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Rise of the Dead Season 3 episode 8

Son of a Bitch

(Morning)(Side of road)
the camera showed Roy taking watch on his group and everyone was asleep
as he as he saw this Roy walked off and as he did he found a small filed near
by. As he did he got down on his knees and he said.

Roy Welson: I dont know if your out there or if your listing to me right now but
if you do exist I could really use your help tonight when me and my men go on
my mission to avenge my groups death.

as he said that Roy ran out of stuff to say and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: Yeah thats pretty much it so please god if your out there help us

as he said that he got up from his spot he prayed in and as he did he heard
rustling in the bushes near by and as he did he gripped his assult rifle and as
he did he looked at the bushes he heard the noise come out of.

As he did it stopped and he waited for it to make the noise again and as he
did he said.

Roy Welson: what ever it is...its gone now.

as he said that he made his way back to his group and he stayed at his post
and he continued to take watch.

(Alaska)(Afternoon)(Travelers camp)the camera jumped to the travelers camp

and as it did it jumped to the bosss RV and as it did Brian and the boss were
inside it and sitting down at the kitchen table. As they were The boss was
looking at a map of Alaska and as he was he had a pen in his hand and he

The Boss: they could be here...No thats a red zone area crawling with the
dead they wouldnt go there Denise would know to tell them other wise...or
they could go there...again no my other community is set up there.

as he said that Brian said.Brian: You know theres always plan B.

as he said that the boss looked up at him and as he did he said.
The Boss: state wide search.

as he said that Brain smirked and as he did he said.Brian: State wide search.

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: all right go to the main tent and get on the radio and tell the 6
other communities that Im looking for a group thats on the run and Denise is
with them. there are 18 of them all together after that zombie herd tore threw
there precious safe zone.

As he said that Brian got up from the table and as he did he said.Brian: yes

as he said that he made his way to the door and just as he was about to walk
out of the RV the boss said.

The Boss: oh and Brian.

as he said that Brian stopped at the door and as he did he said.Brian: yes sir.

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: once you get to the radio and give the other communities the
message about Denise and her group tell the communities leaders that Id
like to have a face to face leader with all of them tonight...its been a while
since Ive had one so Id like to check in on them to make sure there all still
loyal to me.

as he said that Brian said.

Brian: Yes sir.

as he said that the he walked out of the RV and he closed the door behind
him and as he did the camera jumped to Private Olivers RV. As it did Alex and
Private Oliver were just wakeing up from a hang over and as they were Alex

Alex Cardel: My god my head hurts.

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: thats what happens when we drink until 3am.

as he said that Alex said.

Alex Cardel: thats how late we stayed up till.

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: yes we stayed up that late.

as he said that Private Oliver walked to his kitchen and he found some
Ibprophen and as he did he took some of the pills and he gave some to Alex
and Alex took some and as he did he said.

Alex Cardel: thanks.

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: No problem.

as he said that Alex looked at his watch and it read 5pm and as it did Alex
Alex Cardel: well its getting late I should get going.

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: all right have a safe night back home.

as he said that Alex said.

Alex Cardel: thanks...bye.

as he said that he left Private Olivers RV and as he did Private Oliver looked
in his fridge and he pulled out some water and he sat down at his kitchen
table and he began to drink it.

(Alaska)(Night)(Side of dirt road)

the camera showed that it was night and it was snowing lightly and as it was
Roy said.
Roy Welson: all right are we ready to do this.

As he said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: hell yeah.

as he said that Roy looked at his team that was going with him to the
travelers camp and as he did the people going with him were Dazman,
Sargent Ford, Gloria, and Denise the people staying behind were.
Hank, Jeffery, Suzi, Chloe, Jake, Maya, General Hansan, Captain Peyton,
Second letuetanat Williams, Dr. Lennards, Lisa Benderson, Ian, and Ella and
Roys kids. And as they were Roy looked at General Hansan and Lisa and as
he did he said.
Roy Welson: you 2 dont mind staying behind and keeping an eye on things
while we do this.
as he said that Lisa shook her head no and so did General Hansan and as
they did Lisa said.
Lisa Benderson: go do what you have to do.

as she said that General Hansan said.

General Hansan: well be waiting for you when you get back.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: keep an eye on my kids.

as he said that Lisa said.

Lisa Benderson: I will.

as she said that Roy looked at his group one last time and as he did he
walked along them and he patted Jake on his shoulder and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: stay strong.

as he said that he paused and as he did he said.

Roy Welson: all right well be back by dawn if were not...then well head back
to the states and build yourselves a new life...and a new safe zone.

as he said that Roy and the people that were going on the mission with him
began to leave and as they did Hank said.

Hank Masters: you dont have to do this Roy...Roy.

as he said that Roy kept walking and as he did Jeffery said.

