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1.1 Background

Alcohol consumption is part of aberrant behavior known to people in different parts of the
world. the existence of such statements because of the negative impact of alcohol
consumption behavior itself. alcohol is widely used and abused because it is socially
acceptable. this is all understandable because most people do have certain types of alcoholic
beverages (Visimedia, 2006).

Alcohol problems include social problems that are very worrying in Indonesia even in the
world. not only in developing countries, in developed countries, this problem is a serious
problem that needs to be addressed immediately. the problem of alcohol is a problem that can
break down a generation. by consuming alcohol excessively, a lot of negative impacts that
occur. (Setiono, 2006)

In terms of health, the effects of alcohol vary, depending on the amount or level of alcohol
consumed. heavy alcohol users can be threatened with serious health problems such as,
colitis, liver disease, impotence and damage to the brain's nervous system. Also, if alcohol is
used with a combination of other harmful drugs, it will have a multiplier effect. the effects of
poisoning from combination use will be even worse and the possibility of overdose will be
greater. while the social impact that will arise akibata alcohol consumption is the emergence
of deviant behavior that can harm yourself and the community environment such as fights
and other criminal acts. this causes the relationship kinship become tenuous even break.
(Dadang Hawari, 2006)

Alcohol abuse among adolescents has become a problem in almost every country around the
world. director of the Department of Mental Health and WHO drug abuse, shekhar saxena
says alcohol is the one-third cause in young children in some parts of the world. about
774,000 deaths occur worldwide each year due to drug abuse.

Alcohol abuse that occurred in Indonesia according to WHO is 1986 recorded 73.6% of men
consume alcohol aged 17-20 years and over, while for women recorded 0.8%. The Health
Research and Development report of the Republic of Indonesia in December 2009 stated that
East Nusa Tenggara prevalence of alcohol consumption last month was 71.9%, and the
prevalence of alcohol consumption in the last 12 months was 93.9%, while in West Nusa
Tenggara the last 1 month alcohol consumption was 78.2%, and the prevalence of no alcohol
consumption for the last 12 months was 82.2. Alcohol drinking behavior at the age of 15-24
years in East Nusa Tenggara in the last 12 months was 4.5%, alcohol consumption 1 month
last was 67.0%. No alcohol consumption for the last 12 months was 95, 15%, by region, in
East Nusa Tenggara the prevalence of alcohol drinkers in the last 12 months was higher in
urban areas. and the city of Kupang the prevalence of alcohol drinkers in 2010 in adolescents
by 7.7%, alcohol consumption last 1 months was 71.6%, alcohol consumption 12 months was
92.3% (Health Research and Development Department of Health Department of RI, 2009)

Erikson in papalia (2008) says adolescents experience psychosocial aspects of crisis during
their developmental period of ketiks they are looking for identity. Adolescence is often
described as strom and stress because of a mismatch between mature physical development
and has not been matched by psychosocial development. Teenagers often try to give the
impression that they are almost adults, namely by consuming substances including alcohol
beverages. in particular youth categories that often fall prey to risky behaviors such as
consuming alcohol and teenage boys who are at the final adolescent level of 16-21 years
(Hurlock, 1999) at age 16 and older, male teenage eccentricity will diminish by itself if they
will begin to realize that others have a world of its own and not always the same derngan
faced or thought. The assumption of teenagers that they are always noticed by others then
becomes unfounded. It is at this time that teenagers, especially men, begin to be confronted
with the realities and challenges of adapting dreams and wishful thinking to reality. teenagers
also often think of themselves as versatile, so it often seems "do not think about the
consequences" of a behavior that invites risk and negatively impacts on teenagers like
consuming alcohol. Kaptan and Sadock, 1997)

The factors that trigger the occurrence of risky behavior in adolescents, especially alcohol
consumption behavior. according to Irwan (1995) revealed that alcohol consumption
behavior in adolescents is influenced by two factors, namely internal factors where the
behavior tries to consume alcohol for reasons of wanting to know or want to escape from
physical or mental pain and free themselves from boredom, and external factors namely
parents, peer friends, advertising on mass media and the availability of alcohol in the
Based on the above ideas, the researchers are interested to conduct research "level of
adolescent knowledge about the dangers of alcohol consumption in public SMA 2 Kupang
Tengah Class II"

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the above description can be formulated research research question How
Knowledge Level Teens About Alcohol Consumption Hazard in SMA Negeri 2 Kupang

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Purpose

To know youth knowledge about the dangers of alcohol consumption in SMA Negeri 2
Kupang Tengah

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. Identify adolescent knowledge about the physical impact of alcohol consumption

2. Identify adolescent knowledge about the psychoneurological impact of alcohol


3. Identify adolescent knowledge about the social impact of alcohol consumption

1.4 Research Benefits

1.4.1 The Benefits of Theory

The results of this study as a reference in the development of insight to be able to conduct
other studies in order to develop the science of nursing.
1.4.2 Practical benefits

1. For nursing service

Can know deeper about psychosocial development of adolescent especially moral

development so that can assist in giving service of nursing especially adolescent.

2. For Respondents

Hsil from this research for adolescents as a self-reflection in strengthening the personality
with the correct basic determination of the impact of alcohol consumption habits.



Education Study Program Ners



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