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1. 1. precedent -A similar event that Antecedent, anterior, Ensuing, subsequent,

happened at an earlier foregoing succeeding
-The usual or
traditional way of
doing something
2. precipitate -to cause, to happen -overhasty, rushed, Deliberate, unhurried
quickly or suddenly pell-mell
-a solid substance that -pour, rain, storm
is separated from a
liquid especially by a
chemical process
3. precursor Something that Angel, forgoer, descendant
precedes and indicates harbinger, herald,
the approach of outrider, free runner
4. predestine To destine, decree, Doom, date, foredoom,
determine, appoint, or foreordain
settle beforehand
5. prescience Foreknowledge of Foreknowledge, Improvidence, myopia,
events, divine foresight short sightedness
omniscience, human
anticipation of the
course event
6. prevalent Accepted, done, or Conventional, Non-standard, unusual,
happening often, customary, usual unpopular
common or
7. prevaricate To deviate from the Fabricate, fib, lie
8. pristine -In perfect condition, Brand new, mint, stale
not spoiled, corrupted, virginal
-fresh and dean or as if
9. probity Adherence to the Character, decency, Evil, immorality, sin,
highest principles and morality, villain, wickedness
ideals righteousness, virtue
10. proclivity An inclination or Affection, aptitude,
predisposition toward disposition,
something predilection
11. prodigal Carelessly and foolish, Extravagant, thriftless, Economical, thrifty,
spending money frugal
12. prodigy A highly talented child Marvel, phenomenon,
or youth sensation
13. profligate Carelessly and foolishly Extravagant, wasteful Skimping, frugal,
wasting money, economical
14. profound -Having or showing Abstruse, arcane, Shallow, superficial
great knowledge or esoteric, hermetic
-very strongly felt
15. profuse Given, produced or Galore, lavish, riotous Dribbling, trickling
existing in large
16. proliferate To increase in number Accelerate, Contract, decrease,
and/or amount quickly accumulate, burgeon dwindle, wane
17. prologue An introduction to a Curtain, raiser, epilogue
book, play, etc. preamble
18. prone Likely to do, have or Apt, given, inclined supine
duffer from something
19. propensity A strong natural Aptness, proneness,
tendency tendency
20. propriety Behaviour that is Decorum, form, Impropriety, indecency
accepted as socially or dependency
morally correct and
21. proscribe To make something Ban, prohibit Allow, let, permit
22. provocative Causing discussion, Edgy, provoking Non-inflammatory
thought, argument
-causing sexual feelings
23. pummel To repeatedly hit or Bash, lambast, whip,
punch very hard beat
24. pungent Having a story, sharp Hippy, sharp, tangy Mild, smooth
taste or smell
25. querulous Complaining in an Crabby, cranky, grumpy Patient, stoic, tolerant
annoyed way
26. quisling Traitor, collaborator Backstabber, betrayer,
27. quixotic Hopeful or romantic in Idealist, romantic, Clear-eyed, dear-
a way that is not visionary sighted
28. quorum The smallest number
of people who must be
present at a meeting in
order for decisions to
be made
29. quotidian Ordinary or very Common place, routine Extraordinary, rare,
common seldom
30. rancid Having a rank smell or Abhorrent, nasty, Innocuous, inoffensive
taste obscene
31. rant To talk in a noisy, Diatribe, huff, spout
excited or declamatory
32. rarefy -to make rare thin,
porous, less dense
-to make more
spiritual, refined
33. ratify To make official by Accredit, approbate Decline, deny, disallow
signing or voting for it
34. rational Based on facts or intelligent Irrational, non-thinking
reasons not on
emotions or feelings
35. recalcitrant Stubbornly refusing to Contrary, rebellious Compliant, obedient
obey orders
36. recapitulate To give a brief Abstract, summarize
summary of something
37. reciprocate To give and take repay
38. reclude Marked by withdrawal Isolate, solitary, hermit
from society
39. reconnaissance A preliminary survey to
gain information
40. recumbent Lying down prone
-a suggestive of repose
