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And How to Improve it!

Report on an exciting experiment done on 3 distinct groups

of Rats- Rats fairly accurately reflect the dietary effects as in humans as they will eat
anything people will.
1st group fed natural, raw food diet of fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds etc.
2nd group fed SAD diet (Standard American Diet)
3rd group- we’ll discuss later.
1st group rats grew into healthy specimens and never suffered any diseases. They grew
rapidly but never got fat, their temperament was gentle, affectionate, playful and the lived
together happily. They mated with enthusiasm and produced healthy offspring.
At what would be equivalent in humans of 80 years old, they were sacrificed and autopsied
and found to be entirely free from aging, disease or degeneration in any organ or tissue.
2nd group- fed white bread, cooked food, meat, cakes, candy, soft drinks, vitamins and
medicines for their ailments-etc.
During their life became fat- from earliest age contracted colds, pneumonia, arthritis,
diabetes, heart disease, cancer and most common American health problems. Most died
prematurely at early ages. Their temperament was vicious, fighting with one-another,
stealing one-another's food, they had to be kept separated to prevent destruction of the
entire group!
Offspring were all sick and exhibited the same general characteristics of the parents. As
these rats died one by one or in epidemics or of vicious diseases, they were autopsied and
showed extensive degenerative disorders in every part of their bodies. The few who
survived until the end of the study were physical and nervous wrecks and when autopsied
showed disease all through their bodies.
Group 3 was fed the SAD diet until the equivalent age of 40 and showed the same problems,
and characteristics as group 2- but then they were put on a water fast for a few days, then
changed to the natural, raw diet of group 1, alternating with short fasts for 1 month. They
exciting thing is that after 1 month they never suffered any more illness. Their
temperament became gently, playful, friendly creatures that lived together in harmony.
Rats sacrificed and autopsied at the end of first part of program showed same
degeneration and disease as group 2. But when the rest lived out their lives and were
autopsied at end of 80 years equivalency- they showed no sign of aging, disease or
degeneration! The disease evident in 1st part of their lives was reversed and perfect health

Good News!-It’s not too late! We can change our diet and our ways & disease can be

Since 1900 man has gained more knowledge in the area of health and disease than all of history combined.
He has spent more money on medical research than all of history combined! America has the finest health
care facilities of any nation on earth. The Doctor-patient ratio in the USA is 1 doctor to each 8 patients.
This is the best of anywhere in the world. The hospital industry is the 5th largest industry and I believe that
the pharmaceutical industry is either first or nearly so. In spite of this, America is in the worse epidemic of
chronic degenerative disease in history! Cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, etc. are rampant.
In recent years there have been 4 medical doctor’s strikes. That is where the doctors didn’t show up at
office or hospital to work. In each city where this took place the death rate dropped 40-60% !! Something
is clearly wrong!
A patient goes to a doctor- “here are my symptoms”
Doctors says, “fine, lets go to the hospital”. Five days and $5,000 later the test results are back. The doctor
lines up the test results and the symptoms and comes up with the name of the disease- and the patient
breaths a sigh of relief. Why? Because he believes if the doctor can name the disease, he must know how to
treat it. However in medical school something is very disturbing to discerning students- 95% of the
diseases known today, the text books say “cause unknown”! How can we treat something if we don’t know
what caused it?
Yet the doctor will open his medical bible and look up that disease and across the page he will see the
treatment of the day, drug, therapy or surgery. How can he treat something if he doesn’t know what causes
If you call your doctor and you have a headache and he says take aspirin and you take it and your headache
goes away. What does that tell you? Was it caused by an aspirin deficiency? Think about it?
Are ear infections in children caused by a drainage tube deficiency? The body forgot to put a hole in the
eardrum so the doctor comes along and puts an extra tube in there. Do you know that those little bodies
will kick out as many as 12 pair of tubes? And the doctor keeps putting them back- you-d think that maybe
some doctor would go to bed and think maybe, just maybe- the body doesn’t want it in there!
What about heart disease- is it a lack of bypass surgery? The body is too stupid, it put those veins in your
legs instead of your heart! So almighty doctor comes along and moves them.
We now have an alternate cause of heart disease- an artificial heart deficiency.
When we take a look at many of the so called natural healing arts we can be even more confused. Are we
sick because of an acupuncture deficiency? You see most “natural therapists” are operating on the same
principle as the medical doctors- symptomatic relief- without the patient having to change what they are
doing wrong that caused the problem.
There is a law of cause and effect. If we violate a law of this body, there is a price to be paid. We cannot
get away with it. It’s like a drunk saying “Give me a pill to get me sober but let me keep on drinking.”
That’s the current trend and we like it that way! We like to go to the doctor and say, “Here are my health
problems- you take care of them.”
Remember two things- Everyone has a different opinion. You can always find someone who’ll tell you
whatever it is you want to hear.
If you want to believe there is no such thing as junk-food, the president of the AMA would be glad to tell
you that- or you could go down the road and find someone who will tell you that all you need to eat is fruit.
Everybody has a different opinion- why?
Because the laws that govern this universe don’t always pay right now- The consequences are not always
felt immediately. Sometimes it takes a lifetime or even 2-3 generations. So we feel- “I got away with it- it
must work.”
Eccl.8.11-Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of
men is fully set in them to do evil.
1- Ignorance. I just didn’t know about it. The law of gravity- does it wait for you to know about it? If you
step off a 20 story building, you are going to create a gooey mess down below whether you know about it
or not!
2- We are lazy. It is one thing to know and another to act on what we know.
Remember that every theory in history, right or wrong, has had its authority. Don’t take my word for
anything, test it out and find out if it works! You are responsible for your own state of health!!
That first cell at conception is given innate intelligence- a life force from the Creator that will direct growth
and development of that cell into a perfect human being. And it does it the same way every time- and it
does it without a doctor standing over it and telling it how.
In fact it is only when man interferes that we have problems. Moms have morning sickness so doctor gives
her a drug- we’ve all heard of the thalidomide tragedy.
When the baby leaves the womb, this innate intelligence does not stay behind. It continues to lead and
direct this body. The body is not designed to get sick- it doesn’t know how! It only knows health- but- we
interfere with it.
A friend called me up and said, “My dog is sick. He won’t eat- he has a fever . What should I do?”
“Don’t worry about it. All dogs are made with an instinct that tells them what to do when they have a
fever- they know they are supposed to go to the vet so before long, he’ll ask you for the car keys. Just let
him have them.”
No! the dog’s body tells him how to overcome the problem- running a fever, fasting, resting. Just put down
some water and let him fast. Call back on the 8th day and see if he did not lay there 7 days and on the 8th
be fine and begging for food.
Innate intelligence operates in a definite cycle- no guesswork! We only have guesswork when we interfere.
Innate intelligence strives to keep the body alive regardless of cost. This cost can be disease. This will
mean more as we study further.


What makes the difference between ‘Junk-Food’ (Edible Garbage) and real food?
The difference is what goes on in the cells of the body when we eat it. What is food? Why do we eat ? To
get what our body needs-
1st - Glucose This is the fuel our body runs on and our main reason for eating.
2nd - Protein This is for body building and maintaining structure.
3rd- Fatty-acids -essential oils These are used in building, hormones, and transport in the body.
4th- Minerals these are used as catalysts in chemical reactions- they make the body function more
5th- Vitamins We do not live on vitamins and minerals- so taking a vitamin pill in place of a meal is a
pretty useless activity. However, vitamins are needed to process our food into useable forms.
6th- Water Every process in the body requires water.
A real food, compatible with the body, contains all 6 factors. Everything the body needs to process it and
put it to work. There is also nothing in it to take away from life or hurt the body.
1- Grown by nature.
This leaves a wide field- Bananas at one end of the scale and belladonna at the other. What happens if you
eat belladonna? You die! So qualification #2
2- It can be picked and eaten without any processing. Well you can pick and eat belladonna.
3- You can eat a whole meal of it and enjoy it, with no toxic side effects.
Junk foods do not measure up to this. (neither does belladonna)
Let’s compare a carrot and a Twinkie—

Glucose yes yes

protein yes a little

Fatty acids yes no

minerals yes no

vitamins yes no

water yes some

toxins no yes

There are 40 nutrients in whole wheat bread- when refined to white— 0-to 1 or 2. Then they added a few
artificial vitamins and called it enriched! It should be called depleted!
If a robber took all your money and then gave you a bus ticket home, would you feel enriched??
Now lets get back to our Twinkie- It had glucose in it right? Now how does the glucose get used by the
body? It can’t be used just as it is- No! It has to go through a cycle of 10 steps to be converted into ATP
which is the usable energy for our body. This process is called the citric acid cycle or cycle of Krebbs.
Each step requires a catalyst of some mineral or vitamin. Protein goes through a similar process.
Now our carrot comes with all these catalysts and so is a real food.
But what about the Twinkie? Most food eaten on an American diet is deficient. How does the body use
it? And it does use it. It draws on our reserves!
Now reserves are designed by the body to be used only in emergencies. Baby toddles into the swimming
pool- mama doesn't have time to eat a carrot! No, adrenaline flows and the liver pours out glucose and
mama runs and rescues baby.
So now the body has glucose to process and no catalyst- so it looks over at the bones and tissues and begins
to draw on reserve supply and uses it to process the junk food and keep the body alive. Remember, innate
intelligence will keep the body alive regardless of cost. The cost is disease!


What is a toxin? Something the body is not designed to run on. If we put diesel fuel in a gas engine- it will
run for a while but will soon clog up and quit.
Our body can get away with, for a while, running on fuel its not designed to run on- but it begins to slow
down and get diseased. We call it aging and we think it normal- It is common- but it is not normal!
There are peoples- well documented in the world- that live to 100-120 or more and are active and working
right up to a few days before death. These poor people do not have all the wonderful refined and processed
foods we have! They live on the right fuel- we don’t!
No- that coffee won’t kill you today- but it is the long run that counts. It will kill you eventually.
All toxins are stimulants. What gets the body revving up the metabolism when we put in a toxin? It is
trying to get it out of the system before it kills you!
There is enough caffeine in 1 cup of coffee (120 mg.) to kill you if injected directly into the blood
Why doesn’t it kill you? Where does the energy come from when you drink
coffee? Don’t say caffeine- because our only source of energy is glucose. There is no glucose in black
coffee. Where is the energy coming from? And why doesn’t the coffee kill you ? When it hits the stomach
the body senses it is about to be poisoned. So it contacts the adrenals- adrenaline pours out and tells the
liver to pour out glucose so the cells speed up to get the poison out of our bloodstream and save our life-
one more time.
During this process- we feel great! But what is the cost? Did the coffee supply the glucose or the catalyst?
NO.! Those came out of our reserves, and so at the cost of feeling good- we get sicker! After a while 1
cup is not enough and we need 2.
If a cell is healthy it will make 100 units of energy while we sleep. During the day we use up this energy
and by evening we are drowsy and go to bed.
But- if after years of abuse the cell is only able to make 50 units of energy- Do you cut down your activities
by 50% -no. Then how do we get through the day? -We run on adrenaline the rest of the day. Stimulation
gets less and less effective requiring more and more stimulation, until finally the body doesn’t cover for us
any more and we think we just fell apart- but it was coming on for years of abuse.
People can be eating junk food for years and go to the doctor- perfect health. Until- the adrenal, thyroid,
and thymus glands can’t compensate any more and “suddenly” everything falls apart.
Ever get sleepy after a big meal? Why?
Your sick body says, “I can’t keep you awake and still have enough energy to process this big meal.” So
we learn the American desert habit- Coffee and a cigarette! and whip up those adrenals to keep you awake.
If you truly want to know how healthy you are- eat only raw fruits and vegetables for a couple of days and
see if you can even get out of bed! Then you’ll know how much adrenaline you are running on.
Some people run on several pots of coffee a day- they seem healthy but the day will come and they pay the
price. While we are revved up we think we are feeling good but in the mean time we are getting sicker and


Diet changes since 1900.

