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School of Computing
B.Tech Information and Communication Technology
2017-18 Odd Semester Scheme and Syllabus

Periods of Instruction
Subject Code Subject Title Credits

BICCMA301R02 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 1 0 4

Object Oriented Analysis and

BICCIC302R04 3 1 0 4

BICCIC303R03 Data Structures 3 1 0 4

BICCIC304R01 Digital Electronics 3 1 0 4

BICCMA305 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 0 4

BICCEI306 Electronic Circuits 3 1 0 4

BICCIC307R04 Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 2 1

BICCIC308 Data Structures Lab 0 0 2 1

TOTAL 18 6 4 26
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCMA301R02 Semester: 03


Course Objectives:
1. To acquire Mathematical skills of transforming t-domain functions to s-domain
functions by studying various properties of Laplace transforms.
2. To interpret geometrically the convolution operation in Laplace transforms, to
appreciate the wide utility of the theorem in inverting s domain functions and to understand
the role of Unit impulse and Unit step function and their transforms in Engineering studies.
3. To use Transform techniques for Solving boundary and initial value problems
(Differential equations)
4. To comprehend the need and application of analytic functions in computing domain
and to evaluate complicate integrals using residue calculus.
5. To apply the techniques leant from Conformal Mapping and bilinear transformations
in engineering problems.
6. To understand the basic principles of Fourier transforms and their applications to
various branches of Engineering.
Unit 1: Laplace Transforms 15 Periods
Laplace transforms definition Conditions for existence Transform of standard
functions Properties Transform of derivatives and integrals Derivatives and integrals of
transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms Convolution theorem transform of periodic functions,
unit step function and unit impulse (or dirac delta) function.
Applications to solve higher order ordinary differential equations and Simultaneous
differential equations with constant coefficients and integro- differential equations. Simple
Engineering Applications: Bending of Beams, Whirling of Shafts and Electric Circuits.
Unit 2: Complex Differentiation 15 Periods
Analytic functions Necessary conditions for analyticity Cauchy- Riemann equations
in cartesian and polar coordinates Sufficient conditions for analyticity (without proof)
Properties of analytic functions: Harmonic functions Orthogonal system Construction of an
analytic function when its real or imaginary part is given Conformal mappings -
e z , sin z, cos z, z and sinh z only Bilinear Transformation. Simple Engineering
applications: Complex potential functions, Stream lines, equipotential , velocity potential and
stream functions.
Unit 3: Complex Integration 15 Periods
Complex integration Line and Surface Integrals- Cauchys integral theorem Integral
formula Taylors and Laurents series (without proof) Singularities Zeros Poles and
residues Cauchys residue theorem Contour integration evaluation of integrals of the type
f x

f sin , cos d and g x dx only.

Unit-4 : Fourier Transforms 15 Periods
The infinite Fourier transforms Sine and cosine transforms properties Inversion
theorem problems Convolution theorem Parsevals identity Problems Finite Fourier
transforms Sine and cosine transforms Evaluation of definite Integrals-problems Solving
boundary value problems using finite Fourier sine and cosine transforms.

Text Books:
1. Dr. M.K.Venkataraman. Engineering Mathematics Part A, National Publishing
Company, 2004.
2. P.Kandasamy and K.Thilagavathy. Engineering Mathematics Vol. III, S.Chand &
Co, 2009.
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S.Grewal, Khanna publishers, 2006.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, J.Erwin Kreyszig, 8th edition, Wiley eastern Ltd.,
3. Advanced engineering mathematics, Jain R.K and S.R.K. Iyengar, Narosa publications,
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC302R04 Semester: 03


UNIT - I 15 Periods
OBJECT BASICS: Overview of Object Oriented System Development - Objects Attributes
Behaviors Relationship and Associations Aggregation Object and identity Static
and Dynamic binding Object persistence OOSD Life cycle OO Methodologies
Patterns Frameworks -Unified approach.
UNIT - II 15 Periods
ANALYSIS: Unified modeling language Introduction - UML Class diagrams Use Case
Diagram Dynamic modeling - OO Analysis Process Use case driven OO Analysis
Use case model Classification Noun Phrase approach Common class pattern -
Identifying object relationship - Associations super subclass Aggregation Identifying
Attributes and Methods Classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators -Object
UNIT - III 15 Periods
DESIGN: Object Oriented Design Axioms and Corollaries- Designing classes Process
Class visibility Refining Attributes Designing methods and protocols Access Layer
OODBMS Object relational systems Multi database systems- Designing Access layer
classes View layer Designing view layer classes.
UNIT - IV 15 Periods
Software Quality Assurance: Quality assurance tests Testing strategies Test Cases
Test Plan Continuous Testing Myers debugging principles Usability testing User
satisfaction test.
APPLICATIONS: Object diagram compiler- Computer Animation.

Text Books:
1. Ali Bahrami, Object oriented System Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
[Units I, II III & IV ]
2. James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy and
William Lorensen, Object Oriented Modeling and Design, 2002. [Unit IV
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC303R03 Semester: 03


UNIT - I (15 Periods)

Pseudo code & Recursion: Introduction Pseudo code ADT ADT model,
implementations; Recursion Designing recursive algorithms Examples GCD, factorial,
fibonnaci, Prefix to Postfix conversion, Tower of Hanoi; General linear lists operations,
implementation, algorithms
UNIT - II (15 Periods)
Linear Lists: Stacks Basic Operations, Linked stack, Algorithms, Implementation,
Applications Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix - Queues Operations, Linked list
design, algorithms, Mazing Problem, Complex implementations circularly linked lists,
doubly linked lists Sparse Matrices linked representation, input, output, erase
UNIT - III (15 Periods)
Non-Linear Lists: Trees basic concepts, binary trees, traversals, expression trees;
General trees insertion, deletion - Conversion of general to binary tree; Binary Search tree
basics, operations, ADT, applications Threaded trees; AVL trees basic concepts and
UNIT - IV (15 Periods)
Heaps & Trie Structure: Heaps basics, implementation, algorithms; Heap applications
Priority Queues; Multi-way Trees B-tree implementation, algorithms, 2-3 tree, Trie
structure; Searching sequential and binary search, hashed searches, collision resolution;
Graphs Elementary operations BFS DFS - Minimum Cost Spanning Tree - Kruskals &
Prims algorithms

Text Books:
1. Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudocode
Approach with C, Thomson Learning, 2nd Edition, 2007.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, & Susan Anderson Freed, Fundamentals of Data
Structures in C, University Press, 2nd Edition, 2008 (Sections 3.5, 4.7, 6.1, 6.2.1,
6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2)
1. J.P.Trembley & P.G. Sorenson, "An Introduction to Data Structures with
Applications", Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2002.
2. Seymour Lipschutz and G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai, Data Structures, Tata McGraw Hill,
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC304R01 Semester: 03


UNIT I (15 Periods)

Boolean Simplification & Logic Families
Boolean Functions: Boolean Laws - Simplifications Using Laws- Minterms Maxterms -
Sum of Product and Product of Sum Forms - Karnaugh Map - NAND, NOR Implementation.
Digital Logic families: RTL - DTL - ECL - TTL - CMOS Logic Families - Characteristics -
Comparison of IC Families.
UNIT II (15 Periods)
Logic Design, PLDS & Memories
Combinational Circuits: Adders - Subtractors- Magnitude Comparators - Multiplexer -
Demultiplexer - Encoder - Decoder.
Memories: Semiconductor Memories Types of Memories: RAM, ROM, EPROM,
EEPROM, MRAM, CAM, CCD, Flash Memory
Programmable Devices: SPLD: PAL, PLA, GAL, PROM, CPLD, FPGA
UNIT III (15 Periods)
Asynchronous Sequential Machine
ASM: Introduction - ASM Charts- Examples of Synchronous Sequential Network Design
Using ASM Charts- State Assignment - ASM Tables- ASM Realization for Traffic Control, 2
Bit Synchronous Up/Down Counter, Automatic Bank Teller, Milk Vending Machine,
Waveform Generator.
UNIT IV (15 Periods)
Asynchronous & Synchronous Sequential Circuits
Sequential Circuits: Flip Flops: RS- D- JK- T and Master Slave Flip Flops.
Registers: Shift Registers- SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO and Bi-Directional Registers
Counters : Design of Synchronous Counters, Design of Asynchronous Counters FSM -
Basic Design Procedure - Mealy & Moore Machines - FSM realization Design of Sequential
Networks ROM , PLA ,PLDs and PGAs.
Text Books:
1. M.Morris Mano - Digital Design, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Donald D. Givone , Digital Principles and Designs, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
3. Charles H.Roth,Jr, - Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5 th Edition, Thomson.
1. R.P.Jain - Modern Digital Electronics, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. Bhutiyani. R.S Advanced digital technique & Digital system design,
Everest Publishing house, 1993.
3. T.L.Floyd - Digital Fundamentals, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCMA305 Semester: 03



