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Karya tulis Ilmiah Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat

Untuk Mengikuti Ujian Sekolah

Tingkat Menengah Atas Seminari St. Yohanes Bekhmans Todabelu-Mataloko

Engelbertus Viktor Daki

1.1. Back Ground

Communication is the key of all the success interaction in all part of our life. If
communication running effectively , the current of information in any working form will
be well and can makes it run faster on the procces of finishing work. In the contrary if
communication doesn`t run well it will make the current of communication will run so
slow and too difficult to get success on doing something. If the information of
communication comes late it will make the the finishing of a work late also.
Endang and Maliki on their book komunikasi yang Efektif (2006:1) says that :
dalam konteks dunia kerja, arus komunikasi antara atasan, bawahan, dan sesama rekan
kerja (peer) bahkan dengan pihak lain yang terkait dalam kegiatan suatu pekerjaan akan
sangat berdampak pada kerja semua unsur yang ada di lingkungan kerja tersebut.
It means communiication conected with all the part of all our life from the top up
to the bottom.
In out life form many time we get fail bacause we don`t know how to communicate
well. we know how to communicate but we don`t know how to communicate
effectively and well. We have good ideas, good plans,good suggestions, and good
hopes. But because many time we don`t know how to take it into our real life. It just in
our mind, no more. Many people in the world who are success , they success not
because they are clever or other. They success more because they know how to devide
their ideas, plans, suggestions, and hopes to their parthners well to get all of it in to the
real life by working together.
Every one in the world needs communication. Without communication we can`t do
any thing. We are human being who are social creature. It means we need other for our
life. We need other to together with us to do our activity and oters. Because of
communication we can life well together with other. Thomas M. Sceider have said
that tujuan komuniasi terutama untuk menyatakan dan mendukung identitas diri
untuk membangun kontak sosial dengan orang di sekitar kita, dan untuk memengaruhi
orang lain untuk merasa, berpikir akan berperilaku seperti yang kita inginkan. Tujuan
dasar kita berkomunikasi adalah untuk mengendalikan lingkungan fisik dan psikologi
kita( via Mulyana 2016:4). According to the oponion that Thomas said: we can know
that it`s clear without communication we can not life well.
Communication is very important. But it`s not mean that because of the important
of the communication we may waste many of our time only to communicate. We have
to know how to communicate effectively without waste many of our time, but with the
same result. We have to organize our capability of communication to have a short
communication and polite communication but in the same result, may be more without
waste many of our energy and time.
In seminary espesially for the seminarians who are the priest candidate, they have
to know how to communicate well to make what they have planned, wannted may
occured and obeyed by others well. If not, it`s only words those are nothing. Many time
we get failures in our working and jobs not because we can not do it well, but more
because we don`t know how to communicate well to others to understand what we
want for success.
In this chance writter will dig the way how to communicate efectively. The writer
wants know how by the effective communication we don`t need waste many of our
energy and time to make our plans, ideas,hopes and others may successl. The writer
wants to seacrh the way of doing it.

1.2. The Aim of Writing

The aim of writing are:

1.2.1.The Commons Aims : The writer wants to dig the way of the effective communication The writer wants helps us to show how to communicate effectively

1.2.2.The Special Aims : This writing will be the scientific paper This scietific paper will be the one of all requisites to graduate from this seminary As the priest candidate the writer wants to devide the information how to
communicate effectively

1.3. Problem Formulation

1.3.1.What is the understanding of communication
1.3.2.How to built the effective communication the impact of the effective communication
1.4. Writing Method
To finish the scientific paper, the writer uses one method. The method is literature
method. The writer uses all sources from library.

1.5. Writing Systematic

This scientific paper consist of capters. Chapter one is introduction and this
capter the writer will explain the backgroun of writing, aim of writing, problem
formulation, writing method, and writing systematic
Chapter Two

Always in every time we communicate with other just for our happiness or our needs of
life as the human being. By communication we may know what actually happend around us
and by communication also we can solve all problems in our life with others. So as the actor
of communication it`s a must for us to know anything abuot communication. So bacause of
that we can communicate effectively.

2.1. Understanding of Communication

There are some understandings about communication.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, gives a word definitioncommunication as the

efford to make opinions, feelings, informations, etc. Known or understood by others.(Via Lesteri
and Maliki 2006:5) the others meaning also explains by the dictionary that is to share or to
exchange opinion,feeling,information etc. Besides communication means as the act or process
of communicating. And taken by Dr. Ig Wursanto (1994) on his book Etika Komunikasi Kantor
it`s also taken by Lestari and Maliki(2006:5) on their book Komunikasi yang Efektif say that
communication is the whole procces used and to teach other minds. Besides according to
Harwood, communication is the more technically difend as the process for the conduction the
Brili Agung Zaki (2004), on his book Komuikasi Hati says that komunikasi memiliki arti
penting bagi setiap komponen kehidupan. Namun, dalam setiap interpretasi dari setiap manusia
yang berbeda-beda.
There are still so many definition about communication . But from the undersatanding those
explained, may taken a conclution which on all behaviours, that is communication is the way for
human being to do their life well. Communication is center of all process in human life by
interaction with other.