Fresh fruit and vegetable consumption- down 40%
Beef up 75%
cheese up 400%
fats and oil up 150%
margarine up 800%
corn syrup up 400%
soft drinks up 300 %
We eat over 150 lb. of sugar per man woman and child as opposed to a few lb. in 1900. (And some one is
getting 300 lbs. as I don’t eat any!)
Inherent genetic weakness-
The diet and health of the parents when they conceive the child.
The diet and health of the mother when she carries the child.
What mother eats when she nurses the child and if she nurses the child.
Parents planning to conceive a child should go on at least a 3 month program to nourish and clean out the
body prior to conception! You won’t completely cleanse the body this way but you will go a long way
towards giving the little one a head start in life.
Babies are frequently born with little pimples on their skin- doctor says this is normal. It is not normal but it
is common. Already the child’s body is trying to expel toxins before it is even born! The more healthy the
body, the more vigorously it will expel toxins.
When you start detoxifying, the body is saturated with toxin, the liver is congested. DO NOT go on a fast
as the body will drown in its own filth.
The body must be prepared, and detoxify gradually- When a fast is to be done for more than a couple days,
it should be only with knowledgeable supervision.
Its the same with “Blood cleansing” herbs. When toxins are mobilized into the blood stream it can be more
than the body can handle!
If you build up alkaline and nutrients you will get a cleansing “cold” once the body has enough energy.
Other cleansing crisis can be diarrhea, which indicates liver cleansing- chest colds- skin rashes, eruptions
and abscesses.
You also may have a reactivation of diseases you had before but took drugs to stop. Your body will
reactivate them to finish what it started. These things never healed. As the body gains strength, it will seek
to heal that condition. During these times fast and let the body handle it.
Remember- the body will never take you through a healing crisis unless it has enough energy to do it. The
body works in 3 or 7 day cycles- so usually the crisis will be over in that time- rarely it will go to multiples
of 7 such as 14 or 21 days.
You may encounter an internal healing crisis. This is when the body feels tired and weak and wants to
sleep a lot. It is working on something within, so rest as much as you can and be patient. Remember if you
take drugs, you will slow down or postpone healing.
You can’t poison a body into health!
What heals the body? Is it drugs? Is it the diet? Its the body‘s own immune system!
So if the body is very sick, it may not be able to use the nutrients and recover fast enough before the disease
kills it. But it is worth a try! It is often amazing just how much nature can accomplish once we get out of
the way and let the body use its God-given innate intelligence!

In the 1940’s- a dentist named Francis Potenger, ran an experiment to find out what effects processed food
had on the body. He financed his own experiment- this is important to know as the results of many
experiments are influenced by the marketing boards and drug companies who sponsor them.
He used about 800 cats and divided them into 5 groups. Two groups he fed on real, natural food and the
others he fed processed foods.
The real food cats stayed healthy generation after generation- they never got sick and died of old age rather
than illness.
The processed food cats by the end of the 1st generation began to be sick. They developed colds, flus,
arthritis and cancer.
The 2nd generation cats developed diseases near the middle of their lives and the 3rd generation developed
diseases shortly after birth and many were born diseased or deformed.
There was no 4th generation! Either the cats were sterile or when they did conceive the young were
Right now in North America over 25% of young adults are sterile and there are more miscarriages than
ever before.
Now the leading cause of death in children under 10 is CANCER. A couple generations ago cancer and
heart disease was unknown in the young- granddad got it. But now little kids! Each generation the genetic
code gets weaker.
Are we 3rd generation cats? What about the next generation?


How do Americans know they are full? When their belly hurts. You see your body sets the appetite to
obtain a certain amount of nutrients, and if these are not present in the food we are eating, we eat and eat
and don’t feel satisfied. We only know we’ve had enough when our belly hurts.
But the stomach can only process so much food at a time- more than that and the food breaks down by
rotting and fermenting which creates toxins. These do not just pass on out but are absorbed and increase
the body’s toxic load.
Too much rotting food and our stomach may cause vomiting or diarrhea to get it out before the toxins are
all absorbed. But we run to the doctor or take drugs to keep those poisons in!
Where did the energy for the diarrhea come from? Not from the rotting food- from our reserves.
If we take a cow with a new calf and we take her milk everyday and pasteurize it and feed it to her calf - its
own mother’s milk- but pasteurized, in about 6 months the calf will be dead. Why?
If we see an X-ray of a person with osteoporosis we will see calcium missing from the bones- but in the
joints we will see calcium deposits! Why is the calcium being deposited outside the bones and not in the
bones where it belongs?
It is because the calcium deposits are inorganic calcium and the body can’t use it.
Calcium in processed milk is inorganic. Plants take inorganic minerals from the soil, and combine them
with a protein in one molecule- only plants can do this- that is an organic mineral. It is the only kind our
body can use!
Back to the calf- it only lived on the glucose in the milk and its own reserves-once its reserves were gone it
The more we process a food the less value is in it.
1. whole- RAW -Most life
2. fresh- raw juice -drink within an hour as it oxidizes rapidly
3. Dehydrated- no additives
-2-5% nutrient loss
4. Frozen- 15-30% nutrient loss
5. lightly steamed-crispy
15-60% nutrient loss
6. left-over raw salad- once cut foods oxidize rapidly.
7. cooked 40-100% nutrient loss (depending how cooked)
8. cooked left overs- little nutrients
9. microwaved- 90-100% nutrient loss
10. Less than 0%-
(Robs the body’s resources)
commercial canned- fried- foods with additives - no nutrient value and lots of
The more money and intelligence put into a food the less value it has to the body!

How does food begin to cause illness? In this lesson we will explore this question.
pH- is a measurement of how acid something is. 1 is extreme acid and 15 is extreme alkaline- 7 is neutral.
Water is neutral.
Our system is designed to run at 7-8 but our blood must be more exact- 7.4. If it goes down to 7.2 we die!
Even at 7.35 we will turn blue and need emergency care.
Our body has no ability to manufacture alkaline. And yet we run on the alkaline side of the scale- But our
daily metabolism is acid producing!
Where do we get alkaline? Nature provided a way- from fruits and vegetables. You say, “What about
oranges, isn’t that an acid?”
Oranges contain citric acid which is an organic acid and it can be broken down by the body and every part
used. When burnt the ash left of an orange is alkaline and that's what counts.
Cooked meats, when reduced to an ash are acid! And they contain inorganic acids- phosphoric and sulfuric
acid- our body cannot process these.
In order to neutralize the acid in one steak in the body it would require 9 meals of pure raw vegetables and
fruits! Just to neutralize the acid in one serving of meat!
Here is a list of acid foods listed from least to most acid that are also the main foods in the American diet.

Now- how does the body keep your blood at 7.4? And if you are alive it is 7.4!
There are 2 main diets that most Americans are on- The Junk and Fast Food Diet and the S.A.D. Standard
American Diet.
One man was asked how long since he had eaten any vegetables and fruits.
He replied “What do you mean by vegetables and fruits?”
“Well bananas, apples, oranges, salads, stuff like that.”
“Well, two years ago I had a can of green beans.”
The average American goes 7-14 days without eating any vegetables or fruit!
How does the body stay alive?
Simple- The body pulls on its own tissues to bring out alkaline from cells and bones- to keep your blood at
7.4 and keep you alive.
The cell pH can drop much lower than the blood and not kill you, and so alkaline is brought out of the
cells- The cell is not healthy but it will still function down to as low as 3.5 before it dies.
Disease starts anywhere below 7 - The cells slow down- we call it aging. Cancer cannot exist in a cell pH
5.8 or higher! It can exist at 5.7 or lower. The average cell pH in USA- 5- 5.5!
No wonder we are on an express train to chronic degenerative disease, cancer etc.! 70% of people over 40
have some chronic disease.
The more acid a cell is the less efficient it is- If it is a heart cell- it doesn’t ‘heart’ as well if it is a kidney
cell -it doesn't ‘kidney’ as well and we call that- disease.
The taste buds are not immune- they also become acid and can’t tell us what foods are good and so these
foods begin to taste good to us.
The first time one drinks coffee- it tastes bad! We have to put sugar in it to get it down! But as we get
sicker and more sluggish, the body says, “I need the stimulation.” and we want to drink more and more
coffee and the cell pH goes lower and lower.
Ever wonder why when you feel sick and go to the doctor and he takes blood and sends it to the lab-
everything is “normal”? Doctor says, “it must be your nerves- Here's some Valium.” Valium or similar
drugs are the #2 most prescribed drug in this country. What is #1? Ulcer medications!
Why is the blood normal, when the patient feels sick and is sick? Because the cells will not only give up
alkaline but will give up other nutrients- trying to keep that blood as healthy as possible- because when the
blood gets too sick- we die!
Even people dying of cancer can have “normal” blood tests even a few weeks before death. Innate
intelligence does the best it can to keep the body alive regardless of the cost. In my emergency career, I
have seen people come in with heart attacks- that had been given a clear bill of health from their doctor the
day before!
What is the Answer to Health?

An ideal diet should contain 80% or more alkaline

& 20% or less acid

Get that cell pH back up to 7-8 and have health!

We do not recommend that you immediately give up all the acid foods you are on as you probably won’t be
able to get out of bed without all that toxic stimulation. Your body runs on the stimulation! You would
find out right quick what your true level of health is.
Rather- you should begin to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet- so the emphasis is on adding more-
We all like to eat more!
Add fresh fruit for breakfast- have a salad before each meal and eat the salad first . If you begin getting
more nutrients, you will be satisfied with less food -it is the amount of nutrients you body is after, not the
amount of food. Each month increase by 10% the amount of alkaline foods. More fruits and vegetables
and automatically you will eat less acid foods.
After a while you will loose the craving for meat, coffee, tobacco and such as your body gets healthier.
You see, it no longer needs the toxic stimulation and these things become offensive.
It is the toxins in meat that give it its flavor and aroma.
A healthy, grass fed cow doesn’t have much taste. Liver is the most toxic part of any animal- Don’t Eat
As the body returns to pH 7 and you get healthier, you will find that sugar gives you a headache, dairy
gives you mucous, alcohol burns all the way down, you don’t like hot, spicy foods anymore -your desire
for acid foods will get less and less!
Concentrate on increasing fruits and vegetables and the change will gradually happen! As your body
chemistry improves, your taste will dictate what your body wants and habits will change gradually.

oysters 30. celery 93.8
smoked or salt 12-12.2 dandelion 77.1
haddock/cod 12 lettuce 76.7
halibut 7.8 cucumbers 45.5
salmon 5.5 carrots 33.5
Beef 7.4-10.3 figs 32.3
fowl 4.6 egg plant 29.3
pork 4.9 rutabaga 29.8
lamb 4.2 okra 29
herring 6.8 strawberries 26.3
eggs 7.5 beets 25.6
steak 4 limes 24.6
whole wheat 2.9 almonds 1.8
rolled oats 2.6 oranges 23.4
walnuts 1.5 tomatoes 24.5
corn, green 1.3 lemons 21.4
cottage cheese 1 grapefruit 12.3
brown rice 2.3 peaches 12.2
w.w.bread 3 muskmelon 18.8
rye crisp .7 banana(ripe) 5.6
artichokes spinach
dried beans chard
Brussels sprouts rhubarb
rhubarb cocoa
vinegar millet
sweets fresh corn
drugs raw milk
preservatives whey
carbonated drinks yogurt
spices kefir
overwork-late hours ACID DAIRY PRODUCTS-
lack of sleep all others

Other Beneficial
Nutrients -
Alfalfa sprouts
and teas
Wheat grass
Barley Green
Green Kamut
Green Magma
Carrot juice
Raw sprouts
Dandelion tea
(root or leaf)

What is a calorie? It is a unit of energy.

Calories are not the true cause of over weight. There are 2 kinds of calories- acid, toxic ones and alkaline
ones. If a calorie is an acid- toxic one and the body doesn’t need it -and it never does, it stores that away as
But if it is an alkaline calorie the body will use it to do work in the body. Alkaline calories are used by the
body to cleanse.
If you eat a diet of 1,000 calories a day- toxic, acid calories- you will gain weight. But if you eat 5,000
calories a day of alkaline- raw fruits and vegetables, you will loose excess weight. And you will gain in
Remember a severely overweight body is a severely toxic, acid body. If you put such a person on severely
limiting diets and fasts forcing the body to loose weight in this way, toxins will be activated and severe
illness and disease can follow. Do it the right way- eat more fresh & raw fruits and vegetables and let the
body melt that toxic fat away.
To get high amounts of alkaline foods it is good to use a juicer and drink a lot of fresh, raw vegetable
juices. Carrot, celery tomato is a very alkaline mix and will be a great help in turning illness around.
How long does it take to get healthy?
How long did it take to get sick?
It did not happen overnight and neither will one get well from chronic disease overnight. If you go on a
pure, mostly raw, fruit and vegetable diet with lots of juices it will take about 3 years- if you choose to go
slower because you have to keep working and such, it will take 5-10 years. It is up to you- but it is better to
be gradually improving then to be getting worse and worse! Remember- its up to you. We can teach you
the knowledge but only you can put it to work for yourself.
We are grateful to the lectures of Dr. Joel Robbins for the valuable information in these last few pages.


Antibiotics are losing the war against the

infectious diseases!
Jesus went about all the cities "healing all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases among the
people."Matthew 4:23.
Matthew tells us that because of His work of healing, "His fame went throughout all Syria and they
brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments . . and He healed them."
Matthew 4:24.
The Lord Jesus did great works of healing and at times He used natural remedies. On one occasion we are
told that He spat on the ground, and mixed the spittle with the clay. He then applied it to a man's eyes and
his sight was restored. "The cure could be wrought only by the power of the Great Healer, yet Christ made
use of the simple agencies of nature. While He did not give countenance to drug medication, He
sanctioned the use of simple and natural remedies." Counsels on Health, 30.
Today many people, sick and suffering from disease, put their faith entirely in medical doctors and in
prescription drugs to cure their ailments. instead of putting all our trust in the arm of flesh, we should
follow God's eight laws of health-pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of
water, and trust in divine power. Natural remedies like charcoal, water treatments and the use of simple
herbs can be used to restore the sick to health.
A true Christian physician should always point his patient to Christ for their healing, since all true healing
comes from Him. "The physician should first gain the patient's confidence and then point them to the Great
Healer. If their faith can be directed to the true physician, and they can have a confidence that He has
undertaken their case, this will bring relief to the mind and often give health to the body." Ministry of
healing, 244.
There is a lesson in the life of King Asa in the Bible: "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was
diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but
to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign." 2
Chronicles 16:12, 13.

