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As viradas nas cincias humanas

Professores: Frdric Vandenberghe e Diogo Corra

Horrio: Quinta feira, das 16 s 19 horas
Consultas: a combinar com os professores

Desde A estrutura das revolues cientificas de Kuhn sabemos que as cincias tm uma
dimenso histrica, social e cultural. A cincias se movem em ciclos e nas cincias
humanas estes so artificialmente produzidos por empresrios intelectuais. Desde a
publicao por Rorty, em 1967, de uma coleo de ensaios sobre a virada lingustica, a
frmula para lanar um movimento acadmico tem variada pouco: lanamento de um
manifesto, organizao de uma rede de parceiros, publicao de livros e nmeros
especiais sobre o tema. Neste curso, analisaremos uma dezena de viradas nas cincias
humanas (da lingustica, cultural, interpretativa, via ontolgica, especulativa e afetiva
at a descolonial, global e ambiental) com uma dupla inteno: ver o que se faz nas
humanas e analisar como isto se faz.

1 Semana: Manifestos e movimentos intelectuais

Frickel, Scott e Gross, Neil (2005): A General Theory of Scientific/Intellectual

Movements, American Sociological Review, 70, 2, pp. 204-232
Debray, R. (1995): Manifestos midiologicos. Petropolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.

2 Semana: A virada lingustica

a) Leitura obrigatria

Richard Rorty (ed.), 1967. The Linguistic Turn: Recent Essays in Philosophical Method.
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.

Rorty, Richard (1991): Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and the Reification of Language

Essays on Heidegger and Others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Leitura opcional

Toews, John E. (1987): "Intellectual History after the Linguistic Turn: The Autonomy
of Meaning and the Irreducibility of Experience", The American Historical Review,
92/4, 879907.

Lafont, Cristina (1999): The Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy. Cambridge:

The MIT Press

c) Bibliografia auxiliar
Gross, N. (2008): Richard Rorty: The Making of an American Philosopher, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.

3a Semana: A virada cultural/interpretativa

a) Leitura obrigatria

Rabinow, Paul and Sullivan, William (1987): The Interpretative Turn. A Second
Look, in Rabinow, Paul and Sullivan, William (eds.): Interpretative Social Science, pp.
1-33. Berkeley: University of California university Press.

Vandenberghe, Frdric (2015): Do estruturalismo ao culturalismo: a filosofia das

formas simbolicas de Ernst Cassirer (Manuscrito).

Geertz, Clifford (1989): A interpretao das culturas. Rio de Janeiro: LTC.

b) Leitura opcional

Bonnell, V. E. & Hunt, L. (1999): Beyond the Cultural Turn. Berkeley: University of
California Press.

Jacobs, Mark e Spillman, Lynette (2005): "Cultural Sociology at the Crossroads of the
Discipline", Poetics 33 (1): 114.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Jameson, Frederic (1998). The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern,
1983-1998. New York: Verso.

4a Semana: A virada narrativa

Ricoeur, Paul (1994) "A trplice mimese." Tempo e narrative, vol. 3, pp. 85-131.

Brockmeier, Jens e Rom Harr. "Narrativa: problemas e promessas de um paradigma

alternativo." Psicologia: reflexo e crtica 16.3 (2003): 525-535.

Goodson, Ivor F. e Scherto R. Gill (2011): "The Narrative Turn in Social Research."
Counterpoints 386, pp. 17-33.

5 Semana: A virada pragmtica

a) Leitura obrigatria

Bernstein, Richard (2010). The Pragmatic Turn. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Dewey, John (1957): Reconstruction in Philosophy, The Beacon Press, Boston.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1984): Investigaes Filosficas. So Paulo: Abril Cultural.

b) Leitura opcional

Correia, D. e de Castro, Rodrigo: O pragmatismo francs, Mana (no prelo)

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

6 Semana: A virada praxeologica

a) Leitura obrigatria

Reckwitz, Andreas (2002): "Toward a Theory of Social Practices A Development in

Culturalist Theorizing." European Journal of Social Theory, 5.2, pp. 243-263.