Set Theory: Basic Set Operations-Cartesian Product and Power Sets. Combinatorics:
Basic Counting techniques-Permutations-Partitions of Sets and Laws of addition-
Combinations and Binomial theorem Logic: Propositions and logical operations-Truth tables
and propositions generated by a set-Equivalence and implication-Laws of logic-Mathematical
systems-Propositions over a Universe-Mathematical induction-Quantifiers-Review of
methods of proof. More on sets: Minsets-Duality Principle
Relations and Graphs: Basic Definitions-Graphs of relations-Properties of relations-
Matrices of relations-Closure operations on relations. Functions: Definition and notation-
Injective, Surjective and Bijective functions-Composition, Identity and Inverses. Boolean
Algebra: Lattices-Boolean Algebras-Axioms of a Boolean Algebra- Boolean identities
Karnaugh Map method of simplifying Boolean functions Quine-Mc-Clusky tabulation method
of simplifying Boolean functions-Boolean expression-Application of Boolean algebra to
switching theory.
Recursion and Recurrence Relations: Faces of recursion-Sequences-Recurrence
relations-Common recurrence relations-Generating functions-Recursion and Computer
Algebra Systems. Graph Theory: Introduction-Connectivity- Transversals: Eulerian and
Hamiltonian-Graph Optimization-Planarity and Colorings. Introduction to Trees.
Algebraic Systems: Operations-Algebraic Systems-Some general properties of groups-Zn
the integers modulo n-Subsystems-Direct Products-Isomorphisms. Group Theory and
Applications: Cyclic groups-Cosets and Factor groups-Permutation groups-Normal
Subgroups and Group Homomorphisms-Coding Theory-Group codes. Introduction to
Rings and Fields: Rings-Basic definitions and Concepts-Fields.

Text Book:

1. Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, , Applied Discrete Structures for Computer
Science, Second Edition, Pearson Education , 2007. (A Free electronic version
under Creative Common Licence is available for free download under the title
Applied Discrete Structures, Version 2, Year 2013)

1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Seventh Edition,

McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Jean Paul Tremblay, Rampurkar Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures With
Applications to Computer Science, McGraw Hill, 2005.
3. Narsingh Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer
Science, PHI, 2004.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCEI306 Semester: 03


UNIT - I (11 Periods)

Biasing of BJT & FET: BJT Biasing - Operating Point - DC Load Line Types of Biasing -
Bias Stabilization Bias compensation FET: Types of Biasing MOSFET: Types of

UNIT - II (12 Periods)

Small Signal Analysis and Frequency Response of BJT & FET:

Small signal analysis: Classifications of Amplifier - Common emitter amplifier, Common

base amplifier, Emitter follower: re model h parameter hybrid model Multistage
amplifier- Cascade connection, Cascode connection.
FET: FET small signal model Common source Common drain
MOSFET amplifier: Graphical analysis and small signal parameters, small signal equivalent
circuit Common Source amplifier
Frequency response: Frequency analysis of RC coupled amplifier BJT & FET Miller
effect capacitance

UNIT - III (11 Periods)

Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators: Feedback concepts Feedback connection types
Feedback amplifiers Merits and demerits Oscillators - Principle of operation Phase shift
Wien bridge crystal LC oscillators using BJT-UJT Relaxation Oscillator

UNIT - IV (11 Periods)

Tuned Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers
Tuned Amplifier: Single Tuned - Double Tuned- Stagger tuned.
Power amplifiers: Working principle of Class A, Class AB, Class B, Class C, Class D and
Class S amplifiers.-efficiency of class A, Band C amplifiers.

Text Books:

1. Robert L. Boylestad & Lousis Nashelsky Electronic devices & Circuit Theory
Pearson education, 9th edition, 2007.
2. Theodore Bogart. Jr, Jefrey S.Beasely, Guilermo Ricco Electronic Devices and
Circuits Pearson, 6th ed, 2004.
3. Donald A Neamen, Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.

1. Millman J, Halkias C.C, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
0 0 2 1

Course Code: BICCIC307R04 Semester: 03


Course Objective:
To help the learner to implement the logical aspects of combinational and sequential

List of Experiments
1. 4 Bit Adder / Subtractor
2. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): Basic gates, Half adder,
Half subtractor, Full Adder, Full Subtractor, 2:1 Multiplexer, 2:4 decoder, BCD to
Seven Segment Decoder, Understanding of seven segment display.
3. 4-bit Magnitude Comparator
4. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites) : bit comparator, 4 bit
5. 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit
6. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): 8:1 Multiplexer,(4 bit
comparator and 4 bit adder have to be used here).
7. 3-bit Asynchronous Ripple Counter
8. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): SR Latch, JK, SR, T and
D Flip Flops.
9. Register File, Instruction and Data Memories:
10. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): PIPO, PISO, SIPO and
PIPO Shift Registers, 4: 1 Multiplexer
11. Assembling the Processor:
12. Sub Modules to be designed / constructed (Prerequisites): 3 bit asynchronous
counter (PC), (combination of all the above experiments).

Experiment 1 The learner gains the capability to perform various other mathematical
operations based on addition, subtraction, multiplexing and decoding on a
trainer kit.
Experiment 2 The learner gets the knowledge of constructing higher order comparators
using logic gates.
Experiment 3 The learner develops the skill to construct ALUs for various manipulations.
Experiment 4 The learner gets to know the applications of various counters.
Experiment 5 The learner gains an understanding of various configurations of shift
registers in data retrieval.
Experiment 6 The learner will be able to understand to design a 4-bit processor.
0 0 2 1

Course Code: BICCIC308 Semester: 03


Course Objective:
To help the learner understand the concepts and techniques available for the data structures
using C / C++.

List of Experiments

1. Create a Stack and do the following operations using arrays.

(i) Push (ii) Pop (iii) Peep (iv) Display
2. Create a Queue and do the following operations using arrays
(i) Enqueue (ii) Dequeue (iii) Search (iv) Display
3. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on singly linked list
4. Implement conversion of infix expression to postfix using linked stack.
5. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on doubly linked list
6. Implement insertion, deletion and display operations on circular doubly linked list.
7. Implement the following operations on a binary search tree:
1. Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Traversals - In-order, Pre order, & Post order
8. General Tree to Binary Tree Conversion
9. Implement the following operations on B-tree:
(i) Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Display using preorder traversal
10. Implement the following operations on trie structure :
(i) Insert a node (ii) Delete a node (iii) Search for a node
(iv)Display using preorder traversal
11. Sort the list of numbers using Heap sort and Merge Sorting Techniques
12. Implement the following three searching techniques for a set of numbers
(i) Linear Search (ii) Binary Search (iii) Hash Search using modulo division method
(Chained Hashing)
13. Traverse the nodes of the graph using BFS and DFS.
14. Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Prims algorithm

