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1.1 Background of Study

Vocabulary is one of the elements that important in learning English.

Accordingly by Edward (1997:149), Vocabulary is one of the important factors

in all language teaching; learners must continually learn words as they learn

structure and as they practice sound system. Furthermore, Richards and Schmidt

(2002:255) states vocabulary is the core component of language proficiency and

provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write

Vocabulary mastery is needed for learners. Developing vocabulary for young

learners is the first step of mastering language. Nunan (1998) stated in Gunarso

Susilohadi and A. Handoko Pudjobroto (2012) the development of a rich

vocabulary is an important element in the acquisition of a second language. The

function of vocabulary are to speaking, writing, listening, and reading. If the

vocabulary that we know just a little we would not be able to speak and write a

story. So, vocabulary is the basic thing for the people to be studied in English. The

vocabulary that have been learned and memorized will be useful to make the

sentences when written English, and will also helpful someone to speaking.

However, in reality, learning vocabulary is not easy. There still many

difficulties to memorize and increase vocabulary. According to Thornburry,

(2002: 27) declares some factors why learning vocabulary is rather difficult for

second language learner. If those factors are fulfilled, someone can be said that he

or she has achieved the vocabulary mastery. The example is when an Indonesian

student has an English subject at school and it is the second language for the

learners. Student cannot understand the lesson easily. It is because the learners

should know the appropriate word, how to spell, how to pronounce, what is the

meaning, etc, to express the idea of the subject.

Based on the observation of research at SDN 2 Kota Serang, that learners

face some problems in studied vocabulary. The problems of learners are they are

lack of vocabulary and the learners difficult to memorize new vocabulary words

and their meanings. Therefore, the researcher proposes a technique to solve the

problems called Clustering Method. Clustering Method is a method that is

performed by the development of one word to another word. So, with this method

the student should be able to develop a vocabulary into another vocabulary of

Indonesian language and then they will turn it into English. The researcher think

Clustering method is effective and easy for elementary school learners. So, the

learners can expand the range of their vocabulary of at least five until ten every


Based on the case above, the researcher proposed a study research entitle

Increasing Student Vocabulary Mastery through Clustering Method ( A

Classroom Action Research for the Sixth Grade Learners of SDN 2 Kota

Serang, Academic Years 2015-2016).

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

The researcher formulates the problems as follow:

1. How is the process of increasing the vocabulary mastery through

Clustering of sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Kota Serang?

2. What are the learners responses toward the application of Clustering in

teaching vocabulary?

3. How is the result of increasing the vocabulary mastery through Clustering

of sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Kota Serang?

1.3 The Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is:

1. To find out the process of increasing the vocabulary mastery through

Clustering of sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Kota Serang.

2. To know the learners responses toward the application of Clustering in

teaching vocabulary.

3. To find out the result of increasing the vocabulary mastery through

Clustering of sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Kota Serang.



2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Edward (1997:149), Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all

language teaching; learners must continually learn words as they learn structure

and as they practice sound system. Furthermore, Richards and Schmidt (2002:255)

states vocabulary is the core component of language proficiency and provides

much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write Vocabulary

mastery is needed for learners. Developing vocabulary for young learners is the

first step of mastering language. Nunan (1998) stated in Gunarso Susilohadi and

A. Handoko Pudjobroto (2012) the development of a rich vocabulary is an

important element in the acquisition of a second language. The functions of

vocabulary are to speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

Based on the definition above, the researcher conclude that vocabulary is

the important elements in learning English. Because, vocabulary is the basic

component to speak, listen, read and write.

2.1.2 Types of Vocabulary

Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1995) divide two kinds of

vocabulary, namely receptive and productive vocabulary.

a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is word that the learners recognize and understand when

they occur in context, but which cannot produce correctly. It is vocabulary that the

learners recognize when they see it in reading context but do not use it in speaking

and writing.

b. Productive Vocabulary

Productive Vocabulary is the word, which the learners understand, can pronounce

correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is

needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write the appropriate


The researcher concludes that there are two types of vocabulary, the first

types of vocabulary explain that learners recognize and understand context but

cannot produce correctly (Receptive Vocabulary). And the second types of

vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the learners can

produce the words to express their thought to others (Productive Vocabulary).

