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What is the great and abominable church?

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi saw the great and abominable church, and it says he saw the
house of Israel gathered together to fight the Lamb and the twelve Apostles. So there is the root
of the whole matter. It was the corrupt sects and leaders who persecuted Jesus and the Twelve
and the true church. They then instigated the Romans to persecute Jesus and the Apostles.
Later, starting with Nero, the Roman Empire persecuted the Christians for 250 years, until
Constantine legalized Christianity about 314 AD, and then made it the state religion of the
Empire, taking control of it and mixing it with the state pagan religion of Rome. This process
continued until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 450 AD. Then the Roman Catholic
Church began its rise to power. These churches persecuted all other Christians who did not
submit to Roman control, branding them as heretics.

In a curious twist of fate, the Jewish nation was demolished by Rome. Out of this they
developed the Talmudic Judaism, which is nothing like the Old Testament law of Moses, but is a
religion of Jewish supremacy and anti-Christianity. They have no more temple in Jerusalem; no
more priests; no more animal sacrifices; no more prophets; no more revelations; and nor more
power from God. They live according to the twisted commentaries and philosophies of their
apostate rabbis. Money is their god, usury is their tool, the banks are all controlled by them; and
they use their religion like a secret combination for Jewish world supremacy. But what gradually
happened was the jews subverted the Catholic Church into a twisted version of Talmudic beliefs
and practices--totally unchristian, even anti-christian. This amazing oddity is spelled out in
books such as: Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT Tracking the Beast from the
Synagogue to the Vatican by Edward Hendrie. So the Catholic Church was infiltrated and
subverted to Talmudic doctrines--again, we see what Nephi saw: the house of Israel gathered
together to fight the Lamb and the Apostles.

Islam was an invention of the Catholic Church, in an attempt to take back control of the holy
land by using the Arab peoples to do the fighting. Mohamed was instructed by a Catholic nun,
and married her, and his army funded by Rome. Islam is one of the "harlots" created by the
mother of harlots. Islam was also charged with killing other Christians that did not submit to
Catholic control. Eventually, Islam began to have great success in their wars, and at that point,
they stopped taking any more orders from Rome.

Protestant sects are also "harlots" created by the mother of harlots. War between the Roman
Catholic church and the Protestant sects racked Europe for hundreds of years.

Today the great and abominable church is the New World Order. It is controlled by the rich
Jews: the Rothschilds and other rich Jewish families, and corporations. It is still connected with
the Catholic Church. They are gradually moving the world toward a one world government and a
one world religion. The current pope is a puppet to help effect this agenda. In fact, a curious fact
that few are aware of, the current pope is Jewish! Again, we see the current great and
abominable church, the NWO, as being controlled by the house of Israel, as Nephi saw.

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