41. redolent Having a strong smell Aromatic, savoury Foul, rancid
-causing thoughts one
memories of
42. redoubtable Causing fear or alarm Alarming, dire, scary
-illustrous, eminent
43. redundant Exceeding what is Excess, surplus,
necessary or normal superfluous
44. refute To rove wrong by Contradict, deny Acknowledge, admit
argument or evidence
45. relic Something that is from Echo, ghost, vestige
a past time, place,
46. relinquish To withdraw or retreat Deliver, yield
rom give up
-to give over
possession or control
47. renegade A deserter from one Defector, deserter Loyalist
faith, cause or
-an individual who
48. Reprobate To condemn strongly Debased, debaunched Pure, uncorrupted
as unworthy,
unacceptable, or evil
49. requiem A Christian religious Lament, elegy
ceremony for a dead
50. resolute Very determined, bold, Bound, decisive, firm Faltering, hesitant
51. Restive Feeling bored or contrary Amenable, obedient
impatient while waiting
for something to
happen or change
52. resuscitate To revive someone Recharge, rejuvenate
from apparent death
53. reticent Not willing to tell Close, dark, secretive communicative
people about things
54. retract Draw back or in abnegate adhere
55. neophyte A person who just convert veteran
started learning
56. nexus A relationship or Consecution,
connection between progression
people or things
57. rife Very common and abundant
often bad or
58. nocturnal Active at night nightime Daily, diurnal
59. novice A person who has just apprentice veteran
started learning or
doing something
60. noxious Physically harmful or Unhealthy, sickly healthy
destructive to living
61. nuance A subtle distinction or
62. nucleate To form into a nucleus
63. nugatory Of or little or no Bad, inoperative Good, valid
64. nullify To make something Cancel, dissolve
legally null
65. obdurate Refusing to do what affectless Charitable, tender
other people want hearted
66. objective Based on facts rather theoretical Non-empirical
than feelings or
67. oblivious Not conscious or aware clueless aware
68. obscure Not well-known ambiguous Accessible, clear
69. obsequious Too eager to help or subservient
obey someone
70. obsolete No longer used Old, archaic
because something
newer exists
71. obstinate Refusing to change immovable agreeable
your behaviour or ideas
72. obtuse Stupid or unintelligent Blunt, dull sharp
73. occlude To close up or block off block clear
74. occlude
75. odious Causing hatred or Abhorrent, Innocuous, inoffensive
strong dislike abominable, appalling,
awful, disgusting
76. opaque Blocking the passage of Ambiguous, cryptic, Accessible, clear,
radiant energy and dark, deep, elliptical, obvious, plain
especially light enigmatic
-hard to understand or
77. orb Any of the concentric Globe, ball, sphere
shapes in old
astronomy surrounding
the earth
-a sphere surrounded
by a cross symbolizing
power and justice
78. orthodox Conforming to Ceremonial, Casual, freewheeling,
established doctrine in conventional, formal, informal, irregular
religion regular
-accepted as true or
correct by most people
79. ostensible Intended for display, Assumed, evident,
open to view being apparent, presumed
such in appearance
80. ostentatious Marked by or fond of Flamboyant, flaring, Conservative, quiet,
conspicuous or vain flashy, garish, loud, understated, unflashy
glorious and sometime noisy
pretentious display
81. pacific Tending to lessen Appeasing, disarming, antagonizing
conflict: conciliatory nullifying
-having a soothing
appearance or effect
82. pallid Deficient in color Ashen, ashy lurid, pale Blooming, florid, flush,
-lack sparkle or rosy, glowing
83. palpable Obvious and noticeable Appreciable, Imperceptible,
apprehensible, inappreciable,
detectable insensible
84. pique A sudden feeling of Dudgeon, resentment,
annoyance or anger aggravate, irk
when someone has
offended you
85. pandemonium the infernal regions
-a wild uproar: tumult
86. paradigm A model or pattern for
something that may be
-a theory or a group of
ideas about how
something should be
done, made

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