2.1.3 The Function of Vocabulary

David Wilkins, cited Thornbury (2002: 13), said that the function of

studying vocabulary by saying "Without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." The statement is true. Although we

have good grammar capabilities, but these capabilities will be in vain if we do not

have sufficient mastery of the vocabulary. Based on Stahl and Nagy (2005: 5)

both explained the function of vocabulary by comparing the difference between

people who understand vocabulary with those who do not understand the

vocabulary. In this case Stahl and Nagy said that words we have, the more

complex ways we can think about die world. A person who knows more words

can speak, and even think, more precisely about the world. A person who knows

the terms scarlet and crimson and azure and indigo can think about colors in a

different way than a person who is limited to red and blue. A person who can label

someone as pusillanimous or a recreant can better describe a person's cowardly

behavior. Words divide the world; the more.

In short, function of vocabulary are increase the ability to speak English,

increase the ability to read texts in English, improving writing skills in English,

and help to get a high score of test.

2.1.4 Problem in Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in language

acquisition. Accordingly by Edward (1997:149), Vocabulary is one of the

important factors in all language teaching; learners must continually learn words

as they learn structure and as they practice sound system. In a classroom where

learners are not finding themselves comfortable with second language, language

learning can be made interactive and interesting with the introduction of

appropriate vocabulary exercises and teaching vocabulary methods.

In teaching and learning vocabulary many problems found, from

understanding difficult words until applying the words. Even though learners

realize the importance of vocabulary when learning English, the learners learn

vocabulary passively due to several factors. First, the student considered the

teacher's explanation for meaning or definition the words. Second, the student

cant develop the words given by the teacher. Third, learners only think of

vocabulary learning as knowing the primary meaning of new words. And the last

is learners usually only acquire new vocabulary through new words in their

textbooks or when given by teachers during classroom lessons.

Meanwhile, Michael J. Wallace mentioned three categories about

problems in teaching vocabulary, they are: 1) Pronunciation and spelling, 2)

Stress, 3) Cognates.

The researcher concludes, there are still many problems of learners in

learning vocabulary. Some of teacher teaching did not using media or method for

teaching. So the learners still difficult to developed vocabulary. Therefore the

researcher has a solution to solve problem.

2.1.5 Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary has some purposes. They are, by mastering many

vocabularies learners understand about the meaning of the words in the text. Then,

when teacher teach vocabulary, learners should be active to find the meaning of

words in the dictionary. As a result they will get easier in listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. The teacher should find the best ways to teach vocabulary

and they must be creative to select interesting strategy which suitable with the

characteristic of the learners especially for young learners.

Teaching vocabulary is important aspect to be taught to the learners.

Because by using vocabulary, the learners can improve their brain to makes a

sentence and paragraphs by the word. According to Harmer (2005:229), in

explaining material, teacher is the major part in teaching vocabulary. In other

word, each teacher have manner in teaching vocabulary to the learners.

Furthermore Kimberg, M. (2007:24) states that teaching vocabulary is important

role in comprehension of listening, speaking, reading and writing. So that

vocabulary make learners be easier in English.

In conclusion, teaching vocabulary is an activity that can improve learners

ability in learning English. It is not only about the words and meaning of

themselves but also about all aspects and skills in a language.