2.2. Communication Unsures

Many time unsure called as the part or elemant. Based on Kamus Bahasa Indonesia unsure
means sebagai bagian penting dalam suatu hal . sedangkan komponen atau elemen berarti
bagian yang merupakan seutuhnya. So, that proposed unsure is all things those be the part of
all things those conected on one thing.
Actually on communication according to Lestari and Maliki (2006: 6-7) there are three
unsures of communication those are absolute fulfilled. They are a unity. If one of them doesn`t
available, the communication will not occur. It means, a sucess of communication determineed
by them. They are, sender, receiver,and channel.
Sender is people who gives the content of his statement to the receiver. His duty are sender
the clear message, choose the channel,and asks the certainty, that the message has accepted
So the sender has to be accurete and careful to say the information and has to know well
who is the receiver( about the education,levels,etc) he has to know that his receiver really get
the information and it is clear.
Besides according to Davis( via Hardjana 2016: 69-70) says that the sender has to know five
steps on communication. Receiver (1) as physic can accept the communication by five
senses;(2) understand the communication message content (3) obey to the message content (4)
using it on practic and the last (5) give the feedback
The explains aboove are the factors that make the message/information may sucess
received by the receiver.
Receiver is the parthner of the communiicator in communication. His role is receiver the
information. His duty are be consentrate on the message accepted, and gives the feedback to
the sender to certaint that the information have understood and accepted.
By accepted the feedbeck from the receiver it`s happend two-way traffics or two flows of
communication. If they are running well there is nothing to come and disturbed the
Channel is the current or way which passed y the statement content of the sender to the
receiver. Choose the channel is very important because it has very big impact to the
communiction.Wursanto(1994) said that choose channel on communication procees is
depending on the news character that will be announced.
There are three kind of news Audible, namely news may listened, well it`s directly or not directly. Visual, namely news may looked, on writing form, picture,etc. Audion-visual, namely news which listened and looked.
It means communication needs the medium/channel to get the feedback, but besides there is
a communication that doesn`t need the channnel. It`s name direct communication or face to
There are kinds of face to face communication, namely
current of message to concering to directs
commmunication context is face to face
level of feedback happend higly
the ability of handling the level of high selective exposure
the effect perhaps ha[[end is atitude change

liliweri (1991)

nowdays as far as we know that information is going quickly because the

information tools. The accuration of the information will be more and not makes people
difficult to accept it. All thing including communication will be easily but we have to use it
effectively and optimally.

2.2.1.Communication Process
Communicatio happend on a process not saparatedly. The meaning of process
explained well by David Carberlo.(via Hardjana2016) on a theory by title the process of
communication as the literal explaination Berlo on Hardjana book(2016:48-49). Is like
this: Jika kita menerima konsep proses, kita memandang peristiwa-peristiwa dan
hubungan-hubungan bersifat dinamis, berlangsung terus-menerus, berubeh-ubah,dan
berkesinambungan. Jika kita menyebut sesuatu sebagai sebuah proses, kita juga
memaksudkan bahwa hal itu sebagai sesuatu yang tidak punya awal, sebuah akhir , dan
sebuah urutan peristiwa yang pasti. Proses tidak bersifat statis dan tetap. Ia bergerak
terus. Unsur-unsur dalam proses itu berinteraksi masing-masing memengaruhi lainnya.

Actually based on the explanation above, we can take a conclution that

communnication process it`s very important part in communication. Without process is
imposible communication may run. There are systems in communication according to
Hardaja(2016:49) that information process is running on going, never stop because work
as the open system. Input-process-output with feedback mechanism.
Communication process has two models, namely linear model and circular model. Lestari and

2.3.1. Linaer Model

This model has a process character which only consist of two linear line, where
communication process start from the sender and finish on the receiver.
2.3.2. Circular Model
On this model, circular is signed with the available of feedback unsure. So,
communication process is not start from a dot and is not stop in other dot.
So, they are altought have different models, they are still the important part to make
communication process runing well.

2.4. Communication Forms

As the natural activity communication that we do almoust all time has some forms
Based on the participants communication devided into two parts they are infra
personal communication and inter personal communication. Infra Personal Communication
Infra personal communication means communication process on the self of the
receiver; sender and the messge is himself. Inter Personal communication
Inter pesonal communication means face to face between two or more people.
where the sender can give the message directly, and the receiver can accept and
perceive it also directly.
2.4.2. Way of Communication
Way of communication devided into two parts those complitly on each other on a
communication.They are verbal communication and non verbal communication. Verbal Communication
On verbal communication, information given by verbal or oral. It gives
information process like this named speak. This process quality of verbal
communication some times determineed by voice intonation and future
epression ,movement, and body language. It means words said will clearer if said
by voice intonaton, facilal expression,and the fix movement.
Besides on the writing also use the verbal communication . What we want
say we write in on book and the other verbal media.
According to the opininon the essential thing of thecommunication is every
time we do it. Non Verbal Communication
On verbal communication information explained using the gestures, movements,
thing, time, way of get dressed, or a thing those can show get the heart
atmosphere or feeling on same time.

Some Non Verbal Communications Way of get dressed: communication with presentation Time: waitng for a time or chance Time using: what is the meaning for others
Besides, Diane(via Lestari and Maliki 2006:17) says that non vebal communication may
named as the body language.

So, basicially non verbal communication is a part of verbal communication actually.

