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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017, pp. 663670, Article ID: IJCIET_08_09_075

Available online at http://
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


R. Nallusamy, Mukesh Goel, Ashutosh Das, M. Rajamanickam
Centre for Environmental Engineering, PRIST University,
Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India

Solid waste management is a worldwide ecological issue at present. There is an
expansion in commercial, residential and infrastructure improvement because of the
populace development and this negatively affects the Environment solid waste
management is considered as a standout amongst the most ecological difficulties
defying metropolitan prevailing voices in creating nations. One of these effects is
because of area of dumping site in unsuitable regions. The present study pointed out
selecting suitable location for transfer of Solid Waste produced from Perambalur
Municipality by using GIS techniques. Based on fuzzy GIS overlay analysis Arasanari
(n) and Kurumbalur(s) village cover PW2 around 975.36 ha.In additionally,
Kalpadi(n) village cover total positive window around 576.88ha (PWA6).Similarly,
Siruvachur & Ayyalur town has positive window area (PWA8) around 562.86 ha ha.It
is observed, that an appropriate site identified for disposal of Solid Waste is the
Perambalur Taluk of Perambalur Taluk.
Key words: Environment, GIS, PWA, Solid waste.
Cite this Article: R. Nallusamy, Mukesh Goel, Ashutosh Das, M. Rajamanickam,
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection of Perambalur Town of Southern India
Using Fuzzy GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, Tamilnadu, India. International
Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(9), 2017, pp. 663670.

The landfilling is an attractive technique for the municipal solid waste management due to
economic considerations (Akbari, 2008), so it is particularly in developing countries like
India. The major problem of landfill site selection is complex and time consuming process.
Planning for solid waste management requires an assessment of many complex process ,eg.
among transportation systems, land use patterns, public health considerations, etc., Because of
these interactions and interdependencies, attention has focused on systems analysis and 663

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection of Perambalur Town of Southern India Using
Fuzzy GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, Tamilnadu, India

mathematical modelling techniques. A suitable site for a proper landfill territory for
Perambalur area is controlled by utilizing geographic data framework (GIS) as an tool to help
the decision making process.GIS has exceptionally distinguishing, powerful capacities and
can assume a vital part in decision making and planning process. In late GIS assume an
essential part in land fill site selection, It gives effective control and examination of
voluminous spatial data. The development of GIS made this field much less demanding and
sensible. Indian conditions, a volume of 9 x 105 m3 is adequate to take care of 100 tons of
refuse per day for 25 years (Indian standard 9533, 1980).Kao and Lin (1996)proposed a siting
model that was researched for use with raster-based GIS. Padmaja,(2006) identified
solid waste disposal site in Hyderabad city using analytical hierarchy process and GIS. The
landfill selection problems have often been tackled using MCDA. where few data are Present.
Hokkanen and Salminen (1997) applied a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis(MCDA) based
method called PROMETHEE for facility allocation. The following criteria for identification
of the site are proposed to represent as a general guide for the parameters that are to be
explicitly factored in order to find out the most appropriate sites for the non-hazardous waste
landfills and transfer stations facilities. The study area is the district of Perambalur. It has an
area of 293 km2 located between latitudes 11.11.23 N and 11.18.23N and longitudes 79.47.52
E and 79.55.12 E.Perambalur district comprises of three major agro-climatic sub-zones. The
major part comes under Cauvery delta zone and the other two zones are Northeastern zone
and North western zone. The district lies in the southern (flat land/stop getting better (or
worse)) and Slope zone of agro-climate (identified with an expansive territory)planning with
semi-dry climate. It is a dry sub humid coastal plain of Tamil Nadu including Cauvery delta
zone with a growing period of 150-180 days and moderately large moisture availability. The
present system of essential store of garbage is through bins; about 500 dust containers are
kept in neighborhoods for the hoard of squanders. The solid waste statistics are shown in

Table 1 Solid waste particular in Perambalur Taluk

Sl no Particulars Numbers
1 Total No of wards 21
2 Door to Door collection in No of wards with segregation 7
3 Balance 14
4 Total quantity of garbage generated in the ULB/Day(Tonne) 30
5 Quantity of garbage collected in the ULB / day 100
6 % of garbage collection 100
7 Quantity of garbage disposed in the ULB PER DAG(MT) 30
8 % of garbage disposal per day 30
9 Night Sweeping 14
10 Total quantity of biodegradable waste per day (Organic) 19

Methodology is a logical and methodical part of the study to evaluate scientific examination.
In this study, appropriate site for a solid waste landfill area in the region of perambalur taluk
are determined by integrating of spatial data and non-spatial data using Geographic
Information Systems. For this purpose, different input map layers and attributes generated. By
Comparison of the maps produced by these two distinct strategies demonstrates that both
techniques yield similar results. Field checks additionally confirm that the candidate sites well
with the chose criteria. A strategy includes a procedure or method in which different stages or
steps of collecting information or data are explained. 664

R. Nallusamy, Mukesh Goel, Ashutosh Das, M. Rajamanickam

2.1. GIS Data Collection

In this section involves collection of different (related to spatial data) data and non-spatial
information collected from different ministries (ministry of town planning, ministry of
housing and other (clearly connected or related) departments).