Abused and Overused

Most of us have used antibiotics. They were discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, and their use
initially had great results. They have saved many people from infectious diseases. Doctors have used them
routinely in relieving people who have illnesses.
Unfortunately, these antibiotics have been abused. They are being used more liberally now than ever
before. The antibiotics used today to fight infections are very potent and powerful. it is not just penicillin
anymore. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are being used on little children because antibiotics are losing the
war against the infectious diseases. Over prescription has become a major concern in this country with our
"Antibiotics are prescribed at an alarming rate in this country. Obstetricians and gynecologists write
2,645,000 antibiotic prescriptions every week. Internists give out 1,416,000 in the same period and
pediatricians and family physicians lead the way prescribing over five hundred million dollars
$500,000,000) worth of antibiotics each year to treat just one problem, ear infections in children. Another
five hundred million plus is spent on antibiotics to treat other pediatric illnesses.
"Over the past fifteen years, antibiotic prescriptions to young children have risen a staggering fifty-one
percent. Antibiotics have been prescribed for conditions that do not warrant their use. After congressional
hearings and numerous academic studies on this issue, it has become the general consensus that forty to
sixty percent of all antibiotics in this country are miss-prescribed.
"In 1983 more than fifty-one percent of the more than three million patients who saw doctors for treatment
of the common cold, were unnecessarily given a prescription for an antibiotic. Antibiotics do nothing for
the common cold because the condition is viral in nature. It is no accident that the most allergic generation
in history has also been raised on antibiotics." (Lendon B. Smith in Beyond Antibiotics, 3.)
Several times a week I see a new patient whose allergies appeared or became much worse after a course of
antibiotics. "Recurrence rate [of middle ear fluid] were significantly higher in the antibiotic-treated group
than in the placebo group. Children receiving amoxicillin for chronic middle ear infection experienced two
to six times the rate of re-occurrence." (Ibid.)
Antibiotics, which literally means "against life," are often the first choice of treatment for many ailments.
Personal Experiences
Let me share with you some personal experiences I have had with people who were taking antibiotics.
A mother brought her four year old to me. The little girl had tubes in her ears from recurrent middle ear
infections. In fact, the child had been on four different antibiotics, stronger each time in the last couple
The mother said, I was told to come and see you maybe you could help us."
The doctors had already pierced the child's ear drums and now they wanted to do surgery, to open it and
clean it out. "Can you help me?" the mother asked.
I responded, "I can try, but first of all I need to ask the question, 'is your child on dairy products?”
She said, "Yes , she is."
"You need to get her off. She does not need milk, because milk is causing excess mucous. Secondly, I
want to put some drops in your child's ears. Drops that contain Saint john's wort, mullein, and garlic.
Things that are going to be probiotic for your child rather than antibiotic. They have the ability to la certain
germs without the side effects that you are experiencing with your daughter."
The child was pale and sickly. She screamed and did not want to hold still when I was ready to put the
drops in her ears. I put two drops in one ear. The little girl looked at me, smiled, turned her head over and
pointed at the other ear.
In two weeks the mother came back. She had taken the child off dairy products and she had continued
using the ear drops. The mother came and thanked me. The child had not had another ear ache in two
weeks. Before this the little girl had been in pain every day.

Side Effects
Another mother brought in her five year old child that had been given antibiotics for years. This child had
a swollen spleen and an abnormal liver panel when she came to see me. I asked her the question, "Has this
child been on antibiotics?" "Ever since she was two years old," the mother responded.
"You know, I need to read you something about the effects of antibiotics. Yes, they have been beneficial,
but today they are too frequently prescribed for conditions that they are not even needed for."
I read this to her from the book The Encyclopedia of Natural Health and Healing for Children: "Antibiotics
do have associated side effects, some of which may cause irreversible damage. This is another reason why
antibiotics should be the last choice for treating bacterial infections. All antibiotics are unsafe during
pregnancy as they can cross into the baby's blood stream through the placenta. Between 25% and 75% of
the mother's concentration of penicillin or tetracycline crosses into the baby and the common side effects
include liver damage, allergies, destruction of valuable intestinal bacteria, vitamin K deficiency,
interference with the absorption of nutrients and can induce thrush, diarrhea, skin rashes and phlegm."
Marcea Weber in The Encyclopedia of Natural Health and Healing for Children, 12, 13.
She said, "What do I do?"
I said, "I would try to bring in some natural things into the child's diet such as herbs." I gave her several
herbs including Echinacea and Golden Seal. I also advised her to take the child off dairy products and give
her lots of live, fresh foods.
The mother came back in a week and wrote out a check to Modem Manna for $50.00! I said, "Well, thank
She said, "Thank YOU. After I put my daughter on the program you suggested, the spleen shrunk to
normal and the liver panel came back fine. The child has not been on antibiotics since I saw you."
Another woman came to me who had rashes all over her body. I asked her, "Have you ever had these
"Just when I take penicillin. But I am not taking any penicillin. Why do I have these rashes all over my
body when I am not using the drug" I asked her if she drank milk or used other dairy products. She said
that she did.
I said, "Do you know there is penicillin residues in milk? Quit drinking it for two weeks and let us see
what happens." She came back in three days and the rash was gone.
Did you know that farm animals receive thirty times more antibiotics, mostly penicillin and tetracycline,
than people do? Fifty percent of the antibiotics produced in America are given to animals.
Have you gotten just a little idea of what antibiotics can do? Consider also the hundreds of people who
suffer from diarrhea and constipation because the good flora of their large intestine has been destroyed by
antibiotics. When you take an antibiotic, it does not single out bad bacteria. it kills the good and the bad.
This explains why many times a woman will have a yeast infection immediately following a round of
antibiotics. The good bacteria, necessary for the intestine, and also for keeping the fungus in the vaginal
lining under control, has been destroyed.
There are untold numbers of people suffering from allergies, because of leaking gut syndrome caused by
antibiotics and other drugs, like alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen,
(Tylenol) and ibuprofen-aspirin (Advil,Motrin) type drugs. There is also a connection between antibiotic
over-prescription and immunal suppression diseases.
Super Bugs
We are not the only ones realizing the danger that antibiotics can be. Newsweek, in an article called
"Antibiotics-The End of Miracle Drugs" said this about the threat: "When a colony of bacteria is dosed
with, say, penicillin, most die. But a few lucky microbes by chance harbor mutant genes that make them
immune to the drug. They survive. The mutants pass on their resistant genes to their progeny. One
bacterium can leave 16,777,000 offspring in twenty-four hours! The mutants gladly share their resistant
genes with unrelated microbes. Antibiotic uses have stimulated evolutionary changes unparalleled in
recorded biologic history.
"Even more ominous, there are signs that these bacteria are very clever. Microbiologist Stanley Falkhell at
Stanford University puts it, 'In ways scientists never suspect, it turns out the germs can become resistant to
antibiotics they have never even met.'
"In women receiving tetracycline for a urinary tract infection, for instance, E-colli developed resistance not
only to tetracycline but to other antibiotics also. it is almost as if bacteria strategically anticipate the
confrontation of other drugs when they resist one. One of the problems that we are facing today in America
is that we are getting too many antibiotics in our people. Over-prescription is a problem and when you
over-prescribe antibiotics to people, it kills off the weak bad bacteria, but these mutant ones survive and
change and become resistant." Newsweek, March 28, 1994.
Bacteria are becoming so resistant that in 1993 alone, nearly fourteen thousand people died in our hospitals
because the antibiotics could not kill these "super-bugs."
The pharmaceutical industry can not keep up with the ever changing microbes. New resistant strains of old
diseases are springing up. That means that patients are suffering and dying from illnesses that science
predicted forty years ago would be wiped off the face of the earth. The scientists were wrong. Before
science catches up with the microbes many more people will die.
Now is not the time to depend upon antibiotics and drugs to take care of ourselves. It is time for us to aid
our immune systems to fight these things. We are suppressing our immune system, not only through drugs,
but through the foods we eat, and the life style we five. We need to now take charge and become educated
in what we can do to fight off these diseases.
Use Only as a Last Resort
Charise and I have used an antibiotic only once, for two days on our children. I do not tell people not to
ever take an antibiotic, but use it only as a last resort. I knew a lady who would not use an antibiotic on
her child. She was praying mightily to God to heal the child of an ear infection. She did not use the
antibiotic and the child went deaf in one ear. You see there may be times when you need to do something
of that nature, but today these "wonder drugs" have created an anti-miracle because of over use. Instead of
building up, they are actually suppressing the immune system.
One of the diseases that is growing rampant today is candida albicans or candidiasis. A good flora keeps
yeast within our bodies in check. We all have candida in our bodies, but it is held in check because of the
good bacteria. So when you take in antibiotics killing off the good flora, these yeasts proliferate. And
some of the problems are these. Chronic fatigue, loss of energy, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation,
vaginal infections, frequent bladder infections, menstrual complaints, depression, irritability, an inability to
concentrate, allergies, chemical sensitivities, and low immune function."

A History of the War on Infectious Disease

"The view of infectious disease was divided into two camps. There was Louis Pasteur, and another theory
by a Russian biologist named Metchnikov. Pasteur believed that if we could identify the germ and isolate
and treat it with drugs that we are going to eradicate all disease and illness. Metchnikov on the other hand
said, 'I don't think so.' His life work centered upon the healing power of the body and its battling against
infections. Metchnikov taught that the correct way to deal with infectious disease was not by administering
chemicals but by strengthening and where necessary exploiting the body's own defenses.
"This view was in stark contrast with that of Pasteur who believed a germ could be found for every malady.
He contended that if the germ could be isolated and treated with treatment devised to kill the germ virtually
all disease might some day be eradicated. Pasteur came to realize that his theories about germs were
erroneous. just prior to Ws death he is said to have uttered the words, 'Metchnikov was right.' The terrain is
everything, the bacteria is nothing. Pasteur recognized that it was not bacteria that were responsible for
disease but the terrain, the surrounding land and the inability of the host to combat them. If the host was
strong or the immune system was active, the organisms could not get a foothold. If the host was weak, the
organisms could settle in and overcome. Pasteur had come to the conclusion that myriad factors including
diet, nutrition, stress, heredity, environment, and state of mind had a profound effect on resistance to
microbes." Beyond Antibiotics, 14. (These are the two views that were held.)
In 1967, the surgeon general of the United States, at that time, William Stewart, said, "It was time to close
the book on infectious diseases. We have basically wiped out all infection in the United States." The
Coming Plagues, 33. They set out to conquer infectious diseases around the world, and in the U.S. they
were going to concentrate on chronic diseases.
How is it then that today we find that the infectious diseases are back-deadlier than ever in America. We
are seeing viruses and bacteria beginning to hit the United States like never before, and our "wonder drugs"
are losing the battle because of the mutant germs.
"Since the nineteen fifties we have seen the development and overuse of antibiotics. The use of hormones,
birth control pills, the development of immuno-suppressive drugs, prednisone, mytheltrephate, chemo
therapy, the introduction of various chemical and toxins in our environment, and significant changes which
have occurred within our diets leaving our foods tainted with pesticides, depleted in nutritional value,
loaded with sugars and dyes. Can we really continue to believe that these incredible changes have not
affected the well being of some and eventually perhaps all of us?" Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Yeast
Connection, XI.
The Bible says the devil came to steal and destroy and kill. Jesus Christ is not anti-biotic He is "pro-biotic."
In Him is life and life eternal. We need to learn that by living healthfully and eating the right foods, we can
strengthen the immune system.
Contaminated Vaccines
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard graduate with his masters in public health, has recently done a great deal
of research into vaccine contamination. In an interview, published in American Freedom Magazine,
December 1996, he said this: "'This month's Money Magazine has the first article ever published in the
United States that actually tells the truth about polio and DPT vaccine. Today's oral polio vaccines are
littered with monkey virus contaminates which are causing everything from Simian Cytomegalo virus
associated with chronic fatigue to encephelopathy.'
"Should one be apprehensive about taking flu shots? 'Regarding the flu shots: My mother received the
swine flu shot and she among 10,000 others developed Guillian-Barre Syndrome, which is a common
vaccine contaminate reaction. It's a progressive neurological breakdown, where the body's normal white
cells start eating away the myelin sheath around nerve cells."' American Freedom Magazine, Volume 1,
Number 8, December 1996, page 19.
Inspired Counsel about Drug Medication
In conclusion, consider this counsel from God's inspired messenger: "Drugs never cure disease, they only
change its form and location ... When drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a
beneficial effect. A change may take place, but the disease is not cured. It will manifest itself in some
other form . . . The disease which the drug was given to cure may disappear, but only to reappear in a new
form such as skin disease, ulcers, painful diseased joints, and sometimes in a more dangerous and deadly
form ... Nature keeps struggling and the patient suffers with different ailments until there is a sudden
breakdown in her efforts and death follows. " Healthful L iving, 243.
Some of the most common diseases today are auto-immune diseases. Fibromyalgia which causes pain in
the muscles and joints, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, the list goes on. What has
been causing these problems? Ellen White told us, with the use of drugs the disease is not cured, it just
disappears and later manifests itself in some other way.

