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Summarize Spoken Text-

Make a note while listening to the text, speak out the vowels and practice you can
save a lot of time.
Use the phrases like - The speaker says that, etc.
Concentrate on topic sentences and most repeated words.
Time manage- 3 min plan, 5 min write, 2 min ceckh (Spellings, Grammar)
2. Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers-

Multiple answers types have the Negative marking.

Most of the time answers rate of speech are fast so careful and listen.
Answers are mostly paraphrased.
Most of the answers you can find at the ending of listening so listen until it
Most of the time, Pay close attention to the frequency words (always, often ,
sometimes, never many, all, never, only.. etc) eliminate those options and find the
correct answer.
Effectively heard word may not be correct word because it may be frequency word
as above point.

3. Fill in the blanks -

Note the answers in erasable notepad given by them and later fill the answers.
Check the spellings, Plurals, grammar behind etc.
Answers may be the high rate of speech and sometimes.

4. Highlight correct summary-

Note keywords in question.

Skim the options within given time.
Answers are paraphrased.
Catch the end of words and listen to the ending off the topic, you can catch the
correct answer.
Concentrate on repeated words.

5. Tips for Missing words (Beep sound) -

Understand the context of the listening so you can answer the correct option.
6. Tips for Write from Dictation:

Close your eyes and hear the text, so you can concentrate and remember it.
Proofread for Spellings and Grammatical mistakes
In the first section (Read aloud), it doesnt matter if you stumble upon certain words. The
key is to keep going. This section is mainly to test your fluency level and how you
pronounce words.

In the second section (Answer short questions), do not worry if you were not able to
answer certain questions. In this section, they are checking your knowledge regards words
and its meanings. As far as my knowledge, this section doesnt carry much marks. During
my exam, I even made two to three errors but I still got 90/90 in speaking section.

In the third section (Describe Image), they are mainly testing how far can you describe
regarding something in English fluently in a period of 40 secs. In this section, it is really not
necessary to describe every aspect of the graph or a bar chart or an image rather they look
for only minimum points about an image with a proper introduction and conclude. (Note:
Kindly make a proper conclusion, if you want to score full marks in this section).

In the fourth section (Re-tell lecture), the important thing is to Speak. Yes, Just Speak
about something because all they want is hear is your voice. Do not hesitate to speak
because you made a mistake in the first sentence that you even began with or because you
do not know anything. Do not worry, if you cannot remember everything what the speaker
said. Just speaking about something related to the topic. All they look for is 2 or 3 important
points with a proper introduction and conclusion. I guess, this is the one section that most
of the students fret with. (Note: Make short notes in your notepad that is provided to you
during the exam to speak on during the allotted 40 secs)

In the fifth section (Repeat sentence), they are actually testing your short term memory.
It maybe quite difficult to grasp everything what the speaker says due to the noisy
examination environment, but anyways you will have to just remember and repeat what the
speaker says. The key is to say all the words in the proper order just as the speaker tells you.
Do not worry, if you forget 1 or 2 words because they tolerate 1 or 2 errors maximum. By the
way, I guess, this is the one section that carries the most marks.

Good Luck! The key to score good marks in the speaking section is to just
I had only 1 week to prepare and I scored 90 on all 4 tasks. I have been in IT for a while and
I lived in the US for some time. Hence, I was confident that I will be get good scores.
Nevertheless, I spent around 2 hours per day for about a week. I have given the steps that
worked for me and may not necessarily work for everyone. It will work for you if your
general oral and written communication skills are good.

I did not take IELTS based on my research that PTE allows you to score more and I was
looking for 20 points for PR.

Take a free mock test and understand the format as well as your weaker areas. I realized
that it was repeat sentence, image description and a bit on rearrange paragraphs as it was
time contrained. After that I really practiced a lot through videos on you tube. First thing to
do after a mock test is to go through videos from Navjot Brar. Secondly, see videos from E2E
Language as well.

Speak fluently on all tests and never hesitate or stop. This is the key along with
pronunciation in all speaking tests. Whatever content you are aware, just speak with that
and that suffice.

Also, choose a small center. I went to a center that has only 5 seats. Ensure you look at time
and keep moving always.

To be more precise on each section I have called out mistakes I made as well so that
people can be aware that they can score high irrespective of making a few mistakes


1. Read Aloud No Preparation needed

a. No need to worry if you missed or mispronounced a word. Just move on. It ignores
simpler errors and you still could get to 90

2. Repeat sentence Minimal practice try 10 to 20 sentences

a. Close your eyes and concentrate. This really helps as the center may be noisy

b. Secondly, as you hear the sentence, break it into meaningful parts and this again helps to

c. The same is applicable for Write from Dictation as well

d. Do not worry again about missing certain words. I missed some and still got to
90.Fluency and pronunciation are key.

3. Describe Image Practise, Practise, Practise. This section required a lot of practice,
atleast for me try around 100 with sample answers

a. Simple structure Introduction, 2 or 3 sample observations and conclusion

b. I did not understand few graphs I just read from the chart
c. I did not summarize a few and I still scored full

d. Do not worry about covering a lot data from the chart. 1 or 2 will do.

4. Re-Tell Lecture Minimal practice Try 10 to 20

a. Take lots of notes

b. You will make a lot of points and all you need to is speak coherently based on those

c. If you have time, summarize

5. Answer short question No Preparation needed

a. Just answer in 1 or 2 words

b. I made 2 mistakes here and again that did not matter

6. Summarize text No Preparation needed Just try 1 or 2 samples of writing complex


a. There is ample time for this in the test

7. Essay No Preparation needed - Use fancy words and complex sentences all through

a. Introduction and your opinion.- I am of the opinion, I am inclined to believe . This essay
will discuss advantages and disadvantages and will lead to a logical conclusion.

b. Supporting point 1 Firstly / To begin with, As an example, Therefore,,,

c. Supporting point 2 Secondly / In addition to / Moreover. For instance,

d. If need be, 1 more supporting point

e. Conclusion and closure To recapitulate, the aforesaid / aforementioned points ..

f. There is ample time for this in the test as well


1. Multiple choice Single Answer No Preparation needed

a. Practice a few

b. Spend enough time as this section seems to have good time

2. Multiple choice Multiple Answer No Preparation needed

a. Practice a few
b. Choose only answers that you are very confident about as this may have negative scoring
for wrong answers

c. Spend enough time as this section seems to have good time

3. Re-Order Needs some preparation

a. Use tips from Navjot Brar

b. Spend some time in the exam on this

c. Practise 20 to 30

4. Fill in Blanks No Preparation needed if your vocabulary is good

5. Fill in the Blanks 2 Same as above


1. Summarize spoken test

a. Almost Same as re-tell lecture

b. No Preparation needed

c. Make notes and ensure your summary is crisp

d. Spend enough time as this section seems to have good time

2. Multiple choice Multiple Answer No Preparation needed

a. Practice a few

b. Choose only answers that you are very confident about as this may have negative scoring
for wrong answers

3. Fill in Blanks No Preparation needed if your vocabulary is good

4. Highlight correct Summary Just practice a few and you are done

5. Select missing word No Preparation needed - Just practice a few and you are done

6. Highlight incorrect word Absolutely no preparation needed

7. Write from dictation same as repeat sentence.

Please ensure you take at-least 2 mock tests 1 before preparation and 1 after preparation.
Good luck folks!

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