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A Simple Guide to Civilians and AFP


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This tool kit is especially useful to civilians

providing consulting services and supplying goods
to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

This is also a simple guide for researchers and the

academe in understanding commonly used terms
in the AFP.

This unclassified compilation of abbreviations is published electronically by the PN Real Estate

Management Office (PN REMO) and is intended to provide simple guide and as references for
commonly used terms and abbreviations in the Philippine Navy and the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. The definitions contained herein do not represent the official position of the Philippine
Navy and Armed Forces of the Philippines. These may be reproduced electronically or in print. Due
recognition must be given to:


Administrator PN REMO
Bonifacio Naval Station, Taguig City

For comments and suggestions, please email to: /

Second Edition: May 30, 2014.



A - Alfa
A1 - reliable, validated sources of information
A-1 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Personnel, A-1
A1C - Airman first Class
A-2 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Intelligence, A-2
A2C - Airman second Class
A-3 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Operations, A-3
A-4 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Logistics, A-4
A-5 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Plans, A-5
A-6 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Communications, Electronics
and Information Systems, A-6
A-7 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Civil Military Operations, A-7
A-8 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Education and Training, A-8
A-9 - Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Reservist and Retirees Affairs,
A-bomb - Atomic Bomb
A-hour - Alert Hour
A/C - Aviation Cadet
A/C - Aircraft
A/G - Air-to-ground
A/L - Airlift
A/S - Airspeed
A/U - Attached/Unassigned
A/W - All-Weather
A.C. - Alternating current
AA - Administrative Assistant
AA - action agent
AA - Allotment Advice
AA - Air Adjutant/Antiaircraft
AAA - Antiaircraft Artillery
AABn - Armor and Artillery Battalion
ACC - Acquisition Advice Code
AAC - AFPCES Auto Center
AADT - Annual Active Duty Training
AADS - Active Archipelagic Defense Strategy
AAM - Air-to-Air Missile
AAO - Authorize Acquisition Objective
AAR - Aircraft Accident Report/Air-to-Air Refueling
AAROM - Active Assistive Range of Motion
AAROME - Active Assistive Range of Motion Exercise
AAR - After - Action Review


AAV - Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AB - After Burner
ABAB - Antonio Bautista Air Base
ABBR - Abbreviation
ABBREV - Abbreviation
ABC - Atomic, Biological, and Chemical
ABCCC - Airborne Battlefield Command, Control and Communications
ABM - Anti-Ballistic Missile
ABO - Airbase Operability
ABSAP - Airborne Search and Attack Plotter
Absol - Absolute
Abt - About
Ac - Altocumulus
AC&W - Aircraft Control and Warning
AC/135 - NATO Group of National Directors on Codification
Acad - Academic
ACF - Assault Craft Force
Acci - Accidental Injury
ACL - Allowable Cabin Load
Acod P-1 - NATO Manual on Codification
Acod P-2 - NATO Supply Classification Handbook of Groups and Classes
Acod P-3 - NATO Item Name Directory
ACofAS - Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACO - Administrative Contracting Officer/Acting Commanding Officer
ACOG - Aircraft on Ground
ACP - Advance Command Post
ACR - Ammunition Condition Report
ACRO - Aircraft Crash and Rescue Organization
ACSA - Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement
ACSC - Air Command and Staff College
ACTH - Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone
ACTS - Automated Centralized Ticketing System
ACW - Aircraft Control and Warning
A/D - Air depot/Aerodrome
AD - Auxiliary Repair Shop/Air Defense
ADAM - Adopt-a-mountain Program
ADAP - Asset Disposal and Acquisition Program
ADC - Air Defense Command / Assistant Division Commander / Aide-de-
ADCC - Air Defense Control Center
ADDC - Air Defense Direction Center
ADDIE - Analysis, Development, Design, Implementation, Evaluation or
ADF - Automatic Direction Finder
ADF - Automotive Diesel Fuel/Automatic Direction Finder
ADFELPS - Australian Defence Force English Language Profiling System
ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone
ADL - Activities of Daily Living


ADM - Acquisition Defense Memorandum

Adm Br - Administrative Branch
Adm Tech - Administrative Technician
ADMM - ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting
ADOC - Actual Date of Compliance
ADP - Automatic Data Processing
ADPs - Area Development Plans
ADPE - Automated Data Processing Equipment
ADPS - Automatic Data Processing System
ADW - Air Defense Warning
ADZ - Air Defense Zone
AE - Auxiliary Bouy Tender
AECA - Arms Export Control Act
AER - Ammunition Expenditure Report
AESq - Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
AET - Aeromedical Evacuation Technician
AETC - Air Education and Training Command
AEW - Airborne Early Warning
AEW & C - Airborne Early Warning and Control
AF - Auxiliary POL Ship/Tanker / Audio Frequency
AFB - Air Force Base
AFC - Automatic Frequency Control
AFCE - Automatic Flight Control Equipment/Air Force Chief of Engineers
AFCHS - Air Force Chief of Health Services
AFDL - Auxiliary Floating Drydock Large
AFFC - Air Force Finance Center
AFGH - Air Force General Hospital
AFHC - Air Force Holding Center
AFHS - Air Force Health Service
AFIG - Air Force Inspector General
AFIMS - Automated Firearms Inventory Management System
AFL - Air Force Letter
AFM - Air Force Manual
AFMIC - Air Force Management Information Center
AFOQT - Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
AFOS - Armed Forces Occupational Specialty
AFFOS - Air Force Fields of Specialization
AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines
AFP - Air Force Pamphlet
AFPATB - AFP Aptitude Battery Test
AFPCES - Armed Forces Post Commissary Exchange Service
AFPARUs - AFP Affiliated Reserve Units
AFPCES - AFP Commissary and Exchange Service
AFPCOC - AFP Commissioned Officer Country
AFPDLS - AFP Distance Learning System
AFPEBSO - AFP Educational Benefits System Office
AFPGEN - AFP General Insurance


AFPJCSC - AFP Joint Command and Staff College

AFPLEL - AFP Logistics of Eligibility List
AFPMATF - AFP Modernization Act Trust Fund
AFPMB - AFP Modernization Board
AFPMBAI - AFP Mutual Benefit Association, Inc
AFPMB EXECOM - AFPMB Executive Committee
AFPMP - AFP Modernization Program
AFPOS - AFP Occupational Specialty
AFPPS - AFP Procurement Service
AFPRRAPB - AFP Reservist and Retiree Affairs Policy Board
AFPSLAI - AFP Savings and Loan Association, Inc
AFPTMIS - AFP Training Management Information System
AFPWSSUs - AFP-Wide Separate and Support Units
AFR - Air Force Regulation
AFRDC - Air Force Research and Development Center
AFRes - Air Force Reserve
AFREO - Air Force Real Estate Office
AFROTC - Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps
AFS - Air Force Specialty
AFSC - Air Force Specialty Code
AFSF - Air Force Stock Fund
AFPSN - Armed Forces of the Philippines Serial Number
AFPOVAI - Armed Forces of the Philippines Officers Village Association, Inc
AFSO - Air Force Safety Office
AFSS - Air Force Specialty Shred out
AFT - Air-Freight Terminal
AG - Adjutant General/Air Gunner
Avgas - Aviation Gasoline
AGC - Automatic Gain Control
Agcy - Agency
AGE - Aerospace Ground Equipment
AGI - Annual General Inspection
AGL - Above Ground Level
AGO - Adjutant Generals Office
AGOS - Air-ground Operation System
AGP - Aircraft Grounded for lack of Parts
AGS - Airborne Gunsight/Automatic Gain Stabilization
AGW - Allowable Gross (takeoff) Weight
A-Hour - Alert Hour
AHRS - Attitude and Heading Reference System
AI - Airborne Intercept/Air Installation/Air Inspector/
Air Interdiction
AI2/AI2 - Airborne receiver (for homing on enemy AI-equipped fighters)
AIC - Aircraft in Commission/Ammunition Identification Code
AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIG - Address Indicating Group
AIIS - Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine


AIK - Assistance-in-kind/Aid In Kind

AIM - Air Intercept Missile/Air-launched Intercept Missile
AIMS - Automated Inventory Management System
AIP - Aeronautical Information Publication
AIRD - Air Intelligence and Reconnaissance Detachments
AIREP - Aircraft Report
AirLO - Air Liaison Officer
AIS - Automated Information System
AJ - Antijamming
AJA - Air Judge Advocate
AJTP - Annual Joint Training Program
ALCPT - American Language Course Placement Test
ALG - Advanced Landing Ground
ALO - Air Liaison Officer
ALSC - Air Logistics and Support Command
Alst - Altostratus
ALP - Airport Location Point
Alt - Altitude
Alws - Allowance
AM - Auxiliary Survey Ship/Amplitude Modulated/ Amplitude
Modulation/ Airman
Amb - Ambassador
AMD - Average Monthly Demand
Ammo - Ammunition
AMO - Aircraft Maintenance Officer
Amp - Ampere
AMRAAM - Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
AMSL - Average Mean Sea Level
Amt - Amount
AmTank - Amphibious Tank
AMTI - Airborne Moving Target Indicator
AmTrac - Amphibious Tractor
ANCM - ASEAN Navy Chief Meeting
AO - Action Officer/Airdrome Officer/Area of Operations
AOC - Air Operations Center
AOCM - Aircraft Out of Commission for Maintenance
AOG - Aircraft on the Ground
AOCP - Aircraft Out of Commission for Parts
AOO - area of operations
AOR - area of responsibility
AP - Air Police/ Aiming Point/ Armor-piercing/ Air Position / Aerial
Port/ Airplane
Apar - Apparatus
APC - Armor-piercing Capped
APE - Annual Physical Exam
AP - Armor Piercing/Air Police
APB - Annual Plan and Budget


APDS - Armor Piercing, Discarding Sabot

APERS - Anti-Personnel
APHE - Armor Piercing High Explosive
API - Armor Piercing Incendiary/Air Power Institute
APIS - Air Photography Inventory System
APIT - Armor Piercing Incendiary Tracer
APL - Allowance Parts List
APM - Air Power Manual
APOD - Air Police Officer of the Day/Aerial Port of Debarkation
APOE - Aerial Port of Embarkation
APU - Auxiliary Power Unit
AQL - Acceptance Quality Level
ASEC - Assistant Secretary
ASF - Air Staging Facility
ASL - Archipelagic Sea Lane
ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar
ARC - Adjustment Reply Code/ Air Reserve Command / Area Research Center
ASDE - Airport Surface Detection Equipment
ASE - Airborne Search Equipment
ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASF - Allied Student Fee
ASG - Aeronautical Standards Group
Asgd - Assigned
Asgmt - Assignment
ASM - Air-to-surface Missile
ARCen - Air Reserve Center
AREO - Army Real Estate Office
ARF - ASEAN Regional Forum
Armt - Armament
ARO - After Receipt of Order
ARP - Air-raid Precautions
ARS - Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron
ARU - Air Reserve Unit
ARW - Air-raid Warning
As - Altostratus
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASL - Archipelagic Sea Lane
ASN - Apprentice Seaman (lowest enlisted rank in the navy)
ASOB - As Soon as Obtained
ASRAAM - Advanced Short Range Air-to-air Missile
Assy - Assembly
ASV - Aircraft-to-surface Vessel
ASW - Antisubmarine Warfare
AT - Auxiliary Transport / Antitank/ Advanced Trainer
AT - Antiterrorism / Assessment Team
ATAP - Antitank Antipersonnel
ATC - Air Traffic Control


ATD - Actual Time of Departure

Atchmt - Attachment
ATF - Automotive Transmission Fluid/ Air Task Force/ Actual Time of
ATI - Air Technical Intelligence
ATIS - Automated Terminal Information Service
ATM - Automated Teller Machine/ atmosphere/ atmospheric
ATO - Air Transportation Office
ATR - Authority to Release/Anti-transmitter Receiver
ATS - Air Traffic Service
ATT - Attention
Attr - Attribute/Attributively
Atty - Attorney
A/U - Attached and Unassigned
AU - Air University
Au - August/Augment
AU - Air-to-Underwater Missile
Auth - Authority/Authorize/Authorized/Authorization
Auto - Automatic
AUTODIN - Automatic Digital Network
Avgas - Aviation Gasoline
AvEng - Aviation Engineering
AvGas - Aviation Gasoline
AVICLISS - Aviation Intelligence, CMO, Legal, Security and Safety
AVIM - Aviation Intermediate Maintenance
AvLog - Aviation Logistics
Avlub - Aviation Lubricant
AVMED - Aviation Medical Dental
AVMPAD - Aviation Manpower Administration
Avn - Aviation
AvOil - Aviation Oil
AVOPS - Aviation Operation
AVPET - Aviation Plans, Education, and Training
AVPOL - Aviation Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant
AVUM - Aviation Unit Maintenance
AVSUS - Aviation Support Services
AW - Auxiliary Water Tender/Article of War
AWB - Airway Bill
AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
AWOL - Absence without Official Leave
Az - Azimuth

