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Basketball Playbook

Table of Contents

1. Stationary B a l l h a n d l i n g 2

2. Passing 4

3. Shooting F o r m 9

4. Defense 12

5. L a y u p s 17

6. Rebounding 19

7. Ballhandling on the m o v e 22
Stationary B a l l h a n d l i n g
Stationary Ball handling/no dribble / Stationary Ball handling/no dribble /

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Stationary Ball handling Drills with n o dribble 1.Toss and Catch Throwing the ball u p i n the air and being able t o catch the ball.
( ) Working o n eye-hand coordination.
Line players u p along the baseline o r sideline. Can d o drills as a team o r individually. 2 . Ball slams Getting hands warmed u p by starting with ball i n right hand, slap the ball
Depending o n the number o f players, have one, t w o o r three players i n the line. with the left hand. Continue t o change hands back and forth.
Players with the basketball is i n front o f the line. Once they complete their t u r n they g o
t o the end o f their line. 3 . Finger t i p control Start with ball between arms that are extended o u t i n front o f the
1-3 body.

4 . Finger t i p control Move the arms u p and down i n front o f your body. Down by the
waist t o the feet and extend above the head keep arms extended and ball moving side
t o side

Stationary Ball handling/no dribble / Stationary Ball handling/no dribble /

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

6.Arond the waist. Take the ball all the way around the waist and o n command rotate 11. Figure 8 . Around the front o f right leg, g o between the legs then back around
the direction. Begin with the ball i n front o f your waist take i t behind your back and front. 8
hand i t o f f t o your other hand. Bring the ball back t o the front o f your body and 12. Hike. Two hands o n the ball i n front o f body hike the ball back and forth between
continue t o g o at a quick pace. legs.
( ) 1 3 Spider. Cupping the ball, start with ball i n right hand i n front left hand i n front then
7.Around one leg at a time. right hand i n back o f legs left hand i n back o f legslet ball suspend i n the air when
hand n o t o n the ball.
8.Around the ankles.

9.Around the knees. 14. Toss the ball u p and catch behind the back.

10.Around the head. 15. Total body drill. Around the head around the waist around the ankles.
Stationary B a l l h a n d l i n g
Stationary Ball handling drills using the dribble ( ) Stationary Ball handling drills using the dribble ( )

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

1 . One hand dribble i n front o f body. 6 . Crossover dribble i n front o f the body. Keeping ball below the knees.

Right hand/Left hand / 7 . Push pull o n side o n the body. Keeping hand behind the ball o n the pull front.
2 . Control dribble. A r m bar u p legs bent. Keeping hand o n t o p o f ball o n the push back.
R/L /
Right hand/Left hand. / 8 . Behind the back
3 . Around the leg. / 9 . One dribble i n front, then crossover. Going back and forth f r o m right side t o left
Right hand/Left hand. / side.
4 . Dribble low, medium and high
Right hand/Left hand. /
5 . Figure 8 8

Stationary Ball handling drills using the dribble ( )

5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1

10. Crossover behind the back Keeping dribble low t o the

11. On one knee and dribbling between the other leg crossover back and forth.

12. Punching bag dribble Rapid dribble, using fingertips

13. One hand figure eight dribble
14. Spider dribbleBall starts between legs dribble with right i n front, left hand i n
front Right hand i n back left hand i n back Key is t o keep the dribble hitting the same
spot o nthe floor each time.
Passing l i n e s Passing l i n e s

1 2 3 4
2 3 4 1 2 3 4

x1 x2 x3 x4

1 2 3 4

1st line o f players dribble o u t t o the determined spot. Use one, two, o r three dribbles. To improve the drill p u t a defender o n the passer. As ball dribbled out, a defender
Players then make either a front o r reverse pivot, player then passes t o the next player trails the offense. Will make the offensive player concentrate o n being strong with the
i n line. Emphasis can be place on: covering ground o n the dribble, stay low o n the ball and protecting the ball. Helps players understand the need t o stay strong o n the
pivot, and make a perfect pass. The receiver calls f o r the ball and catches i n a pivot. Defense needs t o keep pressure o n the ball. Defense stays between the ball and
balanced triple threat position. Add these t o the drill determined by age: Shot fake t o the receiver.
start the move: Jab step then move. Crossover. Can add i n shot fakes before start step
and after pivot. Also add i n pass fakes after pivot.
1 / 2 Circle passing 1 / 2 Circle passing

1 1 5 1 1 5

2 4 2 4
3 3

Passer must call f o r the ball and make pass right back t o Players rotate t o the right o n coaches command. Keep half
the passer i n the middle o f the floor. circle formation.