2.2. Digitization & Geo Database Generation

In this phase involves georeferencing of maps,map digitization and map data error correction
are worked out for GIS database preparation

2.3. Attribute Generation

After the GIS database generation, the different attribute informations are linked to the
spatial data.

2.4. Fuzzy Overlay Analysis

Overlay is help to identify areas that meet all the set criteria and to show areas that do not
meet the criteria. A landfill site must be situated and composed in order to meet the essential
conditions for forestalling contamination of the soil, groundwater or surface water and
guaranteeing effective accumulation of leachate. Choosing suitable fuzzy function is essential
for criteria standardization. In this section, a membership function was determined for each
criterion. The standardization process is described as a relative grade of belonging to a fuzzy
set. This allows the function to be asserted with the an integration of different spatial layers by
using Boolean Operation and index overlay to be apply for select suitable or unsuitable place
for land fill site selection. The suitability of map was made for every suitability paradigm and
a last composite guide was at last delivered by straight forward overlaying of the individual


The layers, buffer zones used, and rankings are summarized and the definition of the layers
weights is shown in Table.2.The weights were evaluated by considering the likelihood of
altering the characteristic states of the destinations by fitting designing mediations, to expand
their suitability. For sample, high weights were given to the urban settlements and rural area
class. On the contrary, the streets, railroads, and irrigational waterways were viewed as less
imperative, in light of the fact that it can be broadened and altered, if required by a given

3.1. Geology
Sadek etal.(2001) underscore that, in the determination of a site for metropolitan strong waste
transfer landfill, uncommon consideration must be given to the fundamental establishment
soil and bedrock attributes geologic structure, soil type, existing fractures, and so on. Bedrock
in zones of potential landfill turns out to be extremely noteworthy part in minimizing the
spread of leachate actually, both at the season of moving into ground water or while moving
horizontally along the ground water, in this manner required landfill territory determination
examines that don't have bedrock with the development of sandstone, limestone or empty
rock. The above mentioned aspects affect the waste or leachate containment characteristics of
a site. There are three Geological formation sort found in study zone. Biotite and hornblende
thickness is considered to examine suitable for solid waste dumping site due to their 50 m to
350 m high thickness and also charnockite formation is also suitable for solid waste dumping.
The Gondwana arrangement noticed close ayyalur town development thickness is 50m to 100
m so this formation is unacceptable because of the low thickness. 665

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection of Perambalur Town of Southern India Using
Fuzzy GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, Tamilnadu, India

Table 2 Landll Suitability Index

Parameters Suitability Fuzzy membership
Biotite and hornblende Highly Suitable 0.9-1
Charnockite Suitable 0.6-0.8
Sedimentary Least Suitable 0.1-0.3
0-100m Not Suitable 0
100-200m Least Suitable 0.1-0.3
>200 m Hghly suitable 0.9-1
0-200m Not suitable 0
200-400m Least suitable 0.1-0.3
400-1000m Moderate suitable 0.3-0.6
>1000m Highly suitable 0.9-1
0-100m Not suitable 0
100-200m Least suitable 0.1-0.3
>200m Highly suitable 0.9-1
<130 m Highly Suitable 0.9-1
130 - 330 m Least Suitable 0.1-0.3
330 m Not Suitable 0
Slope deg
0-10deg Highly Suitable 0.9-1
10-15deg Moderate Suitable 0.3-0.6
15-20de Least suitable 0.1-0.3
>20 deg Not suitable 0
Land Cover-
Barren Highly suitable 0.9-1
Grass Suitable 0.6-0.8
For Moderate suitable 0.3-0.6
Built Not suitable 0
Water bodies Not suitable 0
0-200m buffer Not suitable 0
200-500 Least suitable 0.1-0.3
500-1000 Highly suitable 0.9-1
>2000 m Moderate suitable 0.3-0.6
Urban / Village
0-500m Not suitable 0
500-1500m Highly suitable 0.9-1
>1500m Moderate suitable 0.3-0.6

3.2. Hydrologic Distance from River

The hydrological feature is important criteria for selecting a suitable site, because the drainage
areas are having much more infiltration capacity. During the flood time water spills over
drainage and the whole plan will be submerged under water. So the buffer zones were made
and in view of zone limits weightages were assigned. It has an immediate impact for area
suitability for being utilized as landfill. In addition to that more distant terrains from streams 666

R. Nallusamy, Mukesh Goel, Ashutosh Das, M. Rajamanickam

and waterway banks will get more preferences for being selected. Accordingly, three distinct
zones were specified considering relative distance from rivers. Zoning process is
schematically shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Hydroligic distance Suitability rankingFigure 2 Canal buffer for Suitability ranking