Where we are speaking or writing without awareness we do our non verbal part to
support our verbal communication. They have to balance when we can do verbal
communication it will be so very bed and or in the contrary. Espesially for speaking or
giving information by using oral when we have to be face to face. Verbal and non verbal
communication will be very well if we are running well when we do it wholeheartedly
and have a fellingness of doing it.
2.5. The Function of Communication
in our life we are really need the communication. To get our dream or target we`re
really need others. It means that communication has a big function in our life.
According to Hardjana(2016:38) fungsi adalalah istilah pada teori kesisteman dan
berarti kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan sistem dalam pencapaian tujuan.
Then there are four functions concept based on the message content.
According to Lee Thayer (via Hardjana 2016:138-141)message of communication has
the main goal namely to inform, to persuade, to regulate,and to integrate.
2.5.1. Information Function
The main information of communiaction is handle the uncertaintly enviroment to
the idividual by adaptation. Shortly the information message which is puposed to
handle the uncertainty, has adaptive function or innovative finction
2.5.2.Command and instanctive Functions
The main function is to make communication can make into the main
menagement that able to make the worker always working into the getting of the
goal which have already decided, shortly, common ,and instinctive function
connected with the production daily operetional activity on the organization. This
function than called as the operational task function.
2.5.3. Influence and Persuassive Function
The influence and persuassive function connected with the regulation, the
worker knows that what is the atitude, information, communication,
interaction,and connection those can be true and have to do and what we hve to
eject and avoided and persuasive called regulary function.

2.5.4. Integration Function

Integration funcion means communication makes the connection of all

members be harmonic on getting work and the agreement reached about the
organization aim. Shortly, integrtion function is socialization culture values of
organization which makes the connection on the all worker will be same, and
development function which is shorted become the socialization of values.

Shortly, if the communication may run well all the function will be well also. There is
no problem in communication. What we want and what we will do will clearer and
better if we may make the function of the communication well.
Chapter Three

Constract The Effective Communication

An effective communication it`s not happend by accydent or without efford.

Communication will be effective if all the part of communication systems do all their task
well. According to Lestari and Maliki (2006:22) : communication happend if there are some
information current into two directions between the sender and the receiver and the
information together responds as like as the hope of the communication actors.
Is better for us to know how to construct the effective communication by the
explanation of Lestari and Maliki(2006)
3.1. The Aspects of The Effective Communication
There are five aspects that have to understand on cnstruct the effective
Language or information which given have to clear
Language and information which given have to accurate or fix. Language which used
on the informarion have to same and true. True means same with what actually want
give. May be the information that we wanna say the truth is uncertain, but were
really know well what we`re saying. That is the aim of the accuracy.
Language and information which given have to same with the circumstance and
the enviroment where the communication happend. May be we are using language
and information that clear and accurate but because of the context isn`t same with
what is hope.
Collapse of language flow and information will be meaningful on having an effective
This aspect isn`t only conected with language and information, but also the
etiquatte. Each culture has difference about the etiquattebit actually all they are the
same on meaning that is respected each other.
3.2. The Effective Communication Startegy Construct
Are the same when we are playing football we are really need the startegy. There are
five startegies, according to Lestari and Maliki(2006) ,
3.2.1. Know The Audience
We have to aware that with whom we are speaking or communicating, well the age,
positition, gender,etc. Because of that we can use the exact language, way
Of speaking, technical term, which are fix with the audience. By pay full attention to
the audience we can adaptate well on communication.
3.2.2.Know The Aim
Aim when we communicate is very determinee the way we give information. Of
course that our communication be the announcement character. The clearness of
our communication aim must be known before we communicate. Because of that
we can know what we have to talk and do.
3.2.3.Notice The Context

Here context means conditition or enviroment when we are communicating. When

we communicate context is very important on the function to clear the information
which given. On using the word we have to always be careful bacause if not it can
make it meaningfold or other maenings.

