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Bahan What
Klein, Bradley 1994 - Pre nuclear revolution, strategy is based on Clausewitzian paradigms,
a strong defense is key
What nuclear
- irrelevant since air power became a thing
revolution? - minimal deterrence/minimalist position: kekuatan militer exists bukan
untuk memenangkan perang but to prevent conflict
- no first use of nuclear force
- no defense
- maximalist position
- criticize minimalist striking in retaliation has no strategic purpose
- first use/first strike : cant rely on the aggressor. instead increase
credibility of threat of retaliation
- passive & active defense : passive reducing the vulnerability of a
society to nuclear attack. Active mengembangkan tek senjata nuklir
Heuser, Beatrice 2010 - nuclear strategy continuity of air strategy banyak soal targeting
- English RAF bombers
Nuclear Strategy
- nuclear targeting targets populace
- perdebatan moralitas & legalitas against UN charter, crime against
John Collins - nuclear strategy hakikatnya nuclear is destructive
- concepts:
- nuclear as prevention mewujudkan stability
- nuclear sbg penyerangan faktor yg mendorong efektifitas serangan
nuklir (1) waktu penyerangan, target, akurasi senjata, jenis ledakan,
waktu penyerangan, cuaca, topografi
- konsep nuklir berdasarkan faktor biaya & kekuatan
- (1) minimum deterrence cheapest, menjaga balance of terror
- (2) Maximum deterrence expensive, menekankan gmn caranya
- (3) compromise concept fokus pada threat, ga murah/mahal tp kita
proaktif menunjukkan
- 3 steps to attack
- (1) aksi pembuka. First strike initiation. second strike retaliation
- (2) menentukan strategi brdsr target serangan. Counterforce
menyerang center of gravity ex: govt places. countervalue
menyerang will to fight ex: civillians
- (3) mempersiapkan pertahanan
- Strategi nuklir sbg pencegahan
- Nuklir melanggar moralitas perang bcs population targeting. Krn yg
diserang civillians, industry, dan radiation damages
- Preemptive strike: ancaman sudah jelas terlihat
- Preventive strike : potensi
Gray, Colin 1999 - 3 nuclear eras (berdasar struktur politis atm)
- 1945-89 Post WW II/CW characterized by hubungan kuat
superstates (US-Soviet) dan negara2 yg bergantung pd mereka. Inti
strateginya deterrence & restraint. Krisis Teluk Babi/Cuban Missile
- 1989-now USSR collapse, multipolar. Masalah: proliferasi nuklir
kawasan. Banyak negara mengembangkan tek militer nuklir
- Future (spekulasi colin gray) possibility of nuclear war karena
asimetri hubungan kultural, geostrategic, dsb terutama di kawasan asia
pasifik. Tidak melihat signifikansi senjata nuklir (bcs tidak
fungsional) tapi esensial, untuk mengonfrontasi musuh yg armed.
senjata nuklir jg gaada fungsinya dlm diplomasi & will not increase
your position/influence


Galulla, David 2006 - insurgence selalu berkaitan dgn revolutionary war borne of internal
conflicts or external pressure achieving power through force
Revolutionary War:
- konflik terjadi insurgence want to detach from kelompok tertentu
Nature and - counterinsurgence ingin mempertahankan posisi dgn mengerahkan
Characteristics semua sumber daya
- 3 cara u/ memperoleh kekuasaan secara paksa
- 1 kudeta menggulingkan certain regime. Perencanaan rahasia dan
eksekusinya cepat
- 2 Revolusi inexplicable, unplanned & spontaneous usually.
Tujuannya mengadakan perubahan sistematis
- 3 insurgensi perjuangan bertahap, metodis & sistematis. Berlarut2.
Untuk melawan dominasi
- Asimetri antara counter & insurgents perbedaan antara proporsi
kekuatan & kepemilikan aset.
- Counter punya banyak tangible assets, punya kekuatan resmi dalam
bidang legis yudis eksek, sumber daya finansial agrikultur, fasilitas2,
- Insurgents aset2 intangible like ideology yang kalo dimanfaatkan
can have massive effects

