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Instruction for Authors

JIBI accepts any kind of manuscript(s) related to surgery, i.e. original article,
metaanalysis, systematic review, comprehensive review, case report, serial cases,
and also idea and innovation (selected ideas and innovations) regarding surgical
diseases and conditions, surgical procedure, and basic science.
JIBI also accept letter to editor and comment / and or response to a published
manuscript with an opinion included.

Terms and Conditions

1. Manuscript should be written in English with scientific base, efficiently.

Avoid medical jargon, unnecessary wordiness, and overlong sentences.
Authors are encouraged to view Strunk and White's Elements of Style.
(available briefly in pdf format for free in website:
2. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been
published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication
3. Copy right of an article published in this journal belongs to publisher,
consequently. Permission of the Publisher is required for resale or distribution
outside the institution and for all other derivative works,including
compilations and translations.
4. Manuscript which is a kind of study using human subject and animal as well
should be approved by the committee of ethics. In this point, ethical approval
should be delivered with the article. In case of difficulty to have this approval,
author should follow the conditions according to Helsinski declaration. This
kind of difficulty should be written in Methods.
5. Author(s) is (are) responsible to the content and any statement written.
6. Sign and deliver the statement of originality.
7. Publication is approved by all authors.


Manuscript should be typed using MS Word version 20032007 in A4 paper

(21x29.7 cm) with margin 4 cm in left side, and 3 cm in top, right, and bottom
side, respectively. Please use Times New Roman 12 point with 1.5 space. The
caption, table content and reference are typed using Times New Roman of 10
point with single space.
Manuscript consists of:
1. Original article, surgical procedure, metaanalysis, systematic review, and
comprehensive review: total words are up to 3000 and maximal to 20 figures.
2. Case report, serial case, selected ideas and innovations: total words are up to
1000 and maximal to 4 figures.
3. Letter to editor, comments / response to a published manuscript: total words
are up to 500, 2 figures, and 5 recent references.

Title page
Title page should include 1) The title of article; use no, 2) Authors names, 3)
Name and address of department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be
attributed for each author; 4) Name, mailing address, email address, telephone
(mobile phone) and fax numbers of the author responsible for correspondence
about the manuscript.

For clinical, experimental, and brief reports should consist of four paragraphs
labeled: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Review article abstracts
should be labeled: Background, Data Sources, Conclusions and surgical
pharmacology articles require unstructured abstracts. No abstract should exceed
300 words. A short 24 sentence summary for the table of contents and list of
keywords should be included on separate pages.


State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a
detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Study aim places this
section. It should be no longer than two manuscript pages.


Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already

published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should
be described.


Results should be clear and given as concisely as possible, using figures or tables
as appropriate. Data must not be duplicated in tables and figures.


This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A
combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive
citations and discussion of published literature. While it is generally desirable that
the presentation of the results and the discussion of their significance should be
presented separately, there may be occasions when combining these sections may
be beneficial. Authors may also find that additional or alternative sections such as
conclusions may be useful. The discussion should be no longer than five
manuscript pages.

The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions

section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results
and Discussion section.


Here you may acknowledge individuals or organizations that provided advice

and/or support (non-financial). Formal financial support and funding should be
listed in the following section.

Financial Support

Please provide details of the sources of financial support for all authors, including
grant numbers. For example, This work was supported by the Medical research
Council (grant number XXXXXXX). Multiple grant numbers should be
separated by a comma and space, and where research was funded by more than
one agency the different agencies should be separated by a semi-colon, with and
before the final funder. Grants held by different authors should be identified as
belonging to individual authors by the authors initials. For example, This work
was supported by the Wellcome Trust (A.B., grant numbers XXXX, YYYY),
(CD, grant number ZZZZ); the Natural Environment Research Council (EF, grant
number FFFF); and the National Institutes of Health (AB, grant number GGGG),
(EF, grant number HHHH).

Conflict of Interest

Please provide details of all known financial, professional and personal

relationships with the potential to bias the work. Where no known conflicts of
interest exist, please include the following statement: None.


