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Subject: Chemistry

Form: 4

Date: October 16- November 3, 2017

Duartion: 3 weeks

Topic: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students must be able to:

a. Define the following terms accurately: atoms, element, atomic number, mass number,
period, groups, ions, cations and anions.
b. Describe how the periodic table is arranged.
c. Construct a table comparing the three subatomic particles using the heading mass, charge
and location.
d. Draw the atomic structure for the first twenty element.
e. Show the electronic configuration for the first twenty element.
f. Explain how groups are formed.
g. Explain how periods are formed.
h. Show how the ions are formed.
i. Illustrate ionic bonding.

Resources: handout, periodic table,

Process Skills: drawing, constructing table, inferring and analysis

Methodology: /

1. Students will be asked to tell to student the first twenty elements and their symbol.
2. Students will be shown how to calculate the subatomic particles.
3. Students will be shown how to draw atomic structure. Students will calculate the
subatomic particles and draw the atomic structure for the first twenty elements on the
periodic table given by teacher.
4. Students will discuss how the periodic table they arranged look.
5. Teacher and students will discuss the concepts of group and period and the role electronic
configuration plays in assigning groups and period.
6. Students will explain why elements in Group VIII are classified as stable.
7. Students will illustrate how elements in Group I VII form ions to become stable.
8. Students and teacher will discuss the terms ions, cations and anions based on Step 7.
9. Student will illustrate ionic bonding using Na and F, Mg and O, Ca and Cl and
aAluminum and oxygen.
10. Complete CSEC past paper questions on the topic.
Culminating Activity: students will answer the following questions:

1. Explain why group and period would the following elements be found in:
a. S = 2, 7
b. A= 2,8,3
c. D= 2

2. Illustrate ionic bonding using the following:

a. Na and O
b. Mg and N
c. Al and Cl

Home Work: Discuss the property of ionic compounds.

Subject: Chemistry

Form: 3

Date: October 16- November 3, 2017

Duartion: 3 weeks

Topic: Introduction to Chemistry

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students must be able to:

a. Define the following terms accurately: chemistry, atoms, element, atomic number, mass
b. State and explain six importance of chemistry.
c. List five career for which chemistry is vital.
d. State and explain any four laboratory rules.
e. Calculate correctly the subatomic particles in for the first twenty elements.
f. Give the symbol and atomic number for the first twenty elements
g. Construct a table comparing the three subatomic particles using the heading mass, charge
and location.
h. Draw the atomic structure for the first twenty element.
i. Show the electronic configuration for the first twenty element.

Process Skill: Drawing, analysis and interpretation , communcication

Methodologies: brainstorming, discussion, discovery learning

Resources: periodic table,


1. Students will be asked to introduce themselves and use a chemical substance to describe
2. Students will recall some laboratory rules and explain the importance of each.
3. Students will be asked to discuss with their neighbour the importance of chemistry.
4. Teacher will tell the students a story entitled A Day without Chemistry. From the story
students will discuss the importance of chemistry.
5. Each student will give a career for which chemistry id important.
6. Students will study the first twenty elements and their symbols students . ( assignment).
7. Students will be quizzed on the first twenty element and their sybols and atomic.
8. Teacher will discuss:
a. Subatomic particle
b. Element notation and how it used to calculate subatomic particles.
9. Students will draw the first twenty elements and their electronic configuration.

Culminating Activity:

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