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Proposed Theme/Topic Workplace Stigmatization

General objective of Gender Bias Profession


Specific Objective Outside and inside influence that cause gender-biased view in work

Thesis Statement Gender bias in various profession.

Article 1 Is nursing a stigmatizing label that needs to go?

Main Idea 1: Nursing is a specific title that bias towards women.

SD 1 The number one reason for some men for not becoming a nurse is
simply holding the title nurse.

SD 2 According to labelling theory, once someone labelled and accepted it,

they adjust their behavior around the expectation that go along with
such label.

SD 3 Nursing has a long history of being female dominated profession

under the guise of a feminine word.

Main Idea 2: The title nursing needs to be overhauled to better describe itself as a
non gender-biased profession and one that better identifies its role
within healthcare.

SD 1 For many heterosexual males, being labeled as something feminine

and holding a job defined as feminine is a threat to their masculinity.

SD 2 A more gender-neutral title for nursing would be a welcomed asset in

their fight to breaking down gender barriers in the workplace.

SD 3 Changing nursing title potentially attracts more men to the profession,

make being a male in the nursing profession less stigmatizing, and
make the profession more egalitarian as a whole.
Reference Boucher, S. (2011). Is nursing a stigmatizing label that needs to go?

Retrieved November 13, 2017, from


Article 2 Engineering A Gender Bias

Main Idea 1: Female researchers in engineering tend to publish in more

influential journals, but their work is less cited.

SD 1 Work contributes data to growing evidence that women's scientific

contributions are played down or attributed to their male peers.

SD 2 Men cite their previous first-authored papers at a 37% higher rate

than women.

SD 3 Women engineers received fewer citations, despite their papers

generally being published in journals with higher impact factors.

Main Idea 2: Engineering is undoubtedly male dominated

SD 1 Women have to be really competent to survive, otherwise they

leave the field.

SD 2 Around half of the male engineers had no female collaborators.

SD 3 Women were less likely to be involved in international collaborations,

meaning they 'profit less' from the extra citations these tend to

Reference Murphy, F. (2017). Engineering a gender bias. International journal

of science. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from

Article 3 Why Dont More Men Go Into Teaching?

Main Idea 1: Teaching is an overwhelmingly female profession, and in fact has

become more so over time.
SD 1 More than three-quarters of all teachers in kindergarten through high
school are women, according to Education Department data, up from
about two-thirds three decades ago.

SD 2 The disparity is most pronounced in elementary and middle schools,

where more than 80 percent of teachers are women.

SD 3 Jobs dominated by women pay less on average than those with

higher proportions of men, and studies have shown that these
careers tend to enjoy less prestige as well.

Main Idea 2: Women are more attracted to teaching profession as they are still
primary caregivers in families.

SD 1 Woman can work the same schedules as their children.

SD 2 Teachers can take a few years out of work to stay at home with
babies or toddlers and return to the profession easily.

SD 3 Few men currently in teaching while other men may be less inclined
to view it as a desirable option.

Reference Rich, M. (2014, September 7). Why dont more men go into

teaching?. The New York Times. Retrieved November 23,

2017, from


Article 4 New Study Finds Gender Discrimination in the Tech Industry Is Still

Main Idea 1: Discrimination and harassment are still rampant in addition to

unconscious bias towards woman in the tech world.

SD 1 60 percent of women in tech reported unwanted sexual advances.

SD 2 65 percent of those women had received those advances from a

superior at work.

SD 3 90 percent of women witnessed sexist behavior at company off sites

or at a conference.

Main Idea 2: Unconscious bias from male coworker is a major discrimination

towards woman in tech industry.
SD 1 Gender bias often occurs even before female employees receive a
job offer.

SD 2 75 percent of women said they were asked about their family life,
marital status, and children during job interviews.

SD 3 Some woman was questioned about their views on abortion and


Reference Garcia, P (2016,January 14). New study finds gender discrimination

in the Tech Industry is still sky-high. The Vogue. Retrieved

January 16, 2017, from


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