B - Bravo / Bomber
B/M - Bill of Materials

BA - Blind Approach
BABS - Blind Approach Beacon System
BAC - Bids and Awards Committee
BAI - Battlefield Air Interdiction
BAR - Browning Automatic Rifle
BASO - Base Accountable Supply Officer
BAT / B.A.T. - Blind Approach Training
Bn - Battalion
BACU - Battle Area Control Unit
BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge
BCDA - Bases Conversion Development Authority
BDA - Bomb Damage Assessment / Battle Dress Attire
Bde - Brigade
BDHI - Bearing Distance Heading Indicator
BDM - Bajo De Masinloc
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform
BER - Beyond Economical Repair
BAFO - Best And Final Offer
BG - Brigadier General
BGR - Bombing and Gunnery Range
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BI - Background Investigation
BIN - Barangay Intelligence Network
Biowar - Biological Warfare
Blading - bill of lading
BM - Bench Mark
BMEP - Brake Mean Effective Pressure
BMNT - Beginning Morning Nautical Twilight
BMS - Budget Monitoring System
BOG - Board of Generals
BOME - Bill of Materials and Estimate
BOQ - Bachelor Officers Quarters
BOSO - Board of Senior Officers
BOT - Built Operate Transfer
BP - Blood Pressure
Br - Branch
Brig Gen - Brigadier General
BRLG - Bomb, Radio, Longitudinal, Generator-powered
BRP - Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas
BSSD - Bases Support System Development
BSDL - Boresight Datum Line
BSL - Base Support and Logistics
BSSD - Bases Support System Development
BT - Bombing Table / Basic Trainer / Break (when used in a message)
BTC - Brigade Training Center
btl - bottle
BTO - Bombing Through Overcast


BTU - British Thermal Unit

bu - builder/bureau
BVR - Beyond Visual Range
BW - Biological Warfare
BZ - Bravo Zulu (very good)

C - Charlie / Cargo/ Centigrade/ Change/ Calculated weight/
Celestial /Combat/ Chief/ Curtiss-Wright Corporation or Culver
Aircraft Corporation/ Carrier operation version/ Control/
Celsius/ Centigrade
C3CM - Command, Control, and Communications Countermeasures
C 3I - Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
C2 - Command and Control
C4I - Command, Control, Communications Computer and Intelligence
C4ISTAR - Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence,
Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
C.B. - Center of Buoyancy
C.D. - Confidential Document
C.O. - Central Office
CO - Commanding Officer
C&E - Clothing and Equipage
C&F - Cost and Freight
C/C - Change of Course
CA - Commonwealth Act/ Civil Affairs/ Cash Advance/ Contract
Authority/ Carcinoma/ Cancer/ Cloud-Air
CAA - Civil Aeronautics Administration (now Air Transportation Office)
CAB - Civil Aeronautics Board/ Centralized Accounting and Billing/
Clark Air Base
CAD - Call to Active Duty/ Cartridge Actuated Device/ Computer Aided
Design/ Coronary Artery Disease
CAD/PAD - Cartridge Actuated Device/Propellant Actuator Device
Cab - Cabin
CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
CAC - Chief Air Chaplain/ Corps of Aviation Cadets/ Cancellation,
Administrative Charges
CACF - Commander Assault Craft Force
CAD - Call to Active Duty
CAD/PAD - Cartridge Actuation Device/Propellant Actuation Device
CAG - Carrier Air Group
CAGNET - Camp Aguinaldo Network
CAFSC - Control Air Force Specialty Code
Cal - Calibration/Calibre/Calories
CALFEX - Combined Amphibious Landing Firing Exercise
CAM - Commercial Air Movement/ Computer Aided Manufacturing

Cam - Camouflage/Camera
Can - Cancel
Cand - Candidate
CAO - Contract Administration Office/Case Administrative Office
CAP - Combat Air Patrol/Civil Air Patrol
Cap - Capacity/Capacitor
CAPT - Captain (navy rank, Colonel in the Army)
CAPS - Conventional Armaments Planning System
CARES - Community Assistance and Rural Empowerment through Social Services
CARP - Computed Air Release Point
- Carrier
CAS - Chief of Air Staff/ Calibrated Airspeed/ Contract Administrative
Services/ Cost Accounting Standard/ Culture and Sensitivity
Cas - Casual/Casualty
CASEVAC - Casualty Evacuation
CASP - Computer Assisted Search Planning System
CASREP - Casualty Report
CAT - Carburetor Air Temperature/ Citizen Army Training/ Conventional Arms
Transfers/ Clear-Air Turbulence
Catk - Counterattack
CATOR - Combined Air Transport Operations Room
CATT - Conventional Arms Transfer Talks
CAVOK - Ceiling And Visibility OK
CAVU - Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited
CB - Control Branch/Construction Battalion/Change Bulletin
Cb - Cumulonimbus
CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis
CBC - Common Battery Circuits/Complete Blood Count
CBI - Complete Background Investigation
CBL - Commercial Bill of Lading
cblmn - cableman
cbn - carbine
CBO - Congressional Budget Office
CBR - Complete Bed Rest/Chemical, Biological, Radiological
CBRN - chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
CBS - Chronic Brain Syndrome
CBW - Chemical and Biological Weapons
CBU - Cluster Bomb Unit
CC - Combat Command/ Control Center/ Common Carrier/ Channel
Command/ Country Code/ Customer-within-country/ Cirrocumulus/
Crew Chief/Cloud-cloud
Cc - cirrocumulus
cc - cubic centimeter / copy furnish
CCA - Combat Clothing Allowance
CCB - Close Control Bombing
CCBL - Collect Commercial Bill of Lading
CCCI - Case Closure Certificate Inventory


CCF - Central Controlled Fund

CCIE - Combat Clothing and Individual Equipment
CCL - Commodity Control List
CCM - Combat Cargo Mission/ Central Case Manager/ Command
Country Manager / Counter-Counter Measures
CCN - Contract Change Notification
CCP - Central Contract Point
ccr - combat crew
CCS - Case Control System
CCSS - Commodity Command Standard System
CCTS - Combat Crew Training School
CCTV - Closed-Circuit Television
CCW - Counter Clockwise
CD - Case Designator/ Counter Drug/ Country Director/ Cash Division
CD film - Camouflage Detection film
CDA - Case Directive Amendment/Cooperative Development Authority
CDD - Complete Disability Discharge
CDF - Confined Detonating Fuze
CDO - Command Duty Officer
CDOC - Civil Defense Operations Center
CDP - Comprehensive Development Plan
CDR - Cargo Delivery Report / Cash Disbursement Record
Cdr /CDR - Commander (Rank in the Philippine Navy, equivalent to Lt Col)
CDR - Critical Design Review
CDS - Climatological Data Sheet
Cdt - Cadet/Conduct
CE - Civilian Employee/ Corps of Engineers/ Circular Error/
Communications and Electronics/ Civil Engineering
CEA - Circular Error Average
CEBAR - Chemical, Biological, and Radiological
CECOM - Communications Electronics Command
CED - Communications-Electronics Doctrine
CEI - Communication Electronic Instructions
CEIS - Communication, Electronics and Information Systems
CEISIP - Communications-Electronics and Information System
Implementation Plan
Cem - Cemetery
CEP - Captured Enemy Property / Circular Probable Error
CERPS - Consolidated & Expenditure Reporting System
cert - certify/certificate/certification
Cel - Celestial
CEMCOM - Central Mindanao Command
CENTCOM - Central Command
Cen - center/central
cens - censor/censorship
CENTRIXS-CMFP - Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange Systems
Cooperative Maritime Force Pacific


CEOI - Communications-Electronics Operations Instruction

CESE - Communications Equipment Support Element
CESI - Communication, Electronics Standing Instructions
CET - Civilian Engineering Team
CETS - Contractor Engineering Technical Services
CETSP - Contractor Engineering Technical Services Program
CF - Counterfire
CFA - Cowl-flap Angle
CFC - Central fire-Control
CFE - Contractor-furnished Equipment
CFM - Contractor Furnished Materiel
Cfm - confirm/confirmation
CFMW - Case Financial Management Worksheet
CFR - Crash, Fire and Rescue
CFR - Contact Flight Rules
cfr - chauffeur
CFS - Contract Field Services
CFSP - Contractor Field Services Personnel
cft - craft
cftmn - craftsman
CG - Commanding General/Coast Guard/Cargo Glider/ Center of Gravity
cgo - cargo
CGS - Coast Guard Station
CGSC - Command and General Staff College
CGSEL - Common Ground Support Equipment List
CH - Chain Home/ Compass Heading
Ch - Chaplain
ch - change
chacom - chain of command
chan - channel
Chap - Chapter
CHAT - CG (the Commanding General) Has Approved This
CHB - Chain Home Beamed/Concrete Hollow Blocks
Chem - Chemical
CHF - Congestive Heart Failure
Chg - Charge
CHOP - Change of Operational Control
CHT - Cylinder-Head Temperature
CI - Counter Intelligence/ Combat Intelligence/ Case Identifier
Ci - Cirrus
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CIC -1 - Cadet in Charge/ Customer Identification Code
CICA - Competition in Contracting Act
Cicu - Cirrocumulus
CIF - Cost, Insurance, and Freight
CIM - Communications Improvement Memorandum
CIN - Course Identification Number


CinC - Commander in Chief

CINCPACFLT - Commander In Chief, Pacific Fleet (referring to US Navy in the
CIO - Central Imaging Office
CIP - Component Improvement Program
CIS - Criminal Investigation Service
Cist - Cirrostratus
cit - citation/citizen
Cir - Circular
Circ - Circumstance
civ - civil or civilian
civ empl - civilian employee
CIVAC - Civic Action
Civpay - Civilian Payroll System
CIQS - Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Security
CJTF - Commander Joint Task Force/ Combined Joint Task Force
CL - Center Line
cl - class/climb/carload
CLA - Cross Levelling Agreement
CLADIR - Clear and Direct
Clar - Clarify
clas - classify/classification
Ck - Check
ckpt - cockpit
ckt - circuit
clk - clerk
cln - colon
clnc - clearance
CLO - Country Liaison Officer (Foreign Country
Representative)/Community Liaison Officer (US Embassies)
clo - clothing
CLMA - Clothing Monetary Allowance
clr - clearing
CLUP - Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CLSSA - Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangements
cltgl - climatological
cltgr - climatographer
CM - Court-martial/Countermortar
cm - centimeter/s
CMA - Centrally-Managed Accounts
CMAA - Chief Master-at-Arms
cmbt - combat
CMET - Command Management Engineering Team
CMCRL - Consolidated Master Cross Reference List
CMCS - Case Management Control System
Cmdg - commanding
Cmdr - Commander


cmdty - commodity
CMF - Centrally Managed Fund/ Court-martial Forfeiture
CMI - Classified Military Information/ Centralized Managed Items
cml - chemical
cmm - comma
CMMR - Confirmed and Made a Matter of Record
cmnce - commence
CMO - Civil-Military Operations
CMP - Conceptual Master Plan
cmpl - complete
CMS - Contractor Maintenance Services
cmt - comment
CMTD - Capability, materiel, and technology development
CMTS - Cellular Mobile Telephone System
CMTU - Citizen Military Training Unit
CMS - Case Monitoring System
CN - Compass North/ Counter Narcotics
cn - cannon
CNE - computer network exploitation
CNCE - Communications Nodal Control Element
cncr - concurrent
CND - computer network defense
cnf - confined
CNI - Communication Navigation Instrumentation
CNLE - Center for Naval Leadership and Excellence
CNMRS - Computerized National Manpower Registry of Skills
cnrt - concrete
CNT - Celestial Navigation Trainer
cntn - contain
cntr - contribute
cnvt - convict
c/o - care of/ complains of
Ckpt - Cockpit
CO - Capital Outlay
COA - Commission on Audit/ Course of Action
CO - Capital Outlay/ Contracting Officer/ Change Order/ Commanding
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
Coy/Coy - Company
COC - Command Operations Center
CO - Contractor Owned/Contractor Operated (Facilities)
COCP - Customer Order Control Point
COD - Cooperative Opportunities Document/ Cash on Delivery
CODAG - Combined Diesel and Gas
CODOG - Combined Diesel or Gas
COE - Corps of Engineers