2.2 Young Learners

2.2.1 Definition of Young Learners

According to Purwaningsih (2005), Young Learners are learners in

Elementary School aging 9-10 years old who are learning English as foreign

language. Young learners are learners in elementary school aging 9-10 years old

who are learning as foreign language. As a teacher can give young learners lesson

on the beginner level, because the young learners is the beginner step in learning

process. Young learners are the learners that learn in first step, and they can

proceed into the next level based on their skill. As a teacher must be professional

to teach them, because the lesson can be the big foundation on their learning,

young learners also can learn fast and good on imitating their teachers. So, as a

teacher must be a good model on their learning process. Besides, Etty Maryati

Hoesein, Young Learners are the learners of Elementary School who are at grade

four up to grade six. Their ages range from ten to twelve years of age. They have

learned English for about one up to four years

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that young learners

are the learners of elementary school aging 9-10 years old and the beginner level

for learning. Therefore, young learners are the beginner steps to learning process,

so the teacher should be professional in teaching.

2.2.2 Characteristic of Young Learners

Young learners mean children from the first year of formal schooling (5 or

6 year old) to eleven or twelve year age. Young learners have own special

characteristics that differentiate them from adult learners. There should be known

and understood by the teacher to give contribution to improve their quality of

teaching and learning process.

The characteristic of young learners mentioned by Clark (1990: 6-8):

1) Children are developing conceptually; they develop their way of thinking

from the concrete to the abstract thing.

2) Children have no real linguistics, different from the adult learners that

already have certain purpose in learning language, for instances, to have a

better job, children rarely have such needs in learning a foreign language.

They learned subject what school provide for them.

3) Children are still developing; they are developing common skill such as

turn talking and the use of body language.

4) Young children very egocentric, they tend to resolve around themselves.

5) Children get bored easily. Children have no choice to attend school. The

lack of the choice means that class activities need to be fun interesting and

exciting as possible by setting up the interesting activities.

Based on the characteristic of young learners the researcher concludes that

many students who feel bored when they study in the class. So, the teacher should

be prepared for teaching to be fun.

2.2.3 Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners

In teaching vocabulary for young learners a teacher should be play an

active role and also has a certain method so that children can learn by actively. A

teacher should be prepared the materials, methods and tools for teaching.

According to Harmer (2005:229), in explaining material, teacher is the major part

in teaching vocabulary. In other word, each teacher have manner in teaching

vocabulary to the learners. As we know the children like the funny lessons and

this is to be one of the duties a teacher to realize it. In other words a teacher

should be able to facilitate the learning of learners so that learners can learn with

passion and pleasure. Besides, Linse (2005) said Teachers should facilitate

vocabulary learning by teaching learners useful words and by teaching strategies

to help learners figure out meanings on their own. Useful words are words that

children are likely to encounter and words that occur in a high frequency.

Furthermore, Linse and Nunan (2005:122) said that teacher should teach useful

and suitable word in making sentence and teacher should apply the appropriate

strategy in teaching vocabulary for young learners. Then teacher gives familiar

words to the learners based on the topic at the day. The function of that make the

learners be fast in memorize the word and be applied in the sentence and


The researcher concludes, that teaching vocabulary for young learners

should be considered with good teaching strategies in class. In addition the teacher

should do something to make the learners be better in vocabulary and choose a

strategy that is suitable with this condition.

2.3 Clustering

2.3.1 Definition of Clustering

One of the interesting methods to help learners increasing vocabulary

mastery is clustering method. Clustering Method is a method that is performed by

the development of one word to another word. Clustering method can also called

as a mapping. According to John (2006) stated Alawi (2011), Clustering also

known as diagramming, or mapping, is another strategy that can be used to

generate material for a paper. In addition Clustering is a brainstorming activity

that generates ideas, images and feelings around a topic or stimulus word.

Clustering method is similar with brainstorming activity that we can use to

generate ideas. According to Meyer (2005) stated Suheni (2011) In clustering,

you write your subject in the middle of the page and then circle it. You write

related ideas around the circle as they occur to you. Then you circle the ideas and

connect them to your subject circle. These related ideas are like branches. You can

then add more branches to the subject circle or to the related ideas as they occur to

you. This technique is helpful for people who like to think in a visual way. In

clustering, researchers can use lines, boxes, arrows, and circle to show

relationship among the ideas and details that occur to them. It means that

clustering is a technique that can help learners to narrow the subject especially for

visual learners.