1 / 2 Circle passing

1 1 5

2 4

2 basketballs i n play. Passer must keep feet moving the

entire drill. Using one hand passes. Pass the ball quickly
once the ball is caught. Use all receivers moving left and
2 ball passing 2 ball passing

2 1 2 1

Move feet while doing drill Left and right hand passes

Move feet while doing drill Left and right hand passes. Keep the ball away f r o m body so i t dont h i t
the other basket ball coming f r o m teammate. Make each pass clean and
Left and right hand passes each pass must have speed o n the ball.

Two ball passing with teammate. Basketballs stay moving the entire drill.
Added emphasis f o r concentration is t o have players move their feet while
doing the drill. On their toes moving as i f they are running i n place.

2 ball passing

2 1

Left and right hand bounce


Left and right hand bounce passes. Pass with power and speed t o reach
teammate. Keep the ball low t o the ground, b u t make sure i t bounces u p
and is catchable. Pass should come u p t o teammates stomach area so
clean catch can be made.
2 ball pick-ups 2 ball pick-ups

Coach Coach


Drill f o r quickness and t o work o n staying low i n a stance. Coach Player must pick u p basketball with both hands and keep knees
starts with basketball underneath the rim. Player at FT line i n ready bent. Throw the ball back t o coach with outside hand and slide
position. Coach rolls the ball t o FT elbow. Player stays low i n back t o middle o f FT line.
position and defensive slides t o the elbow t o pick u p the basketball.

2 ball pick-ups 2 ball pick-ups

Coach Coach

1 1

Coach rolls basketball t o opposite elbow and player repeats slide. Make the throw back t o the coach with outside hand and quickly
Staying low, back straight and picking u p the ball with both hands. slide back t o middle o f FT line.
Lane P a s s i n g Lane P a s s i n g

3 2 1 2
3 1

6 5 4 6 5 4

Team passing drill with groups and down the middle o f the court using the lane Use bounce passes o r one handed passes. Difficult t o throw chest pass. Offense
lines boundaries. Offensive players t o be n o more than 1 0 feet apart with the must be low with the ball i n triple threat. Use pivots t o keep away f r o m the
defender i n the middle. Offense tries t o pass around the defense. Use head fakes defense and t o stay i n strong position. Can n o t throw lob passes. Defender goes
and ball fakes t o improve chance t o get the ball t o receiver. t o offense i f they get a deflection o r coach can change drill after a certain amount
10 o f time. Offensive player who makes turnover o r a bad pass goes t o defensive
Shooting F o r m
Shooting F o r m Shooting F o r m

2 2

In a team setting, have partners at each basket with a basketball. Most o f the time Step 1 : Player stands i n front o f the r i m with non shooting hand behind his back. Put
you will have t w o groups per goal. Depending o n the time g o f o r 30, 45, o r 6 0 the ball o u t i n front o f body like holding something with your palms up. Turn the
seconds each step. basketball around onto shooting shoulder. This is the natural shooting pocket.
Directly o f f o f the players shooting shoulder is what is referred t o as the shooting
30 45 60 pocket.