How to Build a Strong Immune System

What can we do to build our immune
systems and fight off disease?
1.Follow the eight laws of health, which is God's plan.
2.Maintain an ideal weight by decreasing the number of (acid) calories you eat.
3.Eat a moderate protein, high complex carbohydrate, vegan diet rich in omega-3 fatty acid. (see Flax Oil)
4.Eat lots of fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables and cereals that reduce the transit time in the colon. This
will help to get carcinogens, the bile acids and other fats that can cause cancer, out of the system.
5.Avoid all animal products. Now is no time to be drinking milk.
6.Keep salt intake low and avoid food additives and preservatives. Avoid condiments like mustard,
vinegar, black pepper, baking soda and baking powder. Avoid caffeine and tobacco and alcohol, of course,
but avoid other people's smoke also.
7. Consume large amounts of fruits, vegetables and legumes for their phyto-chemical properties. Whenever
possible, try to obtain foods that were not artificially grown and are uncontaminated with pesticides.
8.Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables for their enzyme content.
9.Have X-rays only when absolutely necessary.
10.Avoid refined sugar and nutra-sweet. (These are related to systemic lupus, Fibromyalgia, and multiple
I1. Use water filters whenever possible. Wash your hands several times each day and limit eating in
12.Use stress reduction techniques, such as walking, and taking a vacation.
13.Make Bible reading and prayer a part of your day.
14.Have a positive attitude.
15.Avoid drugs unless absolutely necessary.
If we fail to follow the basic plans that God has given His people, we are going to be caught in the fray.
The Bible also says that if we are obedient to His commandments and we follow His statutes, none of the
diseases of Egypt will come upon us because the Lord who heals us has promised.
"The Lord gave His word to ancient Israel, that if they would cleave strictly to Him, and do all His
requirements, He would keep them from all the diseases such as He had brought upon the Egyptians; but
this promise was given on the condition of obedience. Had the Israelites obeyed the instruction they
received, and profited by their advantages, they would have been the world's object lesson of health and
prosperity. The Israelites failed of fulfilling God's purpose, and thus failed of receiving the blessings that
might have been theirs. But in Joseph and Daniel, in Moses and Elijah, and many others, we have noble
examples of the results of the true plan of living. like faithfulness today will produce like results. To us it is
written, 'Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should
show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.' I Peter 2:9."
Counsels On Diet and Foods, 26, 27.


A radical, new look at the cause and cure for allergies
by Sang Lee, M.D.
Sang Lee, M.D., an allergy specialist, is presently working with the NEWSTART LIFESTYLE Health Center
at Weimar Institute, in California. This article originally appeared in Natural Lifestyle and Your Health.
Allergies are a very common health problem for babies, as well as for older family members today. TV
commercials offer dozens of medications to stop sneezing, wheezing, and itching. However, having an
allergy means much more than having sneezing, wheezing, and itching. And protecting your baby means
much more than finding the right medications.
Simply, an allergy is an abnormal reaction occurring in the body. The reaction occurs because the body's
immune system is weakened. When the immune system is strong, the body will not panic when foreign
elements invade its domain. For example, particles of dust, viruses, and bacteria are always in the air. We
breathe them all the time. If the immune system is strong, it will handle them; the body is secure and will
not overreact. However, when the immune system is weak, the body reacts to one or many of the foreign
substances in the environment to protect itself.
An allergic reaction, then, is simply the body's overreaction to the
Environment, to what you ate, or came in contact with. The reaction does not occur because of what is in
the environment, but because the immune system is weakened.
There are many people today concerned with their health and the health of their children. They spend lots
of time lifting weights or playing sports so they can look big and powerful on the outside, but inside their
immune systems are very weak.
Many a big 250 pound, muscular football player is sneezing and wheezing because of his allergies. He is
physically strong, but he has a weak immune system. Similarly, there are many people trying to keep their
babies and children strong, but only on the outside. It is not outward show but inner strength that counts.
Allergies indicate inner weakness in the immune system. To understand allergies, we must understand the
immune system and how it work
Resistance or immunity originates in the blood. The solid component of blood basically consists of red and
white blood cells. Red blood cells give blood its color, are round in shape, and carry oxygen, which is very
important to the immune system. White blood cells, however, make up the immune system.
There are three main kinds of white blood cells involved in the immunity process. First, there are
polymorphonucleo leukocytes, or polys for short, which are one of the most common white blood cells.
Poly means many, and morpho means shape, simply meaning that these cells come in many shapes to fit
the many different places where they have to travel.
The other two kinds of white blood cells are called lymphocytes, and are simply designated B-lymphocytes
and T-lymphocytes.
The Polys: The polys are the immune system's first line of resistance. Let's say that you cut your finger.
There are always many germs on your skin and in the air, and when you cut your skin, these try to invade
your body through the opening in the skin. The polys, rather than trying to kick the invaders out, simply
surround or engulf them. Usually the polys can thus kill the germs. But sometimes there are germs which
won't die so easily. This is where the B-lymphocytes come in.
B-Lymphocytes: The B-lymphocyte cells produce a special kind of Y-shaped protein called gamma
globulin, which is a strong toxin to the invading substances. Like the polys, the B-lymphocytes engulf the
germs, and, with their gamma globulin proteins, poison the germs, so that they die. Doctors refer to these
blood cells as "antibodies."
T-Lymphocytes: The T-lymphocytes are the most important part of the immune system. They regulate the
entire immune system by regulating the other white blood cells. The T-lymphocytes produce special
chemicals called lymphokines which either attract more polys to inflamed areas or stimulate the B-
lymphocytes to produce more gamma globulin. Other T-lymphocytes suppress B-cell activity.
However, the whole immune system depends entirely on the brain, which controls the T-lymphocytes'
ability to manage the affairs of the whole immune system. How? By producing endorphins, chemicals
produced in the brain when you are happy, which then travel through the blood to the T-lymphocytes and
strengthen them.
In addition, the T-lymphocytes take care of any germs which the other white blood cells have been unable
to destroy. By producing lymphotoxins, strong poisons which destroy germs, they act powerfully against
such diseases as cancer and AIDS. When the immune system is weakened, the T-lymphocytes cannot
produce lymphotoxins, allowing cancer viruses and similar cells to enter the body and take over.
Much of modern medicine focuses on developing weapons to kill invaders. Such an approach is usually
unsuccessful. Rather than benefiting the body, such medications only further weaken the immune system.
What is needed is not some high-powered medication, but rather a means of strengthening the immune
system so it can wage its own warfare.
Cancer, AIDS, and allergies occur when the T-lymphocytes are weak. Allergy symptoms such as sneezing,
wheezing, or itching are simply indicators that the T-lymphocytes are unable to do their proper work.
Just as our eyes, which are very sensitive, hurt, water, and swell when a little speck of dust gets in, so the
whole body reacts with allergy symptoms when the immune system becomes weak and sensitive. The eye
waters because it is trying to wash the dust out that is irritating it. So, likewise, the body reacts with allergy
symptoms when it is trying to rid itself of the dust, pollen, or food that is aggravating it. Because the
immune system is weak and very sensitive, it is trying to overprotect itself from the environment. The
allergic reaction, then, is a warning signal that your immune system is getting weak and something must be
done soon to strengthen it.
When we are happy, the brain produces endorphins which strengthen the immune system. When we have
fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions, the brain produces chemicals such as adrenaline. Instead of
strengthening the T-lymphocytes, as endorphins do, these chemicals weaken and destroy the T-
Coming from family lines which have histories of diseases, we are born with somewhat weakened immune
systems. Allergies are our first indicators that we are entering a danger zone. Our bodies are warning us to
take notice and start doing something to strengthen our immune systems before we get something severe,
like cancer or AIDS. Allergies, thought of from this angle, are beneficial to us; for they cause us to notice
and change the lifestyle factors which will eventually bring us into serious illnesses. Changes in both
lifestyle and mental attitude rebuild the injured system.
Suppose you go to the doctor with symptoms of asthma, wheezing and shortness of breath. Asthma
symptoms are caused by a histamine reaction.
The bronchial tube is lined with mucous membranes like those in the eye or the nose or mouth. Under the
mucous membrane there is a Mast cell which has granules containing histamine. When the T-cells become
weakened, they call on the B-cells to produce emergency gamma globulin. Unfortunately, they are not able
to properly regulate the immune system, giving a wrong signal to the B-cells. and stimulating over-
production of emergency gamma globulin. This triggers the emergency reactions we recognize as allergies.
Asthma symptoms- wheezing and shortness of breath, are simply warnings that the immune system is
How does it work? If you get asthma when olive trees bloom, your weak T-cells will call on the B-cells to
produce this emergency gamma globulin against the olive pollen. When produced, these Y-shaped cells
lodge on the Mast cells in the bronchial tube and trap the olive pollen as it enters the body Then the Mast
cells release their histamine, causing your bronchial tubes to become swollen and narrowed. You can't
breathe and end up wheezing. We call this reaction asthma.
Allergies are our bodies’ way of warning us to take notice and
start strengthening our immune system before we get something
severe like cancer or AIDS.


Today's medicine, rather than strengthening the weak T-cells, prescribe something to get rid of your
wheezing and shortness of breath. The most common treatments for allergies are cortisone pills or allergy
shots. Both will get rid of the allergy symptoms.
Cortisone, an anti-T-cell medication, kills the T-lymphocytes. This silences the T-cells' cry for help from
the B-cells and stops them from producing the emergency gamma globulin which causes the symptoms.
The allergy symptoms are gone for the present, but the immune system's ability to handle cancer or the
AIDS virus is also diminished.
Allergy shots consist of a small amount of whatever substance you might be allergic , such as the olive tree
pollen mentioned before. When the T-cells see more olive pollen coming into the body, they are weary and
do not respond. This is called immune tolerance. The immune system is so fed up that it just gives up.
You no longer react to olive pollen, but after six months you may have an allergy to something else. Why?
Because your T-lymphocytes were disabled, rather than strengthened. Weakened T-lymphocytes always
become allergic to new things.
Attacking the enemy never works. The only answer is a health program that strengthens the T-cells.
We can strengthen our immune systems only by adopting a balanced natural lifestyle. All of modern
medicine's ways of treating allergy make the T-lymphocytes weaker, temporarily paralyze them, or kill
them. This approach to allergy problems will never work. Life and strength are lost.
A balanced lifestyle that will strengthen the immune system always includes these basic factors:

1. Keep the body warm-including the hands arms, feet, and legs—so that the blood
circulation will be even.
2. Drink plenty of pure (distilled) water. We need at least about 10 glasses a day. We will
need more when recovering from chronic dehydration. You will be surprised to find out
that HISTAMINE is the body’s main water regulator, and any time there is a shortage of
needed water it takes over the rationing of it to promote survival of the body through
caring for the needs of the most vital organs. Thus the choking and wheezing of asthma
and the stuffiness of hay-fever and allergies can be an effort to prevent further water loss
through the breathing system.
I have seen it proven that a couple glasses of warm water can ease off an asthma attack.
These facts also make an intelligent person greatly question the wisdom of using any
anti-histamine drugs!
All drinks, such as tea, coffee, alcohol, sugared drinks, Nutra-sweet or Aspartame drinks
and pop, take more water out of the body than they put in! as the body must use water to
flush out the chemicals. Therefore they are dehydrating agents. One of the best things
anyone can do for the health of himself and family, is to dispense with all other drinks
and drink 2 to 2 1/2 quarts of distilled water daily- following the schedule of drinking
half-hour before meals and 2 1/2 hour after and on rising and before bed. You may need
to drink much more than this if you already have a serious disease– you may be years
behind in your water drinking!
3. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine every day. Some outdoor exercise each day is
4. Enjoy simple, whole, natural foods at regular meal time. Gradually increase raw fruits
and vegetables until 70-80% of diet is raw.
5. Get enough rest.
6. Do useful activities daily-
7. Trust God to help and care for you in all situations.
8. Keep body and home very clean, without the use of aerosols, strong smelling cleaners,
air fresheners or poisonous cleaners or personal care items.
Understanding Fevers-
Causes- waste products and/or bacterial toxins present in the body- causing the body to
attempt to oxidize them (burn them up) These are nitrogenous compounds and highly poisonous.
Manifestations of fever-
1. Various nervous disturbances, such as malaise, headache, backache, insomnia,
delirium etc.
2. Chilliness
3. Hot, dry or cold clammy skin
4. Increased pulse rate and tension
5. Excessive thirst
6. Loss of appetite, foul breath, coated tongue
7. Constipation or diarrhea
8. Urine scanty, highly colored with increase of solids
Aims in fever treatment-
1. Increase the germ destroying power of the white blood cells-
2. Increase oxidation and elimination of toxins-
3. Conserve and assist the body powers, such as heart action, circulation, digestion, etc.
during the fever-
4. Relieve distressing symptoms, especially nervous symptoms-
5. Prevent undue accumulation of heat within the body.
All these objectives are met with hydrotherapy properly applied.