Experiment 1 The learner understands the usage of basic stack operations.
Experiment 2 The learner comprehends the usage of basic queue operations.
Experiment 3 The learner employs singly linked list operations in software applications.
Experiment 4 The learner apprehends the evaluation of expressions based on infix to
postfix conversion.
Experiment 5 The learner applies doubly linked list operations in applications like
memory compaction.
Experiment 6 The learner acquires knowledge on circular doubly linked list operations for
the maintenance of free list.
Experiment 7 The learner develops applications based on binary search tree operations.
Experiment 8 The learner practices the conversion of general tree to binary tree for
efficient management of data.
Experiment 9 The learner implements database retrieval algorithms using B-Tree
Experiment 10 The learner constructs a dictionary with the help of trie structure.
Experiment 11 The learner practices reorganization of records using sorting techniques.
Experiment 12 The learner devises algorithms for the retrieval of records with efficient
searching techniques.
Experiment 13 The learner performs networking related applications employing depth first
and breadth first traversals.
Experiment 14 The learner constructs minimum spanning tree for efficient multicast
V Semester (27 Credits)

No. of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits
BICCIC501R02 Signals and Systems 3 1 0 4
BICCIC502R03 Theory of Computation 3 1 0 4
BICCIC503R03 Operating Systems 4 0 0 4
BICCIC504R03 Computer Networks 4 0 0 4
BICDIC XXX DE 1 3 1 0 4
BICDIC XXX DE 2 3 1 0 4
BICCIC505R02 Operating Systems Lab 0 0 2 1
Communication Engineering and
BICCIC506R03 0 0 2 1
Networks Lab
BICCTP507R04 Soft Skills I 0 0 2 1
TOTAL 20 4 6 27

Departmental Electives

BICDIC502R02 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4

BICDIC509R01 Artificial Intelligence 3 1 0 4

3 1 0 4
Course Code: BICCIC501R02 Semester: 05


Course Objectives:
This course will help the learner to understand the conceptual and mathematical aspects
of Signals & Systems. It will also help the learner to demonstrate the modeling of
continuous & discrete time systems and representation of signals in time & frequency

UNIT I (14 Periods)

Introduction to signals and systems
Signals: Definition - Classification of signals : Continuous time Discrete time
Deterministic & Random - Periodic & Non-periodic - Even & odd - Energy & Power signals
Basic operations on Independent Variable: Time Shifting -Time scaling - Time Reflection
Basic operations on Dependent Variable: Amplitude scaling, Addition, Multiplication,
Differentiation and Integration - Basic elementary signals: Complex exponentials &
sinusoidal unit impulse unit step unit ramp.
Systems: Definition - Classification of systems: Continuous time Discrete time systems
Basic system properties: Linearity Time invariance Memory and Memoryless - Causality
Invertibility and Inverse Stability.
UNIT II (14 Periods)
Linear Time Invariant Systems
Representation of discrete & continuous time signals in terms of impulses Convolution sum
Convolution integral Properties of convolution: Commutative, Associative and Distributive
Properties of LTI systems: Memory and Memoryless Invertibility Casuality Stability
Unit step response of an LTI systems - Casual LTI systems described by Differential &
Difference equations.
UNIT III (14 Periods)
Fourier series & Sampling
Response of LTI systems to complex exponentials Fourier series representation of
continuous time periodic signals Convergence of Fourier series Properties of continuous
time Fourier series: Linearity Time shifting Time Reversal Time scaling Multiplication
Conjugation and conjugate symmetry Parsevals relation for CT periodic signals.
Fourier series representation of discrete time periodic signals Properties of discrete time
Fourier series: Multiplication First difference Parsevals relation for DT periodic signals -
Fourier series & LTI systems.
Sampling: Sampling theorem - Impulse train sampling - sampling with a zero-order hold
Reconstruction of a signal using interpolation Effect of under sampling.
UNIT IV (18 Periods)
Fourier transform and Z transform
Definition of CTFT and inverse CTFT Properties of CTFT: Linearity Time shifting -
Conjugation and Conjugate symmetry Differentiation and Integration Time and
Frequency scaling Duality - Parsevals relation - Convolution property - Multiplication
Definition of DTFT and inverse DTFT Properties of DTFT: Periodicity - Linearity Time
shifting and Frequency shifting - Conjugation and Conjugate symmetry Differentiation and
Accumulation Time reversal Time expansion Differentiation in frequency - Parsevals
relation Convolution property - Multiplication property.
Definition of Z transform- Region of convergence Inverse Z transform (Partial fraction
method) - Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from the pole-zero plot
Properties of Z transform: Linearity Time shifting Scaling in z-domain - Time reversal
Time expansion Conjugation Convolution property - Differentiation in z-domain - Initial
and final value theorem - Relationship between DTFT and Z- transform.

1. Tarun Kumar Rawat, Signals and Systems, Oxford University Press, Fifth Reprint,
2. Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky with S. Hamid Nawab, Signals and Systems,
Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2008.

1. B. P. Lathi , Linear Systems & Signals, 2nd Edition, Oxford University press, 2009.
2. Simon Haykin and Baray Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley and sons, 2nd
Edition, 2008.
3. Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson, Schaums outline of Linear Algebra, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw - Hill, 2002.
4. Ziemer and Tranter, Signals and Linear Systems, 2nd Edition, Maxwell McMillan,

1. NPTEL Electrical%20 %26 %20 Comm % 20 Engg
/ Signals%20and%20System/Course_home.html.

The learner will be able to

UNIT I Define signals and systems,

Identify the type of signal and system.

UNIT II Formulate the result of a LTI system for a given input.

Distinguish LTI systems based on impulse response

UNIT III Examine periodic signals in time domain and frequency domain.
Evaluate periodic signals in the suitable domain.
Describe about sampling speed.

UNIT IV Examine non-periodic signals in time domain and frequency domain.

Evaluate non-periodic signals in the suitable domain.
Describe about Z domain.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC502R03 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to discuss different classes of formal languages in
Chomsky hierarchy, explain their properties and to design the acceptor machines for those
languages. The learner will also be able to develop Turing machines for arithmetic tasks
and understand the various other models and computational complexity classes.

UNIT - I 15 Periods
Introduction: Preliminaries and notations - Basic concepts - applications - Finite
Automata: Deterministic FA - Non-deterministic FA - Equivalence - Minimization - Regular
languages and regular grammars: Relation between regular languages and regular
expressions - Regular grammars Properties of Regular Languages: Closure properties -
Identifying non regular languages - JFLAP :Construction of automata

UNIT - II 15 Periods
Context Free Languages: Context free grammars- parsing and ambiguity- Context-free
grammars and programming languages Simplification and Normal Forms:
Transformations - Chomsky and Greibach normal forms - membership algorithm for CFG.
JFLAP: Conversion automata to grammar. Push Down Automata: Non-Deterministic PDA
- PDA, and CFL - Deterministic PDA and deterministic CFL-Grammars for deterministic CFL.
JFLAP: Construction of PDA.

UNIT - III 15 Periods

Properties of CFL: Pumping Lemma for CFL, Closure properties and decision algorithm for
CFL. Turing Machines: The Standard Turing Machine - combining TM for complicated
tasks - Turings thesis. JFLAP: Construction of TM. Other models of TM: Minor variations
on TM - TM with complex storage - Non-deterministic TM - Universal TM - Linear bounded

UNIT - IV 15 Periods
A hierarchy of formal languages and automata: Recursive and recursive enumerable
languages-unrestricted grammars - context sensitive grammars and languages - Chomsky
Hierarchy. Limits of algorithmic computation: problems that can't be solved by TM -
Undecidable problems for recursively enumerable languages - post correspondence problem
- Undecidable problems for CFL. Other Models of Computation: Recursive function, Post
systems, Rewriting Systems. An Introduction to computational complexity.

1. Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 5th Edition, Jones
and Bartle Learning International, UNIT - ed Kingdom, 2011.

1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffery D Ullman, Introduction to Automata
Theory, Languages and Computation, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers Principles,
Techniques, & Tools, Pearson Education, 2007.
3. Susan H. Rodger and Thomas W. Finley, JFLAP: An Interactive Formal Languages
and Automata Package, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 2006.
4. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the theory of computation, 2 nd Edition, Thomson
Course Technology, 2006.