Shooting F o r m Shooting F o r m

2 2

1 1

Step 2 : Emphasis is placed o n follow through and release u p high with wrist Step #3: Add the guide hand. With younger players make sure that the balance o r
extension. Aim is f o r the back o f the r i m and have the ball h i t the r i m o n the way o f f hand is n o t affecting the shot i n a negative way. We stand behind our players as
down. Soft o f f the back o f the rim. In the shooting progression you can either shoot they shoot and use verbal reinforcement t o let them know what we see i n their
5 f r o m these spots o r make 5 before going t o next step. In our team practices we shooting form.
usually d o each drill f o r a time segment, b u t i f you are doing an individual workout 3
and shooting with a partner you could easily vary the routine.
Shooting F o r m
Shooting F o r m Shooting F o r m

2 2

1 1

Step #4: Make sure there is proper rotation o n the ball. The ball should come o f f the Step #5: Shooter takes a step back and continues t o work o n shooting form.
finger tips o f the shooting hand. Shooting a set shot adding emphasis t o the knee bend and strength coming f r o m
3 the legs and proper follow through. A t this spot, player should begin t o get a feel o r
groove i n their shot. Get comfortable with the rim, backboard and net.

Shooting F o r m Shooting F o r m

2 2

Step #6: Shooter catches o f f the pass inside the foul line o r right at the foul line f o r Step #7: In our last segment we m i x i t u p with different options. We d o a shot fake,
a j u m p shot. This is where they are now shooting a j u m p shot. We want them t o one bounce then take a shot. We have players shot fake then take a shot. We have
catch with their hands ready and knees bent. Once they catch the ball ,go u p f o r the them start f r o m the t o p o f the key and step into the pass f o r the shot at the FT line.
shot quickly. All other aspects o f the shooting f o r m are still emphasized. Then after the shot they take a few steps back t o the t o p o f the key. Once the
5 rebound is made they r u n into the FT area again looking f o r the pass. This makes
them move into each pass. We m i x i t u p and give players shots close t o the basket
then slowly work our way back. Once we have worked our way t o the FT line then we
make game-like moves i n game-like situations.
Shooting F o r m
Baby Jump S h o t s Baby Jump S h o t s

Coach Coach

Player Player

Practice the 8 - 1 0 j u m p shot Group work: 1 shot, meet at other sideline

8 - 1 0
Coach/teammate passes/ rebounds
/ /
Player works o n catch, footwork, shot.

Player comes f r o m sideline, going t o his right, catches with left-right footwork, u p f o r
Upon returning f r o m other sideline, going t o his left, catches with right-left footwork,
u p f o r shot.
Full Court C l o s e o u t s Full Court C l o s e o u t s
x1 x2 x3
Closeout Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout
Closeout Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout
Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout

Closeout Closeout Closeout

x3 x2 x1
Full c o u r t closeouts: players s t a r t o n t h e baseline a n d r u n o u t Players will g o down the floor and then come back. After first
t o s p o t o n t h e floor. Before a r r i v i n g a t s p o t t h e y w i l l g e t d o w n player gets t o the FT line, next player i n line runs o u t t o closeout
i n t o a closeout defensive stance. Choppy feet. Hands u p a n d spot.
w e i g h t back.

1v1 Closeout


Closeout t o t h e ball. Short c h o p p y s t e p w i t h h a n d s u p a n d

contest t h e shot. T u r n t o b l o c k out.
Big S t e p Big S t e p

x5 x2



Entire t e a m s t a r t s i n l i n e s across t h e floor. Can e i t h e r have coach lead t h e Players m u s t f o l l o w i m i t a t e a n d f o l l o w lead player o r coach. Begin t h e d r i l l
d r i l l o r a player. Best t o g e t o n o u r y o u r veteran players o r captains t o lead b y s l a p p i n g t h e f l o o r a n d g e t t i n g i n t o a defensive stance. Players w i l l g o i n
the drill. t h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h e leader. I f leader steps slides t o h i s left, players w i l l s l i d e
t o t h e i r r i g h t . T h i s w a y t h e y are m i r r o r i n g t h e lead player. Lead player can
call Big Step a n d players t a k e a b i g defensive step.

