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Like everyand development.

/ft is moving gradually up (be mantfctutingfood, chain,

to higher value added industries, /ft is (be quintessential leapfogger, mueh
of its cadre moving straight fom (be rustic to (be pfasfic - computers, cellular
phones wireless and (be lile. /foniealfy. it co/dd
neve/ have made it even, (bts far without its ostensiblefoe. /thousands of bright
Rbinese students tiain, in, (be flnited states. cdmedcan,
technologies management hnowledge capita/ and mothering permeate Z/sfying s
economricfcbric. //lilatezal tiade is fourishing. China eyoys (be biggest sbate of
wodd s - in, /age patt cdmeriean, -foreign- dried investmentfows. (Should (be
flnited states disintegrate tomorrow - China wou/d assuredly
follow. Zf>aeh to (be /fable of Contents/ //lam and Z/ibeealisw ff>y: /f)r. (Sam
f/ahnin, cd/so //tend /the Crescent and (be Cross -
f/ntroduetion, S/he (descent and (be doss - O? /first (Sneounter S/he descent and
(be doss - S/he dsmmuntttes of Jfod Z/lam is
not merely a religion,. /ft is a/so - and perhaps fremost - a state ideology. /ft
is all-pervasive, and missionary. /ft petmeates
eveg aspect of soda/ cooperation, and culture. /ft is an, organiziny principle a
narrative, a philosophy, a va/ue gstem, and a vade
mecum. /fn, (bts it resembles dsnfuriantsm, and to some extent /Hinduism,. ffudaism
and its qfspring, Cihristianity - (bought, heavily inoo/ved in, po/itica/
II 11
tAzfttfAftti tAe ages - Aavf Ae/jt tAek {tig/iffied dhtaneefew moA eamaA /wztif),
a/f zefafe/M of Ae/ive/i- ai opposed
ds/am, a practical pragmatic, bands on, ubiquitous earthly meed. cSeadar religions
- Zfiemeoratio Z/ibeealism, dsmmuntsm, /fascism, (f/azrism, (Socialism and other,
isms - ate
mote ahrin, to ds/am (ban, to, /et s sag, /Buddhism. Zlhey ate untvetsah
ptescriprive and total, Zibet/ provide recipes, rules and notms
regarding eveg aspect of existence - individuab soda/, cultural, motah economic
politico/, mi/itag, and phri/osopbieah of tbe end of (be /old f/at,
/Democratic SSibeta/ism, stood triumphant ovm tbe fesb gtaves of its ideological
opponents, Zibet/ have ad been, eradicated. //bis ptedpitated Zfuhugama s premature
diagnosis /(be (Snd of /ftistogi. /But one state ideo/ogg, one bitter, rival one
implacable opponent one contestantft, wodd domination, one antithesis
temained - /fsiam. cfZilitant //slam is therfre not a cancmous mutation, of riue
/fsiam. 0n, tbe conttag, it is tbe purest expression,
ofits nature as an, imperialistic te/igion, wbteb, demands unmitigated obediencefom
its followers and regards ad infde/s as both, inferior and
avowed enemies, //be, same can, be said about Sfiemociaric SSibeta/ism,. SSihe
//slam, it does not hesitate to exercise, free is mtssionag, colonizing.
lit II
and regards itseffas a monopolist of tbe truth, and of univetsa/ values. C/ts
antagonists are invariably portrayed as depraved primitive and
below par. (Such mutually exclusive claims wete bound to lead to an, ad-out confid
sooner or later S/he f'ar on, /terrorism is
onfy (he latest round in, a millennium-old war between, //slam and other wodd
gstems . Such intepretation, of recent events enrages many. Zibet/
demand to hnow /often, in, hatsh tones/: - /Don, tgou see any diferenee between,
terrorists who murder civilians and regular armies
in, battie? ./Both, regulars and irregulars slaughter civilians as a matter of
course. (Sodatoral damage is (he main, outcome of modem, total
warfare - and of low intensity conflicts aide, /there is a ma/or, diferenee
between, terrorists and soldiers though: /Terrorists male carnage of
noneombatomts their main, (aerie - while regular armies rarefy do. (Surf, conduct
is criminal and deplorable whoever (he peyetrator, /But what about
(he hilling of combatants in, battle? /How should wefudge (he slaying of soldiers