Two Types of fever-

1. caused by increased heat production
• Full pulse and flushed face,
• Hot, dry skin
• Warm, moist skin
Indications- Increase heat loss by long contact with cold.
Treatment- Long, cold applications.
1. caused by decreased heat elimination
• Cold skin, whether dry, moist or clammy
• Cyanosis
• Goose-flesh
• Chilly sensation
• Shivering

Indications- Warm the skin, combat internal congestion.
Treatment- Hot applications until the blood is brought back to the skin.
Cold applications-useful in fever-
1. Cold bath
2. Graduated bath with friction
3. Tepid or cool bath
4. Evaporation wet sheet pack
5. Cold sponging
6. Cold to head and neck
7. Ice-bag or cold compress to heart
8. Cold compress
9. Cold rectal irrigation or enema
10. Cold water drinking
11. Fresh cold air in the sick room
Hot applications- useful in fever- or preparatory to cold treatment-
1. Hot blanket pack
2. Very short hot bath or repeated hot sponging
3. Hot evaporating sheet
4. Fomentation to abdomen
5. Fomentation to spine
6. Hot water drinking
7. Cold mitten friction ( reaction simulates a hot application)

Be sure to apply cold compresses to head and neck in high fevers before placing in cold
bath or applying cold pack to prevent increased blood rushing to brain with the cold body
Make sure to use friction and such to keep skin ruddy thereby reducing internal
congestion, aiding oxidation and heat elimination. This also prevents vascular paralysis and
supports the heart.
Do not apply cold treatment if feet are not warm or if patient is chilled.

Applications of cold
1. Prolonged- direct antipyretic by extracting more heat than is produced.
2. Short-stimulate heat production as much or more than they increase heat loss.
Applications of Hot
1. Prolonged- antipyretic by increasing heat elimination through profuse sweating.
2. Short- prepares the body for cold applications.

The cold-rubbing bath-
This is an example of the prolonged cold application. It causes a decided increase in heat
production. Oxidation of toxins and poisons is greatly heightened. At the same time continuous
contact with the cold water causes a greater amount of heat to be carried away from the body than
the extra heat produced during the bath, and so temperature is lowered. This is brought about by
the rubbing which keeps the blood in the skin. If reaction fails, heat elimination is checked and
the bath ceases to be beneficial. Long cold applications are indicated in long-continued
weakening fevers such as typhoid, typhus, and hyperpyrexia.
Cold mitten friction
This is an example of short cold applications. It stimulates the circulation, increases
blood pressure, and augments heat production. But the contact with the water is of too brief a
time to carry away much heat. The temperature may stay the same, rise or lower slightly. It is
indicated in short fevers such as colds, flues,
Or when the skin is cold for the purpose of warming the skin and reducing internal
Sweating treatments-
Example of long hot applications. By producing free perspiration the elimination of heat
is greatly increased. Temperature first rises then lowers as sweating becomes well established. In
fevers where heat production is high it is impossible to lower temperature by sweating alone. This
may be used for colds, flu, coryza etc.

A very common but little known natural remedy is oxygen in the form of ozone or
hydrogen peroxide. It is natures own cleansing method. Your cells release hydrogen peroxide to
kill germs that invade the body. Harmful germs, viruses, and fungi can not live in the presence of
oxygen! Also your body needs oxygen to remove toxins from its tissues. So by increasing the
oxygen in your blood stream you can actively combat disease. Hydrogen peroxide is a useful
method of doing this. Hydrogen peroxide is water with one extra molecule of oxygen (H2O2)
this extra molecule is easily given off.
The common drug store hydrogen peroxide 3% is useful for many things but the best
kind is the 35% food grade which is more pure, especially for internal uses. You may have to
shop around to find a source, you may find a pharmacy that will order it in for you. But a lot can
be done even with the drug-store kind if that is all you can get. In the lists of uses please note the
percentage and remember that 35% is more than 11 times stronger! If you get it, handle with care
and use proper dilutions. You can make 3% (approx.) from 35% by adding 11 cups distilled
water to 1 cup 35% solution.


Brushing teeth- use 3% to dip brush in and brush teeth then use 3% 1/2 & 1/2 with water
to rinse mouth. Soak dentures in 3% overnight and rinse. Note- the active ingredient in most
mouthwashes is H2O2!
Use 3% to apply to stings, bites or wounds. Scrapes and wounds treated with H2O2
heal quickly and don’t get infected. For infected wounds soak area in 3% or if area very tender,
use 1/2 and 1/2 with water. Soak 3 times a day for 15 minutes until well. For ulcers and slow
healing apply 3% 3 times daily.

For athletes foot- soak in 3% 1/2 and 1/2 with warm water or apply 3% straight to area
with cotton ball. Repeat 2-3 times a day until healed.
Baths- 1-2 cups of 35% in a bath tub of water and soak for 1/2 hour. This is a good
cleansing and detoxifying aid. (It will even relieve hangovers) It is a good thing to do at the first
sign of a cold or flu!
Pimples and acne- cleanse with 3% on a cotton ball. (It is the active ingredient in costly
patent treatments)
Enema- 2-3 tablespoons of 3% to quart of water to start. As you get accustomed to it
you can increase slowly to 6. Colonics- 1/2 cup 3% to 5 gallons water, increase dosage to 1 pint
3% slowly .
Douche- Use 4 0z. 3% add to 1-2 quarts warm water. Facial: use 3% on cotton ball as
freshener after wash.
Pets: 1 oz. 3% to quart of drinking water to keep them healthy. Use 1 cup 3% to gallon
for dog baths.
Washing laundry- 8 oz. 3% to load of wash in place of harmful chlorine. It also can be
used to launder clothes of infants and those with sensitive skin, in place of detergent. Leaves
wash soft and fresh!
In the bathroom- Keep a spray bottle of 3% in shower and mist your body over
following shower or bath. Spray toilette paper before wiping to stop rectal itching and help
shrink hemorrhoids.
Dishwasher- 2 oz. 3% to your regular formula. Makes them sparkle!
Cleaning- Use spray bottle of 3% to clean counters and appliances, great for refrigerator!
Also formica desk tops. The great thing about it is it is good for you not harmful like so many
disinfectants and yet it kills germs! It is cheaper than disinfectant sprays and much safer!
Clean yes! Germs No! and poison No!
Plants - Both house and garden plants thrive on a solution of 1 oz. 3% to a quart of
water! Try it on your garden to increase yield and eliminate many pests. Water or spray your
plants with this solution.
Vegetable soak- 1/4 cup 3% to sink of cold water. Soak vegetables and fruits for 20
minutes and rinse before refrigerating. Removes most pesticides and prolongs storage life of
Leftover salad- 1 tbsp. 3% in 1/2 cup water. Spray top of salad before covering and
Sore, tired feet- Soak nightly in 1 cup 3% to 1 quart warm water. Dry well and massage
with olive oil.

The technical name is magnesium sulfate and although it should not be used internally, it
is very valuable when correctly used, possessing the power to draw off poisons.
Take a container with 1-2 cups Epsom salt into an empty bathtub add a few drops of
water to give a mixture like wet sand. Take this by handfuls and rub over the skin briskly until the
whole body is done (avoid eyes) then rinse off in shower and towel dry. Done regularly it aids
skin conditions, poor circulation, arthritis, headaches, stiffness etc.
Useful for insomnia, high blood pressure, and bed wetting.
Each evening take hot shower or bath to open pores. Have ready a quart of warm water
with 2 oz. Epsom salts dissolved in it. After the shower, slowly pour the solution over your body
and as far as possible cover each part. Then wait for a minute or two before patting dry with a
towel. Do not rinse it off. Due to the powerful relaxing effect this is a valuable aid in insomnia.
However, each person will have to find out how long to wait before drying and how thoroughly to
dry. Some find they are so relaxed the limbs feel heavy and it’s hard to move.
Experiment with time waited and amount of drying to get a good sleep and fresh
awakening in the morning.
Epsom salts baths are relaxing and useful but this is a more effective method due to the
concentrated solution left on the skin.
Used regularly this treatment may lower high blood pressure and can help children with
bed wetting.
Bath child and pour on solution as above, It may take a week of nightly treatments for
desired results and continue treatment to maintain results.
Keep a jar containing a saturated solution of Epsom salts in ‘fridge’ or medicine
cupboard. (make this solution by dissolving as much salts in the water as will dissolve)
When a burn happens, apply immediately by pouring onto a cloth or bandage and
applying or, in case of fingers, dip them into the jar for a few minutes. This treatment is
unbelievably effective.
Wash and blend a raw potato, mix with Epsom salts and apply as a cold poultice.
Treatment can be repeated regularly until healed.
Use for ‘Ache all over’ colds and flus, (hot)
Rashes, bites and sunburns, (tepid)
Sore muscles, rheumatism, pain. (warm) Use 1-3 cups Epsom salts to tub of water. Soak
20-30 minutes, towel dry.
Another helpful idea for itchy rashes and bites is to make a ‘Green Tea’ of a
chlorophyll-rich herb, -Alfalfa, parsley, plantain,or clover leaf and add to the bath. Steep a cup of
herb to a quart of water & strain.

Flax is one of the few seeds that contain both of the essential fatty acids needed in human
nutrition, LA and LNA, (Omega 3 and Omega 6) Deficiencies of these are common causing
symptoms such as dry skin and eczema, hair loss, slow healing, weakness, impaired vision,
learning problems and circulation problems. In the cell these essential oils play a part in
attracting oxygen out of the blood to be used by the cell. They are incorporated into the cell
walls and so deficiency can cause problems anywhere in the body. Flax oil benefits the cardio-
vascular system, skin and hair, nervous system, and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and

Flax oil is a wonderful food but should never be cooked! It can be put on vegetables or
salads as a dressing or take it mixed with juice. 2-3 tsp. daily will meet your needs. Flax oil must
be refrigerated and in dark bottles. Flora brand is good to buy, check expiry date. If the oil
develops a sharp chemical taste it is rancid and must be discarded. (One should avoid
margarines, hydrogenated fats, and refined vegetable oils as these contain harmful trans-fats
which interfere with Omega 3 absorption and oxygen utilization!) Whole flax seed can be added
to cereals and breads and is very nutritious. Don’t buy flax meal as once the seed is broken the
delicate oils spoil rapidly! Soaked flax seed makes an excellent bulk laxative- however, if the
seed is left whole it cannot be digested (because of the mucilaginous coating) it acts as bulk. The
best strategy is soak it then blend it up just before you use it- that way you get the bulking action
as well as the nutrients. It is rich in protein, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins as well as the
essential fatty acids!

Homeopathy- or When Nothing

is Something.
If I were to tell you to take 1 tablespoon of medicine or herb extract, dilute it in a bath-tub
full of water and then take a few drops of this to treat your illness, would you not think me funny
in the head?
But every day, people all over the world are doing this very thing and people are being
trained to prescribe in this way! How did this come about?
A German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796 started a system of medicine known as
Homeopathy, which means- “Same as the disease”- as opposed to- Allopathy- the regular medical
practice- which means “against the disease.”
He took a good look at the results of medicine practiced in his day and felt they were on
the wrong track. He saw that the medical field in opposing the symptoms the body was creating,
were interfering with what nature was trying to do. In this he had a good point.
However, he went on to believe that medication should be given the patient that would, if
given to a well person, cause the symptoms presented in the illness. For example, if a person had
diarrhea- an allopathic doctor would give a drug to stop it, while homeopathy would give a drug
to cause it.
Apparently this was not practical at the doses, and with the drugs (i.e.-Strychnine,
Mercury) used in those days and so - he came up with the idea that the drugs should be highly
diluted and ‘activated’ through being violently agitated. And that the more it was diluted, the
more effective it became.
One can understand how one could be sincerely led to question the medical practices of
the age he lived in - and we agree heartily with his conclusion as expressed in the following quote
from his writings, that the Allopaths were on the wrong track.
“The orthodox school has witnessed for centuries that nature itself has never once cured
any existing disease with another dissimilar one, however intense. What must we think of this
school, which nevertheless has continued to treat chronic diseases allopathically, with medicines
and formulas that can only cause a disease condition—God knows which—dissimilar to the one
being treated? Even if these physicians have not hitherto observed nature attentively enough, the
miserable results of their treatment should have taught them that they were on the wrong road.”
(Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), German physician, founder of homeopathy. )
As a believer in the natural ability of the body to heal itself when allowed and aided to do
so, I can agree that not interfering with the symptoms, but rather aiding them would have a much
better out come for the patient. (However- they should be aided by natural cleansing methods)

When you consider the medicine of his day, you realize that if he carried out his ideas of
administering highly dilute doses of anything- He would have a much greater success rate than
his fellow physicians who were bleeding, purging, and poisoning the sick!
This would no doubt lead him to believe he was on to truth . If he had given the patients
pure water, his success rate would have been the same.
It wasn’t so much what he was doing that made his success, but rather what he was not
doing. He, inadvertently, was following Hypocrates 1st law of medicine- “First- do no harm.”
The patients own bodies did the rest.
The system, however, developed a complex theory and practice with various dilutions
and people spend years learning all this complex system.
A study was undertaken to honestly test the fabled effectiveness of homeopathy. When
the results were in, homeopathy was shown no more effective than a placebo.
The placebo effect is strong in humans- if a person really believes something will help or
hurt him, his own mind will produce the results. In the homeopathy study, as in placebo results,
the better the rapport of the doctor with the patient, the higher the success rate of the treatment.
The good side of this treatment is that it does no direct harm itself but the down side is
that if people feel they can be restored to health by taking a few drops of some formula, they will
not be likely to make the lifestyle changes that would bring them into true health and healing.
Also, because it teaches a belief in a type of mystical energy pervading all things, it can
lead to more occult practices.
The dietary practices of this school of thought tend to be out of harmony with true
principles of health as are those found in macrobiotics and related theories that are also based
upon pagan ideas of balancing good and evil forces.
If you want true lasting health, there is only one path- Learn the laws your body operates
by, and bring your practices into harmony with these God-given laws! All short cuts to this will
in the long run bring disappointment, no matter how complex and scientific sounding they seem
to be.