Schatzki, Theodore, Knorr Cetina, Karin e von Savigny, Eike [eds.] (2001): The
Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. London: Routledge .
Csordas, Thomas (1990): Embodiment as a Paradigm for Anthropology. Ethos 18:5-

b) Leitura opcional

Thrift, Nigel (2008): Non-Representational Theory: Space, Politics, Affect. Londres:


c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Lave, Jean (1994): Cognition in Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Turner, Stephen (1994): The Social Theory of Practices. Tradition, Tacit Knowledge,
and Presuppositions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press .

7 Semana: A virada afetiva

a) Leitura obrigatria

Clough, Patricia (2007): Introduction, in Clough Patricia e Halley Jean (eds.): The
Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social. Durham: Duke University Press.

Leys, Ruth (2011): The Turn to Affect: A Critique, Critical Inquiry, 37/3, 43472

Massumi, Brian (2002): The Autonomy of Affect, in Parables for the Virtual:
Movement, Affect, Sensation. Durham: Duke University Press.
b) Leitura opcional

Lisa Blackman and Couze Venn (2010), Affect, Body & Society 16, no. 7: 7. 5.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Seigworth, Gregory; Gregg, Melissa eds. (2010): The Affect Theory Reader (Durham:
Duke University Press.

Thrift, Nigel J. (2007). Non-representational Theory: Space, Politics, Affect. London:

Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-39320-1. Retrieved 27 November 2011.

7 Semana: O flip psmoderno

Lyotard, Jean-Francois (1998): A condio ps-moderna: uma pesquisa sobre as

origens da mudana cultura.

Sussen, Simon (2015): The Postmodern Turn in the Social Sciences. London: Palgrave

Seidman, S. (ed): The Postmodern Turn. New Perspectives on Social Theory.

8a Semana: A virada espacial/topologica

Warf, B. e Arias, Santa eds. (2009): The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Londres: Routledge.

Crang, Michael e Thrift, Nigel eds. (2000): Thinking space. London: Routledge.

Massey, Doreen: Space, Place and Gender. Cambridge: CUP.

9 Semana: A virada especulativa

a) Leitura obrigatria

Bryant, Levi, Srnicek, Nick, Harman, Graham (2011): Towards a Speculative

Philosophy In Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek and Graham Harman (eds.): The Speculative
Turn : Continental Materialism and Realism.

Brassier, Ray, Iain Hamilton Grant, Graham Harman, and Quentin Meillassoux (2007):
"Speculative Realism" in Collapse III: Unknown Deleuze. London: Urbanomic

b) Leitura opcional
De Landa, Manuel (2011): Philosophy and Simulation. The Emergence of Synthetic
Reason. London, Continuum, 2011

Meillassoux, Quentin (2008): After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of

Contingency. London: Continuum.

Shaviro, Steven (2014). The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism. Minneapolis:

University Of Minnesota Press.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Bryant, Levi. Srnicek, Nick. Harman, Graham. The speculative turn : continental
materialism and realism / edited by Levi Bryant, Nick Srnicek and Graham Harman,

Bryant, Levi. The Democracy of Objects. An imprint of MPublishing University of

Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, 2011

DeLanda, Manuel. Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy. London: Continuum,


Garcia, Tristan. Forme et objet: Un trait des choses. Paris: Presses universitaires de
France, 2011.

Graham, Harman. The. Quadruple. Object. Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects.
Chicago: Open Court,. 2002

10 Semana: A virada ontolgica

a) Leitura obrigatria

Correia, D. (2015): Exorcizando o simbolismo, Cadernos do Sociofilo, 6, pp. 304-


Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo (2014): Who is afraid of the ontological wolf ? Some
comments on an ongoing anthropological debate, CUSAS Annual Marilyn Strathern

b) Leitura opcional

Venkatesan, Soumhya et al. (2010): Ontology Is Just Another Word for Culture,
Critique of Anthropology 30 (2):152-200.
c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Stengers, Isabelle (2005), The Cosmopolitical Proposal, in Bruno Latour & Peter
Weibel, eds., Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Cambridge MA: MIT
Press, pp. 994-1003.