bg terrorists in, combat? G/lodem nation-states enshrined (he
sffappropriated monopofy on, violence in, (heir consrituttons and ordinances
/and in, international law/. &nfy state organs - (he army, (he police -
are permitted to hill torture and incarcerate, /terrorists are riastfsusters:
they. too, want to hill torture and incarcerate. Zibet/ seel to breah
Be death, cartel of governments bg Joining its tanhs. //haswhen, a soldier- hills
terrorists and / inadvertency / civilians /as collateral damage / -
it is considered above board, /But when, the terrorist decimates (he veg same
soldier - he is decried as an, oudaw. G/Zoteevez,
(he misbehavior of some countries - not least (he United (States - led to (he
legitimization, of terrorism, Often, nation-states use terrorist
organizations to frthez- their geopolitical goals, //hen- this happens erstwhile
outcasts become feedomfgbters, pariahs become allies murderers are recast as
souls strugglingfr equal rights, /this contributes to (be blurring ofethical
percepts and (be blunting ofmoral judgment. - //otdd gou
rather live under sharia, law? /Don, t goufid ZSiberal /Democracy vastly superior
to //slam? (Superiors no. SDifezent - ofcourse, //laving
been, bom, and raised in, (be /best. Zfnaturally puff its standards to //slam s.
/Had // been, bom, in, a G/Zuslim,
country // would have probablyfund tbe /best and its principles perverted and
obnoxious, //be question, is meaningless because it presupposes (be
existence f an, objective universal culture and period independent set of
preferences. SSuehrify, (here is no such (bag. - /ft, (bts dash
ofcivilization, whose side are gou on? //bis is not a dash, fcivilizations,
fbestezn, adhere is inextricably intertwined with, /Ts/amte hnowledge,
teachings and philosophy. Christian-fundamentalists have more in, common, with
G/Zuslim militants (ban, with, Cast Roast or ffreneh intellectuals. G/Zuslims have
been, tbe Qbest s most dfning &(ber. Z/slamle existence and gaze befyed to mold tbe
ffest s emegug identify as a historical
construct, //lorn (Spain, to Z/ndia, tbe incessant fiction, and fertilizing
interactions with //slam shaped f/estem, values, beliefs doctrines, moral tenets
political and
milling institutions, arts, and sciences, /this war is about world dommahon, fwo
incompatible thought and value gstems competefr (he hearts and
minds /and purchasing power,/ of the denizens f tbe global village. Zl/ile in,
(be //estems bg high noon, either one of (hem,
is If standing - or both, will have perished, f/bere does mg fyyalg reside? /? am,
a f/estomet, so /? hope (be
//est wins (bts confrontation, f/jut in, tbe, process it would be good f it wete
bumbled deconstructed and reconstructed. &ne benfdal outcome
of ibis conflict is the demise of the superpower gstem, - a relic f days bggone and
best f gotten, /f flfy believe
and trust (bat in, militant //lam, the ffntted (Ztirtes bos fund its motif, /fn,
other words // regard militant //lam as a
catafyst (bat will hasten, (be tiansftmation, f(be global po other industrial
sector in India, the Indian Electrical/Electronics Industry too isslowly emerging
from out of its "protective cover". For far too long has Indian Industryremained
shackled and consequently inward looking. Over the past fifty years there was
noexposure to global players and competition, with the result that the Industry
grew up in asheltered environment, dependent on the Government for everything, from
licenses to protection to tariffs. Each one of these interventions was aimed at
securing protection for oneself and ensuring growth of ones own organization at
the cost of industry and the nation atlarge. Lack of global competition encouraged
a "cost plus" approach, where every conceivablecost increase was passed on to the
customer.There was thus no motivation to reduce cost

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