Homeopathic Dilutions-
Homeopathic medicines start with a drug or herb extract. A bottle is half filled with this
and the rest with brandy or grain alcohol as a preservative. This is a ‘mother tincture’.
One part of this is added to 9 parts water or alcohol and agitated for a given period. This
is 1X . One part of that is added to 9 parts water or alcohol and again agitated- this is 2X.
One part of that is added to 9 parts water and agitated to become 3X potency- And so it
goes on. By the time you get to 10X there would not even be a molecule of the original substance
They claim the higher the dilution, the stronger the effect. This is contrary to natural law
and needs to be questioned by any thinking person!

Charcoal has an amazing absorptive ability (the ability to pull into itself toxins and
poisons) The carbon hungrily unites with other substances. Poisons, gases, chemicals, toxins,bee
stings,- all can be absorbed by charcoal. Charcoal isn’t really a herb but in a way it is . It is
extremely effective and useful substance!

Mix equal parts of powdered activated charcoal with ground flax meal. Add enough hot
water to make a paste and spread on cloth and apply hot to affected area. Cover with wool or
flannel , plastic and a hot water bottle.
Uses: Apply to bee stings or bites, infected areas and inflamed areas.
Can be applied to abdomen in the case of diarrhea or dysentery and over the liver or
gallbladder in inflammatory states of these organs.
Charcoal stains clothing so be careful when working with it. It will tattoo skin if applied
directly on a open wound so have layer of cloth or gauze under it. Be sure and get your activated
charcoal from a health product supplier not charcoal briquettes as they contain chemicals
In case of stomach or intestinal distress or food poisoning take 5 charcoal tablets with
glass of water. Chewing them speeds action. Capsules can be taken also. Take 2-3 times daily
until well.
Charcoal can be mixed with olive oil and taken a tbs. 3-4 times daily.
For gas and chronic indigestion, mix powdered charcoal, 1 tbs. in 2 quarts water, let stand
and drink the water off the top.
Skin ulcers can be cleansed with Hydrogen peroxide, then dressed with charcoal paste
inside moist gauze. Cover with cloth and tape in place. (use non-allergic tape) Change dressing
twice daily. This speeds healing in cases of slow healing sores and ulcers. Don’t apply paste
directly to sores or fresh wounds, because it can cause a tattooing effect on the skin, have layer of
gauze between.
Charcoal can be used on crush injuries and bruises, alone or when mixed with smartweed
powder or pulp.
Charcoal can be placed in a piece of cloth and tied up as a bag, dipped in warm or cold
water and placed over an inflamed eye, with the eye closed. It works like a charm!
Charcoal also deodorizes effectively in the case of odorous wounds or sores by absorbing

How Your
Immune System
Works- #1
Today we talk about our immune systems a lot. We worry about what we do to them
sometimes, just not often enough. Unfortunately our defense systems take a beating
from many outside influences, some of which are beyond our control and some we are
ignorant of. Researchers are now telling us that in the last 10 years
the average Americans’ immune system has decreased in function by 25%! If this is true
we are in grave trouble because the germs haven’t lost anything. They are more
resistant and prolific than ever. The purpose of this series is to highlight some of the
risks and dangers that threaten us and give some much needed solutions.


Frontline: Our natural defenses were designed so well that it is amazing that we could
get sick at all. Healthy, unbroken skin is your first line of defense in the battle against
germs. After that it is up to the mucous and mucous membranes that line your nose, as
well as your saliva, tears, and vaginal secretions.
These secretions contain natural chemicals that routinely destroy unwelcome
pathogens. If a virus, bacteria or other invader does manage to infiltrate your
system it still must face an array of defenses. The blood stream and lymphatic fluids are
teaming with multitudes of cells that are programmed to recognize and destroy invaders.
Second line:
Macrophages and Killer cells.
When a pathogen (Harmful germ) crosses the first barrier, the next step for the immune
system is to stop its progression using macrophage cells (also called phagocytes (Eater
cells) or scavenger cells). A macrophage is a specialized cell that moves through the
blood but can also pass through the blood vessel walls. A macrophage works by
engulfing a pathogen, which may be a bacteria or inorganic foreign body, and either
destroys it or prevents it from escaping to other parts of the body.
These cells are complimented by natural killer cells or NK cells. NK cells, like
macrophages, act without a commander or outside directions. NK cells are programmed
to destroy any pathogen or cell that carries foreign DNA on contact They have no
“memory”. meaning they act indiscriminately with invaders on contact, without prior
recognition. They generally act by first making contact and then inject toxic chemical
granules into the invading cell.

How Your
Immune System
Works- #2

Third line: B and T-cells.

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell originating in the bone marrow. They are
originally non specific cells called stem cells. According to the bodies needs, some
mature into B-cells while others travel via the lymph to the thymus gland
and are programmed as T-cells.
B-cells work chiefly by secreting special proteins that are known as antibodies. First the
B-cell contacts a pathogen with a special receptor site. It then produces the antibody that
will specifically match the receptors on the enemy cell. These
antibody substances lock onto or into the specific antigen or disease particle that they
are designed to attack. They have an exact fit like a key in a lock. They then can
inactivate or kill the pathogen. The body keeps a memory of a prior exposure to a
disease and stores replica antibodies for future threats.
Antibodies are also called immunoglobulins.

T-cells. There are three main types of T-cells. Killer T-cells,Helper T-cells, and
Suppressor T-cells.

Killer cells are developed to only attack specific invaders.They use special receptors to
recognize the specific antigens to attack. They secrete a substance called interferon,
which the body readily uses to stop viruses from replicating. They also inject chemicals
known as cytokines into their opponent cells to kill them.

Helper cells work by aiding the killer T-cells by stimulating

them and giving them instructions. They sometimes com-
mand B-cells to manufacture antibodies.
A scanning electron microscope can show killer (cytotoxic) T-cells attacking cancer
cells. There is a sort of “fuzz” on the T cells. Those are glycoproteins. Glycoproteins are
an essential part of the function of the cell. They are acquired
through specific nutrition. Manapol an aloe vera extract can provide glycoproteins.

Suppressor T-cells are responsible for “calling off the dogs”. After an infection is over
the body’s active defensives need to be slowed down or turned off. These cells are
essential in balancing the immune system when it gets too offensive.
Many times after a systemic infection (usually viral) the killer T-cells mistake some of the
body’s own tissue cells as enemy cells due to similar DNA. Suppressor T-cells are
urgently needed or an autoimmune disorder like MS, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue
or lupus can develop.

Additional Immune Functions:

Inflammation is a positive response of a healthy immune
system. If the infection is localized to a small region like a
finger the response serves well by increasing permeability of
capillary walls and tissues aiding the movement of white
blood cells, and macrophages. Generally this is facilitated by
the release of histamines. If the infection is systemic the
inflammatory response causes neutrophils (a type of white
blood cell) to release a protein that affects the hypothalamus
to turn up the thermostat, resulting in a general fever. Don™t
be so quick to break out the Tylenol!

Interferon release is a function of a properly functioning cell

that has been invaded by a virus. It releases this chemical, acting
as a chemical signal to surrounding cells warning them to pro-
tect their RNA from being used by invading viral particles.
Interleukins are cytokines or chemical messengers that are
produced by the leukocytes (a type of white blood cells).
They help orchestrate the various functions of the many cells
of the immune system. Since cells can neither see nor hear,
they rely on information to be transmitted via chemical secretions in the circulation to
communicate. As in conventional warfare, it is impossible to win a war unless the
commanders can communicate with the troops.

How Your
Immune System
Works- #3
Toxic chemicals are everywhere. They are in your food if you are not eating organic
foods. They leak into your skin when you sweat while wearing synthetic fabrics.
Most shampoos and lotions are heavy in toxic chemicals. Scientists have discovered
that all municipal water supplies are highly polluted with toxic chemicals. They traveled
throughout the world and found no exceptions!

Tobacco products are toxic and are proven killers.

Sugar thickens the serum of the blood and is toxic to the immune cells. Each person in
America eats an average of 36 teaspoons daily. That is at least 300% more than is safe
to eat.

Alcohol dehydrates and damages cell membranes making them vulnerable to attack.
Alcohol is now recognized as a cancer causing agent.

Fat clumps cells together impeding their functions. Most Americans eat at least 3 times
more than they should. Fat irritates the walls of your circulatory system making it a less
than optimum environment for your immune cells to function.

Lack of exercise can kill you. The only cardiovascular exercise some of us get is
blowing out the candles once a year! A big part of your immune system is dependant on
a good lymph flow. It doesn’t flow unless you get vigorous exercise.

Poor diet may be your number one risk. The standard American
diet is high in calories but poor in nutrition. Teenagers eat 2/3 of
their vegetables in the form of chips and fries! Americans consume inordinate amounts
of meat and dairy products. When experts estimate that more than 80 % of the dairy
animals in this country carry leukemia it makes no sense in my opinion to ingest either
them or their secretions. Excess proteins limit the amount of oxygen that your red blood
cells can carry. Viruses are anaerobic, meaning they prefer a low oxygen environment.
Fruits, vegetables, and grains are high in fiber and elemental nutrition. Eating them
fresh is also the best way to consume antioxidants.
Water is a must. Most of us are chronically dehydrated. Would you wash five loads of
clothes in the same water? That’s what you are asking your body to do everyday if you
are not drinking enough water. The average adult should drink 10 large glasses every
day. Sometimes more when you exercise or when it is hot. Distilled water is empty of
junk minerals and toxic chemicals. It can carry away more impurities. It will not de-
mineralize your body.

Lack of sleep is an epidemic in America. We all tend to burn the candle on both
ends. The result is that we get run down and sick far more often than we should. Get to
bed and live!