Galula, David 2006 - Sumber daya insurgents terbatas harus paham 3 syarat sukses
Prereq of successful
- 1 adanya cause bisa mendorong transformasi, dari kekuatan kecil
insurgency bisa jd besar. Harus bisa menarik pendukung sebesar2nya. Insurgen
hrs dpt mengidentifikasikan dirinya secara total terhadap the cause
supaya didukung. Cause hrs bisa bertahan dan carry out the
revolution. A good cause punya akar jelas, disesuaikan dengan
kondisi dan situasi. Biasanya politik/sosial/ekonomi/rasial. Doesnt
have to be fact.
- 2 kondisi geografis counter & insurg has diff preferences. Insurg
suka negara landlock tp dikelilingi pegunungan dan hutan, rawanya
tersebar, populasi pedesaan yg tersebar dgn ekonomi primitive.
Counter wilayah kepulauan, kota2 yang dipisahkan gurun
pasir/iklim artik/tropis. Perekonomian industri
- 3 outside support insurgent hrs tau siapa yg bisa mendukung
mereka scr politis, moral, teknis, keuangan dan militer
Galula 2006 - 2 pola
- Pola ortodoks komunis-proletar. Terdiri dari lima tahap
Insurgency doctrine
- (1) pembentukan partai : anggotanya kaum proletar, tp pemimpinnya
harus kaum intelektual
- (2) membentuk front persatuan :
- (3) guerrilla war awalnya untuk mempertahankan the struggle tp
tujuan akhirnya merebut pangkalan
- (4) melibatkan gerakan terorganisir dgn persenjataan
- (5) destruction
- Pola nasionalis bourgeoisie. Perebutan kekuasaan atas 2 tahap
- (1) Blind terrorism to make their cause known, random act of terror
in a spectacular fashion to gain supporters
- (2) selective terrorism mulai melibatkan populasi, memobilisasi
Cassidy 2008 - Counterinsurgency yang sukses menggunakan local military power
Success in counterins

9 Media

Lynch, Mark - Rise of the war of ideas in the age of technology
- Bin Laden melihat bhw retorika dan propaganda bisa memberi dia
Al-Qaedas Media
pengaruh the same as military resource dgn adanya tek komunikasi
Strategy - Makanya alqaeda invest in propaganda and media
- Media Arab sbnrnya bertentangan sm alqaeda lebih sekuler/liberal
- Al-Jazeera sided w/ Iraq Afghan Palestine negara2 yg disalahi AS
- AlQaeda menyesuaikan dgn naratif Aljazeera they get their
message out and shape discourse
Waller 2007 - Outlet media electronic menjadi medan yg mempertemukan kekuatan
yg conventionally big (US) dan small powers/NGOs (terrorists)
War-time message
- Public diplomacy dilakukan dengan strategic communication is key
making: An pesan yg disampaikan jd penting, what and how it is delivered
immediate term - Ideology gives people a sense of identity, a cause to root for
approach (Islamism isnt a religion but a politicized version of one
thereforeideology. It shapes public opinion
- Public diplomacy:
- Psycho-political warfare art and practice of menyatakan perang
dan memenangkan konflik tanpa menggunakan cara2 militer.
- Passive soft power
- War of ideas tujuannya to subdue the enemys will
Cull 2008 - Components of Public Diplo:
- Listening : data collection at publics n their opinion
Public Diplomacy
- Advocacy : actively promote policy/idea/interest to foreign public
Taxonomies n - Cultural diplo : making cultural resource & achievement known,
History fasilitasi transmisi kultural
- Exchange : sending n receiveing citizens to n from overseas
- Intl broadcasting : engage foreign public through media
Doob 1950 - Joseph Goebbels menteri propaganda 3rd reich
- Propaganda: memengaruhi opini dan behavior
Goebbels Principle
- Shit get ready:
of Propaganda - Propagandists must have access to intelligence
- Pganda must b planned n executed by one authority
- Konsekuensi pganda sebuah aksi perlu direncanakan
- Pganda must affect enemy policy/action
- Operational info must be avail untuk implementasi pganda
- Pganda hrs menarik perhatian audiens
- Yg menentukan output pgnd true/false kredibilitas saja
- There are factors thst determine ignore/refute enemy pgnd
- Etc idc