Jeffery Fisher: you know hes right.

as he said that Roy and the people he was walking with stopped walking for a
second and as they did they continued walking and they dissapered into the
darkness of the knight. As they did Hank and Jeffery watched as they left and
as they did Hank said.
Hank Masters: they did it...they left.

as he said that Jeffery said.

Jeffery Fisher: may god have mercy on there souls.

(Alaska)(Night)(Travelers camp)

the camera showed Roy and his group sneaking up on the travelers group in
the same spot they did the last time. At the edge of the forrest and there was
no guard there because of how cold it was that night. It was still snowing
slightly and as it was Roy said.
Roy Welson: all right were here.

as he said that Denise said.Denise: Good whats your plan.

as she said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: We split up into small groups of people and we start killing off
the bosss men and we head back to our group by sun set or by the time one
of there men catches us.

as he said that Sargent Ford said.

Sargent Ford: sounds like a hell of a plan there.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: well do you have another plan.

as he said that he went quiet and as he did Roy said.

Roy Welson: I thought me and Dazman will be a team.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: I do my killing better off when Im alone.

as she said that she pulled out a machete and she started to make her way
into the travelers camp and as she did Sargent Ford said.
Sargent Ford: dam your wifes scary...dont worry Roy Ive got her back.

as he said that he pulled out his military knife and he went in the direction
that Gloria went in and he vanished and as he did Roy looked at Denise and
as he did Roy said.
Roy Welson: Do you mind doing some killing on your own.

as he said that Denise said.

Denise: Ive got some revenge I plan on giving to some ass holes tonight.

as he said that Roy said.Roy Welson: then Ill take that as a yes then.

as he said that he looked at the travelers camp and as he did he said.Roy

Welson: all right Dazman lets go.

as he said that Dazman had a sword in each hand and as he did he said.
Dazman Hodge: right behind you.

as he said that Roy and Dazman entered the travelers camp and as they did
the camera jumped to one of the travelers tents and one of the men were
walking out it and they were about to piss out side there tent when Gloria
came out of know where. As she did She had her machete out and as she did
she cut off the guys head and as she did she looked at the guys clothes as
his body hit the ground and an idea popped in her head.

as it did the camera jumped to Denise and as it did it showed her rushing
through the darkness of the night and she was avoiding the people she saw
and she had a knife out and as she did she put her back up against Private
Olivers RV. As she did the camera jumped inside the RV and Private Oliver
was lying in his bed listing to his iPod when his RV shook.

As it did Private Oliver pulled out his ear bud and as he did the camera
jumped back out to Denise and as it did she checked to make sure it was
clear and as she did she got off of the RV and she started to move again.

As she did the RV shook again as she moved off of it and this time the
camera jumped back inside the RV and Private Oliver moved on his bed and
as he did he looked out his window and he saw a women running through the
camp but he didnt see her knife. So he just assumed she was part of there
camp and he put his head phone back in his ear and laid back in his bed.

As he did the camera jumped back to Denise and as it did Denise was running
through the camp and the camera showed what she was looking at. And as it
did it showed she was looking at and it was the Bosss trailer.

as it was she walked alongside it and she could hear a group of men laughing
inside it and she could clearly hear the bosss laugh and as she could she
Denise: Screw it.

as she said that she gripped her knife and she burst through his door and as
she did she slit the first persons throat she saw. As she did it was one of the
6 other community leader members in charge of another safe zone. and as his
body hit the floor and his blood splattered on her the 5 men turned to face

As they did the boss was not among the men and as they werent Denis said.
Denise: where in the hell is the boss.

as she said that she held her knife up to them and as she did she noticed
they were all bigger then her and they all had muscles and Brian was among
the group of men and he had a gun as well and as she saw them the boss
came out of the back of the RV and as he did he said.
The Boss: You looking for me.
as he said that all of a sodden Denise couldnt breath and as she couldnt she
looked down and as she did there was a knife in her throat and as there was
the camera showed who it was and as it did it showed that it was Private
As it did Private Oliver pulled his military knife out of her throat and as he did
Denise dropped to the floor and she was gasping for air and as she was the
boss walked over to her and as he did he flipped her onto her back to face
him and as he did he said.
The Boss: Ive been waiting to do this to you for a very...very long time.

as he said that he wrapped both hands around her neck and he strangled her
and as he did she kicked her legs until he killed her and as he did he wiped
her blood from her neck on his face and for head and as he did he said.
The Boss: thanks Private Oliver...why dont you come and join us.

as he said that Private Oliver still couldnt believe what hed done and as he
couldnt he put his knife back in its sheath and as he did he joined the boss
at his kitchen table with the other safe zone leaders.