Mol, Annemarie (1999), Ontological Politics: A Word and Some Questions, in John
Law, and J. Hassard, ed., Actor Network Theory and After. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 74-

11 Semana: A virada animistica/neo-vitalista

a) Leitura obrigatria

Ingold, Tim (2006): Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought, Ethnos: Journal of
Anthropology, 71:1, 9-20, 2006.

Ingold, Tim (2010): Bringing Things Back to Life: Creative Entanglements in a World
of Materials, NCRM Working Paper. Realities / Morgan Centre, University of

Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo (2014). Metafsicas Canibais. So Paulo, Cosac&Naify.

b) Leitura opcional

Bird-David, Nurit (1999): Animism revisited: Personhood, environment, and

relational epistemology. Current Anthropology 40: 67-91, 1999.

Bennett, Jane (2010) Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.

Descola, Philippe (2010) : Human natures . Social Anthropology/Anthropologie

Sociale 17 (2): 145-57, 2010.

Kohn, Eduardo (2013): How Forests Think: Toward an anthropology beyond the
human. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.

Pedersen, Morten (2011): Not Quite Shamans: Spirit worlds and Political Lives in
Northern Mongolia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar
Latour, Bruno. (2010) : Cogitamus. Six lettres sur les humanits scientifiques. Paris : La

Shaviro, Steven (2009). Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics.
Cambridge: MIT Press.

Strawson, Galen (2006). Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism.

In: Consciousness and Its Place in Nature: Does Physicalism Entail Panpsychism? Ed.
by Anthony Freeman. Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 331.

12 a Semana A virada descolonial

13a Semana: A virada global

a) Leitura obrigatria

Kossok, Manfred (1993): From Universal History to Global History, pp. 93-112; in
Mazlich, Bruno e Buultjens, Ralph (eds.), Conceptualizing Global History. Boulder,
Westview Press.

Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2012): "From Civilization to Globalization: the West as a

Shifting Signifier in Indian modernity." Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 13.1, pp. 138-152.

Burawoy, Michael (2005): Conclusion: Provincializing the Social Sciences, pp. 508-
525 in Steinmetz, G. (ed.): The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences. Londres:
Duke University Press.

b) Leitura opcional

Grataloup, Christian (2006): Os perodos do espaco, GEOgraphia, 8, 16, pp. 31-40.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Caill, Alain e Dufoix, Stphane (2013): Le tournant global des sciences sociales.
Paris : La Dcouverte.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000): Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and
Historical Difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2002): Habitations of Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern

14 a Semana: A virada ecologica

a) Leitura obrigatria

Chakrabarty, D. (2013): O clima da histria: quatro teses, Sopro 91 (jul/2013).
Danowski, D. ; Viveiros de Castro, E. (2014): H mundo por vir? Ensaio sobre os
medos e os fins. Florianpolis: Culture e Barbrie.

Latour, Bruno (2014): War and Peace in an Age of Ecological Conflicts, Revue
Juridique de l'Environnement, Vol.1, pp. 51-63/

b) Leitura opcional

Bessire, Lucas, Apocalyptic futures: The violent transformation of moral human life
among Ayoreo-speaking people of the Paraguayan Gran Chaco. American Ethnologist
38 (4): 74357.

Latour, Bruno (2014). "Agency at the time of the Anthropocene", in New Literary
History Vol. 45, pp. 1-18, 2014.

Stengers, Isabelle (2009). Au temps des catastrophes: rsister la barbarie qui vient.
Paris: Les Empcheurs de Penser en Rond/ La Dcouverte, 2009.

c) Bibliografia auxiliar

Latour, Bruno. 2013. Facing Gaia: Six lectures on the political theology of nature. The
Gifford Lectures. University of Edinburgh, February 1828.;bruno-

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