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Worksheet: Your Territory Map

North Island- Tlatlasikwala Nation of the Kwakwaka'wakw:

We are the descendants of the Tlatlasikwala, Nakumgilisala and
Yutlinuk peoples. Our Territory covers the lands and waters of
northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada. Our home
village is at beautiful Bull Harbour on Hope Island.

Food gathering: Giant Kelp and Seaweed

Rich in protein, calcium, iron, B vitamins and vitamins A and C, a bag of
seaweed or kelp brought out for sharing is greeted with huge smiles. Added
to soups, cooked with salmon eggs, dried and toasted, dipped into
eulachon grease, the ways of serving seaweed and kelp are endless and
the results are always delicious.

How many steps do you take per metre?

How many centimetres to your food cache on the map? (conversion)

How many metres to your food cache? Scale 1:2500

MAP of Territory:
Your starting point is at the X mid path.
Face directly down the stairs.
Take the path of least resistance! From your calculations pace out your
food cache and look around (pacing will be approximate).

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