COG - Commander of the Guard/Course on Ground / Course Over

Ground / Center of Gravity
COI - Communication Operation Instructions
COIN - Counter Insurgency
COIN OPN - Counter Insurgency Operations
COL - Colonel
COLA - Cost of Living Allowance
Coll - Collect/Collection
Colm - Column
Com - Commission
ComCm - Communications Counter-measure(s) and deception
comd - command
comdg - commanding
comdr - commander
comdt - commandant
Comm - Communication
CMTD - Capability, materiel, and technology development
CommCen - Communication Center
COMMEL - Communications and Electronics
COMMINT - Communication Intelligence
Commo - Commodore (Rank in the PN)/ Communication
COMMRI - Communication Routing Indicator
Comms Opns - Communications Operations
Comp - Composite
Compl - upon completion thereof
Compt - Comptroller
ComSec - Communication Security
Comsy - Commissary
comte - committee
ComZ - Communications Zone
con - control / conversation
contd - continued
conc - concentration
Cond - Condition / Conditional
Conec - Connection
Conf - Conference / Confidential/ Confinement
Cong - Congress
conobjtr - conscientious objector
Cons - Consider / Consists
Consol - Consolidate / Consolidation
const - constitute / construction
consv - conserve / conservation
cont - continue / continuation
contr - contract / contractor
Contrail - Condensation Trail
Conv - Convalescent
convl - conventional


convn - convenient or convenience

Convt - Convertible
COOPLOG - Cooperative Logistics
Coord - Coordinate / Coordination
COP - Corps of Professors / Common Operating Picture / Case Operations
COPAD - Contractor Operated Parts Depot (DLA)
COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPLAN - Case Operation Plan
CoPlt - Co-pilot
COR - Contracting Officers Representative / Combat Operations Report /
Circular of Requirements
Corl - Corollary
Corp - Corporation
CORPATPHILINDO - Coordinated Patrol Philippines Indonesia
Corr - Correspond / Correspondence
COS - Civilian Occupational Specialty
COT - Cadet Orientation Tour
COTA - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
COTS - Commercially Off the Shelf
CP - Command Post / Co-pilot
CPAF - Cost-Plus-Award-Fee Contract
CPC - Civilian Personnel Circular
CPD - Congressional Presentation Document
CPDO - City Planning and Development Office
CPF - Commander Philippine Fleet
CPFF - Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contract
CPIC - Coastal Patrol Interdiction Craft
CPIF - Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee Contract
Cpl - Corporal (rank in the army, airforce and marines)
CPM - Critical Path Method
CPMC - Commander Philippine Marine Corps
CPO - Chief Petty Officer (Master Sgt in the marines, air force and army)
CPP-NPA-NDF - Communist Party of the Philippines New Peoples Army
National Democratic Front
CPT - Captain (rank in the army)
CPX - Command Post Exercise
Cr/M - Crew Member
Crim - Criminal
CrC - Crew Chief
Crtn - Correction
CQ - Charge of quarter
CRA - Continuing Resolution Authority
CRAF - Civilian Reserve Air Fleet
CrC - Crew Chief Control and Reporting Center
CRDF - Cathode-Ray Direction Finding / Canadian Radio Direction


Crecon - Counter-reconnaissance
CRO - Cathode Ray Oscilloscope/Collection and Remittance Officer
CRS - Congressional Research Service
crs - course
CRT - Combat Readiness Training / Cathode Ray Tube
crtge - cartographer
crtn - correction
crypta - cryptanalyst/ cryptanalytic/ cryptanalysis
crypto - cryptographer/ cryptographic/ cryptography
C/S - Certificate of Service / Chief of Staff / Call Signal / Caesarian
CS - Clearance System / Contract Surgeon / Current Series /
Cooling Station / Cryptographic System / Candidate Soldier
Cs - Cirrostratus
cs - commissaryman
CSSB - Combat Service Support Brigade
CSA - Commercial-service Authorization
CSC - Civil Service Commission / Civilian Screening Center
CSCE - Communications System Control Element
CSF - Cerebral Spinal Fluid
CSITP - Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program
CSJA - Command Staff Judge Advocate
Csk - Countersink
CSM - Close-Support Mission / Command Sgt Major (most senior EP
in the Unit)
CSP - Concurrent (initial) Spare Parts
CSS - Contractor Support Services
CST - Central Standard Time
csta - consolidating station
CSTO - Country Standard Technical Order
CT - Communication Technician / Combat Team / Crosstrail /
Communist Terrorist
C.T.C. - Carbon Tetrachloride
CTF - Commander, Task Force
CTG - Composite Tactical Group/Commander, Task Group -
ctg - cutting
CTI - Complaint Type Investigation
ctl - control
CTM - Communist Terrorist Movement
CTO - Compensatory Time Off / Chest Tube Out
CTOC - Counter Terrorist Operation Course
CTR - Control Zone
ctr - cutter / center
ctrl - control
CTS - Composite Tactical Squadron
CTU - Commander, Task Unit / Combat Training Unit


Cu - Cumulus / Cumulonimbus
cu mtr - cubic meter
CUI - Controlled Unclassified Information
cunb - cumulonimbus
curr - current / currency
- Custodian / Custody
CSS - Combat Service Support
CSP - Concurrent Spare Parts
CTFP - Counter-Terrorism Fellowship Program
CTR - Combat Readiness Training
CTX - Combined Training Exercise
CV - Cardiovascular
CVA - Cerebrovascular Accident
Cveh - Combat Vehicle
cvn - convene
CW - Chemical Warfare/ Continuous Wave/ Clockwise/ Common/ Chemical
C/W - Complied With
CWA - Cash With Acceptance
CWS - Coast Watch System
CY - Calendar Year/ Current Year
Cyl - Cylinder
cysto - cystoscopic examination
CZ - Combat Zone / Canal Zone / Communications Zone

De - delta / Drift error-total
DAFA - Defense & Armed Forces Attach
DAI - Death from Accidental Injuries
DAL - Directorate for Administration and Logistics
dam - damage
DAMA - Demand Assigned Multiple Access
DAO - Defense Attach Office / Disbursing Accounting Officer / Defense
Acquisition Office
DAR - Daily Activity Report / Department of Agrarian Reform
DAS - Defense Acquisition System
DAS AT - Defense Acquisition System Assessment Team
Db - Decibel
DBM - Department of Budget and Management
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBX - Digital Branch Exchange


DC - Data Communication / Dental Corps / Defense Counsel /

Direct Current / Damage Control
DCA - Defensive Counter Air
DCCEP - Developing Countries Combined Exercise Program
DCN - Document Control Number / Design Change Notice
DCS - Deputy Chief of Staff / Distinguished Conduct Star
DCPF - Del Pilar Class Patrol Vessel (when referring to a ship)
Deputy Commander, Philippine Fleet (when referring to a
DCSOPNS - Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
DCSPER - Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
DCofS - Direct Commercial Sales
DCO - Damage Control Officer
DD - Dishonorable Discharge
DDD - Deadline Delivery Date / Direct Distance Dialing
DDP - Delivered Duty Paid
D-Day - Actual Day of Activity (operation)
DE - Destroyer Escort
DEAL - Detachment Equipment Authorization List
DEAR - Disaster Emergency Assistance and Rescue
Debk - Debarkation
Dec - December
dec - declination
Decn - Decision
Decon - Decontaminate / Decontamination
Ded - Deduct / Deduction
Def - Defense
DEFCON - Defense Condition
Deg - Degree
Del - Delegate / Delegation / Delaware
Delacct - Delinquent Account
Delinq - Delinquent
Delt - Delete / Deletion
Dem - Demote / Demotion
Demist - Demisting
DEML - Detached Enlisted Mens List
demo - demonstration
demob - demobilize / demobilization
Den - Dental / Dentist / Dentistry
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Denpay - Dental Pay
DEP - Deflection Probable Error
dep - depot / deputy / departure
Depn - Dependent / Dependency
Depr - Depression
Dept - Depart / Department
DEROS - Date Eligible for Return from Overseas


des - desert / desire

DESC - Defense Electronic Supply Center
DESRON - Destroyer Squadron
Dest - Destroy / Destruction
Destn - Destination
DestPt - Destination Point
Det - Det / Detachment / Detail
Detm - Determine
Dev - Deviation / Develop/ Development
DEW - Distant Early Warning
DF - Direction Finder / Direction Finding
DF - Disposition Form (when referring to a document) / Diesel Fast (when
referring to a surface vessel)
DFing - Direction Finding
DF operator - an operator of direction-finding equipment
DFP - Depression from Flight Path
Dfr - Deferment
DFR - Dropped From Roll
Dfr - defer / deferment
dftmn - draftsman
DG - Direction Gyro
DGC - Deputy Group Commander
DGS - Development Guidelines and Standards
DGZ - Desired Ground Zero
DH - Debarkation Hospital / Destination Hospital
Div - Division
DI - Due-In
DIA - Date of Initial Appointment /Defense Intelligence Agency
Diam - Diameter
DIB - Daily Intelligence Brief
DIC - Document Identifier Code
DIC - Document Identifier Code
DID - Data Items Description
DID - Daily Intelligence Digest
DID&P - Director Internet Development and Production Program
DIDS - Defense Integration Data System
Dietn - dietitian
DIFM - Due-in From Maintenance
DIFOT - Duty in flying status involving operational or training flights
DIFOTECH - Duty as a technical observer in a flying status involving operational or
training flights as a non-crew member
DIFOTINS - Duty under instruction
DIFOTRELAS - duty in a flying status involving operational or training flights as his
own relief
DIFS - Defense Integrated Financial System
DIL - Director of International Logistics
DIO - Duty Intelligence Officer


DIR - Depot Inspection and Repair

dir - direct, direction, or director
Dis - Distant / Distance
Disb - Disbursement
DISC - Defense Industrial Supply Center
disc - discontinue
Disch - Discharge
DISCO - Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
Disem - Disseminate
Disp - Dispensary / Dispense
Distr - Distribute
Distressfa - Distress signals indicating that an aircraft is a subject of
unlawful interference, hijack or emergency.
DK - Disbursing Clerk
DL - Deadline
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DLE - Digital Line Equipment
DLM - Depot Level Maintenance
dlvr - deliver / delivery
dly - delay
Dlvr - Deliver
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
dml - demolition
dmn - dimension / dimensional
DMPI - Desired Mean Point of Impact
DMPIS - Discharged Military Personnel Information System
DMR - Defective Materiel Report
DMRT - Deployment, Maintenance, Repair and Training
DMSS - Data Management Support Section
Dmst - Demonstrate
dmst - demonstrate / demonstration
DmZ - Demilitarized Zone
DND - Department of National Defense
DND IBP - DND Integrated Business Plan
DO - Defense Order / Defined Order / Doctor of Osteophaty / Due-
Out / Department Order
do - ditto
DOA - Dead on Arrival
DOB - Date of Birth / Daily Operations Brief
doc - document
DOCA - Date of Current Appointment
DOCE - Date of Current Enlistment
DOCG - Date of rank in Current Grade
Docu - Document
DOD - Died Of Disease / Department of Defense
DOE - Date of Enlistment / Department Of Energy
DofS - Day of Supply


DOL - Detached Officers List

dol - dollar
Dom - Domestic
Dome - Astrodome
donisch - donation on discharge
DOO - Division Ordnance Officer
DOP - Detachment of Patients / Designated Overhaul Point
DOPF - Duty directed in Order is being Performed For
DOR - Due-Out Release
DOS - Date of Separation
DOTC - Department Of Transportation and Communications
DOTMPLFS - Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Personnel, Leadership,
Facility, and Sustainment
DOW - Died of Wounds
doz - dozen
DP - Direction of the President / Displaced Person / Deep Penetration /
Distribution Point / Disposal Procedure / Doctrine Proposal
dp - dump
DPC - Delayed Primary Closure
DPDO - Defense Property Disposal Office
DPG - Date of Permanent Grade
DPG - Defense Planning Guidance (refers to the document)
DPM - Designated for Prompt Mobilization
Dpmtly - departmentally
DPN - Desk Pad Note
DPO - Development Planning Objective
DPOR - Daily Post Operation Report
dpst - deposit
DPUO - Duty directed is being Performed for Unit issuing Order
DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways
DR - Date of Rank / Dead Reckoning / Dental Recruit / Delinquency Report
Drll - Drill
DRMS - Defense Resource Management System
DROS - Date Returned from Overseas
DRP - Direct Requisitioning Procedure
DRRO - Disaster Relief and Rescue Operation
DRRM - Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
drftmn - draftsman
DS - Detached Service / Direct Support / Date of Service / Direct Support
level of maintenance
Dsabl - Disable
Dsasbl - Disassemble
Dsbn - disband
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross / Delivery Service Code
DSCP - Division Supply Control Point
DSF - Direct Support Fund
dsg - designate / designation