3.2.4.Learn The Culture

Culture or human habit also have to attentioned on communication. The actor of
communication have to understand well the culture of his partner. So it will rise up the
understanding to each other and addaptation the communication style may happend.
We have to remember this poverb When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3.2.5.Uderstand The Language
Language shows the nation means language can be the character or identity of a
nation. Talking about identity means talking about self esteem or proudness. By
understand other language here it`s not means be struggle respect the others. But
understand the language here it doesn`t have to understand all the languages by our
spaeking partner. More important that understand the other speaking style.(not the
language style).
To clear the message which will be given on communicate using the simple sentence
which are easy to undersatand. The long and complex sentence some times blur the
meaning. Our ability to use the simple sentence and fix on be language will be very
influence our effectivity on communication.
3.2.6.Be Friendly
If we want beccome a speaker who is welcoming harm, we have to plant the
friendliness. Many wonderful people are stingy on the friendliness. Like saving it for
special event or closed friend. They think that friendliness too cost for given to the
others. Don`t be afraid open our heart. Open our heart widely. Throw out the careless
behaviour. Don`t meet someone likes who are afraid to make mistakes. Do things that
will comfortable to remembered future. Friendly habits will bring to us revolution to
our social streng. We will increase the quality which is interesting that we think have. (
Dale Carniege 2016: 31-32).
So, all those is the key for us to make our communication with others effective. The
effective of our communication is depend on us. So, we have to be the good speaker
or receiver on communication.
3.3. The Effectivity of Verbal Communication
Verbal communication consist ot two forms. They are oral communication and
written communication. According to Fayol(via Hardjana 2016:86): dalam memberikan
perintah, uraian lisan umumnya akan lebih cepat dan lebih jelas dari pada tertulis. Lagi pula
ada rahasia umum bahwa perbedaan-perbedaan dalam percakapan mudah dipecahkan.
Namun malah bertambah sengit bila dalam tulisan. So, better if we want communicate with
other we using the oral communication if perhaps. Because it helps us for the speed, clarity,
accuracy, and the harmonious.
Than about the writen communication Dale CarniegeSukses Berkomunikasi (2016:
151 159) he said that words which writen are different from the word that we say.
It bacause the meaning which is writen have listened formaler compared the message
which said by oral. That`s caused the letters and memoes writen as stiff and artificial.
For the writen message may give the impact which same to the listener like the oral
message. Leter language and memo those are using when we speak. But, the laguage
doesn`t too different. There are some sujesstion to help us write the same like when we
are speaking without stiff lestened.
They are
3.3.1.Plant the message that we want to say before write one word
3.3.2. Write briefly,clearly, and solidly.
3.3.3. Avoid the jargon
3.3.4.Using the short sentence and thump
3.3.5. Directly give the contnt/point
3.3.6. Write like we are talking
3.3.7. Give the humanity feeling which is correct on letter
3.3.8. Making the letter and memo be trace
On write a letter or memo we have to really-really pay attention to the content and
the way we are writing. Bacause it`s really influence to the receiver. If now it will rise up the
miss understanding.
One raseach by Machribian and Ferris (via Lestari and Maliki 2006:28-29) shows
that: dalam komunikasi verbal,khususnya pada saat presentase, kabar hasilkan informasi
55%ditentukan oleh bahasa tubuh(body language), postur, isyarat, daan kontak mata 38%
ditentukan oleh kata-kata.
This reseach also show that communication wiil be more effective if given together
between oral language and writing language.
Masyarakat senang dengan komunikasi lisan pada saat media tulisan memberikan
hal-hal yang tidak jelas, dan masyarakat akn senang menggunakan media tulisan
apabila media lisan tidak jelas. Pada perkembangan zaman ini komunikasi organisasi
yang maju menggunakan media yang tersedia yaitu video display, terminal,e-mail, net
camera,dan voice mail:voice messaging system dan bahan sms(Lestari and Maliki
Based on the opinion, it means they are oral and writing communication are very
important based on the situation. And by the adventage of technology era development be
better and it helps human being to have the good contact among them.
3.4. The Effectivity of Non Verbal Communication
In our life, without awareness we always do the non verbal communication. Non verbal
communication always heps us to clearer our purpose that we are saying. There are some
examples that we can increase( Lestary and Maliki 2006:29-32)
3.4.1. The way Get Dressed
The way of get dressed have communinicated who and what is the status of
someone. Well on daily working or sometimes society has inclined to be self-
confidence if we are getting dreassed perfectly, and also there is available of the
difference of getting dreassed. We know thechnical term white color and blue
color which communicate someone status on a company or other.
According to the opinion, actually what we are using now it`s the influence of what
we will calm and be self-cinfident to meet or to do other thing that we want happily.
So, use dress axactly.
3.4.2. Time
To partly of people, actually to all of us time is a thing that`s really significant. time
is money is the principle which is holded by the industrialist even by they are those
their life used to produce a thing that is really productive and useful. On the
communication context where every one have task that have to finish, communication
exactly means, use the most of the time.
Many of our time we waste to the unuseful things just for the our temporal
happiness. Even we never think that how to use the most of the time to the useful
things that more useful for our better life. So, by the opinion we may use the most of
the time is the best way for us thet have to choose. If not on any duty that we have
get we will never finish ourduty yet on time, that isn`t impossible ouer superior will
replece our position with other because of our lateness.
3.4.3. Place
The same llke the time, place very determaied the effectivity of our communication.
For they who are the office worker , office is their place to work. Altough like that
many time the office order may finish in another palce. informallity sometime finish
the formal problems. So, on communicate we have to count the right place( Alam. S
2006:38). There is an idiom that office affair is office affair and have to finish it yet in
office. But actually there are so many affairs that may finish out in office.
On that opinion it is clear that pelace is a thing that really determane an activity. But
it`s not always like that. Because there are so many duty that may finish out and with
the place that is better the situation or the other which support the activity in that
Besides the third aspects on the top to built the effectivity on non verbal
communication, we also have to understand the function that show the non verbal
communication. They are,
3.4.4. Repetition
Repetition message from the individual done by verbal.
3.4.5. Contradiction
Message contradiction done by in concerning someone. For example,up the
shoulder means: don`t know, act the palm of hand to left side and high side and
looking forward means: no,or shake head means: yes, for some moment. Non verbal
communication perhaps more accurate than the verbal communication.
So, we have to use two languages on the same time to clearer our purpose on
3.4.6. Subtitution
For example, some one communicate by fire in his eyes( wide- open,
communicate by hand in hand , etc)

3.4.7. Complamenting
For example saygood with show thumb say someone carzy by shows brow and
the index finger is aslant.
3.4.8. Accenting
This accenting means to underline the verbal message. For example talk slowly or
preaure the foot.
So, according to the opinion on using non verbal communication we have to be
careful. If not it will bring the bed impact. Because the same non verbal has different
meaning for a nation and other, or a culture with others.
3.5. The Influence of Culture on Communication
The difference of culture will influence the effectivity on communication.
Because communication will be effective if it can disentangle the botton values,
motivation, appreciation, and assumption those are based on geographie or site of a
state, function, and socilal degree.
The langguage difference may cause the challange on communication. But
the culture difference more challange communication, compared with the language
Based on the opinion, i think that what people always says that language
shows nation. It`s true. What we`re talking about and doing, they are accorrding to
the way that we are always use everyday in our country based on our culture.
People will know who are we easily when we use our language to speak.


