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Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was salatu was salamu 'ala Rasoolillah .

Amma ba'ad:

Battle of Trench and Fate of Banu Quraydha


Execution of the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraydha is among the top 10 accusations used to smear the

noble character and actions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad. While accusations are made, the
supporting evidence does not go into details of Battle of the Trench, which was the starting point of the
whole conflict, and to be able to judge or understand the fate of Banu Quraydha correctly and in proper
context, we need to look into this issue a bit deeper.

Is it true that there is no evidence stating that Banu Quraydha has never officially denounced the treaty
they had with Muslims? Is it true, they have not done anything to bring upon themselves such a
punishment? Was the execution unjust?

Events prior to Battle of Trench

First treaty signed by Muslims with Jews and non-Muslims in Medina was Sahifa al Madaneeyah. This
treaty was also signed by Banu Quraydha, and included rejection of any co-operation with Quraish and
prohibition to extend any form of aid to them. Treaty mentioned also military aid in case of surprise
attack on Medina.1

Sealed Nectar, M. Mubarakpuri, p. 237-238

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Prior to Battle of Trench, some Jewish leaders went to Quraish and other tribes urging them to fight
Muslims and pledging their support to them. They have succeeded and the alliance of unbelief was
established and thus battle of Trench was about to unfold.2

Battle of Trench

Allies has laid siege to Medina. Huge army of Confederates was stopped, by the will of Allah, due to a
new strategy. Muslims dug long trench along the northern part of Medina, which was most vulnerable to
the attacks. East and west side was protected by a land with volcanic rock that a huge army of 10 000 was
not able to cross. Southern part of Medina was filled with closely attached homes. Fortresses of Banu
Quraydha protected their rear from the southwestern side. Banu Quraydha was the last Jewish tribe
remaining in Medina and ally of the Muslims. Hence, Muslims had nothing to fear from the southwestern

The trench has proved to be very effective as the army of Confederates was not able to penetrate it.

Seeing the situation, Jewish leader of Banu Nadheer, ally of the Quraish, went to the leader of Banu
Quraydha and convinced him to break their treaty with the Muslims and join the Confederate alliance in
hope and promise of victory.

The word of broken treaty has spread. However, Prophet did not want to jump into any conclusion
before this was proven beyond a doubt. Therefore, he has sent Az-Zubair ibn Al-Awwaam to Banu
Quraydha, and asked him to bring back news about their intentions. He came back with the news that
Banu Quraydha are preparing for the war. However to validate that, he has sent four other companions to
confirm or deny, what was said by Az-Zubair. They came back with confirmation of Banu Quraydhas
betrayal of the Muslims. Among the companions sent to Banu Quraydha was Sad ibn Muadh, who tried
to remind them of their pledge. Furthermore, he threatened them with consequences of such act of
treachery; nevertheless, they paid no heed and instead rudely offended him. They openly declared their
unfaithfulness and joined ranks of the Confederates. 4

As a sign of support, Banu Quraydha sent twenty camels loaded with provision needed by the
army of Confederates. However, Muslim army heard about the shipment and was able to overtake the

Fiqh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 323
Noble Life of The Prophet, Dr. As-Salaabee, p. 1360
Fiqh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 330

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caravan. The new ally Banu Quraydha, boosted moral of the alliance and the attacks on Medina became
more confident.5

By the will and help of Allah6, after more than a month7, the siege was lifted and the army of
Confederates left. Allies have left Banu Quraydha to their own faith.

Aftermath: Siege of the Banu Quraydha

When Muslims were sure that the army of Confederates left, Allah ordered Prophet to march on
Banu Quraydha. While Muslim army was approaching the fortress of Banu Quraydha, the Jews were

looking down at the Muslims abusing the Prophet and his wives.9

They laid siege to them for 25 nights.10 During this time, Muslims allowed anyone from Banu Quraydha,

who had refused to betray the Prophet , to leave and go wherever they wished. 11 Only those who
insisted on treachery stayed behind.