Healing Leaves-
P.O. Box 7
Rice, WA 99167
(509) 738-2177
FAX: (509) 738-4747
Cannibal Cows — by Danny Vierra
When I was very young, one of my favorite snacks was graham crackers. I remember taking a cracker
and breaking it into four pieces, stacking them together, and dipping the golden goodies into my
favorite beverage—an ice-cold glass of cow’s milk. Like little sponges they would soak up the milk
until they became just a bit soggy, at which point I would savor them in my mouth. I would do this time
and time again, until I had eaten nearly the whole box. But it wasn’t until the late 1980’s that I learned
graham crackers were not the only thing that could become sponge-like by their contact with cow’s
milk—so could my brain!
By now, everyone has read something about bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow’s
disease. With the recent mad cow epidemic in Britain, nearly every newspaper and television news
program have reported something on the subject. BSE is the newest of the animal diseases that is
believed to be transmitted to human beings through the ingestive pathway. In other words, according to
British scientists, people may contract a form of this deadly disease, which makes its victims go mad
before it kills them, by eating burgers, steaks, or drinking a good old glass of milk. Symptoms of BSE
include aggressive and disoriented behavior (mad cow), because it affects the central nervous system of
the animal. Even more frightening is that BSE is not caused by a virus or bacteria, but a prion—a
protein molecule that has baffled science because it is devoid of RNA or DNA, can survive even when
heated to 360 degrees Celsius for one hour, and produces no specific antibodies in an infected animal.
In fact, there are no tests to detect it!
The disease, which bores holes into the cow’s brain and nervous tissue, leads to slow, lethal
degeneration (rotting) of the brain, giving it a sponge-like appearance. Thus, the name spongiform
(spongy) encephalopathy (brain disease), and coined "mad cow’s disease," is appropriately used. The
overwhelming concern about BSE began as a result of Britain’s former health adviser, Sir Bernard
Tomlinson, when he reported on a radio interview his fears of a link between BSE (mad cow’s disease)
and CJD (Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease), its human equivalent. But what really motivated Britain’s
government into taking action was the death of ten new victims with the average age of 27 (some yet in
their teens) that had died recently from a new strain of CJD, as reported by Lancet (medical journal) in
April, 1996. These deaths were "‘the latest in a series of CJD deaths that are so different from the
textbook description of the disease—the victims were young, the brain tissue looked like Alzheimer’s—
that they suggest a link to mad cow’s disease,’ says Dr. Paul Brown of the U.S. National Institutes of
Health." (Newsweek, April 8, 1996). "Human victims become depressed, confused, unsteady,
demented, and completely helpless before invariably dying—within six to thirteen months after first
showing symptoms," reported The Sacramento Bee on March 22, 1996.
But Britain, which now has 28,000 adults becoming vegetarians, is not the only country that is affected
by BSE. Cases have been discovered in Ireland, Switzerland, France, Portugal, and Canada, to name a
few others. Our government states that the disease has never been found in the United States, but other
researchers here are questioning these findings and feel that more testing needs to be done. Meanwhile,
the incidents of BSE are down in Britain, because Britain’s government banned the feeding of sheep
and cows to cows in 1988 (although 70 cattle a week are still being diagnosed with the disease and
10,000 cows born after the ban have since contracted BSE). Since the disease originated in sheep as
scrapie, and since cheaper feeds in Britain include ground up sheep and cows in the feed, the banning of
rendered livestock (much of which is diseased) for feed has been enforced in Britain. Britain, thus, has
learned the hard way that, in order to eliminate diseases like BSE and CJD from spreading in their
country, they must discontinue the unnatural practice of feeding herbivore animals, like cows, other
sheep and cows. They must stop turning their cows into carnivores, because cow cannibalism has
obviously led to the fatal epidemic now spreading in Britain, which may have already infected 500,000
to a million Britons (if not more) with CJD. Only time will tell the impact BSE will have on the people
of Britain, since the incubation period of the disease (the time in takes for symptoms to manifest
themselves) is between 2 to 10 years.
"But", some reader may say, "you are writing about the unfortunate experience of Britain. Certainly you
do not mean to imply that the British misfortunes are ever to be repeated in the U.S.A., do you?" As to
that possibility, let us turn to what an American expert has to say about what is going on in our country.
"The feeding of ruminant protein (sheep and cows) to cows continues at a rate of millions of pounds
[14% of all rendered cattle] per day," says the author of Mad Cows and Milkgate, Dr. Virgil Hulse.
(Milkgate, p.41). He also explains in his book, which I urge everyone to read as soon as possible, that
the animals ground up and used as feed for our cows are 4-D animals—dead, dying, diseased, and
disabled. Many of these sick animals are called downers because they have "downer cow syndrome,"
meaning they are too sick to even walk or stand, but are still allowed by the USDA to be sold for food.
There are over 20,000 downers a year just in Wisconsin alone. How can these poor creatures, which
were designed by God to live on grass and grain, stand a chance of ever being disease-free when they
are fed a special protein feed made of 4-D animals? And, if that weren’t bad enough, cows have been
routinely fed cows skins (laden with E-coli and feces), dead sheep, chicken manure, and feathers from
the chicken and turkey we eat—labeled Dairy Supplement or Protected Natural Protein. In fact,
chicken feces is sold to farmers for $45.00 a ton and the cows eat it, along with grease and garbage
from restaurants, which are referred to as nutritional supplements. Friends, we need to stop and think
this matter through. If scrapie, originally a sheep disease that spread to cattle in Britain as bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, has now spread to humans as Cruetzfeldt- Jakob disease, should it not
concern us greatly that scrapie infected sheep are in all but 11 states in the U.S., and that farmers have
been feeding this bypass protein to cows? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out! Take, for
instance, the 1985 outbreak of transmittal mink encephalopathy (TME, also called “mad mink”disease)
discovered at a ranch in Wisconsin. The minks’ diet consisted of 95% "downer cows" and 5% horse
meat. Of the 7,300 adult mink at the ranch in Wisconsin, approximately 60% developed clinical signs
of TME, and all of these died. This is just one more case that proves the deadly prion can cross the
animal species barrier—from sheep to cow, from cow to mink, mice, goats, pigs, monkeys, lions, tigers,
cats, antelopes, ostrich—and the list goes on. The United States government would like us to believe
that spongiform encephalopathy cannot spread to humans, but in view of what has happened thus far, I
think it would be downright stupid to believe this monstrous unlikelihood. According to the USDA,
there are 7,500 sheep right now in the U.S. that have scrapie. In fact, the "USDA discontinued the
compulsory scrapie eradication program because it would be perceived by the public that it [spongiform
encephalopathy] was a threat to health." (Milkgate, p. 36). America is simply trying to sit on a time
bomb that is ready to explode!
More recently, Howard Straus in his article, "The Approaching Era of BSE,#34; in the July/August,
1996, issue of The Gerson Healing Newsletter, writes: "There is the possibility, even the likelihood of
an outbreak of BSE and its associated human form, CJD occurring in the United States. It may already
have arrived here, and been missed in the background noise of the enormous human tragedy of our
epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease. It is quite possible that many cases of CJD have been misdiagnosed
here as Alzheimer’s, disguising the onset of the epidemic by not recognizing it for what it is, and giving
us a false sense of security. In fact, there is good evidence that BSE has been in the United States since
the mid-’70’s." Funny, isn’t it, what human beings will do for greed!
Then there is the latest statement made by the Clinton Administration to help prevent mad cow disease
in America that was published in the Wall Street Journal on January 2, 1997: "The Clinton
Administration, fearing a replay of Britain’s mad cow disease epidemic in the U.S., has decided to
sharply curtail the recycling of waste animal protein into livestock feed." I recently spoke to Dr.
Virgil Hulse and Howard Lyman, political activist for the Eating with Consciousness Campaign in
Washington, D.C, and asked their thoughts on the recent statement made by the Clinton Administration.
Both men said that they were "very encouraged, yet concerned that this is not a solution to the
problem—only a good step in the right direction." Unfortunately, according to the article, the Clinton
Administration has said that they will "ban some livestock-feed items," but not all of them. "The
FDA rule would classify as unsafe all forms of protein derived from cattle, sheep, goats, deer, elk, and
mink, all of which are known to have spongiform diseases akin to BSE. The ban would also cover
protein from what are called ‘four D’ animals...The only exception would be for bovine blood, waste
milk, and gelatin, for which no pathway of BSE infection is known." Friends, how can any responsible
person make a statement like this when the blood of these animals will continue to be processed and
used as "blood meal" and will still be incorporated into the animal’s feed? If the life of the animal is in
its blood, are also the prions? Can you now understand why Dr. Hulse and Howard Lyman said “a step
in the right direction, but not a solution”? Furthermore, the article stated: "While the proposal wouldn’t
apply to chicken feed, hog rations, or pet food, many independent renderers and meat packers fear
the stigma could hurt their sales of ruminant protein for these uses as well....In such an event, lost sales
and disposal could hit 1.6 billion according to one industry estimate." (Ibid.). How any American can
be more concerned with lost sales than lost lives is beyond me!
If we don’t stop feeding cows and sheep, or their blood, to cows or other animals, we could end up with
the same epidemic as that of Britain. Interestingly enough, Britain is attempting to incinerate 4.7 million
cows at 10 incinerator sites that can handle only about a 1,000 cattle a week. This process of rendering
could take years to accomplish. And then there is another problem. According to The Times from
Britain, dated June 10, 1996, BSE-infected material could be contaminating land and water supplies for
years to come: "Dr. Alan Colchester, a consultant neurologist at Guy’s Hospital in London, has been
caring for the only cluster group of people suffering from CJD...told BBC Radio 4’s World This
Weekend that there was no guarantee that the substances known as prions...were being consistently
destroyed by the rendering process. He called for the whole rendering industry to be
reassessed....Canterbury Mills, one of the...rendering plants, has permission to spread the effluent on
land. The others all understand they can pump it into the sewage system. Anne Graham, who
coordinates local opposition to the plant from her home in Petham, said that only last Friday offal
[inedible animal remains] fell from one of the lorries [trucks] on its way to the plant. She said blood and
carcasses could be seen in the open and the smell and the draining of the effluent onto land was
unnecessary.” Americans will share the same concern as Anne Graham and Dr. Colchester, since the
Clinton Administration’s ban to recycle waste animal protein into animal feed “would force millions of
tons of inedible by-products into landfills each year." (Ibid.).
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is not the only infectious disease plaguing the cattle and, ultimately,
human beings. There are two retroviruses, bovine immunodeficiency virus and bovine leukemia virus,
which are not only increasing at alarming rates, but also would not be affected by the proposed ban by
the Clinton Administration. Drs. John McDougall and Michael Klapper reported in the 1980’s that 20
percent of our dairy cows in America had bovine leukemia—a deadly form of cancer of the bone
marrow. But according to Dr. Virgil Hulse, dairy scientist, researcher, and cancer epidemiologist, who
also was a milk and dairy inspector for 13 years in the State of California, that figure has long since
been surpassed. "50 to 80 percent of the dairy herds have BLV, and 50 percent have BIV, or cow
AIDS," cautions Dr. Hulse. Sheep, goats, and chimpanzees fed cow’s milk become infected and
develop leukemia, and BLV viruses have infected human cells in vitro. In fact, Jeremy Rifkin, in his
book—Beyond Beef—on page 143, states that "bovine leukemia antibodies have been found in human
leukemia patients." Dr. Klapper adds: "The infected cow pours these cancer- inducing viruses out in her
milk, which is then pooled with all the milk in the tanker truck on the way to the dairy. These cancer-
inducing viruses are resistant to killing by pasteurization, and have been recovered from supermarket
milk supplies. Is it a coincidence that the highest rates of leukemia are found in children ages 3 through
13, who consume the most milk and dairy products? It may also come as no surprise that the
occupational group with the highest rates of leukemia is dairy farmers?" (Pregnancy, Children, and the
Vegan Diet, p.42).
Dr. Hulse boldly states his position concerning these retroviruses and their relation to human cancer in
Mad Cows and Milkgate on pages 152 and 153. He states: "The plausibility that BLV may be a risk
factor in leukemia in children and Hodgkin’s disease and lymphomas in young adults is extremely
high....Why are more and more women getting breast cancer in the first place? I feel that it is related to
an epidemic of bovine leukemia virus in cows and the presence of BLV even being produced in the
breast of the cow."
"Even before the discovery of BLV there were virus-like particles that have been identified by electron
microscopy in the milk. Now there is startling evidence that BLV is present in the mammary organ of
the cow, more commonly called the udder of the cow. In infected cows these antigens are expressed in
the udder of the cow while the cow is being milked....The discovery that the glandular cells in the
cow...have cancerous viruses where the milk is being produced is astounding. This nearly unimaginable
cause can only serve to intensify our fears concerning the transaction of cancer between cows and
humans." Dr. Hulse further states, "It is my opinion that when you drink milk that contains these
lymphocytes, you are setting yourself at risk for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, multiple