Big S t e p Big S t e p



x4 x4



Leader continues t o have players f o l l o w h i m b y m a k i n g a Big Step. If leaders call out, Charge, each player has t o take a charge f r o m their position
o n the floor and immediately getting into a defensive
Big S t e p Big S t e p



x1 x3


1 x5

Lead player calls out, Slide, a n d a l l players m a k e a defensive slide. Leader If leader calls out, Rebound, every player jumps u p and imitates grabbing a
slides t o w a r d s players i n line. rebound. Going u p as high as possible and chinning the

Big S t e p






Once players learn the drill you can add i n the Stance aspect. Players have t o
stay i n a defensive stance (knees bent, back straight and palms up) f o r a period
o f time. Start with a minute and work your way up. If a player comes o u t o f a
stance then the time f o r the starts
( )
Zigzag d r i l l s Zigzag d r i l l s



Defensive Zig-Zag drill. Offense with the ball tries t o get t o Defender starts the drill facing the baseline. Defensive slide
lane line o r sideline as quick as possible. Defender stays low, u p and down the floor. Have players slap the floor each time
back straight and slide quickly across the floor. Do n o t cross they get t o the end o f the slide. Slide-slap the floor-drop
the legs over one another. Offense works o n ballhandling step-slide.
during the drill. When going right dribble right. When going
left dribble left.
Zig-Zag n o o f f e n s e ( ) Zig-Zag n o o f f e n s e ( )



Defender s t a r t s t h e d r i l l f a c i n g t h e baseline. Defensive A s players goes a l o n g t h e baseline h e takes deep knee

s l i d e u p a n d d o w n t h e floor. Have players s l a p t h e f l o o r lunges. Hands up, shoulders b a c k a n d t h e n deep knee
each t i m e t h e y g e t t o t h e e n d o f t h e slide. Slide-slap t h e b e n d t o t h e o t h e r corner.
f l o o r - d r o p step-slide.

- - -

Zig-Zag n o o f f e n s e ( ) Zig-Zag n o o f f e n s e ( )


Zig zag back down the floor. Again slapping the floor each A s player f i n i s h e s h i s slides h e w a l k s across t h e baseline
time they reach the sideline o r lane o n t h e s i d e o f h i s feet. T h i s a d d s s t r e n g t h t o h i s ankles.
L a y u p s
Layups Layups

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

One f o o t lay-ups. Concentrate o n the start step. Not lifting u p the Two f o o t lay-ups. Come t o a j u m p stop near the basket. Shoulders
back foot. Get ball t o the h i p and p u t the ball t o the outside leg should be parallel with the baseline o n the j u m p stop and both feet
around the defenders reach. Long, low and quick step t o the basket. perpendicular t o the backboard.
On right side o f the court plant with left food and right knee comes
up. Left side plant with right f o o t and left knee comes up.

L a y u p s
Lay u p Drill with passing Lay u p Drill with passing
(3rd Spot 3 )

(2nd Spot) 2

3 3 2

(1st Spot) 1

(4th Spot 4 )
1 4 4
# 1 passes t o # 2 who meets ball at FT line extended. # 1 On catch # 1 passes t o # 3 at elbow and runs t o opposite
then runs forward and receives ball back f r o m # 2 o n a elbow.
hand-off. # 1 should stay outside o f #2. Rotation is t o g o 1 3
f r o m 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 t h spots.
1 2 1
2 1 2

Lay u p Drill with passing Lay u p Drill with passing

1 3 3

4 1
1 2 3 4 Same thing happens o n the other side. Stagger the first
# 3 o n catch passes t o # 2 going o n back door cut. Passer pass so shooting the lay u p at different times. First side
follows t o rebound and outlet t o next i n line at half court elbow is filled by the first passer o n the opposite side.
(#4). 1
3 2
2 lines outlet pass (continuous) 2 lines outlet pass (continuous)
( ) ( )

1 1

1 1 Coach Coach Coach
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5

Toss the ball o f f the glass. Go u p as high as possible t o get Toss the ball o f f the glass. Go u p as high as possible t o get
rebound. Chin the ball and t u r n t o the outside away f r o m rebound. Chin the ball and t u r n t o the outside away f r o m
the defense. Outlet t o the coach and then change lines. the defense. Outlet t o the coach and then change lines.
Ante Over Ante Over