In our life we never released from what we named language and communicaton.
Without language we cann`t communicate. So, it`s body language or other. Language is our
our tool to communicate.
Lestari and Maliki(2006:36) say that bahasa itu arbitrari. Artinya suatu kata tidak
akan ada artinya apabila tidak ada persetujuan dari apara pemakainnya. Misalnya: kata
rumah bisa dipahami oleh bangsa indonesia karena kita semua setuju bahwa bangunan
tempat kita tinggal adalah rumah, bahasa inggris artinya yang sama disebut house karena
mereka sepakat untuk menyebutkan demikian.
This opinion in fact wants show us that , languuage isn`t only the tool of
communication but also has function and every language of each nation on communication
have difference among one and other. Bacaue of that, on this chapter we will talk about the
function of language on communication.
4.1. Undersatanding of Language
Collins Coboit English Language Dictionary, exaplins that language is a system of
communication which consist of a set of sound and written which are used by people of
particular country of region for talking on writing in.
According to Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary, language is the system of
sound and words used to expres their thoughts and feelings.
On Purwadarmita Dictionary means,
4.1.1. Sistem lambang, tanda tanya yang berupa segala macam bunyi yang dipakai orang
untuk melahirkan pemikiran dalam perasaan. Perkataan perkataan yang dipakai oleh
suatu bangsa (suku bangsa negara,daerah dan daerah.)
4.1.2.Percakapan, perkataan yang baik, sopan, santun, dan tingkah laku yang baik.
4.1.3. Bahasa dapat dibedakan menjadi dua pengertian, Bahasa dalam arti luas, sebagai alat perhitungan yang tidak terbatas kata-
kata saja akan tetapi juga gerak-gerik, mimik,dan panto mimik. So the wide
meaning may said as, Kata-kata atua kalimat, baik yang diucapka maupun yang ditulis Gerak-gerik dan panto mimik Diam Sopan santun(perbuatan)

Bahasa dalam arti sempit berarti hubungan antara suara dengan kata-kata.
Based on the opinion its clear that language that we are using every day is full of meaning
and it influence our life daily everywhere and every time.

Language also may difference to oral language and writing language. Language on the
narrow meaning be functioned on determine the meaning. For example may be happend that
people who are difference using the same words have different meaning(Lestari and Maliki:2006).

By knowing the meaning of language, on communication we have to pay attention to the

language regulation. Language regulation is the roles or arrangement which are using on be the
language as the fool interpersonal communication or organization we have to pay full attention

4.2 Language Function on Life Meaning

Language function in human being life are different among one and others.
According to Lestri and Maliki(2006: 37-38) on human life daily, language has the
basic function,
As the tool of express my feelings
As the tool of communication
4.2.1 Language as The Tool Bear the Feeling
Everyone have any feeling. For example, affection amazement, happiness,
unhappiness, sad feeling, happy, peace, and unpeace, or the fear.
All the feeling in the top is expressed by unterences

