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In our modern times today, many years had passed plenty of innovations had emerged

and technology is very much dominant and highlighted. Today in our generation we have the
period of millennials and another one generation on going. A generation where more engage to
the trend of technology.

The mere fact that the more engage to technology it creates a certain gap in the mentality
among youth. It lacks the essence of physical interaction and face-to-face interaction. In the
Philippine reality the technology is very much attached to live of every Filipino youth. Most
especially to the social media. Everything in social networking sites is provided. It is like an
open book with a search engine that will provide any possible results. In connection with this
reality of the youth there is an increase number of engaging to premarital sex. In which the very
essence of love and marital relationship has been devalued. It is a sad reality that at a very young
age as early as 12 years old already engage to sex.

The Catholic church have to empower to the youth to have an increase of idea about the
importance of marriage and its relevance to our faith. As for today, as I have noticed the number
of young ones of the youth who attend masses and the churchs activity becomes fewer in
number. The church has to have an adjustment on how to make the youth understand, live in
them, impart to them the teachings of the church in a language that they can understand. It is not
in a progressive manner but in order to share with them the conservativity and holiness of the
church doctrines there should be an act of recalibrating the methods of teachings.

What is lacking in the church upon hearing the youth is not the problem rather the main
concern here is the consistency of the ones who impart to them the teachings. That is why we
have ministries, apostolates and activities that is related to the churchs teaching in a way that is
formative to the youths. It lies upon the people who administers the youth and guiding them,
inviting them to come to the church. We are the church and primarily it should come from us on
how to strive to think and look for an aid to help our youth to see the faith. as according to St.
Anselm Faith seeking understanding, in order for the youth to have a well-founded faith we
should have a way in which they can understand.

That is what I would like to held for the upcoming Synod of Bishops to look for ways on
how to share the faith to the youth most especially in our time of modernity today.

Amisola, Michael Jhon L.

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