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FTA Per & Japan


Treaties, agreements and international integration







Economic Partnership Agreement between Peru and

The Economic Partnership Agreement between Peru and Japan was signed on May
31, 2011 in Tokyo-Japan by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Eduardo
Ferreyros, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Takeaki Matsumoto. The
Agreement entered into force on 1 March 2012.

The negotiated chapters included in this Agreement are: Trade in Goods, Rules of
Origin, Customs and Trade Facilitation, Trade Defense, Sanitary and Phytosanitary
Measures, Technical Barriers to Trade, Public Procurement, Cross-Border Trade in
Services, Temporary Entry of Purpose Nationals Business, Telecommunications,
Competition, Intellectual Property, Cooperation, Transparency, Treaty
Administration, Dispute Resolution and Improving the Business Environment.

With this Agreement, two declarations have also been obtained: Trade and
Environment, and Biodiversity.

In recent years, Peru has begun a process of rapprochement with Asia, which
includes the beginning of negotiations with its main trading partners in that continent.

In line with the Peruvian strategy of becoming the center of operations for Asia in
South America, this Agreement represents for Peru the opportunity to establish clear
rules of the game, with a transparent and predictable framework that allows for
orderly bilateral trade, which justifiably safeguard national interests. It also provides
a positive signal that will raise the interest of capital from Japan and other countries
to invest more actively in Peru.

In this context, the Peru - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) allows for
closer trade relations with a country whose market is one of the largest and most
competitive in the world, ensuring future development based on trade and

This agreement allows better access to a market whose characteristics mentioned

above involve a greater demand for consumer goods, raw materials, intermediate
goods and capital goods. That is, it makes it possible for Peruvian products to enter
with better conditions in the Japanese market.
About the agreement

In recent years, Peru has begun a process of rapprochement with Asia, which
includes the beginning of negotiations with its main trading partners in that continent.
Within this process, the governments of Peru and Japan have carried out
coordinated work seeking to strengthen their bilateral trade relations.

In November 2008, during the bilateral meeting between the President of Peru, Mr.
Alan Garca and the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Taro Aso, during the week of APEC
Leaders, a first rapprochement between the two countries where the possibility of
starting negotiations for an EPA between Peru and Japan was raised.

At the end of February, during the official visit of the Ministers of Foreign Trade and
Tourism and Foreign Affairs from Peru to Japan, on the occasion of EXPO PERU,
the Japanese government extended a formal invitation to Peru to hold preparatory
meetings during the month of March, with a view to the possibility of initiating the
EPA negotiations.

Between 23 and 25 March 2009, the aforementioned preparatory meetings were

held in Tokyo, where a common understanding on the positions of each country in a
possible EPA was achieved.

Thus, on April 14, 2009, President Garca and Prime Minister Aso officially launched
the launch of trade negotiations between Peru and Japan for a future Economic
Partnership Agreement.

The negotiations began in May 2009 and concluded in November 2010, after seven
rounds, as detailed below:
Following this, both countries announced the closure of the negotiations, during
President Alan Garcia's state visit to Yokohama City, within the framework of the
2010 APEC Leaders Summit.

Subsequently, from February to May 2011, the process of legal review of the texts
was carried out. Once the process was completed, the Economic Partnership
Agreement was signed on 31 May 2011 in Tokyo, Japan by the Minister of Foreign
Trade and Tourism of Peru, Mr. Eduardo Ferreyros, and the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Japan , Mr. Takeaki Matsumoto


The Peru - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement allows preferential access to a

consolidated market at an international level, which also has a large capacity for
consumption of products with high added value.

This Agreement with Japan allows Peruvian products of interest such as coffee,
asparagus, sacha inchi, pota, fish oil, copper, lead, zinc, purple corn, giant Cuzco
maize, swordfish, among others; enter the Japanese market with preferential

This Treaty, together with the network of agreements that Peru currently has, places
us in an advantageous situation with respect to other countries, making Peru an
attractive investment destination.

With this new trade agreement, Peru is consolidating its positive image in the Asian
continent and in the world, because being a great economic power like Japan, many
countries see the important position of Peru in Latin America, which is a
consequence of a medium- and long-term strategy that has already begun to bear
its first fruits.

Business opportunities


The Market Development Plans (PDM) are a strategic tool aimed at expanding,
diversifying and consolidating the presence of Peruvian companies, goods and
services in the main international markets, especially to take advantage of trade
liberalization, within the framework of the implementation of the National Strategic
Plan Exporter PENX 2025.

The Japan PDM identifies the commercial opportunities of products and services in
the sectors of fresh, frozen and processed fruits and vegetables, hydrobiological
products and garments made with alpaca hair and Peruvian pima. In addition, it
outlines consumer trends, marketing channels, distribution, regulations and the
Action Plan, which will allow a commitment of actions and activities to achieve the
objectives outlined.

