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STUDENT ID : 2016113000 - 29



1. The National Preschool curriculum is based the principles of national education,national
educational philosophy and the principle of early childhood education.The National Preschool
Curriculum be a standard reference document that must be complied with and applied by all
kindergartens throughtout the country.This standard reference document sets the minimum
teaching and learning parameters and content that all the kindergartens need to implement.
( Amendments to education law 1966 Education Preschool).The age of 4 to 6 are the formative
stage in decelopment of a child.Thus the curriculum isformulated with the aim of inculcating thr
pupil's potential in a comprehensive and integrated manner in terms of the development of
mind and creativity,the cultivation and value-based practices of religion and
morals,strengthening and maintining physical and emotional stability as a preparation for life
and having formal education of primary school.This desire can be achieved by emphasasizing
flexible approach to learning while playing,informal,safe,comfortable and
exhilarating.Kindergarten teachers and entreprenurs need to plan and implement encouraging
preschool activities fostering social skills and discreate behaviors.Students guided to have self-
awarness,family,environment and the state to become responsible citizens and contributig to
the country.The national preschool curriculum is the energy mobilazation and expertise of
parties,such as ministry of foreign affairs.Ministry of National Unity and Rural
Development,Ministry of Education,institutions of higher learning,and kindergarten
operators.The national preschool curriculum effective early childhood education requires a
universal curriculum.Planed and able to meet current needs.The national preschool curiculum
includes aspects of the language needed in language development universal children are
language and cummunication development,cognitive development,spirituality and
mentality,socio-phychological,physical,creativity and aesthetics.The govermentment has also
taken steps to devise preschool curriculum by incorporating the method and view of
educational leaders worldwide.


Montessori think in educating our children we must respect and the right of a child.Therefore
organized environment,life skills,self discipline and instruction are important principles in child
education.According to her,education is to help children shape and support
intelectual,phyiscal,emotional, and spiritual development.Montessori presents some basic
concepts in the formation of early childhood curricula.Among them ate the following concepts;
A).The absorbing mind---Children minds easily absorb any information received through
senses,that is before they are ready to be tought the concept.A child begin to absorb the
incident around them and arrange his experience from the moment of birth.

B). The environment is a available---The environment that promotes children's development is a

complete environment with a variety of materials that supports the concept and knowledge of
children when they need them.

C). Learning material-----Have a feature of didactic material,that is formed to teach certain

lesson.Shape(self correctin),they get information back after successful or not in completing the
task based on material.The material is built from easy to hard.

4 Types of Learning Material of Montessori

----Material for training in living skill. -----Academic material

----Material sensory -----Art and culture materials

Learning AID(ABM) In Method Montessori

-----Pink Tower,block,red rods,brown stairs,cylinder block,smelling jar.

-----This ingredient material is made of natural that is varnish.

E).Sensitive periods----Sensitive periods are the most appropriate period for mastering skill.

Based my observation curriculum of Montessori, there are many similarities with National
Preschool Curriculum design. Inside Montessori highly impressive "sensory teaching and
learning", this is itended for exercise power of sight, hearing, and touch for children to gain
experience and training using senses effeciently. Designed National Curriculum Preschool, it is a
modular form. In thematic modules, this module is built on the issue of everyday life of the
child.For example activities, Module Thematic, main SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,

SA 2.0 : Science process skills.

SA 2.1. :Make observation using five senses.


Students can

SA 2.1.1 : Observe the environment using

I).Sight. II).Hearing. III).Touch IV).Smell. V).Taste


Student can

SA. 2.1.2 : Observe the environment using 2senses.

SA. 2.1.3 :Observe the environment using 3 or more sense.

There are designed National Preschool Curriculum in main "science and technology",early

Science empahsizes the formation of the attitude and competence of the science process
skill.Science pro ess skills are the skills of a child who is rewuired to find answer to a problem
systematically.In the science process skills "observe",children use five sense to collect
information about obnects or phenomena.In the Montessori view of the children learn about
the environment by using thier hands.A complete environment and special charasteristic

material are provided so that children can use the senses completely.