The learner will be able to

Unit I List the properties of regular languages, design regular expressions and
construct equivalent automata, identify and prove whether a language is
regular or not
Unit II Design the context-free grammars for context-free languages, transform
them into normal forms
Verify whether a string belongs to the given context-free language or not.
Construct PDA for the equivalent context-free grammars.
Unit III Identify CFL and prove using Pumping Lemma.
List the properties of CFL.
Design Turing Machine for simple and complex tasks.
List and describe different Turing Machine models.
Unit IV Recall Chomsky Hierarchy, identify and differentiate recursive & recursively
enumerable languages
Describe concepts of computational complexity, unsolvable and undecidable
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC503R03 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to illustrate the memory management schemes, IPC
mechanisms, concurrency issues, I/O management schemes and to select appropriate
algorithms for CPU scheduling, disk scheduling and page replacement

UNIT - I 15 Periods
Computer system overview: Basic elements - Processor registers - Instruction execution -
Interrupts - Memory hierarchy - Cache memory - I/O communication techniques. Operating
system overview: Objectives and functions - Evolution of Operating systems - Major
achievements - Developments leading to modern operating systems - Virtual Machines:
Approaches to virtualization - OS Design Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multi-core.
Processes: Process - Process States - Process Description - Process Control - Execution of
the Operating System Threads: Processes and threads - Types of Threads - Multi-core and

UNIT - II 15 Periods
Scheduling: Uniprocessor scheduling: Types of processor scheduling - Scheduling
algorithms - Multiprocessor - Concurrency: Principles of Concurrency - Mutual exclusion -
Semaphores - Monitors - Message passing - Readers/Writers problem. Deadlock and
Starvation: Principles of deadlock - Deadlock Prevention - Deadlock Avoidance - Deadlock
Detection - Integrated deadlock strategy - Dinning philosophers problem.

UNIT - III 15 Periods

Memory Management: No Memory Abstraction - Swapping - Virtual Memory - Paging -
Page Replacement Algorithms - Design Issues for Paging Systems - Implementation Issues
- Segmentation - Segmentation with Paging - Thrashing. I/O Management: I/O devices -
Organization of the I/O function- OS design issues - I/O buffering.

UNIT - IV 15 Periods
Disk scheduling: Disk performance parameters -Disk scheduling policies. File
management: Overview - Organization and access - File directories - File sharing - Record
blocking - Secondary storage managements. Operating System Security: Intruders and
Malicious software - Buffer overflow - Viruses, Worms and Bots - Root-kits. Security
Techniques: Authentication, Access control - Intrusion detection - Malware defense -
Dealing with buffer overflow attacks. Trends in Operating System Design.

1. William Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, Pearson
Education, 8th Edition, 2015.
2. Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Herbert Bos Modern Operating Systems, Pearson, 4th
Edition, 2015. (UNIT - III: Memory Management, UNIT - IV: Trends in Operating
System Design)

1. Russ Cox, FransKaasshoek, Robert Morris, X v6: A simple, Unix-like Teaching
Operating System, MIT, 2014
2. SilberSchatz, J. Peterson, P. Galvin, Operating System concepts, John Wiley, 9th
Edition, 2015.
3. AchyutGodbole, AtulKahate, Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010
4. Milenkovic, M, Operating Systems: Concepts and design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2009.



The learner will be able to

Unit I Recall basic concepts of operating system
Demonstrate the usage of processes, threads
Unit II Choose suitable scheduling technique for uniprocessor, multiprocessor and
real time systems
Select the appropriate synchronization mechanism for resolving concurrency
Select appropriate strategies for deadlock avoidance, prevention, detection
and recovery mechanism
Unit III Formulate allocation strategies for virtual memory
Describe memory management techniques
Explain I/O management concepts
Unit IV Employ algorithms for disk scheduling and file management
Describe the security issues involved in Operating System design
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC504R03 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to identify types of network topologies & protocols and to
gain expertise in specific areas of networking such as design and maintenance of individual

UNIT - I 15 Periods
Computer Networks and the Internet : Introduction about Internet - The Network Edge -
The Network Core -- Delay, Loss, and Throughput in Packet-Switched Networks - Protocol
Layers and Their Service Models - Networks Under Attack - History of Computer
Networking and the Internet Application Layer: Principles of Network Applications - The
Web and - File Transfer: FTP - Electronic Mail in the Internet - DNS - The Internets Directory
Service - Peer-to-Peer Applications - Socket Programming: Creating Network Applications.

UNIT - II 15 Periods
Transport Layer: Introduction and Transport-Layer Services - Multiplexing and
Demultiplexing - Connectionless Transport: UDP - Principles of Reliable Data Transfer -
Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP - Principles of Congestion Control - TCP Congestion
Control. The Network Layer: Introduction - Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks - Inside a
Router - The Internet Protocol (IP): Forwarding and Addressing in the Internet - Routing
Algorithms - Routing in the - Broadcast and Multicast Routing.

UNIT - III 15 Periods

The Link Layer: Links, Access Networks, and LANs : Introduction to the Link Layer -
Error-Detection and -Correction Techniques - Multiple Access Links and Protocols -
Switched Local Area Networks -- Link Virtualization: A Network as a Link Layer - Data
Center Networking - Retrospective: A Day in the Life of a Web Page Request. Wireless and
Mobile Networks: Introduction - Wireless Links and Network Characteristics - WiFi: 802.11
Wireless LANs - Cellular Internet Access - Mobility Management: Principles - Mobile IP --
Managing Mobility in Cellular Networks - Wireless and Mobility: Impact on Higher-Layer

UNIT - IV 15 Periods
Multimedia Networking: Multimedia Networking Applications - Streaming Stored Video -
Voice-over-IP - Protocols for Real-Time Conversational Applications - Network Support for
Multimedia. Network Management : Network Management introduction - The Infrastructure
for Network Management - The Internet-Standard Management Framework.

1. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach,
Pearson Education, 6th Edition, 2013.

1. Andrew S Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, Pearson
Education, 5th Edition, 2010.
2. Behrouz A Forouzan and FirouzMosharraf, Computer Networks - A Top-Down
Approach. Tata McGrawHill, Special Indian Edition 2012.
3. Larry L Peterson and Bruce S. Davie Computer Networks: A Systematic Approach,
Elsevier, 5th Edition, 2011.
4. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall of India: 9th
Edition, 2010.

contents/IIT%20Kharagpur/Computer%20networks/ New_index1.html


The learner will be able to

Unit I Discuss the basic concepts of networking and Application layer
Unit II Classify the reliable, unreliable transport protocols and various routing
protocols of the network layer with QoS support.
Unit III Describe the principles and protocols of the data link layer.
Choose the appropriate MAC layer protocol for a given medium.
Unit IV Discuss the basics of Multimedia Networking, security & Network
0 0 2 1

Course Code: BICCIC505R02 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to explore inter-process communication mechanisms and
simulate CPU, file and Disk scheduling algorithms and to implement memory management

List of Experiments:
1. Creation of a child process using fork system call and communication between
parent and child using pipe.
2. Simulation of IPC through shared memory and message queues.
3. Simulation of CPU scheduling algorithms and analyzing their performances.
4. Simulation of thread scheduling approaches.
5. Implementing the solution for Producer-Consumer problem for the bounded and
unbounded buffer variants.
6. Implementing the solution for Reader-Writer problem based on reader priority and
writer priority approaches.
7. Simulation of Bankers algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance.
8. Simulation of Deadlock Detection.
9. Implementing a solution to resolve the Dining Philosophers problem.
10. Simulation of memory allocation schemes based on dynamic partitioning with
placement algorithms and buddy systems.
11. Simulation of page replacement algorithms.
12. Implementing the address translation mechanism under paging.
13. Simulation of Disk scheduling techniques
14. Adding a new system call to Linux kernel

The learner will be able to
Create and execute parent-child processes using fork system call.
Solve problems of concurrency; enforce synchronization among concurrent
processes by employing semaphore.
Demonstrate inter-process communication among concurrent processes using
shared memory and message queue.
Demonstrate CPU scheduling and disk scheduling based on scheduling algorithms
and to compare their performance.
Demonstrate page replacement algorithms and evaluate their performance.
Illustrate system calls in Linux kernel.
0 0 2 1

Course Code: BICCIC506R03 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to implement the important concepts of Communication
Engineering and Computer Networks, and provides the practical knowledge about data
communication systems and their deployment.