Kab, chief of Banu Quraydha, gave to his people these three options as to how to deal with the
situation: accept Islam; kill own women and children and fight the Muslims; take them by surprise and
fight on Sabbath12. They accepted none; instead, they tried to woo a settlement. Muslims turned down all
of their proposals and demanded total unconditional surrender for such a crime. 13

In the end, before any fighting occurred, Banu Quraydha surrounded and decided to accept decree of
Sad ibn Muadh, chief of the Aws, who they hoped, will be lenient towards them out of old friendship and
alliance.14 The same Sad ibn Muadh, who came to find out about their treacheries, and who was verbally
abused, when giving them sincere advice to remain faithful to the pledge.

Noble Life of The Prophet, Dr. As-Salaabee,, p. 1368
Quran, Al Ahzab, 33:9
Sealed Nectar, Al-Mubarakpuri, p. 374
Sahih Al Bukhari, 4:52:68
Fiqh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 343
Noble Life of The Prophet, Dr. As-Salaabee, p. 1392
Figh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 346
Jewish day of rest
Figh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 344-345
Figh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 346

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Sad ibn Muadh decided that warriors should be killed and their women and children taken captives. As

Prophet said, he has judged by Allahs judgment.15 Banu Quraydha submitted to their destiny. And so
it was, and 40016 warriors of Banu Quraydha along with one woman17, who had killed a Muslim warrior18,
were executed.


Story of Banu Quraydha is a sad story, especially because it was avoidable. Prophet gave them
chance to live side by side in peace. They have acknowledged his kind treatment by saying that they have

seen only fidelity and truthfulness from the side of Muhammad .19 Muslims, from their part, did not
give to Banu Quraydha any reason for their treachery. It was done by their own free choice. It is of a great
importance to remind that only those who fought were punished and those who did not want to
participate in this act of treason were free to leave. It was not Banu Quraydha who decided to end enmity
and war against Muslims, it was by the will of Allah that the side Banu Quraydha were on, failed and was
defeated. If it was up to Banu Quraydha, Muslims would have suffered same fate as they were going to
face total destruction.

In modern terminology, Banu Quraydha has committed an act of treason, which is by legal definition
"...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the
[parent nation].20 High treason (criminal disloyalty to one's government) is until this day recognized as
one of the worst crimes against country that person (group of people) can commit. Here are some

The death penalty for treachery was under the Crime And Disorder Act applicable until 199821 in the
United Kingdom.22 On October 2006, US citizen Adam Yahiye Gadahn, was indicted by USA federal grand
jury for treason.23

Sahih al-Bukhari, 5:58:148
Noble Life of The Prophet, Dr. As-Salaabee, p. 1392
Narrated Aisha; Sunan Abee Daawood, 14:2665
Sealed Nectar, Al-Mubarakpuri, p. 378
Figh us Seerah, M. Ghazzali, p. 330; dialog between Kab ibn Asad (leader of Banu Quraydha) and
Huyayy (leader of Banu Nadheer)
Oran's dictionary of the law by Oran, Daniel., 1983
In 1998 death penalty was abolished.

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Even though many countries24 today have abolished capital punishment for this and other crimes, high
treason is still recognized as capital crime punishable by life imprisonment.

American to Be Indicted for Treason [Report] / auth. News Fox.

Fiqh us Seerah, Understanding the Life of Prophet Muhammad [Book] / auth. Al-Ghazali Muhammad. -
[s.l.] : IIFSO.

Noble Life of The Prophet [Book] / auth. As-Sallaabee Dr. 'Ali Muhammad. [Online].

Oran's dictionary of the law [Book] / auth. Daniel Oran. - 1983.

Qur'an [Book] / auth. Khan Muhsin.

Sahih Al-Bukhari [Book] / auth. Al-Bukhari Muhammad bin Isma'il.

Sealed Nectar [Book] / auth. al-Mubarakpuri Saifur Rahman. - [s.l.] : Dar-us-Salaam, 2002. - pp. 60-61.

Sunan Abu Dawud [Book].

Wikipedia [Online].

American to Be Indicted for Treason, Fox News, October 12, 2006
Italy, New Zealand, Hong Kong, France, Canada (Wikipedia under Treason)

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