Macroeconomic Indicador:
Despite the fact that Japan maintains an active fiscal policy that provides economic
the General Sales Tax (IGV) has been raised from 5% to 8%. Therefore, for
In 2015, the Japanese economy is estimated to grow by less than 1.5%, compared
The forecast for growth is 1.0% due, among other
possible second rise of IGV to 10%

Market Development

In 2014, Peru earned USD 1,580 millions, product of exports to Japan, and USD 1
106 million, product of imports. Basically, the exports are concentrated in the
traditional sector, which represent 92% of the total, in which mining stands out with
70%. As soon as non-traditional exports,most important sectors are agriculture
(2.9% of the total), the fishery (2.8% of the total) and textiles (1.2% of the total). It's
like this that Japan has become the fourth business partner.
Potential of Japenese Market
Agro Sector

The purpose of the table below is to present an approximation of the market size with which count the
products that are exported currently to Japan, which should be taken in an illustrative way.
Negotiations results:
The FTA with Japan has helped us to:
Japan Offers preferential access to its market to 99.0% of exports from
Peru, with tariff reductions beginning in 2012 and ending in 2027,
involving 89.8% of tariff lines.
The total of the textiles and clothing sector, with the exception of
certain silk products, receives a tariff free treatment from Japan since
1 March 2012
Other products of interest in Peru, such as coffee, esparrago, sacha
inchi, maiz morado, aceite de pescado, cobre, plomo, zinc, among
others, can enter the Japenese market with the preferential treatment.
The main export opportunities are grapes, palta and cacao.
Non-Tariff Barrier

With FTA, the number of lines duty-free tariff 40% to 80%.

The main products of exports such as miners traditional, were
already free of duty.
With FTA, Esparragos and other fruits and calamares immediately
would gradually degenerate.
Exportacion a japon 2016

Agrupacin Pas Peso Neto Kg. Valor FOB USD.

JP Japn 1,550,045,447.97 1,264,760,992.45

Imports of Peru from Japan:

Peru grants inmediate relief, and five years, to products from Japan, such as
cell phones, computers, televisions, various electronic devices Steel or iron
rolled products.
In addition Peru grants preferential free tariff treatment inmediately, in five
years, in six years, in ten years and eleven years for vehicles and parts of the
automotive sector.
Principales puertos
Japn tiene gran cantidad de puntos de acceso de mercancas en su territorio. Los
principales puertos son el aeropuerto de Narita (con una participacin de 12,5% del
valor), le sigue el de Tokio (12,3%), Nagoya (6,5%), Osaka (6,0%) y Chiba (5,9%); cada
uno se especializa en determinados productos. Alrededor del 70% de las frutas (HS2
08) y hortalizas frescas (HS2 07) ingresa por Tokio, Kobe, Yokohama, Kawasaki y Osaka.

Los productos pesqueros (HS2 03) tienen como puerta de acceso a los puertos de Tokio,
Shimizu, Osaka y Hakata; mientras que los alimentos preservados lo hacen por Tokio,
Yokohama, Kobe y Nagoya.

Productos como el caf, t y las especias (HS2 09) ingresan al mercado japons por
Yokohama (41%) y Kobe (21%); mientras que el cacao y sus derivados (HS2 18), por
Tokio (35%), Yokohama (26%) y Kobe (13%). Finalmente, las confecciones de punto
llegan al mercado por Osaka, Tokio y Nagoya, con una participacin de 67%.

6.4.1. Martimo:
Algunas navieras que cubren la ruta Callao-Yokohama son CMA-CGM, MOL,
Maersk Line, Evergreen Line, Hamburg Sud, NYK, CCNI, KLIN y PIL. Las
frecuencias son semanales y los tiempos de traslado fluctan entre veintitrs
y cuarenta y seis das.

Flete THC THC Flete

Emisin SFS Courier
Flete martimo bsico origen destino total

Contenedor 20 1 100 50 10 50 180 300 1 690

Contenedor 40 1 500 50 10 50 180 300 2 090

Contenedor 40
5 000 50 10 50 180 300 5 590

. Areo:
La carga area en la ruta Callao-Narita puede durar entre cinco a siete das,
debido a las conexiones en EE. UU., las cuales implican inspecciones de
seguridad a la carga. El costo referencial es de USD 130 (handling, emisin
de gua y transmisin) sumado a la tarifa de USD 3,60 por kg.

Canales de Comercializacin
El mercado japons cuenta con un sistema de comercializacin complejo y de varios
niveles de intermediacin que se ha venido desarrollando por muchos aos.
Difcilmente, se pueden reducir dichos niveles, los cuales cuentan con fuertes
caractersticas culturales y tradicionales.

