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Rourke Stark

Alan Chandler

POLS 1100


Is America Approaching Equality within Society?

In this Essay I will be analyzing two argumentative views regarding the level of

Equality in the United States of America today. For many years this has been a growing

political issue, and only in the previous most recent years have we seen a rise in social

disturbance to call attention to such a matter. From Black Lives Matter to White Supremacy, the

media, and a left leaning generation have aided in all of the social uprisings of our time, making

2017 the year of protests.

The political issue is that today in society, we see extremes from the rich and the poor.

There are those few who make millions of dollars, and the many who struggle to make ends meet

for their families. The arguments are either America IS approaching equality, or it is NOT. Both

articles have certain points that I agree and certain points with which I do not agree.

The paper begins with a brief summary of the issue. It talks about the nations history on

poverty levels. It explains that over time, the social and economic changes have allowed all

people equal benefits. It shows some cause and effect towards the idea of extreme equality,

stating, Any change that mandated more, nearly equal income would greatly diminish the

incentives for invention, discovery, and risk-taking enterprises. As a result, the standard of living

would be much lower and rise much more slowly, and individual freedom would be curtailed by

the degree of state interference in peoples private lives. As explained, any governmental push

for complete equality would greatly decrease the level of quality in our necessary everyday
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services. But the Issue Summary continues by stating, None of these objections will satisfy

those who deplore what they see as an increasing disparity in the distribution of income and

wealth. Now I have a lot to say about this, but that will come later.

The first article argues that YES, America is approaching equality with society. Their

prime sources of proof are found in famous historic figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Andrew

Goodman, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Medgar Evans. They form the article around

a very patriotic feeling of emotions so that the audience can be swayed with the feeling. They

bring up many cases where we have made great strides in the face of uneven odds, and state that

we will continue doing such, so long as we continue voting for people by heart and good deeds

before jumping the gun.

The second argument is that NO, America is not approaching equality with society. They

argue this purely through income and unemployment statistics. Their main point is to prove that

white people have advantages over other races, and this is likely linked to some racial bias.

When I read these articles, I found the more persuasive one to be the first article (YES)

because, although it didnt provide as many statistics as the following, it did seem to cover more

logical points and explain in a very viewer friendly way. The article seemed to be more viewer

friendly, focusing on the problems we have as a whole instead of pointing fingers to prove a

point. It goes over the natural ability we have as people to work towards and achieve our dreams.

The article defines the American Dream, and shows how anyone has access to it in their lives.

The article well depicts a sense of hope and assures that the future will be well because the

American people are good. The other article just tries using numbers which arent as enjoyable to

the majority.
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Now when it comes to my opinion, Id have to say I dont completely agree with either of

the articles. I dont think America is reaching equality, but I think this for completely different

reasons than the second article. I agree more with the first article, but there are some things that

would make the topic much better. First, I would like to bring up the word Privilege. Google

defines first as a Right. When we think of rights, the first article explains it eloquently. It states

that rights are the American Dream, being Decent wages, fair working conditions, livable

housing, old-age security, health and welfare measures, conditions in which families can grow,

have education for their children, and respect in the community. This debunks all arguments

that there would be an Unfair inequality in the United States.

In this day and age, with an end to segregation and Jim Crow laws, with equal rights

given to all men to achieve the American Dream, poverty and crime dont have as much to do

with race as they have everything to do with character. Brookings Institute did a study and found

3 simple rules if you want to avoid poverty. If you follow these 3 rules, you are extremely likely

to make it to the middle class. The rules are, 1. Graduate High School. 2. Dont have kids till

youre married. And 3. Get a job. These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups in the United

States. If you do all those three things, your chances of entering poverty is only 2%, and youll

have a 74% chance of being in the middle class.

Many of these allegations towards racism and sexism are all turned towards an ever-

growing desire for socialism. Socialism itself is when all the means of production, distribution,

and exchange are owned or regulated by the community as a whole. As quoted by Ben Shapiro

The basic premise of socialism is Im here, Im breathing, give me crap I have a right to

healthcare. I can force that doctor to go to medical school, spend 200,000 dollars, spend her

entire life learning medicine, and then I can walk into her house and I can force her to buy me
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medicine Its immoral. You dont have the right to somebody elses labor, thats called

slavery, or indentured servitude, and it was ruled out in the 13th amendment. I argue this point

because we are approaching an age where, as stated in the first article, our children accept a

life of lower expectations; where politics is a zero-sum game and where any forms of

disapproval towards differing opinions can be taken as a threat and be confronted with physical


I hope we can go back to the equality of opportunity, and that we can learn how to be a

fighting generation again, letting our freedom ring, and our desire for a better future show

through our actions.


Haskins, Ron. Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class.

Brookings, Brookings, 28 July 2016,


YouTube, YouTube, 22 Apr. 2016,

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