The camera jumped to Dazman and Roy and they were just getting through
with killing 10 people and as they were Dazman said.
Dazman Hodge: dam they just keep coming...are you sure we should keep
doing this.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: Yes we stick to the plan we kill as many as them...may be more
until dawn then we head back home.

as he said that Dazman and Roy started to look for more men to kill and as
they did the camera jumped to the Roys group that stayed behind. As it did
they were all sitting around a camp fir while it snowed lightly and as it did
Hank said.
Hank Masters: I still cant believe what there doing right now.

as he said that Jeffery said.

Jeffery Fisher: we cant change whats happened...we can only live with the
choices theyve made...we can only hope that god can save them now.

as he said that they heard rustling in the trees and as they did the camera
jumped to the point of view of a person rushing out of a tree and it was
running towards Hank and as it was Hank pulled out his gun and as he did he
said.Hank Masters: HEY...STOP.

as he said that the camera jumped to Gloria in the travelers camp and as it
did she was chasing 3 people and as she was she threw her machete at one
of the persons head and it went right threw it.
and it killed that person as it did Gloria ran past that dead body and she
grabbed her machete as she picked it up she caught up to the second man
and she cut the persons ankles which made the man drop to the ground.
As he did he started crawling and as he did Gloria walked up to him and as
she did he started screaming and as he did she stabbed the man in the head
with her machete. As she did she took a minuet to catch her breath and as
she did she started to re chase the 3rd man she was chasing earlier.

As she was she caught up to him but this man kicked the machete out of her
hand and the machete went flying and as it did it went into the chest of
another man that walked out of his tent. As it did the camera showed Gloria
wrestling with the man and as she was the man ripped her bandana off of her
face and as she did she also ripped his off his face.They stared at each other
in shock for several seconds and they got off of the ground and stood up. As
they did Gloria puled out her military knife and as she did the camera showed
that she was staring at Alex Cardel the student she helped at her high school.

As Alex saw her pulling out her knife he kicked her to the ground and he ran
off and as he did the camera stayed with Gloria and as it did she slowly got
off of the ground and as she did she said.
Gloria Welson: son of a bitch.

as she said that Sargent Ford came running to her side and as he did he said.
Sargent Ford: What the hell happened to you.

as he said that Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: Some kid hit me and ran off.

as she said that Sargent Ford said

Sargent Ford: Which direction Ill go get him.

as he said that Gloria pointed in the direction he ran off in and as he did
Sargent Ford said.
Sargent Ford: hes a dead man.

as he said that Sargent Ford took off running and as he did the camera
jumped to Alex and as it did he ran right to the bosss trailer. As it did he
burst through the door and as he did Alex said.
Alex Cardel: were under attack...were under attack.

as he said that the boss looked at Denises body on the floor of his RV and as
he did he said.The Boss: Shit she must have brought re enforcements with

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: might as well go deal with them now theyll just be a problem

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: I like the way you talk Oliver.

as he said that everyone in the RV left the RV and as they did Sargent Ford
turned a corner and as he did he saw Alex and he was with the Boss and
Sargent Ford saw the boss with Private Oliver and as he did Sargent Ford had
his assault rifle with him and as he did he said.
Sargent Ford: You bastard.

as he said that he aimed his assault rifle at Private Oliver and as he did Alex
saw this and as he did he yelled.

Alex Cardel: Everyone get down.

as he said that Sargent Ford fired his gun and as he did everyone in the
bosss group got down and as they did Brian didnt hear Alex and he was still
standing and as he was Sargent Ford shot him right in the head and as he did
Brian fell to the ground dead.

as he did the boss said.The Boss: BRIAN...GET THAT SON OF A BITCH.

as he said that Sargent Ford started to run like hell and as he did he ran right
to Gloria and as he did she just got up and as she did Gloria said.

Gloria Welson: Whats the rush.

as she said that Sargent Ford said.

Sargent Ford: time to go.

as he said that he and Gloria started to run out of the camp and as they did
Sargent Ford spoke into his walkie talkie and as he did he said.
Sargent Ford: Roy we need to leave right now the boss knows were here.

as he said that Roy stopped what he was doing and as he did he said.
Roy Welson: does he know what were doing.

as he said that Sargent Ford said.

Sargent Ford: Some ass hole kid told him we were we need to leave

as he said that the camera jumped to Dazman and Roy and as it did Dazman
just finished killing a group of men and as he did Dazman said.
Dazman Hodge: what now.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: We leave for the group and then we leave for the states.

as he said that Dazman said.

Dazman Hodge: Ok lead the way.

as he said that Roy said.Roy Welson: Fuck...Fuck.

as he said that Dazman and Roy also started to make there way back to there

(Alaska)(Side of dirt road)(Night)

the camera jumped to where the rest of Roys group was and as it did Roy,
Gloria, Sargent Ford, and Dazman were the only ones left alive and as they
were they were nearing there group and as they were Roy said.Roy Welson:
Wait...somethings up.

as he said that they saw the camp fire from there group and they saw there
military truck but they didn't see there group. As they did they got there
weapons ready to fire and as they did Gloria said.
Gloria Welson: I has to be a trick.

as she said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: I know.

as he said that Roy and the people that were with him were by the fire and as
they were a group of people came out of the forrest surrounding them with
heavy fire arms. As they did they had there guns pointed at Roy and the
people that were with him.