4.2.2 Language as The tool of Communicatipon

As the communication tool with society , language may :
accelerate communication
exapand the connection
create idea, heart content, feeling, initiativw, and creativity
increase knowledge
give the informantion
Actually there is still so many functions of language which is available but what have explained
its the main function of language. Language influence any things in all human being activity.
Because of language people can communicate to each other. Language enrich people knowledge. By
language peoples knowledge may increased by undersatand and imitate what other communicate.
4.3 Factors those are Influencing the fluency and Communication Obstacle.
The oral communication fluency for averyone is different , and influenced by any factors.
They are,
4.3.1 Knowledge
Knowledge influence people on communication people who have the wide
knowledge will be the good speaker. Because of the stock of vocabulary and the
knowledge is very useful to push people to speak clearly and fluency.
4.3.2 Experience
Experience influence people in communication. People who have many
experience will be more self-confident on facing anything. People who is usual
speaking in front of many audience will be clearer and ifluencer on speaking in any
conditition and to everyone
4.3.3 Intelegency
Purwanto(2010:52) people think that using intelact, fast or not destroid or not
problem its depend on the itellegency capability. Seen from the intelegency we
may say that a people clever or not and so on so for, on the relevention with
intelegency on the factors which influence the communication. Lestari and
Maliki(2006;39) say that orang yang intelegensianya rendah, biasanya kurang
lancar dalam berbicara, karena kurang memiliki kekayaan perbendaharaan kata dan
bahsa yang baik. Cara bebicara terputus-putus, bahkan antara kata yang satu
dengan yang lainnya tidak/kurang adanya relevansi.
Its clear that how useful and impacted the intelegency. And to have the best
intelegency we have to practice and built from any simple thing.
4.3.4 Personality
According to Thorpe(via Purwanto 2010:156) Personality is synonymous
with the idea of organismic functioning of the total individual, including all his
various verbally saparated aspects, such as intellect, character drive ,emotionalized
attitude, interest, sociability, and personal appearance as well as his general social
It means if someone has problem with his personality it will influence his in
communication. People who have shy character and lack the social intercourse,
usually is slide lack to speak.
4.3.5 Biologye Factor
Purwanto on his book Psikologi Pendidikan say that biology factor; factor yang
berhubungan dengan keadaan jasmani atau yang sering kali disebut factor fisiologis.
Bila kita berbicara mengenai tempramen,kita kan menyinggung masalah konstitusi
tubuh yang meliputi adalah pencernaan,pernapasan, peredaran darah, kelejar-
kelanjar, urat syararaf, dan lain-lain. Sifat-sifat jasmani yang ada pada setiap orang
ada yang diperoleh dari keturunan, dan ada pula yang merupakan pembawaan
anak/ orang itu masing-masing. Keadaan fisik/ konstruksi tubuh yang berlainan itu
menyebabkan sikap dan sifat-sifat serta tempramen yang berbeda pula.
It means the capability and the stay of communication of everyone are
Besides it may makes dysfunction to come to the surface, like Difficult to lipsing word, because of the dysosder on jaw,
lip,tooth. Speaking unclear, it because of herelip jaw, and tongue which are Speaking hesitant, stammer are caused of the unusuall speaking
in front of public, and has the shy character.
4.4 Various of Speaking
According to Lestari and Maliki (2006:39-40) communication by speaking may grouped
into some forms like this
4.4.1 Distant sector
Communication of speaking directly face to face and indirectly speaking
4.4.2 Channel sector
Communication of speaking may be on latter, telephone, radio, Tv,email,
4.4.3 Aim Sector
Communication of speaking on workshop, panel discussion, work meeting,
campaign, converention, on class, enterview,etc. from the aim sector may
defferent the available of giving information, collecting information, taking
decision, solving problem, and selling information.
4.4.4 Service Sector
Communication which talking about the service( among the workers, with
the superior , with subordinate),talking personality things.

4.4.5 Language which Used Sector

Communication with speaking by oral language with the utterance l by oral
words utterance or sentences who is cleared and by high and low the tone
of voice, tough and the smooth of voice.
4.4.6 Interlocutor Voice
Communication by speaking one by one or one by many, one by group, or
group by one.
4.4.7 Hierarachy Sector
4.4.8 Downward Communication
Downward communication is communication which is down from one to the
lower lever slowly strive down. On strive down communication leader rute
demainded to be able to do the communication give information, and his
ideas to subordinate , well personality, or as group, or as well as directly or
indirectly . Message by view level,usually it be not accurate espesially
message which given by speaking.
The function of downward communication are, Giving the information from the top unttil the bottom which
conected with duration, regulation, programme,and the working
target. Giving an assigment in the working briefing Giving the feedback by the superior into the subordinate about
the atitudes and the result. Giving the information on from status report and the progress
report. Submit te wish from the superior concerning to the subordinate.
(Hardjana via Maliki and Lestari 2006:41).
4.4.9 Upward Communication
Upward communication is the communication with the superior.
The communication is not easy like the communucation to the subordinate.
The status influence some problems on communication espesially on get te
feedback about what`s which be thought, and the subordinate working.
The upward commuication acctualy be aim to get information, conditition
which conected with the activity and task realization of the subordinate.
The functions of the subordinate are, Giving the the feedback of the decision,arrangement,briefing,
and the superior instruction. Giving the progress report and the working result. Giving the opinion and sugestion for the incrising of working and
problem solviing. Giving the wish of information and helping. Giving the feeling expression,attitude , and complain which is
conected working and the subordinate personality. Hardjana(via
Lestari and Maliki 2006:41-42).
4.4.10 Horizontal Communication/ Lateral Communication
Lateral communication is communication inter co-woorker, inter
part,or withthe other co-worker, leadership with the leader, subordinate
with the subordInate, peer the older,peer the younger,perents with
Horizontal communication principle the inner man on one level to
the point the tendency easier ,familiar, simple and fast because the quallity
of positition which may lose the difficulty on communicate. Harizontal
communication used to coordinate working and aim.
4.4.11 Digonal Communication
Diagonal communication is communication which cut the command
chain of organization who are done between two man on a level positition
who are different on task and function that is defferent, and havent an
authority directly concerning the others. Content Sector
Egocentric communication , the content of communication
give more priority on the personal (owner) problem. Speaking Growth Sector
Communication by guess, eject the voice which hasn`t
meaning, sentence one word(one for many aims),thirsty name
(asking every thing/ colour which is founded seen). Knowing
comparasion , starts may to treat one among other , making
sentence have already close the right language form.
According to the all opinion that explaind it points their points that
language and communication cann`t saparated. Thay are one. They conected firm
any network to make any our planinngs, or other may run well and success. Every
part have to do their task well and always have communication. The leader haave to
organize and always may communicate to all his part in his network.