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that clustering method

is a technique for making a visual map or new association that allows thinking

more creatively and to begin without clear ideas. Clustering method can be useful

for learning vocabulary.

2.3.2 Types of Clustering

A grouping of words that have the same characteristics can be done by

using the clustering method. According to Xu and Wunsch (2009) That the

grouping (clustering) objects into multiple groups (clusters) that has the nature of

a homogenous or with variations as small as it may be necessary to facilitate the

developing of word. Gan et al. (2007) stated that in conducting the analysis of

clustering can choose one of two approaches, namely 1) Hard Clustering or 2)

Soft Clustering (also known as fuzzy clustering). The selection of the approach

that is used depends on the type of words that will be grouped. Hard Clustering is

used when the word such as Crips while soft clustering used fuzzy words.

Meanwhile, Xu and Wunsch (2009) mention two basic types, namely 1).

Deployment (divisive) and 2). Concentration (agglomerative). The type of

divisive start grouping of large clusters (consisting of all words) then said the

mismatch most high separated and so on whereas the agglomerative types start

grouping with considers each word as the cluster then two clusters that have

merged into one cluster alignment and so on. Besides, Sadaaki et al. (2008) States

that there are two types that can be used :

1. Supervised (if the number of clusters is determined)

2. Un-supervised (if the number of clusters is not determined or natural).

The researcher concludes, there are some types in clustering method. So,

of these types can be useful to learn vocabulary using the clustering method.

2.3.3 The Function of Clustering

The function of clustering is to outline the main one word into the words

that relate to the main word. In this case, the learners are expected to write down a

word or thing that he knew into one word that was already in there. This method is

used to facilitate learners in developing a Word. According to Meyer (2005) stated

Suheni (2011) In clustering, you write your subject in the middle of the page and

then circle it. You write related ideas around the circle as they occur to you. Then

you circle the ideas and connect them to your subject circle. These related ideas

are like branches. You can then add more branches to the subject circle or to the

related ideas as they occur to you. This technique is helpful for people who like

to think in a visual way.

In short, function of clustering is to connect one to the other words in order

to facilitate the learners ' result of words.

2.2.4 How To Apply Clustering Method

From the definition of clustering method on the explained that is a method

that performed by the development of one word to another word. So the way to

apply this method, namely by means of: First, the teacher gives one word to

student, for example: school. Second, the learners should be developed these

words and the words that are developed must be associated with the main word.

There is the way to classify the word can use arrows, chart, picture or other. There

is an example about the clustering method.

Based on the applying of clustering method above, the researcher

concludes that clustering method can facilitate learners in developing word. In

addition the way to apply this method is also very easy and does not require a lot

of tools.



3.1 Research Problems

The study has following problems, they are formed as questions below:

1) How is the process of increasing the vocabulary mastery through Clustering of

sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Serang?

2) What are the learners responses toward the use of Clustering in teaching


3) How is the result of increasing the vocabulary mastery through Clustering of

sixth grade learners in SDN 2 Serang?

3.2 Research Design

This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. Burns (1999,

cited in Kunandar, 2008) states that action research is implementation of fact

finding on problem solving in certain social situation to improve the quality of

action and involves collaborators, researcher, practitioner, and general people.

Thus, the researcher involved a collaborator to assist to observe the students

participation during the action. The collaborator was the English teacher of VI A

class. Meanwhile, the researcher acted as a temporary teacher who taught the

learners by using clustering method. The subjects of the study were 6th Graders of

VI A at SDN 2 Kota Serang consisted of 30 students. VI A learners were the

main data sources in this study since they were the ones who would show the

improvements after the action was implemented.