As they did Roy said.

Roy Welson: What the hell have you done with my people...what the hell have
you done with my people.

as he said that he was cut off by the boss and as he was he said.

The Boss: Ive done nothing to them...not yet that is.

as he said that Roy glared at the boss as he came out of the forrest with the
rest of his group at gun point. As he did Roy said.
Roy Welson: What do you want...what ever it is you can have doesnt
have to end bloody.

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: Youve already crossed that line my friend.

as he said that Sargent Ford glared at Private Oliver and as he did Sargent
Ford said.Sargent Ford: I see youve found out whos side your really on.

as he said that Private Oliver said.

Private Oliver: Ive always known whos side I was on.

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: Im going to ask you the same thing I asked Denise 2 years ago
before she turned my offer down and shot me. and before you say no think of
the situation your killed more then a dozen of my men just now
including my second in command, then your man here tries to kill just
remember what went down back at my camp when I ask you this.

as he said that the boss paused and as he did Roy glared at him and as he did
The Boss continued.

The Boss: Give us half of your food, water, and weapons supplies and in
return we and my men here will protect you from the dead.

as he said that Roy struggled to answer and as he did the boss said.

The Boss: think really hard about what your answer is boy.

as he said that Roy looked at his group and they all had a gun pointed at
there heads and they were all kneeling and so was he. And as he saw this the
boss said.

The Boss: if I dont get an answer from you in the next 3 seconds then your
hole group will be killed.

as he said that the boss started counting down to 3.

The Boss: 1...2...

as he was about to say 3 Roy said.
Roy Welson: All right...all right...yes god dam it yes.

as he said that the boss leanned into Roys face and as he did he said.The
Boss: and what are you saying yes to.

as he said that Roy said.

Roy Welson: Please protect me and my group from the dead.

as he said that the boss waited several seconds to answer Roy and as he did
the boss said.
The Boss: Well glad to finally see you come around.

as he said that he paused and he looked at Sargent Ford and as he did he

said.The Boss: Guards bring me Sargent Ford.

as he said that several guards grabbed Sargent Ford and they dragged him
over to where Roy and the Boss were and as they did they forced him to a
kneeling position. As he did Roy said.
Roy Welson: you got what you wanted what the hell are you doing.

as he said that the boss said.

The Boss: you killed over a dozen of my men there has to be some
punishment for you doing so since your now under my protection.

as he said that Roy said.Roy Welson: Destroying the safe zone and killing all
of its residents wasnt enough for you.

as he said that The Boss said.

The Boss: No.

as he said that he pulled out an ax and as he did he stood behind Sargent

Ford who stopped his struggling and accepted his fate. As he did the boss
looked at Private Oliver and as he did the Boss was about to swing the ax at
Sargent Ford and as he was he said.The Boss: wait...this isnt right.

as he said that Sargent Ford sighed and as he did the Boss held out his hand
that the ax was in and he held it towards Private Oliver. As he did the Boss
The Boss: Prove your loyailty to me.

as he said that Private Oliver stared at the ax in the bosses hand and as he
did he grabbed it with both of his hands and then he looked at Sargent Ford.
As he did he walked behind Sargent Ford and as he got ready to kill him the
boss said.

The Boss: Make sure his death isnt quick.

as he said that Private Oliver swung the ax down on Sargent Fords arm and
as he did he didnt cut it off. He just made a huge mark in it as he did Sargent
Ford yelled out in pain and he dropped to the ground.
As he did Private Oliver hacked off that arm and he moved onto his other arm
and he did the same thing to that one. He also cut off his legs in a single
chop as he did Sargent Ford passed out because of the pain and as he did
Private Oliver looked at his body and as he did the Boss said.The Boss: finish

as he said that Private Oliver swung the ax at Sargent Fords neck and he cut
off his head as he did Roy and his group watched on what just happened in
horror. As they did the boss looked at Roy and as he did he said.
The Boss: Ill be back for my first supply collection in 2 weeks.

as he said that he whistled and as he did he and his group of men along with
Private Oliver walked away and vanished into the night and as they did Roy
and his group were left stunned about what just happened.
As they were Sargent Fords head came to life as a rotter and as it did Suzi
Suzi Parks: Oh my god.

as she said that Roy walked up to his head and he stabbed it and as he did
Hank said.Hank Masters: what are we going to do now Roy.

as he said that the camera zoomed in on Roy and as it did Roy said.
Roy Welson: I dont know.

as he said that the camera panned out on top of the group and it showed
them gathering around Sargent Fords dead body.

(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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