List of Experiments:

Module I: Communication Engineering Lab

1. Amplitude Modulation and Detection
2. Frequency Modulation
3. FM Detection
4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation
5. Pulse Width Modulation
6. Pulse Position Modulation
7. Amplitude Shift Keying
8. Frequency Shift Keying
9. Study of QPSK, PCM and Fiber optic communication System

Module II: Computer Networks Lab

10. Simple network programs
a. Program to find IP address of a computer.
b. Program for using Ping command.
c. Program to send messages to other users in a network.
11. Programs for information exchange between client and server using TCPand
12. Secured communication through encryption and decryption of messages.
13. Program for remote procedure call under client server environment (RMI).
14. Implement data link layer framing method bit stuffing.
a. Program for error correction using CRC.
b. Program for error detection using Hamming Code.
15. Serial Communication between PCs (Character Transfer) Communication via
RS 232.
16. Study of SASTRA network infrastructure.

The learner will be able to
Construct circuits for different Analog and Digital Modulation techniques.
Identify the components and protocols used in SASTRA network infrastructure.
Demonstrate the difference between TCP & UDP protocols using a simple
Demonstrate the data link layer protocol with framing, flow control and error control
Design an application for serial data transmission.
Construct an application using network layer protocol.
Design wired and wireless networks using NS2 and analyze the network
0 0 2 1

Course Code: BICCTP507R04 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
To emphasize, impart and improve soft skills of the learner


1 Self Introduction 2
2 Impromptu 4
3 SWOT Analysis 4
4 Body Language 2
5 Product Launch 2
6 Person I admire / Book I Like / If I were 4
7 Mock Press 2
Out of Box Thinking (Creativity & Innovative
8 1
9 Debate on Current Affairs 4
10 General Quiz 1
11 Semester Practical 3
12 Semester Theory Exam 1

1. S. Hariharan, N.Sundararajan, S.P. ShanmugaPriya, Soft Skills, MJP Publishers,
2. Prof. G. Ravindran, Prof. S.P.B. Elango, Dr. L. Arockiam, Success through Softskills,
Institute for Communication & Technology, 2007
3. Dr. K.Alex, Soft Skills, S. Chand & Company, 2009

The learner will be able to
Introduce themselves
Speak in front of a group or gathering about a subject
Analyze their Strength, Weakness, OpportUNIT - y & Threat
Present themselves in front of audience neatly
Debate with others about any topic
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICDIC502R02 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to acquire knowledge to develop efficient algorithm for a
given application by selecting appropriate design technique and analyze its computational

UNIT - I 15 Periods
Introduction: Role of algorithms in computing - Analyzing algorithms - Designing
algorithms- Divide and conquer: maximum sub array problem - Strassens algorithm for
matrix multiplication - Substitution method for solving recurrences - Recursion tree method
for solving recurrences - Master method for solving recurrences - Proof of the master

UNIT - II 15
Sorting: Heapsort: Heaps - Maintaining the heap property - Building a heap-heap sort
algorithm - Priority queues - Quicksort: Description of Quicksort - Performance of Quicksort
- A randomized version of Quicksort - Analysis of Quicksort - Sorting in Linear Time:
Lower bounds for sorting - Counting sort -Radix sort - Bucket sort.

Dynamic Programming & Greedy Algorithms: Rod cutting - Matrix Chain
Multiplication - Longest common subsequence - An activity selection problem - Elements
of the greedy strategy - Huffman codes.

UNIT - IV 17
Graph Algorithms: Breadth first search - Depth first search - Topological sort - The
algorithms of Kruskal and Prim - Bellman-Ford algorithm - Dijkstras algorithm - Floyd-
Warshall algorithm - String Matching: Notation and Terminology - The nave string
matching - Rabin Karp algorithm - String matching with finite-automata - Knuth-Morris-Pratt

1. T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, PHI,
3rd Edition, 2009.

1. Anany Levitin, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Pearson
Education, 3rd Edition, 2012.
2. Sara Baase, Allen Van Gelder, Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design
and Analysis, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2008.
3. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer
Algorithms, Pearson Education, 2003.
4. Jon Kleinberg and vaTardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson Education, 1 st Edition,



The learner will be able to

Unit I Define asymptotic notations for time complexity analysis, Develop
algorithms using divide and conquer strategy
Employ the techniques for solving recurrences to find the computational
complexity of recursive algorithms

Unit II Compare the performance of sorting algorithms,

Identify appropriate sorting algorithm for a given application

Unit III Design algorithms for a given application by employing dynamic

programming and greedy strategies

Unit IV Judge and select appropriate graph traversal algorithms for a given
application; Judge and select appropriate string matching algorithm based
on application requirement.
3 1 0 4
Course Code: BICDIC509R01 Semester: 05


Course Objective:
This course will help the learner to design an intelligent agent that can solve ontological
problems and derive rational decisions.

UNIT - I 15 Periods
Introduction: Definition of AI - Intelligent Agents - Agents and environments - Good
behavior - Nature of environments - Solving Problems by searching: Problem solving
agents - Example problems - Searching for solutions - Uniformed search strategies-
Searching Techniques: Informed search and Exploration - Informed search strategies

UNIT - II 16 Periods
Heuristic Function - Local Search algorithms and Optimistic problems - Adversarial
Search: Games - Optimal decisions in games - Alpha - Beta Pruning - Constraint
Satisfaction Problems: Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems - Constraint Propagation
- Backtracking search for Constraint Satisfaction Problems - Local search for Constraint
Satisfaction Problems - Logical Agents: The Wumpus World-Logic.

UNIT - III 16 Periods

First Order Logic: Combining the best of formal and natural languages - Syntax and
Semantics for first order logic (FOL) - Using FOL - Knowledge Engineering in FOL- Inference
in FOL: Propositional vs. FOL - Unification and Lifting - Forward chaining - First Order
definite clauses - A simple forward chaining algorithm - Backward chaining - Backward
chaining algorithm - Resolution CNF for FOL-The resolution inference rule-Example Proofs -
Knowledge Representation: Ontological Engineering - Categories and objects - Actions -
Simulation and events.

UNIT - IV 13 Periods
Planning: Classical Planning: Definition - Algorithm for Planning as State Space Search -
Planning Graphs - Other Classical Planning approaches - Analysis of Planning Approaches -
Planning and Acting in the Real World: Time, Schedules and Resources, Hierarchical
Planning - Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains - Multiagent Planning.

1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Pearson
Education / Prentice Hall of India, 3 rd Edition, 2014.

1. Patterson D W. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice
Hall of India, 1990.
2. Nils J. Nilsson. Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight. Artificial Intelligence, 2 nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
4. George F. Luger. Artificial Intelligence-Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall of India, 2002.

2. -


The learner will be able to

Unit I Classify categories of agents based on their relationship with the
Solve problems involving repeated states and identify ways of removing
Unit II Acquire knowledge on a wide range of searching techniques
Illustrate the choice of an appropriate search strategy to be adopted and
identify their behavior in a variety of environments which in turn would
help in problem solving
Unit III Represent and use knowledge and logic in various ontological problems
Judge, which representation is suitable under which circumstance
Unit IV Acquire Knowledge on Classical Planning approaches and employ it in
real world planning and acting.
VII Semester (28 Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Total
BICCIC701R01 Soft Computing Techniques 3 1 0 4

BICCIC702R02 Cloud Computing 3 1 0 4

BICCIC703R02 Middleware Technologies 3 1 0 4

BICCIC704R02 Mobile Computing 3 1 0 4

BICDIC XXX DE 7 3 1 0 4

BICDIC XXX DE - 8 3 1 0 4

BICCIC705R02 Middleware Technologies Lab 0 0 3 2

BICCIC706R02 Mobile Computing Lab 0 0 3 2

TOTAL 18 6 6 28

VII Semester

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Total
BICDIC705 3 1 0 4

BICDIC709 3 1 0 4



3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC701R01 Semester: 07


Course Objective(s):
To help the learners utilize a variety of soft computing techniques for solving real time

UNIT I 15 Periods
Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to fuzzy sets - Fuzzy Relations - properties - operations -
Features of membership functions - Fuzzification and De-fuzzification methods - Extension
Principles - Functions of Fuzzy Sets - Fuzzy Transform (Mapping) - Practical Considerations
- Fuzzy arithmetic - Interval Analysis in Arithmetic - Approximate methods of Extension -
Vertex Method - DSW Algorithm - Restricted DSW Algorithm

UNIT II 15 periods
ANN and BPN: Basics of artificial neural networks: Characteristics of Neural Networks -
Historical development of neural network principles -terminology -models in neural networks
-topology -basic learning laws -Activation and Synoptic dynamics: Activation dynamic
models -synoptic dynamic models -learning methods -stability and convergence - Back
Propagation Network -Approach -Operation -Generalized Delta Rule -Update of output -
Layer weights -Updates of hidden layer weights -Training data -Network sizing -Weights and
Learning Parameters -BPN Applications -Data compression.