3.3. Distances from Canals

Canals layer digitized from the SOI topographical Southampton left bank trench and Mutha
right bank waterway built inside of center part of the study area. Dumping site not situated
close to the waterway is naturally hazardous. It is found suitable separation from channel.
Multiple ring buffers were generated around the canal. Distance less than 200m is unsuitable
and distance more than 750m from canal is highly suitable for urban solid waste dumping site

3.4. Slope
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) layer is captured from topographic map in GIS environment
Waste dumping site should not be situated with unstable slope. The region is judged better if
situated in the inclining region with high topography. The slope layer is derived from DEM
layer in GIS environment. The Slope layer is categorized to 4 classes, According to map 4.On
the Slope map can be seen that most (0-10degree) highly suitable region, subsequently,
moderate sloping area (slope of 10-15degree),least suitable area (slope 15-20degree),very
steep slopy areas(slope>20 degree considered to have a smaller slope value it was feared
could bring about a landslide particularly when there is downpour or high water seepage.

3.5. Humanistic Distance from City, Village and Population

Land use Thanikal (2001) studied the selection of suitable site for transfer of solid waste by
knowing the landuse/landcover of the city. Landfilling which receive organic waste, can
attract the presence of birds that should not be placed within 300 m of city. The location of the
city waste disposal should not have a contention with other area allotment, therefore at the last
stage of the thematic map overlays the Land use maps of Perambalur. This is to prevent
potential contamination and negative sides of the community around the landfill. Challenges
in waste transfer site selection, usually on the grounds that not found adequate land in
accordance with the allotment of private land or geological conditions of the area.(Fig. 3 and
4) 667

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection of Perambalur Town of Southern India Using
Fuzzy GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, Tamilnadu, India

3.6. Proximity to Major and Minor Roads

Landfills should have appropriate transport access, with power and water available. The waste
disposal site should not be located within 200m distance from transportation network. Solid
waste landfill site must be situated at suitable separation from street system to diminish the
expense of transportation. Distance of 200m,500m,1000 m and more than 2000 m, multiple
ring buffer were created round the road network and ranked were assigned of each buffer zone
based on sitting criteria are shown in (Table.2).Distance less than 200 m from road is
unsuitable for dumping site, distance from 200 m to 500 m is less suitable, distance from 500
m to 1000 m is highly suitable and distance more than 1000 m-2000 m is moderate suitable
for urban solid waste landfill site (Fig.11).Landfill site should to meet the specialized
necessities, conservative and ecologically feasible. One of best techniques for waste
management is to place the landfill in territories with geographical conditions and proper safe.
There are numerous proposed support zone distances. Minimum distance from the system is
transported in keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from visual effect
and different annoyances. Road 100 m buffer from both sides should be created. According to
Cantwell ,all roads including highway, secondary roads, regional and street roads should to be
maintained a buffer distance from and have a buffer of no less than 30 m on both is
possible that a buffer distance more than 1 km from national highways and state highways
should to be avoided.

Figure 3 Road buffer generation

3.7. Overlay Landfill Location Results

After the query, eight (8) positive window are identified and shown in fig. 4 and fig. 5.
lpadi (north) and Chatramanai indentified and shown in figure 10 were identified as having
more than 858.4 hectares. The reason for choosing areas covering 858 hectares or above is to
ensure continuity. More often than not, it is observed that when a sanitary landfill site is used
up to its capacity it is abandoned and a new site is near PWA1- Melapuliyur(n)465.74
ha,PWA2 Arasanari(n)975.35 ha,PWA3-Elambalur & Sengunam595.41 ha,PWA4-
Kurumbalur (s) 338.24 ha,PWA5-Perambalur (n) & Thuraimangalam 379.26 ha,PWA6-
Kalpadi (n) 576.88 ha,PWA7-Kurumbalur (s)420.57 ha,PWA8-Siruvachur & Ayyalur562.86
ha. identify the site with the most routes. It is pertinent to state here that accessibility is key to
site selection, the site that would eventually be chosen as the most suitable site for the landfill
must be very accessible; this would ensure that wastes collected would eventually be easily
transported to its final destination. 668

R. Nallusamy, Mukesh Goel, Ashutosh Das, M. Rajamanickam

GIS could efficaciously be utilized as a management and an analysis implement that
facilitates planning process. In this research, GIS software was used to locate the best landfill
site for perambalur taluk by creating maps according to scientific criteria and standards. The
study demonstrated the capacity to use GIS and fuzy technology for the effective
identification of suitable solid waste dumping sites will minimize the environmental risk and
human health problems. The study is useful in planning for the city in future. It emphasizes on
the importance of the requirement of solid waste management system. The use of multi
criteria analysis is a new attempt to get the potential site. There is no limit to the scope of the
innovations and technology use. With the given time and the limited knowledge with the data
constraint this was an attempt to derive the site suitability analysis for urban solid waste

Figure 4 Fuzzy Membership Ranking 669

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection of Perambalur Town of Southern India Using
Fuzzy GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques, Tamilnadu, India

Figure 5 Positive Window Area

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