myeloma, and multiple sclerosis or other cancers...such as prostate, breast, and colon cancer, even if the
milk is pasteurized." (Ibid., pp. 158, 159).
On the other hand, the second of the two retroviruses in cows that we need to be concerned with is
bovine AIDS. You probably know that AIDS can be transmitted from human to human by blood—such
as in transfusions. But how many of us know that "when a cow is being milked with a milking machine,
frequently blood vessels break in the udder of the cow? There may be a fissure in one of the teats that
allows the bleeding," says Dr. Hulse. "When milk was in 10-gallon milk cans, it could be condemned as
being bloody like a strawberry milkshake....Now bloody milk is mixed with other milk in large holding
tanks and it no longer looks bloody." (Ibid., pp. 178, 192).
On top of all this, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1985 approved a synthetic growth
hormone for use in boosting milk production in cows, claiming the product is safe for human beings
and animals. But a study released by the Cancer Coalition and reported in January of 1996 concludes
that consuming milk from cows that have been injected with recombinant growth hormone (rBGH) may
increase the risk of breast and colon cancer. " ‘This [research] will be the death knell of BGH in
Europe,’ says Samuel Epstein, MD, professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Illinois-
Chicago and author of the study in the winter issue of the peer- reviewed International Journal of
Health Services. ‘There is also a strong likelihood that women’s breast cancer groups and grass-roots
consumer groups will be alarmed.’
"Using the government’s own data, as well as research conducted by BGH-manufacturers Monsanto,
Dow Chemical, and Upjohn, the study argues that BGH may put humans at risk for breast, colon and
gastrointestinal cancers. The reason? Levels of the insulin- like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which has been
linked to cancer and tumor growth, are higher than normal in BGH- treated milk. Despite the FDA’s
response that IGF-1 passes harmlessly through the human digestive system, Epstein cites evidence that
the human intestinal wall can absorb proteins that have a larger molecular weight than IGF-1,
suggesting that IGF-1 can readily pass through the gut. He notes that children’s and infants’ more
permeable gut walls may absorb IGF-1 more easily, and warns that pasteurization increases IGF-1
concentrations in milk ....Eptsein doesn’t think the agency will reconsider its approval. ‘My guess is the
FDA’s interest in BGH is so intertwined [with the manufacturers of BGH] nothing will change,’ he
says." (Vegetarian Times, March, 1996).
More than 185,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and some 44,000 will In
addition to this startling news, the animals being produced for our food today at our poorly inspected
slaughterhouses are loaded with deadly bacteria which are communicable or transmittable to human
beings. Very hardy strains of salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, and E-coli, to name a few, are bacteria
(sometimes referred to as "superbugs" today) that threaten the health of human beings every day.
According to American Medical News, June 10, 1996, in an article entitled, "Food-borne Illnesses a
Growing Threat to Public Health," it is asserted that between 6.5 million and 81 million Americans
experience food-borne illnesses each year and about 9,000 die as a result. Since no federally inspected
meat-processing plant is required to check for these microbes (President Clinton promises this will be
changed—we will have to wait and see), much of the food sold for consumption is loaded with these
deadly bacteria. In fact, from 1980 to 1992, deaths due to infectious diseases has risen 58% in this
country. You would think that since 50% of the antibiotics produced in America are used for farm
animals, people would be safe from bacterial infections spread by these animals. "Farm animals receive
30 times more antibiotics (mostly penicillins and tetracyclines) than people do. The drugs treat and
prevent infections. But the main reason farmers like them is that they also make cows, hogs, and
chickens grow faster from each pound of feed. Resistant strains (super- germs) emerge just as they do in
people taking antibiotics—and remain in the animal’s flesh even after they wind up in the meat case.
“....The threat could be even greater to those who down a milkshake with their burger. Milk is allowed
to contain a certain concentration of 80 different antibiotics—all used on dairy cows to prevent udder
infections. With every glassful [of milk], people swallow a minute amount of several antibiotics."
(Newsweek, March 28, 1994, p.48). According to Congress’s General Accounting Office, individual
States in the U.S.A. test for only four of the federally regulated antibiotics. And then there are the
farmers who self- administer illegal drugs (which can cause anything from anemia to cancer in persons)
to sick cows because they cannot afford to call a veterinarian every time an animal gets sick.

If the facts which I have already presented in this article aren’t enough to stop someone from drinking
another glass of milk, there is yet another reason why I steer people away from using dairy products. It
is because they are the leading cause of food allergy in America. Dr. Michael Klapper, in his book—
Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet—in the chapter appropriately entitled, "Be Wary of Dairy,"
page 41, writes: "Standard whole milk is over 90% water, with 3% butterfat, and 2% protein. It is made
for turning a 45-pound calf into a 300-pound cow in a year...Its content of sodium, fat, and phosphorus
is much higher than that of human breast milk, while its potassium is lower. The protein in cow’s milk
is mostly casein, which forms hard curds in the stomach of infants. Conversely, the predominant protein
in mother’s milk is lactalbumin, which is far more easily digestible by babies. These contents are as
they should be. Cows are faster growing, much larger than people, and genetically distant from humans.
Nature has designed the milk of each animal species specifically to meet the nutritional needs for the
young of that species. People are the only animals that drink of the milk of the mother of another
species....With each swallow of a milkshake, or mouthful of cheese or ice cream, bovine protein is
smeared upon the child’s throat membranes, tonsils, adenoids, and other gateways into the immune
system. Fragments of milk protein can cross the surface membranes, and when the protein of another
animal is introduced into one’s immune system, an allergic/immune response is created in many places
of the body.
"A common reaction to such an assault by a foreign protein, in our immune system is an outpouring of
mucus from the nasal and throat membranes, upon which the invading substance is applied. The
resulting mucus flow can create the chronic runny noses, persistent sore throats, hoarseness, bronchitis,
and recurrent ear infections that plague so many children (and their parents).
"Other body membranes, such as those lining the lungs and joints, [which] can react to dairy protein
and become swollen and inflamed, contributing to the conditions of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis,
have been shown to improve dramatically when dairy products are removed entirely from the diet."
In fact, Dr. John McDougall, in his book—The McDougall Plan—pages 50 and 51, states that: "They
[dairy products] contain more than twenty- five different proteins that may induce allergic reactions in
humans. These reactions include the following:
• Gastrointestinal—cancer sores, vomiting, colic, stomach cramps,....colitis, malabsorption, loss
of appetite, growth retardation, diarrhea, constipation.
• Respiratory—nasal stuffiness, runny nose, otitis media (inner ear infection), sinusitis, asthma.
• Skin—rashes, atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, hives.
• Behavioral—irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, headache, lethargy, fatigue,....muscle pain,
mental depression, enuresis (bed wetting).
• Blood—abnormal blood clotting, iron deficiency anemia (dairy products are the cause of at
least 50 percent of childhood anemia and an unknown percentage of anemia found in adults;
this condition results from the bleeding of the small intestine caused by dairy proteins and is not
responsive to iron therapy until milk and other dairy foods are eliminated)."
Dear reader, please prayerfully consider the information contained in this article if you are still
consuming dairy products. Furthermore, continue to urge the government representative in your
area to halt the unnatural practice of feeding sheep and cow’s blood to cows and ruminant
animal protein to chickens, hogs, and our pets by writing letters or sending him or her a copy of
this article or my audio tape interview with Dr. Virgil Hulse called "Milkgate." With the recent
decision by the Clinton Administration to ban recycled ruminant animals from the feed of our
cows, we can be assured the voice of the American people has been heard! Howard Lyman
says, "You will find in the future these prions will change the way that humans will relate to
their food and the environment."
Also, remember that you can get all the calcium you need from plant foods (especially green
leafy ones) which grow in the soil. On the other hand, dairy products, like most animal foods,
are high in animal protein and, therefore, can actually leach calcium from our bodies and
contribute to osteoporosis and kidney stones. Most people in the world do not consume dairy
products; and for those that don’t, these diseases are rare. Consider this the next time you see a
billboard with a couple of Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the following words written in
white icing, "Got milk?"

Warning! -
Many years ago we understood that animal products like milk could be wholesome additions to our
diet if we used small amounts at a time. As Seventh-day Adventists we also had read from the writings
of Ellen G. White that we should anticipate a day to come that we could no longer do that with any
assurance of safety.* That day has come! The diseases in animals have become very widespread and so
intense that they have begun to pose a serious threat to humans. Scientists have always proclaimed that
it was impossible for many diseases to cross the specie lines from animals to man. It appears that this
law of science no longer holds true.
Diseases now are being transmitted across specie lines in two categories: Prion diseases and retro-
virus caused diseases. Prions still aren't totally understood. We aren't sure exactly how they act in
transmitting disease but researchers have found positive correlation between their presence and the
transmission of at least one disease; that of BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) in animals and
the occurrence of CJD (CreutzfeldJacob) disease in humans. BSE is more commonly known as the
"mad cow disease". Prions are simple protein molecules and how they could transmit disease is not yet
understood. What is understood is that neither cooking or even pasteurization can kill or inactivate
them. In fact research has proven that they can survive 300 degrees centigrade for extended periods of
time. This temperature would reduce the meat or milk to carbon or ash but the prion would still be
quite intact! There is no safety in ingesting any form of animal products even cheese and gelatin. The
makers of Gelatin maintain that they have so processed the animal product that it has now become a
pure chemical and couldn't therefore cause disease. Those who have examined the technique they
utilize in processing have seen that the prion can easily survive all 6 of their procedures.
The second category of disease transmission involves the retro-viruses. This new family of viruses
poses an even greater danger to humans than even the prion. A retrovirus has the ability to incorporate
itself in to ones genetic makeup. That is to say that it actually becomes part of the host. The virus now
becomes basically immune to all the weapons of the human immune system because the body doesn't
recognize it as being foreign. The only way to totally eradicate the virus is to kill it's host! Lets avoid
these viruses at all cost. Some of the disease caused by retro viruses are HIV, BPV, BLV, and BIV.
BPV or Bovine Papilloma Virus a disease associated with cancerous tumors in cattle has been isolated
in commercially prepared milk available in retail outlets as long ago as 1979. It appears that we should
as SDA's seen the light on discontinuing these food sources long ago. In the United States it is
estimated that up to 80 % of the commercial dairy herd may carry BLV or Bovine Leukemia Virus.
This disease can be transmitted from the infected lymphocytes of a diseased animal. Since milk is
made up largely from lymphocytes it seems very prudent to avoid milk at any cost. There is evidence
that it is very possible for infected lymphocytes to cross the intestinal membrane barrier and enter the
blood stream in a virulent state. Also there is no guarantee that the genetic information of the retro
virus is deactivated by pasteurization. Even though the active virus may have been "killed" by the heat
the particle can still be absorbed by the intestines. It is entirely possible that the genetic information
from the particle may still be incorporated into the human It is estimated that 40% of the dairy herd may
be infected with BIV or Bovine Immuno-defciency Virus. BIV is the Bovine counterpart of the human
HIV the virus that eventually turns into AIDS. One very startling discovery is that HIV and BIV have
common genetic material: the "Trans-activating gene" or more commonly called the TaT gene. The
reason this is so frightening is that even though humans may not be susceptible directly to BIV the BIV
TaT gene may be able to trans-activate or trigger latent HIV particles in the human and indirectly cause
HIV in humans. Some medical researchers feel that many more humans than is presently imagined are
carrying either latent or deactivated HIV viral particles in their bodies that their immune system has
been successful in controlling. With sufficient dietary "doses" of BIV infected foods these latent
particles have an excellent possibility of being activated and the human host developing a full blown
case of AIDS. Tests with chimpanzees which have similar anatomical and physiological make up as
humans have clearly demonstrated how real this possibility is.

These things may sound quite frightening but we must remember that God so loved us that he gave us
warnings in advance so that we would be able to avoid these diseases by simply not eating those things
that are no longer safe. In Romans 1: 17 we are told that "the just shall live by faith". Those who
survive the end times will have to be so full of faith in God's wisdom that they will accept His
directions for every aspect of life.
* We were warned in 1902 "that the time will soon come when there will be no safety in using eggs,
milk, cream, or butter, because disease in animals is increasing in proportion to the increase of
wickedness among men. " CDF 3 56. 1902 was a long time ago and the world is certainly more wicked
than in that time.
Calcium Facts
99% of the body's calcium is stored in bones and teeth. 1% is present in body fluids. It is
necessary for strong bones, cell metabolism, muscle tone, and proper nerve impulse transmission.
Vitamin D is required to metabolize calcium.

Calcium aids in proper utilization of dietary proteins.

Too much dietary protein causes decrease in bone density.

Reduced intake leads- to an increased- efficiency in absorption.

Saturated fats lessen calcium absorption.

Calcium found in vegetable sources is most easily absorbed.

The B-12 Myth
Myth: Vitamin B-12 is only found in animal products.—

Fact: Vitamin B-12 is found in some organic* vegetable products.

Vegetable sources:**
green beans , turnips & greens, kelp, concord grapes, seaweed, raw honey, soybeans,
nutritional yeast, bananas, raw wheat germ, Tempeh, phyto plankton, raw sunflower seeds, Irish
moss, bee pollen, dulse, raw peanuts, barley, chlorella, spirulina.
Self production:
The Body will produce- B-1.2 in-the intestines by fermentation of carbohydrates via the healthy
intestinal bacteria.
Example: 3 Oz. oat meal and 3 Oz. whole wheat bread will enable the body to produce enough
B-12 for one day's needs.

Information derived from: Natural lifestyle and your-Health August 12 /95, Dr. William Kyle ND Ph.d.
Divine Philosophy and Science of Health and Healing, Gunther Paulien Ph.d. Proof Positive, Neil
Nedley, MD
* Produce must come from organic soil only. Soil microbes must be present in the soil.
** This is not a complete list. There are additional sources as well.


We all know that water is important but I've never seen it written down
like this before.

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often

mistaken for hunger.

Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of
the dieters studied in a U-Washington study.

Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could

significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory,

trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen
or on a printed page.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by

45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50%
less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?



No wonder coke tastes soooo good:

1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of
Coke in the truck
to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in
two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and
.......Let the "real
thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke
removes stains from vitreous china.

4.To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a
crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of

Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the

rusted bolt for
several minutes.

7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan,
wrap the ham in
aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished,
Remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a
sumptuous brown gravy.

8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of

greasy clothes, add
detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help
loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your


1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its Ph is 2.8. It

will dissolve a nail in
about 4 days.

2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck

must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly
corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of

their trucks for about
20 years!

Still Want To Drink Up?

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