UNIT III 15 periods

BAM and CPN: Associative Memory definitions -Hamming Distance -Linear Associator -
BAM Architecture -BAM Processing -BAM Mathematics -BAM Energy Function -Discrete
Hopfield Memory Counter Propagation Network -CPN Building Blocks -Input Layer -Instar -
Competitive Networks -Outstar -CPN data processing.

UNIT IV 15 periods
Genetic Algorithm: Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - Mathematical foundations -
Computer implementation of GA: data structures -reproduction, crossover and mutation -a
time to reproduce, a time to cross -mapping objective functions to fitness form -fitness
scaling-crossover schema theorem -codings -a multiparameter mapped fixed-point coding -
discretization -constraints

1. Timothy J. Ross. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. John Wiley, Second
Edition, 2004.(UnitI)
2. B.Yegnanarayana. Artificial Neural Networks. Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
2004. (Unit II)
3. James A Freeman, David M Skapura. Neural Networks. Addison Wesley, 1991.
(Unit II, III)
4. David E. Goldberg. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine
Learning. Addison Wesley, 2001. (Unit IV)

1. Jyh-shing Roger Jang, Chnesy-Tsai sur, Eiji Miziltazi. Neuro Fuzzy and Soft
computing: A Computational approach to learning and machine intelligence.
Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Jacek M.Zurada. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems. West Publishing
Company, USA, 2004 (Indian edition: Jaico Publishing house).
3. Melanie Mitchell. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Prentice Hall of India, 2004.



Unit I The learner handles concepts of Uncertainty by constructing suitable fuzzy

membership functions.

Unit II The learner incorporates the architecture and designs the algorithm for Back
Propagation Neural Networks.

Unit III The learner constructs the Architecture and designs the Algorithm for BAM,
Hopfield Memory and CPN.

Unit IV The learner performs optimization by implementing suitable genetic

3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC702R02 Semester: 07

Course Objective(s):
To help the learner understand current cloud computing technologies, its applications and
layers for different solutions

UNIT I 15 Periods
Cloud Computing: Cloud Components - Infrastructure - Applications - Benefits - Limitations
- Cloud Deployment Model - Cloud Technologies - IaaS: Storage as a Service: S3 -
Compute as a Service : EC2 - PaaS: Windows Azure - Google App Engine - Storage
Aspects - Apache Hadoop -SaaS : CRM as a Service - Social Computing Services -
Document Services.

UNIT II 15 periods
Virtualization: Server Virtualization - Hypervisor: VMware - XenServer - Storage
virtualization - Hardware and Infrastructure: Clients - Network - Services - Accessing the
Cloud: Web Applications - Web API - Web Browsers - Cloud Storage.

UNIT III 15 periods

Developing Cloud Applications: Introduction - Scalable data storage techniques - Map
reduce Revisited: Fundamental Concepts - Amazon EMR - Overview - Concepts - Designing
Cloud Security: Requirements - Risk Management - Security Design pattern.

UNIT IV 15 periods
Cloud Challenges: Introduction - Scaling computations - Scaling Storage - Availability -
Cloud Services for individuals - Cloud Services for Enterprises - Migration - Cloud Best
Practices - Future of Cloud Computing.

1. Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte and Robert Elsenpeter. CloudComputing: A
Practical Approach. McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Dinkar Sitaram and Geetha Manjunat. Moving to the Cloud: Developing Apps in the
New World of Cloud Computing. Elsevier, 2012.
3. Amazon Elastic MapReduce Developer Guide API Version, 2012. (Unit III)
1. M.S.V Janakiram. Dimystifying the cloud - An Introduction to Cloud Computing.
Version 1.1, 2010.
2. Chuck Lam. Hadoop in Action. Manning Publications, 2011.
1. OCW:

The learner understands the basics of cloud computing with special emphasis
Unit I
on Cloud Services.

The learner understands virtualization techniques, cloud computing

Unit II
technologies like hardware, architecture, storage, access and standards.

The learner develops cloud applications using different development

Unit III
platforms and understands issues and management of security designs.

The learner acquires knowledge on scaling of resources, services, migration

Unit IV
tools and formulates strategies for people at different levels.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC703R02 Semester: 07

Course Objective(s):
This course provides details about the modern component platforms. Based on practical
examples, details about modern middleware technologies are studied. Learner gets the
chance to gain in-depth knowledge popular middleware platforms.

UNIT I 15 Periods
Client / Server Concepts: Client-Server - File server - Database server - Group server -
Object server - Web server - Middleware - General Middleware - Service specific middleware
- Client / server building blocks - Java concept RMI, RMI API, JDBC RPC - Messaging -
UNIT II 15 periods
EJB: EJB Architecture - Overview of EJB software architecture - View of EJB - Conversation
- Building and deploying EJBs - Roles in EJB. EJB Applications: EJB session beans -
EJB entity beans - EJB clients - EJB deployment - Building an application with EJB.

UNIT III 15 periods

CORBA: Distributed systems - Purpose - Exploring CORBA alternatives - Architecture
overview - CORBA and networking model - CORBA object model - IDL - ORB - Building an
application with CORBA.

UNIT IV 15 periods
COM: Data types - Interfaces - Proxy and stub - Marshalling - Implementing server/client -
Interface pointers - Object creation - Invocation - Destruction - Comparison COM and
CORBA - Introduction to .NET - Overview of .NET architecture - Marshalling - Remoting.

1. Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey and Jeri Edwards. The Essential Client / Server Survival
Guide. Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002. (Unit I)
2. Tom Valesky. Enterprise Java Beans. Pearson Education, 2002. (Unit II,III)
3. Jason Pritchard. COM and CORBA Side by Side. Addison Wesley, 2000. (Unit IV)
4. Jesse Liberty. Programming C#. 2nd Edition, OReilly Press, 2002. (Unit IV)
1. Mowbray. Inside CORBA. Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Jeremy Rosenberger. Teach Yourself CORBA in 14 days. Tech Media Publications,


Unit I The learner understands the working principles of client / server and its types.

Unit II The learner comprehends the EJB architecture, types of beans and their

Unit III The learner gains the knowledge of CORBA architecture.

Unit IV The learner will have an understanding of COM, DCOM, .NET fundamentals
and Comparison of COM - CORBA.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICCIC704R02 Semester: 07

Course Objective(s):
To help the learners understand the working of wireless telecommunication systems and
programming in different mobile platforms.

UNIT I 15 Periods
Wireless Communication Technology: Antennas - Propagation Modes - Line-of-Sight
Transmission -Fading in the Mobile Environment - Signal Encoding Criteria - Digital Data,
Analog Signals - Analog Data, Analog Signals - Analog Data, Digital Signals - The Concept
of Spread Spectrum - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum - Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum - Code Division Multiple Access - Generation of Spreading Sequences.

UNIT II 15 periods
Wireless Communication Systems: Infrared LANs - Spread Spectrum LANs - Narrowband
Microwave LANs - IEEE 802 Protocol Architecture - IEEE 802.11 Architecture and Services -
IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control - IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer - Other IEEE 802.11
Standards Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15-Overview - Radio Specification - Baseband
Specification - Link Manager Protocol - Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol - IEEE
802.15 - GSM and DECT architecture.