DSM - Distinguished Service Medal/ Direct Support Maintenance

DSN - Defense Switched Network
Dspo - Disposition
DSPS - Defense Strategic Planning System
DSR - Daily Status Report
DSOM - Defense System of Management
DSOR - Daily Status Operations Report
DSU - Direct Support Unit
DT - Dental Technician / Dissident Terrorist
dt - date
dtd - dated
DT&E - Development, Test, and Evaluation
DTG - Date-time Group
Dtl - Detail
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DTO - District Transportation Officer
DTR - Deep Tendon Reflex
DTU - Division Training Unit
DUCE - Distinguished Unit Citation Emblem
ducon - duty connection / duty connected
dudat - due date
DUE - Distinguished Unit Emblem
DUKW - code for Amphibious truck, 2 -ton cargo
DUO - Decision Unit Overview
dupe - duplicate / duplication
DV - Disbursement Voucher
Dv - Device
DVFR - Defense Visual Flight Rules
Dy - Duty
DZ - Drop Zone

E - Echo / Enlisted / East / Estimated Weight
E-1 - Airmans grade /Apprentice seaman
E-2 - Airman 2nd class/ Seaman Second Class
E-3 - Airman 1st class/ Seaman First Class
E-4 - Sergeant / Petty Officer Third Class
E-5 - Staff Sergeant/ Petty Officer Second Class
E-6 - Technical Sergeant / Petty Officer First Class
E-7 - Master Sergeant / Chief Petty Officer
E-IMET - Expanded International Military Education and Training
e/r - en route
EA - Electronic Attack / Expenditure Authority / Emergency
Addressee / Enemy Aircraft
ea - each

EAAB - Edwin Andrews Air Base

EAC - Expect Approach Clearance
EAD - Extended Active Duty
EAL - Equipment Authorization List
EAS - Equivalent Airspeed
EASTMINCOM - Eastern Mindanao Command
EAT - Earliest Arriving Time / Expected Approach Time
EB - Employment Branch
EBS - Educational Benefits System
EC - Extension Course
ECA - Enlistment Clothing Allowance / Electronic Component Assembly
ECAN - Environmentally Critical Areas Network
ECC - Environmental Compliance Certificate
ECCM - Electronic Counter-Countermeasure(s)
ECF - Extended Care Facility
ECG/EKG - Electrocardiogram
ech - echelon
ECI - Eddy Current Inspection
ECL - English Comprehension Level / Equipment Component List
ECM - Electronic Countermeasure(s) / Electronic- countermeasure Mission
ECO - Engineering Change Order
Econ - Economy
ECP - Engineering Change Proposal
ECS - Environment Control System / Extended Continental Shelf
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
ed - editor / editionf
EDA - Excess Defense Articles
EDAC - Economic Defense Advisory Committee
EDCMR - Effective Date of Change on Morning Report
EDCSA - Effective Date of Change of Strength Accountability
EDD - Estimated Delivery Date
EDO - Engineering Duties Only
EDOC - Estimated Date Of Compliance
EDP/E - Electronic Data Processing/Equipment
EDRT - Effective Date of Relief from Training
EDS - Estimated Date of Separation
EDSA - Effective Date of change in Station Assignment
EDT - Effective Date of Training
educ - education
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EEG - Electroencephalogram
EEI - Essential Elements of Information
EENT - End, Evening Nautical Twilight / Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat
EET - Education Equivalency Test
EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone
EF - Elevation Finder
eff - effect / effective


eff wd - effective wind

effcy - efficiency
EG - Expert Gunner
EGRESS - Emergency Ground Rescue Escape System
EGT - Exhaust-Gas Temperature
EH - Enroute Hospital
EHF - Extremely High Frequency
El - End Item
EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment
EIP - Economic Inventory Policy
EIR - Estimate of Income and Revenue
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EIT - Electrical Information Test
EL - Education Level / Element Lead
el - elevation
ELA/ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immunoassay
elct - electronics
elec - electric / electrician
Elev - Elevator
Elig - Eligible
Elim - Eliminate /Elimination
Elm - Element
Elsec - Electronic Security
ELINT - Electronic Intelligence
ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter / English Language Training
EM - Enlisted Man / Enlisted Men / Education Manual
Emb - Embark / Embassy
EMB - Environmental Management Bureau
Emer - Emergency
EMF - Electromotive Force
EMG - Electromyogram
EML - Equipment Modification List
Empl - Employ / Emplacement
EMR - Enlisted Manning Report / Electromagnetic Radiation
EMS - Electromagnetic Spectrum
EMT - Emergency Medical Tag
en - enemy / engineman
eng - engine
Enl - Enlist
Enlmt - Enlistment
Engr - Engineer
ENCAP - Engineering Civic Action Project
Enr - Enroute
Ens - Ensign (Rank in the PN, equivalent to 2LT)
ent - enter/entrance
Entl - Entitle
EO - Executive Order


EOA - Effective On or About

EOB - Electronic Order of Battle
EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal / Entry on Duty
EODB - Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bulletin
EODP - Engineering Order Delayed for Parts
EOQ - Economic Order Quantity
EOR - Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
EOS - Eligible for Overseas Service
EP - Electronic Protection / Enlisted Personnel / Entrucking Point
EPD - Earliest Practicable Date
EPEM - Enlisted Personnel Evaluation Mark
EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
EPQ - Eligible Program Quantity
EPR - Enlisted Personnel Performance Report
EPTE - Existed Prior To Entry
Equiv - Equivalent
eqpt - equipment
ER - Emergency Response / Effectiveness Report / Emergency Room /
Enhanced Radiation
ERB - Equipment Review Board
ERDB - Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau
ERP - Engineering Requirement Plan
err - error / erroneous
ERRC - Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code
ERW - Explosive Remnants of War
- Eligible for Separation / Electrical Stimulation
ESB - Efficiency and Separation Board
esc - escort
ESCP - Expendable Surface Current Probe
EsctGd - Escort Guard
ESD - Estimated Shipment Date / Electronics Systems Division
ESEP - Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program
ESF - Economic Support Fund
ESM - Electronic Support Measures / Escort Mission
esn - essential
esp - especially
espg - espionage
ESPWO - Exigencies of the Service having been such as to Preclude the issuance
of competent Written Orders in advance
ESS - Environmental Stress Screening / Essential
EST - Eastern Standard Time / Enlistment Screening Test
est - estimate
Estb - Establish / Establishment
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETAD - Extended Tour of Active Duty
ETC - Estimated Time of Completion
ETD - Estimated Time of Departure


ETE - Expiration Term of Enlistment / Estimated Time En route

ETN - Equipment Table Nomenclature
ETOC - Estimated Time of Completion
ETR - Estimated Time of Return
ETS - Expiration Term of Service
ETSP - Entitled To Severance Pay
ETSS - Extended Training Services Specialist
EUC - End-user Certificate
Evac - Evacuate / Evacuation
Eval - Evaluate / Evaluation
EVM - Evacuation Mission
EW - Electronic Warfare / Enlisted Woman / Enlisted Women /
Early Warning
EWC - Environmental Water Craft
EWR - Early-Warning Radar
EWSIP - Electronic Warfare Standardization and Improvements
EWSM - Electronic Warfare Support Measures
EX - Experimental station
ex - exercise / excess
Ex-O - Executive Officer
EXA - Execution Agency
exact - expenditure Account
exam - examine / examination
exc - excellent
Exch - Exchange
Excl - Exclude / Exclusive
EXCOM - Extended Communications Search
exec - executive
Exp - Expend / Expense / Express
Exp ed - Expedite / Expedition
Exper - Experiment / Experimental
Explo - Explosion / Explosive
Expr - Expire / Expiration
ext - extend / extension / external

F - foxtrot / Fahrenheit / Fighter / Flying / Father
F/E - Fraudulent Enlistment / Flight Engineer
F/O - Flight Officer / Flying Officer
F/S - Feet per Second / Final Statement
F/U - For Use
f-m - Flight Mechanic / Financial Management
FA - Field Artillery / Friendly Aircraft / Family Allowance
FAB - Fernando Air Base

Fab - Fabric
FAC - Forward Air Controller
Fac - Facility
FAC-P - Fast Attack Craft, Patrol
Fadm - Fleet Admiral
FADS - FMS Automated Data System
fam - family
FAMIS - Foreign Affairs Management Information System / Firearms and
Ammunition Inventory System
FAMJT - Familiarization Job Training
FAMT - Forward Area Maintenance Team
FAP - Frequency Allocation Panel / Fleet Assistance Program
FAPS - Foreign Affairs Planning and Scheduling
FAR - Floor Area Ratio
FAS - Fiscal Agency Service
FAT - Fastest Available Transportation
fav - favorable
FAW - Financial Analysis Worksheet
FB - Fumigation and Bath
FBhdL - Force Beachhead Line
FBL - Fixed Bore Line
FBS - Fasting Blood Sugar
FBW - Fly-by-wire
FC - Flight Commander / Fixed Cost
Fc - Fractocumulus
FCC - Federal Communication Commission / Flight Clinical Coordination
FCF - Flight Check Flight / Functional Check Flight
fcst - forecast / forecaster
FCT - Fraction Thereof
fcty - factory
FCU - Fuel Control Unit
FDC - Fire Direction Center / Forward Direction Center
FDM - Flight Directive Manifest
FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDP - Forward Director Post / Forward Fighter Director Post / Fighter
Director Post / Foreign Duty Pay / Fort Del Pilar
FE - Fighter Escort / Flight Examiner / Fractocumulus
FEB - Flying Evaluation Board
Feb - February
FEML - Funded Environmental and Morale Leave
FEMR - FMS Excess Materiel Return
Fes - Forward Estimates
FETP - Foreign Education Training Program
FEXT - Far End Cross Talk
FF - Fuel Flow / Freight Forwarder
FFAR - Forward-firing Aerial Rocket / Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket
ffgt - firefighter / firefighting


FFOD - Fire Fighting Operational Distance.

FFP - Firm Fixed Price
FFP-LOE - Firm Fixed Price, Level-of-effort Contract
fgn - foreign
FH - Family History
fhp - friction horsepower
FHT - Fatal Heart Tone
Fi - Finance
FICS - FMS Integrated Control System
FID - Foreign Internal Defense
FIDO - Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation
FIFO - First In First Out
Fig - Figure
Fll - Federal Item Identification
FIIG - Federal Item Identification Guide
Fil - Filter
Fin - Finance
FIPC - Financial Information Processing Center
FIR - Flight Information Region
Firex - Fire Extinguisher
FIS - Found-In-Station
Fisc - Fiscal
FISINT - Foreign Instrumentation Signal Intelligence
FIT - Forward Inspection Team
FK - Faker Track
FL - Focal Length / Flight Level
FLAP - Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program
F/Lt - Flag Lieutenant (also known as aide-de-camp in the army and
air force)
Flag Sec - Flag Secretary (also known as Executive Assistant in the army
and air force)
Fld - Field
FldO - Field Officer
Flex - Flexible
Flg - Flying
FLI - Flight Leader Identification
Flicon - Flight control
FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared
FLIS - Federal Logistics Information System
FLO - Foreign Liaison Office / Foreign Liaison Officer
Flr - Filler / Flyer
FlRng - Flash Ranging
Flt - Flight
fltg - floating
FltO - Flight Officer
flyobrpt - flying object report
FM - Field Manual / Frequency Modulation


FM - Fleet Marine
fman - foreman
FMC - Full Mission Capable / Flight Mission Capable
FMCS - Foreign Military Construction Sales
FMECA - Failure Mode, Effects and Critically Analysis
FMF - Foreign Military Financing
FMF - Foreign Military Funding
FMFP - Foreign Military Financing Program
FMIS - Flight Monitoring and Information System
FMO - Flight Medical Officer
FMP - Final Master Plan
FMRF - Fleet Marine Ready Force
FMS / F.M.S - Foreign Military Sales
FMS - Flight Manifest System
FMSG - Fleet Maintenance Support Group
FMSMP - FMS Management Plan
FMSO I - Foreign Military Sales Order No. I (stock level sales case)
FMSO II - Foreign Military Sales Order No. II (requisition/ consumption sales
FMTB - Fleet Marine Training Base
FMWC - Fleet Marine Warfare Center
FMTAS - Foreign Military Training Aviation Subsystem
FMTB - Foreign Military Training Board / Fleet-Marine Training Base
FN - Factory New / Flight Nurse
FNA - Following Named Airmen
FNH - Flashless, Nonhygroscopic
FNO - Following Named Officers
FNOA - Following Named Officers and Airmen
FNU - First Name Unidentified/Unknown
FO - Field Order / Finance Officer / Forward Observer
FOA - Forward Obligational Authority
FOB - Freight on Board / Found On Base / Free On Board / Forward
Operating Base
FObsr - Forward Observer
FOCI - Foreign Ownership Control or Influence
FOD - Foreign Object Damage
FofF - Field of Fire
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
Fol - Follow
folnoaval - following items not available
Food sv - Food Service
FORDTIS - Foreign Disclosure and Technology Information System
Forf - forfeit / forfeiture
Fort - Fortress
FOS - Follow-on Support/Follow-on Spares/Field of Specialization
FRBn - Force Reconnaissance Battalion
FOT - Follow-on Training