2 1 2
3 3 4

A n t e o v e r d r i l l . Each player catches t h e b a l l i n t h e a i r a n d Ball goes b a c k a n d f o r t h across t h e r i m . O n t h e 2 0t h pass p u t

tosses i t t o t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e backboard. Ball m u s t n o t t h e b a l l i n t h e basket o f f t h e backboard. I f t h e s h o t i s missed,
touch the rim. t e a m m u s t s t a r t over. I f t h e b a l l h i t s t h e r i m o n a n y o f t h e
passes b a c k a n d f o r t h across t h e r i m , d r i l l s t a r t s over.

Ante Over

Catch rebound and score Catch rebound and score


1 1

Start i n middle o f the lane. Touch free throw Keep the ball high and p u t i t i n the basket.
line g o back into the paint. Have teammate o r
coach throw the ball o f f the r i m o r backboard.

Catch rebound and score

Outlet the ball t o the coach o r player. As soon as

ball is passed, tough FT line and sprint back into
position t o get rebound.
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Ballhandling o n the m o v e Ballhandling o n the m o v e

1 1 1 1

Hesitation dribble Inside Out dribble


Hesitation dribble. Dribble u p t o cone, make hesitation move by using head and Inside Out dribble. Keeping the ball i n the same hand and keeping hand o n t o p
shoulder fake t o make defender get o f f balance. o f the ball. If using the right hand, attack the cone and while keeping the
dribble, take the ball f r o m the right side o f the body all the way across t o the left
side o f the body, then bring back t o the right side o f the body and attack.

Ballhandling o n the m o v e Ballhandling o n the m o v e

1 1 1 1

Crossover dribble Spin move

Crossover dribble. Keeping the ball low t o the ground make a quick crossover Spin Move. Starting with the ball i n the right hand dribble u p toward defender o r
dribble f r o m one hand t o the other hand. Dribble has t o be low t o n o t get stolen cone. When you are at your spot t o make spin move, plant with left leg. Then
by the defense. I t has t o be a quick dribble f r o m one hand t o the other. spin with reverse dribble by bouncing the ball next t o outside o f your right foot.
Make pivot away f r o m defender o r cone. On pivot dribble with left hand t o finish
. the spin move keeping hand o n t o p o f the ball.

Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Ballhandling o n the m o v e

Two ball dribbling Half-court and back o r full court

Change speeds.
Zig Zag
Inside o u t
Alternate high dribble with one ball and low dribble with other
Speed dribble
Behind the back
Between the legs
Cone dribble and full speed push

Use o p p o s i t e h a n d t o t o u c h t h e cone b y k e e p i n g t h e d r i b b l e alive. Keep
d r i b b l e b e l o w t h e knees. Full speed d r i b b l e t o o t h e r side. O n t h e w a y back,
f u l l speed d r i b b l e t h e n g o between cones.
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Half-Court Bounce-Off Workouts Half-Court Bounce-Off Workouts

L a y u p
bounce-off dribble;


Bounce-off Re-Attack Lay-Up Pattern

Choose a dribble move and attack the middle.Pretend help defense is i n position.
Instead o f picking u p the ball, o r forcing a move, o r forcing a shot, o r making a bad
pass, the Bounce-Off dribble allows you t o withdraw and bounce away f r o m a situation
that you dont like while still keeping your options open. Choose a dribble move and
re-attack the area that you just bounced off. Finish with a lay-up.

Half-Court Bounce-Off Workouts Half-Court Bounce-Off Workouts

Attack Jumper

1 re-attack

bounce-off dribble; 1

B o u n c e - O f f R e - A t t a c k Jump Shot Pattern

Choose a dribble move and attack the rim.
Pretend help defense is i n position. Just like the lay-up drill, youl l Bounce-Off the
action because you don't like what you see.
Now that you have space, choose a dribble move and re-attack the area that you just
bounced off.
Pull u p f o r a j u m p shot.
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Pull back cross over drill Pull back cross over drill

1 1

Used f o r attacking trap o r tough defender. Two dribbles u p After pullback then use crossover drill. Keep the ball low t o
and t w o retreat dribbles back. the ground and make sure that ball stays below the knees.

