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Lesson Plan:
a. Title of booth: Power Up With Protein
b. Time allotted: The Older Adult Nutrition Event is at Clark Lindsey Village in
Urbana from 2:30-4:30 PM (Kati) and 3:45-4:30 PM (Patty) with 2-3 20 minutes
sessions each.
c. Pre-assessment: After assessment of the nutritional demands and dietary habits
of this population, it is determined that there is a nutritional risk for adequate
protein. As individuals age they become more frail due to a decrease in protein
stores. Appetites may decrease and other risk factors may result in insufficient
protein intake.Therefore a need for education on sarcopenia, protein dense
foods, and their serving size is necessary. This will allow individuals to be aware
of the need to intake adequate protein and give them the tools to do so.
d. Learning Objectives (2)
i. By the end of the session, participants will be able to explain what
sarcopenia is.
1. Objective met by: Educational trifold board defining
sarcopenia,causes, and nutritional prevention.
2. Objective tested by: Individuals are tested on what sarcopenia is
during the Protein-Beach-Ball game.
ii. By the end of the session, participants will be able to name two protein
dense foods and a corresponding serving size.
1. Objective met by: The educational trifold board lists protein dense
foods and serving sizes of each.
2. Objective tested by: Individuals are questioned during the
Protein-Beach-Ball game to name 2 protein dense foods.
e. Content & Sequence
i. Trifold Board -The theme of our group is brown. The tri-fold board will
have accents of brown and the group will wear dress clothes,black and
1. Introduction
a. The MyPlate recommendation of protein for adults, ages
51 and above, is 5 ounces for women and 5 ounces for
men. Why do we need protein? Proteins builds and
replaces the tissues in our bodies. It contributes to the
structure of our muscles, organs, and immune system as
well!4 Without adequate protein we put our bodies at risk
for conditions like sarcopenia. Continue reading to find
protein dense foods that will help you intake enough
protein to keep your body healthy!
2. Sarcopenia
a. Sarcopenia is characterized by a reduction in 3-8% of lean
muscle mass every decade after the age of 30 and a
decrease in strength.1
b. Risk factors for sarcopenia are
c. Decline in activity and nutritional intake, especially protein2
d. Decline in hormones important for muscle mass
maintenance 2
e. Skeletal muscle stem cells mobility is hampered and
decreases the percentage of muscle cell regeneration 2
f. Affects 30% of people over 60 years of age1
g. Affects 50% of people over 80 years of age1
h. Prevention is done by a higher protein diet, timing protein
intake throughout the day, and incorporating exercise.1
3. Protein Dense Foods
a. Meats 3
i. 1 ounce of lean beef 3
ii. 1 ounce of lean pork 3
b. Poultry 3
i. 1 ounce of cooked chicken or turkey
c. Seafood 3
i. 1 ounce of cooked fish or shellfish
d. Eggs
i. 1 egg
e. Nuts and seeds 3
i. 12 almonds
ii. 24 pistachios
iii. 1 TBS peanut butter or almond butter
f. Beans and peas 3
i. cup of cooked beans or peas
ii. cup of tofu
iii. 2 TBS hummus
4. Serving size examples using hand as model
a. Palm of hand = 3 ounces
b. Tablespoon = thumb
ii. Learning Activity
1. Beach Ball Catch with Questions- Participants catch the ball and
read aloud the question their right thumb is on and answer.
a. Questions:
i. Sarcopenia is ____. A. Decrease in lean muscle
mass. B. Accumulation of too much protein. C. Fear
of sharks.
ii. Sarcopenia affects __% of people over 80 years of
age. A. 30% B. 50% C. 70%
iii. Prevention of loss of lean muscle mass is done
iv. Which of the following is the highest in protein? A.
Lettuce with blue cheese dressing B. Hard boiled
egg C. Handful of carrot slices
v. A 1/4 cup of cooked beans is ___ ounces. A. B.
1 C. 2
vi. A chicken breast the size of your palm is about ___
ounces. A. 1 B. 3 C. 6
vii. The size of your thumb is about ____ tablespoons.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
viii. Name two protein dense foods.
iii. Materials: Tri-fold board, beach ball, and crackers with hummus samples.
2. Marketing Description Statement: Learn the power of protein in your diet! Find out
about a protein deficiency and how to prevent it with examples of numerous protein
dense foods.
3. Educational Materials & Promotional Item for Take Home for Students:
4. Promotional Item Description: The promotional item will be a sample of hummus and
crackers. These will be given after the Protein-Beach-Ball game as rewards for
answering questions.

1. Paddon-Jones D, Rasmussen BB. Dietary protein recommendations and the prevention
of sarcopenia: Protein, amino acid metabolism and therapy. Current opinion in clinical
nutrition and metabolic care. 2009;12(1):86-90. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e32831cef8b.
2. Walston JD. Sarcopenia in older adults. Current opinion in rheumatology.
2012;24(6):623-627. doi:10.1097/BOR.0b013e328358d59b.
3. All about the Protein Foods Group. Choose MyPlate. Published July 29, 2016. Accessed April
10, 2017.
4. What are proteins and what do they do? - Genetics Home Reference. U.S. National
Library of Medicine. Accessed
April 10, 2017.

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