FP - Flight Pay / Pipefitter / Flight Path / Fixed Price

FP-EPA - Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment
FPGL - Flight Plan Gas Load
FPI - Fixed Price Incentive
FPIF - Fixed Price Incentive Fee
FPI(F) - Fixed Price Incentive (Firm target)
FPIS - Fixed Price Incentive (Successive target)
FPL - Final Protective Line
fps - feet per second / frames per second
FPT - Full Power Trial
fpur - for the purpose of
fr - from
FRAG - Fragment / Fragmentary / Fragmentation / Fragmentation
FRAG-O / FRAGORD - Fragmentary Order
frag bomb - fragmentation bomb
frag cluster - fragmentation bomb cluster
Fraud - Fraudulent / Fraudulently
Frd - Friend / Friendly
Freq - Frequent / Frequently
Fri - Friday
FRL - Fuselage Reference Line
FROD - Force Restructuring and Organizational Development
Frt - Freight
FROD - Force Restructuring and Organizational Development
FS - Film Strip / Field Services / Fighter, Single / Flight Sergeant /
Flying Status / Flight Surgeon / Fail Safe / Feasibility Study
Fs - Fractostratus
FSA - Family Separation Allowance
FSC - Federal Supply Classification
FSCC - Fire Support Coordination Center
FSD - Full Scale Development / Fuel Supply Depot
FSE - Field-Support Equipment
FSF - Fleet Support Force
FSG - Federal Supply Group
FSII - Fuel System Icing Inhibitor
FSO - Foreign Service Officer
FSP - Foreign Service Pay
FST - Field Service Team
FSSU - Forward Service Support Unit
FT - Firing Table
Ft - Foot / Feet / Fort
ft Lbs - foot pound
ft/sec - foot second / feet per second
FTC - Fleet Training Center
FTD - Field Training Detachment
FTDC - Fleet Training and Doctrines Center


ftn - fortification
ftr - fighter
FTS - Field Training Service
Ftn - Fortification
Ftr - Fighter
FTRS - Flying Time Reporting System
FTX - Field Training Exercise
FU (%) - Fill-Up Rate
FUO - Fever, Unknown Origin
FUPOSAT - Follow-up on Supply Action Taken
FUR - Fund Utilization Report
Furn - Furnish / Furniture
Furept - further report to
Fus - Fuselage
FuS - Funding Strategy
FVS - Foreign Visits System
fw - firewall
FWB - Full Weight Bearing
fwd - forward
FwdBL - Forward Bomb Line
FWE - Foreign Weapons Evaluation
FWT - Fair Wear and Tear
fx - fracture
fxd - fixed
FY - Fiscal Year
FYDP - Five Year Defense Program
FYI - For Your Information
FYIG - For Your Information and Guidance

G - Gravity / Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army

G-1 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Personnel, G-1
G-2 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Intelligence, G-2
G-3 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Operations, G-3
G-4 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Logistics, G-4
G-5 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Plans, G-5


G-6 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Communications,

Electronics and Information System, G-6
G-7 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Civil Military
Operations, G-7
G-8 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Education and Training,
G-9 - Assistant Chief of Staff in the Army for Reservist and Retirees
Affairs, G-9
G&A - General and Administrative
g/a - glide angle
G/Adj - Group Adjutant
GA - Grant Aid / General Authority
GAA - General Appropriations Act
GAD - Gender and Development
Gal - Gallon
GAM - Guided Aircraft Missile
GAO - General Accounting Office
Gapa - Ground-to-air pilotless aircraft
GAR - Guided Aircraft Rocket
Gar - Garrison
Gas - Gasoline
GAT - Greenwich Apparent Time
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / Government
Baggage Ticket
GARO - General Allotment Release Order
GB - Grantee / Beneficiary
GB - Glide Bomb
GBADS - Ground Based Air Defense Systems
GBL - Gun Bore Line / Government Bill of Lading
GBR - Gun, Bomb, and Rocket
G/C - Group Captain
G&C - Guidance and Control
GC - Group Commander / Gyro Compass / Generic Code
GCA - Ground-controlled Approach
GCC - Ground Control Center
GCC - Geographic Combatant Commanders
GCI - Gratuitous Clothing Issue / Ground-Controlled Interception
GCM - General Court-Martial / Good Conduct Medal
GCMO - General Court-Martial Orders
GCR - Ground-controlled Radar
GCU - Ground Control Unit
Gdnce - Guidance
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GEBAT - Government Excess Baggage Authorization Ticket
Gen - General
Genr - Generate / Generation / Generator
Geod - Geodetic


Geol - Geological
Georef - World Geographic Reference System
GetLo - Obtained by local purchase
Getma - Obtained by local manufacture
GFA - Gross Floor Areas
GFAE - Government Furnished Aero-nautical Equipment
GFE - Government-furnished Equipment
GFF - Government-furnished Facilities
GFI - Government-furnished Information
GFP - Government-furnished Property
GH - General Hospital
GHA - Greenwich Hour Angle
GHQ - General Headquarters
GI - Government Issue
GL - Gun Laying
Gli - Glider
Glibad - Glider Badge
GLEB - Group Law Enforcement Branch
GLO - Ground Liaison Officer
G-M counter - Geiger-Mueller counter
GM - Guided Missile
Gm - Gram
GMP - Grease Multi-Purpose
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
Gnd - Ground
GNP - Gross National Product
gnr - gunner / gunnery
GO - General Order / General Orders
GOA - General Office Attire
GOCO - Government-owned, Contractor-operated
GOPLAT - Gas Oil Platform
Gov - Governor
Govt - Government
GOX - Gaseous Oxygen
G-P - Gas (chemical agent) Persistent
GP - General Purpose / Geographic Position
Gp - Group
GP bomb - General-Purpose bomb
GPC - Government Procurement Code
GPF - Gas proof
GPH - Gallons Per Hour
GPI - Ground Position Indicator
GPLD - Government Property Lost or Damaged
GPM - Gallons Per Minute
GPOI - Global Peace Operations Initiative
GPS - Gallons Per Second / Global Positioning System
GPU - Ground Power Unit


GR - Gunnery Range / Graves Registration

gr - grade
grad - graduate
Grd - Guard
Grdhse - Guardhouse
GRL - Gross Requirement List
GrReg - Graves Registration
GS - General Support/ General Staff / General Schedule / Glide
Slope/Ground Speed
- General Services Administration
GSAP - Gunsight Aiming Point
GSB - Gate Security Branch
GSC - General Staff Corps
GSE - Ground Support Equipment
GSLM - General Support Level of Maintenance
GSM - Group Sergeant Major / General Support Maintenance
GSMIA - General Security of Military Information Agreement
GST - Greenwich Sidereal Time
GSU - General Support Unit
GSW - Gunshot Wound
GTA - Graphic Training Aid
GTC - Gas Turbine Compressor
GTR - Government Transportation Request
Gun - Gunner / Gunnery
GW - Gross Weight
GYN - Gynecology
Gyro - Gyroscope / Gyrocompass
GZ - Ground Zero

H - Heavy / Helicopter / Hospital / Hydrogen / Honors
H&S - Headquarters and Service
HA - High Altitude / Hour Angle / Home Address
HAA - Heavy Antiaircraft Artillery
HAB - High-altitude Bombing
HAC - House Appropriations Committee
HADR - Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response
HAMA - Home Against Medical Advice
Har - Harbor
HARM - High-speed Anti-radiation Missile
H-bomb - hydrogen bomb
HB - Heavy Bombardment
HC - High Capacity bomb
Hc - computed altitude
HCN - Host Country National

hcptr - helicopter
HCU - Heavy Conversion Unit
HD - High Drag / Honorably Discharge / Harbor Defense / Density
Hd - Head
Hdg - Heading
hdlg - handling
HDP - Hazardous Duty Pay
hdsp - hardship
HE - High Explosive
He - Helium
HEAP - High Explosive Armor-Piercing
HEAT - High Explosive Anti-Tank
HedCom - Headquarters Command
HEDP - High Explosive Dual Purpose
HEI - High Explosive Incendiary
HEIT - High Explosive Incendiary Tracer
Hel - Helicopter
HEP - High Explosive Plastic
HEP-T - High Explosive Plastic-Tracer
HERA - High Explosive, Rocket Assistant
Herdet - Hereby detached from duty assigned and from such other duty as
may have been assigned
HERO - Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
HERP - Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel
HE-T - High Explosive Tracer
HF - High Frequency / Height Finding
HF/DF - High Frequency Direction Finding
Hg - Mercury
HHR - Hand Held Radio
HIRC - House International Relations Committee
HIS - Health Information System
Hist - History/Historical
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HLDBK - Contract or Holdback
Hlpr - Helper
HM - Her Majesty / His Majesty
HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
HMMWV - High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle
HMP - Hot Moist Pack
HMU - Hydro-mechanical Metering Unit
HNS - Host Nation Support
Ho - Observed Altitude
HOB - Height of Burst/Head of Bed
Hon - Honor / Honorable / Honorably
Horiz - Horizontal
Hosp - Hospital


How - Howitzer
HIS - Hot Section Inspection
Hp - Horsepower / pressure altitude
HP - Hot Pilot
HPA - Head of Procuring Agency / Headquarters Philippine Army
HPF - Highest Probable Frequency / Headquarters Philippine Fleet
HPN - Headquarters Philippine Navy
HPN HSG - HPN Headquarters Support Group
HPT - High-pressure Test
Hqs / HQ - Headquarters
HHQ / HHqs - Higher Headquarters
Hr - Hour
Hrcft - Harbor Craft
HRD - Human Resource Development (pillars of AFP Modernization)
HRI - Height-range Indicator
HRO - Human Rights Office
HRP - Holding and Reconsignment Point
HS - High School
Hs - Hardstanding
HSE - Haul Supplies and Equipment
Hsg - Housing
HSG - Headquarters Support Group
HSI - Hot Section Inspection / Horizontal Situation Indicator
Hskpg - Housekeeping
Ht - Heat / Height
HTA - Heavier than Air
Htr - Heater
Htrac - Halftrack/Half-track
Htrk - Half-track
HTS - Hydraulic Test Stand
HUD - Head-Up Display
HUDCC - Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
Huk - Hunter-killer/Huk operation
HUMINT - Human Intelligence
Hums - Humanitarian Reasons
Hun - hundred
HV - High Velocity
Hv - Heavy
HVAP - High Velocity Armor Piercing
HVAP-T - High Velocity Armor Piercing Tracer
HVAR - High Velocity Aircraft Rocket
HVTP - Hyper Velocity Target Practice
Hvy - Heavy
HWN - Handwritten Note
hwy - highway
hyd - hydraulic
Hydro - Hydrographic


Hz - Hertz

I&I - Intelligence and Investigation
I&M - Installation and Maintenance
IA - Implementing Agency / Issuing Authority
IACP - International Armaments Cooperation Programs
IAOD - In Addition to Other Duties
IAPO - Industrial Accountable Property Officer
IAS - Indicated Airspeed / Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
IASOR - Ice and Snow On Runway
IATF - Inter-Agency Transferred Funds
IATR - Is Amended To Read
IAW - In Accordance With, as used in radio messages
IAZ - Inner Artillery Zone
IB - Incendiary Bomb
IBBn - Inshore Boat Battalion
IBC - International Building Code
IBhd - Initial Beachhead
IBM - International Business Machines / Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IBP - Integrated Business Plan
IBRL - Initial Bomb Release Line
IBS - Interfund Billing System
IC - In-cloud Lighting
ICA - Initial Clothing Allowance
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICC - Investment Coordination Committee
ICCA - Initial Cash Clothing Allowance
ICFATCMUTAL - Individual is Cleared For Access To Classified Material Up To And
ICOW - In Connection With
ICP - Inventory Control Point/Inter-national Cooperative Programs (now
ICR - Intelligence Collection Requirement
ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
ICS - Intercommunication(S) System
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
ICU - Intensive Care Unit
ICUS - Inside Continental United States
ICW - In Compliance With / Interrupted Continuous Wave
ID - Issuance Directive / Inside Diameter
ID-IQ - Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quanti
IDAD - Internal Defense and Development
IDAP - Integrity Development Action Plan