On verbal communicatin which listened only the voices whhich said by words which go out
from mouth. That voices have to have meaning. So by the words people may understand the
intends/goals. Speaking will be effective if the people whois speaking pay attention to the technique
principle of the effective speaking. The speaker not only know about the theory of the effective
speaking but have to practice it into the real life daily.

As the literal,tehnik adalah kepandaian. Pegetahuandalam mabuata sesuatau atau

melakukan sesuatu yang berkenaan dengan seni atau kesenian, misalnya mangarang. Technique also
means efford and expectataion which happend because of mind/thouht which is breath, feeling
which is sharper or the body skill is bigger. By the better techniqueof speakinfg the conversation or
the talking will be more effective.

5.1. The Effective Technique of Speaking

Until now still so many peoplewho are thinking tha the ability of speaking of
someone,idea giving and his thought influence people by the spaking is the gift from
God which is individually.
This opinion peerhaps available actually. But it doest absolute because
basicially the skillof speaking may learned and rised by pratice. The problem
ishow to pratice well tobe able to speaking effectively. Every thing in the
world may learned and done well by everyone if people wants take it into
the real life by pratice. Willingness helps everyone to be better inn anything
and the key is pratice everytime and everywhere.
On each communication accent , well in the formal or informal speaking
technique which may done are,
5.1.1.Menarik nafas dalam-dalam sebelum berbicara.

5.1.2.Mengatur voleume berbicara agar lebih keras dari bahasanya. Caranya dengan

mengatur suaraagar dapat didengar oleh jajaran orang yang duduk atau berdiri paling

jauh darii tempat kita berbicara.

5.1.3.Menggunakan kata-kata sehari-hari yang dikenal oleh pendengar. Orang akan tertarik

pada pembicaraan yang menggunakan kata-kata yag akrab di telinganya dari pada

kata-kata ynag tidak dimengerti(misalnya istila bahasa asing).

5.1.4.Layangkan pandangan(ke kiri dan ke kanan atau ke tengah)untuk menemukan

pendengar yang paling berminat dan bersimpati terhadapa pembicaran kita. Lestari

and Maliki 2006:47

All the way in the top helps us to be more understand how to speak effectively.
Effectively menas what we want to talk to the other may understood well and the
receiver may done what we want according to the content of our information that
we give by communication.
5.2. Actively Listening

Listening is the essential thing in commuication. Listen actively means listen to understand
what that said aside the message. If happend the lack on listening, so that happend is the
ununderstand language which used the difficulty to translate the conent which given the
limmited time t translate the message on words form, or ignore the the nonverbal
communnication which escort the verbal message . many lack that may avoided by listen
actively. It means that actively listen helps us to be better in communication . we may
understand any things well without find the very difficult things.
They are aree listening actively have to know also the felingwhich be the
background the message. It means they have to know the message which accapted on the
total meaning from what someone said. So, the message which accapted not too more or
only a part the message menaing that is got. They listen fit to theall of the content of the
message on total menaing.
There are some tips to listen actively,
5.2.1.Mendengarkan secara aktif dengan menangkap ungkapan-ungkapan non verbal sebaik

menangkapisyarat verbal. Pada saat endengarkan dengan aktif, penerima yakin

mendapatkan umpan balik dengan menguraikannya sendiri dengan kata-

katanya(pharasering) tenteng pesan ynag disampaikan oleh sender/pengirim, dan

pengulangan kembali dengan cara-carnya sendiri.

5.2.2.Penerima pesan mengecek kebali(perception check) apa yang ada dibaik pesan yang

diterimanya untuk mengerti pesan apa yang sesungguhnya dia terima.

5.2.3.Gambaran Pelaku (behaviour Description) ini merupakan gambaran individual

yangsangat spesifik. Kegiatan mengamati orang lain tanpa membuat keputusan atau

generalisasi yentang latar belakang orangnyaatau sifat-sifatnya adalah upaya untuk

memahami gambaran pelaku . Serupa halnya denan perasaan di mana setiap orang

mempunyai ciri atau tanda yang lain seperti nama,analogi, atau sesuatu yang mewakili
ynag ini. Semuanya dapat meningatkan keaktivan dalam mendenngarkan.(Lestari and

Maliki 2006:48).

According to the opinion in the top we may know clearly that listening active
technique may helps and makes the sender to the accurrate information. To
determine it the goodinformation quallity not only the challange on
communiction,well the sender and the receiver wants to determine thatthey have
the true of the accurate information quallity.
The developtment of listening ability needs the identification from the
individual elements and alsolisten certain abilities that may develope the effective
of listening. Brownell via Lestari and Maliki 2006:49 say that, to clarify it the
effectivities of listening may undestood by the behaviour indicator that people feel
that be conected by effective listening on six unsures which known with HURLER
Responding.Taking from The Behavior in Organization, jeral Greenburg, Robert A.
Baron via Maliki and Lestari 2006:49.
According to the opinion acctualyto the theory from Hurler his model isn`t
easy. It because it is very depend on the individual of every one. But we don`t ever
stop to learn. Isn`t easy it doesnt mean that we can. We have more efford and
hardwork. So, it will be easy for us to do.
5.3. Skill of Speaking

Verbal skill on oral speaking is the ability to expres the matter of speaking on words
language. Thereis no regulation that tied the or standard on using. Well it conected
with the long of words or the detail of description that will be given. All of them are
depend on the experiment level unsure, the long talking, the matter of talking and
all the time.
On communicate better if not using the jargeon word . it means the own
made for the special people, with special profession or other peopple, can`t be
undertsood by the other people ,, other group, and other. We have to use the KISS
principle( keep language, short,simple,and to the point)
Technique that may we use on develope the effective of verbal talking
presentation are,

Evryone in the meantime hopes to listen the worst converzation that they never hear
before. But on the same time they hope to listen the best coverzation. Because of that
ifmay listen better ( than become the thought of the receiver. So the convezation will
get the support and respection.
5.3.2.Say the Word Clearly and Slowly

Give the prassure to the important things.