UNIT III 15 periods

Network and Transport Layers: Mobile Network layer - Mobile IP, DHCP, Ad hoc networks
- Mobile transport layer - Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP.

UNIT IV 15 periods

Application Layer & Mobile Applications: WAP-architecture - Wireless datagram protocol

- Wireless transport layer security - Wireless transaction protocol - Wireless session protocol
- Wireless application environment - Mobile Application Development environments -
Android - Windows phone 7 - Working of Android tablet - Windows Phone 7 - Getting

1. William Stallings. Wireless Communications and Networks. Pearson Education,
Second Edition, 2005. (Unit I, II)
2. Jochen H. Schiller. Mobile Communications. Pearson Education, Second Edition,
2008. (Unit III, IV)
3. Robbie Mathews. Beginning Android Tablet Programming. Apress, 2011. (Unit IV)
4. Charles Petzold. Programming Windows Phone 7. Microsoft Press, 2010. (Unit IV)
1. Asoke K Talukder and Roopa R Yavagal. Mobile Computing - Technology,
Applications and Service Creation. Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. W.C.Y. Lee. Mobile Communication Engineering: Theory and Applications. Tata
McGraw Hill, 1998.


1. OCW:


The learner understands the difficulties in wireless communication and

Unit I
various modulation techniques for signal generation.

The learner comprehends the working principles of different types of wireless

Unit II
LANs, IEEE and Bluetooth standards.

The learner analyses difficulties in routing of packets, usage of traditional

Unit III
TCP protocol and the necessary adaptations required for supporting mobility.

The learner understands the protocol architecture for wireless communication

Unit IV and writes programs for deployment in Android and Windows Phone 7
0 0 2 2

Course Code: BICCIC705R02 Semester: 07


Course Objective(s):
To help the learners to understand and gains the experience by implementing java bean and
various java enterprise applications like CORBA, COM and COM+.

1. Java JDBC program
2. Java Network Programs
i. Java RPC program
ii. Java RMI program
3. Java Bean creation
4. Java CORBA program
5. EJB Session Bean
i. Stateless Session bean
ii. Stateful Session bean
6. EJB Entity Bean
7. EJB Message Driven Bean
8. J2EE Secured Distributed Application
9. COM Application
10. COM+ Application

Experiment 1 At the end of the exercise, the student should know the concept of JDBC
and how the same will be utilized and connected to backend DB through
JDBC classes and interfaces.

Experiment 2(a) At the end of the exercise, students capable of understanding CORBA
distributed applications and accessing Remote objects through Remote
Procedure Call.

Experiment 2(b) At the end of the session, students can understand and how to access
Remote objects through their interfaces using Remote Method Invocation
protocol in J2EE.

Experiment 3 At the end of the session, students can have a knowledge about creation
of local beans rather components in java applications.

Experiment 4 At the end of the exercise, people can understand how to run CORBA
applications through java API.

Experiment 5(a) At the end of the exercise, students know how to set the Business rules
using Session Beans (Stateless) in Enterprise applications through J2EE.

Experiment 5(b) At the end of the exercise, students able to understand the phenomena
and how to set the Business rules using Session Beans (Stateful) in
Enterprise applications through J2EE.

Experiment 6 At the end of the exercise, students can grab the ideology behind storing
the data in a more persistent manner using Entity Bean.

Experiment 7 At the end of the exercise, students having a knowledge about the
philosophy towards Message Driven Bean and how to maintain the Server
buffer and retrieving the message of the clients.

Experiment 8 At the end of the exercise, students can understand the J2EE enterprise
component and how to deploy the same in their applications.

Experiment 9 At the end of the exercise, students can understand and familiar with
Common Object Model Component in Dot net Framework.

Experiment 10 At the end of the exercise, students can have a thorough knowledge about
component and its utilization in different network using COM+.
0 0 2 2

Course Code: BICCIC706R02 Semester: 07


Course Objective(s):
To help the learners to understand and experience in wireless environment using Ad Hoc
networks, interfaces to connect mobile network, control the network and various

1. Setup and Configuration of Wireless Access Point.
2. Simulation of mobile Ad Hoc networks.
3. Mobile internet and WML.
4. Interactive game programming using LWUIT (Light Weight User Interface
5. Mobile applications using data base connectivity.
6. Application using Panorama and Pivot control.
7. Application using Tombstoning and Push notification.
8. Application development using Bing maps and Google API.
9. Design of notestaker using customer list view.
10. Application development To-do list using database.
11. Time based animations using OpenGL.
12. Application development using Widgets.


The Learner will be able to bootstrap an Access Point to a preferred

Experiment 1

Learners will know how to simulate networks and perform network

Experiment 2
analysis and report results.

The Learner will be able to program for the Mobile Web and translate
Experiment 3
interfaces to provide responsive design.

The learner will acquire the ability to design, articulate and program User
Experiment 4 Interfaces and acquire knowledge about Human Factors, Human
Computer Interaction and Usage Heuristics.
A Learner will be able to acquire functional knowledge of how to access
Experiment 5 databases over the network and apply paradigms of the client server

Learners will gain exposure to specific native APIs and gain knowledge
Experiment 6
that they then extend to other native tools of similar nature.

The Learner will be able to make use of cutting-edge connectivity

Experiment 7 paradigms and gain functional knowledge of newer client-server
connectivity paradigms.

Learners are expected to take advantage of and exercise Geolocation

Experiment 8
functionality in phones.

A Learner is expected to gain mastery over the various Views and List
Experiment 9
frameworks available as part of the Mobile Operating System.

The Learner is expected to try and utilize the Database available locally
Experiment 10
and exercise Storage and Retrieval in a manner optimized for Mobiles.

Learners are exposed to graphic libraries that they can take advantage of
Experiment 11
in order to best utilize the limited display capabilities of mobile devices.

The Learner is expected to gain knowledge of the best packaging, display

Experiment 12 and execution mechanism for the functionality that he/she provides and
judge the use of alternate paradigms.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICDIC705 Semester: 07


Course Objective(s):

To help the learner understand the working of protocols and designing adhoc and sensor

UNIT I 15 Periods
AD-HOC Networks: Introduction - Issues in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks - MAC Protocols -
Issues, Classifications of MAC protocols, Multi channel MAC & Power control MAC protocol.

UNIT II 15 periods
Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor Node Technology - Fundamentals of MAC Protocols -
MAC Protocols for WSNs - Routing Challenges and Design Issues in Wireless Sensor
Networks - Routing Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks.

UNIT III 15 periods

WSN Transport Layer: Challenges for Transport Layer - Reliable Multi-Segment Transport
(RMST) Protocol - Congestion Detection and Avoidance (CODA) Protocol - Event-to-Sink
Reliable Transport (ESRT) Protocol - Real-Time and Reliable Transport (RT)2 Protocol -
Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks.

UNIT IV 15 periods
Actor, Multimedia Sensor Networks: Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks -
Characteristics of WSANs - Sensor-Actor Coordination - Actor-Actor Coordination - WSAN
Protocol Stack - Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks - Design Challenges - Network
Architecture - Multimedia Sensor Hardware.

1. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. Smanoj. Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Architectures and
Protocols. Pearson Education, 2004. (Unit I)
2. Kazemsohraby, Daniel minoli and Taiebznati. Wireless Sensor Networks
Technology, Protocols, and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007.(Unit II,III)
3. Ian F. Akyildiz, Mehmet Can Vuran. Wireless Sensor Networks. John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, 2010. (Unit III,IV)
1. C.K. Toh. Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks. Pearson Education, 2002.
2. Anna Hac. Wireless Sensor Network Design. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2003.

The learner understands the various types of MAC Protocols for ad hoc
Unit I

The learner demonstrates the working of various MAC protocols and routing
Unit II
protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks.

The learner applies the working of various Transport Layer protocols for
Unit III
mobility, QoS and in Real Time applications.