IDP - Instructor Duty Pay

Ident - Identification
IDF - Internal Distribution Frame
IDM - Interdiction Mission
ID-RC - Indefinite Delivery, Requirements Contract
IDS - Instructors Development System
IDSS - Interoperability Decision Support System
I&E - Information and Education
IE - Individual Equipment
IED - Improvised Explosives Devices
IELTS - International English Language Testing System
IEMG - International Engine Management Group
IEMP - International Engine Management Program
IF - Intermediate Frequency / Internal Frequency / Industrial Fund
/ Ice Fog
IFB - Invitation For Bid
IFF - Identification, Friend or Foe
IFR - Instrument Flight Rules / Inflight Refueling
IFRB - International Frequency Registration Board
IFRU - Interference Frequency Rejection Unit
IFT - In-flight Test
IG - Inspector General
IGB - Intermediate Gear Box
IGD - Inspector Generals Department
IGS - Inspector General Service
IGV - Inlet Guide Vane
IHCA - In Hands of Civil Authorities
IHP - Indicated Horsepower
II - Item Identification
IIR - Inventory and Inspection Report
IJAJ - Intentional Jitter Anti-jam
IJJU - Intentional Jitter Jamming Unit
IL - International Logistics
ILA - Instrument Landing Approach
ILAS - Instrument Low Approach System
ILLUM - Illuminating
ILO - In Lieu Of
ILOUE - In Lieu Of Until Exhausted
ILS - Instrument Landing System / Integrated Logistics Support
ILSP - Integrated Logistics Support Plan
ilst - illustrate
ILT - In Lieu Thereof
IM - Item/Inventory Manager / Intramuscular / Interceptor Missile
/ Instrument man
IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMET - International Military Education and Training
IMINT - Imagery Intelligence


IMET - International Military Education and Training

IMETP - International Military Education and Training Program
imm - immune / immunity
immat - immaterial
immed - immediate / immediately
Immelmann - Immelmann turn
IMN - Indicated Mach Number
IMO - International Meteorological Organization
imp - impression
IMP - Integrated Management Practices
Impl - Implement
Imprg - Impregnate
imrep - immediately report
IMS - International Military Student
IMSM - International Military Student Manager
IMSO - International Military Student Officer (Office) (Organization)
IMT - International Military Training
IMTP - Industrial Mobilization Training Program
In - Inches
In lb - Inch Pound
in sec - inch second
Inactv - Inactive / Inactivate / Inactivation
Inbd - Inboard
Inc - Increase
Incair - Including Air
Incap - Incapacitate / Incapacitation
Incd - Incident / Incendiary
Incl - Inclose / Include
Incom - Incomplete
Incr - Increment
Ind - indorse / indorsement / industry / independent / Indiana / Indian /
indc - indicate
indct - induct / induction
indef - indefinite
Indiv - Individual
Indman - Industrial Manager
Indoc - Indoctrinate
Induc - Induction
Inf - Infantry
Info - Information / Inform / For the Information of
INFOCEN - Information Center
INFOSEC - Information Security
Init - Initial
Inj - Injure
Inl - Initial
InM - Interception Mission


InReq - Information Request

INO - Issue Necessary Orders
INS - Inertial Navigation System
ins - insure / insurance
Insp - inspect/inspection/inspector
inst - instrument/instruction/instant
instl - install
instr - instruct/instructor
intcp - intercept/interceptor
Intel - Intelligence
INTELES - Intelligence Estimate
INTELEX - Intelligence Exchange
intercom - intercommunication(s)
interf - interference
intg - interrogate or interrofator
intl - International
intmed - intermediate
intns - intransit
intrpr - interpret or interpreter
intr - intruder/intransit/intransitive
intrc - intricate
IntRept - Intelligence Report
Intst - Instrumentalist
IntSum - Intelligence Summary
Inv - invent/invoice
Inves - investigate/investigator
Invest - investigation
Invty - inventory
I.O. - Intelligence Officer
I&O - Intake and Output
IOC - Initial Operational Capability/Industrial Operations Command
/ Intelligence Operations Center
IOH - Item On Hand
IP - Instructional Package / Incentive Pay / Instructor Pilot/ Initial
IPB - Illustrated Parts Breakdown
IPC - Illustrated Parts Catalog
IPD - Issue Priority Designator/Implementing Project Directive
IPS - Inch Per Second
IPSP - Internal Peace and Security Plan
IPW - Interrogation Prisoner of War
IQRS - Initial Quantitative Rating System
IR - Invoice Receipt
IR - Infrared/Information Report/Investigation Report/ Instrument
I&R - Intelligence and Reconnaissance
IRAN - Inspection Repair as Necessary


IRC - International Red Cross

IRM - Intermediate Restorative Materials
IRO - International Refugee Organization
IRR - Infrared Radiation / Implementing Rules and Regulation
IRS - Inactive Reserve Section/Ineligible Reserve Section
IRT - Interrogator-responser-transponder
IS - Information Systems/island/Issue Slip
I&S - Interchangeability and Substitution
ISA - International Security Affairs / International Solidarity Asia
ISL - Inactive Status List
ISM - Industrial Security Manual
IS/T - Information System and Technology
ISO - Internal Security Operations
ISP - Information System Plan/Industrial Security Policy
ISR - Industrial Security Regulation
Iss - issue
ISSA - Interservice/International Supply Support Arrangement
ISSL - Initial Spare Support List
ISTL - Integrated Standard Training List
Isum - Intelligence Summary
IT2 - International Technology Transfer Panel
ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITB - Invitation to Bid
ITCON - In This Connection
itin - itinerary
ITO - Invitational Travel Order
ITT - Individual Technical Training
ITU - International Telecommunications Union
IU - Implementing Unit/Interference Unit
IV - Intravenous
IVF - Intravenous Fluid
IW - Information Warfare
IWIStk - Issue While on Stock
IWSM - Integrated Weapon System Management

J-1 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, J-1
J-2 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, J-2
J-3 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, J-3
J-4 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, J-4
J5 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, J-5
J6 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Electronics and
Information System, J-6
J7 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations, J-7
J8 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Education and Training, J-8

J9 - Deputy Chief of Staff for Reservist and Retirees Affairs, J-9

JA - Judge Advocate
Ja - Japan
JAAF - Joint Action Armed Forces / Joint Army-Air Force
JAG - Judge Advocate General
JAGO - Judge Advocate Generals Office
JAGS - Judge Advocate General Service
JAMOC - Jet Aircraft Maintenance Officers Course
Jan - January
JANAP - Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication
Jap - Japan
JAPIC - Joint AFP/INP Intelligence Committee
JATO - Jet-assisted Takeoff
J-Box - Junction Box
JB - Jet Bomb
JCD - Journal of Collections and Deposits
JCBC - Joint Committee on Border Cooperation
JCI - Journal of Checks Issued
JCEIS - Joint Communications, Electronics and Information System
JCPV - Jacinto Class Patrol Vessel
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff (Joint Staff)
JD - Journal of Disbursements
jd - joined
JDA - Joint Duty Assignment / Joint Deployment Agency
JDAL - Joint Duty Assignment List
JDAM - Joint Direct Attack Munitions
JDC - Joint Deployment Community
JDS - Joint Deployment System
JMETL - Joint Mission Essential Task List
Jet A-1 - fuel for aircraft
JetP - Jet Propelled
Jett - Jettison
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander
JFM - Joint Forces Memorandum
JIC - Joint Intelligence Committee
JLC - Joint Logistics Commanders
JLPC - Joint Logistics Plans Committee
JLPG - Joint Logistics Planning Group
JMP - Joint Manpower Program
JMTC - Joint Military Technology Commission / Joint Military
Transportation Committee
Jn - Join
JO - Job Order
Jo - Journalist
JOC - Joint Operations Center
JOQ - Junior Officers Quarters
JP - Jet Pilot


JPBAC - Junior Program and Budget Advisory Committee

JPR - Joint Procurement Regulation
JS - Joint Staff
JSC - Joint Staff Corps
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter
JSOG - Joint Special Operations Group
JSAT - Joint Security Assistance Training (Regulation)
JSPS - Joint Strategic Planning System
Jt - joint
JTA - Joint Table of Allowance
JTD - Joint Table of Distribution
JTF - Joint Task Force
JTX - Joint Training Exercise
Jul - July
Jun - June
Juris - Jurisdiction
JUSMAG - Joint United States Military Advisory Group / Joint US Military
Assistance (or Advisory) Group
Just - Justification
JV - Journal Voucher

KAS - Knots Calibrated Airspeed
KBI - Key Budgetary Items
KBU - Key Budgetary Units
kc - kilocycle/kilocycles
kcal - kilocalories
kcs - kilocycles per second
Kd - Killed
KEAS - Knots Equivalent Airspeed
Kg - Kilogram
KHz - Kilohertz
ki - kitchen
KIA - Killed In Action
KIAS - Knots Indicated Airspeed
KIG - Kalayaan Island Group
KM - Kilometer / Kilometers
KP - Kitchen Police
KSS - Keep Set Sterile
kt - knot or knots
KTAS - Knots True Airspeed
KUB - Kidney, Ureter, Bladder
KVA - Kilovolt Ampere / Kilovolt Amperes
KVO - Keep Vein Open

Kw - kilowatt
KWH - Kilowatt Hour
Kwtts - Kilowatts

L - Light / Liaison / Line / Launching / Left / Lift
l - liter
L/C - Lieutenant Colonel
L/D - Lift-drag / Lift-drag ratio / Length-diameter
L.F. - Low-Altitude Fighter
LA - Low Altitude
LAB - Low-altitude Bombing
Lab - Laboratory
LAD - Latest Arrival Date (at POD) / Light Armor Division
LAMA - Lead Air Materiel Area
LAM - Land Administration and Management
LAN - Local Area Networks
Lanac - Laminar air navigation and anti-collision
Lang - Language
LANTIRN - Low Altitude Navigation Targeting Infrared for Night
LARC - Light Amphibious Riverine Craft
LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LAT - Local Apparent Time
Lat - Latitude
Lau - Launcher
LAW - Light Anti Tank Weapon
LB - Light Bombardment
lb - pound
lb/hr - pound per hour
LBP - Low Back Pain
LBS - Leave Balance System
LC - Letter of Credit / Legitimate Child / Line of Contact / Liaison-
cargo / Line of Communication / Letter of Commendation
LCAC - Landing Craft Air Cushion
LCC - Life Cycle Costing
LCDR - Lieutenant Commander (major in the army)
LCF - Littoral Combat Force
LCL - Less than Carload Lot / Lifting Condensation Level
Lcdr - Lieutenant Commander (rank in the PN)
lchr - launcher
LCM - Landing Craft Mechanized / Local Communist Movement /
Life Cycle Management
LCT - Landing Craft tank / Latest Closing Time / Local Civil Time /
Landing Craft Tank

LCU - Landing Craft Utility

LCVP - Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel
LD - Low Drag / Line of Duty / Line of Departure / Letter Directive /
Liquidation Division / Landing
LDC - Light Direction Center
ldg - landing
ldg gr - landing gear
ldglt - landing light
LDGP - Low Drag General Purpose
ldr - leader
ldry - laundry
ldymn - laundryman
LE - Low Explosive / Light Equipment / Lower Extremity
lea - leather
LEB - Law Enforcement Branch
LEBC - Legislative Executive Bases Council
LEG - legislate / legislation / legislative
LEP - Lowest Effective Power
Lev - Lever
LF - Low Frequency
LF/MF - Low Frequency, Medium Frequency
LFPs - Locally Funded Projects
LFX - Live Fire Exercise
LG - Landing Gear
LGB - Laser Guided Bomb
LGM - Log Girth Measurement
Lgth - Length
LGC - Local Government Code
LGU - Local Government Unit
LH - Left Hand / Lower Half
lh - lighthouse
LHA - Local Hour Angle
Li - Lithographer / Lithium
LIC - Low-Intensity Conflict
LID - Low Impact Development
Liq - Liquid
Lit - Liter
Limdat - Limiting Date
LL - Light Line / Launcher Line (Pronounced as Lima-Lima)
LLLGB - Low Level Laser Guided Bomb
LLI - Long Lead Item
LLQ - Left Lower Quadrant
LM - Logistics Management / Local Manufacture
LMB - Land Management Bureau
LMG - Light Machine Gun
lmn - lineman
LMT - Local Mean Time


lmt - limit / limitation

Ln - Liaison
LO - Letter Order
lo - local
LOA - Letter of Offer and Acceptance / Letter Of Assist
LOAC - Laws of Armed Conflict
LOB - Line of Bearing
LOC - Line(s) Of Communication / Loss Of Consciousness
loc - location
loco - locomotive
locpuro - local purchase order
LOD - Line of Duty
LofC - Line of Communication
Log - Logistics
LOI - Letter of Instruction / Letter of Intent
LOLA - Liaison Officer for Legislative Affairs
Long - Longitude
Longv - Longevity Pay
LOP - Line of Position
LOR - Letter of Request
LORAN - Long-range Navigation
- Line Of Sight / Littoral Observatory Stations
Lox - Liquid Oxygen
Loy - Loyalty
LP - Litter Patient / Local Procurement / Local Purchase / Long Pay
/ Limited Pilot
LPI - Liquid Penetrant Inspection
LPU - Life Preserver Unit
LR - Long Range
LRB - Light Reaction Battalion
LRPA - Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Aircraft
LRTgt - Last Resort Target
LRTM - Long Range Training Mission
LS - Light Vessel / Light Ship / Landing Ship
LST - Local Sidereal Time / Landing Ship Tank
LSV - Logistic Support Vessel
Lt - Lieutenant / Light
Lt Col - Lieutenant Colonel / Landing Team /
Lt Gen - Lieutenant General
LTA - Lighter Than Air / Leave Travel Allowance
LTD - Language Training Detachment
ltd - limited
LTG - Lieutenant General
ltgc - lithographic
lthr - leather
LTIR - Limited Technical Inspection Report
LTJG - Lieutenant Junior Grade


