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Who are we
AL-NAKHLAH Company for distributing & marketing food
products is a Yemeni company with limited liabilities as per
authorization no. (21/3914) under commercial companies law
.no. 97
We specialize in marketing and distributing food products in
the Republic of Yemen, in addition to managing and supplying
.a number of restaurants
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Food production
The company produces food products, ready for domestic and
commercial use.
AL-NAKHLAH is known for the quality of its products. We strive
to use the best ingredients, process it under strict sanitary
conditions, and deliver it to consumers in attractive packaging.
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Food Packing
AL-NAKHLAH packs several food products (Ketchup, oils,
spices, mayonnaise, and sauces) in sachets and bottles.
AL-NAKHLAH is planning to expand its line of products.
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Cafeteria management and

AL-NAKHLAH manages many restaurants and cafeterias in the
private and governmental sectors, and supplies others with its
AL-NAKHLAH also caters to weddings and ceremonial
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Food Agencies
Since its establishment, AL-NAKHLAH has reached several
agreements with number of importers to distribute their
food products through our marketing network. We are also
negotiating a number of agencies.


About Sahtaen
Sahtaen is a registered trademark of AL-NAKHLAH food
products in Republic of Yemen
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Sahtaen Products:
Our products can be categorised to two categories, the first
is SNACKS like Hummus, Mutabbal, Labneh, and Falafel, the
second is the FRESH and READY TO COOK products such as
Potatoes, Olive and Vegetables.

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