Sus clasificaciones generales son:

i) Importadores: cumplen el rol de garantizar el volumen y continuidad de los


ii) Grandes traders (shoshas)6: tambin pueden realizar labores de bancos informales
(flexibilidad en pagos) y ofrecer un abanico de productos.

iii) Distribuidores: garantizan y dan el respaldo necesario en los puntos de venta y

cuentan con lazos de confianza, establecidos a lo largo de los aos.

iv) Supermercados:

El costo del m2 de los anaqueles es elevado y los locales tienden a ser pequeos,
por lo que tienen que maximizar la rotacin de sus productos exhibidos para
obtener la rentabilidad objetivo.
Pueden realizar contratos spot, pero no es lo usual.

La tendencia es que sigan desarrollando sus marcas propias.

El problema de vender conservas es que pueden durar unos seis aos, y los
clientes pueden devolver la mercadera con seis meses de anticipacin a su fecha
de vencimiento.

Los mrgenes que manejan los supermercados son alrededor del 30%, aunque
en algunas tiendas especializadas pueden ser superiores al valor del producto y
el margen del mayorista estar alrededor de un 15%.

AEON es la principal cadena minorista de alimentos en Japn, y cuenta con 20%

de participacin del mercado. Adems, con formatos de hipermercados,
supermercados, minimercados y tiendas de conveniencia. Asimismo, cuenta con
157 centros comerciales.

v) Tiendas de conveniencia: caso 7-Eleven, Lawsson, entre otros. Como se indica, son
establecimientos convenientemente ubicados; principalmente, se encuentran por los
caminos que frecuentan los japoneses, en el trayecto de sus casas al trabajo y retorno.
Es muy comn que el tamao de la compra realizada por los japoneses, incluida en los
supermercados, sea para el consumo de un solo da, debido a que la gran mayora se
desplaza a pie, en trenes o metros; es por esto que el menor peso y volumen representan
condiciones preferidas para ellos.

vi) Tiendas especializadas de venta: tanto de frutas como de verduras, as como zonas
de tiendas de moda para diferentes mercados objetivo (desde jvenes hasta mujeres de
ms edad).

vii) Venta por televisin, catlogos y aparatos telefnicos: predomina en el sector

confecciones, este es un buen ejemplo de estos mecanismos de ventas.

Tendencias del consumidor y

caractersticas del mercado
Japn cuenta con un mercado de alto poder adquisitivo, maduro y con mucha
competencia internacional, donde a pases que tienen una reputacin como
proveedores de buena calidad (Espaa, Italia, EE. UU., y otros) les resulta ms
fcil vender sus productos.

Acuerdos Comerciales en vigencia

India, Suiza, Chile, Mxico, Per, ASEAN y siete bilaterales dentro de ASEAN.

Acuerdos multilaterales

Fecha de suscripcin

1 de enero de 1995 (parte contratante del GATT 1947

Miembros de la OMC
desde septiembre de 1955)

Acuerdos de asociaciones econmicas

Acuerdo/Parte(s) signataria(s) Entrada en vigencia

Malasia 13 de julio de 2006

Chile 3 de septiembre de 2007

Acuerdo de Asociacin Econmica (AAE) Per-Japn

El AAE entre Per y Japn entr en vigencia el 1 de marzo del 2012 y cuenta con el
Acuerdo Bsico y el Acuerdo de Implementacin. El Acuerdo Bsico contempla diecisis
captulos, comnmente incluidos en un acuerdo comercial , y disposiciones relativas a

cooperacin bilateral que permiten al Per aproveche de mejor manera la liberalizacin

y apertura de los mercados.

As, por ejemplo, posee disposiciones en materia de cooperacin bilateral referentes a

la industria de soporte, pequeas y medianas empresas, promocin del comercio y la
inversin, ciencia y tecnologa, turismo, agricultura, pesquera, e incluso cuenta con un
novedoso captulo denominado Mejora del Ambiente de Negocios. Este ltimo, a fin
de brindar informacin acertada y apoyo a los empresarios que busquen realizar
negocios en Japn y/o Per. En particular, dada la distancia y las diferencias en cuanto
al lenguaje, costumbres y prcticas entre el Per y Japn, este marco resulta beneficioso
para la profundizacin de las relaciones econmicas entre ambos pases.

Asimismo, el acuerdo contempla otros beneficios, entre ellos, la certificacin de origen

simplificado y la entrada temporal de tcnicos.

Por otra parte, el Acuerdo de Implementacin incorpora disposiciones ms especficas

relacionadas con actividades de cooperacin; adems, se desarrollan los captulos de
Procedimientos Aduaneros y Facilitacin del Comercio, y Competencia y Cooperacin.

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