LTL - Less Than Truckload

LTon - Lead Time on month
lton - Long ton
ltprs - letterpress
ltr - letter
LtrO - Letter Order
Lub - Lubricate
Lube - Lubricating oil
LUF - Lowest Useful High Frequency
Lufbery - Lufbery Circle
Lv - Leave
Lw - Leeway
LVT - Landing Vehicle, Tracked
LW - Light Warning
LWASV - Light Weight Aircraft-to-Surface Vessel
LWAW - Light Weight Aircraft Warning
LWL - Load Water Line
lwop - leave without pay
lwr - lower
LZ - Landing Zone / Luftschiff Zeppelin

M - Medium / Mark / Materiel
m - meter
M Series - Model Series / Mark Series
M&O - Manpower and Organization
M&R - Maintenance and Repairs
M&S - Maintenance and Supply
M/R - Morning Report / Memorandum Receipt / Main Rotor
M998 - Troop Carrier Version of HMMWV
M1025 - Armament Carrier Version of HMMWV
MA - Medical Attendant
MAC - Mean Aerodynamic Chord / Medical Auxiliary Corps
Mach - Machine
MAE - Maximum Allowable Environment
Maj - Major
Maj Gen - Maj General
MANPADS - Man-portable Air Defense System
MANCOM - Manpower Committee
MAOT - Maximum Allowable Operating Time
MAP - Military Assistance Program
MAP - Mutual Assistance Programme
MARFOR - Marine Forces
MARLEN - Maritime Law Enforcement
MARICOM - Maritime Command

Mark - Model (Series of)

MARSOG - Marine Special Operations Group
MARSURVEX - Maritime Survey Exercise
MAS - Master Repair Schedule
MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MASL - Military Articles and Services List
MAT - Mechanical Aptitude Test
Mat - Material
MATF- Modernization Act Trust Fund
MAV - Manpower Authorization Voucher
max - maximum / Maxilla
MBEAB - Mactan Benito Ebuen Air Base
MBGL - Marine Base Gregorio Lim
Mbl - Mobile
MBLT - Marine Battalion Landing Team
MBOC - Marine Basic Office Course
MC - Medical Corps
mc - megacycle / megacycles per second
MCA - Maximum Cash Accountability
Mcflm - microfilm
MCL - Munitions Control List
MCM - Military Commendation Medal / Manual for Courts-martial /
Mine Counter Measure
MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer
MCTC - Marine Corps Training Center
MCW - Modulated Continuous Wave
M.D. - Doctor of Medicine
MDA(A) - Mutual Defense Assistance Agreements
MDAO - Mutual Defense Assistance Office
MDAP - Mutual Defense Assistance Program
MDB - Mutual Defense Board
MDBT - Marine Drum and Bugle Team
MDCP - Malaysian Defence Cooperation Programme
MDF - Main Distribution Frame
MDP - Master Development Plan
MDS - Modified Disbursement System
MDT - Mean Down Time / Mutual Defense Treaty
MEA - Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEAL - Master Equipment Allowance List
Mech - Mechanic / Mechanical
Med - Medical
MEDCAP - Medical and Dental Civic Action Program
MEDEVAC - Medical Evacuation
Medic - Medical Officer
MEE - Minimum Essential Equipment
MEQ - Married Enlisted Personnel Quarters
METAR - Meteorological Aviation Report


METL - Mission Essential Task List

MEW - Microwave Early Warning
MF - Medium Frequency
MFBL - Mean Fixed Bore Line
MFC - Main Fuel Control
mfg - manufacturing
MFO - Multinational Force and Observers
MFP - Major Force Program
MG - Machine Gun / Major General
mg - milligram
MGB - Main Gear Box
MGEN - Major General
mgmt - management
mgr - manager
mgt - management
MH - Medal of Honor / Magnetic Heading
Mhz - Megahertz
MI - Military Intelligence / Myocardial Infarction
mi - mile
MIA - Missing In Action
mic - microphone
MICP - Manila International Container Port
Mid - Middle
MIEA - Master Information Exchange Arrangement
MII - Military Intelligence Interpreter
MIJI - Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference
Mike - Microphone / Micrometer
Mi - Mile
MIA - Missing in Action
Mil - Military
MILE - Military Livelihood Enhancement
MILF - Moro Islamic Liberation Front
MILPAY - Military Payroll System
MILOBs - Military Observers
MILSPEC - Military Specification
MILSTD - Military Standard
Min - Minimum / Minute
MILSTEP - Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedure
MILSTRIP - Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure
MILVED - Military Values Education
MIMEX - Major Item Material Excess
Mis - Missing
MIS - Management Information System
Misc - Miscellaneous
MIT - Minimum Individual Training
MITTS - MARFOR Imagery Tactical Target Acquisition and Surveillance
MK - Mark


Ml - Milliliter
MLWG - Materiel and Logistics Working Group
Mm - Millimeter
MMA - Mobile Maintenance and Accessories
MMD - Master Manning Document
MND - Ministry of National Defense (Republic of Korea)
MNSA - Master in National Security Administration
MGPP - Malampaya Natural Gas to Power Project
MNLF - Moro National Liberation Front
MNSA - Master in National Security Administration
mntn - maintain
MO - Maintenance Officer
mo - month
MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
Mob - Mobilization / Mobilize
Mod - Modify
MODEM - Modulator-demodulator
MOE - Maintenance and Operating Expenses
MOOE - Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
MOI - Maintenance Operating Instruction
Mo - Monday
MOQ - Married Officers Quarters
MOS - Military Occupational Specialty
MOSI - Miscellaneous and Operating Service Income
MOT - Maximum Operating Time / Month of Travel
MOOTWA - Military Operations Other Than War
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MOUSE - Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of the Earth
MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain
MOV - Medal of Valor
MOWEL - Morale and Welfare
MP - Military Police
MPP - Military Planning Process
MPAC - Multi-purpose Attack Craft
MPDO - Municipal Planning and Development Office
MPerR - Master Personnel Record
MPF - Military Personnel File
Mph - mile per hour / miles per hour
MPI - Mean Point of Impact
MPP - Military Planning Process
MPR - Master Plan Report
MR - Medium Range / Military Requirement / Memorandum
Receipt / Machine Records / Machine Repairman /
Miscellaneous Receipts
MR - Memorandum of Receipt
MRE - Meals Ready to Eat


MRF - Multi-Role Fighter

MRIC - Maritime Research and Information Center
MRL - Multiple Rocket Launcher / Medium-power Loop Range
MRP - Military Rated Power
MRU - Machine Records Unit
MSA - Major Service Attach
MSA - Maritime Situational Awareness
MSAC - Maritime Situational Awareness Center
MSAS - Maritime Situational Awareness System
MSEG - Marine Security and Escort Group
MSETB - Major Service Education and Training Board
msg - message
msgr - messenger
MSgt - Master Sergeant
MSI - Major Structural Inspection
MSL - Mean Sea LevelF
msl - missile
msn - mission
MSP - Military Supply Point
MSR - Main Supply Route
MST - Mountain Standard Time
MTA - Maritime Training Activity
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MTBn - Motor Transport Battalion
MTEP - Medium Term Expenditure Program
MTF - Maintenance Test Flight / Medical Treatment Facility
Mtrg - Metering
MTT - Mobile Training Team
MTTR - Mean Time to Repair/Return
MTT - Mobile Training Team
MTPDP - Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
MTU - Mobile Training Unit
Mtz - Motorized
MUF - Maximum Usable Frequency
MWR - Morale, Welfare and Recreation
MXD - Mixed Use Developments
MYC - Multi-Year Contract
MYOA - Multi-Year Obligational Authority
MYP - Multi-Year Project

N - North / Navy
N-1 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Personnel, N-1


N-2 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Intelligence, N-2

N-3 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Operations, N-3
N-4 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Logistics, N-4
N-5 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Plans and Program, N-
N-6 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for WCEIS, N-6
N-7 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Civil Military
Operations, N-7
N-8 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Education and
Training, N-8
N-9 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Reservist and Retirees
Affairs, N-9
N-10 - Assistant Chief of Naval Staff for Ships and Yards, N-10
NA - Not Applicable / Naval Air
NAB - Naval Air Base / Navigational Aid to Bombing / Nichols
Air Base
NAC - National Agency Check
NACA - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NADI - Network of ASEAN Security and Defense Institute
NAF - Naval Air Facility / Non-Appropriated Fund(s)
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
NAG - Naval Air Group
NAIA - Ninoy Aquino International Airport
NAIOP - Navigational Aid Inoperative for Parts
NALUA - National Land Use Act
NAMSA - North Atlantic Maintenance Supply Agency
NAS - Naval Air Station / Naval Air School
nat - national
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Nav - Navy
nav - navigate / navigation / navigational / navigator / naval
navaids - navigational aids
NavCm - Navigational Countermeasure
NAVCOMFAC - Naval Communications Facility
NAVFOR - Naval Forces
NAVFORCEN / NFC - Naval Forces Central
NAVFOREASTMIN / NFEM - Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao
NAVFORNOL / NFNL - Naval Forces Northern Luzon
NAVFORSOL / NFSL - Naval Forces Southern Luzon
NAVFORWESMIN / NFWM - Naval Forces Western Mindanao
NAVFORWEST/ NFW - Naval Forces West
NAVOPS - Naval Operations
NAVSOG - Naval Special Operations Group
NAVSHIP - Naval Shipyard
NB - Naval Base
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical / National Building
Code / Naval Base Cavite


NBL - Night Bombardment-long distance

NBRR - Naval Base Rafael Ramos
NBS - Night Bombardment-short distance
nbst - nimbostratus
n/c - no change
NCA - Notice of Cash Allocation
NCEBde - Naval Combat Engineering Brigade
NCEISC - Naval Communications, Electronic and Information Systems
NCIP - National Commission on Indigenous People
NCO - Non-commissioned Officer
NCOD - Non-commissioned Officer of the Day
NCOIC - Non-commissioned Officer In Charge
NCS - Net Control Station / NATO Codification System
NCSC - Naval Command and Staff Course
NCW - Not Complied With
NCWC - National Coast Watch Council
ND-221 - General Office Uniform for Navy Enlisted Personnel
NDA - Non-disclosure Agreement
NDB - Non-directional radio Beacon
NDCP - National Defense College of the Philippines
NDF - National Democratic Front
NDI - Non-destructive Inspection
NDO - Naval Doctrine Office
NDOB - Naval Detachment Oyster Bay
NDPC - National Disclosure Policy Committee
NDR - Normal Daily Requirement
Nec - Necessary
NEDA - National Economic and Development Authority
Neg - Negative
NET - Not Earlier Than
NETC - Naval Education and Training Command
NEP - National Expenditure Program
NF - Noise Figure
N.F. - Night Fighter
NFC - Not Favorably Considered
NFR - No Further Requirement
- National Historical Institute
NHIP - National Health Insurance Program
NGF - Naval Gunfire
NGFS - Naval Gunfire Support
NH - Nonhygroscopic
ni - night
NIC - Newly Industrialized Countries
NIC - Naval Installations Command
NICA - National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
NIL - Equipment not on hand