Ghemawat 2002 - Management strategy berkembang sejak WW II, krn resources are
scarce n u gotta find a way for the industry to thrive still
Competition n
- Learning curve direct labor cost tend to decrease as the cumulative
Business Strategy in quantity of product doubles
Historical Perspective - 2nd industrial revolution elite business schools pop up managers
thinks strategically
- 1960s SWOT (strength-weakness, opportunities-threat/risk)
competitive thinking into strategy
- Debate over willingness to gamble :
- A. Theodore levitt perusahaan perlu take risk, consciously serve
customer & adaptasi dgn changing nature of ze market
- B. igor ansoff fokus pada competence of the firm, gausah aneh2
- Boston Consulting Group: maintain balance between cash cow, stars,
question mark, dogs
- Value Net : hubungan yg setara antara company, competitor,
customer, complementor, supplier
Aurik 2014 - Perubahan yg terjadi dlm bzns strategy
- Strategi eksklusifitas (1800-1900) strategi fokus pd how to create
History of Strategy
exclusivity n monopoly. Monopoli satu bidang krusial akan
and its Future berpengaruh pada bidang-bidang lain. semakin eksklusif/monopolized
Prospects semakin efektif krn kekuasaan di satu tangan
- Strategi Keahlian Industri (1900-1968) muncul school of
thought yg mengatakan produktifitas dpt ditingkatkan kalo efisiensi jg
ditingkatkan, from labor to resources etc.
- Strategi Glory Days (1969-1990) learning curve, semakin
berpengalaman dlm membuat produk, biayanya semakin kecil
- Proliferasi Strategi (1990-2010an) fundamental shift to strategy
due to perkembangan teknologi yg pesat. Industry based jadi service
based. Internet menjadikan resource, pasar, dan kompetisi jadi benar2
global. Bisnis jd semakin dinamis, unpredictable dan confusing.
Semakin kompleks.
- 3 cara pemikiran menghadapi globalisasi
- Perubahan formulasi strategi : current-out menjadi future-in
- Mengubah proses strategi top-down menjadi inclusive scr organisasi
- Jangan menargetkan pd satu strategi tunggal, but on an ongoing
competitive portfolio
Whittington 2001 - 4 pendekatan strategi bzns
- Classical Analyze, Plan, Command. Top-down dgn manager sbg
Theories of Strategy
pengambil keputusan. Tujuan maximalize profit, mengadakan
perencanaan rasional
- Evolutionary : doesnt trust top-down model, ga tergantung manager
tp bergantung pasar. Sukses suatu bzns bergantung tidak hanya pd
manager tp juga pada hal2 lain. seleksi alam bukan seleksi manager,
invisible hand forces yg menentukan
- Prosesual : bergantung proses, stay close to the ground and go with
the flow
- Sistemik : play by local rules
Porter 2011 - 5 competitive forces that shape strategy
- Threats of new entry: pemain baru dgn inovasi dll mengancam
The Five Competitive
industri lama
Forces that Shape - Supplier: dpt mengontrol pasar, pasang harga mahal, dpt memberi
Strategy batas kualitas dan harga jasanya, bisa manipulasi biaya sm industri
- Konsumen: menentukan demand. Pressure a business u/
memproduksi barang harga murah tp kualitas tinggi
- Ancaman barang substitute:
- Rivalry : antara kompetitor. High rivalry affects profitability
- Faktor lain yg juga memengaruhi fluktuasi pasar pemerintah,
teknologi & inovasi, produk/jasa komplementer, industry growth rate

11 Global Strategy

Ghoshal 2002 - Global strategy for global industry posisi kompetitif di pasar
nasional mendapat pengaruh dari posisi di pasar nasional elsewhere
Global Strategy: An
due to scale benefits/potensi sinergi distribusi cost dan resource
Organizing - How to manage globally?
Framework - Levitt successful product standardization, selling standardized
products the same way everywhere
- Hamel & Pralahad broad product portfolio many varieties supaya
bisa cross-subsidize
- Kogut flexibility & arbitrage menciptakan opsi dan mengubah
kondisi global yg bergejolak to their advantage
- Tujuan Strategi Global: mencapai efisiensi, mengelola risiko,
kapabilitas belajar.
- Means to achieve: national difference, economy of scale, economy of
Ghemawat - AAA Triangle
- Adaptasi : relevansi lokal menyesuaikan sm selera lokal,
perusahaan lokal gmn memanfaatkan global conditions
- Agregasi : global operation
- Arbitrase : eksploitasi highlight cultural difference

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