Number references consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text
using superscript Arabic numerals in parentheses, e.g. The conceptual difficulty
of this approach has recently been highlighted (1,24).
If a reference is cited more than once the same number should be used each time.
References cited only in tables and figure legends should be numbered in
sequence from the last number used in the text and in the order of mention of the
individual tables and figures in the text.
Names and initials of authors of unpublished work should be given in the text as
unpublished results and not included in the References.
At the end of the paper, on a page(s) separate from the text, references should be
listed in numerical order using the Vancouver system.
When an article has more than six authors only the names of the first six authors
should be given followed by et al.
The issue number should be omitted if there is continuous pagination throughout a
volume. Titles of journals should appear in their abbreviated form using the NCBI
LinkOut page
pe=journals&operation=Show ).
References to books and monographs should include the town of publication and
the number of the edition to which reference is made.
References to material available on websites should include the full Internet
address, and the date of the version cited.

Examples of correct forms of references are given below.

Journal articles
1. Setchell KD, Faughnan MS, Avades T. Comparing the pharmacokinetics
of daidzein and genistein with the use of 13C-labeled tracers in
premenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77:4119.
2. Barker DJ, Winter PD, Osmond C et al. Weight in infancy and death from
ischaemic heart disease. Lancet ii, 1989;577580.
3. Forchielli ML, Walker WA. The role of gut-associated lymphoid tissues
and mucosal defence. Br J Nutr 2005;93,Suppl.1:S41S48.
4. Skurk T, Herder C, Kraft I. Production and release of macrophage
migration inhibitory factor from human adipocytes. Endocrinology (2004)
(Epublication ahead of print version).

Books and monographs

5. Bradbury J Dietary intervention in edentulous patients. PhD Thesis,
University of Newcastle, 2002.
6. Ailhaud G & Hauner H Development of white adipose tissue. In Bray GA,
Bouchard C editors. Handbook of Obesity. Etiology and Pathophysiology,
2nd ed,]. New York: Marcel Dekker. 2004;pp.481514
7. Bruinsma J (editor). World Agriculture towards 2015/2030: An FAO
Perspective. London: Earthscan Publications. 2003
8. World Health Organization. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic
Diseases. Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation. WHO Technical Report
Series no. 916. Geneva: WHO. 2003

Sources from the internet

9. Nationmaster. HIV AIDS Adult prevalence rate. 2005. Available in
(accessed June 2013).


Figures should be supplied as separate electronic files. Figure legends should be

grouped in a section at the end of the manuscript text. Each figure should be
clearly marked with its number and separate panels within figures should be
clearly marked (a), (b), (c) etc. so that they are easily identifiable when the article
and figure files are merged for review. Each figure, with its legend, should be
comprehensible without reference to the text and should include definitions of
abbreviations. The nature of the information displayed in the figures (e.g. mean
(SEM)) and the statistical test used must be stated.
We recommend TIFF, JPG, PPT and GIF files and images created in Microsoft
In curves presenting experimental results the determined points should be clearly
shown, the symbols used being, in order of preference, , , , , , , , +.
Curves and symbols should not extend beyond the experimental points. Scale-
marks on the axes should be on the inner side of each axis and should extend
beyond the last experimental point. Ensure that lines and symbols used in graphs
and shading used in histograms are large enough to be easily identified when the
figure size is reduced to fit the printed page. Statistically significant effects should
be indicated with symbols or letters.

Images submitted with a manuscript should be minimally processed; some image

processing is acceptable (and may be unavoidable), but the final image must
accurately represent the original data. Grouping or cropping of images must be
identified in the legend and indicated by clear demarcation.
Authors should provide sufficient detail of image-gathering procedures and
process manipulation in the Methods sections to enable the accuracy of image
presentation to be assessed. Authors should retain their original data, as Editors
may request them for comparison during manuscript review. Colour figures will
be published with only IDR 300 per figure.


Tables should be placed in the main manuscript file at the end of the document,
not within the main text. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. Tables should
carry headings describing their content and should be comprehensible without
reference to the text. Tables should not be subdivided by ruled lines.
The dimensions of the values, e.g. mg/kg, should be given at the top of each
column. Separate columns should be used for measures of variance (SD, SE etc.),
the sign should not be used. The number of decimal places used should be
standardized; for whole numbers 1.0, 2.0 etc. should be used. Shortened forms of
the words weight (wt) height (ht) and experiment (Expt) may be used to save
space in tables, but only Expt (when referring to a specified experiment, e.g. Expt
1) is acceptable in the heading.

