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ISN CHECK 04 Name: ____________________________________ S#: ______________

Assigned 11/15/17 DUE: Wednesday 11/29/17 for PEER REVIEW

Peer Reviewed By: ________________________________ S#: __________
Self Peer
Points Check Review
TITLE Assigned DESCRIPTION Page # Possible (X or ) Score TEACHER COMMENTS
1) Creative Output: Food Chain/Webs TWEETS (10 tweets, color, and
character count) 11/06/17 Directly In ISN 22 10
2) Food Chains and Food Webs: You Are What You Eat! (colored and
completed front and back) 10/24/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 23 10
3) Creative Output: Energy Pyramids (Your Choice - must be colored) 11/15/17 Directly In ISN 24 10
4) A Pyramid of Energy: Energy Transfer In An Ecosystem (colored and
completed) 10/25/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 25 10
5) Creative Output: The Arctic Ecosystem (Your choice - must be colored) 11/15/17 Directly In ISN 26 10
6) Arctic Ecosystem Group Project Gallery Walk and Reflection (Graded
Separately) 11/7/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 26 5
7) The Arctic Ecosystem Reading (with hilites, margin notes, and
questions answered - GRADED SEPARATELY) 10/26/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 27 5
8) Scaled Model of Arctic Ecosystem Food Web Group Project (graded
separately) 10/31/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 28 5
9) Arctic Ecosystem Food Web Group Project Individual Organism
Research (graded separately) 10/26/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 29 5
10) Trimester I FINAL EXAM 11/14/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 30 5
11) Individual Student Report TRIMESTER 1 11/3/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 31 5
12) TRIMESTER I Reflection (graded separately) 11/17/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 32 5
13) Trimester II Artwork (Science/Ecology themed title page - full color) 11/14/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 33 20
14) Rough Draft of Symbiosis Want-Ad Project 11/16/17 Directly In ISN 34 10
15) Ecological Interactions: Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Worksheet Glued-In as a Double
and Symbiosis Want-Ad Project 11/16/17 Flip-Up 35 10
16) ISN Check 04: Items complete, neat, colored, organized, Table of
Contents, and ISN CHECK 04 Sheet Self-Checked, and signed by
Parent/Guardian. 11/15/17 Glued-In as a Flip-Up 35 10
Subtotal 135
EXTRA CREDIT: 1) Create a Door Foldable (with at least 6 doors) of test corrections for the questions you
missed on your Final Exam. Or if you were SUPER AWESOME on the FINAL and don't have text corrections
to make, create a foldable with suggested test questions and answers for Trimester I content. Do this on page EXTRA
30 under your Final Exam Flip-up. CREDIT 20
EXTRA CREDIT: 2) Write an SEP and/or CCC reflection arguing which SEP and/or CCC you practiced most
during your LAB #5 ARCTIC FOOD WEB GROUP PROJECT. You must be specific and describe clear
examples of how this SEP and/or CCC was practiced. This reflection should also include a second paragraph
which describes what you found most interesting about the entire Arctic Food Web Group Project (from
individual research to Gallery Walk/Reflection). Do this directly in your ISN under your ARCTIC ECOSYSTEM EXTRA
reading flip-up on page 27. CREDIT 20
EXTRA CREDIT: 3) Peer Review (you must have this signed by the due date and you must participate in EXTRA
Peer Review to be eligible for this Extra Credit.) CREDIT 10

Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________

Mrs. Batt:

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