Pull back cross over drill Pull back cross over drill

1 1

Two dribbles now i n the opposite direction as before. Then On second crossover, make move around defender o r cone.
t w o dribble Same rule o n crossover, keep the ball low t o the ground and
back. below the knees. Speed dribble after crossover t o half court
o r other designated spot o n the
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Variety Dribble D r i l l

Player starts o u t o f bounds and dribbles t o the cone and makes a move.
Once they reach half-court, change direction toward the circle. Once at
the circle back dribble and cross-over/between the legs t o the sideline.
Change direction and make a last move at the cone and finish high. (Add
a coach with pad t o finish strong.)

( )

Wizards Practice D r i l l Wizards Practice D r i l l

1 1 1 1 1
A t t a c k t h e cone t h e n p u l l back, continue o n t o each cone. Keeping t h e 4 cones close together i n a diamond o r square shape. Dribble u p t o cone
b a l l i n t h e same hand. Be able t o g e t i n t o t h e defense t h e n have and then between the legs and onto next cone.
separation. 4
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Getting open vs. tough defense Getting open vs. tough defense

1 x1 x1
Move around the defenders back
to get open

2 2
Get leg position over the
defenders leg

The second way an offensive player can get open vs. a tough defender is t o work
The offensive player tries t o get the inside leg o n t o p o f the defender t o gain behind the defender. The offensive player will move towards the defenders back
position. Then sprint t o the wing o r operational area. I t is almost like posting u p o n then sprint around them t o the spot o n the floor where they want t o receive the
the block and then racing t o the spot where the offense wants t o receive the ball. basketball.
Offensive player must get their leg that is closest t o the passer o n t o p o f the
defenders leg t o get the proper position. On the left wingleft leg and o n the right

Getting open vs. tough defense Getting open vs. tough defense


1 x1

2 2

Heading back t o the basket i n the diagram (Frame 4) the offensive player will step
The third way t o get open is t o allow the defender t o stay with the offensive player with the right f o o t into the defenders body. This gives the player more room t o pivot
o u t t o the spot where they want t o receive the ball. Once at that spot take a few and a better angle f o r the passer t o deliver the
steps back t o the original position and then spin into the defenders body. After ball. ( 4)
making contact with the defenders body move quickly t o the spot where the
offensive player wants t o receive the basketball. For this move as player goes back
t o the basket i t is best t o use leg closest t o pass i t t o get
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Pivots o n the w i n g Pivots o n the w i n g




Offense makes a v - c u t and goes o u t t o the wing f o r the catch. Use this drill t o teach The offensive player catches with their back t o the baseline. They are now going t o
players how t o create space when closely guarded o n the catch and can n o t directly read the defense. Offense will either reverse pivot by using their outside leg t o make a
face the basket o n the half turn. ON this frame i t would be with the left leg o f #1. Or the offense would make
catch. V a front pivot by again using their left f o o t t o swing around the front o f their body with
a forward half turn. Any time a player catches the ball i n a half court, they want t o face
the basket. Since the catch was n o t made facing the basket, offensive player must
quickly use footwork t o get into proper
( 1 )

Pivots o n the w i n g Pivots o n the w i n g

Defense playing low side

Coach Coach

Add i n defense. # 1 comes o u t t o wing using V - c u t t o get t o wing and receives pass. On catch defender will choose a side t o play. Defender o n low side with back toward
Defender is closely guarding b u t f o r the drill allows catch t o be made. The pivot gives the baseline offense would use front
the offense space t o read the defense and size u p the floor. IF the defense is crowding pivot.
important t o use the pivot before putting the ball o n the floor. This drill teaches
players how t o read the defense and how they can create their own space o n the
floor. 1 V
Ballhandling o n the m o v e
Pivots o n the w i n g

x1 1

With defense o n h i g h s i d e o f offensive player use reverse pivot.

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