The Montessori method education in which it is derived from this experience has been
succesfully praticed against children.Montessori method very popular in most places around
world.According Sufean Hussin et al (2005),why many kindergarten in malaysia use a curriculum
montessori ?,because of their own goverment policy,apart that policy,perent are now likely to
enrolltheir children in the kindergarten.Parents want thier children to have the opporunity to
learn in a place that targets and cultivates discipline in life.The philosphy Montessori such as
create talented people in every lesson,child development is holistically enhanced,children can
make unique discoveries.Furthermore,children can make unique
discoveries.Furthermore,children can achieve optimum potential in thier stage of
development.According my conclusion,early childhood education is a matter of concern.This is
because early childhood education before they step into formal education.In this phase,children
need to be exposed to meaningful teaching and learning so that they can build
strength,confidence and social life.Through the model of Montessori curriculum,we find many
benefits that children gain inside thier cognitives,physica k,social and emotional
development.Activities and material were specially designed to help teaching and learning
children.Model Montessori also creates an organized and more enjoyable learning
environment.Teachers must also ensure that children are always in better position.Teacher are
constantly watching thier behavior when doing an activity for thier abilities.Overall,Montessori
education is very effective in shaping the early development of a better quality child.


Model Montessori : Retrieved from ; http;// Montessori

Sufean Hussin : Pentadbiran Dalam Pendidikan.Bentong Pahang.

Kurikulum Standard Prasekolah Kebangsaan

Garry Class


The built curriculum is based on the model of the approach Reggio Emilia curriculum, with the
vision of producing smart children. It is also built according to the interests of children. The
Reggio Emilia has a strong belief that children learn through interactions with other, including
parents, staff and friends in a friendly learning environment. The core cervical Reggio Emilia is a
project plan as a result of the child's interest in something. This project is derived from the first
experience designed by teachers to help children exploring their cultural custom or the physical
environment around them or results from spontaneous events such as children's ideas or
question to teachers. Almost every experience that raises the child's interest can be the basis of
the project. The project is done in depth and detail, using variations in research methods and an
overview of options and a graphical form. In addition to project, children are also given
traditional play activities, such as playing drama in real space, time to read, write, play, eagerly,
responsibly at school and just talk to friends. In drafting school policies, child development,
assessment and parental curriculum planning can participate in discussions. This is because
Reggio Emilia considers parents as a "mirror of the role of the community. The involvement of
parents and the community is indisputable as member of the school's authority.

Introducing research, experimental learning in an active, constructive and cognitive learning

concept. Through research and experimentation, children have the knowledge that this is the
beginning of the children's thinking process. Children are also provided with guided visits to
educational programs, cultural, exhibitions, seminar and courses on early childhood education
and culture issues.


Education is based on communication in relation;

--Teacher~Childs --Parents~Childs --Parent~Teacher

This creates a rich learning environment for all children involved. In Reggio Emilia, approach,
teachers are a researcher and school a viewed as a place of study and share the construction of
value and meaning.

A).Principles of Reggio Emilia child-centeredness;

I).Children should have control over their learning. lll).Children have close ties with

ll).Children should be able to learn through experience. other children.

. of touching, moving, hearing and seeing. lv).Children should have the

Opportunity to self-indulgent.

B).Reggio Emilia's approach looks at children the child's environment. It is divided into 3:

I).The role of the physical environment----The importance of the environment lies in the belief
that children can create the best and the best understand their world through a supportive,
complex, diverse, continuous, and changing environment, the world of experience, ideas and
much to express ideas. The space or place used and everything should attract and invite the
Childs interest but still contain the element of education. The ultimate goal in designing new
spaces and old modifications is the integration of classes with schools, schools and

ll).The role of the environment as a teacher----In REA, educators are paying close attention to
the school environment. The appearance and condition of the class is a priority because the
school environment is often referred to as the third teacher. The atmosphere is cheerful and
joyful. The teacher sets the classroom environment to create encouragement and challenge to
the students. The work of children, such as plants, or collections of goods collected by children,
is presented in class and school environments for viewing by student, teacher, parents. There is
a common area or a multipurpose building in the school, which can be used to a variety of
activities as well as for gathering with children from other classes.

lll).Parents are an important component in this approach teacher respect each parent as the
first teacher of children. They involved in every child activity.