NIM - Night Intruder Mission

NIPAS - National Integrated and Protected Areas System
NIS - None in Stock (Not-Available in Stock)
NISF - Naval Intelligence and Security Force
NISG - Naval Intelligence and Security Group
NISU - Naval Intelligence and Security Unit
NITI - Naval Intelligence Training Institute
NITF - Naval Industrial Training Facility
NLD - Not in Line of Duty
NLF - Nearest Landing Field
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
NLO - Naval Liaison Officer
NLT - Not Later Than
NM - Nautical Mile / Nautical Miles
nm - Nautical Mile
NMCS - Non-Mission Capable due to Spares/Supply
NMFO - Naval Management Fiscal Office
nmi - no middle initial
NMS - National Military Strategy
NO - Night Observation
NOA - Not Otherwise Authorized / Notice of Award / Notice of
NOB - Naval Operating Base
NOBM - Naval Operating Base Mactan
NOC - Naval Operations Center
NOCC - Naval Officer Candidate Course
NODECA - Naval Ordnance Depot Caballo
NODESA - Naval Ordnance Depot Sangley
NOLCOM - Northern Luzon Command
nom - nominate
nomen - nomenclature
NOQC - Naval Officer Qualification Course
NOSS - Naval Office of Strategic Studies
NOTAM - Notice to Mariners
NPMC - Naval Personnel Management Center
NR - Naval Reservation
NRA - Naval Reservation Area
NRFS - Not Ready For Sea
NRDC - Naval Research and Development Center
NRMO - Naval Resource Management Office
NRTS - Non-Reparable This Station
Ns - Nimbostratus
NS - Naval Station
NSA - Net Stock Asset / National Security Adviser
NSAJ - Naval Station Apolinario Jalandoon
NSC - National Security Council / Naval School Center / Naval
Staff Course


NSCC - Naval Station Carlito Cunanan

NSDP - Naval Station Depot Palawan
NSPL - Naval Station Pascual Ledesma
NSEG - Naval Security and Escort Group
NSN - NATO/National Stock Number
NSO - Naval Safety Office
NSP - National Security Policy
NSPP - Naval Station Puerto Princesa
NSRE - Naval Station Romulo Espaldon
NSSC - Naval Sea Systems Command
NSSM - Naval Station San Miguel
NTA - Notice of Transfer Allocation
NTP - Notice to Proceed
NWRB - National Water Resources Board

OASPP - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Plans and Programs
OBO - Office of the Building Official
OCD - Office of the Civil Defense
OCF - Offshore Combat Force
OCP - Over the Counter Purchase
OCT - Original Certificate of Title
OD - Olive Drab
OE - Organizational Equipment
OES - Ordnance and Engineering Spare
OFW - Overseas Filipino Workers
OH - On Hand
OHT - Over the Horizon Targeting
OIC - Officer-in-Charge
OJT - On-the-Job Training
OLAG - Ocean and Littoral Affairs Group
OODA - Orient, Observe, Decide, and Act
OPAMA - Office of the Presidential Assistant for Military Affairs
OPB - Operating Program and Budget
OPBG - Operating Program and Budget Guidance
OPORD - Operations Order
OPSEC - Operational Security
OPTAR - Operational Target
OPV - Offshore Patrol Vessel
OQ - Ordering Quantity
OR (%) - Operational Readiness Rate
OSINT - open-source intelligence
OSS - Office of Strategic Studies
OST - Order and Shipping Time
OTEM - Organize, Train, Equip and Maintain

OUSFAFMIM - Office of the Undersecretary for Finance, Munitions,

Installations and Materiel
OUSLLASC - Office of the Undersecretary for Legal, Legislative and
Strategic Concerns
OUSVA - Office of the Undersecretary for Veterans Affairs

P2LT - Provisionary Second Lieutenant
PAGASA - Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration
PAMB - Protected Areas Management Board
P&A - Planning & Availability Data
P&R - Planning & Review Data
PACU - Post Anesthesia Care Unit
PACALS - Pacific Area Cooperative Acquisition and Logistics Systems
PACS - Pacific Area Cataloging System
PAd - Proponent Advice
PALMS - Pacific Area Logistics Automation Management System
PAPs - Programs, Activities and Projects
PAQAF - Pacific Area Quality Assurance Forum
PASTAG - Pacific Area Standardization Agreement
PASOLS - Pacific Area Senior Officers Logistics Seminar
PATFOR - Patrol Force
PBAC - Program and Budget Advisory Committee
PCE - Patrol Craft Escort
PCHT - Packing, Crating, Hauling and Transporting
PCSD - Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
PD - Presidential Proclamation
PD - Point Detonating/Presidential Decree
PDM - Program Depot Maintenance
PDOP - Pre-departure Orientation Program
PDR - Philippine Defense Reform
PDT - Philippine Defense Transformation
PE - Peace Enforcement
PE - Panel of Experts
PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit
PF - Patrol Frigate / Philippine Fleet
PFT - Physical Fitness Test
PG - Patrol Gunboat (refers to the ship)
PHILFLT - Philippine Fleet
PIA - Project Implemented by Administration / Philippine
Information Agency
PIC - Projects Implemented by Contract / Pilot in Command
(referring to a person)


PIDS - Philippine Institute for Development Studies

PK - Peacekeeping
PKM - Patrol Killer Medium
PKOC - Peacekeeping Operations Center
PLT - Procurement Lead Time
PM - Preventive Maintenance
PMA - Philippine Military Academy
PMC - Partial Mission Capable / Philippine Marine Corps
PMC - Philippine Marine Corps
PME - Professional Military Education
PMEL - Precision Measuring Equipment Laboratory
PMG - Patrol Motor Gunboat
PMS - Presidential Management Staff / Progressive Maintenance Schedule
PMT/PRAD - Project Management Team/Project Administrator
PN - Philippine Navy
PNART - PN Rescue and Assistance Team
PNARU - PN Auxiliary Reserve Unit
PNOC - PN Officers Club
PNEPA - PN Enlisted Personnel Association
PN MAS - PN Mutual Assistance System
PNGC - Philippine Navy Golf Club
PNOWA - PN Officers Wives Association
PNP - Philippine National Police
PN REMO - PN Real Estate Management Office
PNSLAI - Philippine Navy Savings and Loan Association, Inc
PNTR - Philippine Navy Trust Receipt
PO - Purchase Order / Petty Officer (rank in the PN, equivalent to Sgt in the
marines, air force and army)
POE - Program of Expenditures
POI - Program of Instruction
POIC - Petty Officer in Charge
POL - Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant
POTs - Plain Old Telephone System
PP - Presidential Proclamation
PPE - Property Plant and Equipment
PPF - Priority Program Fund
PPIC - Procurement Program Identification Code
PPP - Public-Private Partnership
PPBR - Program, Performance and Budget Review
PPRA - Program, Performance, Review and Assessment
PS - Pager System / Patrol Ship
PSF - President's Social Fund
PSG - Presidential Security Group
PSO - Peace Support Operations
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PTIS - Property Turn-In-Slip
PUD - Planned Unit development


PUF - Pensioner Update Form

PWD - Person with Disability
PWH - Person with HIV

Q-Boat - World War 2 Torpedo Boat of the PN
QM - Quartermaster
QRF - Quick Reaction Force
QRT - Quick Reaction Team

RA - Republic Act
RADHAZ - Radiation Hazard
R and U - Repair and Utilities
RAM - Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
RCA - Reenlistment Clothing Allowance
RDD - Required Delivery Date
REMO - Real Estate Management Office
recon - reconnaissance
REO - Real Estate Officer / Real Estate Office
RF - Radio Frequency
RF - Reimbursable Fund
RFS - Ready for Sea
RHIB - Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat
RITM - Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
RLA - Repair Level Analysis
RLE - Related Learning Experience
RMO - Resource Management Office
RNAAC - Reference Number Action Activity Code
RNVC - Reference Number Variation Code
RO - Requisitioning Objective
ROD - Report of Discrepancy
ROK - Republic of Korea
ROKN - Republic of Korea Navy
RON - Rest Overnight
ROP - Reorder Point
ROTC - Reserve Officer Training Corps
Rpr - Repair
RR - Recoilless Rifle
RROW - Road Right-of-Way
RSO - Responsible Supply Officer
RSOI - Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration


RSPN - Receiving Station Philippine Navy

RSVP - rpondez s'il vous plat, meaning "please respond"
RT - Remaining Time
RTS - Return to Sender
RTU - Return to Unit

S - Sierra
SAA - Sub Allotment Advice / Subsistence Allowance
SACCLQ - STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory
SAF - Sealift and Amphibious Force (when referring to ship of the PN) /
Special Action Force (when referring to unit in PNP)
SAG - Surface Action Group
SAO - Supply Accountable Officer
SAR - Search and Rescue
SAS - Secretary to the Air Staff
SBFZ - Subic Bay Freeport Zone
SBMA - Subic Base Metropolitan Authority
SCMO - Special Court-Martial Orders
SCPO - Senior Chief Petty Officer
SDG - Sentro De Gravidad
SDP - Site Development Plan
SDO - Special Disbursement Officer / Staff Duty Officer
SEP - Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan
SERVFOR - Service Force
SFA - Special Financial Assistance
SGOA - Smart General Office Attire
SIQ - Sick in Quarters
SITS - Strategic Intelligence Training School
SJS - Secretary to the Joint Staff
SL - Study Leave
SLL - Seniority Lineal List
SLOCs - Sea Lines of Communications
SMC - Sergeant Major Course
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SN1 - Seaman First Class (rank in the PN, equivalent to Corporal in the army,
marines and air force)
SN2 - Seaman Second Class (rank in the PN, equivalent to Private in the
army, marines and air force)
SNS - Secretary to the Naval Staff
SO - Special Orders
SOCOM - Special Operations Command
SOG - Special Operations Group / Speed Over Ground
SOLCOM - Southern Luzon Command
SOP - Standing Operating Procedure / Special Operations Platoon

SOPA - Senior Officer Present Afloat

SOQ - Senior Officers Quarters
SRF - Ship Repair Facility / Subic Repair Facility
SOT - Security of Tenure / Security Operation Training / Special
Operations Team
SOT-WA - Special Operations Team White Area
SOVFA - Status of Visiting Forces Agreement
SPARU - Special Partisan Units
SPOW - Special Operations Wing
SPRS - Strategic POL Reserve Stocks
SQM - Square Meter
SRDP - Self-Reliant Defense Posture
SSV - Sealift Support Vessel
STAFFEX - Staff Exercise
STD - Sexual Transmitted Diseases
STI - Sexually Transmitted Infection
STP - Sewage Treatment Plant
STX - Situational Training Exercise
SUCS - Secretary to the Unified Command Staff
SURC - Small Unit Riverine Craft
Supt - Superintendent
SW - Scope of Works
SYP - Sandatahang Yunit Propaganda

Tac-O - Tactical Officer
TAO - Tactical Action Officer
TAS - The Advance School (PMC Advance School for EP)
TAS - Technical Administrative Service
TBAL - To be announced later
TBDL - To be determined later
TBO - Time Before Overhaul
TBS - The Basic School (PMC Basic School for EP)
TCI - Time Change Items
TD - Time Distance
TDA - Table of Distribution and Allowance
TDO - Territorial Defense Operation
TEWT - Tactical Exercise without Reports
TGS - Transportation General Support
TIAC - Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee
TIR - Technical Inspection Report
TNA - The Naval Adjutant
TNCE - The Naval Chief Engineers
TNJAG - The Naval Judge Advocate General
TNPM - The Naval Provost Marshall

TNSSO - The Naval Special Service Officer

TNT - Trinitrotolouene
TO - Table of Organization
TOE - Table of Organization and Equipment
TOG - Tactical Operations Group
TOQ - Transient Officers Quarter
TOR - Terms of Reference
TOS - Troop and Organizational Support
TP - Target Practice
TQM - Total Quality Management
TR - Trust Receipt
TWG - Technical Working Group

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UBF - Unlad Bayan Fund
UC - Unified Command
UDT - Underwater Demolition Team
UFC - Unified Facilities Criteria
UG - Underground
UGM - Underground Movement
UGT - Underground Tank
UM - Unscheduled Maintenance
UN - United Nation
UNCLOS - UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNMOG - UN Military Observer Group
UNILAB - United Laboratories
UNREP - underway replenishment
UNRF - UN Reimbursable Fund
UPT - Undergraduate Pilot Training
USCG - United States Coast Guard
USEC - Under Secretary
USG - United States Government
UV - Ultra-violet
UW - Undress White (naval uniform)
UXO - Unexploded Explosive Ordnance

V-79 - Regular Gas
V-95 - Extra/Premium/Hi-Octane Gasoline
VDN - Vehicle Delivery Note
VERTREP - vertical replenishment


VFA - Visiting Forces Agreement

VFR - Visual Flight Rules
VLA - Vehicle Loan Application
VSI - Vehicle Sales Invoice
VSP - Vehicle Sales Proposal

WAC - Women Auxiliary Corps
WAN - Wide Area Network
WBT - Western Blot Test
WCEIS - Weapons, Communications, Electronic and Information
WESCOM - Western Command
WESTMINCOM - Western Mindanao Command
WFAR - Wrap-Around Fin Aircraft Rocket
WHEC - Weather High Endurance Cutter
WIA - Wounded-In-Action
WO - Work Order
WP - White Phosphorous
WPNS - Western Pacific Naval Symposium
WPS - West Philippine Sea

X - X-ray / End (when used in a message)

ZBB - Zero Based Budgeting

ZZ - Break (end of message)


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