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Teks Pertama
Good morning everyone.
Let me introduce myself in a short time.
I am ABBI YANTO and you can call me ABBI.
I was born in SEKAYU, OKTOBER 5 1982.
I live at Jl. ..
I have a nice hobby and that is writing and blogging
In my house, I live with my WIFE named DIYAH EKA PRATAMI

Teks Kedua
Good morning my dear friends. Allow me to introduce myself for a couple of minutes. My
complete name is Indra Herwawan and my nickname is Hendra. So you can call me by Hendra not
Hermawan. I was born in Bandung, June 21st 1994. It was a long time and about eighteen years ago

Im a very new person here because I just moved from Bandung to this capital city two days ago.
When the first time live in Jakarta, I feel very hot but it has been a normal condition for me right
now. In Bandung, I had a unique hobby that was speedcubing. It was a brain to play the Rubiks
cube faster and faster. Below is the picture of Rubiks cube.

I also spend my time to play football and listening to the music when I get bored at home. But,
when I live in Jakarta, I even have no idea to play football with my friends. Because, here I am a
stranger and havent got friend yet. I live in Jl Kepulauan raya, West Jakarta. Its approximately
five kilometers from this school and I come here by bus.

In my house, I live with my parents and my twin sisters called Andin and Andina. My parents are
Mr. Darmawan Sahreza and Mrs. Maia Sahreza. My father works as an engineer in one of the big
company in Jakarta, while my mother works as an accountant in insurance company. My younger
sisters are 5th grade of elementary school and both of them are ten years old.

Thats the end of my introduction and nice to meet you my friends..

My name is Sinta Rahmawati. Im 23 years old. I graduated from one of State Universities in Bandung. I
took hotel-management as my major. I love travelling and singing. Travelling and singing both improve
my health mentally and physically.

(Nama saya Sinta Rahmawati. Umur 23 tahun. Saya lulusan Universitas Negeri dai Bandung jurusan
Managemen Perhotelan. Saya suka travelling dan menyanyi, travelling dan menyanyi meningkatkan
kesehatan mental dan fisik saya)

Alfon : What makes you decide to apply for Junior Hotel Manager position?

(Apa yang membuat anda memutuskan untuk melamar untuk posisi Manager Hotel Junior?)

Sinta : I think Junior Hotel Manager is an appropriate job position for me. I find it attractive and
interesting as well. Due to the hotel-management major I took, Im sure that my skills and talents will be
conducive to this companys success. I can also see a bright future of my career by joining this company.

(Saya pikir Manager Hotel Junior adalah posisi pekerjaan yang tepat untuk saya. Karena itu saya memilih
jurusan managemen hotel. Saya yakin bahwa kemampuan dan bakat saya akan mendatangkan
keberhasilan perusahaan. Saya juga dapat melihat masa depan yang cerah dari karir saya dengan
bergabung dengan perusahaan ini.)

Alfon : Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness point?

(Baik, lalu apa kekuatan dan kelemahan anda?)

Sinta : My strength is my cheerfulness, my carefulness, my strong will to learn new things, and my skill
to work under pressures and as a team. My weakness is my phobia of dark.

(Kekuatan saya adalah kegembiraan saya, kehati-hatian saya, kekuatan saya untuk belajar hal yang baru,
dan skill saya untuk bekerja dibawah tekanan dan juga bekerja dalam team. Kelamahan saya adalah
phobia kegelapan.

Alfon: Well, it was a great time to have a little talk with you, Sinta. We will announce the result of your
interview in a week. Thank you for coming here.

(Baik, ini adalah waktu yang sangat bagus untuk sedikit berbicara dengan ana, sinta. Kami akan
memberitahukan hasil interview ini dalam satu minggu. Terimakasih untuk datang kesini)

Sinta : Yes. Thank you, Sir.

(Terimakasih, Pak)

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