The development of children not the same,however thier actions wil be evaluated.They do
activities in small groups,themselves,inside or outside or in the verandah.Children divided 25
people in each class,2 companion teachers,and family invol v ed in the same 3 years of
schooling.The rise of the class is based on the interests and needs of children.When the project
in developing,the child will consists of 5 people in each group.Reggio Emilia beleives that
conductive activities in small groups,allowing children to understand the rhytm and comunicatio
style.Conflict that occur between partners during project implementation are considred as
cognitive processes.


One of the major innovations of the Reggio Emilia approach is atelier,a srudio snd a school
lab.Artelier is the place to experiment with a particular visual language or combination or
without a combination of verbal language.Next to each class there are mini artelier used for
connection project.The artelier are equiped with clays,wire,paint,pens,papers,beads,shells and
various recycling materials used by children for short or long-term projects.The purpose of the
project is to express one hundred language of children.Classes must be cheerful for the learning
process to be performed in a play athmosphere,pleasing without pressure and
compulsion.Children must be in a very rich exploration environment.Reffering to the Reggio
Emilia approach of children is an artist,historian,researcher and other .All children's activities
prove that the child is alloted with all kinds of intelligence.All children's wisdom will come out if
they are given the opportunity supported,guided parents,teacher,community.

1.The role of the environment as a teacher----Educator are very concerned about the school
environment,especially classroms.This refers to the environment as a third teacher.

2.The symbolic language of a child----In accordance with Howard Gardner's theory of plural
intelligence,the approach of Reggio Emilia uses the integration of graphic art as a tool for
developing linguistic,social,and cognitive intelligence.

3.Systematic and collective documenation---Everybody thought,interpretations an experiences

through visual media are presented as a learning dynamic learning graph.

4.Long Term Project---Children are supported and operated through short-term(one week) and
long_term project (throughout the school year).As children work on project,they will be
recorded,played,explored,constructed,tested hypotheses, and declared what was
happening.The project is centered on the interest of children.During the project,the child will be
assisted by the teacher to decide,the direction,the way the project is conducted.This will add a
new vision of the child.

5.Teacher as a researcher----The role of teacher is very complex,they learn together with

children,researchers,resources and student guides.

6.Home relationship with school----Communication and interaction between

Cchildren,teachers,parents and the community can deepen child research into building theories
about the world around them.

Design curriculum of Reggio Emilia not much diffrence with National curriculum preschool
designs.As a model of modular curriculum in a Themed module which includes element in sixth
elements.This Themed module is based on the everyday things of a child life.Examples Main

KM 5.0 :Me and environment.

KM 5.1 :Understand human and environment relations.


Student can

KM 5.2.1 :Describe the importance of the environment to human life.


Student can

KM 5.2.2. :Relating human activities to natural disasters.

After a students follows a humanitarian-based learning activity pupils can show thier love for
the environment,pupils are proud of thier country's identity and privileges and better undstand
thier self affiliation with thier surroundings such as family mambers friends and
community.Pupils are also more respectful of thier own cultural heritage.Through this
humanitarian strength the pupils can be knowledge and skill can provide pupils become
individuals who are carring and responsible to the nation and the world.Reffering to Reggio
Emilia design curriculum which emphasizes the implementation of prokect based on students
interest in the physical environmentand daily life issues of students as well as thier cultural
custom srudies,it is clear here it is very suitable standard in National curriculum preschool


Reggio Emilia curriculum approach in early childhood education has attracted attention
educators,researches and parents.Even the NAYEC(International Association) for early childhood
educations has revised to the extent of the development (DAP).Currently,the Reggio Emilia
approach has been adopted in America,Britain,New Zealand,Australia and other countries.The
Malaysian goverment itself is open in respect.Therefore,as a kindergarten,it is best to connect
the Reggio Emilia approach in the preschool standard curriculum.In addition the Reggio Emilia
curriculum based on the project as a result of idea of the child itself is practice.The introduction
of childrens artelier by Reggio Emilia also,is an innovation in early childhood education,teachers
and parents as a child couple during the project,are also an attractions in Reggio Emilia
approach.It turn out that the crazed of Reggio Emilia is catering to the developmental needs of a
child as a whole.

Model curriculum preschool.Retrieved from
http:// scribd.

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