5.3.3.Speaking Properly

Speak dont too impressed or like people who are declerating.

5.3.4. Arrange the Rhythm and The Preassure of Voice, and dont be Monotonous

Use the preassure and the rhytyhm to show the point, like angry by the ring tone
of voice , and sad by the smooth voice ,etc. But avoid the impression as the play actor.

5.3.5.Pull the Breath Deeps Twice until three to Reduce the Tension.

Menage the breath normally and dont be impressed like the people who are got

caugh up If need to stop the converzation. Besides to get breath it also be function to

get the attention.

5.3.6.Avoid the Syndrom(EMM,ANU,APA,,,,,ETC) if we are forced to the corner and no more

left word or forget, just have a time to stop. This way will show that we are thinking

and will be the positive affec compared say what (yea,eh,ah ....etc.)

5.3.7.Read the paragraph which opinioned is important from the writing text.

5.3.8.Dont be shy on doing this, because the receiver will think that we only preassure the

aim of our talking for the compliment.

5.3.9.Prepare the Drink Water(mostly for they who are sometime no more left their breath

if they are talking dried up , also help the speaker to have time to stop,to have real


According to the technique of speaking by Maliki and Lestari i think that the ways
are not difficult to do. They are easy to to do if we are really have passion and
motivation to be better on speaking espesially for our better communication.
5.4. Style of Speaking

Style of speaking is the way of speaking that may be effect the attractive to the
receiver. Style of speaking may grouped into,
5.4.1.Style of speaking by conected voice with tthe words,called language style,

Asindenton language

Polisidenttion langauage

Klimaks language
Antiklimaks language

Hyperbola language

5.4.2.Style of speaking by Our feature, named speaking style thatnot by words, not on the

silent, but by the action of feature(face).

5.4.3.Style of Speaking by the action of body (body languagee)

5.4.4.Style of speaking

Action include the language on the width content and as the tool of communication.
5.5. Things those are Interesting

The interesting things may influence the converzaton/communication. Besides the

tecnique and the style . Now we will explain more about the things that may influence the
The way of get dressed the well clothes are simple, haarmonious, neat, and clean
will increase and shows
Self-confidence feelling
Pride Feelling
Personality of someone
On clothes is not true and untrue on get dressed. But get dressed
reasonable, because we live in our existence. The exact clothes is the need
of life. The clothes colour also be impact into the presentation. We have to
use the exact colour of clothes in the exact event. It shows that actually in
our life we have to do any things exactly according to the habit which used
by all the people every day. For example when there is a death we have to
use the black clothes, etc.
5.5.2. The Eyes View
Have to get attention because in addition shows the personality, morality,also
shows the authority of the speaker. Don`t speaking by bow down , besides reputed
isn`t respectful and also may reputed dont know well the problem that is speaking.
5.5.3.Shape of Face
Face shape is better follow the content of the converzation. Feelling like
astonisment, happy, suprise,sad is not only expressed by words but may showed by
face and face shape.
5.5.4.Body Attitude
Body attitude may showed by seat attitude and stand. Seat attitude: seat
respectfully. Before a converzation starts please do not seat early in front of the the
listener. Better the speaker appear in front of the listener. Efforted the seat well.
Stand attitude. Stand steady, arrange all things well so the situation may be still. The
stand attitude that is not well shows that we are not professional and cant
believed(altouht sometimes its not true).
5.5.5. Voice
Everyone have difference voice. Voice basicially it`s someone nature. For the voice
to has the positive impression, have to clear the expression , is not monotonous,
enthusiastic, may listened ,and be expressive.
They are signs, well on the letter form, figure,picture as the tool to explain what is
talking about.
A sincere smile start from the deepest heart, than pointed in the lips and
reflectioned in eyes.
5.5.8.Saking Hands
The best saking hands is clench all hands , move twice until three. Dont shaking
hands by hold firmly friend hands or only patch friends hand in shaking hands.
5.5.9.Think, Act, and Always seen Happy and Success.
Not all the people may do thing like this. Think on this context means think positively
may understand others, positive act and show ourselves as the people who haven`t
big problem.
5.5.10. Remeber the Name
Name of someone is the word which is the most important to listened by the owner
name , and always be atractive to the owner.
5.5.11. Show the Atractive that is sincere intent to the people who is respected.
For some tribe or nation this thing may showed by a bit of body crooked,and listen
well what the speaker are saying.

Those are the tecniques that we may use to make our communication effective. The
effective commmunication is not happen by accident but by efford and passion. We
have to use the most of our ability and time to practice from time to time. Sometimes
we know the wrong things but we do not want to change it to the right only because
our laziness and other.

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