Footnotes for table legends are given in the following order: 1) abbreviations, 2)
superscript letters, 3) symbols. Abbreviations are given in the format: RS,
resistant starch. Abbreviations in tables must be defined in footnotes in the order
that they appear in the table (reading from left to right across the table, then down
each column). Symbols for footnotes should be used in the sequence: *||, then
** etc. (omit * or , or both, from the sequence if they are used to indicate levels
of significance).
For indicating statistical significance, superscript letters or symbols may be used.
Superscript letters are useful where comparisons are within a row or column and
the level of significance is uniform, e.g. a,b,c Mean values within a column with
unlike superscript letters were significantly different (P<005). Symbols are
useful for indicating significant differences between rows or columns, especially
where different levels of significance are found, e.g. Mean values were
significantly different from those of the control group: *P<005, **P<001,
***P<0001. The symbols used for P values in the tables must be consistent


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through email:

DR. Yefta Moenadjat, dr, SpBP(K)

Editor in Chief
Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Surgery).
d/a Pengurus Pusat Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Indonesia (IKABI)
Wisma Bhakti Mulya Lt 4 401C
JI. Kramat Raya 160, Jakarta Pusat 10410, Tel. & Fax No +62(21)3916774.

Manuscripts are normally reviewed by external peer reviewer and a member of

the Editorial Board.
When substantial revisions are required to manuscripts after review, authors are
normally given the opportunity to do this once only; the need for any further
changes should at most reflect only minor issues. If a paper requiring revision is
not resubmitted within 2 months, it may, on resubmission, be deemed a new paper
and the date of receipt altered accordingly.

Editing, revision, acceptance and or refusal is done by the editor based on peer
review and editorial board.

To Editor in chief
Indonesian Journal of Surgery
Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia (JIBI)

Here I submit the manuscript to be published in Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia (Indonesian Journal
of Surgery) titled:

Type of articles:
Clinical research Literature review
Basic science Systematic review
Epidemiology Case report
Short communication

Include in this submission:

Soft copy in CD (compact disk)

Title page: (max 40 characters)
Name of author(s) with academic attributes
Institution of author(s)
Full address for correspondence (incl. e mail)
Abstract with keywords
Full manuscript:
Reference (Vancouver)
Illustration and tables
Supporting document:
1. Author declaration. Note for registrar (residents, trainee), should be accomplished
with the consultant approval.
2. Authors approval.
3. Ethical clearance.
4. License from publisher for cited published illustration.

, 2016 Address :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email :
Surat Pernyataan Penulis (Author Declaration)

Nama Name
Nama Institusi


Kode pos (post code) .................Tel. ...........
Faks. ........
Alamat korespodensi:
Kode pos (post code) .............................Tel. ...........
Fax. ........
HP mobile phone e-mail.

Kami menyatakan bahwa artikel ini merupakan karya kami sendiri, bebas dari
plagiat, dan kami bertanggung jawab penuh atas isi naskah.
Kami menyatakan pula bahwa tidak ada satupun isi dari artikel ini pernah
dipublikasi atau sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dipublikasi pada jurnal lainnya.
Semua sumber yang dikutip maupun dirujuk telah kami nyatakan dengan benar.

I here certify that this manuscript is my own works, and does not duplicate any
other previously published work. The reference is cited properly. Any substance
in this manuscript is my responsibility.

, 2016

( . )
Coauthor approval:

Coauthor 1 Address :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email

Coauthor 2 Alamat :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email

Coauthor 3 Address :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email

Coauthor 4 Address :

. No Tel : No Faks :
( . ) email

(Coauthor 5 Address :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email

Coauthor 6 Address :

. No Tel : No Fax :
( . ) email
Surat Keterangan Pengalihan Hak Cipta
Copyright Transfer Form

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email :

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Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia memberikan hak bagi penulis (author dan coauthor) untuk
mempresentasikan hasil karyanya pada setiap forum ilmiah.

According to copyright regulation, Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Surgery)
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3. Kami (author dan coauthor), menyatakan bebas dari adanya conflicts of interest dalam
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Yang membuat pernyataan,

Penulis (author)

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Tanggal Date :

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