The learner understands the concepts of Wireless Sensor, Actor Networks

Unit IV
and Multimedia Sensor Hardware.
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICDIC709 Semester: 07


Course Objective(s):
To help the learner in understanding and incorporating a wide variety of optimization

UNIT I 15 Periods
Linear Programming Problem (LPP) - Formulation of LPP -Standard form of LPP Basic and
feasible solutions to LPP- Graphical method- Simplex Method - Slack, Surplus and Artificial
variables - Big-M (Charnes Penalty) method - Dual Simplex method - Primal Dual
problems- Merits and limitations of all these methods - Simple applications.
UNIT II 15 periods
Transportation Model - Formulation- Balanced and Unbalanced transportation problems -
Initial basic feasible solution - NWCR - Least cost method - Vogel's approximation method -
Degeneracy and Non degeneracy conditions -Optimum feasible solution - MODI algorithm.
Assignment problems - Balanced and Unbalanced Assignment problems - Degeneracy -
Non degeneracy - Minimization and Maximization models- Travelling salesman problem.
UNIT III 15 periods
Network - activity - event - node - Fulkerson's rule - Earliest , Latest - start and end times -
Network diagram - dummy activities - Critical path - Floats - Different types of floats -
Project Evaluation Review Technique - Different time estimates - Use of Normal distribution
in PERT-Direct and indirect costs - Cost slope - Crashing - Parallel Crashing.
UNIT IV 15 periods
Unconstrained one dimensional Optimization Techniques - Necessary and sufficient
conditions - Unrestricted search with fixed and accelerated step size method - Quadratic
interpolation-Cubic interpolation and Direct root methods.- Unconstrained n - dimensional
Optimization Techniques - Decent methods : Steepest descent method - Fletcher -
Reeves method, Newton method.

1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta, P. K., Manmohan. Operations Research. Sultan
Chand & Sons, Eleventh Edition, 2008.
2. Rao, S. S. Optimization: Theory & Application. Wiley Eastern Press, 2005.
3. Fox, R. L. Optimization Methods for Engineering Design. Addition Wesley, 1999.
1. Taha, H. A. Operations Research - An Introduction. Prentice Hall of India. 2007.
1. OCW:

The learner frames methods for solving linear programming problems and
Unit I
providing optimized solutions.

The learner incorporates methods for handling transportation problems and

Unit II
also finds suitable assignments to machines.

The learner identifies the shortest possible path and also determines the
Unit III
critical path in a network.

The learner understands and uses number of one and multidimensional

Unit IV
optimization techniques for a specific set of problems.
3 1 0 4
Course Code: BICDIC711 Semester: 07


Course Objective:
This course covers the fundamental techniques and tools required for data science
and big data analytics. It focuses on the data analysis, search & optimization, ability to
choose a solution for a task involving big data and the necessary programming skills
required to solve simple problems using Map Reduce Technology.

Unit I 10 Hours
Introduction: Fundamentals of Big Data-Big Data Types; Technology Foundations for
Big Data: Big Data Technology Components; Big Data Management: Operational
databases;Map-Reduce Environment: Distributed File Systems-Map Reduce Tasks-
Mapreduce Algorithms-Map Reduce Extensions-Communication Cost Model-Complexity
Theory for Mapreduce.

Unit II 15 Hours
Mining Data Streams: Stream Data Model-Sampling Data in a Stream-Filtering Streams-
Counting Distinct elements in a Stream-Estimating moments-Counting ones in a Window-
Decaying Windows. Link Analysis:Pagerank Algorithm-Efficient Computation of Pagerank.

Unit III 15 Hours

Recommendation Systems: A Model for Recommendation System-Content Based
Recommendations-Collaborative Filtering-Dimensionality Reduction. Mining Social
Network Graphs: Social Networks as Graphs-Clustering of Social Network Graphs-Direct
Discovery of Communities-Partitioning of Graphs-Finding overlapping communities-Simrank-
Counting Triangles.

Unit IV 20 Hours
Hadoop Fundamentals: Definition and running a Hadoop program; Moving Data in and
Out of Hadoop: Key elements ingress and egress-Moving data into Hadoop-Moving data
out of Hadoop. Data Serialization: Understanding inputs and outputs in Mapreduce-
Processing common serialization formats-Big Data Serialization formats-Custom file formats.
Data Science-Utilizing data structures and algorithms: Modeling data and solving problems
with graphs - Bloom filters - Integrating R and Hadoop for statistics and more: Comparing R
and MapReduce integrations - R fundamentals - R and Streaming - Rhipe - Client-side R
and Hadoop working together - Rhadoop - a simpler integration of client-side R and Hadoop
- Predictive analytics with Mahout: Classification - Clustering with K-means

Text Books
1. Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Dr. Fern Halper, and Marcia Kaufman, Big Data for
Dummies, John Wiley and Sons, 2013. (Unit-I: Introduction, Technology
foundations for Big Data and Big Data Management).
2. Jure Leskovec, AnandRajaraman, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Mining of Massive Data Sets,
a part of the course material of the course CS345A, titled Web Mining, 2014. (Unit-
I(Map Reduce Environment), Unit-II and Unit-III)
3. Alex Homes, Hadoop in Practice, Manning Publications, 2012. (Unit-IV)
Reference Books
1. Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer, Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce,
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010.
2. Paul C. Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton, Dirk deRoos, Thomas Deutsch, George Lapis,
Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming
Data, The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012.
3. SrinathPerera, ThilinaGunarathne, Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook, Packt
Publishing, 2013.
4. Big Data Now: 2014 Edition, by OReilly Media, Inc., 2015.
5. Jason Venner, Pro Hadoop, Apress, 2009.


1. Understand the fundamental concepts of big data and Mapreduce

Unit I

1. Understand the various methods of processing and filtering of data streams.

2. Apply the above methods to compute an efficient solution to (i) the problem
Unit II
of maintaining an approximate count on the number of 1s in the window of a
bit stream and (ii) Pagerank

1. Understand a method for building a recommendation system.

2. Apply the dimensionality reduction techniques to optimize the given data
Unit III
3. Analyze the social network data by constructing, clustering and partitioning
the social network graph

1. Understand the fundamental concepts of Hadoop environment.

2. Apply Map Reduce technology to solve some simple problems using
Hadoop environment
3. Understand the various data structures and algorithms to model data and
Unit IV solve problems using graphs
4. Understand how to install and apply RHadoop package to solve statistical
5. Understand how to use Mahout to perform predictive analytics
3 1 0 4

Course Code: BICDIC712 Semester: 07

Course Objective(s):
To help the learner acquire information on the foundations, techniques and tools in the area
of software testing and its practice in the industry.

Introduction : Purpose of Testing - Some dichotomies - Model for testing - Consequences
of bugs - Taxonomy for bugs - Flow graph for path testing - Path testing basics - Predicates,
path predicates and achievable paths - Path sensitizing - Path instrumentation -
Implementation and application of path testing- testability tips.

UNIT II 15 periods
Transaction Flow, Data Flow And Domain Testing : Transaction flows - Testing
techniques- implementation; Data flow testing basics - strategy, applications, tools and
effectiveness; Domain testing - Domains and paths - Nice domains and ugly domains -
Domains and interface testing - Domains and testability.

UNIT III 15 periods

Syntax And Logic Based Testing: Syntax testing - A grammar for format - Test Case
generation - Implementation and Application - Motivational Overview of logic based testing -
Decision table - Path expressions - KV Charts - Specifications State, State Graphs and
Transition testing: State graphs, good & bad state graphs, state testing.

UNIT IV 15 periods
Graph Matrices and Application: Motivational overview, matrix of graph, relations, power of a
matrix, node reduction algorithm, building tools. (Exposure to tools like JMeter or

1. Boris Beizer. Software Testing Techniques. Dream Tech Press, Second Edition,
1. Srinivasan Desikan, Gopalaswamy Ramesh. Software Testing - Principles and
Practice. Pearson Education, First Edition, 2006.
2. William E Perry. Effective Methods for Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons,
Second Edition, 2000.

The learner implements Projects involving software testing process ranging

Unit I
from unit testing to system testing
The learner designs and applies test cases for both white and black box
Unit II
testing of software.
The learner describes and evaluates approaches for integrating software
Unit III
testing with the software development process.
The learner detects faults and also deals with correction and removal of the
Unit IV

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