In the data collection, there were two aspects being discussed research

instruments and research procedure. Firstly, the research instruments used in this

study were two observation checklists and questionnaire. For the observation

checklists, the first one was used to observe the learners active participation in the

classroom. Meanwhile the second one was used to observe the learners active

participation particularly in class discussion. For the questionnaires, they were

used to know the learners responses and perception of the researchers

performance on the implementation of clustering method in the teaching and

learning process. Secondly, in term of research procedure, this study involved four

stages in a cycle namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting on the

observation. This study only applied one cycle consisted of two meetings. The

first observation will be implemented on Wednesday, October 26th 2015. In this

session, teacher explained how to use the courseware. It started from opening the

program through entering one of the main menus. The first topic teacher explained

about clustering method. Then, teacher gave the example of clustering method. In

the end of meeting the teacher gives the oral test. The learners can do the oral test.

Teacher asked learners to the task is about develop the word of class and it

will be discussed for next week. The second observation will be implemented on

Wednesday, November 2th 2016. In this time, teacher explained about how to

develop the word by using clustering method. The learners prepared the task that

they already finished and some of learners give attention first. The learners

perform in front of the class to read their assignment about develop the word

about class that they already write down on the paper. It can do by the learners

well. The teacher asked the learners to do the task about the word of school

and it will be discuss next week. The last observation will be implemented on

Wednesday, November 9th 2016. In this time, teacher explained about how to

develop word by using clustering method. Almost all of the learners were happy

and gave more attention to the teacher. The learners prepared the task that they

already finished. The teacher asks learners to raise their assignment. The teacher

allowed learners to write in the blackboard one by one without read the text and

mention the word that related with school. The teacher gave evaluation for the

learners learning process. They said that during the learning process they got the

benefit because they can learn vocabulary easily by using clustering.

For the observation, the researcher investigated learners activities and

behavior during the teaching and learning activity. The target of observation

included interaction with others, activeness in doing the task seriousness of the

learners in following the activity and for the reflecting, the writer did evaluation

of cycle 1 and repaired the lesson plan to do the next cycle and explained the

learners mistakes in learning vocabulary on each previous cycle to improve the

learners achievement.

A cycle in classroom action research could be success if the writer could

reach the standard minimum score (KKM). The writer compared the average

score of pre-test and post-test, if the average score of post-test improved in two

cycles, the media was effective.

3.3 Subject of the Research

The researcher conducted research in SDN 2 Kota Serang and choose 6th

grade that consisted of 30 learners as a subjects of research. The researcher chose

the class because the 6th grade in SDN 2 Kota Serang still has a bit of vocabulary

when the researcher did observations. So, the author has a purpose to improve

learners vocabulary.

3.4 Place of the Research

The research about increasing English vocabulary of sixth grade learners is

in SDN 2 Kota Serang by using clustering method. It is a formal education

institution where located on Jl. Ki Mas Jong No.1, Desa Kota Baru Kecamatan

Serang, Kota Serang-Banten.

3.5 Instrumen of The Research

In this research, the researcher used the observation sheet, questionnaire

and a written test as a research instrument. Related to the first problem, the

researcher took the data using observation and questionnaire, and second the

problem will be answered by using the test. Research instruments are briefly

presented in table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Research Instrument

No Research Types of How to Analyze

How to Get Time
. Problem Data
1. How is the Process Observation During In this research, the
process of of treatment researcher will use
increasing the teaching Interview After descriptive analysis
vocabulary treatment
mastery Questionnaire After
through treatment
Clustering of
sixth grade
learners in
SDN 2 Kota
2. How is the Learners Pre Test Before The writer used
result of test treatment formula
increasing the score For average score
vocabulary Post test After of students
mastery treatment (Arikunto, 2012:
through 299)
Clustering of
sixth grade X = X
learners in N
SDN 2 Kota
X = The average
of score
X = Total

N = Total number
of students
Where calculating
of the precentage
of the students
frequency in one
category could use
based on Hatch
and Farhady
(1982: 46)
P = F 100%
Where :
P = Precentage
F = Frequency of
the students
score (KKM)
N = Total number
of the students


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