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Analysis of the systems in equilibrium with the use of the second condition as well as
distinguishment of some use and significance of the second condition of equilibrium are the main
objectives of this experiment. Torque has direct proportionality to the distance of the object from the
rotation of axis, considering force as constant and vice versa. Thus, an increase in distance of the object
from the axis of rotation would have also an increase in torque.

Defined as the product of force, Torque is also the distance of the object from the rotation of
axis. From this definition, we can tell that it is also the second condition of equilibrium, which states that
for equilibrium to be achieved, the summation of torques shall equate to zero. There are some factors
that needs to be considered that affects equilibrium. These factors must have a relationship in torque
since equilibrium is related to torque.

When the sum of all forces acting on the system equates to zero, there is translational
equilibrium. Thus, the system experiences zero acceleration. On the other hand, the sum of all torque
equal to zero is rotational equilibrium making the system having angular acceleration. This meant that
an object is either not in motion or is in motion in a constant velocity.

To sum it up, the experiment was done with analysis of the systems in equilibrium using the
second condition. To achieve the second condition in the experiment, the heavier object was placed
nearer to the pivot point and the lighter object farther than the pivot point to cancel out the forces. It
also shows that the factors that determine the torque applied to the body are the displacement of the
object from the pivot point and the weight or the magnitude of the force that is being applied.

In addition, the uses and importance of the second condition of equilibrium has been
distinguished in the experiment such that for translational equilibrium and in rotational equilibrium. The
system being in translational equilibrium wont mean that it is also in rotational equilibrium.

An application of this experiment can be compared to a mag-tataho. For a mag-tataho, the

heavy container is placed nearer in his shoulder and this is also because of the second condition of
equilibrium. The container has the tendency to rotate in his shoulder if the position is not right thus
spilling the contents of the containers or causing a difficulty in travelling while taking care of the
contents of the container.

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