership): Brandy is contacting
- Leadership students function as ushers with the Guest Speakers
o Write up a guide for them (clothes)
- Write the Thank-You letters for the guests
- Student MC?
Seating Arrangements:
- Grade 8s sit in risers
- Grade 7s sit in chairs
- Grade 6s sit in chairs/floor
- Reserve seats for guest speakers and admin team
- Reserve seats for choir
- Reserve seats for parents and community members
- Art competition
- Poppies to line to gym
- Candle ceremony
- Technology help
- Spotlight help
- Tech students
- Bag piper
- PowerPoint
- Set up in morning
- Legion
- Band
- Choir (what songs?)
- Guest Speakers (District people?)
- Writing speeches
- Band direction
- Roy (ordering stuff) Contact made Oct. 17
- Admin (speaking/budget)
- Display case
- Leadership students
- Karen (decorations) Contact made Oct. 14
- Carole-Anne thank you cards
- Email grade 6s
- MC ceremony
- Mme Methot for grade 8 student reader of flanders field Contact made Oct. 14
10:20 Call all students back to their homerooms
- Call cadets/scouts/ushers/flag bearer to assume positions in the hallway
- Call student MCs and piper (last post)
- Call tech students
- call ambassadors
10:30 Start student body transition to large gym *what are the new class patterns?*
- Call grade 8 patterns 2 at a time AB, CD, EK, IJ
- Call grade 7 patterns 2 at a time AB, CD, E, IJ
- Call grade 6 patterns 2 at a time AB, CD, E, IJ
- Call Louises class 6 8 L students last* (Contact her)
10:30 Start the music and video in the gym

1. 10:45 Assembly starts:

Piper plays and walks, then takes position Wreaths carried by uniformed students, halt at
the front, then they will take a seat
2.10:47 O Canada
- Brandy: Please rise for the singing of O Canada (grade 8 choir rises and sings)
3. 10:50 Welcome
- Darryl: welcome speech *CANDLES*
- Catherine: beinvenue en francais
4. Laying of the Wreaths
- Brandy: Introduces each person and their wreath
Wreath 1 Ms. Harder: On behalf of the Government of Canada
Wreath 2 Mayor Spearman: On behalf of the Municipal Government
Wreath 3 Mr. Sheedy: On behalf of the Canadian Arm Forces
Wreath 4 James Standen: On behalf of all Army Cadets
Wreath 5 Travis Laursen: On behalf of all Sea Cadets
Wreath 6 Piper Merritt: On behalf of all Girl Guides
5. 10:52 Why We Remember Mayor Spearman
- Student Usher: Introduce Mayor Chris Spearman
6. 10:54 Gr. 8 Band: A Song for Friends by Larry Daehn
7. 10:57 In Flanders Fields and Au Champ dhonneur
- Student Usher: Introduce Ms. Harder & Syrus Muhammed (Introduce the poem)
8. 11:00 - Select Choir I Dreamed of Rain, conducted by Mr. Leavitt
11:02 The Last Post 1 minute of silence The Reveille
- Brandy: Rise for last post, what to do for the minute of silence
11:04 Gr. 8 band
- Brandy: intro to song
11:10 (guest speaker?) OR VIDEO
- Student usher: introduce the speaker
- Guest speaker
11:15 Select Choir ___________ Song
- Brandy: intro song
11:20: Closing Remarks
- Brandy: intro Jim
- Jim: closing remarks
o Thank-you cards(?)
- Brandy: Organize leaving the gym
o Special guests/cadets out
o Parents and community out
o Grade 7 leave first
o Grade 6 leave second

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